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Allowing Love Miracles(TM): How to Uplevel Your Relationship or Attract the Right Partner
Couples — Do You Want to End Problems in Relationships? Increase Intimacy and Sexual Fulfillment?
Singles — Do You Want to Attract a Wonderful New Partner? Create Healthy Love and Sensual Bliss?
I have a particular talent for matchmaking, and gift for helping people optimize their marriages and other relationships. In fact, one year 4 of my clients got married, and I even set up my ex-boyfriend with his delightful wife, and danced at their wedding!
Because of this, people often ask me in private sessions to make a particular person fall in love with them, or to make their Significant Other/Partner/Housemate act better.
And my answers always shock them:
“I can make sure you get the Right One, but I can’t guarantee it will be so-and-so.”
“I can help you treat yourself better, and then everyone else will treat you better, too.”
The truth is, everything we experience is an outward manifestation of an energy pattern inside of us. Our loneliness, our bad relationship history, our disagreements with our family members and/or romantic partners, all originate within us.
By shifting your internal patterns through energy work, you’ll literally have different neurological patterns develop in your brain, and other people will sense this and treat you differently!
The Allowing Love Miracles(tm) Program gives you all the energy healing that my private clients have paid thousands of dollars for in a convenient and cost-effective set of MP3s.
Here’re some results from my previous clients:
- We had more sex in 9 days than in the previous 6 years!
- Our relationship has deepened beyond anything I thought possible
- This man is devoted to me, and treats me like a goddess. I’ve never felt so adored and valued before!
- Without you I never would have met him, and we’ve just had our second baby!
- He’s even better than I ever dreamed, and I have you to thank
- Your work with his parents brought them back together, even though his mother had moved out to be with another man!
- Every time we’re together, I say a prayer of thanks for your help!
- You told me “I can’t get you B, but I can get you the Right Person” and K is soon much better from me than B ever was!
Allowing Love Miraclestm Can Help Couples:
- Increase sexual fulfillment
- Bring joy, appreciation, and romance back to your relationship
- End fighting and criticism
- Get you and your partner on the same team
- Infuse your marriage/relationship with caring, trust, and happiness
- If the relationship is meant to last, let it happen joyfully
- If the relationship is best let go, let this happen in the most loving way possible and let both people create positive connections with new partners easily
- Conscious uncoupling
Allowing Love Miraclestm Can Help Singles:
- Be happy and fulfilled with or without a partner
- Heal old wounds from previous relationships
- Create a new circle of positive friendships
- Allow several appropriate suitors to approach you
- Create clarity so that you can easily create a great relationship with a compatible partner
Total Package Value $1380
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
Total Package Value $3,497+
Special offer $197
5 Love Miracles Mantra Files with Channeled Music
Value: $111 each = $555
The music on each file is channeled by Thaddeus, my collaborator. This particular series features his Angels of Love channeling, and will profoundly shift your consciousness and release blocks to being love all the time.
- So Hum Mantra "I am that I am"
Creates a strong foundation of self-love, self-appreciation, worthiness, self-acceptance and wholeness, so that old patterns of "I can't have love until I accomplish" are erased.
- Yum Mantra heart opener
Cleanses, heals, and clarifies the heart chakra so old assumptions about what is "appropriate" in love fall away and you are free to interact with people with joy, truthfulness, and non-attachment. No more trying to "follow rules" to win love. Your personal choices are honored.
- Aad Such Jugaad Such Hai Bhai Such Nanak Hosei Bhai Such
Opening the way for miracles, releasing all limitations on how love can come to you through new friendships, revitalized and upgraded connections with current friends and family and even the right partner.
- Ek Ong Kar Sat Guru Prasad Sat Guru Prasad Ek Ong Kar -- Turning the "negative" into the "positive."
On its basic level, all energy is neutral. As much "negative" energy as we've experienced in the past is how much "positive" energy we are able to create right now! This mantra inverts the vibrations of "shadow" "darkness" and "negativity" and harnesses them to create outstanding positive results instead!
