Entrepreneur, energy healer and founder of Energy Multi-Dimensional Transformation

Ximena Velasquez's Special Offer
Are you ready to create your life, your future?
Presenting … The I AM Series

The answers are all within you. It’s time for you to know and own that you are the creator of your life, reality, future. The I AM Series will assist you in realizing who you are, opening you to the abilities you have and be the truly abundant being you be! Now is the time to embody Power, Control, Awareness, Creativity and thus have an abundant life of Joy and ultimately Money! The energies are ripe for you to allow these energies to work on your behalf and enjoy the life you’ve been looking for…one that you thought was only a dream!
Benefits clients have felt after listening to this program:
- Self-confidence
- Inner-strength
- Courage to persevere through life challenges
- Feel in control of their life
- Awareness of self, relationships, business, health
- Balanced
- Happier
- Fulfilled
- Healthier
- High energy
Here’s what some people have to say about I AM Series:
“My heart is rejoicing since I purchased your program. I use your tools daily in my life. During the live calls with you, I was able to share my issues that were appearing and through your incredible work, they were disappearing! My eyes were feeling sore and were red, it felt like I had pink eye, sticky and gross.
We worked on it and it diminished instantly! Apparently I picked it up from my dad when he was dying. I understand now how this happens. Thank you! The other thing I must mention here is that my money has increased! I AM MONEY! I recommend Ximena highly to everyone! I'm looking forward to any other tools or calls you will be offering. Blessings.”
MJ (New York)
"Ximena, I have done the program and let me tell you, I feel sooo good! I have more energy, more at peace. At work I feel more in control and know the answers to my problems are there for the asking. This is so new for me, I always had to struggle in getting customers to listen but no more! Thank you...
Update: It's been about 6 months since I first heard your mp3's. Life is so much more fun to me now. I don't get funky days any more or if I do, they don't last long. I've also been using your spreadsheets which initially I thought it was too much trouble to do but now that I have the results for two quarters, OMG! From a year ago, my netwoth has increased 27.47%; between quarters it has increased 44.75%! Thank you"
JL (Santa Cruz)
"Ximena, I am doing the I AM series program. Let me tell you, during the I AM Power session, I did not feel much energy moving; however, after the session I felt and I am still feeling huge energy moves. It is hard to describe it but definitely I feel my solar plexus and heart chakra energy moving…and open to have my power back!!! I’m sorry…but it’s really hard to describe how I feel…also, my co-workers think they see changes in me but they can’t tell what it is…LOL I’ve been listening to the recordings at night. Definitely two thumbs up!!!"
Brand New Testimonials after Ximena's Launch on FHTJ
“When I met Ximena on Eram's show, I did not know where to get money to buy the I AM series package. I just knew I need to do it. I listened to the phone call over and over again. So, money for the program magically appeared giving me the opportunity to change my life. I was so helpless, un-grounded and agoraphobic at that time, completely at mercy of others. I was at the point that, I thought, I would probably die. I did not want to die, so I committed to healing. I got together with Ximena twice over the phone. After that , Life started to happen to me. I stepped into my power. I got a job, where I am respected. They are paying me extra. I got a puppy (such a joy). My husband stopped abusing me. I believed in miracle and I got it. One more thing, we were estranged with my family. It was too much for me. It is different now. Very grateful! Thank you Ximena God bless your heart.”
TB, (FL)
"In a world of hype and empty promises, Ximena is the real deal. She is brilliant, yet unassuming. Her group sessions are insightful and enlightening. Her modules work together ... just listening sparked miraculous internal changes in me. I feel in-tune with my body, in touch with my intuition, and I'm learning how to bring joy back into my life at a time when I didn't think it was possible.
Ximena's "I AM Series" truly delivers! I highly recommend it!"
