Maiyah Olivas' Special Offer

Energy Worker, The Queen of Age Reversal and the Ninja of Transmutation

Fat Transmutation with Maiyah Olivas

  • Undo and uncreate energetic holding that interferes with healthy metabolic function!
  • Replace stuck hostile emotions about your fat with compassion and self-appreciation — the foundation of healthy muscle mass!
  • Remove unconscious blocks that result in cellulite
  • Restore your internal biological culture — the healthy collaborators that keep your system at alkaline pH, and boost your immune system and eliminate bloating!

What if all aspects of yourself that were holding on to fat found a better use for their efforts?

This digital program is modeled on the processes Maiyah created for her high-end private clients whose comments are below. Instead of paying thousands of dollars for private intensive work with Maiyah, you can benefit from the frequencies she used most often in successful cases of dramatic, permanent fat transmutation!

Let Maiyah's extensive energy and scientific training help you transform your body!

9r“Wow, your body is so flexible and strong,” remarked my new massage therapist. “Your skin has great elasticity, and your muscles are really dense yet pliable.”

“So I’m doing all right for 49?” I mumbled.

“WHAT?” she was so surprised she stopped for a moment. “You’re kidding me. With your body condition, I’d put you at under 30! And I touch people for a living — no one can lie to me.”

In this package, you’ll get all the tools I use to “stay youthfully firm, agile, coordinated, and healthfully athletic through Fat Transmutation and Athletic Achievement Frequency Files.

Most of us who’ve struggled with fat (and I did for decades) don’t have the time or resources to work out intensively 2 hours per day. The 15 files in the package are packed with vibrational healing modules that have eliminated “bad fat response” for me and my high-end clients.

Because some fat is good! Brown fat burns white fat. Small white fat cells produce a hormone that helps liver function. The right amount of healthy fat reduces likelihood of dementia!

maiyah-before-orange-218x300maiyah-bridesmaid-small-e1429979478613That’s what makes this program completely unique. It’s fat transmutation — changing the fat you have into useful brown fat, changing the big fat cells you have into ideal small fat cells and then releasing all the energy for unnecessary fat cells into the universe to bless other people who need those calories.

I’ve been doing this for about 5 years, ever since I needed to get into a bridesmaid’s dress after a bad break up. I had 3 months to release 2 years of very bad eating habits (bless my ex’s heart). And I looked AMAZING. I went from as size 14 to a size 8 between January 1 and March 19.


Discount: 91% Off
Total Package Value $1665
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147



Discount: 92% Off
Total Package Value $2759
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197




Files with Music and Mantras:

Woman. Meditation.These files will induce HUGELY altered states of consciousness. NEVER use while driving, operating heavy machinery, or when doing tasks that need concentration. Do NOT use while relaxing in a bathtub or hot tub. By downloading these files, you take responsibility for using them appropriately.

  • Advocacy with Mantra: Lam: Lam creates Security and a safe container in which to do the work. Advocacy unlocks the frozen feelings of anger and resentment and transforms them into healthy empowerment. This track and the associated silent track harmonize you with the physical plane, and undo all roots and origins of fearfulness that leads to imbalance in accepting nourishment and nurturing.

    Lam also strips away negative assumptions about existence that keep us stuck in “bad fat" mode i.e. "There's not enough, got to hang on, I keep myself and others safe by holding on to these patterns and energies, it's not safe to be attractive, it's not safe to have attention," and most of all "it's not safe to be truly myself.”
  • Vulnerability with Mantra: Om Tapaha: "Om Tapaha" means "I express my truth into the world." Being truthful in every moment is tremendously frightening for many people because of the fear of rejection. This fear results in a desire to "insulate and protect" oneself from the world, and also to "help others" by absorbing painful feelings from their energy fields. This track and the associated silent file allow you to fully express buried truths in a safe and supportive way that allows your vulnerability to be a foundation for healthy connection with self and others.
  • Trauma Release/Reconciliation with Mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum: The Dalai Lama noted that this mantra reconciles all internal contradictions, and thus brings wisdom and compassion to every aspect of our universe. Om indicates willingness to fully embrace new possibilities for the energy that is stuck in us as discomfort (in this case fat), Mani is the commitment to compassion, Padme means lotus, which symbolizes wisdom and beauty growing out of the mud of previous experience, and Hum brings wisdom and daily consciousness into indivisible wholeness.

