Discover How to Get $180 Off When you Work With Tarek Bibi!
See Below for Details.
Listen Now: Interview with Tarek Bibi
How to Break Free From The Matrix:
Unlocking The Biggest Secret to Infinite Sovereignty
During this call, Tarek will help you understand the following:
- How YOU can stop the soul recycling trap...
- What is the matrix and how to break free from it!
- Why Healers and Lightworkers struggle so much.
- How to Activate your merkaba...
- How to Activate your Infinity DNA...
- And so much more!
Listen Now!

Plus: Rare Opportunity to Get 1:1 Session with Tarek Bibi
Tarek does not normally offer sessions... but he has opened it up for a very limited amount of people exclusively for the FHTJ Community!! His infinity healings are Legendary in creating very quick results, even instantaneously!!
People have Manifested Soulmates, Money... Released Debt and Eradicated Disease!!! Tarek rarely opens up sessions because of his busy schedule and he has just opened it today for a very select number of people!
This is ONLY offered Exclusively through FHTJ... Don't Miss Out!!!
Many Lightworkers, Empaths, and Healers are trapped by the Matrix and don’t even know it.
Does this sound like you?
You are born different then most and have a huge amount of power to make the world a better place.
You have been through so many obstacles in life that you may feel stuck and not living in your full power.
There are beings that have been targeting you since birth and have created challenges for you to keep you stuck.
You feel like you are supposed to be and do something greater but are not sure what or where to begin.
You feel called to re-connect with who you REALLY are and what you are truly capable of.
We are dealing with beings that have mastered the art of deception.
They have infiltrated our school systems, religions, health, food, water, air, government, television, radio.....the list goes on and on.
Here’s the thing… you wouldn’t be a target if you were
not such a powerful being!

The good news is that we have been given a great opportunity to raise our awareness, to realign with the power of the divine feminine, to take inspired action to make a difference in the world, to step up to the challenge, and show the world what we are really made of.
You have at least ONE very special gift that when shared
can make a world of difference.
The traps are everywhere, but through this program we will let go of them one by one.
There has never been a program like this created for the spiritual community.
There is no fluff, no buzz words, no feel good fantasies.
This is for the spiritual warriors out there who know in their heart of hearts that something is wrong in our world and want to make it right for themselves, their family, friends and the whole world.
It is time to fully awaken and take back what is ours.
Package A
99- Breaking Free From the Matrix Audio Program
- 3 Live Calls
- 2 Distance Healing Sessions
- 15 Min One on One Session with Tarek
Package B
$347- Breaking Free From the Matrix Audio Program
- 3 Live Calls
- 2 Distance Healing Sessions
- 15 Min One on One Session with Tarek
Package C
$597 $777Save $180 NOW - Limited Quantity!
- Breaking Free From the Matrix Audio Program
- 3 Live Calls
- 2 Distance Healing Sessions
- 15 Min One on One Session with Tarek

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
Eram Saeed Manifested Her Dream Home And Car While Receiving Her Healing
I manifested it ALL- Life Purpose, Life Partner, More Friends & I Even lost Weight!
Manifested $5,000 dollars and a Fully Booked Practice
I Cleared $12,000 Debt And Bought My Dream For A Fraction Of Its Original Price
She Manifested $7,000 in 30 days
She Left a Toxic Relationship and Moved to Live on an Island
“I said goodbye to a job I hated and now am THRIVING as a Coach!”
"After only 2 of Tarek’s audios and my world isn‘t the same as before.
No need for security to stay in my old job, clients for my spiritual coaching just started showed up. I easily can say “goodbye“ to my old job and everything related to it. Today I had a Zoom with 12 clients and they told me afterwards that it was the BEST zoom they EVER had with a coach like me. And I can receive this! For the first time!
Thank you thank you thank you!
Now I can do what I desire, am independent and can make my own money without being my boss‘s slave!"
~ Chris
“I experienced 300% increase in clients in a year!”
"I've experienced over 300% increase in clients over the course of the year! I've tried many programs, but with Infinity Healing, there are powerful inner shifts and tangible results started to happen so fast! "
~ Stacy, Chicago, IL
“Clients come to me effortlessly!”
"With Tarek’s healings and guidance, I’ve had SO many clients reach out to me. I’ve made over $70,000 in just a few months!"
~ Sonny
“In 12 Days I received $11,000, a FREE Car and a Shopping Spree!”
"It is truly miraculous HOW quickly things have happened. I was in a tight spot in April 2017 after a loss of a home, a job, and a relationship, and was dealing with some building debt.
Within two weeks of ONE of Tarek’s video I had a cheque come to me for $11,000 for selling my car, after I was previously only getting offers for $3500.
After investing in Tarek’s program I had a friend offer me a FREE car, two clients tipped me $100, and I was given $300 for work that I was simply volunteering for. I also had a friend take me out to the mall to let me buy whatever I wanted in a clothing shop. All of this happened within 12 days. The same 12 days that I listened to his modules back to back... Wow."
~ JIllian
Through the Breaking Free Out of the Matrix Program,
You Will Experience:
- Completely breaking free from the MATRIX
- Experience your divine sovereignty
- Alignment with your life purpose and soul mate
- Experience infinite financial freedom and spiritual liberation
- Living outside of the system of control
- Bring your being back into the divine blue print
- Live in complete alignment with the divine plan