"I purchased your package from Eram Saeed's teleseminar and I just wanted to tell you how fantastic it is. I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying it and how powerful it is. I have purchased many packages but I feel that this is one of the best ones that I have purchased, at least for me!! Thank you so much for these MP3s."
"Your work rocks! So good to feel that juicy energy flowing again in my body!!!"
"Thank you very much for the session, I'm also thankful to the volunteers. I want to share my progress. I listen all your programs 2-3 times a day, sometimes more. I used to feel contracted when I interacted with my husband. I always wanted to please him out of fear. The chanting that you gave me works on him so well. The sense of danger that I had is gone. He did not stop drinking, but it seems that he wants to try. I appreciate it. I feel strange in my body. I got a feeling that high vibe energies are doing the cleaning work in my body. When I bought your program, I felt stuck. Not anymore. I abandoned myself for so long. Even though I feel physical discomfort, I also feel coming home ( back to me). I am very grateful for your work."
"I was first introduced to Ximena through Eram's "From Heartache to JOY" tele-series. Ximena did a process on that call where I could actually feel lifelong stuff just peel off of me. From there I decided to purchase her special offer, the I AM Series. While I'm certain I'm still processing, I have noted noticeable changes in me and my son. He and I both seem to be more comfortable in our own skin, our confidence levels have certainly increased, my level of awareness has increased...including my gifts such as telepathy. I got a new job within two weeks of staring the program. I feel more in charge of me and my own life whereas before I felt like a a slave to others and their desires. I highly suggest Ximenas program to others because what she's offering is THE TRUTH!!! GET YOUR MOJO BACK!!!!!"
Total Package Value $2469
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
Total Package Value $2669
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer $147
I AM Series
The I AM, which means Spirit, God, integrated with self on Earth, is consciousness. It starts the creation of energy movement. The answers are within you…they are not to be found with some gurus. They are to be found within you. Do you know the value of you? Do you know the power you be? You’ve bought into the believe that you’re a defenseless being…coming to this life to suffer, to make do. But oh, how you are mistaken! You are a creator…a powerful creator! You create consciously or unconsciously but you are always creating. Look around you, you have created everything you see around you and everyone you have around you. Everything that you are experiencing right now in your life is by your choice. There is no outside powers or being who is directing your life. Every single problem you have in your life already has a solution…you just need to remember what that solution is! Asking questions about it to yourself, to your I AM will yield the answer. You have been deeply immersed in an experience that is filled with the richness of life, even if the experience has been painful at times. The I AM places you in the moment, in the now. It’s time to embody abundance. For many years the wealth, the power, the money was focused on just a few places and held by just a few people. Now is the time to embody power, creativity, control, awareness…the energies are ripe for you to allow these energies to work on your behalf and enjoy the abundance and joy. It’s time for redistribution! It doesn’t mean anybody gets less, it’s just time to catch up to having a phenomenal life…are you ready for the journey? The I AM Series recordings are designed with multi dimensional energies to help you remember who you truly be. The energies are started in the background and questions are asked (words have energy and bring up energy as well) to raise the energy of believes, judgments of self and others to clear them, if they are no longer a contribution to you, the listener. The energies work with your I AM. If you are not ready to make the change, the energies will bypass you. Next time you listen, if you are ready to make change, the energies will go in to do the work for you.
“Be the change you want to see in the world” - Gandhi
“Anytime you start a sentence with I AM you are creating what you are and what you want to be” -Dr. Wayne Dyer
Here’s what’s included in this program

