Internationally known Spiritual Healer, Clairaudient Channel, Author and Transformational Life and Business Coach


Mia Den Haan Special Offer

Accelerate Spiritual Development

A Quick, Easy and Proven Way to Start Living on Purpose and Become More of Your True Self with Help of Spirit

As an internationally known Spiritual Healer and Channel for Spirit, Mia receives information directly from your Soul’s highest level of wisdom. She can receive guidance for any issues, personal or family matters or business. She receives information about your body and mental, emotional and spiritual planes, karmic issues or your genetic lineage.

With her gift Mia has helped many, including young children improve any aspect, such as improve physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, improve cognition with young children, more harmonious relationships, work issues, purpose in life and development of spiritual gifts.

On occasion she will receive predictions such as the ones about the weather which were documented in an earlier published book she authored.

Mia is also a certified Life and Business Coach with many years of practical business experience as a business owner an employer since 1990. As a healer she trained as a Reiki Master, Seichim Healer, Zenna Healer and Reconnective Healing and Shell essence and several flower essence ranges.

She received this special Healing method, called Your Divine Soul Essence™, in 2002 through her ability to channel Spirit. She has since used this method, which includes both your Soul Essence and Spirit, as the main modality in her healing practice.
Mia’s gift is that she hears directly from your highest Soul level what lies at the core of any issue and will, with help of her healing gift, clear this at all levels of being.

Mia has successfully worked with people of all ages including the very young and has helped people with a variety of issues.

Here are some of the results clients have reported:


  • Permanent healing of Diabetic Retinopathy after laser eye surgery failed
  • Permanently disappearing of Ovarian Cyst - confirmed by physician
  • Clearing Weight Gain Issues
  • Multiple Sclerosis pain reduction, improved mobility, no longer needing a walking aid
  • Reducing Swollen Feet that would not change by any means
  • Cleared severe Tonsillitis that no longer responded to antibiotics
  • Long standing Diabetes type 1, permanent reduction of insulin intake as well as stable blood sugar levels
  • High blood pressure back to normal on a permanent basis without the need for medication
  • Relieve of backaches, headaches, neck and shoulder pain


  • Reduced stress levels, panic attacks, anxiety, trauma,
  • Cleared sexual abuse issues both from early childhood and in relationships
  • Cleared grief, sadness, loss, loneliness and abandonment both in children and adults
  • Cleared childhood issues including those that are often no longer remembered (your Soul always remembers)
  • Cleared bullying issues, being stalked
  • Improved self-worth, social anxiety, shyness in adults and children
  • Increase mental and emotional wellbeing
  • Reduced carer strain or overload

Relationships with close family and friends as well as co-workers

  • More harmonious family relationships between partners, siblings, parent and child
  • Reduced Workplace stresses, cleared issues such as bullying and control in the workplace
  • Spiritual Guidance with career options, career development, help with study anxiety
  • Improved corporate decision making and management of business
  • Improved management skills in dealing with difficult clients and staff


  • Clarity with your purpose in life
  • Insight through spiritual means, clarity on any issue
  • Further development of Spiritual Gifts such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentient, claircognizance
  • Spiritual Guidance on any issue


  • Improved Mobility
  • No more Autism, improved cognitive development such as speech impediments
  • Cleared nightmares with panic, improved sleeping patterns, no more relentless crying
  • Fears in the classroom for other children or teachers, learning issues, bullying issues,
  • Cleared extreme shyness relative to the child’s developmental age
  • Cleared Headaches, bumps, bruises, cleared pains that were not quantifiable
  • Cleared sibling rivalry, stopped biting issues, cleared restlessness and anxiety driven behavior
  • Cleared any issues of loss such as with a close friend, relative or a parent, or in the classroom
  • Suicidal thoughts or tendencies. However always immediately seek professional help first should your child display such tendencies.

Mia was born with a gift to talk to the Soul with help of Spirit and finds the real cause, the root of almost any issue through her ability to receive channeled information. This information is then processed by both Mia’s guidance and that of the client. Clients have reported miracle healings at all levels, physical, mental and emotional including with groups patterns such as in business and with longstanding family patterns that were affecting more than one person. Mia can also help people with clarity about their life’s purpose or who wish to enable their own innate gifts.

Read some of Mia's success stories


AmandarI had laser surgery for diabetic retinopathy in my left eye in December 2009. It did not stop the bleeding instead it caused permanent scarring and flashing in my eye! In September 2011 after several very intense healing sessions with Mia my eye has stopped bleeding.
I have had diabetes type 1 for many years and at times I could no longer bring down my levels with just insulin alone. I called Mia with my readings at around 20 mmols and not being able to bring it down with insulin and after a 3 hour session, my BSL was back within the normal range. I can now manage my diabetes and with less insulin than before the healings.
I was also given help with both ketoacidosis, with apparently only 4 hours to live, as well as a blood clot in my left arm. I have on many separate occasions had bad family situations just suddenly change for the better after a session. I highly recommend Mia’s healings to anyone who requires physical or emotional healing, or for those seeking an upgrade to a better version of themselves.

