Attention: Conscious Woman Who Choose To Feel Better In Their Body, Step Into Their Power And Play BIG ...
How To INSTANTLY Release Physical Issues From The Body... Even If You If You've Tried Other Methods!

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Discount: 93%
Total Package Value $3000
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
(Limited Availability at Current Price)
11 Audio Tracks
1 Welcome and Orientation audio
5 educational audios to bring the tribal rules to your awareness
5 healing tracks to release the tribal rules from your cells
5 weekly live group Q & A/Healing request calls.
Exclusive Private FB Group -- with access directly to Tara
48 hour bonus: Free Life Purpose
Group Call
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $3500
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
(Limited Availability at Current Price)
11 Audio Tracks
1 Welcome and Orientation audio
5 educational audios to bring the tribal rules to your awareness
5 healing tracks to release the tribal rules from your cells
5 weekly live group Q & A/Healing request calls.
Exclusive Private FB Group -- with access directly to Tara
48 hour bonus: Free Life Purpose
Group Call
1 x 60-Min Private R & R session (Release and Realign)
Discount: 88%
Total Package Value $4500
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
(Limited Availability at Current Price)
11 Audio Tracks
1 Welcome and Orientation audio
5 educational audios to bring the tribal rules to your awareness
5 healing tracks to release the tribal rules from your cells
5 weekly live group Q & A/Healing request calls.
Exclusive Private FB Group -- with access directly to Tara
48 hour bonus: Free Life Purpose
Group Call
3 x 60-Min Private R & R sessions as growing and spiraling up are always a part of life.
2 Payment Plan for Package B!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
(Please choose 2 payment option at checkout)

Package A: Refunds guarantee for 30 days conditions Apply
Package B & C: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
It is Time to Release The Rules You Are Unconsciously Obeying And Create Freedom And Sovereignty In Your Cells so You Can Face the Problems Confronting You Right Now
Dear Conscious Women With Physical Conditions,
The following is a message for every conscious woman with physical issues that need to release discomfort in their body but can't find a solution that works..
There’s a huge problem you face right now.
It's feeling frustrated and playing small due to physical conditions …
But that's not the end of the problem...
What makes this even worse is the fact that it's hard to live your dreams and passions when physical issues are holding you back!
Which often means having a lack of confidence and fear in moving forward in the dreams for yourself..
And, worst of all, many conscious women with physical conditions can't get past the idea that releasing these issues is hard and a long process...
All this can make trying to figure out how to achieve wellness and harmony in the body a nightmare!
But luckily for you, there's a solution!
Here’s what you need to know …
As you acknowledge the root causes and messages of your physical conditions by releasing the tribal rules that you are unconsciously obeying and the trapped emotions connected to them such as shame, fear, anger, sadness and more, you gain freedom to follow YOUR heart and gain more clarity towards what brings YOU joy.
This creates a bridge to your True Self and life purpose.
When you are in the space of True Place where you are living authentically and in alignment with your life purpose -- that is a POWERFUL place to be ...
Wellness, joy and success just show up in all areas of your life with more grace and ease.
So, if you're a conscious woman living with physical issues who really needs to release the discomfort but can't find a solution that works, here's the answer you've been looking for...
Introducing The "Sovereign Cells: Alignment With True Place" Healing Program
"Sovereign Cells: Alignment With True Place" Helps You
Abandon the struggle with physical issues
Release pain and emotional stress in your body
Escape the frustration that your body is not running smoothly
Stop the struggle of finding what is missing in your life
Save yourself from physical conditions holding you back from living your dreams and passions
Avoid having a lack of confidence and fear of moving forward in dreams for yourself.
Banish the physical wake up calls and experience joy and harmony in your body and life.
Dissolve the tribal rules and programs that you are unconsciously obeying and the trapped emotions that are connected to those rules (shame, fear, anger, sadness and more)
See How Easily You Can Gain Wellness In Your Physical Body As Issues Are Quickly Released!
... and much, MUCH More!
Now that's a tall promise and at this point you may be wondering...
Plus ...
- Awaken to more clarity of what truly brings you joy
- Discover The Real Secret for how to achieve wellness and harmony in the body
- Gain freedom and permission to live by the “rules” of YOUR heart... so you can avoid feeling frustrated that your body is not running smoothly.
