What if this year things really DO change?
- Are you dissatisfied with where your life is right now?
- Are you stuck in a holding pattern that you just can’t seem to get out of?
- Are you pretty sure that once you get rid of whatever energies are blocking you, that your life will improve and you’ll finally be happy?
You’ve tried talk therapy. Maybe you’ve even tried hypnotherapy.
You’ve spent a lot of money on products, programs and packages.
You’ve had countless clearings, received dozens of downloads, and have gotten rid of trauma energies, ancestor energies, past life energies, all kinds of blocks, and more stuff that you never even knew existed.
You’ve had at least a few, if not dozens, of private sessions.
You’ve tried so many different kinds of “Codes” that you deserve an advanced degree in coding!
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Your Text
Discount: 97%
Total Package Value $3200
From Heartache to Joy
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12 MP3s
4 Power Booster group calls
Discount : 97%
Total Package Value $6047
FHTJ Super Value
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12 MP3s
4 Power Booster group calls
Discount: 95%
Total Package Value $6322
FHTJ Super Value
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12 MP3s
4 Power Booster group calls
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Package A: 30 day Refund guarantee
Package B, C & VIP: No Refund after 30 days or after Session is Taken, Whichever Comes First. Please cancel scheduled session prior to requesting refund.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
How many of the following have you experienced recently?
It feels like everyone else has managed to be, do and have so much more than you.
It’s the end of the day, the week, the month, or even the year and you can’t think of anything significant that you’ve accomplished.
You go to bed criticizing yourself again for not taking care of something you really need to do – and it’s the 5th, 50th or 500th time you’ve done that.
You find yourself thinking more and more about what’s wrong with your life and very little time thinking about the things you like about your life.
You can’t think of anything you really like about your life.
You see something you love in a magazine, on a website or in a store window, and have to tell yourself you can’t have it because you can’t afford it (and it’s actually not all that expensive).
There are friends and acquaintances you don’t get together with very often anymore, because it’s too upsetting to hear about all the things they have and are doing, which makes you feel “less than.”
You’re waiting to fill-in-the-blank until something happens first (you lose 20 lbs, you find Mr or Ms Right, you get a new job, you clean up the clutter in your home, you get new carpeting in the living room, someone in particular gets better or dies, your child goes off to college etc, etc.
When an opportunity comes along that might or would change your life for the better, you hesitate or even turn it down because it’s new and different, or you’re afraid to try it because it might not work out.
Someone tells you that “you’re so negative” and always complaining about what’s wrong with your life. Double points if it happens more than once.
You find you’re slowly coming to the realization that it’s looking more and more likely that your life isn’t going to get better and that’s a very scary and depressing thought.
You’ve spent a long time and a lot of money trying to “fix what’s wrong” with you, because you’re sure that once you’ve done that then everything will turn around and you’ll finally be happy.
And you’ve asked yourself a million times, “What’s going on? Why is this happening?”
It’s your STORY that doesn't allow you to create the life you desire.
It’s your STORY that keeps you stuck and unable to move forward with your life.
Your STORY so powerful that it can, does, and will continue to keep you trapped in a disappointing and unfulfilling life.
“So what is this STORY that’s keeping me from having a life that makes me happy?”
Your Story is a collection of various things you’ve heard, seen and experienced during your life, most particularly the first seven to ten years of your life, and the assumptions, beliefs and expectations your subconscious mind has created about them.
The chapters in your Story consist of the energies of:
The chapters in your Story consist of the energies of:
- Fears, projections, beliefs, judgements, and the expectations of others
- Delusions, illusions, misunderstandings, and flawed perceptions and interpretations
- Attitudes, opinions, inventions, resentments and criticisms
- Negative assumptions, evaluations, and conclusions you’ve made about yourself and others
- And there are dozens more.
The bits and pieces that make up your Story, and over the years continue to be added to the Story, could be inaccurate, misconstrued or misunderstood. They may have been taken out of context, distorted or don’t make sense. They might even be lies that at the time, your subconscious incorrectly interpreted as true.
So what you inevitably end up with is elements in your Story that are totally inaccurate. And it’s not just bits and pieces that may not be true, entire chapters might be fictitious - a complete and total fabrication that your subconscious believes is true. And therefore you believe it’s true.
- How you see yourself,
- How you think about yourself,
- How you feel about yourself, and
- How you interpret your past, your current reality and your future.
It limits what you believe about yourself and your abilities, and sets rigid criteria for what you deserve and don’t deserve.
It predisposes you to reject certain ideas and opportunities that would give you a chance to create a life that would make you happy.
All of these damaging effects and more are based on a Story that in some part or in large part, isn’t even true. Everyone’s Story has inaccuracies and falsehoods in it. It’s just that some are more numerous or more destructive than others.
If what you’d like to be your life or have in your life isn’t consistent with your Identity and the Story that has formed this Identity, you are not going to be able to create that life.
It’s as if this Story has created a prison, an invisible prison that you can’t escape from. You’re its captive, serving a life sentence with no parole. And you have no idea why.
So now that you’re probably totally bummed out because this is all so depressing, let’s plan a jail break!
“That sounds like too much work - isn’t there a Magic Bullet for that? How about a Get Out of Jail Free card - that’s what I’d like!”
Ummm… no. Energy work is the closest you’re going to get to that and you’ve most likely received some – maybe quite a bit – of it already.
There are a lot of very talented healers out there who do excellent work. And they do clear all kinds of negative energies that aren’t serving you.
But there are no Magic Bullets and anyone who tries to sell you one or anything that sounds like one - they may believe it’s true, but you shouldn’t.
- As long as you have a Story that limits your ability to create a different life for yourself, there’s only so much those clearings can do.
- They might clear energies that make it easier to live within the confines of your Story so you can feel better about your life.
- You might even be able to improve certain aspects of your life, as long as there isn’t much of a conflict with your Story.
And that might be enough for those people who don’t have a strong Story, compared with those whose Stories have a lot of chapters that are dark, powerful and/or complex.
The MP3s in my newest program, Escape From the Power of Your Story, deals specifically with clearing the most common energies that your subconscious uses to create and tightly hold on to your Story.
As you become free of the parts of your Story that don’t allow you to have the kind of life you’d like, you’ll find yourself motivated to take the steps to create the life experience you desire, and it will be easy because it comes naturally once the parts of your Story that were blocking you no longer exist.
After the contents in your Story that are keeping you stuck are cleared, you’ll see how opportunities appear out of nowhere, the right people just magically show up, and you’ll have the confidence to take advantage of them and the clarity to know how to do that in the highest and best way for you.
The negative energies in your Story keep you from recognizing or taking advantage of the good opportunities and the right people when they cross your path, if they haven’t already blocked them from showing up at all.