Thank you so much Mia and Spirit, I certainly have a lot to be appreciative for.

Amanda T. – Wynnum Australia 


Gea2rI found the healing experiences with Mia excellent and noticed marked improvements particularly with my walking.
Because of the Multiple Sclerosis I needed a walking aid before I started Mia’s healings. After several of her healings I can now walk virtually unaided.
Thanks to the channeled information Mia received through her guidance I was also able to get a lot more insights about many of the core issues behind my Multiple Sclerosis. Because of these news insights I can now cope better.
I am still able to volunteer my time several days a week and I can still help many families or people in need. Also some of Mia’s spiritual tools have provided additional help.

Gea S. – Enschede Netherlands


BritrI received a distant healing from Mia after my tonsillitis had still not improved when I was halfway through my second course of antibiotics.
I had already been in bed for 7 days due to lack of energy and was unable to eat due to extreme pain in my throat.
After only one brief distant healing with Mia, my symptoms immediately eased whereby I was able to get up within a few hours and was able to eat solid food for the first time in a week.
I was able to go back to work within 3 days.
Two years later I was diagnosed with a cyst on my ovary which was not going away even while on medication. I received Mia’s help with the pain. The pain went away almost immediately after the healings occurred. Several weeks later my doctor did more tests and the cyst had completely disappeared. The doctor was surprised it had totally disappeared.

Brittany DW. – Brisbane Australia


Maddy2rMia gave me some priceless information. She read energy in my matrix that I hadn’t been able to see, let-alone identify. It was around the interactions I had with my parents when I was little. Mia has done some amazing work with autistic children and as a result sees and understands the brain in a uniquely informed and insightful way. She got that I saw upset on my mother’s face and heard upset sounds, and she said that the visual-kinetic aspect of my brain got all wired up with this upset. She was right – my mother was unwell and unhappy, and it made her emotionally unpredictable. There was no emotional safety, and it got all wired into me feeling small and powerless, which under girded a bunch of stuff around being unable to be financially successful or make my way in this world. All exactly what I chose for my setup, to support the work I came here to do, and the process I came here to have for myself.

Mia said it would take her 2 weeks to clear this but I could do it myself, and that was no problem. Over the next few days I became aware of several layers of this energy as they arose. Allowed them to be, found the places where things were stuck or needed undoing, and created healing for myself.

Maddy Schafer (Energy Healer) – New Zealand 



MaiyahrMia's profound work is deeply spiritual and immeasurably upgraded my relationship with my mother. I am very grateful for this, as mom is 87 and taking care of her can be wearing. Also, I had deep genetic issues around masculine and feminine energy balances, that had resulted in my being raped when I was in my 30s. I had a deep shift during my session with Mia, and it immediately relieved several physical symptoms, including a piercing headache.

Because my session was so multilayered, I expect to be reaping benefits for the next 3 months! Thanks so very much Mia!

Maiyah Olivas


RhondarMia is a dynamic healer. My experience working with her was like a energetic ride into the cosmic time machine and she can help one clear past life traumas that may be blocking one's ability to trust and connect in the now. Love her and her gentle, sincere and powerful gifts!

Gratitude for you my dear Mia.

Rhonda Rule in California


Kerie2rExtract from the book  “Affirming and Focusing on Living a Better Life” by Kerie Logan the mother of Mia’s young client Arlen, who had Autism and could barely speak and had severe mobility issues before he received Mia’s distant healings in 2012.

At the time Arlen would walk a few feet and fall to his knees. He could not walk downstairs without someone holding his hand, and he could not jump or run. To my surprise and that of everyone else he started to gain his daredevil confidence. One day he was in the living room jumping off the couch. When he landed he did not fall on his knees. His balance was much better. I watched him do it over and over again. It was like a miracle had taken place right before my eyes. Within two weeks after the healings began he started to run around the house. I know it is a rule at the gym’s kids club to not allow the children to run, but the women were amazed to watch him run for the first time. They did not have the hearts to tell him to stop. To be able to witness him being able to run with joy and excitement just makes my heart sing. Every time I am grateful that words cannot speak. The gift Mia den Haan gave me is what every parent would wish. It was a blessing and I am so thankful.