- Effortlessly develop insight to address and understand the messages of your body.
- Enjoy short and long-term solutions for how you can stop the physical wake up calls and experience more joy and freedom.
- Quickly break away from fear (so you awaken to more clarity of what truly brings you joy).
- And, as a special bonus, you'll also acquire tools to acknowledge and resolve all the messages your body is giving you via the physical conditions!
Here’s What Others Have Already Experienced With Tara
“After working with Tara and releasing lots of anger and resentment, my hemorrhoids were gone the next day!”
“I have to tell you... I am feeling REALLY good right now! Did you put a spell on me?”
“I want to thank you over and over again…. I feeeeeeeel SOOOOOOOO gooooood!”
Who Is Tara Chambers And Why Should You Listen To Her?
Tara Chambers is an expert in helping you release the rules you are unconsciously obeying and create freedom and sovereignty in your cells.
She flows from one modality to another to respond to the body’s needs and releases unconscious limiting beliefs, tribal rules, trapped emotions and generational patterns that have been holding you back from what truly is possible. Each limiting pattern that you release brings you closer and closer to your true self and true power.
When you live in alignment with your heart and what brings you joy -- ergo -- our life purpose -- THAT is when wellness and success slide into your life with more ease!
So as you can see, Tara Chambers is uniquely qualified to help you understand everything you need to know about creating sovereignty in your cells, especially if you're a conscious woman living with physical conditions who is ready to FINALLY release discomfort in your body and can't find a solution that works!
She flows from one modality to another to respond to the body’s needs and releases unconscious limiting beliefs, tribal rules, trapped emotions and generational patterns that have been holding us back from what truly is possible. Each limiting pattern that we release brings us closer and closer to our true self and true power. When we live in alignment with our heart and what brings us joy -- ergo -- our life purpose -- THAT is when wellness and success slide into our lives with more ease!
But Don't Just Take My Word For It, Take a Look At This…
“My Doctor Confirmed That The Blood Clot Was Gone!!!”
“Before I attended Tara's healing circle, I had lots of swelling in my wrist due to Edema. During the circle, we released lots of fear and the swelling was hugely reduced. Three days later... I went to my doctor who confirmed that the blood clot was gone!”
~ Robert, MA
“All Of Our Pain INSTANTLY Vanished… I Was Speechless!”
“Before attending Tara's circle, I had intense pain in my inner ear for about 2 weeks. I mentioned it at the circle and Tara started “playing” with the possible root causes around it. Then another 4 or 5 people started to get ear pain as well. Honestly, at one point the pain got SO bad that it was more than a 10 on a scale of 0 to 10.
However, after she got me resonant with having permission to hear my higher self, my heart and my Guides, the pain was 80% gone. I didn’t think it would be possible for her to get the pain down to a zero but when she cleared the tribal program that “women are 2nd class and not worthy” all of our pain instantly vanished and even the woman with the kidney issues said her pain went away as well... I was speechless!”
~ Amy, NH
“Back Pain GONE In A Matter Of Seconds… Just In Time For My Wedding!”
“Two weeks before my wedding, I suddenly had lots of back pain. I literally spoke to Tara about it at my wedding while getting dressed! Tara instantly invited the Blue Dragon from Pleiades to clear the tribal programs around marriage that were showing up in my back and in a matter of seconds... my back felt GREAT!
Not only did my back make it through my wedding ceremony and the dancing party, but my back has stayed happy!”
~ Dina, NY
“Lost 5 lbs Overnight And Health Condition Suddenly Vanished!”
“I attended a circle and lost 5 pounds overnight effortlessly just from releasing fear. Also, my former (and private) health condition that affected my life every day in really inconvenient ways, suddenly vanished.”
~ Erin, MA
“My Pain Instantly Vanished!”
“For 18 years I had intense tailbone pain as a result of a challenging childbirth. I didn't even mention that specific pain to Tara... and it vanished in my first group circle with her! It has been 9 months since I first met her and it has not returned at all.”
~ Diane, MA
“The Chronic Pain In My Thumb Is GONE!”
“Before I went to Tara, I had no idea that our physical pain had emotional origin. After my first visit... the chronic pain at the base of my right thumb was gone and it hasn't returned since!”