ITEM 1: I AM Power
Format: Downloadable MP3
Value: $199.00
The I AM Power assists you in being Power and releasing believes that are no longer a contribution to you. It helps you get your power back from all those beings and situations you gave it to. If you feel Power is out of your control then you feel defenseless and your self-esteem suffers. But when you embody Power, you know you are in the driving seat in your life; your self-esteem/self-worth increases. You feel freedom…when was the last time you felt free? The feeling of knowing you are the Power in your life is very expansive and you will know how to use it to better your life, living, finances as well as your society, the world. Fear and victimhood will be something from the past.
- Clearing of traumas this lifetime and others
- Clearing of beliefs and contracts made to not recovery personal power
- Self-confidence
- Inner-strength
- Courage to persevere through life challenges
- Recovery of personal power

ITEM 2: I AM Control
Format: Downloadable MP3
Value: $199.00
The I AM Control assists you in being Control and releasing believes that are no longer a contribution to you. Understanding that control for your life, living, reality is all within YOU! If you feel that control is out of you then you feel that you are at the mercy of everything and everyone. Imagine you embodying Control of everything you do, everything you have, everything you create, or when these take place? Can you handle being Control of YOU?
“Inner Peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.”~ Buddha
- Clearing of trauma, oaths, vows and believes so that you are in control of you and what benefits you
- Self-confidence
- Inner-strength
- Break away from repeating patterns
- Take control of own life
- Love and care for others but under your terms

ITEM 3: I AM Awareness
Format: Downloadable MP3
Value: $199.00
The I AM Awareness assists you being Awareness and releasing believes that are no longer a contribution to you. Have you been walking through life like a zombie? Have you been wondering why things happen when they happen or when something good happens you decide is luck? What would happen if you were open to being Awareness? Are you willing to know, to have that “gut” feeling when to take action in your life, living, relationships, finance? Embodying Awareness will provide this for you. Being Awareness will assist you in understanding who you be and release self-judgment that are limiting you; thus, you will start seeing new opportunities to take action to improve your life, relationships, and finances!
“I never get the accountants in before I start up a business. It's done on gut feeling….”Richard Branson
- Release and healing of self-judgment and judgment of others
- Removes blocks that prevent unconditional love and who you truly be on all levels
- Clears anger directed to self and others
- Increase awareness to know what choices to make for best outcome to you in all areas of your life
- Increase awareness of who and what other’s true role in your life
- Balanced, happier, healthier life.

ITEM 4: I AM Creativity
Format: Downloadable MP3
Value: $199.00
The I AM Creativity assists you in being Creativity and releasing believes that are no longer a contribution to you. Being Creativity will open your ability to create new futures. To know that you can come up with new solutions to your challenges. Do you know that all the problems in your life already have a solution? Yes, you created the problems and the solutions before you embodied this lifetime. Now, all you have to do is remember the solution! Yes, every time there’s a problem, creativity will provide the solution and answers.
“At the deepest level of your being you are one with that is.”Eckhart Tolle
- Clearing of limiting believes that no longer serve you
- Knowledge that you are safe
- Understanding that you are the creator of your life
- Ability to create abundance, money or anything that you desire
- Self-confidence
- Inner-strength

Format: Downloadable MP3
Value: $199.00
The I AM Joy assists you in being Joy and releasing believes that are no longer a contribution to you. How many times have you made someone or something external to you your happiness, your joy? How long did it last? Looking for joy outside of you is not lasting. Yes, you’ll find it for a time but you’ll still be unfulfilled, incomplete...happiness comes elusive. “I would be happy if I had a perfect job”, “I would be happy if I didn’t have the family I have” and so on. What if you embodied Joy? What if you were joyful just because…coming from inside of you? Joyful when you feel the sun, wind, etc…just because you are JOY!
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”Albert Einstein
- Clearing of limiting believes, traumas, behaviors
- Clearing the need to suffer
- Releases judgment, anger
- Re-stores your child like wonder
- Creates ease with relationships
- Self-confidence
- Inner-strength

ITEM 6: I AM Money
Format: Downloadable MP3
Value: $199.00
The I AM Money assists you in being Money and releasing believes that are no longer a contribution to you. We have made money more significant that it is...we have made it our security as if without money we are not secure! Money is just energy. That’s all it is. We have also attached many believes to it and that limits us. It’s time to remove our love/hate relationship with Money. It’s time to embody the energy of Money so that we can create it easily in our lives. Did you know that Money follows Joy? The more joyful you are in life, the more money wants to be with you!
- Clearing of oaths, vows, controls from past lives
- Clearing of money believes that are not beneficial
- Clearing of the need to suffer and unable to get the abundance you want
- Clarity with money
- Take control of life
- Self-confidence

