Varena’s powerful Genius Initiations™ Programs empower you to move to the next level of your magnificent Soul Self. Varena is uniquely gifted to help you move past even the most stubborn blocks and release old patterns. Once these patterns are cleared you are ready to receive targeted, organized, advanced Initiations for each energy system.
If you are challenged by
- Old unworkable values and are locked in self-absorbed attitudes
- Overwhelmed by all the negative things you observe in the world
- Strong identification with emotional beliefs and distorted perceptions
- Exhausted and overstimulated
- Mental inflexibility; closed minded: “My perspective is the best “
- Distracted by overwhelm and stuck in unhealthy self-talk
But you would like to
- Energize support to your original Soul Identity patterns
- Have hope you can do something positive for yourself, Humanity and Spirit
- Know at a deeper level that all change and growth IS possible
- Develop and use your empathic abilities within Soul alignment
- Be open and flexible to create deeper life experiences
- Communicate playfully, spontaneously and authentically
Work with these special Soul Source Code™ Initiation processes to
DISCOVER and OPEN you to the initiation of your Soul Identity
DISSOLVE the issues holding your Soul Identity imprisoned
DECLARE a new life where Your Heart and Soul are Unified
Discount : 90%
Total Package Value $1,476
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Base System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ –
Stabilize Joy
Crown System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Soul Sovereignty
Sacral System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Uplifted Joy
3rd Eye System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Enlivening Joy
Solar Plexus System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Self Exploration
Throat System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Congruence
Heart System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Emergence
Improve Vitality & Reduce Stress: Energy Healing Frequency Attuned to the Soul Source Codes™ Session MP3
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $2,573
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Base System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ –
Stabilize Joy
Crown System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Soul Sovereignty
Sacral System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Uplifted Joy
3rd Eye System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Enlivening Joy
Solar Plexus System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Self Exploration
Throat System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Congruence
Heart System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Emergence
Improve Vitality & Reduce Stress: Energy Healing Frequency Attuned to the Soul Source Codes™ Session MP3
3 Live and Recorded Q&A sessions focused on clearing blocks that may surface during the Soul Source Code™ Initiations
Private VIP Core Genius IntelligenceTM Facebook Group
Super Prosperity/Abundance Chakra 7-part series MP3
Discount: 33%
Total Package Value $1800
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
3 x 50 Min Session with Varena
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund Policy: No Refunds after first live call for package B at 21 days after 6/21.
Varena is Author and Originator, and owns trademarks and copyrights on all content, images, Soul Source Code™ MP3 processes, accompanying documentation (pdfs) and that which is presented during the live call and replays.
The Core Genius Intelligent Soul Source Code™ Initiations support physical healing, and they are also a Spiritual Initiation process that accesses potent Electro-magnetic Radiatory Love Energy, allowing your true Soul Genius essential identity to unfold and express.
Now is the time to break free from your old habit patterns and beliefs, your excuses, and problematic obstacles. With participation in Varena’s New Higher Initiations of Soul Frequency Transmissions you will DISSOLVE blockages and conditioning that have been sabotaging your life, and DISCOVER that your true Soul Identity, when set free and allowed to express, brings you a life of joyful health, gratitude, peace, happiness, and so much more. DECLARE a life of Spiritual Prosperity you truly deserve.
Soul Source Code™ Initiations:
Aligning With Your True Identity
Did You Know You Had a Unique Soul Source Code?
Varena has been using The Core Genius Initiation™ process for decades. She has personally helped thousands of people locally and around the world who suffered from a range of challenging issues. She skillfully uses Initiation energy to DISCOVER your personal Soul Source Code™, then DISSOLVES the blockages that have prevented your True Soul Identity from manifesting and expressing in your life. This will put you in a place to DECLARE a life free from misguided, discouraging and harmful influences.
Are you ready to move to the next level?
This is the opportunity you’ve been searching for.
"The purpose of my session with Varena was to help me to be less vulnerable to lower frequency energies around me.
During the session, I stepped into the Field of Love carrying very strong and beautiful energies. They filled my whole body, quickly shifting and changing a lot of blocks and old energy patterns to healthier ones. It felt as if deep energy clearing and healing was happening to what I am at many levels, superficial and deep. At some point, when Varena started balancing my brain, I could feel that I became one big strong and loving field of energy myself. When the healing was over, I could still feel a very strong energy field working with me. Then after a while, the energy eased, and I felt lighter and brighter. It was a very beautiful feeling of being Light and carrying Light.
The result of this session went beyond my expectations: I became stronger and less vulnerable to people and situations around me. My energy work became deeper at all levels, and I became more positive. I started recognizing the stronger sides of me, while at the same time accepting my weaknesses as well. The incredible healing helped me to recognize who I really am.
My deep gratitude to you, Varena, and to Love and Compassion, which you carry. I highly recommend your sessions to everyone who would like to experience a very deep transformation on the cellular level. "
~ Inna Van Der Velden, Canada
"I had the pleasure of working with Varena Dee. I am still in awe of the beautiful gift that I received. A kind and generous spirit, Varena helped me unravel a rather perplexing spiritual experience that happened to me a month ago. What came out of her message was nothing short of miraculous. I had been praying for spiritual guidance since that time -- to find the meaning of it all -- but I had no idea how it would show up. As they say, "When the student is ready the Teacher appears." Her mastery and guidance was far more than I could possibly hope for.
