Are you looking for:

  • Good health
  • Restful sleep
  • Energy & passion for life
  • Natural healing
  • Close familial relationships
  • Freedom within yourself
  • Feeling good in your body again

If life has become more about surviving the struggle
than about ease and enjoyment,
then it’s time to embark on a new voyage with

Forever Free: A Personal Healing Journey

Expert Reviews

Anxiety Reduced from a Seven to One!!

“I worked with Shannon right after I had found out that a competitor had copied a lot of my intellectual property. I was feeling very abused and my space invaded and the pain level was over 7. As soon as I worked with Shannon the pain level went down to a 1 and I actually felt very excited and hopeful ....and the anxiety never came back! I know I released a major pattern and am excited how this will show up in my life. She also pointed out that my totem animal was an Eagle and I have always resonated strongly with Eagle energy. Shannon is a very gifted healer and I highly recommend you work with her ....especially if you are in a situation where you have repeating pattern and need immediate relief.”

~ Eram Saeed

Karmic Tension in Neck and Stomach Gone!

Maiyahr1-150x150“I'm blessed to have wonderful colleagues. Shannon's gentle yet powerful work helped considerably as I dealt with a difficult situation. I felt increased clarity and a release of karmic tensions in my neck and stomach. Thank you so much Shannon!”

~ Maiyah Olivas

Stress Reduced from a Nine to ZERO!!

Cindy_Lybbert“Last Wednesday I had a quick session with Shannon Kelly Wallace and it was amazing, short, yet powerful. I was dealing with some stress on a scale (9) she easily directed me to imagine a forest (which I love) and using her energy was able to get me down to a 0! WOW! Thank you. I am very grateful.”

~ Cindy Murray Lybbert

Are you struggling with:

  • Low energy levels despite resting
  • Memory loss
  • Frequent headaches
  • Muscle tension or grinding of teeth
  • Not sleeping well
  • Drinking, partying, or smoking too much
  • Aches and pains with no obvious cause
  • Acne, psoriasis, or eczema
  • Dry hair, thinning hair, or hair loss
  • Feelings of worthlessness, depression, anxiety, or loneliness
  • Catching everything that is going around
  • Feeling unwell, but not knowing why
  • Snapping at friends and family, or
  • Not behaving as your best self
  • GI upset in one or more forms: heartburn, indigestion, IBS, or nausea

If you are struggling with these symptoms, I can support your healing journey by addressing the energetic aspect of your physical health.

Debilitating Cat Allergy is GONE for good!!!

“I was highly allergic to cats and I had been since I was an infant. There was never any explanation for it, no one in my family was allergic to cats. But it's something that I've dealt with my entire life.

I was severely allergic to the point where I would stop breathing when I was around them for too long. Shannon went in and she was able to clear that for me!

The next day after my session with Shannon, I went to my daughter's house and I was able to spend a couple hours--both my son and my daughter have cats--and I had no reaction after three hours without even taking an allergy pill!

Then a week later, I actually spent the night at my daughter's house. No medicine, not needing an inhaler, nothing. It was as if I had never been allergic a day in my life!

Now I can play with my grandchildren (both live with cats). I used to not be able to let them climb on me because they had cat hair on their clothes. Now they can climb on me and we can wrestle and play and I can go to their house and hangout with them, with their stuff, in their rooms, and it's just it's been an amazing transformation!”

~ Kathryn L.

Pain Free for the First Time in Over a Decade!!

“I suffered two major back injuries in 2000, while working as an RN, and was unable to work after that. I spent five years in extensive recovery (about 4-5 sessions of healing work/week) and was finally declared "permanently disabled" in 2006.

Beloved Shannon, after our session, my back is better than it has been in SIXTEEN YEARS. Since I broke it and became "permanently disabled"! I believe I am doing so well because of your work with me. I have been walking straight with NO BACK PAIN and going through my day with no pain in my lower back and neck, the way it has been hurting, for 16 years! Thank you so much!”

~ Shirley P.

Imagine a life:

  • Filled with energy and motivation!
  • That is fatigue free!
  • Where pain and tension no longer hold you back!
  • Of joyful pursuit toward your true purpose!
  • Full of love for yourself and others!
  • Where you pursue your dreams!
  • Moving within the flow!
  • Of good health!
  • Where you feel like “yourself” again!

This isn’t just a dream, this life can be YOURS!

Less Back Pain, More Joy, Fewer Rashes, and
New Insights Into Personal Health, Thank You!!

“During my first call with Shannon Wallace, I had numerous wonderful healing experiences. Some of the healing I could tell I was experiencing during the call, and also many healing experiences occurred within the week or so afterward.

I have quite a few long standing health issues, including lupus (SLE), fibromyalgia, significant back problems, recurrent pancreatitis, and depression/anxiety/PTSD. There are more but that is enough to mention here!

