Note: Please ensure all digital files are downloaded to your personal system within 30 days of purchase. FHTJ is not responsible for storing files indefinitely. We will keep deleting them from our server periodically. Hence it is the responsibility of the customer to save the files as soon as possible. However, if you lose the files or do not download before they expire please write to and the files will be sent to you for a charge of $20 per download page.

Download Instructions

Downloading an MP3 File to a PC
To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.

Playing MP3 Files on a Windows System
To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.

Downloading an MP3 File to a Mac
To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.

Download Eram and Matt's Interview

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Intro Empowered You

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Package A


Awaken Your Spiritual Abilities Initiation - MP3

Length: 23:33 min

This powerful Light Language transmission is intended to initiate the process of awakening the spiritual abilities that you are gifted with. It is a foundational piece to this program and will gently but powerfully meet you where you are currently, and then guide, inspire, and support you very naturally into taking your next step of awakening to your brilliance.

This MP3 will help you to:

  • Awaken to the truth of who you are beyond your 3D programing
  • Easily commit to a consistent practice of breathing in a way that inspires and supports You
  • Naturally align with your spiritual abilities as they make themselves known to you
  • Embrace the confidence to step forward into owning and using your gifted abilities
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Good enough to Start (Being you, and doing it) - MP3

Length: 22:22 min

“Starting” is quite often the hardest part of any journey. It takes courage to invest in your knowing, in your dreams, in yourself, and take the perceived risk in committing to the action steps that are available. It is very natural that one of the main justifications that your egoic self will use to justify not taking that bold action is the perpetuation of the belief that you are ‘not good enough’ yet. Many very gifted beings on this planet are not yet sharing their much-needed Light because they are stuck in this syndrome, and instead they keep themselves busy, preparing and training for that mythical day that they will feel ready to start. I know from experience that you will never completely feel ready to start, it’s time to start now, you are ready.

This MP3 will help you to:

  • Overcome the low self worth residue of ‘I am not good enough’
  • Find the confidence to start being seen as more of yourself despite the fear of being judged
  • Have the courage to take aligned action despite the resistance of ‘not feeling ready’, ‘not feeling sure’
  • Break free of the ‘training trap’ and choose to be ready to start now
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Reclaiming Your Past Brilliance, Aligning with your Best Future - MP3

Length: 20:00 min

Linear time is an illusion that is appropriate and necessary for us to function in our human form on this planet. However, as we are evolving, our ability to work with time in a more empowered way is also becoming more accessible. We have all had a huge amount of experience as a Soul Being that we perceive has happened in the past, or even in the future (I know that is even harder to understand), and the truth is we can choose to access the wisdom of that experience right now. A big part of the challenge in doing that is softening your mental beliefs that have been developed so strongly through living completely immersed in the illusion of time. ManTarA’s Light Language is the perfect tool to achieve these objectives, relax and allow your perception of time to change.

This MP3 will help you to:

  • Collapse the illusion of time, so that you can experience the best of You right now
  • Remember what you have known in ‘other times’, and feel confident to bring it online now
  • Break free of needing to do things the way you have been trained in this life
  • Develop the art of bending linear time in a way that serves you and those that you serve
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Value Yourself and Earn What You are Worth - MP3

Length: 21:11 min

Getting paid for providing services that are perceived to be associated with utilising a spiritual gift or ability is something that many aspects of our society has actively discouraged for a long time now. Not only has that spread a resistance throughout the society towards paying for your services, it has also left many of you with a diminished sense of self-worth. Allow yourself to get paid by the Universe for simply Being your authentic gifted Self.