If you are absolutely ready for straightforward, accurate and loving guidance I highly suggest a session with her. In under an hour, my life has completely turned around and the doors to my life have been blown open for me. I will always remember this as one of my most profound experiences of my life. I have no words to express my gratitude Varena. You are a blessing to me."
~ Merry Street
"My time with Varena has been unique, she is the healer of healers! I have not met such a gifted healer, whom is not only humble, living in integrity, but is also hilarious!!
I’ve been in Varena’s Core Genius Intelligence Initiation, and I have also had the pleasure of working with her one on one. One of the many things I was shown was how I was playing small in my life, with a lot of self sabotaging going on. I am now better able to take the necessary steps to move my life in the direction I want, with the gift of knowing I am not alone, as my Masters are always with me.
Through my work with Varena, I truly feel at home in my body….what a GIFT!!
My journey with Varena and the Masters has just begun! I highly recommend Varena and the beautiful work she does with the Masters. I am filled with Gratitude for what Varena and the Masters have brought to my life."
~ Donna McRae
"I wanted to let you know how it's going since you gifted me with your wonderful package. I've been doing each meditation and adding in the next one every third day. I'm up to throat chakra meditation now.
I have been on steroids for arthritis almost ongoing since May and after each course I've relapsed after a week and had to go back on the meds. One side effect is I've not had my moon time for months. I've been off the Meds 2 weeks and got my moon time properly for the first time in 6 months! The arthritis was rumbling again the last few days but failed to kick in! Yeah! However I've had a mega migraine which is probably due to hormones rebalanced and detox. I'm hopeful for remission and am so grateful for your process.
I met a wonderful healer who lives near me and we are meeting soon to swop treatments. I may be taking over her regular clients for 6 months when she goes on sabbatical! So that could be an awesome chance for me.
I had a response from my old corporate job (I've been off sick 4 years) last week after I offered to take voluntary redundancy. I had a visceral fear response on receiving the email. I had to play your fortitude mp3 on a loop while doing the Ho'oponopono process in order to center myself enough to open the email. Thank you so much for that it has been so helpful.
I have also noticed that I am responding more Lovingly in certain situations than I would have previous to using your process.
Again thank you so much for this opportunity. I am so looking forward to your live calls and healing and to the positive changes it will bring in my inner and outer life"
~ Danni
Your Genius Soul Body is ready to receive the Soul Source Code™ initiations designed to help you start living your life through your Soul in Heart Felt Joy.
Here’s what’s included in the package
Core Genius Intelligent Soul Source Code™ Initiations:
Varena now takes you deeper into the knowledge of your energetic system, going beyond the focus of a chakra center to the layered and complex energetic system where each chakra resides. This program is structured based on systemic correlations as defined in the ancient Principles and traditional knowledge:
“That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing.”
Dissolve deep core issues at each of the core seven energy system levels to unlock, open and activate your truest and most authentically creative expression of a Joyful, Happy and Purposeful life.
These initiations are offered in the Divine right order prescribed by the Masters according to the intelligent system relationships and activation.
- Core Genius Intelligent Soul Source Code™ Initiations:
- Base System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Stabilize Joy
Initiate Change from Superficial Self-Centeredness to Higher Spiritual Values - Crown System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Soul Sovereignty
Aligned to the Big Spiritual Picture with Hope - Sacral System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Uplifted Joy
Unify the inner Self to outer Living through Relationships With Self and Spirit - 3rd Eye System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Enlivening Joy
Envision Higher Principles,Values, and Creative Options For living a Soul Enriched Life - Solar Plexus System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Self Exploration
Express and Act on Transformations with Determined follow through and stamina - Throat System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Congruence
Expressed Within Integrity, Aligned and Activated Within Higher Purpose - Heart System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Emergence
Harmonize Conflicts and Polarization, Synthesize within your Core Identity
Improve Vitality & Reduce Stress: Energy Healing Frequency Attuned to the Soul Source Codes™ Session MP3
You will receive all 7 Soul Source CodeTM sessions at once, but because this work is so powerful and deeply transformational, Varena recommends you work with one activation a week for 7 weeks, starting with the Base system, and progressing through each presented system until complete. Allowing the space and time to deeply integrate each Initiation before moving to the next, supports your entire system as it releases old limiting habits of being, and gently incorporates these new vibrations in greater attunement to your Soul Identity.
- Bonus
- Everything in Package A, Plus:
- 3 Live and Recorded Q&A sessions focused on clearing blocks that may surface during the Soul Source Code™ Initiations. An email and Facebook post reminder will invite you to offer your questions and concerns before each call to ensure Varena sets the frequencies and invites the Masters best suited to assist with your questions.