- Transmute any and all negative energy-entity influences
- Take back all the power you’ve unknowingly given away
- Activate your Light Body & Your Merkabah
- Break free from all the traps: spiritual, social, societal, physical etc.
- Consciously create a reality in alignment with your hearts desires
- And so much more!
Tarek Bibi’s nickname is “Mr Miraculous” for a reason.
His Infinity Healing technique has been voted the top 3 MOST powerful modalities by leading energy healing experts. His Infinity Healing technique provides powerful shifts that create real life miracles in his client’s lives.
“I TRULY BELIEVE ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. My life is living proof and my clients results reflect that .I came from a hellish childhood to finding the courage to forgive, to discover my purpose, to earn lots of money doing what I love. I am a super empath! In the first 3 minutes I can tell you exactly where your 3 major root cause blocks are located in your energy field.” ~ Tarek Bibi
“Your program saved me over $150,000!”
"I heard your entity call-but no money. Pre-miracle: a friend paid an old debt and on a leap of faith I started the system.
Miracle 1: NEXT DAY the bank calls, apologizing for "the delay" -and giving a precious answer to an important question (even with the ombudsman's help, they had ignored me for a year).
Miracle 2: Two days later, based on the bank's document- I refused and coounteroffered: I'd give my brothers 25% and nothing more.
Miracle 3: THEY ACCEPTED IT! Today their lawyer wrote that the convention would be ready in a couple of days... pre-approved by all of his clients. Am still waiting for it, but the way it is looking, this program will have saved me around $150,000 USD!!
Bonus miracle: My little one refused the potty -Preschool warned me I had a couple of months to change that or we would be an extra year in toddler class. Well... since this week, we have NOT used one single diaper!!!
Bonus miracle 2: Out of the blue someone I don't even know recommended me to translate a convention in a few days -after offering my services for 3 years to no avail! The $1,250 USD for that little week will be VERY welcome, thanks, as I've had zero income since my pregnancy!
Thank you from the heart, Tarek. I really WAS at the end of my rope."
~ Claudia Calvo, Costa Rica
“I’ve worked with SO Many Healers.. Tarek Hits the Nail on the Head.”
"I have done lots of healing work with many different healing modalities and healers and found Tarek to be one that hits the nail on the head. He helps me be more calm and positive that brings a different ray of healing than any of the others have done.
Keep up the great work Tarek!"
~ RJ
“$100,000 in school debt suddenly disappeared”
"I first was introduced to Tarek Bibi via a tele-conference -the very day after seeing my Guru speak. It was hesitant to begin Tarek’s program, I was having self destructive tendencies, had major financial obstacles , and was living in fear.
Two days after I had my one on one session with Tarek, I received a call telling me that I had been accepted to special program for graduate school loan repayment. Essentially they told me about an incredible repayment program and enrolled me on the spot.
I had so much fear and denial about repaying my school loans and suddenly they were not an issue and suddenly over $100,000 in school debt suddenly disappeared.
While I have had a lot of help from many spiritual healers over the past few months (even my immediate financial situation has changed with random reimbursements in the mail), Tarek’s work speaks directly to my soul. His energy work is consistently potent and powerful. His compassion is inspirational. The last time l listened to one of Tarek’s healings, I saw the biggest dragon fly of my life flying around me:)
If you want your life to shift, then buy his program!"
~ Christine, Medical student, USA
“In just a few days I released non-paying residents and received New contracts!”
"After listening to to your audios, I was amazed how things started changing within myself, within a couple of days I implemented contracts and put an end to people who were not paying and not respecting the space.
The changes I have experienced have been so incredible because it was like a business spirit stepped into my being giving me guidance and direction as well as letting me stand up for myself and stop thinking that if I stood up for myself I was not spiritual.
It is amazing how I am able to really see clearly what is being played out with people and
recording and I thank you. I know I will come out of this better than I could ever expect.
Thank you thank you so much I am eternally grateful"
~ Jacquie W.
“After our session I received an unexpected raise and $3,000 worth of gifts!”
"After our personal session, I received an unexpected $1600, a raise of $700/month AND I was gifted a meditation retreat worth $1,400! And that's just the beginning, thank you for your wonderful work!"
