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Regular Price for 5-30 mins session with Nidhu is $1500

Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $697 only!

(Only for first 20)

A Whopping 53% off!

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2018 comes to us with crackling, thunder and lightning energies designed to upgrade the hardest part of us - our minds. Somewhere in the evolution of our conciousness, the mind got into the drivers seat of our lives and refused to share it with our gut instinct or wisdom of our knowing.

In the bargain, our lives got limited as we lost connections, love and peace. Decisions at a personal and global level became about money, power and control. Our health became about being thin and a certain body size and Much to the detriment of our planet, we now see our own unbalanced energies and unresolved wounds reflected in climate un-control, unprecedented levels of pollution, growing dependency on metallic technology and a destructive disrespect for the gentle eco-system that sustains us.

Our Yin has separated from our Yang

With the Venus and Saturn Retrograde upon us this year, we will be forced to look at the pain and sorrow of this separation because one is all about the relationship with the mother (Yin) and the other our relationship with the father (Yang)

Whatever process you do, all roads lead home. All our patterns began within the first 8 years of our childhood and if you have been diligent with your healing journey, you will easily see how each experience mirrors what you have already been through... all is now old wine in new bottles

Work with me. I have broken many a bottle!!

No one saves us but ourselves.....We ourselves must walk our path

Lord Buddha

"Niidhu Kapoor is a great healer who is sweet, kind, encouraging and inspiring. It is impossible to work with her and not receive one healing or several healings. She works with all her clients, especially on group calls, to help each individual find their own path to save themselves. As a participant in her "Awakening the Flower Within" special, I was amazed with how in each group call everyone felt special, honored, and capable of learning personal healing. I gathered many healing techniques for use during any healing journey I may have.Those healing techniques are treasures to be used over and over. One of the greatest treasures I discovered was my light language to be shared with all. Another one was the use of clearing sentences. I am grateful for the healings I experienced and the techniques I can use as I walk my path. I am grateful I have learned from Nidhu ways to save myself on my path."

~  Thelma Fitzgerald

The last stage of healing is the healing of family patterns and paradigms and before we reframe and rewrite them, I invite you over to honour them by speaking your story in a one-on-one with me. Sometimes we just need to speak, rave and rant about all we have gone through because each step into the fullness and wholeness of the flower of who you are requires whole hearted expression of the broken, fragmented and traumatised parts of you

I will virtually serve you a hot cuppa tea (or coffee, if you wish!) and together, with blessings from your ancestors, we will set your family free from the Karma that has imprisoned them and you.

Then we will pour new wine in new bottles 🙂

Regular Price for 5-30 mins session with Nidhu is $1500

Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $697 only!

(Only for first 20)

A Whopping 53% off!

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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