Susann Taylor Shier’s Special Offer

Speaker, intuitive channel and founder of Soul Mastery


Yellow-Star-125x125The Missing Piece You Have Been Looking For Yellow-Star-125x125


Effortless, Extraordinary and Immediate Soul Healing!

“If you only dream of truthfully being seen, heard, understood and supported from your soul and humanness- dream no more. Susann Taylor Shier is a rare and comforting find in this world of chaos, stress and unassuredness. She has been an unwavering support in my life for over 15 years. I attribute my strength, my success, in my marriage, my business, my relationships and my soul to the true LOVE AND SUPPORT I have received from this special being. Thanks Susann, I love you.”

~ JFD in Boulder, CO

  • Experience, as Never Before, a Tangible Connection to your True Purpose, Soul Origin, Home Essence and Spiritual Family.
  • Feel Seen and Truly Understood for the First Time.
  • Access the Power Inherent in Your Soul’s Akashic Records
  • Clear Your Personal Challenges Down to the Soul Level.
  • Connect with the Space of Limitless Possibilities.
  • Stay Connected in the Here and Now for a Life Time.
  • Come Home to the Wealth of Your Soul.

This is the Power of the Journey you’re about to embark on!


Discount: 85% Off
Total Package Value $700
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer $99



Discount: 85% Off
Total Package Value $995
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer $149


No refund once session is availed

Package A

“Thank heavens for Susann. She has been my go-to person for 18 years to take my next soulful step and expand my connection. I went from being afraid to go out of the house to running a six-figure business that I am passionate about. That works for me!”

~ Joan

“We walked through some horrific old patterns with lightening speed. It was stuff I never thought I could get over, but here I am – happy to be alive. It’s a miracle.”

~ Diana


Did You KNOW … Most of your current struggles stem from soul level challenges that have been with you for a long time? That’s why you still have them even though you have tried EVERYTHING to stop the patterns that keep you from accessing the treasure chest of you.

  • If you feel lost, isolated, without direction …
  • If you feel that love has passed you by …
  • If you feel that you’ll never get on top of your financial burdens …

DISCOVER THE ANSWERS to your burning questions:

THIS IS THE TIME for you to get to the true root cause of your issues and release them once and for all.

  • Learn how to access YOUR AKASHIC RECORDS to have the tools to heal yourself in any moment.
  • Be transformed at your very core and you will be utterly astonished at the new you!
  • Imagine accessing your soul’s gifts and discovering how to live from those soul strengths.
  • How would this magnetize the life of your dreams a thousand fold?

Susann has been successfully bringing thousands of people “Home To Themselves” through her potent and radical Transformative Soul Mastery Work.

  • There is no deeper, more profound method.
  • Activate your spirit’s abundance beyond anything you have ever experienced.
  • This activation includes your DNA, cellular memory, past lives and body consciousness.
  • You are about to engage in a potent metamorphosis.

Yellow-Star-125x125Your Soul Revelation Program DIAMOND Package Includes Yellow-Star-125x125



  • Connect with your soul family and place of true Home.
  • Unlock all that your soul wishes you to receive of your destiny.
  • Reunite with your soul essence, wealth and wisdom.
  • Learn how to do soul level activations for yourself.
  • Open the doors to your soul’s personal mission.
  • Give expression to that mission in your daily life.
  • Remember that you are deeply supported by a generous Universe that always has your back and holds you sacred.

“When I heard from Susann where my soul was birthed, trained and given life, it felt like a Homecoming. It left as if someone deep inside of me said, “Yes, it is okay to be YOU.”

~ Rev. Deb Hogan

“Understanding our soul gifts and challenges has saved our marriage. We can now feel the natural depth of soul connection and return to that when struggles arise.”

~ Kevin and Charlene



soul-radiance-cd-coverThis is the means for you to activate all you wish for yourself!

The Soul Radiance guided journey meditation you can use daily to connect and commune with your truest core and have full access to it anytime. Integrate that soul essence into your heart and into your life and know now that you have the ability to expand your connection to your universal nature and universal heart whenever you wish.



Akashic-1-125x125The Akashic Records are the record of all knowledge for your soul, and all souls, for all time.

Open the Akashic Field for soul wisdom and perspective and connect to the bounty of all your soul radiantly holds.

  • Learn how to open the Akashic Records Field.
  • Learn to trust your guidance when you are connected to the Akashic Records.
  • Learn to communicate and commune with the reservoir of wisdom and support the Akashic Record Field has to offer you.
  • Enjoy the joy and abundance that comes as you unite with this sacred world.
  • Release the fears that keep you from successfully working in the Akashic Record Field.



Purple-Globes-300x150Activate your Power, Passion and Purpose ~ Transform Your Life Challenges at the Soul Level!

Learn the secret to SOUL LEVEL MANIFESTATION so that you can KNOW that the whole universe and your Guides support you 110% in all you choose to create.

Do you feel displaced or lonely even if you consider yourself a spiritual person?
Do you question your reason for continuing on your current path?
Do you feel unmotivated or uninspired while still longing to contribute in larger ways?

  • Learn how to access YOUR AKASHIC RECORDS to have the tools to heal yourself in any moment.
  • Start living from your Soul strengths.
  • Make clear choices based on Spirit’s pulsations.
  • Learn how you can be a teacher and guide for others and if that is part of your blueprint.

The Access Your Akashic Records teaches you how to listen with accuracy to the true intuitive guidance system inherent within you.



soul-reunion-workshop-212x300Our deepest longing is to be in union with infinite Love, held by the Beloved. This is your opportunity to heal the wounds within you that prevent you from having that true longing fulfilled.