~ Nirjharini
“I manifested $5,000 out of the blue!”
"I was skeptical at first, but after listening to your program I could hardly believe it..I had $5,000 transferred to me out of the blue! What an incredible surprise!"
~ Barbara
“Manifesting Removing Debt”
"Hi Tarek, I really enjoyed your Manifest Money Miracles series- A year ago, I was living month to month, and I constantly worried about my debt, even though I had a plan that I was following. When I started the series, I had a breakthrough at work where I had many many more clients come to me, and I was able to to pay off a lot of debt, and have a plan to handle the rest of it. I’ve tried many programs for money, and each positively contributed in their own way to my situation, but when I applied Infinity Healing to my finances, powerful inner shifts and powerful inner results started to happen fast! I now enjoy addressing my finances, whereas before, I was stressed out wondering where the money was going to come from. I have a daily feeling of being taken care of. Thanks Tarek for this wonderful program!
As an update, I have maintained the level of income since my last email, whereas before my income was more erratic and uncertain. I used to be concerned about where and when the money was coming from, but now I don’t tend to worry about it. Currently, I am working on removing debt, and I know you’ve been doing infinity healings in the series to address that."
~ Anastasia, Chicago, IL
“Cleared $53,000 In A Few Weeks”
"I was able to refinance my house that I have never been able to do because of my credits score or income problem. I have got it at a very low interest rate from 6.75% to 4.375%.
This morning when I woke up I received a package full of checks so I paid off $53,000 worth of debts.
Paid off two cars store credits credit cards. Paid off all debts and was able to deposit some money into my saving account
I am so happy person now
I have only one mortgage payment now that is even less that what I used to pay for the mortgage before excluding all other payments
Thank you thank you"
“Best Program So Far!”
"I’m really into your Ascension Series audios, which are the best you’ve done so far! They are terrific, can feel the energies shifting very powerfully. I have been on my path a long time and a student of the ‘old style’ spiritual schooling. Getting ahead meant digging up emotions/thought patterns, crying and a lot of hard work, most of which concentrated on the symptoms rather than the cause of the symptoms. Therefore I find your Ascension Series an absolute blessing and wish it would have been around years ago. As we all go through just a handful of main lessons with individual aspects of the same issue, you make it so easy with the audios to address the main categories of everyone’s trouble areas. Thank you for creating this tool, it will help everyone who really wants to get ahead. The victim energy audio is hitting me hard and helping me understand a lot of things from the past."
~ Marja-Liisa
“One Audio is Worth The Whole Program!”
"I highly recommend Tarek’s ascension package — a set of 10 recordings — to anyone who wants to go to the next level of well being.
The MP3 session on Freedom is a gem and in itself worth the whole package! As I listened to it, an entity I had picked up from visiting a relative in the hospital left my left spleen area that had been bothering me for the last 2 weeks.
Being a seasoned healer myself for over 2 decades, I can say that Tarek Bibi is a skillful and compassionate healer with great knowledge of “how it all works”, who I would work with anytime."
~ Arathi Ma
Tarek is one of the most Gifted Healers I Know!”
"Tarek Bibi is one of the most gifted healers I know. His authenticity shines through beautifully in all that he does. I highly recommend his offerings for anyone who is ready for healing, rapid transformation and upliftment!"
~ Cari Murphy, International Best Selling Author, Award Winning Media Personality and Host/Creator of the Straight Talk for the Soul Series
“My clients are happier, my work is so much more fun, and my income has boomed!”
"After working with you everything THRIVED...
I have more creativity, my clients are more than satisfied, their feedback is phenomenal, and my new online classes practically created themselves!
I went from earning 1200/month working hard to earning 7200/month with ease and fun!"
~ Christian Trabert, Energy Healer
Package A
99- Breaking Free From the Matrix Audio Program
- 3 Live Calls
- 2 Distance Healing Sessions
- 15 Min One on One Session with Tarek
Package B
$347- Breaking Free From the Matrix Audio Program
- 3 Live Calls
- 2 Distance Healing Sessions
- 15 Min One on One Session with Tarek
Package C
$597 $777Save $180 NOW - Limited Quantity!
- Breaking Free From the Matrix Audio Program
- 3 Live Calls
- 2 Distance Healing Sessions
- 15 Min One on One Session with Tarek