During the call, when Shannon was doing healing with my body, I felt a warmth in the center of my belly. I felt very relaxed (and this is unusual for me, as I find it very hard to relax). Within three days after the One-to-One call, I had some significant realizations which I just suddenly “knew”.

For one, I saw clearly for the first time that when I release emotions, my pain gets better! The other realization that came to me is how VITAL it is for me to get out, move & exercise, and have social contact, EVERY DAY! This information that I discovered about myself and my health will be extremely helpful in making lifestyle changes to VASTLY IMPROVE my HEALTH!

Physical & Emotional symptoms that improved within about a week of my One-to-One call with Shannon included: sweating less, pain in back better, my mood was better especially in the morning, and the rashes on my hands, arms, and face occurred less.

THANK YOU, SHANNON!! I highly recommend to anyone who is drawn to it to work with Shannon!”

~ Teresa L.

Depression and Addiction Left in the Past

“After many years of self sabotage, depression and substance abuse, I started on the road to recovery. When I started with Shannon I was desperate, I felt alone and afraid of my own spiritual strength. I struggled with growth and with being defined by my past.

Now, I am in a state of constant spiritual growth, power and acceptance. In the past I had a lot of self doubt and treated myself horribly. With Shannon’s help I have shifted out of that place and have learned that I am perfect just the way I am.

Last month I had my very first energy session with Shannon. The energy movement created from this session has changed my whole life. During the energy session, for the first time in my life, I learned to feel what I believed to be true universal healing power.

The results I have received from working with Shannon are numerous and overwhelmingly positive. My path is clearer, my mind is calmer, and I am becoming more confident in my spiritual life. I am finally realizing that is is o.k. to live in a place of power. I am more consciously aware today than before we started, and today I am mindful. Shannon my dear, you have helped me find my soul’s purpose and move forward on my spiritual journey toward enlightenment. I am so grateful to you for this.”

~ Tamara S.

Shannon’s story…

When I was twenty, I had terrible wrist pain that was a constant companion in my life. Cleaning hurt, writing hurt, typing was the worst, and even sleeping hurt! I was the only girl my age who had to wear wrist braces and I was self-conscious about the looks and questions that I received.

My doctor prescribed medication, but it had side effects and didn’t really help the pain. He then recommended surgery. This surgery had no guarantee of resolving my pain, but would put me out of work (and without a paycheck) for a number of weeks.

In constant pain and without any clear answers, I wanted to give up.

Coincidentally, it was about this time that I took the first few steps on my spiritual journey.

As I learned to open my heart, trust in Source, and heal from a very difficult childhood, I noticed a wondrous thing: my wrists were hurting less every day!

First, I stopped wearing the hated wrist braces outside of work. Then, I began forgetting to take my pain medication. Soon, the wrist braces only became necessary at night. Until one day I realized that they were collecting dust in my drawer!

My wrists have now been pain free for fifteen years.

It wasn’t a change in profession or any fancy new medication that fixed it. I simply allowed Source to do its work--beginning with my energy field. I didn’t mean to, but I realized that I was holding onto my own negative past experiences.

By clearing my own personal trauma from my energetic field, I was able to clear pain from my physical field.

Once I began to trust Source and release the controlling grip I held on the world, the physical manifestation (wrist pain) resolved on its own.

I can tell you honestly that your body, mind, and spirit are deeply intertwined because I have lived it and experienced it myself.

Now it’s your turn!

Feeling 110x's Better!

FACE - Miko“I just want to thank Shannon Kelly Wallace for the amazing reflection we had this afternoon. I am eternally grateful that at this time of "in between" (in between being pregnant and giving birth) that I was able to have the honor of "winning" (because it felt like it was the universe conspiring to make it happen) the session. Great clarity and validation came up for me as she unveiled the messages she received during her journey. She was so lovely to speak with and I felt that although she and I have never met in the flesh, that a connection spiritually allowed us to communicate in such a familiar and comfortable way. Today I have much joy to revel in; today I feel such love; I feel such abundance and peace.”

“A follow up…
“Amazing Synchronicities” followed just days after my session with Shannon when both my chiropractor and my yoga teacher zeroed in on the same areas of my body that Shannon called her guides in to work on. I didn’t even mention it to them! I feel 110 x’s better!”

~ Miko H.

Back Pain and Lopsided Walk HUGELY Improved Just From Listening

“I just listened to the Shannon Kelly Wallace replay from [a prior call] and wanted to let folks know of something wonderful that happened just from the replay! For several months I have been dealing with low back (sacral area) pain and blockage affecting my walking. I have been using chiropractic, physical therapy and exercise for some relief but not totally resolving it. After the call the lingering annoying discomfort I had today and walking "lopsided" is HUGELY improved. Wow! Thank you Shannon and Eram!! Thank you again. :)”

~ Pat H.

