The Laws Of Attraction Are Real.
Your Names Can Help, Hinder or Halt Your Progress.
Name Reality Shows You How, Why And What You Can Do.
Name Analysis
- Discover how your names influence the way you live your life.
- Understand why the past happened the way it did
- Be prepared for what the future is going to bring
- Determine how a marriage name change will affect you
- And for those of you whose name has been hindering your every step – use the knowledge to take control and enrich your life!
What is in a Name?
From birth, your names shape and define:
- Your character
- Your personality
- Your mental health and physical health
- For better or worse

More amazing, the second part of this system shows how letters from each of your names rotate at predetermined years, influencing events and the way you live your life. Incredible, maybe, but true! This is not a new hokey pokey theory and this is not numerology. This system was originally
used in ancient times by affluent families to name their children for a prosperous happy and healthy life. It has been documented many times over the last several thousand years and was for the most, kept a secret. When you see for yourself how accurate this system is, you will understand why it has been kept under wraps. The laws of attraction are real. Your names can help, hinder or halt your progress. Name Reality shows you how, why and what you can do!
What is Name Reality?
Name Reality is a mathematical formula used to calculate a person's character and life events. In a nutshell, there are 64 personality types dividing the human race, just as there are 64 fundamental forces that constitute the action of the Universe. You may have seen the numbers 1 to 64 before. There are 64 codons that make up human DNA. There are 64 hexagrams in the I-Ching and there are 64 squares on a chess board. It is recognized as a powerful mathematical force.
Each of your documented names are represented by two of these personalities including your mother’s maiden name and the number of the day you were born. You can see how by a quick mathematical calculation
the odds of another person having the same personality combination as you is one in 200 billion. Similar as the odds of two people having the same DNA or fingerprints, this system is incredibly accurate.
Any one name for the most is good. Just as you can touch any one key on a piano and it will sound good. When you press two or more keys at the same time or play with two hands, it is important you press the right keys. If you press the right combination of keys, you produce beautiful music.
If you press the wrong combination of keys, at best you are out of tune, or worst, you become a dreadful noise. Your names apply a similar action.
The second part of Name Reality reveals how letters in your names change and rotate on your birthday. Using the mathematical formula you can calculate a life chart showing which letters are active in what year. Every letter has a definition. Some are good and some are not so good. Again, it is the combination of these three or four letters, one from each of your names that dictate influences for that year of your life. For example

- F, H, U, V, W and X can have a negative influence.
- C, G, J, K, L, N, P, Q, Y and Z tend to have a positive influence.
- A, B, D, E, I, M, O, R, S, and T can swing either way depending upon the positive or negative from other letters active in the same year.
So what does this show a person? Let's take a look at a famous example.
So what does this show a person? Let's take a look at a famous example.
Celebrity Name Analysis
George Timothy Clooney (mother's maiden name Warren) born on May 6, 1961 - illustration show how names can support your life. George has very good balance from the combination of all his names/numbers which allows him to take full advantage of positive letter combinations in his chart throughout his life.
George 39/24. Timothy 38/34. Clooney 35/28. Warren 34/38. Dob. 6 May 1961.There is an entire page devoted to every personality number. Herewith clips of his personalities cut and pasted directly from pages in my book Name Reality.
George 39/24. Often successful but can face problems. If humble you can rise from a low to high position with dignity. Not one to worry. You are generally fortunate in worldly affairs and will meet influential people. Your artistic side can lead you in this direction if you chose to do so. You like peace quiet harmony and dislike loud discordant noises. Contacts will advance your work prospects, often through influential women.
Timothy 38/34. You are bright, intelligent, generous, and a very good organizer. You have excellent leadership skills. You are somewhat traditional in your ways and may have spiritual or religious beliefs. However sometimes you can be too opinionated. You need positive balance from your other names to achieve both peace and success at the same time. You have leadership skills and executive ability that can show from an early age. You are bright and cheerful. You respond well to problems of your own and those of others. Good temperament. You can be very successful in whatever you choose to do. You need a strong or understanding partner.
Clooney 35/28. You are trustworthy. Good friends will be friends for life. You will reward those who are loyal. You have integrity. You strive for a peaceful life. You have a strong personality and an active mind. You can be very extrovert at times. Hard work usually brings you good results and money. You like success.
Warren 34/38. Reads the same as Timothy. As these numbers repeat it reinforces these traits and these two names will be dominant in his personality.
Born on the 6 th . You like peace and tranquility. You are creative; hence this name often produces artistic talent. You are ambitious, you can be very successful. You need and appreciate peace and quiet. You dislike sudden noise or being in a loud environment. Though sometimes have to put up with it. This will drain upon you until you find calmness elsewhere. Relationships and home are very important. You will conceal fears and worries, waiting to fix problems later when the time is more appropriate. Your love or desire for beauty and harmony shows in your appearance and belongings. You can be very successful in love. Harmony with your partner is important.
