Imagine waking up in the morning and having that wonderful feeling of newly polished teeth and knowing your teeth were energetically cleaned and polished while you slept!
Fear of the dentist is one of the most common fears. It keeps people from going to the dentist as often as needed.
Here are some common concerns about going to the dentist:
- Pain or discomfort
- Drugs and/or topicals used during and after procedures
- The loud unsettling noise of the dentist's tools
- Inability to communicate your concerns to dentist while his/her hands are in your mouth.
- Sitting in the dentist's chair for procedures can be hard on the body and has been known to contribute to body structure and cranial sacral issues.
These are just some of the reasons Stacey Mayo created energetic dental processes that are pain free and are done for you in your home, usually while you are resting or sleeping.
These proprietary processes are done by God in a way that is in your highest and best.
Here are the dental processes included in this program. You can pick and choose which ones you need or desire at any time. Youth mouth will also be scanned to find underlying issues that could cause you problems now or in the future and healing will be set in place for those as well.
- Have your teeth energetically cleaned, flossed and polished, plaque, tartar, bacteria and/or other toxins removed while you sleep or rest. You won't feel a thing.
- Heal root cause of excess plaque and tartar.
- Clear out excess phlegm
- Seal your amalgams and cracks in your teeth to prevent leakage of mercury vapors or silver or other inorganic matter that could be toxic. Will also safely remove mercury and other metals from your body.
- Heal root cause of halitosis
- Repair and strengthen roots with intention of preventing root canals
- Reduce stains on teeth
- Reduce plaque and gingivitis over time.
- Heal gum tissue and receding gums over time
- Uncover and heal infections in your gums and mouth
- Heal infections and root cause of toothaches and soothe toothache pain
- Grow bone and tissue
- Strengthen enamel
- Repair teeth that are worn from clenching
- Heal nerves associated with dental problems
- Strengthen and heal old bone implants
- Heal Cavities
- Grow teeth
- Heal Decay
- Plus More . . .
- You and your family including pets can have dental cleanings and dental work done for you without having to leave home.
- Save $$$$$$ on dental bills.
- No drugs, x-rays or drills.
- You don't have to figure out what alternative medicines and topical formulas are right for your own dental issues. It is done for you energetically, saving you money and side effects from choosing the wrong topicals for your issue or system.
- This program will also heal mental, emotional, spiritual and soul level issues associated with dental issues.
The following are some examples of issues associated with dental problems:
- Speaking your truth
- Speaking about certain issues
- Authenticity
- Suppressed anger and other emotions
This program was created by Stacey Mayo, Master Level Medical intuitive and Teacher of Medical Intuitives.
- Stacey created a proprietary energetic scan that is done when you sign up to determine what the cause of your dental problems as well as what processes and energetic supplements and nutrients are right for you at the time.
The scan is intended to find 100% of your current dental issues and set healing in place for them. You will also be provided with a simple way to send in your dental concerns (current and future) that you specifically want help with.
A new energetic scan is done every day and every time you request help with a new dental issue.
- Dental cleaning and polishing is done while you sleep or rest. It is typically done every night.
The initial cleaning may continue for several weeks (a little bit each day) depending on the current condition of your teeth and gums.
(This process is not intended to replace brushing your teeth or flossing unless your are unable to brush your teeth due to physical constraints.) It was created as an alternative to having your teeth cleaned and polished by a dentist.
Brand New Testimonial
"I purchased the dental program (Stacy Mayo) last night. I have the first results already.
The small chip on the one upper front tooth is gone in the morning. It is as if it never had been there in the first place.
All kinds of small cavities are gone.
My teeth feel stronger and better. I feel stronger and better about it all. I don't feel so much as 'gripping' with my teeth anymore.
All ready I got my money back. This would have already cost a fortune to get all this fixed at the dentist. I hate going to the dentist. I really don't like it how they make the holes sooo much bigger and take so much more of the tooth away. When it could be just a small cleaning and filling.
I don't have the money for dental work. I already had to make the decision to let go of my teeth. There is no point spending thousands of dollars on dental work and then I need dentures in a few years anyways. I decided to try this program as my last hope. I very happy with these results already.
I will see what else will happen with this program.
Thank you so much for providing this series. I would have never found this program on my own.”
~ Karen Stock
Bonuses |
Handout: The Authentic Conversationalist
Value: $29
11 Universal Steps to Attracting Wealth and Prosperity
Value: Priceless (Retail $111)
This downloaded information can increase your wealth and prosperity by as much as 25%. The information is energized to have you feel more prosperous and provides 11 simple, quick steps to increase your wealth. Just pick 2-3 steps that resonate with you each day. Doing this will be energizing and uplifting and will take you LESS THAN 5 MINUTES A DAY.
Live Q and A's to Answer Your Questions and Provide Helpful Information on Dental Health.
Value: $397 ++
You will be invited to live Q & A sessions to answer any questions you may have and provide you with education on ways to take care of yourself and your dental health, along with informative updates about this program. If you cannot attend live, you can submit your questions ahead of time so they can be answered on the call. The calls will be recorded.
NOTE: All of my healing work has a buffer so it will not over-process you even if you are doing other healing work.
20% off Medical Intuitive Training for those who want to become Certified Medical Intuitives
Receive a coupon code for 20% off the full payment plan for Stacey Mayo's Medical Intuitive Online Training Program. You can also use paypal deferred payments with this coupon.