- 3 Live and Recorded Q&A sessions focused on clearing blocks that may surface during the Soul Source Code™ Initiations. An email and Facebook post reminder will invite you to offer your questions and concerns before each call to ensure Varena sets the frequencies and invites the Masters best suited to assist with your questions.
Live Group Q&A Call and Recording - Soul Source Code™ Systems Orientation - 7/11/2017 11am PDT (Value $300)
This call is scheduled 3 weeks from the program launch of 6/21/17. This call will focus on orienting you to the Soul Source Codes™, clearing blocks that may slow your progression through the initiations, and answer questions pertaining to the program. A recording of the call will be provided so all can share in the knowledge and energy.
Live Group Q&A Call and Recording - Soul Source Code™ Systems Midpoint - 8/8/2017 11am PDT (Value $300)
This call is scheduled 7 weeks from the program launch of 6/21/17. This call will focus on integrating the Soul Source Codes™ through the 4th (MP3) System and answer questions pertaining to the initiations. A recording of the call will be provided so all can share in the knowledge and energy.
Live Group Q&A Call and Recording - Soul Source Code™ Systems Completion - 9/12/2017 11am PDT (Value $300)
This call will be scheduled 11 weeks from the launch of 6/21/17. This call will focus on integrating the Soul Source Codes™ for all systems, with a special focus on the last 3 systems, as well as answering questions pertaining to the Initiations. A recording of the call will be provided so all can share in the knowledge and energy.
- Bonus
- Super Prosperity/Abundance Chakra 7-part series mp3 (Value $197)
- Connect with Varena’s Private VIP Core Genius Intelligence™ Facebook Group where Varena will post Facebook Live videos addressing comments and concerns shared in the group, provide personal responses to questions and share, for the first time anywhere, articles offering deeper knowledge associated with the Soul Source Code™
- 25 min personal 1-1 session with Varena
The language on the Core Genius Intelligence Code™ and Soul Source Code™ recordings is designed to speak to the subconscious as well as the conscious mind. So, as you are listening don’t be concerned as closely with the language. Your subconscious will receive the information it needs which is embedded in the wording on the recording. These are powerful processes which are designed with very specific language that the soul recognizes.
Discount : 90%
Total Package Value $1,476
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Base System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ –
Stabilize Joy
Crown System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Soul Sovereignty
Sacral System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Uplifted Joy
3rd Eye System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Enlivening Joy
Solar Plexus System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Self Exploration
Throat System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Congruence
Heart System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Emergence
Improve Vitality & Reduce Stress: Energy Healing Frequency Attuned to the Soul Source Codes™ Session MP3
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $2,573
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Base System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ –
Stabilize Joy
Crown System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Soul Sovereignty
Sacral System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Uplifted Joy
3rd Eye System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Enlivening Joy
Solar Plexus System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Self Exploration
Throat System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Congruence
Heart System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Emergence
Improve Vitality & Reduce Stress: Energy Healing Frequency Attuned to the Soul Source Codes™ Session MP3
3 Live and Recorded Q&A sessions focused on clearing blocks that may surface during the Soul Source Code™ Initiations
Private VIP Core Genius IntelligenceTM Facebook Group
Super Prosperity/Abundance Chakra 7-part series MP3
Discount: 33%
Total Package Value $1800
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
3 x 50 Min Session with Varena
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund Policy: No Refunds after first live call for package B at 21 days after 6/21.
Varena is Author and Originator, and owns trademarks and copyrights on all content, images, Soul Source Code™ MP3 processes, accompanying documentation (pdfs) and that which is presented during the live call and replays.
Package A |
Core Genius Intelligent Soul Source Code™ Initiations:
Base System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Stabilize Joy
Value: $197
Initiate Change from Superficial Self-Centeredness to Higher Spiritual Values

This Initiation will UNCOVER and RELEASE your true Soul Source Code™ to break through resistance, and prepare a Soul foundation pathway. DISSOLVE unnecessary fears, freezing up, and anger, and DECLARE with validation, a Joy filled life of freedom to be your best self.
Limiting Challenges
- Break up: old unworkable values, self-absorbed attitudes, rigid rules and instinctive routines
- Harboring: harmful intent, distorted perspectives of others, inner self-sabotage
- Stubborn or frozen resistance, hiding in the dark, intolerance or incapacity to manifest and sustain real change
Advantageous Opportunities
- Prepare for higher flow: strong values and transformational foundation to original Soul identity patterns
- Manifest Genius Intelligence gifts in rhythmic order and with action toward your unique and singular life achievements
- Unfold capacities to manage details of your whole life within Soul attuned timing
Crown System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™
– Joyful Soul Sovereignty
Value: $197
Alignment to the Big Spiritual Picture with Hope

This Initiation will EMPOWER your Soul Source Code™ Genius to centralize to Soul Identified Embodiment within your Universal Plan. DISSOLVE isolating self focused “willful” uses of power, DECLARE with validation in manifesting through highest of principles your unique life path.