Arlen was referred to Easter Seals for speech therapy however services were stopped in 2012 before Arlen could attend. This was what Kerie wrote in her book about Mia’s healings.

The next healing my son received was for his communication. When you have a child with autism, the communication barrier varies. My son is four and a half and could say words, but putting those words together to form a sentence was not easy for him. At times it felt like a guessing game and I had to learn to show objects of various foods to get a response from him. However, a week after Arlen received his speech evaluation he received his first distant healing for his communication. Within a few days people saw his use of words expand and it still does to this day. Every day his use of words and sentences expands. Now I have to watch my own words because there have been times he will recall and repeat what I said. I cannot help but smile with joy. I have not changed his diet or tried any new techniques. The average child can say the sentences Arlen now speaks at a much younger age, but an autistic child cannot. I can now have a conversation with my son and to me that has been priceless. While it may be hard for some people to believe in my son’s amazing healings, but he did not get any speech therapy over the summer from preschool and no other resources were available.

Kerie Logan – Oregon USA


jesserAt the age of five my son Jesse could barely speak and showed all the signs of autism, and although we did seek help through his Early Childhood Teacher when he was only three, for some reason, it never became available. It wasn’t until he began attending Prep in January 2011 that we were advised by his teacher, how to get him properly diagnosed, so he could get the extra learning support he needed.

In March 2011, he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and arrangements were made for him to attend the Early Childhood Development Program (ECDP) 2 days per week. He also began to see a Speech Therapist and an Occupational Therapist once a week. However, despite all the extra help, his improvement was minimal. It wasn’t until late June 2011 when we decided to put him on one of Mia’s healing packages for the second time that his autism really started to improve dramatically!

In less than two weeks after the healing work began Jesse was speaking in full sentences and he began interacting more with his peers! My son’s phenomenal progress was also noted by his teachers at both his Prep school and the ECDP. He will no longer be attend ECDP after the school holidays and will be full time back at primary school.
When Mia first worked with my son when he was four she told us he would be healed, but only when he was ready, in his timing and not ours! His speech and cognitive behavior did improve somewhat at the time but not enough. However this time he was ready and the improvements are showing it..

Also, one night he was crying with severe pain in one knee and one ankle. Mia’s guidance told us it was fear related. Once the fear was released Mia’s guides told me he would be feeling good in a couple of minutes. As it turned out, he actually fell asleep in a couple of minutes.

Jesse’s Mother – Amanda T. Wynnum Australia  

Some other remarkable healing stories in Mia’s own words

During the 1990s when I was still running my IT business, I began receiving guidance that I was no longer on purpose; however, initially I did not give it the attention it deserved. Thus I became gradually more and more stressed and only started to take more notice when I had a somewhat blurred vision in one eye. Ironically, I was denying my spiritual guidance and did not want to see the truth! Unbeknown to me my blood pressure was far too high (around 190-200). Resulting from that and other work related stresses, my retina had started detaching, which could lead to blindness if not treated. As I only had weeks before I was scheduled for laser surgery, I decided to give it all and was able to reverse the high blood pressure and fixed the retina issue within weeks which the eye specialist later confirmed. Thus I avoided laser surgery. To this day my blood pressure has been within the normal range without ever needing any medication.

An elderly family member suffered from severe sciatic pains on one side of her body many years ago. By the time I found out she had already received many hours of physiotherapy as well as 15 injections. As nothing was helping she could barely speak from the pain when I phoned her from Australia. With her permission I started a very intensive daily distant healing process (she lives in the Netherlands) for about 5 days. After the 5 days she was pain free and that severe pain never returned. It turned out it was caused by a swelling or bulge around the spinal area called L4. Based on scans prior to giving her these healings, her specialist had decided she needed an operation. Spirit told me at the end of the 5 days healing that she no longer needed this operation. This was confirmed 3 months later, during a visit to the specialist who was going to perform her operation. This visit was already booked before I began the healings. She was told by this specialist she no longer needed the operation. That same problem has never returned.

Several years ago one of my relatives who was in her 80s, was diagnosed with end stage renal failure with less than 10% of her kidneys still working. It was no longer possible for her to get a transplant or receive dialysis because of other major health implications. When I began giving her distant healings she was already completely bedridden. Within less than two weeks she was fully mobile again. I was privileged to give her quality of life during that period. Much to the shock and amazement of those around her she was able to walk and travel and visit family until a few days before her transition 12 weeks later.

Your Divine Soul Essence™

Accelerate your Spiritual Development

A Quick, Easy and Proven Way to Start Living on Purpose and Become More of Your True Self with Help of Spirit

(29 Clearings included in this package!)





with Assistance of Your Divine Soul Essence™ and Spirit

7 Clearing MP3s with PDF - $75 value

Item 1Relationships are one of the main pillars of support. When a significant relationship changes because of a breakup, death or sudden disappearance, this can have a deep and lasting effect on us. The same can happen when an adult child leaves home, a parent needs to move into a nursing home or someone close to us changes their behavior such as with dementia.