- Aham Prema "I am Love of the Highest Order, I am Divine Love"
Listening to this file trains your personal energy to flow Divine Love through you and around you, so you become a fountain of profound bliss for your self and others. It has the capacity of filling up all aspects of your being, then creating another layer of love around you so you are completely filled with bliss energy at all times while bliss energy flows around the bubble of your aura to all other beings.
5 Love Miracles Soundless Healing Files
Value: $88 each = $440
Each of these files has a basic vibration of Sunshine Wattle flower essence for relentless joy and White Beryl gemstone to undo blockages on all levels, with specialized vibrations added as the weeks progress, in conjunction with he concentrated energy of the mantras. No music, so these files can be used during the day.
- Hum Mantra energy plus
- Celtic Healing Springs -- emphasizes your personal vibration, all others are released
- Boab -- an Australian tree that heals family dynamics
- Lepidolite -- a purple stone that encourages joyful acceptance of self at every moment of life
- Peach Moonstone -- sorting out energies that no longer serve you so they are gently taken to the edge of your aura
- Leopardskin Jasper -- attracting exactly what you personally need to heal
- Marble -- creating a strong foundation for your new self
- Raw Garnet -- wholeness and self-acceptance
- Yum Mantra energy plus
- Raw Emerald -- profound heart healing
- Opal -- heals wounds from family patterns
- Rhodochrosite -- breaks up old patterns of all kinds quickly
- Rhodonite -- soothes and comforts the heart, stabilizing it during changes
- Bleeding Heart -- flower that heals heartbreak
- Aad Such Jugad Such Hei Bhai Such Nanak Hosei Bhai Such plus
- Annular Solar Eclipse -- things can happen quickly and easily
- Blue Flag Iris -- Flower that foster creativity, root of miracles
- Clear Zircon -- Cleans up "old business" and organizes your vibrations for fulfillment
- Ek Ong Kar Sat Guru Prasad Sat Guru Prasa Ek Ong Kar
- Red Jasper Reverse negative energy, healing.
- Jet – Transmutes negative energy to positive, Protection, healing, purification
- Fireweed -- profound transformations occur in positive,
- Revitalizing ways -- letting go of old assumptions
- Aham Prema Mantra Energy plus
- Labradorite – messages from the higher self. Let Ascension be joyful and well-paced and new gifts be integrate easily
- Ruby in Fuchsite -- being a loving divine individual within a loving divine universe. acknowledging connection while honoring personal free will
Relationship Harmony Soundless Healing Files
Value: $77 each = $385
- Being The Love You Are -- returns you to the instinctive knowing that your true self is love
- Connecting Hearts and Higher Selves -- shifts all relationships to their highest possible vibration
- Family Harmony -- heals communication within family members, so they collaborate in healthy ways
- Harmonizing Relationships -- smooths out interactions in all situations, good for work
- Joy Gratitude Appreciation -- gratitude is the highest vibration, it is the blissful frequency of divine love, creating from gratitude makes all manifestations elegant, easy, enjoyable, and fulfilling for all concerned
Total Package Value $1380
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
Includes Everything in Package A Plus
Intensive Weekend of Remote Healing
Value $497
The Allowing Love Miracles Intensive Energy Weekend, 72 hours of energy work for healing the wounds of love and optimizing all your relationships begins at midnight Friday March 6, 2015 and continues to 11:59 pm on Sunday March 8, 2015.
On March 6 - 8, 2015, you will receive 72 hours of Maiyah's specialized guide, ascended master, and angel teams working with your whole being gently and continuously specifically for Love Miracles and Relationship Enhancement Issues.
3 Hour Live Call
Value $597
Sunday, March 8th at 6:00pm Eastern
She will also host a 3-hour specialized Live Group Healing on March 8, 2015, in which the energies will be off the charts! The combined group intention will exponentially multiply the effect of the healing...
