Welcome and Congratulations on Purchasing the Super Charged Activations Package
Here are your 25 tracks listed categorically for your convenience and the 50 Bonuses Below it.
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Love & Relationships

Become a Soulmate Attractor
Mina Firme

In this process, Mina Firme will clear your energetic field of hurt, trauma, and betrayal as she opens your heart walls. She will activate space within your heart chakra so you can to attract your romantic soulmate into your life! You will no longer be looking for love in all the wrong places because your soulmate will seek to find you!
8D Love Healing
Gina Brollier

In this process, Gina guides you through an incredible, 8th Dimension energy activation. This activation will raise your energetic signature and calibrate your resonance more deeply into the 5th Dimensional energy so you can reach beyond! This will relax and heal you so that you can turn up your frequency and connect to your spiritual love.
Release Feeling Controlled
Gaylene Popovski

In this process Gaylene Popovski will delete the energetic effects of feeling controlled or taken advantage. Instead, she will connect you into the feeling of appreciation. This will uplift your frequency which will support your manifestation efforts connecting you to what you want in life.
Healing Your Health & Relationships
Dipal Shah

In this clearing with Dipal Shah, you will connect to and re-energize your Hara Line. By releasing the energetic residues of anger, frustration, and fear in order to reconnect an old relationship, you will find that your physical health also improves dramatically.
Cosmic Ordering for Your Ideal Partner
Ellen Watts

Join Ellen Watts in this process of submitting a cosmic order. Through powerful visualization you will see and connect to your ideal partner. This will easily enable you to spot the blockages that prevent the physical experience of having that person in your life. If you put in the order, the divine will provide.
Money & Abundance

Release Past Abuse and Receive Abundance
Cindy Lybbert

In this meditation with Cindy Lybbert you will release the energies of past abuse. This will clear you of the energy of violence and the resulting energetic frequency of scarcity that is attached to it. Releasing this blockage will encourage money to flow into your life and into your bank account.
Infinity Clearing for a Money Miracle
Tarek Bibi

In this clearing, Tarek Bibi will show you how Infinity Healing can be used to surpass your superficial wishes in order to fulfill your heart’s greatest desires. When you accept this Infinity Clearing you will receive more money and abundance into your life. You will not only experience your own money miracle but you will experience transformation of your being
30,000 Blessings For Wealth
Gina Brollier

In this activation with Gina Brollier, you will receive 30,000 blessings by quantum energy signatures. This energy supports your body bringing in harmony and attracting 5-D wealth with the help of the goddess of abundance, Lakshmi. Pain, suffering, and fear can block you from receiving what you desire. Release everything holding you back and discover how 5-D wealth is your destiny!
Become a Money Magnet
Jenny Ngo

In this energetic transmission, Jenny Ngo will use light language to give you a deeply comprehensive clearing of everything standing between you and magnetizing money and success into your life. Whether it is negative entities, attachments, closed heart walls, limiting beliefs, chakra imbalances, or anything else, this will clear those blocks.
Releasing Lack and Scarcity for Peace and Abundance
Mia Den Haan

In this activation, Mia Den Haan will align you with spirit to help you stay in your own power. Whether your fear surrounds a lack of money, time, or love, this will release the heavy feelings of scarcity and competition. You will walk away experiencing peace and abundance in your everyday life.
Purpose & Career

Quantum Stress Eliminator
Michelle Manning Kogler

In this recording, you will learn Michelle Manning Kogler’s signature Quantum Soul Clearing process to eliminate stress. This will remove any feelings of not being good enough so you can relax and know you are enough. This process will also ground you out of the “flight or fight” mode easing strain on your adrenals and heart. This healing is so powerful that it clears through all generations and all life times.
Clearing Toxic Workplace
Cindy Lybbert

This activation with Cindy Lybbert will help to resolve feelings of being disrespected and not having a voice. This activation is particularly powerful for those who have struggled with workplace toxicity. Cindy will guide you to release these energies from not only your current life but also your ancestral lineage. You will then experience the freedom you need to invite in new opportunities into your future.
Access Your Life’s Purpose
Anne Deidre