These clearings were specifically created to improve your coping skills. Each clearing has been infused with wisdom from spirit and clears different aspects to bring back wholeness. You will create more balance at all levels such as between the mental and emotional by clearing any thoughts, beliefs or emotions that no longer serve you. Your Divine Self will bring back a sense of inner oneness or wellbeing.

Each mp3 was created with your convenience foremost in mind and will be quick and easy. Each listening will not take more than 10 minutes to minimize interruption of your daily activities. You can continue your day after a listening, with no need to meditate. Your Divine Soul Essence™ and spirit will continue to clear your relationship stress for the next 4 hours. These clearings NEVER affect any of your activities. Your soul essence will take care of that.

Each clearing addresses different issues and takes your soul’s purpose into consideration. Spirit and your soul will help you in becoming more whole in an easy way. You will gently, in a natural way start clearing issues and become more of Who You Are.

Some of the benefits these clearings offer:

  • Improved coping skills after a breakup, death or sudden disappearance of a loved one
  • Release of associated painful states
  • Increased inner peace and well-being
  • Improved coping mechanism with related other loss issues such as with status, possessions and other material matters which often happens after a breakup
  • Accepting a situation that can no longer be turned back
  • Clearings for states such as sadness, abandonment, feeling too vulnerable, anger, loneliness, loss, rejection, regret, emotional pain, helplessness and many other states.




with Assistance of Your Divine Soul Essence™ and Spirit

5 Clearing MP3s with PDF - $75 value

Item 2Improving your inner states of love will help build resilience and a more fulfilling life and brings back more oneness from within. Having a loving inner state creates feelings of wellbeing and provides inner nourishment.

Effortless find your own inner source of love or wellbeing by clearing stresses that are preventing your inner states of love to emerge. As an additional benefit, your life force will also strengthen every time you listen to these clearings

Each mp3 was created with your convenience foremost in mind and will be quick and easy. Each listening will not take more than 10 minutes to minimize interruption of your daily activities. You can continue your day after a listening, with no need to meditate. Your Divine Soul Essence™ and spirit will continue to improve your inner state of love or wellbeing for the next 4 hours. These clearings NEVER affect any of your activities. Your soul essence will take care of that.

Each clearing is unique and assists you in a natural way to become more loving within, through your own heart awareness and with the help of your Divine Self.

These channeled clearings always take your innate uniqueness into consideration, because of the embedded clearing instructions channeled by spirit. You will gently and in a natural way start clearing issues and become more of Who You Are with help of your divine self by releasing any thoughts, beliefs or emotions not in alignment with Who You Are.

Some of the benefits these clearings offer:

  • Increasing your inner love state thereby reducing overall stresses
  • Allowing a natural flow of love and wellbeing to emerge from within
  • Creating more harmonious and natural states within ANY relationship
  • Improved feelings of overall wellbeing and inner strength
  • Gain more clarity with each set of releases
  • Increased emotional balance and harmonious states




with Assistance of Your Divine Soul Essence™ and Spirit

4 Clearing MP3s with PDF - $75 value

Item 3Change is part of everyday living. Change can be fulfilling, but can also be stressful, particularly when an unexpected event happens.

These mp3s will clear all stresses caused by change and begin restoring your sense of oneness. They are equally as effective for simple issues involving change, such as a different hairstyle or look, as well as with more involved matters such as wishing to study, writing a book or assignment, a new partner or new neighbors. It can be used for ANY situation whereby you need to adapt to change. It will help you move forwards with grace and ease and in alignment with your Soul Essence by releasing any thoughts, beliefs or emotions that are outdated.

Each clearing has been channeled and infused with wisdom from spirit and was created to improve wellbeing when changes or stressful events affect you. You can now effortlessly and with ease start clearing blockages around stresses in the family, stressful events or any other changes that are causing stress.

Each mp3 was created with your convenience foremost in mind and will be quick and easy. Each listening will not take more than 10 minutes to minimize interruption of your daily activities. You can continue your day after a listening, with no need to meditate. Your Divine Soul Essence™ and spirit will continue to increase your wellbeing for the next 4 hours. These clearings NEVER affect any of your activities. Your soul essence will take care of that.

Each clearing helps build resilience guided by your own unique divine soul essence, your soul’s blueprint, because of the embedded clearing instructions channeled by spirit. As each layer of stress is cleared a more relaxed version of you will begin to emerge.