Once the energies in your Story that are keeping you trapped in an unhappy life have been released, you’re going to be amazed at how inspired you’ll find yourself to BE who you need to be, DO the things you need to do, and make the choices & changes you need to make that will make it possible for you to attract and receive the abundance the Universe is now able to send you.
This is because your vibrational frequency changes as the negative and destructive energies in your Story are deleted. And the higher your vibrational frequency becomes, the more easily abundance of all kinds is attracted to you. And you’ll be able to allow them to be present so you can choose whether you’d like to or are ready to receive them at that moment.
Right now, you may not believe or be able to accept that any of these experiences could ever happen to you or for you. In fact, you may be absolutely sure that you know nothing like that could ever be true for you. That’s the kind of power your Story has over you.
But remember, there are plenty of “facts” in your Story that are totally fake, false, and downright lies, so keep that in mind.
My clients start out under the spell of their Story, too, and when you read in their own words about where they started out, the results they’ve experienced and what their lives are like now, you’ll understand just how powerful it is to rid yourself of the energies and the Stories that keep you from creating a life that’s authentically YOU.
Here are the experiences and results some of them had after just listening to the MP3s in my GET UNSTUCK FOUNDATIONAL PROGRAM:
“I'm unbelievably fortunate to have come across you.”
"I’ve listened to several of your MP3s and so far I’m feeling much more positive and open minded. I noticed that I'm observing opportunities and considering them, I'm more thankful, and my overall attitude is better and more optimistic. I'm more in flow, that's much better, and the answers I need seem to come from me just as I need them."
"I'm unbelievably fortunate to have come across you. Things are just flowing to me, people just flowing to me, no stress."
~ Mary Y
“The MP3s on success changed my life.”
"The MP3s in your package were so powerful - I was originally so panicked about where I am in my life - it went so well because of your package. The MP3s on success changed my life."
~ Valerie D.
“Truly a brilliant idea Sydney!"
"I'm really getting a lot out of the mp3s, I have a lot more clarity now. I was super stuck for a long time. Truly a brilliant idea Sydney!"
~ Karen T
Here’s What Others Have Already Experienced With Sydney.
"After listening to the mp3s something is clicking, it's working, I'm on my way!" ~ HG
“I felt like I was floating when I was listening to
them and ever since then I feel a lot lighter." ~ HG
"Your program really works, I've made massive, massive progress." ~ TF
“Your MP3s were very influential, and extremely thorough, you covered so many different angles." ~ TF
Even though I know how powerful the energies were in the MP3s, it’s still great to get this kind of feedback!
What did some of the people who took private sessions have to say? Here in quotation marks, are their exact words:
“It doesn't matter to me anymore what other people think. “Thank you so much, this has been huge for me.”
First session: “I wanted to work on being comfortable with being who I really am. Sydney cleared energies like “fearing who I really am”, “not being allowed to live my life being who I really am”, “people judging me for being who I really am”, and “fearing to live my life being who I really am.”
“While she was working on this the room I was in felt really bright, there was definitely something going on, because it doesn't usually feel this way.”
Second session: “It’s definitely working! I'm making decisions and choices because I want to, not out of insecurities anymore. That's not the way I'm accustomed to doing things. I'm more clear about how I want to proceed ahead now.”
“Also, I’m dealing with brain chatter differently. When it's negative I stop and think ‘that's not how I'm going to think about this’ and I stop ruminating over it.”
“As we continued to work on being OK being who I really am, I felt energy moving and felt very cold.”
Session 3: “I'm less judgmental about what other people think about me. It doesn't matter to me anymore what other people think.”
“I've become much more calm, detached from drama that happens, no emotional response.”
“The room looks so bright now and I'm feeling really happy and light!”
Session 4: “This has been the most amazing experience! I'm so much more at ease with myself, fears about expressing myself freely are gone now, it's more easy to be, do, choose, and change now.”
“Thank you so much, this has been huge for me."
~ AK
“And I'm no longer afraid of flying!”
First session: “Sydney tuned into my higher self and found out that I had Karma concerning my life changing, core fears about my life changing, and ego energies that feared change and being unworthy of my life changing for the better and she cleared them.
Second session: “I feel much more in tune with my emotions now, I understand them better. The way I respond to things is different, less reactive, more reflective.
I told her that one of the things I also wanted to work on this time is I don’t know where I want to go with my life.”
“My higher self identified several places where energies like fear of change, opposition to my life changing, and lack of clarity regarding my life changing were located and she cleared them.
Third session: “I’m not feeling so overwhelmed anymore. I can’t pinpoint one thing, but it’s definitely gotten a lot better.”
“This time I wanted to work on being more confident, not worrying so much about what other people think about me, and not being uncomfortable about being seen.”
“She found Karma concerning being confident and being seen, which she cleared, and several core fears about being confident, being seen, what I believed would happen if I was confident and what I’d lose if I received attention. Also something about being seen is dangerous.”
“I’m so impressed at the way she makes sure to get every single word in every clearing absolutely precise. I’ve never worked with anyone who does that.”
Fourth session: “I'm doing so much better with change, it's really good and I’m more easily dealing with it. Now if I want to do something I just do it and don't even think about the judgment. And I don’t feel so bad anymore about being seen.”
“I've been challenged so much about what people think about me, but now I can get through anything. I don't care anymore about people who spread rumors about me. I no longer want to hide because I know I've done nothing wrong.
“After you removed her (the person who was telling lies about her) from my energy field I never physically run into her anymore, no direct contact at all with her anymore.”
“Whatever you did worked!”
And I'm no longer afraid of flying! (which she had never mentioned before) "
~ Maria S.
“All of a sudden opportunities are coming my way – people are approaching me!!”
“I’ve been a teacher for years and I’m ready to do something different, more creative. Sydney cleared Karma about being frightened and vulnerable and core fears about that, too. She also cleared some other stuff that I don't remember.”
The next time we spoke things had really changed:
“I quit my job and I'm not upset about it. I'm actually very comfortable with my decision - in the past I would be constantly questioning myself.”
“I had so much clarity about my decisions - very unusual for me - and an utmost trust in the future, which is very atypical of me.”
“I feel stronger, more capable, I have more of an inner conviction regarding what I'm doing and that I'm doing the right thing. I'm steering a solid course.
And all of a sudden opportunities are coming my way – people are approaching me!”
After we worked together again she told me:
“A lot of things have come together concerning this wonderful business opportunity that's come my way. Things are really falling in place.”
“And I have so much more clarity concerning my marriage and my relationship with my husband and daughter”
“I feel so much lighter now, thank you so much.”
~ GK
“I no longer felt like a coward or a wimp and stood up for myself, it felt really good.”
“Last time we worked on my fear of losing my husband and that has greatly improved although I still worry about it occasionally. And recently I had a very sensitive conversation with him about something that was really bothering me and remained very calm. I no longer felt like a coward or a wimp and stood up for myself, it felt really good.”