Limiting Challenges
- Lost in the maze of your personal demands and challenges
- Overwhelmed or secluding from all the negative things you observe in the world
- Reacting selfishly when faced with uncomfortable truths
- Disconnecting from the sovereignty of Spiritual Principles
Advantageous Opportunities
- Stand independent within Self determined Higher Unity
- Become a part of the bigger Spiritual Plan
- Have hope you can do something positive for yourself, humanity and Spirit
- Manifest the highest Principles in your life toward singular achievement
Sacral System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Uplifted Joy
Value: $197
Unify the inner Self to outer Living through Relationships With Self and Spirit

This initiation will DISCOVER your true Soul Source Code™ genius to Inspire, reconceive and renew, DISSOLVE suppression, oppression, or polarized feeling and DECLARE with validation a life of Soul Fulfilling Joy in uplifting Relationships.
Limiting Challenges
- Strong identification with emotional beliefs and distorted perceptions
- Excessive demands and expectations of self and others that cannot realistically be met or fulfilled
- Generating extreme frustration and exhaustion, trying to meet the “should be’s” and avoid the judgements
Advantageous Opportunities
- Make choices free from emotional entanglement
- Find a fuller expression of yourself through relationship with inspired connections to others
- Increase receptivity to Spiritual guidance
- Empathically connect with others, yet hold detachment from extremes of emotional influence
3rd Eye System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™
– Enlivening Joy
Value: $197
Envision Higher Principles,Values, and Creative Options For living a Soul enriched Life

This initiation will DISCOVER and open your true Soul Source Code™ genius to envision, give direction to, and manifest enriched Opportunities and Options, DISSOLVE illusionary perspectives and emotional biases, DECLARE with validation a life of attracting, including and fulfilling that which makes you truly become your larger Self.
Limiting Challenges
- Exhaustion from over including and oversensitive reactivity
- Extremes of overwhelm, unwise self sacrifice, old visual imprint guidance systems, misdirected life path
- Reflexively withdrawing into old immature symbols of safety, and self soothing protection
- Emotional numbing, putting forward a cold or mean facade, any false identity
- Inferior manifesting through inertial procrastination, fearful avoidance, excessive need for completing the whole picture before acting.
Advantageous Opportunities
- Freedom of empathy through detachment from unnecessary emotionality
- Hold Clear, firm, and loving within Soul Values of Identity
- Adhere to Higher principles which deliver Soul Vision into manifestation
- Inspire energetic proactive investment in building higher Self expression
- Develop encouraging options for active manifesting of your Genius gift capacities
Solar Plexus System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™
– Joyful Self Exploration
Value: $197
Express and Act on Transformations with Determined follow through and stamina

This Initiation will DISCOVER your Soul Source Code™ Genius strength to coordinate personal transformation with Integrity, DISSOLVE mechanistic patterns, DECLARE with validation a life of personal joyous adventures.
Limiting Challenges
- Emotional/mental rapid reactivity, criticism, sarcasm, defensiveness
- Distrusting and disconnected from feelings, or following vague hunches and concretized instincts
- Busy producing mechanistic, materialistic activities or self serving manipulative schemes
- Mental inflexibility, closed narrow mind; “My perspective is the best “
Advantageous Opportunities
- Intelligent investigation and self trust in openness to new perspectives
- Realizable opportunities of your higher potentials, intuition applied within current practical realities
- Mental /emotional poise and inner equilibrium
- Honor of Soul self-expression
- Openness and flexibility, with reflective capacity to create deeper life experiences
Throat System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Congruence
Value: $197
Express With Integrity, Align and Activate Within Higher Purpose

This Initiation will DISCOVER your Soul Source Code™ Genius within Integrity and in line with Soul Purpose to DISSOLVE separative and competitive behaviors or talk; DECLARE with validation; cooperative, and authentic Soul Joyful relationships.
Limiting Challenges
- Excessive or extreme focused patterns, behaviors and expectations
- Being rigid or stiff, self consciously limiting your expression, calculated guarding, controlling, or being indirect in communication
- Avoiding felt connection, or easily distracted by over thinking and not listening
- Separative or competitive attitudes in expression, unhealthy mental self talk, easily provoked to argument
Advantageous Opportunities
- Effective and efficient negotiating of useful daily work, clear thinking and honest expression.
- ntegrative communication, care filled connecting with others in cooperative exchange, carry through clear implementation of Soul plans
- Authentic truthful speech, Congruency between what you say and what you do
- Creative spontaneity of expression and playful inventive communication
Heart System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™
– Joyful Emergence
Value: $197
Harmonize Conflicts and Polarization, Synthesize within your Core Identity

This Initiation will DISCOVER your unique Soul Source Code™ genius to resolve conflict and combativeness, Harmonize and experience Beauty in your life connections, DECLARE with validation a life of Happiness, Joy and Gratitude, wherein all conflicting forces can be DISSOLVED to resolve in the Heart. In energizing for Initiation the centered heart is a great worker, skillfully mixing and blending, pulling together through compassion and worthy struggle, all the separated and warring parts and pieces of the personality systems from base to crown.