Some of the benefits these clearings offer:

  • Increased states of wellbeing and grace around your issue of change
  • A greater sense of oneness
  • More clarity or insights around any stressful issues
  • Increased effectiveness when implementing change
  • Improving the rate at which you can implement change
  • Happier outlook about your issue of change


YOUR NEW HOME – Finding and Moving House with Ease

with Assistance of Your Divine Soul Essence™ and Spirit

7 Clearing MP3s with PDF - $75 value

Item 4Moving house can be a happier experience with help of spirit as it is one of the most stressful events a person can experience, particular if it is not by choice. These clearings have been channeled and infused with wisdom from spirit, are for your highest good and were specifically created to help with clearing all stress related issues around organizing your move. They can also bring about a better flow on the actual day of your move with one of the mp3s specifically created for this. No stress with items gone missing or misplaced or people not turning up on the day you move. Spirit will assist you so that everything on the day of the actual move goes smoothly. Create more ease with moving house by releasing any unnecessary thoughts or beliefs

You can start these clearings the moment you wish to find a different place to live. The mp3s will give you immediate spiritual support for your move, from the day you start listening, no matter how long before the day of the actual move.

Each mp3 was created with your convenience foremost in mind and will be quick and easy. Each listening will not take more than 10 minutes to minimize interruption of your daily activities. You can continue your day after a listening, with no need to meditate. Your Divine Soul Essence™ and spirit will continue to clear any stressful issues for the next 4 hours. These clearings NEVER affect any of your activities. Your soul essence will take care of that.

Some of the benefits these clearings offer:

  • Clarity around any decisions you have to make
  • Reduce overall stress around your move
  • Improved general wellbeing and coping skills
  • Ease with all tasks related to moving house
  • More ease and better flow on the actual day of your move


IDEAL CAREER – A Stress-free Approach

with Assistance of Your Divine Soul Essence™ and Spirit

7 MP3s with PDF - $75 value

Item 5Changing jobs can be a stress free and happy experience with help of spirit. However, not everyone experiences it that way. In particular if there are additional changes involved such as moving house, increased travel time, or finding a different school. These clearings have been channeled and infused with wisdom from spirit, and were specifically created to help you cope with all areas associated with changing jobs and increase a sense of inner oneness. Each mp3 always takes your soul’s purpose into consideration and provides clarity or insight from within with your journey of finding a new job.

Each mp3 was created with your convenience foremost in mind and will be quick and easy. Each listening will not take more than 10 minutes to minimize interruption of your daily activities. You can continue your day after a listening, with no need to meditate. Your Divine Soul Essence™ and spirit will continue with the clearings for the next 4 hours. These clearings NEVER affect any of your activities. Your soul essence will take care of that.

Some of the benefits these clearings offer:

  • A more stress-free approach to changing jobs
  • More balanced and harmonious decision making
  • Improved wellbeing
  • Increases clarity or insight
  • Works on the principle of divine timing

Plus these Amazing Bonuses!

1 Discount voucher of $500

valid for up to 30 days after date of purchase.

This offer is available for the 15 Days of Transformational Coaching for Life or Business package valued at $1995. There are only a limited number of openings each month, however, as long as the booking is made within the 30 days after date of purchase the discount will be honored.

This package includes:

2 personal sessions of 1 hour

15 days of continuous healing for additional support

Unlimited 24/7 support and questions via email

A special discount code with a link will be emailed after your purchase


This eBook contains a compilation of channelings from Spirit, which Mia has received since the year 2000. Some are concerning the present weather extremities. Others provide a more general overview of where humanity will be heading in the next 20 - 50 years, unless there is a global shift in awareness about the planet’s resource management and population growth.

This eBook will be emailed no later than end of February 2015.


Total Package Value $885

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99 Only!

**SAVE 88%**


Includes Everything in Package A Plus


3 LIVE Weekly Group Clearings with Q&A

Interactive group sessions of a minimum of 90 minutes each

Value $300

During this live, interactive event you can either ask your question directly or submit your questions beforehand.

Mia will receive guidance from spirit for the group as a whole as well as for individual questions. She will provide clearings through direct communication with the creator consciousness, which she communicates with.

With each call Mia will help you bring forth more of Who You Really Are, your True Self. You will be able to continue your clearings after each call with a specifically created channeled mp3, which will be emailed within two days after the first group call.

We will be looking at:

  • Soul and You. Why are you here
  • Clearings of issues no longer needed
  • Wellbeing in relationships
  • What holds you back in any area of your life
  • Bringing more balance and harmony into your life by being more in alignment with your Divine Self

The first 20-30 minutes of each call will provide clearings for the more prevalent issues within the group.