ITEM 7: (3) Recorded MP3s of Interactive Group sessions of 1.5 hours each
Format: Downloadable MP3
Value: $750.00
Topic 1: Energy boost on Power and Control
Topic 2: Energy boost on Awareness and Creativity
Topic 3: Energy boost on Joy and Money

Getting mojo back!
Value: $75
Benefits: Feel sexy to the other sex, again!

Value: $75
Benefits: Easier to focus and determine what you want/choose; thus, manifest it

Harmony is thy state
Value: $75
Benefits: Raises vibrations for a live full of peace and harmony with family members

Quick energy shift
Value: $75
Benefit: Energy shift to get you vibrating to the goal you are looking to achieve.

Connection with Earth
Value: $75
Benefits: Connection with the elements, nature, animals. Grounding to assist in manifestation of desires.

Enough is Enough
Value: $75
Benefits: Live life without limitations known or unknown to you.

Protection Shield
Value: $75
Benefits: Protection from thoughts and emotions of others, from radiation, sound waves, chem trails and other pollutants found in our environment
Total Package Value $2469
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99 Only!
**SAVE 95%**
Includes Everything in Package A Plus
Live, personal 30 minute phone session with Ximena
Value $200

Total Package Value $2669
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147 Only!
**SAVE 94%**
Business/Financial |
"I participated in Ximena’s workshop 11/2013. A month afterwards being creativity translated to sales and a move to Florida!"
Jeannette (FL)
"My business and I were struggling financially. After a session with Ximena I realized I needed to really sit down and see if I wanted to continue with the family business although it wasn't fun for me. At the end, I hired people to do the daily run of the business and I keep tabs on it and I was able to start a business line that I enjoy immensely. Both business are profitable. I'm glad I attended Ximena's session."
PJ (Plano, TX)
"After my 11/2013 money workshop I got $20K and my bank accounts increased by 40% from the last quarter and 87% from the same time last year! After the 6/2013 money workshop an investment I made returned me over 400%..."
Ximena (MD)
Relationships |
"Ximena's teleclass in relationships was helpful in me opening my eyes to what my relationship truly lacked. My partner and I are in a better place now and continue to practice with the tools Ximena taught us"
Ann (Potomac, MD)
"Being a newly single woman, I needed the encouragement to feel sexy and attractive to men. I felt awkward going on dates until I had a session with Ximena. We worked through some confidence issues and she gives me that extra boost to feel sexy before I go on a date. So far things are looking good! Thank you, Ximena!"
Cathy (Bethesda, MD)
"I met Ximena at an art class. We got to talking and went out for a class of wine. She's a very easy person to talk to, who actually listens. After we talked for a while I decided to book session with her. During the session, I ended up telling her that my husband and I were trying to get pregnant and although everything was fine according to the doctors I still wasn't pregnant. She worked on some believes I had that IF i got pregnant, I'd would be tied to my husband forever. Not that I mind that because I love him, but that was the believe that I had to overcome. After a couple of sessions, I got PREGNANT!!! Thank you, X!”"
PT (Potomac, MD)
"I was living a repeating pattern of failed relationships with idle time in between. I was not finding the type of relationship I wanted, no matter what I tried. Then one day I spoke with Ximena and learned the problem could simply be the energy I was transmitting outward. I learned exercises to change everything. My dating life has turned into a positive experience."
CP (Virginia Beach, VA)
"I'm a rancher who owns cattle and horses in South America. One of my horses got spooked and scratched his leg badly. No broken bones. There was nothing the vet could do. I contacted Ximena to see if anything could be done. She did what she called remote healing for a week. Amazingly, the leg healed fast and no infection although we're in the tropics!"
JT (Beni, Bolivia)
Health |
"I'm a college student who started getting chest pains. I went to the doctor and had all types of test done on my heart to see what the problem was. They found nothing but the intense pain would come and go. I went to Maryland to visit family last December for the holidays. I had a short session with Ximena where she did some energy work on me. It's been almost a year and the pain has not come back, thank you!!!"