All of our experiences in life (both positive and negative) are stored within our physical, thought, and energy bodies.

If you are experiencing ongoing physical discomfort, it may be the case that you have stored the energetic residue of your past negative life experiences within your body.

We don’t always mean to do it, but holding on to our negative experiences at the energetic level causes stress within the physical body. This trauma and hurt then settles into your bones, muscles, and other bodily systems. This results in not only a stress response, but also in reduced efficacy of the bodily functions themselves, leading to illness and disease.

If you are struggling, then it’s time that you change the playing field by shifting those energies that are blocking you from the vibrant healthy life that you are meant to live!


10 Days of Healing + Heart Frequency Key Instruction + Group Coaching MP3s + The Clearing Collection + The Guided Healing Journey Collection + The Archetypal Divine Mother Guided Journey Initiation Collection + The Daily Practice Collection + Energy Management

Discount: 97% Off
Total Package Value $2,910
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99

No Package A refunds after the first transmission of the Ten Days of Healing.


All of Package A + A Radiant Connection One on One Session + A Discount Certificate

Discount: 96% Off
Total Package Value $3,206
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127

No Package B refunds after the first transmission of the Ten Days of Healing or receipt of the one-on-one session, whichever comes first.

Package A


The Clearing Collection

Format: Two MP3s

Total Value: $150

The Clearing Collection clears residual energies that you hold within your body from past experiences

1. Energy Clearing Remote Transmission MP3:

Value: $75

Format: MP3
Silent Remote Transmission

Length: 13:07

  • Washes your energy field clean
  • Clears energies that no longer serve your highest good
  • Supports you to release illness from within your physical body

“I like that! I could feel it!”

~ Suzy C.

2. Emotional Clearing Instruction and Guided Meditation

Value: $75

Format: MP3
Talk and Guided Meditation

Length: 21:31

  • Rise above fear, anger, and other negative emotions
  • Clear the emotional body of unpleasant emotions
  • Helps you to focus on your healing process
  • Guides you to remove the energy of uncomfortable emotions once and for all


Instant Manifestations and Energy Vampires Moving On

“I was fortunate enough to have a session with Shannon and it was a total game changer for me. My issue was about getting rid of energy vampires. I was sitting in a park - Shannon was totally unaware- when I had the call and in the meditation our guides sent us the exact place. I am amazed at the clarity and precision of the messages she received for me, and the best part is the shifts were immediate. I was 10 minutes from home and by the time I got home the energy changed dramatically. No one knew I had the call and all of a sudden they were now ambitious and have been seeking their own income since - they still have no knowledge of the call. Her connection was immediate and since the session, the Universe has been kissing me with confirmations and instant manifestations of things I have been desiring for YEARS, the boulders were removed like Shannon said. I have worked with a few others, Shannon is ahead of them all hands down - the best! 

Thank You, Thank you, Thank You!!!!!!”

~ Megan H.

“[I just] Completed for the first time and dissolved anger! Thank you!”

~ Sandhya S.


The Guided Healing Journey Collection

Format: Two MP3s

Total Value: $150

This collection will guide you step by step on your personalized healing journey.

1. Higher Self Guided Journey

Format: MP3

Length: 21:55

  • Receive deep healing through your own natural connection to Source
  • Connect with deep healing energies that will empower you to step fully into health
  • Finally know why certain unpleasant things happened in your life

“I’ve been doing the Higher Self Meditation, it’s helping to push me into a new phase of growth. I love love love the higher self meditation! (I do it while taking a bath!)”

~ Tamara H.


2. Dropping Baggage Guided Journey

Format: MP3


  • Drop all of your emotional baggage
  • Move quickly into a new life phase
  • Cross into a new level of freedom

New Clarity on Old Relationship Struggles

“I wanted to give my gratitude to Shannon Wallace for the one on one BSP call , during the call Shannon was able to connect with me and get very clear on a relations issues I've had for many years and clear it and even connect me to my guides something I didn't even think of , looking forward with much clarity ... Thank you Shannon , Eram and team sending lots of love and light”

~ Chantal L.


“I love it! We all carry so much baggage around, it’s great to feel the freedom of unloading that energy!”

~ Suzy C.


The Archetypal Divine Mother Initiation

Format: Four MP3s
Introduction & Guided Journeys

Total Length: 52:09

Total Value: $250

“All healing is first a healing of the heart.”
-Carl Townsend

  • Ignite the power of the Divine Mother within your life
  • Embody her divine love to clear your energy field of past hurts
  • Replace old patterns with the gift of freedom
  • Embrace your own unique light
  • Release limiting beliefs surrounding failure and regret
  • Experience the sacred space of the Divine Mother where deep healing and forgiveness take place

“Thank you! I resonate so much. A vision came to me of Mother Mary holding my heart. She gently blew over it with her divine breath and my heart started spinning, and when it stopped, it had been purified, clean and lighter. I am so happy to have received this sign of divine support! Thank you!”

