​​Intuitive, Speaker, ‘The Corporate Woo-Woo™, Best-Selling Author, Spiritual Teacher

Michelle Skaletski-Boyd's Special Offer

Live your Life in Joy and Flow . . .
As You Learn to Return Home to Your Self

MSB (1)Somewhere on the road called ‘life’ we begin to lose our way. We may forget the truth of who we are and then feel hopeless, fearful, and dismayed. You don’t have to keep living in the dark!

Even though distrust, disharmony, and doubt can really put a damper on your perceptions of the world, Michelle Skaletski-Boyd’s new online course, Infinite Light, helps you experience pure Source energy again.

presence-1024x682Infinite Light is an innovated online course filled with transformational wisdom that expands beyond the typical ‘how-to’ program.

Rather than just feed you with facts and information, Michelle experientially guides you in a gentle way for an inner-transformation that really sticks.


During this 6 Week online course, you’ll learn:

  • How to start trusting your Self again
  • Ways to nourish and cherish your spirit
  • Soul-felt journeys to help you begin shifting with ease


Includes over 3.5 hours of Soul-Felt Journeys: God-Source & Heavenly Wisdom Tracks.

Discount: 78% Off
Total Package Value $444
From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $99



Includes over 3.5 hours of Soul-Felt Journeys: God-Source & Heavenly Wisdom Tracks + 30 minute session with Michelle (valid 1 year from purchase)

Discount: 80% Off
Total Package Value $994
From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $197


Package A


Infinite Light


Infinite Light begins with volunteer guest experiences to help you vicariously get a feel for how divine energy flows and then gradually moves you through the course to deepen your Self awareness.

During this 6 Week online course, you’ll learn:

  • How to start trusting your Self again
  • Ways to nourish and cherish your spirit
  • Soul-felt journeys to help you begin shifting with ease

PLUS Order Today And Receive:

A never before released powerful hypnotic meditation audio track called Connectedness, designed to freely move you into flow by using simple tools that at the deepest level your soul already knows.



  • How to start trusting your Self again
  • Ways to nourish and cherish your spirit
  • Soul-felt journeys to help you begin shifting with ease

“When Flow to God-Source gets kinked,
You feel lost, displaced, and unfulfilled.”
The Corporate Woo-Woo™ Michelle Skaletski-Boyd

6 Weeks to Infinite Light


1Learn to face your fears, ask for what you want, and be a witness to angel assistance so you begin to open to the higher vibrational frequencies.



2Begin to notice your ability to receive then move beyond your disbeliefs by nourishing and nurturing your soul while holding sacred space and allowing for inner-transformation.



3Start opening to your spiritual gifts and re-tuning your inner receptor while beginning to sense your inner-wisdom and trusting this truth as yours alone.



4Learn through real-life volunteer experiences how to know the difference between head and heart energies and how to get a handle on overthinking and empathic sensitivity.



5Gradually go out on your own with a powerful guided visualization designed to help you feel more joy and certainty, release non-serving ways of being, and experience pure potentiality.




Length : 40 min

track6In week 6:
Begin moving even deeper into the experience of inner peace as you use the wisdom of your intuition to playfully reconnect to infinite light and travel through a land of make-believe while enjoying a whimsical meditation.


Package A

Total Package Value $444

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 78% Saving ***


Package B

Includes Elite Package Plus:


A 30 minute private V.I.P. soul session with Michelle

A 30 minute private V.I.P. soul session with Michelle

* That you can cash in up to one year after your purchase and upon completion of the do-it-your-self course.

*A long distance call may apply.

Package B

Total Package Value $994

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
*** 80% Saving ***



"At the start I was doubting, totally analytical, consumed by grief, deep in litigation over my wife’s death and desperate to make contact. Not good material to work with. Michelle was so patient, slowly building my skills and my confidence until eventually the connection was made with my wife. What a moment! I have a long way to go but she has given me such joy and belief in the future, not just for the after life but for right here and now. Thank you."