Limiting Challenges
- Life as turmoil and worry with polarizing highs and lows of energy
- Embattled mental confusion and inner suffering creating indecision and immobility
- Emotional warring in relationships
- Compromise of values to please others or to keep the peace and relieve tension
- Giving up when ethical action is needed
Advantageous Opportunities
- Stand steadfast and centered skillfully in your Soul Centered Heart
- Discover you are a more powerful light than the darkness in and around you.
- Learn to constructively work with and value periods of rest and activity.
- Develop Soul rapport in harmonic dominion resolving conflict and chaos.
- Enhance harmony while integrating your shadow side
- Learn detached centrality for rebalancing to and from your deepest Heart Identity
Improve Vitality & Reduce Stress:
Energy Healing Frequency Session
Value: $47

A bonus silent healing session to support healing and maintain your energy systems.
Listen to this recording as much as you feel you need to listen to it. The more you listen the more transformation you will be aware of and experience. Each time you listen you will solidify and integrate at deeper levels.
Super Abundance Chakra Fortitude Session - MP3

This bonus recording will strengthen and fortify your Inner Genius Intelligence to allow energy to empower and attract spiritual prosperity, success, supportive relationships, plus more energy and positive experiences into your life.
Package A
Total Package Value $1476
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 90% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
This program Includes:
- All of Package A Plus
- 3 Live and Recorded Q&A sessions focused on clearing blocks that may surface during the Soul Source Code™ Initiations
- Private VIP Core Genius Intelligence™ Facebook Group
- Bonus: Super Prosperity/Abundance Chakra 7-part series MP3
3 Live and Recorded Q&A sessions focused on clearing blocks that may surface during the Soul Source Code™ Initiations
Value: $900
An email and Facebook post reminder will invite you to offer your questions and concerns before each call to ensure Varena sets the frequencies and invites the Masters best suited to assist with your questions.
Live Group Q&A Call and Recording - Soul Source Code™ Systems Orientation - 7/11/2017 11am PDT (Value $300)
This call is scheduled 3 weeks from the program launch of 6/21/17. This call will focus on orienting you to the Soul Source Codes™, clearing blocks that may slow your progression through the initiations, and answer questions pertaining to the program. A recording of the call will be provided so all can share in the knowledge and energy.
Live Group Q&A Call and Recording - Soul Source Code™ Systems Midpoint - 8/8/2017 11am PDT (Value $300)
This call is scheduled 7 weeks from the program launch of 6/21/17. This call will focus on integrating the Soul Source Codes™ through the 4th (MP3) System and answer questions pertaining to the initiations. A recording of the call will be provided so all can share in the knowledge and energy.
Live Group Q&A Call and Recording - Soul Source Code™ Systems Completion - 9/12/2017 11am PDT (Value $300)
This call will be scheduled 11 weeks from the launch of 6/21/17. This call will focus on integrating the Soul Source Codes™ for all systems, with a special focus on the last 3 systems, as well as answering questions pertaining to the Initiations. A recording of the call will be provided so all can share in the knowledge and energy.
Private VIP Core Genius Intelligence™ Facebook Group
Connect with Varena’s Private VIP Core Genius Intelligence™ Facebook Group where Varena will post Facebook Live videos addressing comments and concerns shared in the group, provide personal responses to questions and share, for the first time anywhere, articles offering deeper knowledge associated with the Soul Source Code™
Super Prosperity/Abundance Chakra Sessions
Value: $97

A 7-part series of silent healing sessions embedded with electro-magnetic Radiatory Love Frequencies for each of the 7 Soul Source Code™ levels and qualified energy attunements to empower your readiness for natural Soul Source Code™ Initiatory Processes. We are clearing more than 369 items.
Package B
Total Package Value $2573
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
*** 92% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C |
Varena's Limited sessions for our community is sold out.
Here is how you can get one session complete free from Varena! Buy two and get one completely **free**!!
Our listeners absolutely LOVED the frequencies of Genius Code Initiation and the results are amazing. One 50 minute session with Varena is normally $600.00 and due to her busy schedule she is normally booked out.
Total Package Value $1800
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $1200
*** 33% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
"Dear sweet god! Varena, You make what I intuitively believed all my life, real. Our core is intelligent, delicious, rich, joyful tender wise love. Each one of us has unique flavors to add into one and only feast table. Yet, I was having hard time to clear and open and strengthen the connection between me and me. You are making all these possible. Now how can I put these into words as in body anatomy wordology or express my gratitude for your infinite beauty and power."
~ Dilek
"Varena literally changed my life. I know she was heavenly sent because I found her when I was going through a very dark time in my life. I had tried to get help from other healers but she was the only one who could see into the spiritual realm and see what was going on. She released me from some heavy dark spiritual warfare and gave me tools to help myself. She heals all areas – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. She even heals animals! My precious cat had been traumatized so badly that he spent all his time hiding and being reclusive. Today, my cat is happy & loving once again and enjoys lounging on my bed like he used to. It’s a miracle! This is what Varena does – she performs miracles. In fact, other healers go to Varena when they need help. She is definitely one of a kind – a humble healer with a great sense of humour who loves what she does. She enjoys helping others. I would highly recommend Varena to anyone who needs a miracle in their life."