~ Milena K.

Finally! Clarity on a Long Confusing Message!

“During my session with Shannon she saw the same thing I had seen with regard to an ancestor, which I had been confused about. Shannon was able to help bring clarity to that message.

Shannon also helped me feel more connected to my ancestors and spirit guides during the session and suggested things I can do on my own to stay connected. The session was very comforting and uplifting. Thank you Shannon!”

~ N.H



The Daily Practice Collection

Format: Two MP3s

Total Value: $175

Meditation does not come easy for everyone. This collection will support you in reaping the benefits of meditation without ever sitting down to meditate.

1. Meditation for Non-Meditators (Instruction)

Total Length: 20:28

  • Transform daily chores into health-supporting activities
  • Gain all the advantages of having a regular meditation practice
  • Combat the health damaging effects of stress hormones
  • Includes specific suggestions of 20 activities that work with this practice


2. BONUS: Daily Sensory Guided Meditation

Total Length: 10:11

  • Begin each day with your mind and soul in alignment
  • Connect quickly to the quiet within
  • Minimize the effects of cortisol within your body
  • This meditation is free to download on my website. However, I have saved you this extra step by including it in this package

Propelled Into my True Life’s Work

FACE - Amy"Ever since the first time I met Shannon, she has exuded an ambitious, understanding, and intuitive nature. She has helped me through various difficult times with her thoughtful words and open ears. I have always valued her insightful and worldly experience, and she knows how to springboard one's thoughts, motivations, and needs in order to propel them into their true life’s work. Shannon is an amazing person all around, where her skills, talents and humanity would benefit anyone and everyone that looks to dig deep and move forward in their lives.”

~ Amy R.



Energy Management

Format: MP3

Total Value: $75

Protect yourself as you go about your day by practicing the Radiant Shielding Method.


The Radiant Shielding Method Instruction and Guided Meditation

Length: 10:29

  • Protect yourself from energies that can lead to exhaustion
  • Learn how to adjust the shield to your daily needs
  • Very helpful to use in chaotic or demanding environments

Opportunities Already Manifesting

"I was happy to receive a BS pass for Shannon Wallace last week! I just wanted to say what a very sweet and nurturing session it was. She connected to both her guides as well as mine and apparently there are good things in store for me in the next few months! I mentioned that I was seriously looking at a move and said that I kept visualizing a farm with a lot of land, animals and of course all the fruit and vegetables that go with a healthier lifestyle. My background is real estate development projects, so it was almost impossible to envision combining the two. In spite of that, I got a call from an agency last week indicating there was a development project on an organic farm that needed a consultant. Apparently there are only 2 other comparable projects in the world! I am not sure that I will be moving forward with this one, but it seems like the sky's the limit! Thank you so much Shannon!”

~ Marie D.


10 Days of Healing

Value: $2,035

Format: Remote Energy Transmission

You will receive a group healing energy transmission each day for the designated 10 days. These healing sessions do not require any participation on your part.

The energy is sent to all individuals who purchase Packages A or B and will be effective whether you are relaxing, sleeping, eating, or busy at work.

Energy work is powerful beyond our understanding. We do not always feel it consciously as it is being performed (especially when you are deeply focused on another task), however, your energy body will take it in and integrate it into your system throughout the day.

You will receive email notification within the next thirty days indicating the date and times that the remote healing transmission will be performed. You will also receive an email each of the ten days with channeled messages for the group.

"Thank you so much for your healing. I loved getting all the emails!! So please keep them coming!
Day 9 was bang on for me! I had a gastric sleeve around 5 weeks ago and I have been really frustrated as how slow I'm losing weight! So yes things are moving too slow for my taste, thank you for the channeled advice on that. I will surely follow it! ☺️

I am already feeling much better and my chest is not feeling so tight! Thank you again for your wonderful healing! ”

~ Michelle P.


The Heart Frequency Key Instruction

Value: $75

Format: MP3 Talk and Guided Meditation

Length: 16:07

  • Develop your own connection to Source
  • Cut the stress of healthcare decisions
  • Experience greater confidence in your health care decisions

Finally! Clarity of Purpose!

FACE - Katie"I went to Shannon for some clarity. I had been having a hard time wrapping my head around what I am supposed to do for my family for the longest time. I had tried everything: prayer, meditation, journeying myself, and talking to friends. Nothing was helping me get any answers. After I had my session with Shannon, my path seemed a whole lot clearer to me. After my session, I felt completely rejuvenated. I had much more mental clarity. I would most definitely recommend Shannon to friends and family. She has such a calming soul. She is a gift."

~ Katie L.


Recordings of Live Group Coaching - 5 Calls

Value: $1,125

Format: 5 MP3s

Length: 45-60 min.