She also asked to clear negative energies regarding how she gets anxious at work sometimes, and the next time we got on the phone she told me, “I still get anxious sometimes, but I don’t fall into victim mode like I used to.”
During another session her higher self wanted to work on her relationship with her in-laws, who had betrayed her in a very ugly way at a time she was very vulnerable. And she had refused to see them or speak to them ever since.
Among other things, we cleared the dislike and distrust she had for her mother-in-law and the lack of respect she had for her father-in-law as well as victim energies because of what they did.
A while later she agreed to visit them and told me, "Normally I would have had palpitations and stuff, but I was so calm and serene, I couldn't believe it. It's never been like this, a definite win!”
And she spent this past Christmas with them and reported, “I dealt with it really well!”
~ Jen T
It’s time for YOU to receive REAL RESULTS like this, too.
It’s time for you to take action and give yourself the tools that will make it possible for you to break free of the prison that your Story has created, a Story that exists only in your own mind.
A Story that is composed of so many energies that aren’t correct, aren’t valid, aren’t accurate, and plain old just aren’t true.
You might have a real hard time believing that. These energies are so strong that you might very well believe there’s no way they aren’t real, no way they aren’t true.
I promise you there are chapters in your story which have been created by energies that are a figment of your subconscious mind’s imagination.
That’s all they are. They are not correct, they are not true. They do not serve you. It is in your highest and best good to remove them. And I would like to do that for you.
I know how to do it. I’ve done it for myself, I’ve done it for hundreds of clients, and I can do it for you.
Are you still not quite sure what to do?
Do you need more proof that people just like you are now experiencing more of the kind of life they always knew would bring them fulfillment and happiness?
Let them tell you themselves:
“You haven’t given me my life back, you’ve given me the ability to have a life”
“My work with Sydney revolved around ‘feeling more confident and believing in myself.’ Previous to working with Sydney, I had a lot of fear around calling customers and asking for business or asking for an appointment. I was afraid of rejection, afraid they would never return my call, wouldn’t get the job, etc.”
“I also had a great deal of fear around telling potential clients what my rates are. I was afraid they would think my rates are too high, and that I’d never get any business. I basically had no self-confidence when it came to trying to sell myself and my business.”
“During out four sessions together, she cleared numerous traumas that were blocking my ability to feel more confident, both in my personal and professional life. My business more than doubled by the end of that year and it’s such a relief to be rid of all that fear and anxiety.
Sydney, you haven’t given me my life back, you’ve given me the ability to have a life. I will be eternally grateful.”
~ Arlene H.
“People don’t realize the crap they’re carrying around with them”
“What a 180 degree turnaround in the past 60 days! I’m in a much better place than I was two months ago. There’s been such a shift of perception and a release of life-long demons I’ve held onto for all these years.”
“People don’t realize the crap they’re carrying around with them, I’m a perfect example. They know it’s something, but they don’t know how to fix it. I’m grateful every day that I found you, thank you so very much for this new life!”
~ Carla D.
“OMG… I love my life!”
“It’s like I’m taking back my life! I’m just floored by all the changes – I can’t even remember what it was like before we started! John (her husband) says that working with you is the best investment I’ve ever made.”
~ Penny B. (after only two sessions)
“I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have my brain and my body AND my emotions working together to achieve a common goal”
“Sydney's techniques worked wonders for me. I brought three of my toughest challenges to the table - and a pretty skeptical mind. It's pretty attractive to think that you don't have to do anything to make this work. One by one she uncovered what was really keeping me from having a fit and healthy lifestyle, from completing projects on time, and from having a positive sense of self-worth.”
“The results? Not only did I feel different, I started thinking differently. I bought a new pair of walking shoes - the kind that feel like you're walking in sand. I never would have done that before. I started reading labels and buying some organic foods. Not BIG leaps here, people, but for me, this is HUGE.”
“I didn't force myself to do any of this. I was just in the store and decided to read a label. Then another. I've started valuing myself more and refusing to put as much of the junk in my body in the first place. I've lost 5 pounds so far - no exercise and no forced dieting. Every change has been effortless and almost instinctive. I really didn't think too much about it at all - because my brain was already on high-alert.”
“As for my projects? I came to the table with a new income stream I wanted to get off the ground. That project - in 4 weeks mind you - is ahead of schedule, and two other projects are either almost complete or ahead of schedule as well.”
“I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have my brain and my body AND my emotions working together to achieve a common goal.”
“I know it wouldn't have happened this fast - and this effortlessly - without Sydney's help. Thank you Sydney!”
~ Liz T.
What is it I do that, according to every single person I’ve worked with, is completely different from all the other healers they’ve worked with before?
SECRET: When you and I work together one-on-one, neither you nor I decides what we’re going to do. That’s right, neither of us gets to choose.
So of course you want to know, “Then who does make that decision?”
SECRET: Your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is the one who knows exactly which issues are responsible for keeping you trapped in an unhappy life.
And your Higher Self knows exactly which energies are the most powerful and damaging ones, the ones that need to be cleared first.
Your Higher Self knows if they are Karmic energies, Core Fear energies, Trauma energies, Past Life energies, and so on. Or if they are part of your Story energies.
AND if there are energies that are holding, one or more of those specific energies in place, these energies must be released before any of the other energies can be cleared, and your Higher Self knows exactly what they are.
The reason so many of the clearings you’ve had done don’t work,
is because
the energies that were holding them in place
weren’t cleared first.
Think about it. How many times have you worked with someone who checked to see if, for example, the Past Life energies they’re about to clear are being held in place by energies that won't allow that to happen?
Pretty much no one? Well there’s your answer, that’s why those Past Life energies were never actually released and are still negatively impacting you.
These next clients in particular had strong energies that were keeping trapped in an unhappy life story. Had the energies that were holding them in place not been eliminated first, they could have never gotten these kinds of results:
“In less than three years I took my company from less than $300,000 a year to $2M a year, and the only reason, 100% of the reason, is because I’ve been working with you.”
“I got in touch with Sydney because I thought I might have a ‘money ceiling.’ No matter what I do I’ve never been able to make more than $300,000 a year. I know I can do it and I know my business can do it, but something’s getting in the way of that happening.”
He was right. The power of his Story had him in lockdown and was not allowing him to make more than $300.000.
His Story was made up of, beliefs, programs and a whole lot of other stuff from childhood about wealthy people, including “Only certain people can be millionaires” , “It’s not possible for me to be a millionaire” , “Making more than $300K a year makes me ‘them’ ” and “My parents won’t approve of me, like me, or accept me and I’ll be alienated from me if I become a millionaire.”