The rest of the time participants can ask questions and will receive guidance from spirit. You can ask questions on any topic related to your personal or family life.

These clearings focus on lifting your spirit through inner wellbeing, with help of your own divine self.

Replays of each call will be provided.

In addition a special recording with specific clearings customized for the whole group, including those who could not attend, will be emailed within 2 days after the first group call to help you continue with the clearings during the course of these 3 weeks.

The first call will be held during the second week of April 2015. Call details will be emailed closer to the time.


Total Package Value $1185

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127 Only!


**SAVE 89%**


Includes everything in Package B Plus

One on One 30 minute session with Mia

Value $250

MiarIn this 30 min personal session I use my gifts to channel your Soul’s wisdom combined with that of guides as well as Spirit.

This is the same method I have also used for some of my so called miracle healings such as with autism, diabetic retinopathy, multiple sclerosis and improved mobility.

You can give me any issue you wish to address and I will request spirit for information.

All healings are under the direction of spirit only.


Total Package Value $1435

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147 Only


**Save 89%**



Mia has been given, and works with a method called Your Divine Soul Essence™. This is a method that can be used to help resolve certain issues that one may be finding a challenge in one’s life. I believe that by using this technique, one is able to access one’s Higher Self or Soul. This is the deeper aspect of yourself self that knows your own Truth.

I have personally been fortunate enough to be shown this process by Mia and have applied it to several aspects of my own life with quite amazing results.

One example of success for me has been the use of it in the area of my lack of self-esteem and self-worth, an issue that has plagued me for most of my life. Whenever I was in a group of people, I would become very anxious, and feelings that ‘I wasn’t good enough’ would invariably come to the fore. This made it difficult to think logically and I would find it very challenging to participate in conversations. I always felt as though other people were judging me and thinking negatively about me. I had sought help from several psychologists and practitioners over the years but never seemed to find any improvement.

I began setting positive outcome relation to my self-worth when I used this method.

I then felt that my Soul or Higher Self understood that my true self wasn’t inferior or inadequate by nature, and an awareness began to make itself known to me that it was only my own thoughts and negative self-talk that were creating these feelings. Slowly, I became more confident in the presence of other people and felt that I was prompted by my inner higher self to change my thoughts whenever I felt myself beginning to go down the old familiar destructive path. I became better and better at doing this and now I can speak to people and feel comfortable and happy in their presence.

Libby v K – Australia


I have now used the Your Divine Soul Essence™ method for some time and found the benefits to be profound when used in the way Mia recommend it.

I have used it on many occasions in many different situations. I have used it on several occasions with different family members.

I have also used it to help bring more balance into a work situation where I no longer felt happy. I notice more wellbeing afterwards without being too involved in what the actual changes are.

Amanda D. - Australia


I have used the Your Divine Soul Essence™ method with success on several occasions.
On one occasion I needed to resolve a longstanding disagreement between myself and my ex-partner.
When I started applying this method, this disagreement resolved itself “automatically” in no time and in the best possible way, in a way I never expected was possible.
On another occasion I used it at work.
The tension around me was often unbearable.
Within one week it all began to ease and there is now far less stress around me compared to how it was before.

Rob M. Wynnum - Australia


I have been using the Your Divine Soul Essence™ method for several of my issues with fears triggered by stressful events. Such as when I was on an airplane and became quite stressed. I have also used it in situations where I felt unsafe and would become stressed  when I was a passenger in a car with a driver who did not seem competent. Every time I use this method the situation as well as my stress levels ease. I have used it in several different stressful situations and always with success and more ease afterwards.

Brit D - Australia


Late 2004 I attended a seminar which was presented by Mia. The information therein gave me many insights into planetary changes which, at the time, were relatively unspoken of in everyday life. Mia has a great gift in being able to 'hear' and channel information from a higher Source. This Source is giving mankind an important message about the current state of the planet and what we can do in order to lessen the impact of the possible tragic events that could take place in the near future, should we continue to live the way we do at present. She is receiving a Truth - a warning to mankind of things to come. Many events have already happened since her seminar which she could not have predicted herself. I gained more confidence in myself and my way in life. I loved listening to Mia's channeling. I received some confirmation of what I have read and heard before.

Workshop Attendee - Brisbane


I was not sure what to expect from the workshop. I was very surprised. Mia introduced me to a new way of helping myself dealing with my issues unlike anything else I have done before. It was simple and powerful. I have been using these techniques with ease and amazing results. I am moving ahead in every area.

Workshop Attendee - Brisbane


I have an extremely stressful job and this also places pressures on my family life. Furthermore I was informed that I would be transferred to an operational position within my job causing severe stress, affecting myself and family.