Now let’s look at his events chart!
- George gets married in 2014, right after the letter N from his last name, which supports love and romance shows up.
- George's first big acting job was on the comedy Roseanne which came along when the letter G - which makes your whole life more positive - shows up.
- His big break and life changing event was being cast as Doug Ross in ER in 1994 - when all of the letters in his chart were positive!

"Well a few weeks ago I crossed paths with another amazing soul. His name is Lyon Zonamyari! Now let me just say he's gifted in healing, and also name analysis. After sending a few messages back and forth I felt as if our paths crossed for a reason. He suggested a name analysis and can I just say that I'm amazed at the accuracy and amount of information he provided. He was very thorough and explained anything I had further questions about. He explained trails that I went through and also moments of joy. He is a very kind soul and gifted as well.”
~ Intuitive Medium Ranee
Mini Name Analysis Package : Name Analysis Questionnaire + Private Session with Lyon
Sold Out
Name Analysis with Consultation : Name Analysis Questionnaire + 99 Year Events Chart + Your Special Name Personalities + Personalized Personality Overview + Your Past, Present, & Future Analysis + Private Session with Lyon
Sold Out
Here’s what’s included in the package
Package A |
Mini Name Analysis
Name Analysis is a two part system. Part one describes your personality, character, virtues, vices and both your mental and physical health, for better or worse. Part two describes events and the way you handle life’s trials and tribulations.
In your Mini-Analysis, Lyon will give you a 1 hour verbal overview of both the balance of personality and character in your name plus important years in your life being affected by your name.
ITEM 1 :
Name Analysis Questionnaire
- All names on your birth certificate
- Mother's maiden name
- Dates and times last names have been changed due to marriage
- Any other legal name changes (eg. immigration/adoption)
ITEM 2 :
Private Session with Lyon
Upon receiving your detailed information, Lyon will review and prepare a 1 hour verbal overview of your name personalities and your events chart.
He will then contact you to schedule your session.
During that session, you will spend one hour with Lyon via phone or Skype to overview your life. You can also ask to look at any specific problem you may be having and ask for information on how your name may be affecting it.
If you decide you want the full documentation (all your name
personality description sheets, your events chart with full A to Z letter definitions and Lyon's personalized MP3 voice recordings detailing your personality balance and explanation of your events chart) so you can continue referring to what you have learned, you may upgrade to Package B.
"I am a great admirer of your work, and I know you have helped me personally as well as many others. It's not the most well-known field, yet everything has energy, and carries spiritual weight.In the Kabbalistic tradition, people undergoing strife, or serious illness, would change their names to affect their destiny. So it is in our mystical traditions.”
~ David G Arenson
"By the way, amazed at how accurate my name analysis is.”
~ Jia De Carroll
Package A
Total Package Value $194
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $142
*** 74% Saving ***
Sold Out
Package B |
Full Documented Name Analysis with Consultation
Package B includes full documentation for all your names plus a 99 year events charts portraying your life from birth to now and beyond. This represents incredible value compared to other analysis or reading systems that require you to return again and again for more information!
Name Analysis is a two part system. Part one documents your personality, character, virtues, vices and both your mental and physical health, for better or worse. Part two documents events and the way you handle life’s trials and tribulations.
In your Full Documented Name Analysis, you will receive all of the following in addition to the One Hour Private Session with Lyon.
Name Analysis Questionnaire
- All names on your birth certificate
- Mother's maiden name
- Dates and times last names have been changed due to marriage
- Any other legal name changes (eg. immigration/adoption)
ITEM 4 :
99 Year Events Chart
Format: PDF
The 99 year events chart starts at birth through your 99th year. By looking at the chart, you can see which letters from your names are active during any given year. Used in conjunction with the letter by letter analysis document, you will understand what type of energy is coming from your each applicable letter in your name - positive, neutral, or negative - each year.
Additionally and very importantly, you can identify the letter combinations for each year, as some letters serve to amplify or modify other letters. For example the letter E takes other letters to the extreme. If you have positive letters along with an E, the energy is likely to be more positive, and likewise when the E joins with negative letters. So being able to identify the combination of letters for any one year is crucial to understanding the energy.
This chart is useful for seeing how your name contributed to events in the past and also see what's coming for the future.