In this guided meditation, Anne Deidre will lead you to connect to your divine feminine in order to activate your pineal gland and ninth chakra. This will provide you with clarity to tap into the wealth within you. Everything standing between you and connecting to what you are here to do will be cleared so you can live your life’s true purpose.
Deep Repatterning to Release Negativity
Lottie Cooper

In this activation Lottie Cooper will repattern your subconscious mind. Lottie will guide you to release the old patterns and negativity that are holding you back in life. This energy activation will bring you to a place of empowerment where you are in control of your own life and destiny.
Focus on Positivity for Success
Lottie Cooper

In this activation Lottie Cooper will guide you away from negative thought patterns so you can once again experience the bright side of life. Often there are unconscious beliefs become lodged into your memory blocking you from achieving your goals and desires. This activation will release that negativity so you can experience greater success and feel more alive.
Health & Wellbeing

Energetic Facial
Stacey Mayo

In this activation with Stacey Mayo, you will experience the mini energetic facial that everyone is talking about. You will be able to feel the energies working while they smooth away wrinkles leaving you looking younger and refreshed.
Brain Body Integration
Melinda Lee

In this brain body integration Melinda Lee will remove interference from geopathic stress as well as radiation from computers and cell phones. This will result in relief from shock, trauma, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She will then guide you to connect to a bliss state where you will experience true healing and happiness.
Release Body Judgment
Sherry Phillips Swatek

In this process, Sherry Phillips Swatek will energetically guide you to release negative tension surrounding your body image so you can finally find home and peace within yourself. This will release any worry or hopelessness you hold surrounding your weight and bring you joy and satisfaction with you as you are.
Peaceful Biofield Healing
Debora Wayne

In this process you will experience Debora Wayne’s incredible biofield healing. This powerful exercise takes you into a deep altered state and you emerge feeling soothed, refreshed, and peaceful. Your natural vibration will be raised by Debora which will allow you to enter a state of pure bliss.
Pain Release
Dr. Madlena Kantscheff

In this activation, Dr. Madlena Kantscheff will facilitate the removal of physical and emotional pain. Using the gifts of the divine that are available to us all, Dr. Madlena will clear every energetic memory, karmic attachment, and burden to your cells. This will impact your physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual bodies. Whether the pain comes from another life or this one, the divine will clear it from the source.
Ascension & Awakening

Surrender to the Divine
Stacey Mayo

In this activation with Stacey Mayo, you will experience the mini energetic facial that everyone is talking about. You will be able to feel the energies working while they smooth away wrinkles leaving you looking younger and refreshed.
Entrainment to the Divine
Ken Stone

In this energy activation, Ken Stone will lead you through the process of entrainment with the divine. Through breath work and Ken’s connection with your energy, this activation will assist you in reconnecting with your soul. This will allow you to have a deeper experience of who you are so you can hear the wisdom of your higher self.
Bringing in the Divine Feminine
Sandra St.Yves

Sandra St. Yves will guide you through a meditation to cool down the system embodying your divine feminine. If you experience hot flashes from menopause or ascension this will help to ease those symptoms for you. She will connect you to 5th Dimension energy and to experience the energy of the divine mother. You will feel peaceful, harmonious, cool, and connected to humanity.
Connecting to Your Guides
Mary Beth Vanderlinden

In this process, Mary Beth Vanderlinden will connect you to your guides and higher self in order to experience true spiritual love. This experience will gift you with awareness of the difference between false and real spiritual love. After working with the process, you will feel at a deep heart center how you are never truly alone; you have guides who are by your side guiding every step of the way.
Connecting to Higher Frequencies
Lanna Spencer

In this activation, Lanna Spencer opens you up to beautiful, light energies. You will open your heart and nervous system to create an energy circle and receive. This will clear fears, doubts, and worries by illuminating pathways of higher frequencies and blessings. You will feel more connected to the angelic realms and able to receive their guidance.
Here are your 50 Additional Bonus Activation Tracks!
Achieve Your Purpose
Alee Hoffman