I was unable to cope, sleep and seriously considered resigning. Consequently through the help of Spirit, I eventually became comfortable with my transfer and soon after started working in the operational field, which I have excelled in and am in a permanent operational position. My zest for life, family and work has improved significantly and this is thanks to Spirit.
On another occasion I was at the supermarket when I felt intense pain in my chest. This lasted for about an hour and became stronger and it felt like I was having a heart attack – at age 45 this was quite a concern.
I returned home and told my wife who immediately called “000’’, the emergency number in Australia. The ambulance arrived and immediately provided medical treatment and I was diagnosed with a suspected heart attack as they picked up a weakness in the heart muscle.
I was given spray, injections and placed on a drip and monitored. On the way to the hospital I became very ill and my heart rate dropped to 20. The intensive care paramedics were called and attended whereby my heart rate was slowly restored; however I was very ill and had significant pain in my chest/heart. During this time I was unaware that Mia and Spirit were also working on me. At the hospital I underwent many tests to ascertain what had occurred and more importantly if my heart had been damaged.
That same night at the hospital my pain had gone and I felt healthy and well. I wanted to go home, however I had to undergo at least 2 days testing to ensure I had recovered and ensure there wasn’t any permanent damage to my heart.
Well the doctors told me I had no damage to my heart and was fit and well and were amazed at my immediate recovery. I was subsequently diagnosed with Pericardiatis which is a flu which attacks the heart and causes significant pain.
More amazingly I didn’t require any medication to treat the flu which attacked my heart or any pain killers.
I was later advised by my wife that after she called ‘000’ she immediately rang Mia and asked for a healing. This healing took place somewhere between leaving my house in an ambulance with 8 out of 10 chest pains, to arriving at hospital with no pain at all.
Mia either saved my life or saved me from permanent heart damage and many, many months of recovery. Thank you Mia and Spirit.

Mark T. – Brisbane Australia


I had severely swollen feet with a lot of fluid retention for several years, which made it sometimes difficult with my work as I need to walk a lot during the day. After Mia’s distant healings this has now gone.

Occasionally some swelling might return, however it will immediately disappear as soon as I am home from work. Whereas before Mia started her healing work both feet were swollen all the time and there was nothing I could do to prevent that.

Anthony F. – Toronto Canada


During the past 5 years I have had several healings from Mia for different situations. One such situation was when my ageing mother and I shared the same house and were not relating well. After a session with Mia my awareness of her changed and that resulted in a much improved relationship between us.
On another occasion a close relative of mine who was still young at the time, was critical ill in hospital and we were told by her doctors that they were not sure if she would make it through the night. Mia did a channeled healing session that same night and told me she was going to live, which she did. That guidance gave me the assurance I needed during those difficult times, when medically no assurance could be given at first.
A third occasion was at work when I was having difficulties with a more senior staff member. After a session with Mia that situation much improved to make it more tolerable for me to deal with the situation.

Helina Y. Brisbane - Australia


I have known Mia since I first attended one of her workshops with a friend in 2004.

I knew very little regarding the 'Spiritual World' but was very interested to learn more and was very taken with Mia at that workshop. After asking a few questions she told me there would be a change in direction regarding my gifts and how I would apply this in the near future.
Not long after I began becoming very aware of energy around me. Sometimes when with friends or late at night I became more and more aware of loved ones that had passed over. I then phoned Mia and had several sessions which was a wonderful experience as it enabled me to open to my higher self and to my own gift. I also became more appreciative about what I had been given.
The healing I was now able to give to horses was amazing. My healing gift helped  little premature foals surviving while their owners were already expecting to lose them for being so premature. After working on them for a short period of time and bring the mothers milk down they would be able to get themselves up and drink from the mother. I have had some wonderful experiences, all thanks to Mia.

I am looking forward to more sessions with Mia and how this work will improve even more with the animals and also many friends and family.

May K. – Qld Australia


I have been fortunate in knowing Mia and having the privilege of several sessions with her and her spirit guidance.

These sessions have helped me to become more aware of old negative patterns and well-rehearsed habits that have held me back in the past and prevented me from moving forward. They have helped me to look deeply into who I really am and what my true purpose here on earth is.
They have given me strength and courage to follow that path, while letting go of fears and anxieties and have shown me new ways of being. I have new-founded hope and faith that I can make changes if I trust, and let go of wanting to control everything with my mind. I have gained new insights into issues that I had been trying to deal with on my own for years.
After a session with Mia, I have felt more peace about the situation which had been troubling me, and new hope that the situation can be resolved.
Mia is a warm and caring person with a great desire to help others to see their own 'specialness' and Truth, and develop themselves through insight into who they really are.
I would highly recommend her work to anyone who feels conflict in their lives.