AV (Boca Raton, Fl)
"Today I suddenly started getting pain in my right knee, I could hardly walk and the pain would not go away. I asked for help and Ximena was able to provide distant healing right away. She asked me a few questions and asked if I would give her permission to go into my body. As soon as I agreed, I started laughing then crying and I could feel that the pain was immediately less. I felt like electricity in my right arm and as if the knee pain would flow out of my right now. Now I can move the knee much better. This is so awesome, it improved almost immediately! Thank you so much for your help, Ximena!"
"One morning I woke up and as I sat up in bed I got a very sharp pain on my back. I couldn't move or even breathe properly. I didn't know what was going on in my body but I knew that it wasn't a physical ailment that doctors/hospital could fix...I could feel something in my back but there was nothing. I was lucky that I called Ximena and she was available right away. We talked on the phone about what I was feeling and what she perceived. Seems that a spear was protruding my back from another lifetime. Ximena removed it and almost right away I was fine again. Amazing!!!"
MP (Reston, VA)
"I had been working on a personal past life issue for 9 months with every tool that I have, but the pain was still there...I couldn't find a solution. I contacted Ximena and we did a remote healing via skype. The session lasted for about 20 minutes. We (me in France and her in MD) felt a huge shift in the energy. My 3rd and 4th chakra released and the problem was solved!! This woman works miracles!!! Thank you very much!"
XB - France
"Ximena, thank you very much for sharing this! I felt the energies very powerfully and I felt that I had a huge clearing…I’m looking forward to seeing how these activation unfold in my life! Update: “I don’t have an addiction problem but I’ve noticed since the activation that I feel much less compelled to check Facebook all day – which is Great!"
"Ximena, thanks for the nice activation sessions. I’m sure they helped me. Curiously, I met a psychic/clairvoyant who remarked that she saw I had done a lot of clearing work!"
"Ximena, thank you for the activations. They were very soothing and they helped me become more aware of my fears and absorbed patterns. I plan to use them again!"
Total Package Value $2469
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
Total Package Value $2669
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer $147
About Ximena Velasquez |
Growing up I had a “normal” childhood. Communication with animals was easy, going to school and making friends was pretty easy; although, by no means was I a straight A student! I was always fascinated with what made things “tick” and since I get bored easily, curiosity is my middle name. I pretty much kept the doors open with “what if” of life. Since early in my childhood, I was training to go to medical school; therefore, books in anatomy, chemistry, etc. were easily available. While I was taking Shaolin Kung Fu class and going to yoga I learned about the life energy (chi, ki, prana) which I started using to make my bruised knuckles go away! I thought, if I can do this…what else can I do? And then in my meditations I started getting visits from others beings I didn’t know. They told me I didn’t know who/what I was yet…and if I was willing to work with them they would be honored to teach me. This scared me. I didn’t know if I wanted to open this door and really be “weird” or not. I had a pretty good life, and friends plus, I didn’t have anybody to guide me other than them and I had seen too many movies where things didn’t end so well. At this time my work was taking me all over the world for over 80% of the time. Once I got off the road and had more of a stable life at home, I started taking classes to get to know the community as well as what could I expect if I was fully open to other dimensions.
Messages to me were always that I needed to seat at the teacher’s side of the table, but this meant responsibility for others which I was into. I was told, the master leads it’s up to other to follow. Which works for me! Now, after learning different modalities, I’m ready to lead for which many ascended masters such as Adamus St. Germain, King Solomon, AA Raphael, AA Michael, Phosephious (me in a past life in the Pleiades) and my higher self are jumping with joy!
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a no questions asked, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.