    This track and the associated silent file are the heart of the transmutation experience in this series. Very deep shifts, so please only use when you are in a safe, undisturbed place.
  • Self-Authority with Mantra: Om Bhavan Namah: "Om Bhavan Namah" means "I am the field of all possibilities." Here you are a completely new blank slate, ready to co-create a completely new relationship with your body, the planet, and food. We're optimizing your energy for new possible futures of radiant health, conscious eating, profound love of self, and attraction of experiences (including ideal states of consciousness while eating and the ideal foods for your personal situation).
  • Integration/Interdependence with Mantra: Om Vardanam Namah: "Om Vardanam Namah" means "I nourish the universe, and the universe nourishes me.” Healthy relating between you and your environment including food and beverages. You attract and crave nutrients and high value foods and they manifest easily for you daily.

“After working with you intensively 5 months ago, I have let go 25 pounds of fat steadily and easily, without any effort or conscious changes in my life! It’s so much easier to move; I feel happy and free in my body. Also, my work life improved tremendously! People are giving me respect, appreciation and recognition weekly! Thank you so much!”

~ EW, Boca Raton, Florida

“My adult daughter’s abdomen was bloated for over 10 years. She literally looked like she was 6 months pregnant. Her father and I watched her as she worked with Maiyah, and she has gone down 4 dress sizes through energy work alone.”

~ HW, Ireland

“I suddenly loved to move and work out after working with you, and so I had been transmuting fat steadily without even having to think about it. But I didn't realize how MUCH my body had changed until I went to try on one of my “professional skinny suits” for a presentation. It was 5 inches too big in the waist! I had to have an emergency alternation!”

~ DJ, Virginia Beach, VA


5 Fat Transmutation Silent Files:

You can use them within a normal music playlist on your phone, iPod or other music player. The energy that is appropriate for you comes through gently. Any energy that might make you sleepy or distracted will wait on the edge of your bioelectrical field (also called the aura) until you are at home in a safe, comfortable place. Usually these "waiting energies" will work while you are asleep, when your conscious mind is relaxed and the other 99% of you can more easily make changes to your energy systems.


Underlying every track is this proprietary combination of very powerful flower essences:

  • Buttercup - appreciating and radiating your personal unique beauty
  • Fringed Violet - releasing painful memories, thoughts, emotions, feelings
  • Black-Eyed Susan - bringing all repressed feelings to the light of compassion and release
  • Boab - separating from tribe and family in healthy ways for better interactions and wholeness
  • Slender Rice Flower - undoing biases against self that are projected onto others and vice versa

Additional Essences and Therapeutic Gemstone Vibrations are added to each track as noted below

  • Advocacy:
    Flower Essences:Green Essence, Wheat, Black Forest Essence

    Therapeutic Gemstones: Garnet, Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Jet, Red Tiger's Eye
  • Vulnerability:
    Flower Essences: Bleeding Heart, Dog Rose of the Wild Forces, Primrose, Fireweed Combination

    Therapeutic Gemstones: Moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone, Peach Moonstone, Emerald, Ruby in Zoisite, Ruby in Fuchsite, Emerald Chrysophase
  • Trauma Release/Reconciliation:
    Flower Essences: Boab, Billy Goat Plum, Rough Bluebell, Waratah

    Therapeutic Gemstones: Red Spinel, White Beryl, Selenite,
  • Self-Authority:
    Flower Essences: Red Helmet Orchid, Sunflower, Dandelion

    Therapeutic Gemstones: Selenite, Black Kyanite, Blue Kyanite, Citrine, Yellow Sapphire
  • Integration/Interdependence:
    Flower Essences: Sunshine Wattle, Dogwood, Calendula, Trumpet Vine, Angelsword

    Therapeutic Gemstones: scolecite, angel aura quartz, white opal, fire opal, black opal

“I’ve been bloated for years after eating, and right now during this session I can literally feel my abdomen shifting and the bloating coming down as you’re working on me. Wow!”