This online program which can be taken by phone or skype is designed to open up your skills and abilities and connect you to the Divine at high levels. Stacey Mayo will teach you a step-by-step process for accessing high level information for people and animals regarding their health challenges and steps to take to get well.
You will learn to tap in and uncover the core issues causing any kind of illness. This includes beliefs, fears, nutritional deficiencies, chakra imbalances, spinal adjustments, past life issues, and other core issues that need to be remedied to restore a person’s health on all levels. When the body is back in balance emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally and on the soul level, then their body can heal itself.
Free to Be Me Activation!
Value: $397
This custom activation will align you with yourself and open you up to feeling free to be yourself in a way that feels great and also safe.
It will assist you in acting and speaking in alignment with your true self in a way that works for you and all concerned. This activation/attunement will continue over the course of a year.
This bonus is great for people of all ages as well as pets.
Law of Detachment Healing Audio
This audio will explain the law of detachment and send you healing energies to assist you in detaching. This is not the same as giving up on your desires but rather helps you have what you want or something much better.
Option 1: Dental Program
Total Package Value $1,500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $97/ per person Or Pet
*** 93% Saving ***
(For Life)
Deferred Payments on Early Bird Price. Only on Paypal
These processes are proprietary and done via distance healing by God. They will continue being delivered beyond the lifespan of the creator of this program, Stacey Mayo.
You will be taken to a form after purchase to write down names of individuals and pets you purchased for and initial dental issues you want healing for.
If you want to purchase this program for more than one person/pet, simply change the quantity at checkout. Each person and/or pet you purchase for will receive the bonuses pertinent for them.
“My Teeth are Much Whiter!”
"After using your program for several months, my wife and I noticed that my teeth are much whiter. This is amazing since I drink coffee and tea every day and didn't think I could have white teeth naturally. Blessings to you.”
~ Jason T.
“My Gums Have Healed Completely!”
"My gums were pulling up around several of my teeth. That has healed completely without having to go to the dentist. Thanks so much.”
~ Regina H.
“I No Longer Need Root Canals!”
"My dentist recommended root canals. After using your program to strengthen and heal the roots of my teeth, I no longer need root canals. This saved me a lot of money.
Thank you.”
~ James R.
“The Energetic Teeth Cleaning Was Beyond Unbelievable!”
"I had a locked jaw for 16 months, and getting my teeth cleaned was not possible, the energetic teeth cleaning was beyond unbelievable!!! It worked amazing, and I look forward to healing many other challenges! I also used it for my 5 dogs teeth, and they are slowly getting cleaned too!!!! Much love and light to you and Source”
~ Karen
“Thanks for Saving Me a Lot of Grief and $11,000.00!”
"I had a severe toothache and my face was very tender and the pain was excruciating. The dentist told me I would need a root canal and it would cost $1100. I chose to to heal it via your program instead and over the course of a few weeks, the pain is gone and it is a lot less tender. I no longer need a root canal! Thanks for saving me a lot of grief and $1100.00.”
~ Gigi R.
“I Saved Over $10,000 and Did Not Have to Have My Bridge Replaced!”
"I was quoted over $10,000 for dental procedures for replacing a bridge in my mouth and re-doing implants. As a result of using this program, I do not need to do any of this. The bridge has been energetically repaired and the decay around my lower teeth has healed. I am eternally grateful.
I have cranial sacral issues and was very concerned about having to spent hours in the dentist's office having this procedure done. I saved a lot of money and my body is forever grateful as well.”
~ Rebecca B.
“ I No Longer Need Crowns!”
"The dentist told me I needed crowns. I chose to heal my teeth via this program instead and it saved me a ton of money and grief. "
~ Barbara M.
“My Children's Cavities Have Healed Naturally!”
"I chose to purchase this program for my entire family. My children's cavities have healed naturally without the need for fillings. Yay!"
~ Melanie W.
About Stacey Mayo :
A well-known coach with a wide following, Stacey Mayo was a pioneer in the now-booming coaching industry. Stacey established the Center for Balanced Living in 1995 as a vehicle to carry out her life’s work. As director of the Center, she has assisted thousands of people across the nation in living out their dreams with amazing results. Stacey is a Master Level Medical Intuitive, a Career Intuitive, creator of The Sentelligent Solution and The One Minute Meditation and a Master Certified Coach. She teaches and certifies people to become Certified Medical Intuitives in an online program.
Stacey was profiled on television in the CBS Evening News segment, “Confident Women.” She has appeared in Forbes, Newsday, the Wall St. Journal, Atlanta Sports & Fitness, Atlanta Woman, Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Woman’s Day. She is the Medical Intuitive Columnist for the Sedona Journal of Emergence and is a popular public speaker.
She is author of “I Can’t Believe I Get PAID to Do This!”, named Best Book by USA Book News and for which she was recognized as Georgia Author of the Year.
Option 1: Dental Program
Total Package Value $1,500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $97/ per person Or Pet
*** 93% Saving ***
(For Life)
Deferred Payments on Early Bird Price. Only on Paypal
These processes are proprietary and done via distance healing by God. They will continue being delivered beyond the lifespan of the creator of this program, Stacey Mayo.
You will be taken to a form after purchase to write down names of individuals and pets you purchased for and initial dental issues you want healing for.
If you want to purchase this program for more than one person/pet, simply change the quantity at checkout. Each person and/or pet you purchase for will receive the bonuses pertinent for them.
IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The Center for Balanced Living, Inc. and Stacey Mayo do not take responsibility for your health and well-being. You are 100% responsible for your health and well-being.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.