~ Suzie F, Concord MA
“My Migraine Was Instantly Gone!”
“I spontaneously called up Tara since I had an intense migraine and to my amazement she did some bizarre stuff over the phone and it was instantly gone and hasn't been an issue ever since.”
~ Sarah G., MA
“I Can Turn My Neck Now Without Discomfort!”
“I had been experiencing chronic pain and stiffness in my neck for more than 6 months. During a remote session with Tara, the pain and stiffness noticeably lessened to the point that I could turn my neck without discomfort!”
~ J. Perry, NYC
“Tension Was Significantly Reduced!”
“Before Tara worked on me, I had tension in my heart area. After releasing some trapped emotions.. the tension was significantly reduced! And I don't believe in this stuff.”
~ Howard, MI
“For The First Time In 15 Years I Slept Like A Baby!”
“15 yrs ago I was in a car accident that created neck and back pain to the point where I couldn't sleep through the night. I tried chiropractors and osteopaths and only got short term relief. Tara made me aware of the energetic root cause of the CAR accident. I thought the car accident was the root cause!
She helped me get resonant with permission to stand my ground and say "no." I had no idea I was a walking doormat that anyone could walk over or run over in this case because I was obeying a tribal rule that said I had to take care of everyone else first. That night was the first night in 15 years I slept like a baby the entire night!”
~ Sally, NYC
“Released Weight And The Shame Finally Disappeared!”
“After attending a group circle with Tara where we released some religious tribal programming... I released some weight and I felt the Catholic shame from having been divorced finally disappear!”
~ Nancy, MA
“My Stomach Instantly Felt At Peace!”
“I had traveled out of town and had HUGE stomach pain. I thought it was because I ate low quality food. Tara made me see that it had to do with my personal relationship and once we cleared "stuff" around that, my stomach instantly felt at peace! I was amazed.”
~ Deborah, Panama City
“I Definitely Feel A Shift In My Level Of Confidence!”
“Before I met Tara I was struggling with getting my art on the canvas as I had so much self-judgement around myself. After some group circles and privates... I can tell you that I definitely feel a shift in my level of confidence! Instead of criticizing my artwork, I catch myself being in awe at the gorgeous works of art that I am creating in a state of flow”
~ Elizabeth, MA
“I Have Found A Deeper Sense Of Peace!”
“ found Tara to be incredibly open and personal. Since our session, I have found a deeper sense of peace regarding a couple of childhood/past life issues that were troubling me. Do whatever you can to experience Tara's energy!”
~ Jill H., CA
“I No Longer Feel Hurt When People Don’t Get Me!”
“Before I worked with Tara, I had difficulty speaking up for myself... my voice would choke in my throat and not allow me to express my feelings. After getting resonant with permission to speak my truth... I am able to speak my thoughts, stand up for my opinion, and best of all... it's coming from a place of love and grace! I no longer feel hurt if people don't get me.”
~ Laurie, Concord MA
“The Feeling Of Panic And The Shaking Disappeared.. And I Regained My Voice!”
“Before my session with Tara, I was shaking and freezing in a panic for no known reason, and I had lost my voice. After releasing fear and some tribal rules where I didn’t have permission to express myself and tell my story, the feeling of panic and the shaking disappeared.. and I regained my voice!”
~ Eram Saeed, Plano, TX

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Discount: 93%
Total Package Value $3000
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
(Limited Availability at Current Price)
11 Audio Tracks
1 Welcome and Orientation audio
5 educational audios to bring the tribal rules to your awareness
5 healing tracks to release the tribal rules from your cells
5 weekly live group Q & A/Healing request calls.
Exclusive Private FB Group -- with access directly to Tara
48 hour bonus: Free Life Purpose
Group Call
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $3500
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
(Limited Availability at Current Price)
11 Audio Tracks
1 Welcome and Orientation audio
5 educational audios to bring the tribal rules to your awareness
5 healing tracks to release the tribal rules from your cells
5 weekly live group Q & A/Healing request calls.