It is VITAL to the success of your energy work that you simultaneously address your thought body and the physical manifestation of these thoughts. Without this, those limiting beliefs and misguided thoughts will simply pull the cleared energy back into your energy body. This will lower your vibration and can undo all the important work that you have just completed!

In order to support and build upon the amazing energy work being done, I am including five recorded group coaching calls in this package. We will discuss topics including managing strong emotions, how to handle criticism, meditation, and self-love.

Package A

Total Package Value $2,910

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 97% Saving ***

No Package A refunds after the first transmission of the Ten Days of Healing

Package B

All of Package A plus:


Radiant Connection Session

Value: $250

Length: 30 min.

Experience Shannon’s ability to channel healing powers first hand as she takes you to a place of deep healing and growth using her Radiant Connection Healing Method.

In these one-on-one recorded sessions, Shannon will follow the direction of your Spirit Team to:

  • Extract harmful energies that are contributing to your ill-health;
  • Flush your energy body with white healing universal energy in order to jumpstart your self-healing mechanism;
  • Clear out limiting beliefs and cancel soul contracts that prevent you from experiencing the health you deserve; OR
  • Bring back powerful messaging and guidance in an area of your choosing.

A recording of this life-changing call will be sent to you following your session so that you can listen to it again and again.

My Family’s Energy Was Making Me Nauseous…

"I just wanted to let you know that as much as the session seemed simple, the results were very profound, and the results were noticeable as soon as I left the room in which we had our call - so basically 25 seconds after I hung up!

As an example, I no longer feel my sister’s anger, or nauseous around my family, and I can easily deflect consciously any negative energy they may have about what I choose to do to achieve my success and any outcomes I seek.

This is extremely important as I am currently living with my mother and cannot just leave the energies.

Thank you so much for this empowerment!!! "

A Follow Up...
I’m Finally Ready to Return to My Career!

"During a meditation piece this weekend, I physically felt the guide you connected me to rub my cheek !!

Also, I no longer hold space for the group in a debilitating way. As an empath, I could not handle the energies in High School.. I used to teach mathematics and French. I feel ready to return to the classroom, and also start my own healing practice and teaching. Thank you!"

~ Chantale J.

Bonus 4:

$111 Discount Certificate on 3-session pacakge

(Note: 3-session package needs to be purchased directly from Shannon)

Length: 30 min.

Dive further into healing with Shannon with a 3-session package with a savings of $111 off of the regular price.

Depending upon the will of your Spirit Team, these sessions may include a mixture of the following:

  • Soul retrieval
  • Extraction of energies that limiting your health
  • Rebalancing of your chakras and energy centers
  • Universal light healing
  • Reframing negative life experiences, OR
  • Guidance from your Spirit Team

Opening Up a New World of Connection

"I have really enjoyed being introduced to connection by Shannon. Having never done anything like this before, I was unsure what to expect, and found Shannon the perfect introduction. There was a brilliant mix of background information, careful preparation for my own journey, and support once I got started.

Shannon is a wonderful teacher and I found her content very interesting, informative, and soulful.

As a result, I now feel equipped to continue connecting on my own and further explore this new world that has opened to me. Thanks for this gift Shannon!”

~ Hazel A.

Package B

Total Package Value $3,206

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
*** 96% Saving ***

No Package B refunds after the first transmission of the Ten Days of Healing or receipt of the one-on-one session, whichever comes first.


My Allergy was Cured!

"I was highly allergic to cats and I had been since I was an infant. There was never any explanation for it, no one in my family was allergic to cats. But it's something that I've dealt with my entire life.

I was severely allergic to the point where I would stop breathing when I was around them for too long. Shannon went in and she was able to clear that for me!

The next day after my session with Shannon, I went to my daughter's house and I was able to spend a couple hours--both my son and my daughter have cats--and I had no reaction after three hours without even taking an allergy pill!

Then a week later, I actually spent the night at my daughter's house. No medicine, not needing an inhaler, nothing. It was as if I had never been allergic a day in my life!

Now I can play with my grandchildren (both live with cats). I used to not be able to let them climb on me because they had cat hair on their clothes. Now they can climb on me and we can wrestle and play and I can go to their house and hangout with them, with their stuff, in their rooms, and it's just it's been an amazing transformation!"

~ Kathryn L.

Finally! Clarity of Purpose!

FACE - Katie"I went to Shannon for some clarity. I had been having a hard time wrapping my head around what I am supposed to do for my family for the longest time. I had tried everything: prayer, meditation, journeying myself, and talking to friends. Nothing was helping me get any answers. After I had my session with Shannon, my path seemed a whole lot clearer to me. After my session, I felt completely rejuvenated. I had much more mental clarity. I would most definitely recommend Shannon to friends and family. She has such a calming soul. She is a gift."

~ Katie L.