In Alee Hoffman’s incredible sound healing activation, you will be connected to synchronicity in order for you to achieve your goals. You will suddenly be at the right place, at the right time, and with the right people, in order to achieve your right purpose. The resources, love, and partnerships you desire will come to you with ease and flow.
Empower Your Intention
Alee Hoffman

In this activation, Alee Hoffman heals all energies surrounding the power of your intention. You will be opened, grounded, and transformed. This is your body and your time on this planet to choose your experiences. Alee will masterfully guide you to let go of pain, disempowerment, and limiting energetic vibrations. When you can slow down to feel your own process, you can create anything.
Spiral Clearing to Regain Inner Peace
Amy Vasterling

In this mediation, Amy Vasterling will lead you through her powerful Spiral Clearing process. If you are feeling stressed, confused, or pulled in too many directions, this energy will bring you peace, calm, and a sense of security. From this place of safety, you will be able to express yourself and boldly take any action you need in your life. This is the first step you’ve been looking for!
Returning Home to Your True Self
Anah Maa

In this activation, Anah Maa creates a bridge to return you to your true home. You will remember and reconnect to the true essence of who you are. This will provide you with the foundation you need to fulfill your greatest potential and come into alignment with what you came here to do and be. Experience the joy of coming home to your true self!
Forgiveness Toward Abusers
Andie Depass

In this energy healing, Andie DePass will begin to clear the male microchimerism virus from your energetic field so you can release the karma of your past lovers that has been imprinted upon you. You will be guided to embody forgiveness and to release anger toward anyone who has abused or mistreated you. The more you release this karma the more you will experience love and joy.
Releasing Money Scarcity
Chaim Alexander

In this activation, Chaim Alexander will clear your issues surrounding abundance and scarcity. You will connect to the energy flow of money and be able to clear old beliefs that keep money from flowing toward you. Once you release your money scarcity mentality, you will to connect your mind, body, business, and future all together.
Ignite Your Sacral Chakra
Christel Hughes

Remorse and regret can hang on you and weigh down your soul. Release them with Christel Hughes’ sacral chakra bonfire! Light a fire in your sacral chakra--the center of pleasure and creativity--and burn off shame, fear, and guilt. This incredible process will erase those energies, creating new space, and restoring your body. You will feel calm, connected, and inspired!
You are Safe and Loved
Cindy Lybbert

In this activation with Cindy Lybbert, she will gift you with the experience of safety, release your fears, and help you find security in this moment. This activation is especially powerful for anyone that has experienced abuse. It will help you to move on from the trauma of those experiences so you can release unwanted energies of the past.
Activate the Energy of the Divine within You
Colby Wilk

In this activation, Colby Wilk will activate the energy of the divine within your being. This activation will enable you to harness and direct your energy field to bring greater health, purpose, and vitality into your life. You will also connect to your true destiny and purpose. This new focusing of energy will bring real results into your life.
Connect to Your Intuition
Debra Poneman

In this activation, Debra Poneman will connect you to your helpline within the divine. If you have questions about your life you will finally hear the answers you need quickly and with confidence.
Forgiving Yourself for a Brighter Future
Dipal Shah

In this activation, Dipal Shah will release any energy blocking self forgiveness from your heart walls. Through clearing your front heart of resentment and working with St. Germaine, you will finally release the negative emotions that block you from forgiving yourself and others and move into a brighter tomorrow.
Clearing Ancestral Love Karma
Donna McRae

In this exercise, Donna McRae will guide you through a meditation to clear the ancestral karmic blocks that are keeping you from feeling love. Energy blocks can span generations -- preventing you from moving forward today. This clearing will move you out of a fear based energetic resonance and into a love based energy so that you can embrace love and life!
Aligning to Release Your Problems
Elma Mayer