Exclusive Private FB Group -- with access directly to Tara
48 hour bonus: Free Life Purpose
Group Call
1 x 60-Min Private R & R session (Release and Realign)
Discount: 88%
Total Package Value $4500
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
(Limited Availability at Current Price)
11 Audio Tracks
1 Welcome and Orientation audio
5 educational audios to bring the tribal rules to your awareness
5 healing tracks to release the tribal rules from your cells
5 weekly live group Q & A/Healing request calls.
Exclusive Private FB Group -- with access directly to Tara
48 hour bonus: Free Life Purpose
Group Call
3 x 60-Min Private R & R sessions as growing and spiraling up are always a part of life.
2 Payment Plan for Package B!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
(Please choose 2 payment option at checkout)

Package A: Refunds guarantee for 30 days conditions Apply
Package B & C: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Package A |
13 MP3s
Intro Audio -- Welcome and Orientation
Learn what tribal rules are and how they are affecting you.Receive clarity on how this 6 week program will take place.
Audio #1 -- Freedom To Be Your True Self
Informational audio where you will be given examples so that you can get a clear picture of how you unconsciously want to fit in with the tribe in order to feel safe, loved and accepted.
Healing Audio #1A -- Resonance with Freedom To Be Your True Self
- Develop resonant on a cellular level with freedom to follow what truly brings you joy rather than obeying what the tribe wants you to do or be.
- Reclaim your freedom to make decisions that truly serve YOU.
- Own your power to speak your truth, and to see things through your own eyes rather than needing to agree with the perspective of the tribe.
- Become resonant with saying “no” guilt free when that truly is best for you.
- Gain cellular permission to put yourself first rather than putting the tribe first.
- Acquire resonant with self-love and appreciation for all the special, powerful, unique qualities that only you have! You are not a mis-fit -- you are perfect as you are and trying to fit in with some tribe only limits who you really are
- Have resonant with being your true self.
- Obtain resonant with permission to shine your special BIG light! There is enough room for ALL of us to shine in our unique ways.
Audio #2 -- Freedom to Surpass the Third Dimension
Many of us were taught in school that our heart and intuition were to be ignored as science can’t prove it.
- Gain awareness of how we were taught via academia, science, the medical paradigm, government and society programming how healing must be a struggle and take a long time.
- Discover how we are taught to value what someone with a fancy degree says even if our heart knows it is not true.
- Learn how we all believed “it’s not real unless science can prove it” when science is not advanced enough to prove things beyond the third dimension.
- Notice how we all trusted the government preaching of “Drink Milk” as if it was healthy for us and so much more.
Sovereign Cells is definitely beyond the third dimension so we need to be free of limitations that keep us limited to 3D possibilities. Magic is possible! With that said, taking action is HUGE and that does take place in the third dimension so don’t underestimate the power of 3D, yet be free to go beyond to in order to access limitless possibilities.
Healing Audio #2A -- Resonance With Freedom to Surpass the Third Dimension
- Release the lies that we were taught from schools, the medical paradigm, science and more that kept us limited from our true potential.
- Become resonant with your heart having the answers, rather than some dead patriarchal chief who didn’t know better. When we are free of the limited paradigm which we were taught, we can experience miracles way more often, if not daily. Yes, we can go back in time and shift things. Yes, we can access information from other parallel universes even if we are told we can’t. Yes, we can grow to be 80 years old with a straight back, even if some medical book says it is supposed to curve over time. Yes, we can give birth in our 50’s even if science says “it is hard after age 35.”
- Gain freedom to create your own paradigm of what is possible because it is way bigger than we can imagine!
- Enjoy resonant with “I am a magical, powerful, divine being.”
Audio #3 -- Freedom to See Money As Pure Energy.
Receive awareness on all the beliefs and programs we bought into around money such as money is the root of all evil, money doesn’t grow on trees, wealthy people are dishonest and greedy because they are taking away from others and SO much more.
Healing Audio #3A -- Resonance with Freedom To See Money As Pure Energy
- Gain resonant on a cellular level that money is a blessing from the Universe and know that the Universe truly wants you to have all of your needs met as the Universe expresses itself through us!
- Release all the MANY lies around money and realign with truths around money.
- Own that you are worthy and deserving of receiving the true value of all that you offer to the world.
What if we could shift the money paradigm to “the more you benefit others and the planet, the more money you receive.” How would the money suddenly land in the hands of teachers, permaculture farmers, healers, artists of all types, and companies that truly help others and the environment rather than Big Pharma, and other companies that are destructive to all. The world needs this paradigm shift now!