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Note: You have 6 months to use your session.
Package A
Reset Reboot
Breaking Free from New Age Traps
In this MP3 you’ll receive a powerful Infinity Healing to…
- Take your power back from angels, aliens and star beings
- Learn the difference between judgment and discernment
- Allow yourself to use anger to change your life
- Break out of your spiritual bubble
- See things for what they really are
- Discern the difference between our inner negative energy and the external
- Discern the truth from so called “beings of light”
- Discern the truth from channeled information
- Break free from anything that is numbing you to the truth of what’s going on
- Manifest your dream reality by taking inspired action
and so much more

I could feel immediate heaviness released!
"When I listened to the mp3 I could feel something releasing from my body as if some energy has been unlocked in my body and it has started to flow out specially from my legs and this flow continued even when I wasn't listening to the mp3.
Tarek is a very powerful healer and his work goes really deep I will play his mp3 because I feel they will lead to a greater change!"
~ Harkamal
Breaking Free from the God program
- Take back the power you have given away to a higher power
- Know the truth about the Divine
- Experience a direct connection with the Divine
- Experience a direct communication with the Divine
- Let go of religious programming that is untrue
- Let go of the fear of god
- Let go of the need to please god
and so much more

“Heaviness falling away immediately!”
"Tarek’s work is SO powerful! So much heightened awareness of all the things that have been negatively influencing me in ways I never before even imagined. Now it feels like shedding a heavy coat that has been dragging me down!
I LOVE that his Infinity Healing is so easy and I can literally feel the heaviness leave me right away!"
~ Jen
Releasing Religious Control
- Let go of all false beliefs you picked up from religion
- Let go of all false beliefs from spiritual teachers
- Let go of the fear of hell and to do good only to go to heaven
- Let go of all fears from religion
- Let go of guilt and other emotions from religion
- Allow yourself to experience freedom and sovereignty, release forms of being controlled
and so much more

Transcending Time
- Break free from the traps and limitations of time
- Break free from not having enough time
- Let go of stressing over time
- Do things from a place of empowerment through the now moment
- Live your day outside of space and time
- Use time to your advantage
and so much more

Shifting out of Polarity
- Break free from the the trap of good and evil
- Break free from the male-female polarity
- Break free from the spirt-science polarity
- Break free from the angel and demon polarity
- Break free from the light and dark being polarity
and so much more

Letting go of attachment-mind identification
- Break free from over thinking and analyzing
- Break free from being stuck in your head
- Break free from past and future
- Break free from fear based thinking
- Get back into your heart
- Get back into a balance between mind body soul
- Observe your mind but don’t get caught in it
and so much more

Releasing Archon-Entity Control
- Remove any and all negative influences
- Release any negative implants
- Release and close any negative portals
- Release any and all negative attachments and hooks
- Release any and all spells and black magic
- Release any Akashic record manipulation
and so much more

Activating Your Light Body
- Activate your Light Body
- Experience an impenetrable aura and energy field
- Experience freedom from all less then love energies and entities
- Experience your true self
- Experience strong powerful connection with your source
and so much more

Bonus 1:
Activate Your Merkaba - MP3
Value: $150
- Activate your Merkaba
- Allow your being to astral travel more easily
- Connect with the higher dimensions more easily
and so much more

Bonus 2:
Activate Your 12th Chakra - MP3
Value: $150
- Master skills like out of body experiences outside of the solar system
- Experience out of body time travel beyond 200 years
- Experience instant healing of self and others
- Master telekinesis
- Master teleportation
- Access control over the natural elements (air, water, fire, earth) to an advanced degree
- Enter the doorway to the cosmos
- Release your fear of leaving the earth
and so much more