ITEM 5 :
Your Special Name Personalities
Format: PDF
There are 64 unique personalities dividing the human race. Each name has two personalities. Every name you have is the result of both these personalities. In turn, you are the combination of the personalities from all of your names. This goes further to include your mother's maiden name and the number and the day you were born. Every one of us is the combination of at least 7 personalities or 9 if you have a middle name and more if you married and took your husband’s name. Your Full Analysis includes a personality description sheet for each of your name's personalities with the following information:
- General Description
- Positive Attributes
- Career Impact
- Love Impact
- Negative Attributes
- Lowest Expression
- Health Impact
ITEM 6 :
Personalized Personality Overview
Format: MP3
In your personalized personality overview, you will receive an MP3 voice recording from Lyon specific to the personalities of your names. He will show you how one personality may or may not balance with another and in turn, how all your personalities blend together as one. Some personalities are kind and loving, some are strong and full of vitality. Others may be introvert or extrovert. Balance is the key. With this MP3 you will get a full understanding of how your name affects your personality.
ITEM 7 :
Your Past, Present, & Future Analysis
Format: MP3
Understanding the overall balance for any given year of your life is perhaps the most difficult part of name analysis because you must also consider the strengths and weaknesses from your personality that can reflect in the overall result. In, your second MP3 voice recording, Lyon will guide you through the chart, explaining the years with important combinations of letters, so you can understand your past, present and future.
ITEM 8 :
Private Session with Lyon

Upon receiving your detailed information, Lyon will review and prepare a 1 hour verbal overview of your name personalities and your events chart.
He will then contact you to schedule your session.
During that session, you will spend one hour with Lyon via phone or Skype to overview your life. You can also ask to look at any specific problem you may be having and ask for information on how your name may be affecting it.
"I changed my name at the age of 74. Really unbelievable the change in my life.”
~ Anne Tuinzing
"I've heard about name changing before. There was a woman who was one of the guest speakers that attended a hand analysis event. She had changed the spelling of her first name 4 years ago and her life changed dramatically for the better after that.”
~ Linda Salazar Relationship Coach, Speaker and Hand Analyst
"Throughout my professional years as a medical and homeopathic doctor, I have always known our names produce a vibration that reflects upon the conditions of our bodies. Until now, I have not been able to connect the two together, especially for patient diagnosis. The system Lyon has
shown to me and demonstrated with the voluntary consent of my patients is conclusive evidence that the connection exists.
Lyon was able to confirm medical issues that matched my diagnosis. In some cases, he added more information that was beneficial to both me and the patient.
Lyon correctly quotes in his book; when conventional methods have failed to diagnose or cure a problem, this book can provide the missing link.”
~ Dr. Tito Palacio
Package B
Total Package Value $374
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $250
*** 67% Saving ***
Sold Out
“I had a private consultation with Lyon and changed my name from Tamara Pechthalt to Tammy Pectold. It’s been an amazing process. I can say that my life has definitely changed for the better. Lyon worked with me to find the best match for me and was extremely helpful and patient with me during the process. He is now looking in to my children’s names as well. If you have an open mind then this book it’s definitely for you. I highly recommend it. It’s also a great gift for expecting parents or anyone you know who struggles with life, addictions, health problems or plain bad luck. Enjoy.”
~ Tammy Pectold
“Your book and advice have changed my life! Xoxo”
~ Lily Gianna Woodmansee
“Lyon your help was one of the keys to my awakening. Your work is so incredibly important!! I just didn't see it before. Thank you for your tireless efforts! Namaste.”
~ Molly Skye Brown
“My friend Lyon has written this book giving the lowdown on the energetic power behind our names. It's a fascinating read and a must if you're about to name a newborn.Take a look at his You Tube video (link below) where he explains the theory and science (yes,there's a quantum reality here, every bit as relevant as Dr Emoto's findings) behind your moniker. Who'd'a thunk?”
~ Carmen Harris
“What a great opportunity Lyon...I am a great admirer of your work, and I know you have helped me personally as well as many others. It's not the most well-known field, yet everything has energy, and carries spiritual weight. In the Kabbalistic tradition, people undergoing strife, or serious illness, would change their names to affect their destiny. So it is in our mystical traditions.”
~ David G Arenson
“Synchronicity brought Lyon and his work into my life journey. I look forward to further studying of his material. It is not only interesting but essential if one is on the self-development path in order to gain a full understanding of the Universal influences affecting our lives. I am grateful for every second you have given to me both personally and with your work.”
~ Nona Johnson
“I know Lyon's work and I have a copy of the book. It really opens your mind and lets you understand more about your life.”
~ Kathy May
“This is awesome Lyon !! Very cool, I know doubt believe you will be helping many people. Thank you for the reading you gave, I feel like it really helped to provide insight on certain strengths I didn't know were there and others areas of the self that were just good to know.”
~ Sonali Perera
“Thank you Lyon. I have a signed copy of your book and have been spreading the word. Brilliant book, I really enjoyed reading it! X”
~ –Jemma Youngs
“Love it Lyon-people will want to find out about your unique name knowledge and how it can change one's life for the better. I definitely endorse your brilliant work. Congratulations Lyon!”