In this three part energy activation with Elma Mayer, you will experience whole level healing in order to resolve one particular problem in your life. By moving into a place of centered wholeness, you will release the energies of overwhelmed crazy busy-ness so you can experience peace. Using whole life integration, the six most influential areas of your life will align in order to resolve your problem.
Clearing Desperation and Hopelessness
Elma Mayer

In this activation, Elma Mayer will disentangle you from feelings of hopelessness, desperation, and fear surrounding your personal life. When you release your focus on these emotions, you are able to connect into the field of wholeness and align it with your center. You will experience resolution to your problems through healing, flow, and miracles.
Experience Miracles
Esther Bartkiw

In this energetic clearing, Esther Bartkiw removes the energy of doubts and fears that prevent you from seeing miracles in your life. She will remove the limiting belief that miracles only happen to other people and not to you. Esther then transmits a vortex of energy to support you in moving that energy out of your field. You will trust your own vision to identify and experience miracles so you can attract even more into your life.
Untangling Panic from Excitement
Esther Bartkiw

In this energy clearing, Esther Bartkiw will clear the feelings of not being good enough, panic, and fear. Panic and excitement are two emotions that can easily be confused over time as joyous excitement can feel like panic. This confusion will be untangled and released leaving you open to experience the fullness of joy in your life.
Find 5D Soulmate Love
Gina Brolier

In this activation, Gina guides you through a process to heal your inner adolescent, that little girl who feels rejected and shameful so she can then activate your sacred, feminine goddess. Through this process you will become a vibrational match for your soulmate love.
Access Your Unique Spiritual Gifts
Inna Van Der Velden

In this activation, Inna Van Der Velden will connect you to a spiritual gift of your choosing. This gift will be exactly what you need and for your highest good and may be physical or emotional. You are unique and your Spiritual Gifts are as well. Inna will guide you the frequency you need in order to access them. Open yourself and be ready to receive!
Become Grounded and Secure
Joshua Bloom

In this activation, Joshua Bloom leads you through breathing exercises to shift your energy and awareness. You will experience energy work in a new way through this process and release fear and anxiety. As a result, you will feel more aware of your body, grounded, transformed, confident, and energetic.
Quantum Energy Transformation
Joshua Bloom

In this guided energy healing you will experience Joshua Bloom’s Quantum Energy Transformation first hand. Joshua will guide you through his signature embodiment process so you can release anxiety and stress. By relieving this tension from your heart, throat, and head, you will create a space of personal safety and come away energized and clear of blockages against personal growth.
Releasing Karma with Remote Chi
Joy and Roy Martina

In this meditation, Joy and Roy Martina assist you with releasing karma, resolving conflict, and seeking forgiveness with remote chi. You will gently release that which does not belong to you and that is not serving you so you can be free of the energy and karma. Through this release and healing, you will become a channel of light.
Clearing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Lanna Spencer

Lanna Spencer will help you release trauma and anger with the frequencies she shares with you on this activation. Whether you are experiencing stress or suffer from PTSD, these frequencies can help you release that energy so you can feel free of the panic and overwhelm that accompany these experiences.
Energetic Skin: Connection Without Anxiety
Lanna Spencer

In this activation Lanna Spencer will provide you with a coding that will protect you from the energies of others. Your own energetic field will be strengthened and insulated. You will develop thicker energetic skin that will protect you from shadow energies as well as electromagnetic energies from computers and cell phones. This will leave you able to easily connect with others in a safe manner without experiencing overwhelm or anxiety.
Clearing Negativity and Finding Peace
Lottie Cooper

In this clearing, Lottie Cooper will guide you through grounding your energy and releasing negativity. Your chakras and hormones will come into balance and all unnecessary cords and hooks will be released. You will experience self love and worth, inner peace and calm, and a raised vibration. Break free from negativity -- your mind and body will thank you!
Releasing Sexual Guilt
Lottie Cooper

In this activation, Lottie Cooper will release those feelings of guilt that are keeping you from experiencing pleasure in the bedroom. These feelings can stem from religious beliefs, criticism, or any other experience that causes shame surrounding the enjoyment of sexual pleasure. This includes any past or present vows of chastity. You will finally enjoy your own sexual energy without pain or suffering.
Light Language to Clear Fear
Matt Andrews