So I went to his Higher Self, found out what was holding those flawed perceptions, interpretations, ideas, opinions, etc in place, eradicated them, and this is what happened:
6 MONTHS LATER: “Business is great! We’re up 60% from last year so far!”
BY THE END OIF THAT YEAR (2016): “We’ve had the best year we’ve ever had and it’s definitely been because of our work. I have more money in the bank than I’ve ever had in my entire life. I’m freaked out by the amount of money there is. This is what we wanted, but it makes me feel out of control and I worry I won’t be able to keep; it going.” , “I’m concerned my parents won’t relate to it, they’ll be afraid for me, that I’ll have so much money they won’t know who I am anymore. They’ll think I’m getting too big for my britches.”
So we disappeared the energies that were holding this set of contents of his Story in place.
1 YEAR LATER (2017): “We did $1.2M – I never ever thought I’d ever make that kind of money.”
And we periodically continued to work on it.
2 YEARS LATER (2018): “This past year I’m estimating we did $2M. I haven’t had my taxes done yet so that’s not the final number, but it’s pretty darn close.”
“In less than three years I took my company from less than $300,000 a year to $2M a year, and the only reason, 100% of the reason, is because I’ve been working with you. You uncovered so much junk, so much garbage I had no idea was in there, had no idea was running my life.”
“My family and I have moved to a beautiful new home in a very exclusive town, take vacations I never dreamed I’d ever be able to afford, and have a financially secure future.”
“You are absolutely the very best thing that has ever happened to me and I can never thank you enough.”
~ Brian K.
“I don't know how she does what she does, but the results I have been experiencing are what I would consider unbelievable”
“I don't know how she does what she does, but the results I have been experiencing are what I would consider 'unbelievable' if they weren't happening to me personally. We have been working to 'unearth' and release what I consider some deeply buried and rooted 'psychic blocks'. There have been a few times it’s been sort of kooky, but IT WORKS!”
“After one particular session I was physically exhausted from the emotional release and completely astounded. I went to my best friend's house and we were both completely amazed at how Sydney could create such a 'psychic connection' and be spot on with the particulars of situations she had absolutely no way of knowing about -- things only my best friend has ever been told and that have NEVER been shared with any other living person! Spooky, kooky, air-fairy - call it what you want, but I know that I have been able to produce more and better, as well as make decisions and take actions that support the life choices I want.”
“In the last 5 (YEP, just 5) days, I created a sketch of the stage presentation I’m giving next month, wrote a 44 page booklet from start to finish based on small portion of my presentation, and created a base product to go with it. I started it about 11am on Monday, have revised, corrected and changed URL so I could take it to the printer today, all the while doing the actual technical layout completely on my own - and it doesn't look too shabby for what it is. That’s really impressive for anyone, and I considered it impossible for me until I just did it.”
“I have been so motivated to become efficient and effective in producing tasks to completion! And, yes, there were several opportunities to become side-tracked, I have been remarkably focused. I can only attribute this incredible transformation to the work we have done, I cannot thank you enough.”
~ Leslie R.
“I have been on FIRE!! I’ve gotten more accomplished in the past two weeks than I have in the past year!”
“This just blows me away. I never believed in past lives and felt better about it after you told me you didn’t either, which makes everything that’s happened since our last session even more unbelievable. You cleared “… I knew that knowing what steps to take and the most effective way to take them and being honorable were mutually exclusive” and “… when I became aware that knowing that I knew what to do and how to do it and honoring God were mutually exclusive.”
“I have been on FIRE!! I love going into the office every day and somehow just knowing what to do next. And doing it! No more procrastination and spending the entire day beating up on myself for it. I’ve gotten more accomplished in the past two weeks than I have in the past year, all without having to make myself do it. I just do it! It felt weird the first week because I was waiting for the struggle and the procrastination to come back, but it hasn’t.”
“This is the strangest thing that’s ever happened to me, it’s like you changed the software in my brain or something. It’s voodoo for sure and you do it so well! If this keeps up my whole life is going to completely change and I’m going to renew for eight more sessions to make sure it does. Look out world, here I come!”
~ Philip M.
“As you can see, I’m pretty stoked!”
“Again after a session with you where we worked on getting rid of whatever it was that was ‘Sabotaging my focus and interfering with being a person who uses time efficiently, effectively & productively,’ I have produced marketing, organizational and process materials for our brick and mortar business as well as evaluated a potential new business opportunity.”
“I also negotiated the terms for and created not one but three ad spots that everyone liked so well that we are rotating the three instead of using just one. And I personally recorded all of them.” (local radio)
“Ironically I completed most of this while not feeling fabulous physically. I am choosing to believe that I can accomplish all that is vital to me being a person who is creating and enjoying a 7 figure income. As you can see, I’m pretty stoked!”
~ Mary S.
“THANK YOU for being a strong part of my village. I appreciate you and how you have contributed to freeing me to be all that I am destined to be.”
“(March2016) Oh my goodness! One word....FABULOUS! I can't wait to talk with you and tell you what has been happening. In April I will surpass my 2015 revenue number. In APRIL! Oh my! I love you and the renewed focus and energy you have given me.”
(June 2016) “Revenue is over 3 times of what I did last year! I can’t believe it! Now to make time for myself and enjoy more of my time... that will take a bit more work.”
(2 sessions later) “I’m done most days at 7pm, it’s so weird. I’m working smarter now. I’ve always struggled to get everything done and now I look at myself in the mirror and have no work to do! My life is a lot calmer, more fulfilling and I’m starting to do things that make me feel good.”
“THANK YOU for being a strong part of my village. I appreciate you and how you have contributed to freeing me to be all that I am destined to be. Hugs...”
~ Carla D.
If you aren’t convinced by now, then maybe what I do is not for you and you need to go look somewhere else. No hard feelings, some of us resonate with some healers better than we resonate with others. I sincerely wish you all the very best and all the success and happiness in the world.
Who are longing and yearning for a better life
Who know that it’s possible,
but might not be so sure it’s possible for you
Who (reluctantly) understand there is no Magic Bullet and are ready & willing to experience another form of energy healing
Who are ready to step up and give it one more try
A very special program that will guide and support you to
- If you’re willing to let go of your Story so you can have a life that truly makes you happy,
- If you’re ready to receive the opportunities, the synchronicities and the right people at just the right time so you can create an authentic life that is even better than you imagined,
- If you sincerely desire to raise your vibrational frequency so that abundance of all kinds is attracted to you and you’re able to allow it into your life,
There are four options for you to choose from
PACKAGE A is four modules with three MP3s each, to clear the most common energies that create and maintain your Story.
There are also four live POWER BOOSTER group calls, one for each module, so you can make special requests for customized clearings which will benefit everyone else who has a similar issue, whether they’re on the call live or listening to the replay.
A Bonus recording of clearings and downloads that I always use the first time I work privately with a client that clears any energies that might get in the way of them receiving the optimum possible benefits and downloads energies that also enables them to receive the highest and best results for them.
