Michael Allenbright Special Offer
Are you looking to get a clean bill of health?
Are you looking for your relationships to become positive, supportive and nurturing?
Are you REALLY wanting your life to finally start moving in the right direction.
Are you interested in achieving extraordinary success.
Then read on …
Introducing Michael Allenbright and his unprecedented healing work
Consciousness is at the base of everything. All matter originates from consciousness. This implies that all goodness as well as challenges in your life originate from Consciousness as well. To heal our challenges we need to clear up the consciousness.
Michael combines Science and Spiritual Healing in unprecedented ways. Michael was born with a gift of supernatural healing capability. He has honed this gift through 30 years of intense practices under the guidance of several enlightened teachers. Using his scientific and engineering training he has also built an unprecedented consciousness healing device to remotely heal a person’s consciousness.
Michael is like a Doctor of Consciousness. Healing at the level of consciousness brings PROFOUND results in all challenging areas of our life.
Stress, Anxiety, Depression
PTSD, Anger, Addictions
PMS, Menstrual issues
Learning Disabilites
Cancer, Heart Diseases
Liver problems, Diabetes
Business or Financial issues
Relationship issues
iZone Beam Healing |
What is the source of all Happiness and Abundance?
Each one of us has a power source within us that feeds our body and mind. This power source is our own life force that makes life possible. This life force provides us with everything that we need in order to lead a good life: safety, good health, financial well being, good relations, and happiness.
It is when our body and mind gets disconnected from our power source that we begin to suffer. Without adequate connection with the life force we do not get positive results from our actions.
Why do we get disconnected from our Life Force?
We get disconnected from our power source when negative emotions get built up in the human body and mind. There can be layers upon layers of negative emotions in our psyche. Negative emotions come in various forms such as anxiety, anger, negative beliefs, hatred, greed, jealousy, judgement, blame, self-esteem issues etc.
The negative emotions also create a snowball effect. Negative emotions create disconnection from the life force and disconnection creates more negative emotions. This is the reason why vast majority of people are unable to come out of the quicksand of negative emotions without some outside help.
Brand New Testimonials after Michael's Debut on FHTJ
“I can honestly say that the iZone and is the most powerful Healing that i have done and there has been many including the Oneness Blessing”
“I believe based on my experiences so far that if I could continue with this energy for the next few months my life would be transformed. Thank you so much for this, this was money very well spent. I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity. 🙂”
“I have had an interesting week since starting the izone. My mood has been good. A lower back pain went away. A weak tendon in my right thumb no longer pops. I have had three changes in my life this week. First was taken as an observer. Second started with emotion then went to realizing the world is more than one person's pettiness. The third was observing more than absorbing a traumatic experience of my daughter. My elimination has increased. a process is underway!”
“I'm having tons of dreams, very interesting. Wow. My sleep and pain level are slowly improving . So grateful for that !”
“Hmmm just had lovely weekend with my son home from University. He brought 2 friends, who all were happy to shovel a foot of new, very heavy snow off the driveway! What a nice coincidence! Then they decided to stay an extra night, and also one of the friends came and gave me a huge heartfelt hug upon leaving which I thought was really sweet. This company and help was lovely for me as my husband has moved out, and I really miss him.
Just this minute got off the phone with an old friend and her husband who have invited me to dinner tomorrow night. How lovely! It seems the universe is handing me joy, ease and grace which I accept gratefully”
“I have been on the Grace frequency for about a week. I don't really feel any different, but I do know that there was an instance of high drama last week at my bartending job and I seemed to be completely protected. I was not affected at all and the person freaking out came to his senses overnight. I know it was The Grace beam”
“If the Lyme was healed, I believe many of these symptoms would fall away. So, the Lyme would be my number 1 choice to heal. Chronic bloating--no matter what I eat or drink; parasites to include worms--roundworms and tapeworms; Babesia, Bartonella and Borrelia (Chronic Lyme).
Within 10 days this is the update: My life is just so contracted - I have moments of lightness, peace, bliss. Most of all the Lymes is gone !!”
“Everything here looks good and what a difference. My thoughts are a lot better and I'm staying centered, it feels good and things are moving along a lot smoother. What a difference and we all appreciate what you do......”