~ Lynn Hume, Victoria, British Columbia Canada
"Working with varena has truly been a singular experience. I have never met or worked with anyone like her in my entire life. Every session with her has been fascinating, intense, eye-opening and yes, magical. She is direct, beyond intuitive, compassionate, supportive and so much fun – the perfect combination! Through her, I was unexpectedly able to fulfill one of my Heart and Soul’s deepest desires – something I had longed for and yearned for, for so many years, but didn’t know was possible. That alone would have been worth the investment, but there’s been so much more, and the gifts just keep on coming!
When I first heard about Varena and her program offering, I was immediately drawn to it. Something told me that I just had to experience it; I wasn’t sure why. There was almost an urgency about it. Now I know why, and I am forever grateful that I gave myself this priceless gift. I have been touched by an angel."
~ A.O., Maui, Hawaii
"What can I say about Varena? She is a miracle worker with a heart of Gold. I got in touch with her in a middle of a crisis of closing down our non profit work. I can't say how it happened, but after getting in touch with her, the crisis just went away. Our work continued and still goes on until now. She works through your inner core, among others, like something changes once you get in touch with her. There is nothing you can hide from Varena. She understands you from your inner core self and sets it free. I must also say, she brings me a lot of laughter and joy. Since working with her and her recordings, there is always that giggle under my breath. There is a lot of laughter around our dinner table now every night. I highly recommend Varena de Cuir and I thank her for bringing laughter into my heart and into the heart of my family. "
~ Joyce Djaelani Gordon
"Omg... I know i have been really working on me with various amazing healers...
This one has been pending for a long time -due to the nature of deep healing one experiences at one's chakras- the core genius intelligence, CGI(TM) program where the group works with Varena and amazing masters from the Light realms...
Do you want to feel like you are "feeling"/"touching" light?
This program helps you cleanse old habits and patterns and cleanse the chakras and helps clear out deep seated traumas and issues.
She works with potent Electro-magnetic Radiatory Love Energy, allowing your true Genius essence to unfold and express.
I used to be worried and anxious but this program helped me become calmer, speak the truth without worrying what others might be thinking (believe me this is difficult when you don't want to burn bridges) have all good intents, and still can't speak, even for the benefit of the other party (professional or personal).
The group calls (and replays) are so powerful that you will feel your whole body zinnngggg.... The Mandalas ate zipping with every once you get the hang of it -i did not notice that earlier - but after going deeper in the calls and replays, working with them, you WILL notice!!
I have grown much with her... One special note (i have a few favorite healers who really interact with you on the group and try to address your issues and she is one of them - she fills up the interaction space with her trademark "giggles and love" and cutest emoticons (yes! I love them as away of expression), and she addresses all your queries and concerns wrt detoxification symptoms, and that also includes inputs from various members who are /have facing /faced similar symptoms on a previous batch...
Varena is very gifted healer and will help you with beautiful energy.."
~ Sari Grace
"Varena has profoundly changed my life both spiritually and physically. She was able to show me hidden issues that really impacted my health. For most of my adult life, I have had chronic neck and back problems, which seriously affected my energy and mobility. Varena was able to help me to release anger issues, which allowed my body for the first time, to feel free of pain in those areas, and regain my zest for life. People tell me that I look and act twenty years younger than I am, and I owe it all to Varena. I have experienced other healers over the years, but no one has ever even come close to her loving gifts."
~ Pat, Washington
About Varena DeCuir

Varena DeCuir is a 'birthright healer' from a long familial line. She was apprenticed to her grandmother as a small child and grew up consistently performing the healing arts, as well as living and growing through a personal 'burning ground' of extreme family circumstances. As a working young adult she acquired a Masters of Science degree in Rehabilitation, followed by many years of providing support and healing work with disabled and abused individuals. She used her broad, formidable intelligence,a knack for asking the right questions,as well as her breadth and depth of knowing to help advance the legal system to support their rights and better their lives. Varena has led and co-led workshops, consultation work, mentor, prophetic healer, and private healing sessions in 17 International countries and 45 states in America. Many people have been highly impressed with her laser like capacity to see through to their core issues, gently yet with timely humour, transforming their experience through deep layers of heaviness to a real transition out to light and freedom. These changes can be rapid and palpable bringing a new sense of empowerment to deal with formerly difficult situations.
Varena has demonstrated over and over that she is a powerful presence for healing change. She has available these abilities and empowerment as her own energy field and multidimensional bodies are organized to provide a Radiatory Synthesis, grounded to Earth and Universe. This gift helps bring forward the correspondence of the Soul above to the embodied human being below, through Love, Joy, and Compassion. Her knowledge, wisdom, skills and energy direct toward fulfillment of each person's unique 'Soul Hearts Desire'. She helps to multi dimensionally uncover and return people to their individual Blueprint Schematics with integration of Soul frequencies. These are then capable of being synchronized to Awareness, to Consciousness, plus Alchemical transitions, life transmutation, and transformations. These works are set to the highest current standards of the field possible at this time.