This will allow YOU to reap the maximum benefits from all the recordings.
PACKAGE B is everything in Package A plus the entire original Get Unstuck Foundation Program of four modules with 14 MP3s that contain more than 1,000 energy deactivations and clearings that are truly a foundation that make it possible for you to create and live your Highest and Best Life, and also makes it possible to receive even better outcomes from any energy work you ever experience.
Package C has everything in Package B plus one 45-minute private session with Sydney so you can receive customized clearings guided by your Higher Self for your unique issues
The VIP PACKAGE is one 45-minute private session with Sydney where you can have her do a deep dive into any issue(s) you’d like with the support and guidance from your Higher Self.
Lots of great options, please choose the one(s) that resonate with you the most!
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Discount: 97%
Total Package Value $3200
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
12 MP3s
4 Power Booster group calls
Discount : 97%
Total Package Value $6047
FHTJ Super Value
Special Offer
12 MP3s
4 Power Booster group calls
Discount: 95%
Total Package Value $6322
FHTJ Super Value
Special Offer
12 MP3s
4 Power Booster group calls
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
![money back logo](https://orderjoynow.com/wp-content/themes/optimizePressTheme/lib/assets/images/guarantee_box/money-back-logo.png)
Package A: 30 day Refund guarantee
Package B, C & VIP: No Refund after 30 days or after Session is Taken, Whichever Comes First. Please cancel scheduled session prior to requesting refund.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Unsure of which package is best suited for you? Book a call with us to find out
Package A
This package contains four modules and a total of 12 MP3s, that contain dozens of energy deactivations and clearings. Every MP3 is encoded with powerful energies that are effective forever. Each MP3 is approximately 15 minutes long. You can listen to them in any order you wish, however, the bonus MP3 should most definitely be listened to first.
In every recording, after the negative energies have been deactivated and cleared they will be immediately replaced with the exact opposite positive energies and any other empowering energies that Source selects for you.
We’re all different and energies that are effective for you may not be what is in the highest and best good for someone else. This is why I direct Source, who knows better than anyone else what each of you needs, to select the perfect beneficial energies for YOU at that time.
At the end of each MP3, you’ll also receive an energy shift to “update and align all of your energy fields and energy bodies, synchronize them with your Etheric Body, and bring them into balance with your Divine Path.” Your Divine Path is living your Highest and Best Life in the Highest and Best Way with Ease, Joy and Grace.
There is also a Bonus MP3 you should listen to first. Otherwise, you can listen to them in any order you like. Please leave at least five days between MP3s to give them time to process.
Module 1:
Three MP3s encoded with powerful energies to DEACTIVATE AND CLEAR destructive energies that do not allow you to escape from the power of your Story.
“Deactivate and clear the energies that support:
- Judgement
- Criticism
- Humiliation
- Shame
that do not allow me to escape from the power of my Story”
“My food story changed”
“My food story changed, I'm eating more healthy now. Yesterday I decided to walk more and take a yoga class- no “I have to,” no “how fat I am” self-talk.”
~ J.B.
“I am a lot more confident and optimistic and because of that aced my third interview and was offered a wonderful new job”
“I am doing great...I feel like I am a lot more confident and optimistic and because of that aced my third interview and was offered a wonderful new job, much better suited for me :-). Thank you so much for all your help.”
~ Catherine B.
“That came out of my mouth?!!”
“After church on Sunday we stopped at the Dairy Queen like we often do. My husband asked what I wanted and I thought about it for a few seconds and told him I didn’t want anything. I really didn’t feel like it and felt perfectly OK about it. It was wonderful but it was strange… ‘That came out of my mouth?’ !!”
~ Lisa R.
Module 2:
Three MP3s encoded with powerful energies to DEACTIVATE AND CLEAR disempowering energies that keep you trapped in an unhappy life Story.
“Deactivate and clear energies that support:
- Betrayal
- Abandonment
- Rejection
- Love unreturned
that keep me trapped in an unhappy life Story”
“I never in a million years thought I’d be that person.”
“When I walk into the kitchen now, I feel invincible. I just don’t want to eat – that’s a totally new concept to me. I just don't want to!! I never in a million years thought I’d be that person.”
~ Rochelle D.
“I’ve been carrying on with decluttering every room in the house and can’t believe how much I’ve accomplished!”
“First session – Did quite a few clearings on procrastination issues regarding clutter.
Second session – “I've been getting stuff done and it’s been so easy. I’ve worked on three, four rooms since we first spoke. This has been such a long-standing issue, I'm so proud of myself!”
Fourth session – “I’ve been carrying on with decluttering every room in the house and can’t believe how much I’ve accomplished! And I’ve noticed there’s less internal clutter in my head, too.”
~ Melanie P.
“I've made so much progress it's like night and day.”
“I had a lot of fears having to do with writing my book and publishing my book. After listening to the MP3s and two private sessions, I’m doing very, very good.”
After only one session: Three days after we spoke I called my publisher and asked for an extension and hired an editor. I feel like I've made so much progress it's like night and day. My personal life is really good too.”
After two sessions: “Changes growing by leaps and bounds. I finished the book, needed to find another publisher and did that. The feedback was very positive.” Also shot some promotional videos, created a Facebook page, created an opt-in landing page, and am in the process of creating a lead magnet.”
~ T.F.
Module 3:
Three MP3s encoded with powerful energies to DEACTIVATE AND CLEAR the corrupted energies that do not allow you to get unstuck from your Story.
“Deactivate and clear energies that support:
- Opinions
- Perceptions
- Conclusions
- Projections
that do not allow me to get unstuck from my Story”
“I no longer have this fear of being more”
“I always block myself once I reach a certain level. I don't want to be visible, I don't like to show my abilities. I don't want to be "more".
“I'm feeling much better now. I no longer have this fear of being more, now it just doesn't matter, I just want to be more for the right reasons.”
~ Judith B.
“I felt I wasn’t good enough, not worth loving.”
“I felt I wasn’t good enough, not worth loving. I don't like my body and I want to be thinner. Now I’ve joined a course on health, fitness and success and am meditating now, and I haven't done that for a long time.”
“I feel so much better after all of the energies we released last time. I'm much more neutral about not being good enough now. I've released more fat and am not sabotaging myself nearly as much with food.”
~ T.N.
Module 4:
Three MP3s encoded with powerful energies to DEACTIVATE AND CLEAR painful energies that keep you from creating a more authentic life
“Deactivate and clear energies that support:
- Sadness
- Regret
- Guilt
- Unworthiness
that keep me from creating more authentic life”
“I feel that I’m worth that time, effort and energy now.”
“I’ve been using my belly dancing DVD at least twice a week and have other structured exercise time too. I walk more, go up and down the stairs more, play more actively with my son now… And my husband and I are now taking a walk once a week together.”
