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WAIT!! Before you go check out this EXCITING
One Time Only offer:
Package of 3 one-on-one sessions of 60 min each
Soul reading for starting your new life!

Clearing all the blockages from all areas of your life including ancestral burdens on all levels so that you can say good bye to your “old life”
Asking Divine to heal all your physical and emotional pain.
In this way you get ready for your new life. -
Your soul reveals to you what promises she had made to the Divine…what soul contracts she is going to complete in this life time by fulfilling your life purpose.
Clear message what your life purpose is in this lifetime. -
Very clear instructions from the Divine what concrete steps to take for fulfilling your life purpose by serving Divine, humanity and yourself.
Regular Price for 3 (60 min) sessions $711
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $357
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Yes! Eram, please include Madlena's Private Intensive VIP Sessions for only $711 $357
“Madlena did Divine business coaching with me for the last 7 months. This is not just an usual business coaching. Her unique approach is involving her connection to Divine on every step of the process. When blockage is seen or felt she turns to Divine with special prayer for healing, clearing and transformation. Divine does the healing work and the energy flows again…flows in every area of my life…easily, joyfully.
The working with Divine through Madlena has inspired and empowered me in a way I never imagined possible. I am now the confident, powerful, modern Divine woman I always desired to be. I am now the business lady who steps out boldly on the stage representing myself and our company in a way I never dared before.
Working with Divine through her brought two big clients for our company. Every client signed a contract with us for 1,5 mln. Euro each. And this only 2 months after having done the Divine business coaching. ”
~ Anita Hager, MBE and Mechanical Engineer, General Manager of Intek Engineering AS, Norway
“It has been a privilege to have Madlena as my “New Beginnings Coach”. She is a masterful coach, guiding her clients gently, yet powerfully on a journey toward living their authentic life. She listens, hears and extends her hand so the client can turn their base metals and darkness into gold and light. She exemplifies “unconditional love”, meeting her client at the place of their need.
Her extensive experience as a Dentist, Business Coach, Spiritual Guide, blends with her intuitive connection to the Divine for a holistic coaching experience that facilitates positive transformations, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Her boundaries are impeccable, masterfully ensuring that her clients are guided by her, through by the Divine, to experience powerful “Ah Ha’s”, insights, healings and transformations. The client is able to see who they are, what they are here to do, and ways to create a channel through which their uniqueness can flow.
When I started working with Madlena, I was concerned about numerous health conditions, including CNS Lupus, which kept me isolated, fearful, home-bound, and unable to walk or stand without the use of braces and the assistance of a walker. During our first conversation, Madlena asked probative questions regarding the time and events that occurred in my life at the time these problems surfaced. My responses led us to a time when a family member committed suicide. Madlena immediately prayed to the Divine to remove the karmic issues on my father’s lineages and followed with the same on my mother’s side. While she was praying I felt unusual nerve sensations in my legs. The following morning, I was able to stand on my own without braces and further, able to walk without the use of assistive devices for the first time in 20 plus years. A true miracle!
But, Madlena did not want to stop there! She encouraged me to work toward a complete healing. We continue to work together and she has helped me identify the emotional roots of my dis-ease. She worked diligently with me to uncover and heal the wounds that prevent me from being the woman that I am now becoming! She gave me tools and taught me the importance of self-love, forgiveness, setting boundaries and most important, the intrinsic power of "saying NO, when NO is the right answer". And when I was faced with spiritual darkness, Madlena guided and encouraged me to face the darkness and my fears and supported me until together, we found the light.
I am constantly in awe of how she seems to know exactly what I need to hear or feel at any given moment. It always leads to reflection and poses new questions and actions that result in a powerful growth experience, transformation and empowerment. What is clearly unique to her method of coaching is that “she walks her talk”. She often shares insights from her own life to inspire and to illustrate. She invites us to open ourselves to experience more love, joy, freedom as we all take this incredible journey called life!
While I am still a “work in progress” and not without challenges, I am humbled and grateful to report that with Madlena’s guidance and encouragement, I am no longer on medication. I am able to “walk and talk” and participate actively in the world. I have deepened my spiritual connection and improved emotionally as well.
With Madlena as my New Beginnings Coach, I can honestly affirm that for me "Each day is a new beginning… Each day I am new.”
Please know that if you choose to work with Madlena, you too, will have the feeling of being understood, loved, worthy and respected. Most assuredly you will develop a deep trust in yourself and in the Divine.”
~ Kathleen Boyd CA
“Dear Madlena,
Thank you. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you.Thank you for your compassion and love. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for your service to God and to love.
My update continues in gratitude and awe. I am doing much better! 🙂 Feeling happier. I may not rise every day but every day I keep on going! You see. The day of our appointment. I was not truly wanting to be there. I wasn't myself my usual self.
I have not listened to the recording yet. Which will allow for more healing. I have significantly improved regarding Christianity. I am feeling blessed and deeply grateful.I am understanding on a deeper level our connection. It is kindred.
I have a moving story to share. It honestly touched my heart and still does. I finally started working again part time. While on duty I encountered a woman who was deeply hurting. I am gifted like many. I left but I could not, not go back and talk with this woman.I spoke to her briefly and she was moved into tears. What a beautiful soul and woman to love so deeply and be so open to allow a perfect stranger like myself to engage and heat God's message. That is what moved me. That is the feminine beauty and love. That happened Monday. Wow. ”
~ Helen Atlanta GA
“So far I can feel many changes after our session one on one. I will let you know in more detail soon. My shoulders feel much lighter, my chest feels very good, I am much more confident.Also I must thank you for how you've written and spoken to me, it is angelic.I love you and Divine with all my heart.”
~ Chris, Ireland
“The first time I heard Madlena’s voice, her message and felt her connection with the Divine on Eram’s show I KNEW I needed to work with her. I signed up that day (Mar 28, 2016) for her package. After the program ended I chose to continue working with her. For the last 7 months her generosity, honesty, potent prayers and communion with the Divine has been such a gift and treasure in my life. I have been freed from pain and suffering that my soul has carried for lifetimes.
I have participated in lots of programs, worked with many talented people in a variety of modalities and the time that I get to spend with Madlena and the Divine is priceless. I am learning how to open my own heart and have access to my own Divinity. Her calls have cleared grief, sadness, loss, confirmed my own intuitive “hits” and has given me a new and profound appreciation for life and my life. I can’t be more pleased.
Thank you. ”
~ Lynn Davis
“Madlena is the TRUTH.
She cuts through the 'woo woo' stuff and works with you on a very deep level...
You will transform and heal layers of yourself held in unconditional love. How deep and how much you Decide to Grow is a CHOICE.
This is a powerful journey. Much love to all.”
~ Eleni, New York
Regular Price for 3 (60 min) sessions $711
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $357
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Yes! Eram, please include Madlena's Private Intensive VIP Sessions for only $711 $357
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.