Audio #4 -- Freedom From Religious Programming
While there can be many beautiful messages in religion, not all of it is so pure. Some religions told us that we didn’t have direct access to God/Source/Universe as only the Pope and other religious leaders were worthy of such a connection.
Notice how rules were created around money, sex, marriage to disempower us and keep the religious tribe in power. Some of us were taught that our religion was the “real” one and that others were less than us, creating hate, separation and wars.
Past religious programming from eons ago encourage to flog yourself as if that was a gift to God. There is no truth in this program as God is love.
This tribal program shows up as people unconsciously punishing themselves via experiencing pain in their bodies and/or through sabotaging great opportunities.
It’s time to clear these religious tribal programs from our cells so we can live at our true, fullest expression.
Healing Audio #4A -- Resonance With Freedom From Religious Programming
- Release religious beliefs and vows of poverty and reclaim your birthright to be wealthy which IS spiritual.
- Clear beliefs and vows of chastity and enjoy your sex life free of guilt.
- Let go of the religious belief that sex is bad and dirty and only OK within marriage if intending to create another life.
- Dissolve beliefs that only only the Pope or others religious leaders have direct access to God/Source and that you are not worthy or deserving of such ability.
- Remove beliefs that healers, crystals, plant medicine are bad and that only God can help you.
- Obtain resonant that ALL are viable options -- you get to choose what is best for you.
- Dismiss beliefs that men and women can not be friends and must be separated so that “evil” things don’t take place.
- Release the patriarchal program that says women are second to men and are the cause of sin and deserve to be punished through painful childbirth.
Audio #5 -- Freedom Within Marriage Or Not
Become aware of patriarchal energies in marriage such as:
- Women are property that go from father to husband
- Marriage gives a woman place in society
- Women are worthless if not married to a man.
- Women’s identities are based on their husband -- Mrs Don Paul.
- Men must sacrifice their passions and do whatever it takes to be a bread-winner.
- And much more….
Healing Audio #5A -- Resonance With Freedom Within Marriage Or Not
Get resonant with:
- I am worthy on my OWN -- married or not.
- I can marry who I choose (man or woman!)
- I can choose to have kids or not.
- I take my place in this world because of ME not my partner’s identity.
- I can surpass my husband financially.
- I can be a stay at home dad.
- Women can be good at math and science.
- Men can be artistic and creative
- Get resonance with total freedom to play in life as you chose regardless of these rules!
- And more much…
Audio #6 -- Freedom To Experience Oneness
This is a final — smoothover any wrinkles or hiccups in the way of you fully stepping into True Place! It plants seeds for what comes after True Place — which is Oneness!
Healing #6A -- Resonance With Freedom To Experience Oneness
You and your cells will now be a different person. This final energetic audio simply smooths out any wrinkles in the way to you fully stepping into True Place which leads to a global shift called Oneness where there are only soul tribes that support your dreams and growth!
Every being whether human, animal, plant, insect and more has freedom to live out their life purpose to the fullest expression in safety. THAT is our birthright.
Let’s go support the planetary shift through the 4th to the 5th dimension where there is no need to betray your heart and truth in order to fit in. There is only love, acceptance and joy here with a win-win-win energy for all as we are ALL connected to each other.
4 weekly live group Q & A/Healing request calls
Description Needed
Exclusive Private FB Group -- with
access directly to Tara
Description Needed
This journal will support you staying on track in the most empowering way in a paradigm of grace and ease. Each day it will ask you to write down your empowering decision(s)/intention(s) for the program. This makes it easy to update your intentions if you are no longer in alignment with your original intention due to receiving new clarity around what truly brings you joy and your life purpose. It will give you a organized place for you to right down all the new shifts and magic you are experiencing as the more we notice them -- the stronger they land in our body. You will have space to journal as you desire . You will choose how you want to feel each day and you can simply read the Quantum statement in your journal to release all out of alignment with that decision so that you create the day of your choose with more grace and ease.