Ms. DeCuir gave her first public experiential workshops on 'Blueprint Schematic Initiations' in 1984, and continued development and performance of these processes over many years. She moved to Southern California at the turn of the millennium where she further continued by partnering to present a series of graded experiential workshops designed to not only work with returning schematics to original spiritual blueprints, but to assist in raising participants 'personality qualities' to the Souls level of powerful impression for rapid evolutionary shifts and changes. These intimate, Initiatory Workshops were given over an eleven year period from 2002 to 2013. Now she is ready to bring the fruits of her amazing work into the telesummit world.
"It was a privilege, and blessing to have a session with Varena, Varena has extraordinary talents and I felt like she is X-Ray in human body.
From beginning our session, Varena literally saw my physical problems right away (I had a big car accident ten years ago) and started telling me, most parts of my body not on the right place or was damaged. She worked on my hip, and I felt how the strong energy pushing it on the right place. Then she did work on my shoulder and twisted muscles on my back. I felt release of pain and freedom of movement in the shoulder right away and also more flexibility in my hip. During the session Varena was very respectful and at the same time so friendly, that we were laughing and joking like we knew each other for a long time. Also Varena detected so quickly some blocks on mental and emotional level and we were working on that very successfully. I was in awe, how during all session the waves of love, joy and happiness were going through all my body, relaxing me, melting all pains and pinches, removing all resistance and opening space for trust. Varena also helped me with more connections between pituitary gland, pineal and third eye and the feelings what I experienced is not explainable in words! I am so grateful for the all work, that Varena performed during our session and looking forward to work more with her."
~ Natalia G., Niagara Falls/Canada
"She effortlessly picked up on things she could not have known about my personality.
It was amazing how Varena just peeled back layer upon layer until she managed to reveal things I wasn't even aware of that I needed to work on. Precious 'a-ha moments' to say the least.
Varena is brilliant at asking the right questions and in doing that, she was able to go deeper than I have had with other healers/psychics to really get to core issues and clear the blocks that have been there for years.
Through the tears and laughter during my time with her, i could feel the life altering shifts and transformations happening which gave me a brighter outlook on my situation going forward. I left feeling light, more hopeful, clearer and focused than I have been in a long time.
This kind of reading is a dime a dozen - I never had one as intense and moving ever! You must experience Varena's gifts and talents - she is the real deal and unlike any other."
~ Chris DeGroat - Florida
"As a healer and psychic, I can 'see' the abilities of others as they use them, and there are very few people in this field that I would endorse. Verana is at the top of that short list. She is masterful in her ability to 'see' at the highest levels and shift completely whatever is in your way. She also has the best sense of humor about absolutely everything and will bring you into that place where you aren't taking things so seriously anymore. After working with Verana, I felt lighter, clearer, and had a complete shift of energy and awareness in an area that was previously cloudy for me. Her clarity about what was going on and her ability to change my perspective quickly (and with a laugh) was absolutely fantastic. The energy shifts in all levels of my body and energy field were very palpable - and beautiful to watch. Her ability to work with me on shifting aspects of mutlidimensional sight says it all - she is the real deal. It was like the light was turned on in the room and I could see things I couldn't see before - things I didn't even think to look at. The previous issue is simply non-existant after Verana's work. Whatever she offers,."
~ April Olas
"I asked Varena to work with my dental problems, and the emotions behind them. I got that, and much more. Besides dealing with my TMJ, she also accurately pinpointed and shifted many of the emotions and physical conditions connected to it. She particularly addressed my major concern: speaking up fully and what was preventing me from it. One of the really revealing parts was when she told me confusion was a mask for rage, and illustrated with a story how rage could be a part of healing. I realized that I now know ways to express that rage in ways that don’t hurt me or others. This opens up the possibility of speaking out without having to disguise or monitor my emotions, and also without inflaming them. Some of the other effects of our session were clearer vision, a huge relaxation, especially in the back of my head, increased muscle strength and energy level, healthier gums, and much more calmness and clarity about some upcoming business. I especially appreciate how Varena teaches and gives practical advice, so I could get new insights into healing and continue to develop myself and my work in new ways. My session with Varena was thorough, accurate, fun, and effective on many levels."
~ Sunday Oliver
"Varena worked with me by phone and it is with deep gratitude that I offer this recommendation.
Her approach is holistic; she addressed physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of my personal and professional life.
We began with a physical challenge and she helped me stop a severe muscle spasm in minutes!With her guidance I experienced a real physical realignment- blood flow changes, pain relief, muscle contractions relaxed, my posture and gait changed for the better. Varena also worked energetically and I felt the increased vitality and flow immediately and on many levels.
Varena is full of personal, joyful presence. Her skillful approach felt gentle enough for children, well grounded, yet powerfully healing and rejuvenating."