“Overall, I feel calmer and more at peace. I have my moments but they seem to dissipate without too much effort. Whenever I think about the Energy of Grace and that I am receiving the Energy of Grace, I feel a sweet sense of comfort and joy. Thank you for your work!”
“The acid reflux is history”
“I’m feeling unusually happy”
“Energy started about a week ago, the first night I slept quite well with only half the dosage of my medication, which is a muscle relaxant (anti-depressant used in pain therapy). I usually wake up 3 to 5 times every night but the first night only once, the other nights 2 times each night.”
“Nice changes with the relationship with my Father”
“I felt it kick in during a Satsang I was attending, always an important and enjoyable experience, but unusually joyful tonight despite receiving very worrying news today.”
“I have done a lot of work for over 20 years and am already (since signing up with your program) experiencing significant dreams, which I normally very seldom ever experience or remember”
Unprecedented Solution: iZone Technology
After 30 years of research, I have found that there is an energy in the Universe which has the capability to heal our body and mind relatively quickly. It has the capability to repair the damage done to our body and mind due to the disconnection with our life force. It also clears up the negative emotions stored in our body and mind, thereby restoring our connection with our own power source. I call this energy as Grace. Please note the term Grace used here is not related to the religious concept of God. This term refers to a high quality healing energy that is abundantly available in nature, just like electricity or magnetism.
I have created a proprietary consciousness technology that draws the energy of Grace from nature and remotely channels it to you 24 hours a day wherever you may be on earth. The energy of Grace is abundantly available in nature. However, we need to harness this energy from nature and channel it to a person to improve the quality of their life. This is similar in concept to electricity, which is abundantly available in nature, but we need to harness it to make use of it in our day to day life.
The consciousness technology device is located in the Himalayas where the energy of Grace is abundantly available. The device is placed near the city of Darjeeling at an altitude of 10,000 ft. I call this consciousness healing technology the iZone Technology. The iZone Device is a highly sophisticated system that is based on the principles of quantum physics. The device has two major functions. On one side it harnesses the energy of Grace from the rich environment of the Himalayas. On the other side it establishes a wireless connection with the energy body of the client. I use a person’s legal name, date of birth and place of birth as a means to calculate the frequency of the energy body of the client. It is like the cell phone number of a person. Once you have the cell phone number you can send text to that person. Similarly once I have the frequency of the energy body of the client, the iZone Device can send the energy of Grace to that person.
iZone Beam Healing Program is a monthly subscription based program to get the energy of Grace sent to you 24 hours a day. When you sign up for this healing program we will ask you about the main issue that you are currently dealing with in your life. What issue if solved will take your life to the next level of well being. The energy of Grace that is sent to you will be focused on that particular area of your life to heal it and bring relief to you. Most common physical and mental problems can be healed within 1 to 3 months of iZone Beam Healing program. More deep rooted and complex problems can take longer.
Blocked Portal Vein to the Liver
Eram’s mom had been suffering from Liver Cirrhosis for over 20 years. Liver issues combined with other factors causes blood to clot in the Portal Vein resulting a blockage in the Vein. This is a critical situation which can cause the Portal Vein to burst and backup fluid in the digestive system. Doctors had said that there was NO hope for recovery. However, within 2 weeks of Michael’s treatment here is what Eram had reported:
Great news: Mom’s endoscopy reflected no issues whatsoever. We then got an ultra sound and her portal vein is now open and has a reasonable flow. Fluid in stomach and lungs negligible. This is truly miraculous as it takes her out of the “critical ” condition zone.
- Eram Saeed
1 Month of iZone Beam Healing Program
Value $250
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*Due to the nature of this package, there are no refunds and all sales are final.
Offer Expired
Read these amazing Cases Studies/Testimonials from people who have experienced iZone Beam Healing
Walking after 10 years
Marjorie is a resident of a senior center in Bartlett, IL. She has been unable to walk for over 10 years due to various health issues. 4 months after being on iZone Beam Healing Program she is now able to walk with the help of her walker and cane. She now regularly walks from her room to the meal room. She also goes for a short walk outside the senior center to feel the fresh air and experience the freedom that she did not have before.