**Limited Time Bonus**
Extra Group Life Purpose Call
This call will encourage you to “think” with your heart as joy is found in the heart. Your life purpose is always connected to what brings you joy. Think big, expansively and creatively as you write down ALL that brings you joy. I will support you letting go of the HOW this will show up, simply get ALL that brings you joy down on paper and allow the Universe to play with all of those possibilities and figure out the HOW. I will tell you some personal stories that sound hard to imagine to demonstrate how it IS possible to pay your bills doing what you love.
Package A
Total Package Value $
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $
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Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
Includes everything in Package A Plus
1 private R & R session (Release and Realign)
The private R and R session is where we go step by step via the TARA path process.
T (transformation) -- getting clear on what their intention is that brings them joy.
A (acceptance) -- getting resonant with acceptance and unconditional love for yourself NOW as things are.
R (release) -- We them release all that is out of alignment with that decision
(A) -- we create alignment on a cellular level by replacing that space with frequencies that are resonant with their intentions and are in alignment with living their life purpose and what brings them joy.
Package B
Total Package Value $
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $
*** % Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C |
Includes everything in Package A & Package B Plus
3 private R & R session (Release and Realign)
Description Needed
Package C
Total Package Value $
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $
*** % Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
About Tara Chambers
Tara Chambers was a professional cellist and pianist in New York City from 1994 to 2014. After having a purple, painful finger "injury" in 2001 for no apparent reason which medical tests had no explanation for, she entered the magical rabbit hole to get some answers. She studied reiki, crystal healing, and more but only got partial results. It wasn’t until 2009 when she met a healer who cleared the unconscious, "invisible" limiting energetic patterns that were alive in her cells via essential oils, that her finger was 100% healthy. She won her next audition at Radio City Music Hall 3 days later in after being resonant with energetic “permission” to succeed. THAT awakened her to the power of our cellular resonance or vibration and the fire in her heart wanting to know as much as possible about our cellular resonance led to an additional career.
Tara studied essential oils at CARE (Center of Aromatherapy Research and Education and she uses them with all the various modalities that she uses. She is certified in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Emotion Code and is highly influenced by all that she learned with Matrix Energetics. She also works with our whole body wisdom and the Dragons and is passionate about tuning into the messages that the body is sending us via pain or other conditions. From her perspective, they are messages of love wanting something better for ourselves just as her finger injury led her to a better possibility. She flows from one modality to another to respond to the body’s needs and releases unconscious limiting beliefs, tribal rules, trapped emotions and generational patterns that have been holding us back from what truly is possible. Each limiting pattern that we release brings us closer and closer to our true self and true power. When we live in alignment with our heart and what brings us joy -- ergo -- our life purpose -- THAT is when wellness and success slide into our lives with more ease!
She now lives in Concord MA (outside Boston) and is both a musician and multi-dimensional healer as she LOVES them both!
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Discount: 93%
Total Package Value $3000
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
(Limited Availability at Current Price)
11 Audio Tracks
1 Welcome and Orientation audio
5 educational audios to bring the tribal rules to your awareness
5 healing tracks to release the tribal rules from your cells
5 weekly live group Q & A/Healing request calls.
Exclusive Private FB Group -- with access directly to Tara
48 hour bonus: Free Life Purpose
Group Call
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $3500
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
(Limited Availability at Current Price)
11 Audio Tracks
1 Welcome and Orientation audio
5 educational audios to bring the tribal rules to your awareness
5 healing tracks to release the tribal rules from your cells
5 weekly live group Q & A/Healing request calls.
Exclusive Private FB Group -- with access directly to Tara
48 hour bonus: Free Life Purpose
Group Call
1 x 60-Min Private R & R session (Release and Realign)
Discount: 88%
Total Package Value $4500
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
(Limited Availability at Current Price)
11 Audio Tracks
1 Welcome and Orientation audio
5 educational audios to bring the tribal rules to your awareness
5 healing tracks to release the tribal rules from your cells
5 weekly live group Q & A/Healing request calls.
Exclusive Private FB Group -- with access directly to Tara
48 hour bonus: Free Life Purpose
Group Call
3 x 60-Min Private R & R sessions as growing and spiraling up are always a part of life.
2 Payment Plan for Package B!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
(Please choose 2 payment option at checkout)

Package A: Refunds guarantee for 30 days conditions Apply
Package B & C: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Unsure of which package is best suited for you? Book a call with us to find out
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.