In this recording, Matt Andrews and Mantara will clear fear and your need to control the future using powerful light language. Light language keeps your mind from interfering and allows energy to move through you with ease. With this technique, you can stop overthinking and experience deep theta healing. Just listen and allow the sounds to heal you. You will be rewarded with a state of light and joy.
Clearing Fear and Relieving Depression
Mia Den Haan

In this activation from Mia Den Haan, you will clear the energies of fear, sadness, emotional pain, and loss. This is a powerful activation for those who feel they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders as well as for those who struggle with mild to moderate depression. This will remove these energies from your energetic being so you can once again feel light and joy in your heart.
Clearing Out Depression
Mia Den Haan

In this activation from Mia Den Haan, you will clear the energies of fear, sadness, emotional pain, and loss. This is a powerful activation for those who feel they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders as well as for those who struggle with mild to moderate depression. This will remove these energies from your energetic being so you can once again feel light and joy in your heart.
Open Your Heart Walls
Mina Firme

In this process, Mina Firme will clear your energetic field of hurt, trauma, and betrayal as she opens your heart walls. She will activate space within your heart chakra so you can to attract your romantic soulmate into your life! You will no longer be looking for love in all the wrong places because your soulmate will seek to find you!
Become a Soulmate Attractor
Mina Firme

In this process, Mina Firme will clear your energetic field of hurt, trauma, and betrayal as she opens your heart walls. She will activate space within your heart chakra so you can to attract your romantic soulmate into your life! You will no longer be looking for love in all the wrong places because your soulmate will seek to find you!
Connecting with Divine Will
Mindy Schroeder

In this process with Mindy Schroeder you will experience being connected to and supported by Source energy. This connection will help you navigate and engage in the fullness of your personal potential. You will come away feeling nurtured, supported, and anchored through mother earth’s energy.
Sound Tool for Manifesting Your Desires
Misa Hopkins

This exercise with Misa Hopkins will guide you to discover your signature sound so you can open up your natural lines to the divine. We all have a set number of sounds that are natural to our pure energy. By tapping into these frequencies you will enable yourself to powerfully manifest your desires onto the physical plane.
Connect and Reset the Chakras
Nancy Jean Mirales

In this activation, Nancy Jean Mirales will re-connect you and re-set your chakras, creating space for you to have more in life. This exercise makes you aware of the degree to which you allow yourself to “have” things. By adjusting your levels of prosperity, pleasure, transformation, receiving love, personal authenticity, intuition, and bliss, this activation will harness your chakral power to raise your power of manifestation.
From Bliss to Purpose
Nancy Jean Mirales

In this process, Nancy Jean Mirales will guide you through a connection to your field of bliss. This activation will deeply connect you to the wisdom of your divine self so you can attract people into your life who open doors for you and light your path. With this connection you’ll be able to follow your bliss to find your true inner purpose.
Connect to Your Higher Self
Nancy Jean Mirales

In this deeply powerful guided activation, Nancy Jean Mirales will help connect you with a deeper relationship with your higher self. By deepening this connection you will be able to easily receive messages, support, and guidance as you walk through this physical world.
Powerful Breathing Exercise for Manifesting
Niraj Naik

In this energy activation, Niraj Naik will guide you through a powerful manifestation breathing and visualization process. This breathing practice will energize and connect you to bliss and love. From there you’ll be able to tap into the power of attraction and ask for something you desire to appear within the next 90 days. While you should practice this activation daily for manifestation, it can also be used anytime you need to peace and clarity.
Connect to The Guardians of Your Home and Property
Peg Rose

In this special energetic process, Peg Rose will guide you to connect with the guardian of your home or property. When you connect with your guardian, you can work in divine partnership and harmony together for one another’s greatest good. Listen to find out what you can do to support your guardian in providing for you
12D Light Body Activation
Rev. Dr. Debbi Adams