This MP3 will help you to:

  • Lift your self-worth and authentic confidence
  • Properly value the gift that you are and the services you offe
  • Release all limiting energetic beliefs about money
  • Overcome limitations around receiving money for using your spiritual abilities
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Relaxing with Perfection - MP3

Length: 24:44 min

Relaxation is key to allowing any transformation, and it is particularly important when endeavouring to awaken, embrace, and strengthen your spiritual abilities. Please understand that relaxation is not just resting. Taking time to rest is can be an important part of maintaining relaxation, but when we talk about relaxation we are talking about maintaining a state that is free of tension, anxiety, contraction, and stress. A relaxed state is expansive, and open to receive. A relaxed state is also free to change more easily, and release what no longer resonates. The mental concept of ‘perfection’ is definitely a hindrance to most people maintaining a relaxed state, and this Light Language facilitation will help you embrace a more empowered relationship and understanding of both relaxation and perfection.

This MP3 will help you to:

  • Perfect your ability to maintain a relaxed energy field and mental state in all situations
  • Let go of the need to be perfect from your overly critical mental perspective
  • Function more intuitively and efficiently as you deal with the challenges that life will present
  • Rest and sleep more effectively and appropriately to maintain a relaxed field
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Receive Help in an Empowered way - MP3

Length: 20:02 min

It is very common for Light workers or spiritually gifted people to be carrying programing that perpetuates either trying to do it all alone, or completely losing their power and trying to follow someone else’s recipe implicitly. In our opinion to successful embrace the gifts that you are and take them confidently into the world it will serve you to receive guidance and help from others, but not to sacrifice what you know in your Heart is true for you in favour of what worked for them. To take what you have learnt from others, the trainings you have completed, the experiences you have had, and allow it to all be synthesised into what feels aligned with you now. This session is intended to help you maintain that balance and receive the help that will serve you in the most empowered way.

This MP3 will help you to:

  • Call in the most aligned opportunities, allies, mentors, and clients
  • Release all forms of resistance to receiving help and assistance in achieving your best outcomes
  • Maintain your power in all relationships with a teachers or mentors or assistants
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Opening to be the Channel - MP3

English Information MP3 8:08 min
Light Language MP3 16:22 min

Channelling is not nearly as weird as many people believe, and can easily become a natural part of your life. This Session will help you relax into allowing your authentic higher wisdom to be expressed through you, whether verbal, written, or in some other way.

This MP3 will help you to:

  • Let go of the fear based need to intellectually control what you express or how you act
  • Allow the higher aspects of You to flow through to be expressed on this plane
  • Trust with a level of confidence that what you are channelling is beneficial (despite not having ‘proof’ of the origin of that energy or information
  • Relax into and embrace how easy and natural ‘Channelling’ really is
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Trusting your Intuition - MP3

English Information MP3 5:55 min
Light Language MP3 16:00 min

Most people want their intuitive guidance to become more obvious, but in my experience to make good use of our intuitive guidance requires us to accept that it is subtle, and then be prepared to get quiet and listen to it at that level, and then trust what we receive, despite the fact it comes with no proof.

This MP3 will help you to:

  • Let go of the fear based need to intellectually control what you express or how you act
  • Allow the higher aspects of You to flow through to be expressed on this plane
  • Trust with a level of confidence that what you are channelling is beneficial (despite not having ‘proof’ of the origin of that energy or information
  • Relax into and embrace how easy and natural ‘Channelling’ really is
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Free to Be Me
Authentically Empowered to Own and Use Your Gifts - MP3

English Introduction MP3 2:42 min
9 Loopable tracks 6 min each MP3.
2 versions; either original Light Language,
or Layered behind an Ambient gentle wave soundtrack

Awesomely powerful tool to help you release 9 very common fears that may be limiting your ability to be free to embrace the truth of You, and allow your gifts and abilities to be present. There are two versions of each track, the original Light Language version, or a version with the Light Language volume turned down and overlaid with an ambient soundtrack of waves against the shore. The sessions can be looped in any series and played in the background with great effect.

