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Download Instructions

Downloading an MP3 File to a PC
To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.

Playing MP3 Files on a Windows System
To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.

Downloading an MP3 File to a Mac
To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.

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Package A

Reset Reboot


Multidimensional Psychedelic Journey to your J-Spot (Without the Psychdelics)

Format – MP3

Recorded Voice with Background Brainwave Entrainment Music - Toroidal Field Activations for each chakra and Activate 7th Dimensional Joy into a journey to universal oneness. When in the presence of the oneness you can ask the divine guidance system for an inspired action(s) to help you on our chosen path. The Toroidal Field Activation cleanses and clears the magnetic field of each chakra so you can express your soul’s remembering and live into the fullness in the miracle of being human.

Reconnect to your soul’s remembering as to why you came here in this lifetime. Connect to your galactic source and ground your energy with Mother Gaia.

Connecting to joy allows you to have a new perspective for more fun with life, decreases tension and pain in the body and gives you more energy. You’ll remember how to smile and laugh again.

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Galactic Platinum Energy Cleansing and Emotional Empowerment

Format – MP3

Recorded Voice with Background Brainwave Entrainment Music -Identify an area in your life where you are stuck and use Andromedian Galactic Energy coupled with your awareness to liberate the stagnant energy into a state of equanimity and peace so you can make empowered decisions and take action towards your goals. You will cut the ties from the past and increase your ability to respond to future issues with ease, grace and flow as opposed out models of reaction.

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Liberation from Grief

Format – MP3

Recorded Voice with Background Brainwave Entrainment Music –

Grief is the emotion of loss. It can be the loss of a loved one, the loss of a career opportunity, loss of a marriage through divorce or the loss of our identity as we transition through various phases of life.

This meditation will guide you through a graceful journey to release all attachments to the pain, anger or frustrations so you can align with your fullest expression of who you are in the world.

Release blocks to forgiveness to self and others.

Decrease the time you stay in the grief and allow yourself to align with your truth so you can return fullness of life and honor grief as it shows up. There is no need to live in the grief.

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Relax the physicality for openness to healing - MP3

Join me on a journey to relax all systems in the physical body so you can open up fully and completely. Allow yourself to journey throughout yourself and be supported by the Earth.

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Package B

Deep Dive

This Program Includes:

  • Everything in Package A
  • 6 Live Group Coaching Calls over Zoom Video Conferencing
  • Access to private community for 3 months


6 Live Group Coaching Calls over Zoom Video Conferencing

45 days to Design and Live into Your Kingdom or Queendom – Each week will have a live training, live energy activation and clearing and live Q & A.

The journey to creating your ideal life begins NOW!

WARNING: Only embark on this journey if you are truly READY to receive your  Kingdom / Queendom. Change and growth will happen! You will become the architect of your life and will have to do your part.  If you’re willing to take full responsibility for your life and your impact. Join NOW and learn how to use to most powerful force on the planet.

We all live our lives from old programming installed by previous generations. Our ancestors and family did the very best for us in what they had available to them. However, if you want to change your life - for you and your family - you must change the old and outdated programming within you. The mindset and vibeset of scarcity has been passed down from generation to generation. Stop the cycle – End the programming now.

Update your soul’s software and be your own architect to design the BEST LIFE for you and your family from the INSIDE out. Start designing your kingdom today!

45 Days to Design Your Kingdom/Queendom

Week 1: Set The Destination

Call details will be mailed to you later.

In the first week you will create a new vision for your life and truly uncover what you really want and who you want to be in the world.

  • Discover the 2 secrets of success in moving forward toward to your vision
  • Initiate Code Self-Care: for your mindset and vibeset: where you begin the journey of pledging to take ownership and responsibility of your spiritual journey by putting a calling into the divine. Do your part in raising the vibration and the frequency of consciousness by being love, peace, joy so you experience greater prosperity, harmony and serenity in your relationships and a deep connection to your Soul.
  • Clear the weeds: Live Channeled Meditation to start the process of clearing your emotional stagnations – feel and clear the emotional baggage of the past so you can consciously design and create your life.
  • Feed the seeds: A requirement of healing is that you take on new actions in life. You will create a structure for new inspired action steps for the week that will be in alignment with your new vision.
  • Learn from a Master Manifestor. Heal the unprocessed energy of the past. Unleash yourself and expand into Fuller Expression of your soul by starting the journey of being your very own Action Hero.

Week 2: Triggers and “Magic”

As we embark on a new vision for our life and we need the tools to dislodge the old unprocessed energies will rear their ugly head and your ego will want to keep you in your comfort zone. As a set new goals and visions we must grow into a new way of being as the old unconscious ways of life are keeping us STUCK.