~ Karen Gould
"Varena’s easy and light way of working with energy and with information was delightful. I loved that we were able to laugh during the session and transform ‘heavy’ issues into ‘light’. As Varena scanned through my energy field I felt the bottom of my feet heating and opening up to Earth Energies and grounding me, which is something I need to work with daily, thank you for the reminder Varena! I appreciate the information that came through feel more open to walking this journey with more empowerment. Thank you Varena, much appreciation. "
~ Sandra St.Yves
" I have known Varena DeCuir for about 14 years. Do not let her unassuming, quiet nature fool you. She is one amazing powerhouse of a woman. When she speaks to you, she speaks to your soul. She cares for your well-being, your health, your progress. She has a breadth & depth of knowledge in so many categories and arenas that is unsurpassed by anyone I've ever known. She is of the highest integrity & honesty. Anyone who has the opportunity to work with her is very lucky indeed her work brings quick results to the depths of our Soul."
~ Shelley Radja, CMP
"I have worked with Varena since 2000 involving all areas of my life from business to personal. I have so many personal changes, business growth, a new marriage, and we were informed we could never have children. Varenas work is so subtle sometimes taking a few days or weeks to complete. Once the work is complete I have felt that I am a completely new person. I referred several friends and professionals which are receiving the same powerful results from becoming pregenant, to business growth so quickly we had to move to larger offices. My wife and I are very Blessed to have Varena agree in working with us, "
~ Doc in New York,
"I've witnessed a couple shifts today, subtle things that are proof of the work you did. At work, my co-workers are trying the more aggressive approach to disputing fraud. I've also noticed the strength coming back into me, and I'm reporting my attorney to the bar association and possibly the return of fees so I can hire a new attorney. I found 2 more and scheduled a free consultation. This time I'm armed with knowledge about what questions to ask.
I spoke to my daughter today and she seemed very sad. I started going there, then I remembered to choose a positive emotion to shift out of it. And now I'm back to that place of joy.
Oh, and I noticed my food cravings, especially for junk food have vanished! I invested in a couple spiritual weightloss programs and none of them worked. Of course they tell you to keep listening to the subliminal mp3s and keep a food journal, etc. The mind can only handle being in diet mode for about 3 weeks before reverting back to the old ways. But, you were able to permanently eliminate the cravings and I can choose the foods I want that are healthiest for me. Don't worry, I'm not going veggie/vegan! But I did change what I ate a couple years ago and still the cravings for sweets would get me. Now I look at that stuff and just think--nah! Before, there was an underlying knowing that I would quit after 3 weeks and the binging would start again. I don't feel that need anymore and I think it had to do with resolving the birth trauma. I also no longer have late night fears"
~ Suzy
"I had the pleasure of working with Varena who is excellent in getting to the root of the matter. Talking to her is like having a conversation with a friend who is working her magic behind the scenes. I could feel energy moving constantly and it was exactly in the places she said she was going to work on. She resolved a birth trauma I didn't even know I had and afterward, I felt a strong sense of safety and my cravings for sweets were gone! She resolved it in minutes without me even mentioning this issue and I have a deep knowing that the results are permanent! No longer do I have the crippling fear and anxiety that was holding me back from moving forward in life. I noticed an instant transformation after each shift in consciousness and I'm definitely not the same person I was before working with her. I would highly recommend her to anyone for ANY problems you are dealing with. She is the real deal!"
~ Suzanne
"Based on my personal experiences, I highly recommend Varena's workshops. All of her workshops have been outstanding. I have attended a number of her weekend workshops and have always gained greatly from them and have received more than full value for their fees.
Varena is a very unique workshop facilitator. Although everyone is attending the same workshop, Varena has the insight and sensitivity that results in each participant gaining the greatest individual benefits from the workshop so it is like working with a personal coach.
At times, her workshops have been challenging for me. It has been tough to face who I really am but that truth eventually has allowed me the greatest personal growth. I certainly would not have made the growth I have, or be the person I am today, without knowing Varena and attending her workshops."
~ Michael P. Retired Engineer
Discount : 90%
Total Package Value $1,476
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Base System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ –
Stabilize Joy
Crown System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Soul Sovereignty
Sacral System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Uplifted Joy
3rd Eye System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Enlivening Joy
Solar Plexus System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Self Exploration
Throat System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Congruence
Heart System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Emergence
Improve Vitality & Reduce Stress: Energy Healing Frequency Attuned to the Soul Source Codes™ Session MP3
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $2,573
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Base System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ –
Stabilize Joy
Crown System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Soul Sovereignty
Sacral System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Uplifted Joy
3rd Eye System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Enlivening Joy
Solar Plexus System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Self Exploration
Throat System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Congruence
Heart System Genius Initiation Soul Source Code™ – Joyful Emergence
Improve Vitality & Reduce Stress: Energy Healing Frequency Attuned to the Soul Source Codes™ Session MP3
3 Live and Recorded Q&A sessions focused on clearing blocks that may surface during the Soul Source Code™ Initiations
Private VIP Core Genius IntelligenceTM Facebook Group
Super Prosperity/Abundance Chakra 7-part series MP3
Discount: 33%
Total Package Value $1800
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
3 x 50 Min Session with Varena
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund Policy: No Refunds after first live call for package B at 21 days after 6/21.
Varena is Author and Originator, and owns trademarks and copyrights on all content, images, Soul Source Code™ MP3 processes, accompanying documentation (pdfs) and that which is presented during the live call and replays.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.