  • Release the Fear of Having and Using Your Gifts
  • Release the Fear of Abusing Your Power
  • Release the Fear of Making Mistakes
  • Release the Fear of Not Healing, Pleasing, or Satisfying Others
  • Release the Fear that you are not good enough to use your Gifts
  • Release the Fear of Attracting the Attention of Dark Forces
  • Release the Fear of Being Persecuted for having Gifts
  • Release the fear of Authority
  • Release the fear that it is Wrong to get Paid for Using Your Gifts

Free to Be Me Intro

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Release the Fear of Having and Using Your Gifts

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Release the Fear of Having and Using Your Gifts Waves

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Release the Fear of Abusing Your Own Power

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Release the Fear of Abusing Your Own Power Waves

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Release the Fear of Making a Mistake

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Release the Fear of Making a Mistake Waves

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Releasing the Fear of Not Healing Pleasing or Satisfying Others

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Releasing the Fear of Not Healing Pleasing or Satisfying Others Waves

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Release the Fear that You Are Not Good Enough to Use Your Gifts

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Release the Fear that You Are Not Good Enough to Use Your Gifts Waves

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Release the Fear of Attracting the Attention of Dark Forces

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Release the Fear of Attracting the Attention of Dark Forces Waves

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Release the Fear of Being Persecuted for Having Gifts

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Release the Fear of Being Persecuted for Having Gifts Waves

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Release the Fear of Authority

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Release the Fear of Authority Waves

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Release the Fear That It Is Wrong to Get Paid for Using Your Gifts

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Release the Fear That It Is Wrong to Get Paid for Using Your Gifts Waves

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I Am Good Enough - MP3

Length: 25:55 min

Not feeling Good Enough about yourself is a very common limitation amongst Light workers. Many of you may feel levels of shame or wrongness that perpetuate low levels of confidence and thus allow fears and doubts to stop you taking inspired action on many opportunities that would serve you in living an authentic, joyful, and purposeful life. This is an invitation for you to become free of those limitations and step forward in an empowered way into accepting yourself, with Love.

This MP3 will help you to:

  • Embracing the truth of your Divine true nature
  • Relaxing into the confidence to simply Be your Authentic Self
  • Becoming free of the stress of trying to prove yourself good enough
  • Releasing the feeling of wrongness and not good enough or not capable
  • Letting go of fault, blame, shame and guilt left over from experiences in the past
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Discount Code to ManTarA’s Retreat in Mexico

Welcoming Abundance into Your Life
2nd – 7th March 2019

Allow the uplifting energies of spending a week on retreat in a truly magical part of the world, surrounded by nature, and immersed in the intentionally transformational energies that Matt and ManTarA hold for the group, to facilitate the perfect conditions for you to let go of what is limiting your experience of abundance, so that you can more easily access your deeper wisdom, and authentic confidence, and then start to manifest prosperity and happiness on all levels with abundance.

Come and embrace your inner passion, connect with the higher aspects of yourself, and allow your purpose to rise into the Light. Bring your concerns, desires, your dreams and your goals, to this week and accelerate the pace of your healing, and transformation into new levels of abundance and passionate, purposeful, Joyful living. Everything will be taken care of for you. Sit back, relax and prepare to be pampered. Everyone is welcome.

The Supplied Code will Entitle You to a $100USD discount off whatever accomodation option you choose (subject to availability)

I Am Good Enough - MP3

Not feeling Good Enough about yourself is a very common limitation amongst Light workers. Many of you may feel levels of shame or wrongness that perpetuate low levels of confidence and thus allow fears and doubts to stop you taking inspired action on many opportunities that would serve you in living an authentic, joyful, and purposeful life. This is an invitation for you to become free of those limitations and step forward in an empowered way into accepting yourself, with Love.

This MP3 will help you to:

  • Embracing the truth of your Divine true nature
  • Relaxing into the confidence to simply Be your Authentic Self
  • Becoming free of the stress of trying to prove yourself good enough
  • Releasing the feeling of wrongness and not good enough or not capable
  • Letting go of fault, blame, shame and guilt left over from experiences in the past

Common Questions about working with ManTarA’s MP3s

Q. Do the MP3s work on silent?

Yes, the energetic intention, the uplifting beneficial vibration, is still available within the proximity of the device that you are playing the mp3 on either no, or very low, volume. Doing so can allow you to continue to function normally with whatever task are at hand while receiving the energetic support. However, the mp3’s do function much more powerfully when you invest your time in listening in a present state. The physical sounds affect your physical brain, altering the brain waves to induce a state where the intentions of the session can work more effectively in your field

Q. Can I listen to the MP3s while I sleep?

Yes, your subconscious mind hears everything while you’re sleeping, you can play the mp3’s on any level of volume to get some benefit. Many people will find themselves falling asleep while listening to the Light Language, as their mind is somewhat anesthetised. So using these mp3’s at bedtime can be very beneficial.