~ Chris Tweedy, United Kingdom

"After the session I was in such euphoria I felt very light. I recalled then that I’d read somewhere that some people may feel so because the energy that a spirit brings with itself is of a higher vibration. I felt every cell in my body, that I was made of cells. The following morning when I woke up at 05:00 I noticed that my body felt different, still very light and strangely enough I could breathe fully and extremely deeply. Normally I can achieve this only sometime during deep meditation. My brain logically attributed it to an early hour. But soon after this, when I started to chant, which I usually do every morning, I discovered to my big surprise that words could not come out of my throat and chest. I just could not produce a sound. It did not feel unpleasant or scary. I just accepted the fact and continued chanting silently in my mind. Little later, I left home to go to work and while going on the street I noticed again – I couldn’t help noticing it – how deeply and easily I was breathing. It felt as if my chest was completely open and not just air but pure oxygen was entering my body. I have never felt this way this before. My vibration was certainly different. And I am very much sure that my spirit guide was as excited as I was over the connection that we had made. This whole experience was mind blowing for me, and also very special. Such experiences can be life changing. I am so so happy that I have worked with Michelle. And there is so much more to discover. Life is absolutely magical!"

~ Sabina (Sweden)

"Michelle helped me open my blocked chakras which were causing me to feel worthless and senseless living in this world . . .I’m more confident now with myself. Thank you, Michelle."

~ Ester of Jakarta Indonesia

"Michelle is a gifted hypnotherapist. She made it easy for me to quickly peel away the layers of self-doubt and cynicism. She was especially attuned to what I was experiencing before I could even tell her. I am more peaceful. I feel I am making better choices in my relationships. I feel challenged to take actions that feed my soul and spiritual growth. "

~ Julia from Fairfield, CA

"Michelle helped me negotiate the death of my stepfather in a very kind way. He had alzheimer’s and it was a very tough time in our lives. I recommend her service to others because she offers a unique perspective that is a great tool to help with life’s twists and turns."

~ Ellen R, San Diego, CA

"Michelle, I wanted to be sure and thank you for your gift. I have four children, and when my son Easton was born, he was perfect. There were no issues with his delivery and he developed normally until he was 11 months old. At that time, I put my “normal” 11 month old baby to bed and he woke me up at 3:30am and he was having a very strange looking seizure. I’d never seen anything like it, and I’m an RN, so I called 911 and after that phone call our lives spiraled out of control.

That initial seizure didn’t stop for a full 24 hours. We were airlifted to a hospital 2 hours away and lived there for a month. During that time Easton was placed in a coma and his body temp cooled to save his brain function. The baby that woke up from that coma was not the one I’d had the month before.

I spent every single day for the next year and a half trying to bring him back with therapies, special diets, and round the clock care, but he continued to have hundreds to thousands of seizures daily no matter what we tried to do to stop them. I allowed myself and my life to cease to exist in order to “keep him alive.”

Easton-SupermanWe found out that Easton had a rare genetic disorder that no one had caught. That diagnosis was Alper’s syndrome and although it causes many issues, the one that hurt the worst was that it made me make a decision to discontinue life support. They removed the breathing tube from his throat while I held him. My beautiful 2 1/2 year old son lay there struggling for breath as I stared at him trying to memorize every line on his face, and every curl in his hair as I knew it would be the last chance I ever got.

Easton-Time-Out-270x300The pain following that December 8th day is indescribable. I really saw no reason to continue living. I happened upon your interview with Bob Olson and I was mesmerized. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I could see him again??? No way. Impossible. So, I took a leap of faith and called. I had absolutely no idea what to expect.

After working with you, I did get to see, hear, and HOLD my baby again and ended up receiving so much more. I truly believe that I have a purpose. I’m here to learn a lesson and Easton’s life and death are vital to that lesson. His message was generosity and love. My husband and I know that this is more important than anything else. So, we have small business cards now with his Easton Superman logo and a message to others to simply “love for the sake of loving.” We call them ETOs (Easton Time Out).

Easton Superman and MommyEaston Time Out We ask that people open a door, comfort someone in need, provide a meal, or pay a stranger’s tab just because people matter. Souls matter, and love is the best way to show that.

I want to thank you for your ETO that you may not even know you’ve been doing. I know that this is a business and it’s how you make your living, but your gift could have gone untapped. You could have ignored your purpose and gone the corporate route. I’m eternally grateful that you didn’t. Yours is a beautiful soul and I feel so honored to have been touched by it.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,"

~ Shannon Z. (Easton Superman’s Mommy)

"Michelle, You are a wonderful person who is doing much good for people and for the planet, and it is an honor to know you and to call you my friend! It was pleasure to interview with you. You were receptive and appreciative throughout my story, and it made it so easy for me to open up even more deeply. Much love and wishes for peace, health and happiness"

~ Bruce Cryer, Past President & CEO of HeartMath®

"Michelle is the real deal! I was not only able to connect with my higher self but I was able to trust my intuition , release doubt and build confidence! Michelle is super sweet and her personalized coaching is tailor made for your highest good. At the end of each session you feel relaxed, empowered and in line with YOUR truth. She’s awesome! Thanks Michelle. "

~ Riane Lewis

"Something about Michelle made the bells go off in my head. Not sure sure what it was but she just felt right. Michelle gets straight to the point and allows you to connect directly to the parts of your spirit that need to be expressed."