Special Bonus
Invite Your Friends -- anyone who has an email address can receive the Intensive Weekend and Live Call -- worth thousands! How many people do you know who could use these amazing energies to revitalize and heal their relationships, including their romantic lives? ($997 per person!)
Total Package Value $3497+
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
**Limited Time Offer ** |
Sensual Fulfillment Spoken Meditation with Music and Soundless Healing File
Value: $197
This meditation, with channeled Angels of Love Transformational Music by my collaborator Thaddeus, will bring you to a state of joy and bliss that permeates your being, and creates a connection with sensuality that is divinely guided.
The Silent Frequency File is chock full of flower essence frequencies, and safe to play during the day
- Holy Basil -- uniting spirituality with sexuality on your own terms
- Sticky Monkeyflower -- healing any injuries to self based on sexual violations of any kind in any direction of space, time and being
- Hibiscus -- owning one's desire from a healthy place, ending any compulsiveness or addictive qualities in the area of sensuality/sexuality
- Pink Mooakite -- soothing the reproductive organs, releasing any vibrations from the cells that interfere with a divine experience of physical intimacy
- Ruby in Zooisite -- profound divine love upgrades the pleasure centers of the body on all levels, so that lovemaking is effortless and joyful
The energies in these two files are based on private session intensive work with many, many clients. Here are some results:
Roxy, beaming with happiness and satisfaction, told me that:
- She had a great 9 days with Ethan and he felt that I was a miracle worker - she was so uplifted and free in her own sexuality that SHE initiated lovemaking 3 times every day. He thought he’d died and gone to heaven;
- She felt spiritually, emotionally and psychologically connected to her own physical being in a way she’d never imagined before - food tasted better, movement was easier, her energy levels were great, all through the trip
- She felt spiritually, emotionally and psychologically connected with Ethan beyond her previous imaginings - she was multi-orgasmic for the first time in her life simply from the positive loving intensity of their energetic connection.
This product will retail for $47 from Monday Feb 16th, 2015. But is yours for free with Package B till Monday!
Dr. Stanley Krippner, Professor Emeritus at Saybrook Institute, a world-renowned expert in healing, PTSD and the study of paranormal energy experiences says:
“Just one 20 minute session with Maiyah ended my knee pain of 12 years. I had been hit by a car in Spain in the year 2000, which broke my leg. Thanks to Maiyah, I am painfree! It’s astounding!
I continue to be impressed by Maiyah’s wide range of abilities and knowledge.
She continues to develop her skills in the mind-body disciplines and passes what she has learned on to her students and clients. Maiyah is in the vanguard of 20th century innovators of effective health practices.
Dr. Stanley Krippner
Maiyah appeared on Montel Williams’ Living Well Wednesday on his radio show, Montel Across America, former Navy officer, award-winning counselor and legendary Emmy-winner.
"Your work with families who are dealing with deployment and PTSD is a wonderful blessing to many, Maiyah."
Montel Williams
Maiyah shows us amazing skills with grace...there is a lot to be learned from her masterful work with PTSD, relationship and sexual issues.
Gary Craig, Founder and Creator, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
I didn’t believe in Generational Healing before I met you. But even though you mainly worked on me, my daughter is a completely different person now. She used to create horrible situations in every area of her life. She went from a drug-addict who blew $250,000 in a year then did jail time for assaulting a police officer, she has finished both college and her Masters, and is earning over $50,000 per year doing preventative counseling with troubled teens.
D.W.,Virginia Beach, VA
I have been on my spiritual journey for over 30 years, participating in many workshops, classes and teleseminars. I even travelled overseas to sacred sites for special meditation and prayer rituals with world famous leaders. I have spent time with many acclaimed masters in several traditions. While I have learned from all of them, you, Maiyah, are a special, special gift. I am grateful every day that I can work with you regularly. Your classes take me beyond what I had previously imagined for myself. I am a student for life.