Q. Is it OK to multitask while listening to the Light Language MP3s

You should be cautious. ManTarA’s Light Language alters your brainwave activity, and can definitely inhibit your ability to concentrate on an external task, or cause drowsiness, etc. So, we do not encourage doing anything that is potentially dangerous when listening, such as driving, operating machinery, or internet banking. But many people can use the Light Language sessions while doing some things that are relatively safe with great benefit.

Q. What if I feel uncomfortable when listening to the mp3’s

It is not uncommon to have interesting sensations arise while listening to these Light Language sessions. Many people will feel energy shifting as a result of the expansive and lubricating effects of the Light Language. When dense, old, discordant, energies are shaken up and in the process of releasing it can feel a little uncomfortable for some people. All sorts of sensations, physical, mental, emotional can occur with the shifting of energy. Physical sensations that have been reported include, hot and cold, tingling, aching, twitching, itching, jolting, numbness, stabbing, etc… similarly it is not uncommon to have old emotional energies surface for clearing, or mental limiting beliefs arise for release. The most important advice is to remember that this is a good thing, and even though it might be uncomfortable for a time, that it will definitely pass as the energy releases, trust that it is not a mistake or something going wrong, the more that you can relax into trusting it is just part of the process, the faster you will proceed through the discomfort and gain the freedom on the other side of that release.

Q. Do I need to listen to all the MP3s?

No. There is no need to do so. This package is not a course for your mind to complete, it is more of an energetic invitation to make empowered transformation, so please do not get overwhelmed or just rush to listen to everything very quickly think there is a reward for completion. We always encourage empowerment, so please trust what you Know in your Heart is best going to serve you. But, we would encourage you be willing to enquire as to why you might be attracted to certain MP3s and resistant towards others. The truth is many of us are driven by factors other than our Higher knowing or Heart based guidance. So it is always worth looking a little deeper, it may be that there are aspects of you that are scared of the potential transformation that a particular MP3 offers. Also we would encourage you not to fall into judging the MP3 by the title, each of these sessions are vast multidimensional experience far more complex than the title can ever convey.

Q. How long should I listen to each MP3 before I move to the next one?

Again, we tend not to make rules with such things, trust what you feel would best serve you. In general, we do not recommend using the MP3s like they are bitter medicine, forcing yourself to listen in the belief that it will heal you. Find the balance between being committed to do what you know would serve you while maintaining a compassion to work from the space of Love rather than fear based desperation to fix yourself.

Q. When will I see results?

This is always a tricky question to answer. Everyone is different and everyone has different expectations of how their results “should” show up. Yes, you should definitely expect to see results, that is an important part of making progress, but please be open to how your results come to manifest. It is not uncommon for people to feel like they are going backwards for a time, as the discordance and resistance comes up to clear before it is possible for the “result” to manifest. It will really serve you to stay in allowance and maintain patience as you work towards your intended outcome. I have never been one to advertise miraculous quick fixes, although of course sometimes it happens and everything falls in to place very quickly, and that is great, but ultimately life is a journey not a destination and we are primarily focussed on helping you develop the skills and the confidence to journey in an empowered way rather than to just wanting to help you get the next fix.

Q. Can I use the MP3s for others in my home?

Yes, of course all the members of your household will benefit from you listening and playing the MP3’s in their presence and we are happy for you to share the MP3s with them

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

Copyright © 2018 - Cosmic Media LLC
101 Convention Center Drive, STE 810, Las Vegas, NV, 89109