Libby C. – Hervey Bay Australia


When a close relative, who was still very young unexpectedly, died, my world suddenly fell apart.
I was grief stricken and had great difficulty coping.
After Mia gave me healings I was almost immediately able to function again and found closure with her sudden death.

Ashleigh –   Red Bank Plains,  Australia 


I have also on various occasions received distant healings from Mia for various issues of stress that have surface and have affected my body in different ways.

These healings have helped reduced stresses in various parts of my body associated with cellular memories of my childhood years.

I have also received help with my cat on a few occasions as she has been very restless at times. She went through a period of constantly waking me up or getting me up to open doors. With help of Mia’s healings we were able to retrain her with most of that behavior.

Elizabeth V.   Rotterdam   Netherlands


After a series of traumatic events in my life starting from early childhood right through to adulthood, I suffered from some emotional issues that were so deep seated that no amount of counseling or self-improvement activities seemed to ultimately make a difference.
My best friend who is involved with Zenna Healing performed some treatment sessions with some amazing results that had noticeably made a difference, however, as there were so many layered issues, I required further help from Mia consulting her guides.
After one extensive session with Mia, I have noticed a dramatic difference to the point that I feel essentially normal again.
As always life is a journey so there are always things to deal with in life and this does include the journey of bettering oneself, however, coming from an emotionally healthy place life becomes somewhat easier to deal with when the going gets a bit rough.
I recommend anyone to contact Mia for an appointment to 'shift' blockages hindering people from experiencing a more enjoyable and rewarding life journey.

Thanks Mia.

Angela R. – Newcastle Australia


My six year old son was suffering terrible nightmares which often woke him up in the middle of the night in panic and terrified.

After he was given Mia’s distant healings he no longer wakes up screaming.
His nightmares and panic have completely disappeared. He was also helped with bullying at school that has now settled as well.
Him and his brother are now also playing better together after these distant healings were given

Anita M. – Melbourne Australia 


I have had the privilege of knowing Mia for nearly twenty years.

I have seen firsthand her total dedication to Spirit and to humankind. In spite of the many personal challenges in her own life she has always put the highest good of all as her top priority.
Her commitment to Spirit and to carrying out her mission on this planet is an inspiration to me.
The message that Mia carries for humanity is at times not an easy one to hear, both personally and for the planet. The many sessions I have had with her have at times not been what I wanted to hear, however, it has always been what I needed to hear.
Through these sessions and Mia’s writings I am now in a place in my life where I better understand the role of the Soul and how to allow this unique part of me to take the lead.

Jill Y. – Newcastle Australia


My two and a half year old daughter was very frightened to participate in any kind of group activity. She would not even play on the slide, swings or any other playground equipment and would remain by my side when visiting a playground.
Even encouragement did not work and she remained frightened. Within 6 weeks after Mia began giving her distant healings she is now free of these fears and now spontaneously plays with all the playground equipment and the other children without any need for encouragement.
Also just after she turned three she began having nightmare’s whereby she would wake up upset seemingly for no reason. After one of Mia’s distant healings it immediately stopped.

Kim - Canada


I used to feel overloaded and severely stressed all the time. Most of those stresses began after a serious accident at work many years ago.

In addition I was also caring for several mostly elderly people which also added to my stress.

Almost all of those stresses have released since I began receiving healings from Mia. I now feel so much better since all that stress has released.

Maria – Toronto Canada


After several sessions with Mia I found that various areas of my life began to work much better and that stresses I used to get that affected me greatly diminished a lot after a spiritual healing session.
Working for a large organization and with a lot of corporate responsibility, managing large projects totaling millions of Euro's, I found that the spiritual guidance I received helped me in my decision making as well as dealing in a harmonious way with difficult clients or staff.
Thus, I can recommend Mia for any situation dealing with difficulties related to people.

Piet K. Netherlands


Thank you Mia for the sessions I have received over the last few years.

You and Spirit have helped me to be in a position where I have been able to do the many amazing things that have presented themselves.
Thank you for the wise and perfect counsel I received from Spirit.
It has enabled me to choose well and move forward with courage and positive outcomes every time.
Thanks for the spiritual method you taught me.

Sophie M. – Brisbane Australia


I have had the honor of an association with Mia and her work with Spirit for approximately eighteen months.
The healing sessions are unique. The help and guidance I have received has been, and continues to be, invaluable.
It is with love and gratitude that I write these words. It is a comfort to know that whatever the crisis, Mia and her work with Spirit will get to the truth of the matter, and in that truth lies the key to the resolution of the difficulty.

Noreen - Glastonbury  Australia

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