Clear and Powerful Relationship Guidance

"Shannon had a great energy and was very pleasant to talk to.
I had come to her requesting help with love and relationships. Our meditation went deep, really quickly, and I was immersed in the zone that she brought us into. Her insights were clear and powerful. Thank you so much Shannon for your guidance! "

~ Lisa

Instant Manifestations and Energy Vampires Bested

"I was fortunate enough to have a session with Shannon and it was a total game changer for me. My issue was about getting rid of energy vampires. I was sitting in a park - Shannon was totally unaware- when I had the call and in the meditation our guides sent us the exact place. I am amazed at the clarity and precision of the messages she received for me, and the best part is the shifts were immediate. I was 10 minutes from home and by the time I got home the energy changed dramatically. No one knew I had the call and all of a sudden they were now ambitious and have been seeking their own income since - they still have no knowledge of the call. Her connection was immediate and since the session, the Universe has been kissing me with confirmations and instant manifestations of things I have been desiring for YEARS, the boulders were removed like Shannon said. I have worked with a few others, Shannon is ahead of them all hands down - the best! 

Thank You, Thank you, Thank You!!!!!!"

~ Megan H.

Peace Within: Found and Delivered

"I have had the privilege of speaking to Shannon on several occasions following the death of my husband. I had a lot of questions about the afterlife. She was so inspirational and helpful to me with all my questions no matter what they were. She truly has insight and knowledge and will be a tremendous help to anyone who incorporates her teachings into their life. I feel much more at peace now!"

~ Lisa S.

A Life Redirected where Others Failed

"Shannon uses of techniques outside those instructed in textbooks and classrooms. This is why I choose her to assist me with redirecting my life from insurance sales to living as a professional musician. A shaman life coach? I'm not a believer, but something needed to be done in place of the failed techniques of others, and Shannon delivered splendidly! Whether you are spiritual, or not, sometimes we need different type a guide, a different type of coach. I'm grateful Shannon was mine!"

~ Chad E.

Clarity Found Amid Chaos

"After performing a ritual for balance and clarity the night before, I found Shannon through a mutual group we belong to. I contacted her and we connected right away. She took her time, asked questions, and by her guides was able to offer advice and guidance on both clarity and balance in my chaotic life where I feel pulled in three different directions. Finally I know where to put my energy! It was a special experience and I am very grateful."

~ Jessica K.

Personal Clarity Leading to Profound Internal Growth in Every Area of Life

FACE - Chris B."Engaging with Shannon was most uplifting -! Her carefully compassionate insight helped reinforce my own positive energy, and gave way to a better understanding of self reflection without negative attachments. In conversation with her I found myself a little less cluttered in the head. Realizing this, I found how genuine she and her practice really are. This is a quality program that you can honestly say you will walk away with something that will give or provide internal growth.

My experience with Shannon is always a positive impact at the end of the session! Working on those keys areas with Shannon expands to improve every area of my life that I seek out!

So I thank you, Shannon, and the new profound program that you're introducing the world, in hopes to make a greater impact for all who wish to have and accept positive changes! Much Love and hugs!”

~ Chris B.

Propelled Into my True Life’s Work

FACE - Amy"Ever since the first time I met Shannon, she has exuded an ambitious, understanding, and intuitive nature. She has helped me through various difficult times with her thoughtful words and open ears. I have always valued her insightful and worldly experience, and she knows how to springboard one's thoughts, motivations, and needs in order to propel them into their true life’s work. Shannon is an amazing person all around, where her skills, talents and humanity would benefit anyone and everyone that looks to dig deep and move forward in their lives.”

~ Amy R.

Letting Go of Fears, A New Lease on Life, Personal Clarity through Connection!

FACE - Helen"I was looking for answers to some of my life happenings for a very long time. Friends I spoke to had given many different suggestions and avenues of help, but I never felt the pull with them as I did when I stumbled across Shannon.

I believe wholeheartedly this wasn't by accident and I came across this one for a reason. Of course, at first I had hesitations because I have been doing meditating and things quite often and didn't understand the difference between meditating and connecting. But, after contacting Shannon, and hearing the ease of her voice, I knew I had found something I had to commit to doing for me.

I have already noticed changes in my thinking, and I feel stronger in the ability to listen to my gut; i.e. intuition. Having faith in what I am feeling and sensing has jumped-started my movement to letting go of fears and just doing!!

I would recommend this to a friend or anyone looking to find a way to connect with their higher self or their guides for direction, because even in the worst of times, I woke up with a feeling of happiness and a plan of how to take charge of my feelings and move in the direction I needed for me. Thanks to this new connection, I stopped sleeping in and forcing myself to get out of bed to now wanting to get out of bed. My attitude at waking went from "Oh boy, another day" to waking early and wanting to get out of bed to accomplish what needed to be done and make time for me to work on my plan for my near future. ”

~ Helen P.