In this process with Rev. Dr. Debbi Adams, she will activate your 12th dimensional solar light body. When you are consistently merged with this body you will look at your life from an all-knowing perspective. You will experience empowerment and personal freedom giving you more happiness, inner strength, peace, and power.
Release Your Blocks
Sherry Phillips Swatek

In this guided meditation, Sherry Phillips Swatek will transport you to work with the powerful energy of Hawaii to help you change one specific thing in your life. By releasing these blocks into the earth’s primordial energies you will resynthesize your being into your own magnetic lotus. Make sure you have a pen and paper ready!
Magnetic Lotus Energy
Sherry Phillips Swatek

In this activation, Sherry Phillips Swatek will guide you through a beautiful process that will activate your inner lotus energy so you can open your petals and move confidently forward in life. You will experience a fusion of mind and spirit so powerful that it will connect you to the next stage of your life with calm certainty and confidence
Abundance Incubator
Simone Valentine

In this process, Simone Valentine introduces you to her Abundance Incubator. The energy transmitted through the Incubator clears away debt, old patterns, and a scarcity mindset. You will experience more self-worth, value, and abundance. Yes you are worthy and you are enough.
Divine Feminine Activation
Sophia Zoe

In this energetic transmission with Sophia Zoe, you will experience an activation of divine feminine compassion. Through grounding and connecting to your soul through the gateway of your heart you will clear heavy feelings from sexual abuse. Once these emotions are clear you won’t act from this place anymore and will instead move clearly and freely through your life and relationships.
Divine Dentist
Stacey Mayo

In this activation with Stacey Mayo, she will perform an energetic transmission specifically to support and heal your dental health. This energy will activate whatever is of your highest good surrounding your teeth.
Hear Divine Guidance
Stacey Mayo

In this activation, Stacey Mayo will connect you directly to the divine so you can access the messages they are sending to you. If you feel like you are asking spirit for an answer, but aren’t receiving a response, she will show you how you ARE getting answers but that you’re just not connected to the knowing of this. Receive the ability to know and you will hear your answers.
Infinity Healing for Your Chakras
Tarek Bibi

In this activation, Tarek Bibi will lead you through his Infinity Healing. This process will transform your life by helping you become your infinite self. You will experience healing on levels both known and unknown to your conscious mind. All you have to do is give your sacred “yes” to bring in these transformative energies. You will shift out of the modes of survival and scarcity by tapping back into the divine plan of thriving and abundance.
Stop Getting in Your Own Way
Tarek Bibi

In this process you will experience Tarek Bibi’s unique Infinity Healing. In this energy healing, you will receive the energies you need so you can be completely open to receiving all of the gifts the universe wishes to share with you. You need only say “Yes.” You will stop the limiting pattern of getting in your own way that prevents infinite abundance from showing up in your life.
Qigong Activation for Clearing
Tristan Truscott

In this meditation, Tristan Truscott will guide you in harnessing the power of qigong so you can clear stagnant energy and activate your heart center. This will open your third eye enabling you to send a clear signal to the divine. Tristan will reveal how you can use this clarity to manifest your life’s desires.
Are You Too Sensitive?
Varena DeCuir

In this activation by Varena DeCuir, you will experience her Core Genius Intelligence Code and break free from oversensitivity and letting others dictate your life. The electromagnetic radiatory frequencies she uses will clear oversensitivity from your chakras so they can work as a refined unit leaving you feeling more whole and capable.
Triple Heart Clearing to Release Anxiety
Virginia Rounds Griffiths

Virginia Rounds Griffiths will talk you through a clearing that will enable you to release feelings of anxiety and fear. You will be both grounded and set free emotionally as you lose the dark cloud that shadows your steps. This incredible energetic transmission will continue to support joy in your heart for seven days!
Connection to Divine Love
Ziad Hashash

In this process, Ziad Hashash calls in the celestial beings of love and light to transmit to you divine energies for cleansing and healing. By bringing forth the energies of the divine he will shift your understanding of love from a place of need to a place of being. You will feel connected to divine love and consciousness.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.