~ Janet, TN

“After a horrible abusive relationship, I'd gotten to my biggest weight, six sizes larger than my usual and I was horrified! The intensive sessions with you made it easy to get back into my clothes, and I love myself in a way I’d never imagined possible before. Many negative emotions I didn’t know I had stored in my body came up and dissipated. It was crazy! Crazy good!”

~ DJ, Chesapeake, VA


Athletic Achievement Silent Files:

  • Oxygenation: optimize your lung function, blood chemistry, and blood brain balance
  • Flexibility: works with fascia, tendons, ligaments, and muscle fibers as well as central nervous system impulses
  • Muscle Memory: more easily learn and retain routines and sequences
  • Endurance: strengthening cardiovascular health and cellular processing
  • Improvisational Movement: connecting soul with body so that during dance and other body expressions your movements are beautiful self-expressions coherent with your highest good

“My triple jump increased 5 feet over my personal best after a single 2 hour session with Maiyah. It’s incredible. I surprised my coaches, my team mates and myself.”

~ Rashid, VA

“I have worked with a lot of performance coaches and sports psychologist types, but NEVER have I had such a dramatic shift in my stride! Plus, I feel light and joyful as I run now, which I haven’t experienced since childhood. It’s a miracle.”

~ Tracy, competitive triathlete, , NJ

“Holy crap, you’ve gotten so flexible and strong!?! It’s only been a week since I saw you!”

~ Susan B. , (Maiyah’s yoga teacher)

“After just one session my vertical jump increased 2 inches. I’ve danced for years and never had such a rapid, obvious change before!”

~ Vivian, NYC

“I was starting to get knee pain while running and working out and I thought ‘Oh, it’s just because you turned 50.” But after my intensive program with you, I took my whole family skiing and I did the mogul hill for the first time in 2 years. I didn’t hurt AT ALL the whole trip. It’s like the fountain of youth!”

~ Frank, NYC

“Maiyah is the only adult student I’ve ever had who learned butterfly and could actually give me a challenge in the pool! That energy work she did on herself certainly helped her swimming!”

~ Neve Grace Fletcher, VA (Maiyah’s swim teacher)


Total Package Value $1665

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 91% Saving ***



Includes Everything in Package A Plus


Intensive Weekend of Remote Healing

Value: $497

The Fat Transmutation Intensive Energy Spa Weekend, 72 hours of energy work with Maiyah's specialized guide and angel teams working with your whole being gently and continuously specifically for Fat Transmutation Issues.

72 hour Immersion Weekend begins at 12 am Friday September 25th, and ends at 11:59 pm Sunday September 27th. This Immersion Weekend is a Remote Program. You will be bathed with health energies for Fat Transmutation continuously.


Special 3 Hour Live Call

Value: $597
Sunday, September 27th at 6:00pm Eastern

Special 3 hour Live Call. You'll have the chance to raise your hand on the phone by pressing * 2, and to submit questions via email during the call

Title: Loving Food Fat Trans FHTJ
Time: Sunday, September 27th at 6:00pm Eastern

The combined group intention will exponentially multiply the effect of the healing, and help you make a Quantum Leap in the direction of optimal physical health.


Invite Your Friends -- anyone who has an email address can receive the Intensive Weekend and Live Call -- worth thousands! How many people do you know who could use these amazing energies to revolutionize their relationship with their body? You will be given directions on how to invite them after enrolling. ($997 per person!)


Total Package Value $2759

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
*** 92% Saving ***


“Maiyah shows us amazing skills with grace...there is a lot to be learned from her masterful work with PTSD, relationship and sexual issues.”

~ Gary Craig, Founder and Creator, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

“Maiyah appeared on Montel Williams’ Living Well Wednesday on his radio show, Montel Across America, former Navy officer, award-winning counselor and legendary Emmy-winner.