“It’s a huge shift, like something just snapped and now I feel so much freedom around it. I feel that I’m worth that time, effort and energy now.”
~ Amy L.
“Exercising and eating well have become a habit now.”
“I ordered an exercise DVD and have been using it and I’ve been making healthy food choices, I've been eating pretzels rather than potato chips. And the exercising and eating well have become a habit now. All this is making a difference, my clothes are much looser and some are too big to wear now.”
~ S.E.
Remember, on every MP3 after the negative energies have been deactivated and cleared they will be immediately replaced with empowering, beneficial and positive energies that Source selects specifically for you.
These 1-hour calls will take place every other week and will focus on the subject of each of the four modules in the package.
You’ll receive additional clearings for the subject of the module and there will be plenty of time for your personal requests for customized clearings.
Everyone else on the live call as well as those of you who listen to the replay who have the same or very similar issues will benefit from these energy shifts, too.
Some calls may last for more than an hour if there are a lot of personal requests. You’ll receive a link to the replay the next day.
Call Dates: Tuesday May 7th, Tuesday May 21st, Tuesday June 4th, and Tuesday June 25th at 7PM Eastern, 6pm Central, 5pm Mountain, 4pm Pacific - local time (U.S. Daylight Savings Time in most states).
Outside North America, please check your favorite Time Zone Converter website. I usually use http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc
It is strongly advised to listen to this MP3 first so you can receive the maximum benefit from this program. Think of it as the foundation that will make it possible for you to receive, allow, process, integrate and activate the energy shifts in the highest and best way for you at that time.
One MP3 encoded with over 60 powerful energies that clear Core Beliefs & Programs that prevent you from receiving the MAXIMUM BENEFITS from the energy work in this package as well as energy work done by other healers.
So many of you get discouraged and frustrated because you’ve listened to so many calls and heard so many audience members talk about the shifts they had right on the call, and then you read the testimonials about the life-changing improvements other people have experienced from working with this healer, and you think,
“That sure as heck never happens to me.”
And how many of you have bought numerous packages and worked one-on-one with healers, and just haven’t received the changes and benefits you hoped for or expected. Who could blame you for wondering,
“Why does it work for all these other people, but not for me?”
This bonus recording includes the most common subconscious beliefs and programs that block you from receiving the most optimal results and outcomes from energy work and clears them from all your energy fields and energy bodies.
You’ll also receive energetic downloads of positive and empowering programs and beliefs to take the place of the ones that were deactivated and released.
The healings in this bonus will make a very positive difference when you go through the energy-encoded audios in this package as well as when you work with other healers.
Total Package Value $3200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 97% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
This package includes everything in Package A, including the four Power Booster group calls and the bonus MP3
The GET UNSTUCK FOUNDATION PROGRAM has four modules and 14 MP3s that contain more than one thousand energy deactivations and clearings. Each and every MP3 is encoded with powerful energies that are effective forever.
In every recording, after the negative energies have been deactivated and cleared they will be immediately replaced with the exact opposite positive energies and any other empowering energies that Source selects for you.
We’re all different and energies that are effective for you may not be what is in the highest and best good for someone else. This is why I direct Source, who knows better than anyone else what each of you needs, to select the perfect beneficial energies for YOU.
At the end of each MP3, you’ll also receive an energy shift to “update and align of your energy fields and energy bodies, synchronize them with your Etheric Body, and bring them into balance with your Divine Path.” Your Divine Path is living your Highest and Best Life in the Highest and Best Way with Ease, Joy and Grace.
Included in every MP3 is the INTENTION that anything that’s been successfully cleared that’s preventing other energy work you’ve previously received from being integrated and activated, to now allow those energy shifts to take place in the highest and best way, at the highest and best rate and in the highest and best order for you.
It would not be in your highest and best good for dozens or even hundreds of energy shifts to suddenly be activated; it would be too overwhelming for your system and would cause a major healing crisis. Source, in conjunction with your Divine Timing, will oversee and direct these energy shifts in the highest and best way for you.
Please listen to the modules in this program in order and the MP3s in each module in order. This package has been designed to progress you through specific energy shifts in a specific order.
Of course you can do whatever you like, however, if you’re really serious about getting unstuck, you won’t sabotage yourself by doing it your way. Please save “having it your way” for your Burger King order.
Module 5:
Six MP3s encoded with powerful energies to clear Fears of Failure that are keeping you STUCK
1, 2 & 3. Clear Core Beliefs and Programs for Fear of Failure
- I fear I will fail
- I fear I will always fail
- I fear that failing is inevitable
- I fear being criticized and embarrassed when I fail
- I fear what will or might happen if I fail
- I fear that no matter how hard I try I will fail
“After listening to just the first two mp3s about fear of failure, I couldn't believe that I signed up yesterday!”
“Every year our office participates in a walk for breast cancer and I always find some excuse not to do it because I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it.
After listening to just the first two mp3s about fear of failure, I couldn't believe that I signed up yesterday! Me!!! It's tomorrow and while I do have a little anxiety about it I'm not going into a panic about it.
I'm going to show up tomorrow, maybe not as enthusiastic as everyone else, but at least I will be proud of myself for being there and trying.”
~ Linda from PA Facebook post
4, 5 & 6. Clear Core Beliefs and Programs for Fear of Being a Failure
- I fear I am a failure
- I fear I’m always going to be a failure
- I fear that I expect to be a failure
- I fear that I’m a loser and a failure
- I fear the shame of being a failure
- I fear that no matter how hard I work I will be a failure
“I feel more empowered - some of the fears about starting a business are gone.”
“After listening to the MP3s on fear of failure I feel more empowered, I'm coming into my voice more, some of the fears about starting a business are gone. I'm working on a website now.”
~ M.K.
“Good things have happened.”
“I felt lighter and better after listening to the MP3s in the module about fear of failure and good things have happened.”
~ Steve A.
Module 6:
Two MP3s encoded with powerful energies to clear Fears of Success that are keeping you STUCK
1. Clear Core Beliefs and Programs for Fear of Success
- I have some fears about success
- I have some fears about what I believe I will or might lose if I succeed
- I have some fears that people will resent me if I succeed
- I have some fears about not fitting in if I succeed
- I have some fears that I’m not smart enough to succeed
- I have some fears concerning what it would take to succeed
“The mp3s on success changed my life.”
“The MP3s in your package were so powerful - I was originally so panicked about where I am in my life - it went so well because of your package. The MP3s on success changed my life.”
~ Valerie D.
“I no longer have that pit in my stomach, there isn’t as much emotional charge around it anymore.”
“I’ve been working on building up the courage and confidence to leave my husband of 30 years for a while now. Now when I think of leaving I no longer have that pit in my stomach. I’m not motivated enough to leave quite yet, but there isn’t as much emotional charge around it anymore.”