Lorraine McGovern, Virginia Beach
I was broke and going through a horrible divorce. My husband, whom I’d supported for years while he looked for his six-figure ‘dream job,’ said “It’s your turn, go ahead and change to the industry that you really want.” Then after I’d left my boring but high paying career, took the money out of our joint account and abandoned me. I wasn’t able to keep up with my house payments on my entry level salary. My parents were helping me out. It was humiliating. After my program with you, everything changed. By some miracle my husband and his lawyer signed off on a huge alimony package for me. My lawyer was stunned. I was receiving as much as women with three children. Three days after the signing, my husband’s lawyer called my lawyer and told him “We didn’t mean to sign that. We meant to change some things.” But the judge refused their request to re-negotiate. Then after 8 months I landed my dream client and am literally making 10 times per month what I used to make. TEN times! It’s incredible! In 8 months, the amount I spent on Maiyah’s work paid me back over 20 times, and now I am set to make 6 figures every year until I retire.
AH, Newport News, VA
That two hour session healed over 12 years of bad sex. Ethan and I had more sex in 9 days than we did in our previous 6 year relationship, and I felt emotionally, spiritually, and energetically fulfilled and connected with him in ways I’d never dreamed possible. And Ethan said ‘I have died and gone to heaven. Your passion and enthusiasm and orgasmic response are incredible! I am going to light candles to St. Maiyah of sexual fulfillment.’
Thank you so much, Maiyah! I’m a new woman because of your work!
Roxy,Virginia Beach, VA
My NGO was laying people off, so I consulted Maiyah and followed all her instructions in the program. The next week my office received a grant specifically funding my program for $40,000. So my salary was assured for the entire year. Then two weeks later, I attracted a business mentor for a side business I had started. We just got venture capital otaling $80,000 for our first project! Thank you so much Maiyah!
MN, Jersey City, NJ
You told me to say “I attract double; people value me and my work.” And the next week a lady came in and bought something from my glass case in the store. She said ‘I will pay you $180.’ She didn’t even ask the price. So I took her money and she thanked me. It retails for $90. But it gets even better, Maiyah! I ordered a new car for my taxi business. It was shipped to the loading dock, because I live on an island. And when I signed for the car, the delivery slip showed two cars for the price I paid. TWO CARS! I had to call a friend to drive the other one home! It’s unbelievable!…
KS, Costa Rica
Maiyah’s work completely changed my life. I was scared to death because my ex-husband had been stalking me and the girls with a gun. I was broke because we were spending money on hotels so he wouldn’t know where we were. My car broke down. My credit was terrible. Both of my girls (8 and 10) were wetting the bed due to stress. After some intensive work: 1) my ex, who had lied before in court during our divorce, confessed to everything during the hearing, was given a restraining order and was remanded to counseling; 2) I was approved for the perfect car at a low interest rate despite having almost no money down; 3) I received many new orders for commission based work and now have a “cushion” in the bank 4) I found a wonderful new job in Hawai’I and we will be moving soon.
Beth formerly in Virginia,now in Hawai’i
About Maiyah Olivas |
A healer with over 30 years of experience and advanced training in over 30 modalities, Maiyah Olivas holds the rank of Third Degree Black Belt and Certified Advanced Therapeutic Qi Gong Instructor. Known as “the Queen of Age Reversal,” and “the Ninja of Transmutation” she’s worked with over 3000 people to improve their emotional, financial and physical situations, often instantaneously! She loves synthesizing new techniques with ancient secrets to create miracles on a daily basis such as: shrinking tumors, reversing diabetes, reviving necrotic tissue and ending decades-long back pain and migraines. When not working with private clients, developing problem-solving products or teaching cutting-edge classes, Maiyah can be found working with at-risk youth in her local afterschool program, teaching ukulele and keyboard.
Total Package Value $1380
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
Total Package Value $3,497+
Special offer $197
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a no questions asked, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.