Energetic Shift Toward Forward Momentum

"It was such a pleasure to share energy with you yesterday and I wanted to thank you for the profound session! I definitely felt the energetic shift in my system so I can start moving forward in one direction. I love your style of compassionately directed guidance.”

~ Ashly L.

Finding Safety and Clear Direction

FACE - Anny"You know how sometimes you think you should do something, and you are in that moment and, and it sounds so good, but when the moment passes, doubt sets in and fear or even, gulp... laziness? Well, I had that after I made the appointment to talk with Shannon, but something... I think it was her ease and calm, nonthreatening demeanor that made me pick up that phone, and I am so thankful I did. Shannon has a bright easy voice that instantly lets you know you are safe. I told her things I can't even tell a friend. Shannon, thank you for the direction you have given me.”

~ Anny B.

Amazing Synchronicities and Great Clarity!

FACE - Miko"I just want to thank Shannon Kelly Wallace for the amazing reflection we had this afternoon. I am eternally grateful that at this time of "in between" (in between being pregnant and giving birth) that I was able to have the honor of "winning" (because it felt like it was the universe conspiring to make it happen) the session. Great clarity and validation came up for me as she unveiled the messages she received during her journey. She was so lovely to speak with and I felt that although she and I have never met in the flesh, that a connection spiritually allowed us to communicate in such a familiar and comfortable way. Today I have much joy to revel in; today I feel such love; I feel such abundance and peace.

A follow up…
“Amazing Synchronicities” followed just days after my session with Shannon when both my chiropractor and my yoga teacher zeroed in on the same areas of my body that Shannon called her guides in to work on. I didn’t even mention it to them! I feel 110 x’s better!”

~ Miko H.

From “Wimp” to a Gifted Soul

FACE - Jody"I love Shannon. She has taught me so much and has given me the confidence to face this soul business head on. She was the first one I connected with after realizing I was in the midst of a spiritual enlightenment, and has taught me I am not burdened by being an overly sensitive wimp carrying the weight of the world, but rather gifted with an ability to connect with others (and myself) in ways that can affect change for the world.”

~ Jody T.

An Empowering Perspective on Connection with Source

"* You encourage connecting with one’s self to determine what a message means or the animal that is presented to them, which is beautiful as this is my belief too. Not necessarily ALL naturopathic doctors or wellness folks would react this way. People tend to vomit what they say without giving thought to it themselves or making it theirs or understanding themselves. I appreciate your viewpoint and presentation here.

* You offer a very empowering perspective on connecting with your source. This is key and how you provided caution on who to watch out for is golden. As when it comes to the Spiritual sector, many people seem to lose common sense”

~ Dr. Stacy M.

Opportunities Already Manifesting

"I was happy to receive a BS pass for Shannon Wallace last week! I just wanted to say what a very sweet and nurturing session it was. She connected to both her guides as well as mine and apparently there are good things in store for me in the next few months! I mentioned that I was seriously looking at a move and said that I kept visualizing a farm with a lot of land, animals and of course all the fruit and vegetables that go with a healthier lifestyle. My background is real estate development projects, so it was almost impossible to envision combining the two. In spite of that, I got a call from an agency last week indicating there was a development project on an organic farm that needed a consultant. Apparently there are only 2 other comparable projects in the world! I am not sure that I will be moving forward with this one, but it seems like the sky's the limit! Thank you so much Shannon!”

~ Marie D.

Clarity, Motivation, and Guidance During Transition

"Shannon has a great intuitive sense and she connects well with others. She provided helpful guidance through my career transition. She truly enjoys helping people discover their passions and motivating them to pursue their dreams.”

~ Casie C.

Suddenly In the Flow and Manifesting Solutions

"Seriously things seem to be falling into place. Today I was talking to my very close friend and I was telling her how I've been so sick and showing her the front and back yard and how the HOA has told me I need to get all my palms and stuff trimmed and weeds pulled within just three days. I hired some boys to do it, but they just couldn’t do the job.

Just as she and I were discussing all this, a landscaping company truck pulled into the cul-de-sac where I live. As they started to drive by then they stopped and asked me if I would have any work for them... 1 1/2 hrs later my yard looks fantastic and met the HOA's deadline! Yay!!! ”

~ Helen W.

Understanding my Path Above Ego

"I was seeking help for an emotional relationship issue involving my husband of 18 years. After telling me that he no longer loved me and to not returning back home, he suddenly wanted me to come home! Having a deep seated love for him and a very forgiving heart and dealing with my own emotions, it was difficult for me to hear my personal guides on this matter or pushing aside the ego side of myself to know what was for my higher good.

I always feel better after talking to Shannon and having a session with her! She is a fantastic and beautiful spirit. She was able to give me confirmation about what I had already perceived as to the right thing to do even if my ego self wants to go another way. We have always connected. I would recommend Shannon to anyone who needs confirmation and a clear path.”