Your work with families who are dealing with deployment and PTSD is a wonderful blessing to many, Maiya”

~ Montel Williams

“I didn’t believe in Generational Healing before I met you. But even though you mainly worked on me, my daughter is a completely different person now. She used to create horrible situations in every area of her life. She went from a drug-addict who blew $250,000 in a year then did jail time for assaulting a police officer, she has finished both college and her Masters, and is earning over $50,000 per year doing preventative counseling with troubled teens.”

~ D.W.,Virginia Beach, VA

“I have been on my spiritual journey for over 30 years, participating in many workshops, classes and teleseminars. I even travelled overseas to sacred sites for special meditation and prayer rituals with world famous leaders. I have spent time with many acclaimed masters in several traditions. While I have learned from all of them, you, Maiyah, are a special, special gift. I am grateful every day that I can work with you regularly. Your classes take me beyond what I had previously imagined for myself. I am a student for life.”

~ Lorraine McGovern, Virginia Beach

Dr. Stanley Krippner, Professor Emeritus at Saybrook Institute, a world-renowned expert in healing, PTSD and the study of paranormal energy experiences says:

“Just one 20 minute session with Maiyah ended my knee pain of 12 years. I had been hit by a car in Spain in the year 2000, which broke my leg. Thanks to Maiyah, I am painfree! It’s astounding!

I continue to be impressed by Maiyah’s wide range of abilities and knowledge.

She continues to develop her skills in the mind-body disciplines and passes what she has learned on to her students and clients. Maiyah is in the vanguard of 20th century innovators of effective health practices.”

~ Dr. Stanley Krippner


Sensual Fulfillment Spoken Meditation with Music and Soundless Healing File

Value: $197

This meditation, with channeled Angels of Love Transformational Music by my collaborator Thaddeus, will bring you to a state of joy and bliss that permeates your being, and creates a connection with sensuality that is divinely guided.

The Silent Frequency File is chock full of flower essence frequencies, and safe to play during the day

  • Holy Basil -- uniting spirituality with sexuality on your own terms
  • Sticky Monkeyflower -- healing any injuries to self based on sexual violations of any kind in any direction of space, time and being
  • Hibiscus -- owning one's desire from a healthy place, ending any compulsiveness or addictive qualities in the area of sensuality/sexuality
  • Pink Mooakite -- soothing the reproductive organs, releasing any vibrations from the cells that interfere with a divine experience of physical intimacy
  • Ruby in Zooisite -- profound divine love upgrades the pleasure centers of the body on all levels, so that lovemaking is effortless and joyful

The energies in these two files are based on private session intensive work with many, many clients. Here are some results:

Roxy, beaming with happiness and satisfaction, told me that:

  • She had a great 9 days with Ethan and he felt that I was a miracle worker - she was so uplifted and free in her own sexuality that SHE initiated lovemaking 3 times every day. He thought he’d died and gone to heaven;
  • She felt spiritually, emotionally and psychologically connected to her own physical being in a way she’d never imagined before - food tasted better, movement was easier, her energy levels were great, all through the trip
  • She felt spiritually, emotionally and psychologically connected with Ethan beyond her previous imaginings - she was multi-orgasmic for the first time in her life simply from the positive loving intensity of their energetic connection.


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About Maiyah Olivas

Maiyah1A healer with over 30 years of experience and advanced training in over 30 modalities, Maiyah Olivas holds the rank of Third Degree Black Belt and Certified Advanced Therapeutic Qi Gong Instructor. Known as “the Queen of Age Reversal,” and “the Ninja of Transmutation” she’s worked with over 3000 people to improve their emotional, financial and physical situations, often instantaneously! She loves synthesizing new techniques with ancient secrets to create miracles on a daily basis such as: shrinking tumors, reversing diabetes, reviving necrotic tissue and ending decades-long back pain and migraines. When not working with private clients, developing problem-solving products or teaching cutting-edge classes, Maiyah can be found working with at-risk youth in her local afterschool program, teaching ukulele and keyboard.


Discount: 91% Off
Total Package Value $1665
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147



Discount: 92% Off
Total Package Value $2759
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197


DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a no questions asked, 14 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 14 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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