Bonus 3:
Get out of the Karma Loop - MP3
Value: $150
- Break free from the karma loop
- Take back your power
- Experience your soul’s freedom
and so much more

Bonus 4:
Get out of the Soul Recycling Trap - MP3
Value: $150
- Allow your soul to go back to the source
- Allow your being to have the ability to choose from a place of truth
- Allow your being to go back to your soul planet
and so much more

Infinity DNA Activation - MP3
- Access your infinite potential
- Activate powers that have been suppressed
- Activate your innate abilities and powers
**How do these MP3s work? **
Listen to each audio when you are alone and can be completely present with yourself. BE sure to say YES out loud when prompted. Listen to audio #1 then move onto the next audio after 7 days and repeat this process.
Reset Reboot
Total Package Value $3500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 97% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
Deep Dive
This Program Includes:
- Includes all of package A
- 3 live calls which include an opportunity to receive one on one hot seat lazer healing sessions
- 2 distance healing sessions
3 Live Calls
Value: $500 (Each)
Format: Skype or conference call with recording
Group Call #1: Infinity Healing for Freedom in all areas of your Life
Thursday, April 5th at 8 pm Eastern (New York) / 5 pm Pacific
Group Call #2: Embodying Empowerment & Sovereignty
Tuesday, April 17th at 8 pm Eastern (New York) / 5 pm Pacific
Group Call #3: Alignment with Who You Truly Are & Your Soul’s Mission
Thursday, May 3rd at 8 pm Eastern (New York)/ 5 pm Pacific
In each of these calls, you’ll receive an opportunity to receive one on one hot seat laser healing sessions.
Receive healing for your biggest block on the call Live!
ITEM 10:
2 Distance Healing Sessions
Value: $150 (Each)
Format: Email
Tarek tunes into the energy of this specific group and provides healing through your higher Self about what it needs most at this time. Healing findings will be sent via email for each week. Distance Healing starts the Monday after you join.
Deep Dive
Total Package Value $4000 over
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $347
*** 91% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C
Total Transformation
This Program Includes:
- Everything in Package A and Package B
- one on one session with Tarek
ITEM 11:
15 Min One on One Session with Tarek
During this 15 minute healing session Tarek will tune into your energy field and give you healing on your biggest issue.
**Important for Personal session**
For the first 20 people, receive the coveted personal session with Tarek at a huge discount. Tarek no longer offers private sessions through any other telesummit and no longer offers them to the public. The only other way to receive healing one-on-one sessions with Tarek is through his private high end programs.
This is your exclusive opportunity to experience Infinity Healing first hand as Tarek tunes into your biggest blocks and provides powerful healing within mere minutes!
Sessions are done via conference call or Skype.
Total Transformation
Total Package Value $5000 over
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $777
From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $597
*** 88% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
About Tarek Bibi
Tarek Bliss Bibi has changed the lives of over 100,000 people worldwide. He works with business women and individuals on the spiritual path to help them Thrive Doing What They Love! Through his revolutionary Infinity Healing modality he is able to help his clients achieve and manifest their hearts desires with infinite ease and grace even if they have not been able to achieve their results eslewhere.
Tarek Bibi, aka. Mr. Miraculous, a facilitator of inner transformation helps you transcend your emotional and psychological blocks at their core level to Live your Life Miraculously! Many of our blocks stem from childhood experiences and now they are manifesting in our relationships, businesses and health. He has been labeled an empath, indigo, a star seed, an earth angel, and a light worker. He earns the name Mr. Miraculous because of the breakthroughs he has assisted his clients in achieving.
Package A
99- Breaking Free From the Matrix Audio Program
- 3 Live Calls
- 2 Distance Healing Sessions
- 15 Min One on One Session with Tarek
Package B
$347- Breaking Free From the Matrix Audio Program
- 3 Live Calls
- 2 Distance Healing Sessions
- 15 Min One on One Session with Tarek
Package C
$597 $777Save $180 NOW - Limited Quantity!
- Breaking Free From the Matrix Audio Program
- 3 Live Calls
- 2 Distance Healing Sessions
- 15 Min One on One Session with Tarek

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Note: You have 6 months to use your session.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.