~ Jody B.
2. Clear Core Beliefs and Programs for Fear of Being Successful
- I have some fears that I might be successful
- I have some fears about what I imagine will or might happen if I’m successful
- I have some fears about people being jealous of me when I’m successful
- I have some fears about losing my friends if I’m successful
- I have some fears that if I’m successful I’ll lose it all
- I have some fears that being successful isn’t worth what I’d need to do to get there
“I’ve listened to several of the MP3s and so far I am feeling much more positive and open minded.”
“I’ve gotten good results from your MP3s: I’ve listened to several of them and so far I am feeling much more positive and open minded. I noticed that I'm observing opportunities and considering them, I'm more thankful, my overall attitude is better and more optimistic, I'm more in flow, and the answers I need seem to come to me just as I need them.”
~ M.Y.
Module 7:
Two MP3s encoded with powerful energies that will energetically download into your system POSITIVE and BENEFICIAL ENERGIES about Success and Being Successful!
1. Positive & Empowering Beliefs and Programs about Success & Succeeding energetically downloaded into your system
- I know it’s possible for me to succeed
- I know it’s safe for me to succeed
- I know I’m smart enough to succeed
- I’m determined to succeed
- I have limitless faith and confidence I’m going to succeed
- I’m aligned on all levels with success
“The Say Yes to Success recordings are my favorites. They have such a positive energy to them and motivate me.”
“The Say Yes to Success recordings are my favorites, I’ve listened to them over and over. They have such a positive energy to them and they have motivated me to start moving on a project I’ve been sitting on for a long time. Whenever doubts come up about whether I can really succeed at this or my confidence dips and I wonder if I should be spending time, energy and money on it, I stop, listen to them and am motivated to keep on going.”
~ Marya R.
“After listening to the Say Yes to Success MP3s I feel sparkly and new!”
~ Marilyn B.
2. Positive & Empowering Beliefs and Programs about Being Successful energetically downloaded into your system
- I know I’m allowed to be successful
- I know I deserve to be successful
- I know I have what it takes to be successful
- I know I’m ready to be successful
- I know I can do what I need to do to be successful
- I’m aligned on all levels with consistently taking action in the highest and best way starting right now to be successful
“That is what I call fast results!”
“An hour after our session a mystery shopper company called me and offered me to do a shop for $100. They usually pay $25 or $50 to do a shop, but this time they offered me double.”
“That is what I call fast results!”
~ Daniel R.
“I attribute the shifts in my life to your MP3s, they are very powerful.”
“I attribute the shifts in my life to your MP3s, they are very powerful and I could feel the energy moving as I was listening to them. I know your package had a lot to do with bringing Matt into my life after you released the energy patterns I was carrying about my deceased fiancé, who died two years ago and was the love of my life.”
~ Kelli B.
Module 8:
Four MP3s encoded with powerful energies to clear Fears of Change that are keeping you STUCK
1. Clear Core Beliefs and Programs for Fear of Change
- I lack the sincere desire to make the choices I’d need to make to change
- It’s not possible for me to do what I’d need to do to change
- I’m not allowed to be who I’d need to be to change
- I’m not ready to change
- I’m not willing to change
“It’s like they have given me permission to make a change in my life.”
“After listening to the mp3s something is clicking, it's working, I'm on my way! It’s like they have given me permission to make a change in my life, to try new things and expand my life.”
“I felt like I was floating when I was listening to them and ever since then I feel a lot lighter, too.”
~ H.G.
“If I hadn't listened to your package I wouldn't have been able to make a very serious decision in my life regarding my son.”
“If I hadn't listened to your package I wouldn't have been able to make a very serious decision in my life regarding my son. It made me feel more confident, I was able to make that choice more easily and other choices also.”
~ D.O.
2. Clear Core Beliefs and Programs for Fear of Change
- It’s not safe for me to be who I’d need to be to change
- It’s not right to make the choices I’d need to make to change
- It’s not good for me to make the changes Id need to make to change
- I’m afraid to make a change
- I don’t want to do what I’d need to do to change
“After listening to these MP3s, I feel more emboldened to take a chance.”
“I’ve always been afraid to make a change even though I’m not happy and would like my life to be different. For some reason I’ve been waiting until “a good time” even though I don’t know what that is.”
“After listening to these MP3s, I feel more emboldened to take a chance.”
~ Rona W.
“WOW! Huge shifts! I have noticed many clear changes in my life.”
“WOW! Huge shifts! I listened to these MP3 clearings and I have noticed many clear changes in my life. I have new clarity in ways to shift my career, and I discovered I have a much larger inheritance than I had imagined.”
~ G.K
3. Clear Core Beliefs and Programs for Fear of Change
- I can't change
- I don’t know how to do what I’d need to do to change
- I fear what I will or might lose if I change
- I won’t know who I am if I change
- I won't know what to do if things change
“After listening to these MP3s I’ve been taking more action than before and I’m impressed.”
“I have problems with procrastination and have seen positive movement after listening to these MP3s. I’ve been taking more action than before and I’m impressed.”
~ Suzanne O.
“I'm getting excited by all the possibilities out there!”
“I realized that one of the things that’s keeping me stuck is that there are things I’m afraid I would lose if I make a change in my life. When I saw there were MP3s in this package that had clearings about fearing change, I decided to buy it and am so glad I did. I’m a lot more relaxed with considering and even doing different things now, and I'm getting excited by all the possibilities out there!”
~ L.M.
4. Clear Core Beliefs and Programs for Fear of Change
- I’m afraid if what it would be like if things change
- I’m afraid of what people would think about me if I change
- I’m afraid people will criticize me if I change
- I’m afraid I’ll wish I hadn’t done it
- I’m afraid I’ll be worse off than I was before things changed
“I’m feeling so much more optimistic, positive and free-er.”
“I didn’t believe my life could ever change, but after listening to these MP3s, I’m feeling so much more optimistic, positive and free-er.”
~ George S.
“I feel like we've cleared the house and taken 50 bags of garbage to the curb.”
“I have much more confidence now to start to make my dream life happen. I've said goodbye to outdated beliefs holding me back. I feel like we've cleared the house and taken 50 bags of garbage to the curb.”
~ Catherine B.
Total Package Value $6047
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177
*** 97% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C
This package includes everything in Package A, Escape From the Power of Your Story, including the four Power Booster group calls and the bonus MP3
the entire original GET UNSTUCK FOUNDATION PROGRAM In Package B
One 45-minute private session with Sydney
One 45-minute private session with Sydney
You’re a special and unique person - there is no one else like you on the planet. And you’ve also had your own personal set of life experiences as well as past life experiences and a whole host of other things that are all affecting your current reality.