  • Start with Self: No one else is going to build our dream for us and no else is EVER going to build our kingdom for us. Our reality is shaped from what we think and feel so as we embark on our vision of our new kingdom we.
  • Discover the triggers that are pulling you back from reaching your goals as these ruthless energetic loops will keep you from moving forward. These viscous cycles are all around us as we give our power away to them leaving us frustrated, angry, depression and sleepless.
  • All pain is an old story that we are telling ourselves about who we are in the world. Learn how to release old pain stored in our body to live with less inflammation, tension and stress. Learning creates empowerment.
  • Disintegrate in Suffering or Create Your Magical Life. Build an awareness of the power of choice in every waking moment. This one power can bring presence, serenity and joy into every element of your life as you stop reacting to life and create empowered responses to live in freedom to be Your Authentic Self. When living in the Magic and Miracle of Life you will attract new opportunities and new people.
  • Foster an awareness and discernment of the “bread crumbs” the universe will provide. As we create a new destination we set the course and allow the universe to provide to “How” it will unfold.
  • Continue to expand the expression of the vision you have for your new Kingdom

Week 3: Go Multi-sensory with Your Awareness

  • Expand from the 5 sensory (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) to mulit-sensory awareness so you begin to tap into the infinite intelligence of the divine that is within you to build your own GPS (Galactic Positioning System). This will foster awareness of your divinity and honor the miracle of your existence. Discovery your own ability to feel, see and hear energy
  • Foster an awareness of nonphysical reality (Intuition, Insight & Purpose) as this will allow you to feed the seeds of reality, your vision and more importantly, help you to start build your kingdom. Tapping into the multisensory will allow you to feed the seeds of your deepest desires and cultivate the soil of your Soul.
  • Integrate time in your schedule to build the muscles of your Soul. If you’re stuck in EVERYTHING you DON’T want or stuck in a 5, 10 or 15 year cycle of “I don’t know what I want” you have to start flexing the muscle of using the world and power of energy to honor your Soul and build your Kingdom. Going to the Gym of the Soul with help you listen and see your divine guidance.
  • Release the grip of the destination and soften the hard focus, take off the blinders, so that we open our awareness of Self as we work toward our vision. Awaken to the divine clues that you are creating and conscious feed your magnetic (toroidal) field as you choose who you are being in your Kingdom.
  • Use of the Power of Decision to leave behind the world of “I don’t know what I want” and “I am not ready” for a world of freedom, prosperity and harmony. If you keep going with both of these you will get to your deathbed and you will still not know what you want and you definitely won’t be ready for your death bed as you know you haven’t lived in your full potential. So, flip it all and live into your maximum potential. You are the universe. You are limitless.
  • Continue to expand the expression of the vision you have for your new Kingdom

The second half of the program is focused on the world of abundance and we will integrate the tools from the first half into cultivating abundance in 3 main areas of our life: Health, wealth and love. If we don’t give any attention or energy toward having these areas of abundance then we will not have them in our lives.

You can’t go through life saying “I don’t care about money” and then complain to everyone “Life is so expensive and I can’t afford what I want”. It’s one of the law of thermodynamics – Energy in = Energy out.

Week 4: Tap into the Abundance of Health

When we acknowledge the brilliance and miracle of our health this is foundation of abundance of health - no matter where you are on the spectrum of being healthy.

  • Do we all have gifts? What are MY gifts? If you don’t know you will want to look as suppression of our gifts is root cause of ALL disease. In this module, you will learn how to find and/or enhance your gifts and uniqueness of being YOU in your vision of your Kingdom.
  • Design a structure to implement your gifts in your life for greater vitality, energy, happiness and more restful sleep. Integrate all aspects of health into every waking moment and have fun with the miracle of your being human. Feed the seeds of your Kingdom.
  • Learn to acknowledge and honor the abundance of health around you even if you are currently experiencing illness. Keeping your body, mind and spirit healthy is an expression of gratitude to the entire cosmos.

Week 5: Tap into the Abundance of Love

The relationship you have with yourself will be reflected back to you in the people that you surround yourself with in your daily life. We often purge our closests of old clothing and as we entertain a new frequency of what we want and who we want to be we may need to purge some of our relationships.

  • Create a structure to honor and love yourself deeply. If you want to bring in more loving people or the soul mate of your dreams it must start with Self. You may need to tend to some the “weeds” of self. This can be a gentle process for fuller expression of You in your Kingdom.
  • Design a life overflowing with an abundance of love whereby you are gentle with yourself and your loved ones. This will create harmony and serenity in your relationships feeding the seeds for an abundance of love in your friendships, partnership and marriage.
  • Develop an awareness of any triggers where you Self sabotage yourself and spiral downwards into guilt, shame or blame. Learn to take full responsibility of your triggers around love and use the essence of your soul spark to shift the energy to pure LOVE.

Week 6: Tap into the Abundance of Wealth

The final week will focus on the abundance of wealth that you currently have whether you have no wealth or an abundance of wealth in your life.

  • Foster an awareness of your thoughts and feelings around wealth and being wealthy. Most of us have been programmed at a very early age by our parents about what wealth is and how much you deserve. This energy may be one of the main weeds that needs to uprooted and shifted for you to lay the foundation of abundant wealth in your Kingdom.
  • Design a wealthy mindset and vibeset and implement a structure to increase your abundance of wealth so you have the freedom to fully experience life.
  • Identify any triggers around wealth and use the energy tool kit from the first part of the program to catapult your life into an abundance of wealth and prosperity.



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Access to private facebook community with other people who are attuned to living in harmony with their Spiritual Guardianship

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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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