~ Erika P, Virginia

"The subjects that we worked on were exactly what I needed at that time to move forward. ”

~ Debbie, Phoenix, AZ

"I value Michelle’s advice as she’s been in contact with my higher-self and has pushed me along – actually better said, to “find myself!” so I can become a better person. She’s intuitive, highly sensitive, hears, talks to other energies and is very confident in herself, and that’s what makes her work so remarkable!!”

~ Joni of Waxahachie, TX

"When working with Michelle, you can definitely feel the energy shift even at a distance within the room and within yourself. Since my session and following her advice, I have really seen dramatic changes in my life. She is truly good at touching the soul.”

~ E. Powell, Charlottesville, VA

"I appreciate your beautiful being, and the way you respect everyone/thing.”

~ Meilin from Germany

"Michelle, I was so deeply touched by spending such sacred and blessing-filled time with you . . . Because of your loving embrace and fully open spirit, I could viscerally “feel” every person and experience in ways that we were all being lifted to the heights of our spiritual potential . . .Thank you so much for the beauty of your person, the power of your work, and the wonder of your expression! ”

~ Mystic and Poet, Dr. Bill Bauman, Ph.D

"Afterwards I feel centered and recharged.”

~ Inge of Germany

"I have become more open to the fact that I am changing and that this is a good thing. I know I am not alone and the information from you has reached my soul, allowing me to grow and be comfortable with this growth.”

~ Neva from Canada

"When I initially I came to Michelle for guidance I had high hopes that I would be able to connect right away with my fiance whom I lost 11 years ago. When our first session was over, however, I was very disappointed and frustrated because that was not the case. After that initial session I felt as if nothing had happened. I was ready to give up, I didn’t think anything would happen on our next sessions either. I didn’t realize that I was being prepared for that deep connection that I yearned for. On my latest session with Michelle the most wonderful thing happened. I had such an amazing experience, I had that connection that I hoped for and more.

I was there with him, the love of my life. It was as if time had stopped for a few minutes. I never could have imagined that the connection would be so real. It truly was what I needed to go on, and I know that I am not alone and he will always be there with me. He also gave me a gift that I will treasure forever.

Thank you Michelle for all your help and guidance through this journey.”

~ Sincerely, Ana Davis

"Michelle paints lovely images with her words and guides you to a place of peace, insight and calm that improves confidence and clarity. I recommend her highly.”

~ Cynthia M.

"It has been years since my experience with Michelle, and I am still growing from the experience. Her heart is a pure filter that does not water down but amplifies the love and care that she can deliver from our source. Hearing it directly put in such a loving way has forever changed my life. I cannot overstate how much better my life is today.”

~ Karen S., Norfolk, Virginia

About Michelle Skaletski-Boyd :

MSBMichelle Skaletski-Boyd, affectionately called ‘The Corporate Woo-Woo, is a world-renowned Intuitive who helps connect spiritual seekers into the heavenly realms. Her volume 1 and volume 2 books, “Words for the Soul: Heaven-Sent Life Lessons and Conversations with God”are #1 Amazon best-sellers. As a Reiki Master and member of both the National Speaker's Association and the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, Michelle is a sought after spiritual teacher who is known for her ability to help others learn 'how' to experientially connect to their Higher Self so they can trust their intuition. By being in Michelle's presence, you'll become more aware of your own.


Includes over 3.5 hours of Soul-Felt Journeys: God-Source & Heavenly Wisdom Tracks.

Discount: 78% Off
Total Package Value $444
From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $99



Includes over 3.5 hours of Soul-Felt Journeys: God-Source & Heavenly Wisdom Tracks + 30 minute session with Michelle (valid 1 year from purchase)

Discount: 80% Off
Total Package Value $994
From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $197


DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a no questions asked, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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101 Convention Center Drive, STE 810, Las Vegas, NV, 89109