There may be specific results you desire that cannot fully manifest after you have listened to all the MP3s in Package A Or Package B, because there are energies that are holding some of the clearings in place and will not allow them to be released
The only way to release them is in a private session, because there are quite a few issues that could be the culprit which do not lend themselves to a general process.
To remove them the Command must be specifically tailored using the exact words that apply to YOU in order to successfully clear them.
I strongly advise going through all of the MP3s first so we can get down to business right away. It doesn’t make sense (to me anyway, but it’s your money) to spend our one-on-one time together to ferret out and work on items covered in the MP3s that would have been released had you listened to them before your private session.
I’d love to work with you and make sure you’re able to escape from the power of your Story that is holding you hostage and keeping you trapped in a life in which you’re neither happy nor feeling fulfilled.
“My whole life changed after my first session with you.”
“My whole life changed after my first session with you. Now I'm in the clean-out phase and I'm not attracting any more chaos or loss in my life. I actually feel I can create what I want to, things are definitely really changing for me.”
~ Alison W.
“I've been having more clarity, shifts, and have had major breakthroughs.”
First session – (Email) “Thank you so very much for an awesome session today, it was beautiful!!! I am so looking forward to living with more clarity now, yay!”
Second session – “I've been having more clarity, shifts, and have had major breakthroughs. The migraines are much better, less pain, and overall I feel lighter.”
Six weeks later – “The migraines have definitely decreased and my life keeps getting better and better, thank you so much.”
~ B.G.
“I’ve been taking action and doing things, and don't have to make myself do things as much anymore.”
First session – We worked on not being able to be healed. Don't deserve it, not allowed to, it’s not possible, it’s not safe, it’s not good, I’m not ready, not willing, and fears about being healed. “At end of session, I felt this deep relaxation and am at peace, I know it's helping.”
Second session – “I’ve been conscious of not getting in the way of myself, feeling more positive, moving and doing, not as negative about things. I’ve been taking action and doing things and don't have to make myself do things as much anymore. Have been making better food choices, too.”
~ Cathy M.
“My business has picked up, too, and I am so grateful.”
“I’ve definitely noticed an increase in energy and feeling of well-being. My business has picked up, too, and I am so grateful. I’m looking forward to continuing our work together.”
~ Sandra M.
The FHTJ standard refund and scheduling policy is applicable in every way except for the exceptions enumerated below.
No refunds for private sessions can be issued more than 30 days after the original purchase UNLESS:
- You have canceled all appointments you have made on the online scheduling calendar first
- You’re unable to get on the calendar because there are no appointment times left in that 30 day time period.
Please contact me directly at sydney@sydneybarrows.com if you’re having this problem and I’ll take care of it personally with you.
There is a one-year time limit for using your one-on-one sessions
Depending on how many private sessions you have taken, it might not be possible to schedule or reschedule an appointment at a mutually agreeable time within 30 days of purchase. Therefore, once the initial 30 days has passed and you still haven’t been able to schedule or use your session(s), they are good for one year from purchase.
Cancellations and Rescheduling
Sessions must be canceled or rescheduled at least four full days (a full 96 hours) prior to the exact date and time they were scheduled, U.S. Eastern time (New York City) so there is enough time to notify people on the wait list and give that spot to someone else.
Missed appointments (no shows) and requests to cancel or reschedule appointments less than 4 days (96 hours) in advance as stated above, cannot be honored and your session will be forfeited.
Please note these exceptions to the standard FHTJ money back guarantee and other policies
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Total Package Value $6322
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $327 $247
*** 95% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
“I wish I could write you a check for $1 million dollars!”
“This has been the most amazing quarter of any year in my entire life, I never imagined I’d make this much money in my entire life. And every day I wake up and it gets better and better, it’s like I’m a magnet, business comes out of nowhere!”
“I wish I could write you a check for $1 million dollars, and even that wouldn’t be enough to compensate you and thank you for all that you have done for me, my business and my life. None of this would be happening if it weren’t for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
~ Trish L.
“I’m much more motivated to do stuff since I started working with you.”
Problem: Procrastination
“This week I feel better than I have in years. I’m much more motivated to do stuff since I started working with you. As things I’d like to do pop into my mind, many times I’ll just get it done now or I’ll write it down in my calendar and schedule a time to do it. And there’s no struggling to do it, it comes so naturally, I don’t fight with myself anymore. It’s such a relief, I cannot thank you enough.”
~ Colin Y.
“There are more opportunities coming my way than ever before – and they’re finding me!”
“Things have been roaring down the track in a really, really good way! It’s like being hit by lightening! There are more opportunities coming my way than ever before – and they’re finding me! It’s thrilling – working with you is the best thing I’ve ever done!”
~ Narai F.
“I spent the weekend relaxing and never thought once about going to the office, which is very unusual for me.”
“After we spoke on Tuesday, I worked late that night as well as the next two nights, but by 5:30 on Friday I was packing it up to go home. I shocked myself and my co-worker! On Sunday I happened to be near the office & let a coworker into the building but then I left immediately.”
“And this past Friday I didn't work late as I normally would and spent the weekend relaxing and never thought once about going to the office which is very unusual for me. I have seen a lot of butterflies around, too, since our call.”
~ Lisa B.
“My life feels so much more effortless now and I feel safe and supported for the first time in my life.”
“Sydney is truly a remarkable healer! I had struggled with being stuck for years. I was unable to access my power and really do what I came here to do, in a big way. During our session together she tapped into me and discovered that I was holding the belief that I was not permitted to exist. Holy cow! It’s no wonder I’ve always felt like a “stranger in a strange land.”
“Ever since this was released, I feel safe and supported for the first time in my life. And I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin, which is an entirely new experience for me. And I feel completely grounded now without even trying.“
“Sydney, I can’t thank you enough. I feel so different. My life feels so much more effortless now. I’m ever so grateful for you and your gift! Thank you!”
~ Karen Heywood
About Sydney Barrows
Sydney Barrows is an experienced light worker with clients on every continent except the North and South Poles.
She’s walked in your shoes and has personally lived and suffered from so many of the challenges you face, too, making her uniquely qualified to pin-point the causes of the emotional, psychological and spiritual pain and suffering that are keeping you stuck in the prison of your own mind.
Working directly with your Higher Self, Sydney identifies the energies that are keeping you trapped and then creates a personalized protocol specifically for you that deeply and thoroughly clears all those energies from wherever they exist, releasing them from all the layers that reach down to the root of where they began in the first place.
These energies may have originated in this lifetime or other lifetimes.
They could be Trauma or Core Fear energies that go back hundreds if not thousands of years.
They could be energies of Past Life Experiences that may have followed you in your various incarnations for centuries.
They could be Egoic energies that are part of your Identity formed in this lifetime or that you have carried with you from previous lifetimes.Whatever they are, wherever they are, she will find them and get rid of them so you can live your Highest and Best Life in the Highest and Best Way for YOU.
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DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.