~ Jackie M.

Deep Emotional Healing and Relationship Disaster Averted

"I first saw Shannon a year ago. I had recently lost my girlfriend of 4 years suddenly, and had been dealing with the grief and depression that followed. She helped me to find peace and closure and to understand some strange experiences I had following her passing.

Recently I had a session with Shannon again. It had been a little over a year and I was curious if I should begin to pursue a new relationship as there was a women I had just started seeing. During the session, she was able to determine the person I had been seeing was not a good fit for me at this time. I recently discovered she was absolutely correct!

In addition, she told me my spirit guides saw someone in my near future but at this time I should work on myself a bit and the relationship will take care of itself. I’ve decided to take guitar lessons and concentrate on my job and life outside of relationships and everything has been going great. I have found an ideal job and am on my way to learning the guitar as soon as I can find a good fit for a teacher. 

I am so grateful for the guidance Shannon provided and the clarity in my life I have since found.

I appreciate you and your kind heart. It has helped me more than you can imagine… you are an angel!"

~ Jeff L.

"I am thankful for your work!"

~ Naoko L.

"Shannon helped me clear alot of fear around connecting to source/guides,I am now able to so and am very grateful!Also she introduced me to one of my guides in the meditation she did with me and am connecting with that guide as well in alot of different ways. Thank you so much for all you do! Love to you!"

~ Kelly C.

My Family’s Energy Was Making Me Nauseous…

"I just wanted to let you know that as much as the session seemed simple, the results were very profound, and the results were noticeable as soon as I left the room in which we had our call - so basically 25 seconds after I hung up!

As an example, I no longer feel my sisters anger, or nausious around my family, and I can easily deflect consciously any negative energy they may have about what I choose to do to achieve my success and any outcomes I seek.

This is extremely important as I am currently living with my mother and cannot just leave the energies.

Thank you so much for this empowerment!!!
I knew it would be so powerful because of how the circumstances of how I came to your energetic healing table.

And a Follow Up… Returning to My Career!

During a meditation piece this weekend, I physically felt the guide you connected me to rub my cheek !!

Also, I no longer hold space for the group in a debilitating way. As an empath, I could not handle the energies in High School.. I used to teach mathematics and French. I feel ready to return to the classroom, and also start my own healing practice and teaching.

Thank you!"

~ Chantale J

Returning to my Passion

"Loved the session Shannon!

I saw two nurses from the Crusades... and as I focused on them, they began to disappear as hearts, similar to those on a computer game, gradually took over the whole page... these transformed into diamonds... and then into coloured balls of light! Will have to think about the symbology of this one. It was interesting though as my focus was on my health...

However, after our session on Friday, I absolutely believe now that, in the not to distant future, I shall be returning to where I left off with my volunteer work with the Red Cross! On reflection, I believe that nothing happens by accident and, when I resigned, I learned just how much my services were appreciated as the co-ordinators of the various services were all genuinely saddened by my decision. Up until then I felt that I was just another volunteer!

It's interesting that I felt it necessary to resign from the Red Cross... I had to let go yet again... and when you do that you open the door for wonderful new things... and then YOU appeared... and I'm just so happy that you did!"

~ Joan G.

About Shannon Wallace :

ShannonShannon Wallace is a trained Shamanic Practitioner, Certified Reiki Master, Soul Coach, and the creator of the Radiant Connection Method of Healing. Shannon has been on the spiritual healing path for over fifteen years and has worked with countless individuals to help them heal from past hurts and live freely and easily in fluid connection with their universal being.

Through her connection with her Spirit Team, Shannon was able to effect her own transformation from a dysfunctional youth to a woman of empowered compassion. Now, as a lightworker and spiritual guide, Shannon’s passion is connecting others to their own team of helping and compassionate spirits in order to transform their lives and heal their hurts.

Those who have worked with Shannon have described her as a “gentle fire” as her nurturing demeanor combined with her ability to effect transformation come together to create a clear ladder that anyone can ascend to begin living in their limitless potential.


10 Days of Healing + Heart Frequency Key Instruction + Group Coaching MP3s + The Clearing Collection + The Guided Healing Journey Collection + The Archetypal Divine Mother Guided Journey Initiation Collection + The Daily Practice Collection + Energy Management

Discount: 97% Off
Total Package Value $2,910
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99

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All of Package A + A Radiant Connection One on One Session + A Discount Certificate

Discount: 96% Off
Total Package Value $3,206
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127

No Package B refunds after the first transmission of the Ten Days of Healing or receipt of the one-on-one session, whichever comes first.

Refund Terms:

No Package A refunds after the first transmission of the Ten Days of Healing.

No Package B refunds after the first transmission of the Ten Days of Healing or receipt of the one-on-one session, whichever comes first.

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