Through your experience with the Soul Reunion Workshop, you will know how to bring the gift of your union with Spirit to all of your life. You will learn how to heal all your wounds and challenges for yourself.

  • Reunite with all that is love, joy and abundance, for that is the true nature of your soul.
  • Discover how to bring the missing piece into your life so you feel complete and whole. Yes! To finally feel great about yourself.
  • The joy of experiencing union with infinite Love in our sacred heart and fullness of being: this is truly knowing Home.
  • Learn how to handle your emotions creatively as part of your beloved soul reunion.
  • LOVE YOURSELF ENOUGH to give yourself and every precious part of you the gift of union with the universal heart of Love.


September Sacred Soul Circle

Value: $25

Monthly-Sacred-Soul-Circle-Nebula-620x270 (1)The Soul Mastery Monthly Sacred Soul Circle gives you special one on one time with Susann through personal reading opportunities and a live question and answer period, as well as a powerful guided journey meditation to connect you with the resources awaiting you.

This is a phenomenal opportunity to feed your soul and develop your soul directed life while receiving personal time with Susann!

Package A

Total Package Value $700

From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $99
*** 85% Saving ***


Ultimate Package


Yellow-Star-125x125Imagine a NEW YOU! Imagine no longer carrying all those Fears, Pain and Negative Emotions with you anymore. The Soul Revelation ULTIMATE PACKAGE gives you all this and MORE!

“After I let all that we did in our Ultimate Package session sink in, I wanted to thank you again for this great and truly life-changing ride! I can feel my system already running on the new version of me and updating and applying the new “software” we installed to all files that I open. So many old issues have already fallen away and it feels as if this is just the beginning. I wanted to tell you that a whole new state of being started to become accessible for me and I like it! Thank you so much for your loving, extremely profound and secure guidance. Much love and many blessings”

~ Anke from Baltrum, Germany

“I am so filled with love and rapture.I have come home beyond peacefulness The door to all wisdom has been opened befor me. I have never felt so alive in this life.”

~ Mk

“After my session, my heart was free for the first time ever and I felt I had connected with all that is essential. I was happy to be in the world for the first time in my life. Joy and optimism are real! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.”

~ Laura

Discover & Access your Unique Soul Gifts


Heal Your Life Challenges at the Soul Level

Susann will take you on a life-changing journey to Bring You Home.

  • ACTIVATE your soul’s purpose and passion.
  • IGNITE the frequency of Home in your heart.
  • KNOW deep connection to your soul gifts and strengths.
  • There is no DEEPER, more PROFOUND method.

You are about to engage in a POTENT metamorphosis.

  • Get to the CORE of your struggles and HEAL them instantly.
  • TRANSCEND Your Deepest Fears.
  • Find the natural state of TRUE BLISS.
  • BRIDGE the gap between your spiritual world and your life challenges.
  • Find your TRUE PURPOSE.
  • ATTRACT all you wish to create of health and well being, prosperity and joyful relationships.
  • Feel GREAT About Yourself!

In this life changing, private 30 minute one on one session with Susann, you will experience all of this and MORE!

Clients have said ONE session with Susann is “ASTONISHING”, “REMARKABLE”, and “MIRACULOUS”!

NOTE: Only enter into a Private Session with Susann if you are READY to be a WHOLE NEW YOU.

Yellow-Star-125x125Be prepared for your epic Soul Revelation! Yellow-Star-125x125

“Susann, out of the many healers, I honestly find you to be walking your talk. You truly love and want the best for us. My session with you opened my eyes. My next session is very soon. I can’t wait. You are a gem!”

~ SP

“Who would have guessed that my back problem could be healed with soul work? It did and I am so free!”

~ David in Boston

“What an amazing shift happened from our call! Twenty minutes later I got a call for an interview from the job I wanted and it feels so right! I will continue to work with the qualities of Spirit that we brought in! Thank you so much Susann for igniting my life movement”

~ T.S

“Susann’s amazing abilities literally removed a lifelong painful obstruction from my heart and she stopped the intermittent constricting pain I’ve had in my chest since I was a kid, which doctors couldn’t identify or heal. Sessions with Susann are more than they appear. You don’t need to fully know all that is happening to benefit.”

~ EC

“Susann is a spectacular guide. Her loving energy is palpable and her wisdom is sharp. When I leave a session I so often think to myself, “I never knew!” I had a good “feeling” about Susann, my “knowing” was right! Meeting her has changed my life. My energy is much better. I’m much happier and engaging with people.”

~ JA


Package B

Total Package Value $950

From Heartache to Joy Final Offer $149
*** 85% Saving ***


No refund once session is availed

About Susann Taylor Shier:

Susann Taylor ShierSusann Taylor Shier is a highly established and gifted international, best-selling author, speaker, intuitive channel, spiritual counselor and founder of Soul Mastery. Susann teaches how to access and live from the magnificence of your soul gifts, strengths and purpose in this world. Her three books: Soul Mastery – Accessing the Gifts of your Soul, Soul Radiance – Bring Your Soul Riches to Life and Soul Reunion – The Return Home From Separation serve as the foundation of her unique work as a soul-level trainer, teacher, counselor and healer. Susann has helped tens of thousands for over twenty years, inspiring the revelation of each person’s inherent spiritual wealth to flourish.

Yellow-Star-125x125NOW IS THE TIME TO FIND YOUR MISSING PIECE! Yellow-Star-125x125

Choose which package is for YOU …


Discount: 85% Off
Total Package Value $700
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer $99



Discount: 85% Off
Total Package Value $995
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer $149


No refund once session is availed

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a no questions asked, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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