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Newly Added Bonus Master Crystal Activation
Would you like sessions with Kathy? Here is an Exclusive offer just for our community
Package A |
Total Immersion in Ancient Classics
- MP3 Introduction ~ welcome message from Kathy on How to use the tracks to get results
- PDF Manual ~ describing “How to use Atlantean Crystals Re-emergence tracks” as well as additional details on connecting with them physically. Includes several combinations for the most desirable of life changes in love, health, wealth and weight loss
- 10 MP3 tracks guided meditation by each crystal focusing its energies on the aspects of your life that need to be enhanced or reduced to super-charge your ascension
- 2 MP3 tracks guided meditation when available by the remaining two crystals which are still yet be to birthed.
Format: MP3
Welcome message from Kathy on ‘How to use these tracks and Get Results’
- Includes tips and suggestions on how to use these tracks to receive Maximum Results
- These recordings have been infused with the most concentrated Atlantean Crystal energies, however they do dilute depending on the capacity of an individual’s ability to change at a given point in time.
- These recordings can be played on silent or aloud
- Each recording automatically harmonizes with your current and divine life, allowing your consciousness to adjust to the mental, physical and emotional bodies integration process for the highest possible change at that time.
- The recordings can be listened to again and again, each time going deeper, cleansing, clearing, cleaning and repairing the underlying cause of issues in different systems where the cause is in this lifetime.
Format: PDF
- Includes PDF for detailed descriptions of each crystal as well as information on how to use the tracks in combination for most desirable life changes in love, health, wealth and weight loss
Obfuscation Activation
Format: MP3
To lift, remove and liberate humanity from the 3D control matrix imposed by the monetary system through the use of money (debt).
- Located in the New York area close to or in line of sight between Connecticut and the Statue of Liberty.
- Birthed out of the ocean, from the granite garnet bedrock so while it is being very clear and crystalline, it has a deep sea green, deep sea blue, with purples at the base
Lava Activation
Format: MP3
To lift and burn away the three veils or tenets of 3D control. hird disciple crystal to anchor in the quadraines (4th dimension)
- Located NE of the Hawaiian island of Maui and birthed from the ocean
- While being very clear it is clear at the top and then goes yellow, orange, to burnt orange, to deep read at the base - almost larva-like in texture.
- Is a Fire Elemental working with the Element Water (fountain of youth and vitality), as well as working with the third Disciple crystal “Duality” to anchor in the quadraines (4th dimension)
- Linked to a Spring (Water Elemental) on the Island of Maui where water up-wells from the same source as the crystal and is purified through the same process.
Duality Activation
Format: MP3
To dissolve the concept of duality; of extremes; of polar opposites; of the necessity to choose one thing over another
- Located SE of the Hawaiian Island Maui and just off the coast of the “Big Hawaiian Island”
- It is of an unknown colour however there is a lot of forest and moss greens.
- Is also an Earth Elemental working with the Element Air (represented by the Sun), as well as working with the second Disciple crystal “Larva” to anchor in the quadraines (4th dimension)
- Together with the second Disciple Crystal, it forms a triangular-based pyramid, with Self, 5th Dimension at the very centre ~ the four sided triangle!
Healer Activation
Format: MP3
To heal humanity of the wounds as they wake up to the realisation of what they have done and participated in or allowed to happen. (PTSD)
- To heal the trauma as humanity wakes up to what they have been doing by healing the self-recriminations and or blame of others
- Located around the Novatel Hotel in Nanjing China
- The crystal is crystalline clear and yet it is the colour of turquoise
- It also contains a rose quartz merkabah about a third of the way down from the top
- The merkabah allows for physical reality to be one thing for those on the ascension path while those who are still trying to control will 'remember' a different reality (where they are still controlling even though this isn't happening in actuality)
Clarity Activation
Format: MP3
To show humanity that they don’t have to be dead or dying to walk the ascension path
- Individuals that walk the path clear-up through ascension via chakras
- Also to open up eyes and clear vision both physically and dimensionally
- Birthed through the peak of Mt Shasta, California, USA from a city under the mountain
- It has (or will have soon) a physical and yet spirit path following the chakras up to the summit with an altar / place of pilgrimage at or close to the top (crown)
- While it is clear, it is very white and glows
- It has links to the tree of life and is strongly connect to the galactic cross.
I See Activation
Format: MP3
To show humanity individual truth, linked to third eye. All about insights into self: self-power, self-worth, self-truth
- Located in Oppland Norway
- It was already in existence however was ‘birthed’ by reactivating and reconnecting it to Earth’s now activated 5D crystalline grid
- It is spherical in shape and is housed in seemingly ruined Grecian temple on the edge of a lake.
- Lilac to deep purple in colour, the pedestal upon which it sits is the column connecting it to Divine Feminine deep in Mother Earth.
Illuminate Activation
Format: MP3
To show humanity on an individual level, the blocks and limitations that they put in their own path – and to eliminate them
- Located on the Ottawa River Canada
- Linked strongly with the River of life / Milky Way Galaxy
- As well as showing up your blocks, it is also shining the light within each of us. To reach into the deepest, most hidden places of our very being and across all time and dimensions, and bring forward for release, that which is holding us back.
ITEM 10:
Ra Activation
Format: MP3
To open up the doorways, the Temple of the Golden Sun, Gateway to the Stars; to live life and embrace allow flow.
- Located in South America, Ecuador not far as the crow flies from the town of Quito and within/on a mountain called Mandango.
- This crystal is a Galactic Sun / Solar Stargate and is opening up the portals around the world
- It channels monochromatic gold energy to flow through our bodies. This is the frequency version of monatomic gold.
- There are only a few known atoms that can exist on earth in monochromatic form - gold being one of them
The ancient Egyptians called it Mfkzt, ‘white bread’ or ‘manna’ by the Hebrews, and Philosophers Stone by sacred alchemists. It was consumed for its awesome healing properties of anti-aging, stimulation of the pineal and pituitary glands, reactivation of our original divine DNA blueprint. - Silver is another element that does the same - hence the reason for original eating utensils to be gold or silver! Yes as you eat using them, monochromatic gold is infused into your food!
ITEM 11:
Oblivion Activation
Format: MP3
To obliterate that which you no longer need or is holding you back; To start again.
- In a way, like the Death card in Tarot. . . great change; It doesn’t wipe away the events although this is possible
- This crystal is another that has always existed and will always exist. Simply another object that does not change form in any timelines and is just . . there
- Absolutely pitch black and as you look more closely, you notice glitter within and the glitter is actually galaxies, clusters, super clusters, solar systems and so the list continues ~ creation and destruction
ITEM 12:
Pink Diamond Activation
Format: MP3
A crystal devoted to Divine Feminine, Warrior Goddess, personal power and unconditional love
- It is actually a crystalline Rose Quartz which means to the naked eye, it looks like a pink diamond.
- It is in the shape of a sword like with a very intricate handle which contains an hour glass.
- Rather like King Arthur pulling Excalibur from the stone, this crystal was birthed by pulling it out of the Granite stone it was buried in up to its hilt.
- Located in Australia ‘Devils Marbles’ or Karlu Karlu (aboriginal name)
Would you like sessions with Kathy? Here is an Exclusive offer just for our community
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.