Heart Atrial Fibrillation
Arlene is 73 year old client who started having Heart Atrial Fibrillation (irregular and very fast heart rate) in 2008. These incidents started to increase in severity and frequency over the years. By 2014 she started to have these incidents once a month. In some of these incidents she had to be taken to the hospital to electrically shock her heart to bring it back to normal rhythm.
Arlene started on my iZone Beam Healing in August 2014. Since August 2014 she has not had had a single AF incident. From once a month AF incident to none in over 5 months.
Rare Form of Cancer Completely Healed
Magdalena was diagnosed with a rare form of melanoma in her right maxillary cavity. Surgery, radiation and bio-chemo treatment all failed to rid her of the melanoma. Since she started the iZone Beam Healing program with Michael her recovery from the chemotherapy treatments has been remarkable. Her doctors are baffled by her recovery with almost no side effects. Her strength is back and she is completely cancer free today. In her words,”I can attribute this only to Michael’s iZone Beam Healing Program. Thank you.”
Pinched Nerve Healed Completely
Marisol is 50 years old and has been dealing with daily pain at level 10 from a pinched nerve in her neck. She tried physical therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, acupuncture, etc. since September last year with little relief. She had a Treatment done with Michael and in her words, “I am so incredibly happy to say the pain is gone!! I have a hard time believing it at times but I have to because I am no longer suffering.” No sore throbbing and tingles going down her arm.
Severe PMS Issues Healed
Poornima is 42 years old who had severe PMS symptoms since her 20’s. Her symptoms included irregular periods (every 10 days), spotting, mood swings, hot flashes, insomnia, severe depression and major adrenal fatigue. When she started the iZone Beam Healing program her symptoms were at a level 8 (on a scale or 0 to 10). Within a month, her level came down to 1. Normal periods, no spotting, sleeping better, depression lifted.
Unbelievable Pain from Arthritis
“My 98 year old grandmother had arthritis for the several decades. Recently her arthritis had become so painful that she would be screaming with pain and used to fall unconscious with the pain every three hours despite taking prescription painkillers. Within a couple of days of starting Michael’s treatment her pain had reduced to where she was not screaming and falling unconscious with the pain. Within a week she was sleeping much better. Also, for over 15 years my grandmother had also been praying to the Universe to leave the body. But for some reason she felt stuck in this body. Within 3 months of Michaels iZone Beam Healing, my grandmother passed away peacefully. She has been fully healed.”
- Daya
Lost 80 pounds
“Sue lost over 80 pounds after doing a iZone Energy Healing Program with Michael for 12 months. She had a lot of health issues including high blood pressure and diabetes. There was a lot of clearing that happened. In her words, “I feel a lot happier and lighter emotionally and physically!!”
- Sue
Unusual Healing for the Horse
“Andy is a 11 year old Thoroughbred horse who was in a bad jumping wreck a couple of years ago. He had issues in his throat and neck and ulcers in his stomach which it difficult for him to eat or drink. He had a tendency to choke. Also Andy’s backbone used to protrude.
● Within a day he was eating well, energetic and pretty perky !!!
● 3 days into the treatment his throat actually moved when he was drinking water. He actually drinking in gulps whereas earlier he was taking in a teaspoon at a time.
● 10 days into the treatment his coat was much better. Neck knots less prominent. Spine less bumpy.
● 20 days after the treatment , the spine is fairly straight. Overall his health based on appearance has improved with the treatment. He currently has gained 40 pounds and continues to get rounder !!!”
Healing of a class with Down’s Syndrome Children
“Darlene, who teaches Grade One at an elementary school in Canada had iZone Energy Healing done for her entire class with Down’s Syndrome children. The doctors had predicted that some of these children will start to regress with age. Within a couple of months Darlene reported that the pediatricians were baffled as several students exceeded expectations in reading and math. Instead of regressing they were actually 3 months ahead of schedule.”
- Darlene
Severe Back Pain of 22 years completely healed
“Nanci has experienced back problems since 1983. The pain would be so severe that she would be bedridden for months unable to walk. In her words, “Since 1992 I have been in severe pain for every minute of every day of my life until August 2014.” Just one week after a treatment with Michael she is completely pain free. It has been 6 months now and she still pain free.”
- Nanci
1 Month of iZone Beam Healing Program
Value $250
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*Due to the nature of this package, there are no refunds and all sales are final.
Offer Expired
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