~ Amy Surrena
“Relationship Coach, Speaker, Hand Analyst and Radio Show Host. I've heard about name changing before. There was a woman who was one of the guest speakers that attended a hand analysis event. One of the attendees had changed the spelling of her first name 4 years ago and her life changed dramatically for the better after that.”
~ Linda Salazar
“I had the pleasure of Lyon's assisting me with my name and shedding light on its strength and weaknesses. Lyon is highly knowledgeable and he is passionate about his work. I gained a lot of insights from his wisdom and thorough analysis of my name. All the best to you in your life journey and those who cross your path.”
~ Muna Yousef.
“I just had my name analysis session with Lyon.I had a great experience. I first heard of him on your show last week and right away felt drawn to work with him and my name. Our session together has helped me on my path, in that it affirmed through some synchronicities, that I am on track. It also opened the door to a place I'm real interested in exploring. Lyon was a pleasure to work with, sharing his insight quite freely. Thanks for the fun and meaningful session, and for your role in this journey of mine.”
~ Gina
“I had the pleasure of having a simple name analysis reading by Lyon recently, who is most thorough and patient as I am learning more about names- I can’t wait to read his book : )”
~ Lauren Olson Sidford
“I had a consultation with one of your guests, Lyon Zonamyari yesterday. It was such a pleasure speaking with him. His readings of my personality and life events were over 90% accurate and the advice was so helpful. I had been thinking about changing back to my maiden name and that is what I will do now that I have had this consultation. I highly recommend Lyon and plan on purchasing his book, as well as doing one or more consultations with him in the future!”
~ Virginia Wilson
“I want to thank you for a wonderful conversation that we shared yesterday. You had prepared my name analysis and called to discuss it. What meant a great deal to me was your initial correspondence and continued communication. You did exactly what you promised to do. It was incredibly respectful and thoughtful. We were off to a great start.
The discussion was open, flowed with ease and was mutually engaging. The analysis itself was so accurate and insightful that it felt like I had known you for a long time. Life's moments are always the best when 'someone gets you!!' It's somehow liberating and suddenly clear - it all now makes sense. Thank you for that.
Lyon, you made numerous suggestions as to how one could proceed - offering excellent book recommendations, mental exercises, powers of intentions and various healing practices. Your door was open for further considerations - if I was comfortable to do so. Additionally, you were in no hurry whatsoever!! That was a bonus.
I look forward to continuing our exploration together. Your sincerity and guidance was deeply felt.”
~ Catherine S.
“Thank you so much, Lyon for the name evaluation. I learned so much through this method that answered my questions that have gone unanswered for years. After the past few years of really bad luck, I am so glad to see the reason isn't me but my name. I was also able to see why certain years past have been difficult and painful for me. The good news is my name is something I can change and I plan to purchase your services again in the near future. Many thanks and blessings for your work and thank you, Aimee for bringing Lyon on the show!”
~ Jaime Edwards.
“I really enjoyed our conversation the other day. It was really good to chat with someone like minded and so knowledgeable. The name analysis and information contained within the charts is really interesting and informative and useful to work with in the future.
I have also purchased your 3 Step Healing process so I'm looking forward to working with that; for myself and for others. I am always looking to add to my toolbox of techniques and to increasing my knowledge.”
~ Caron Lyon
Why don't more people know about this??
“I've studied astrology and numerology for 20 years and this is the first time I've seen this ancient method used. It's much more accurate than both those practices combined utilizing not just the full name or prior names but also mother's maiden name. I read the book and had a name analysis session with Lyon and I was amazed at how accurate the results were. It showed why my certain years of my life were always met with turbulence just from the placement of a few unfortunate letters. After I saw the prediction for the next couple years, I've decided to change my name with the help of Lyon in private sessions. So glad I found this method!”
~ J.E.
Change your life for the better
“wow, amazing insights. Accurate predictions. Even down to my having/being prone to Cancer. must read. Being forewarned helps plan ahead.”
~ Amazon Customer
I WAS SHOCKED & AMAZED (but very happy!)
“Lyon did a full name report for me & I couldn't believe how accurate and revealing it was. I can't recommend his book & his services more highly. His attention to detail & his obvious love of what he does was so apparent in my dealings with Lyon via email, & the personal audios he did for my reports. Lyon is a Master at his craft. You'll be in very good hands if you're thinking of asking him to do your "numbers". The BOOK is A M A Z I N G if you want to get that first so you understand the depth of information available to you through this incredibly gifted man.”
~ Lyn Bowker
Mysteriously accurate
“This book is a mystery. I can sincerely say that the readings on my name and my family were accurate. It's fairly easy to make up your own charts, and you might get hooked. Whether or not I will change my name completely is still under consideration, the question is -am I ready for that transformation?”
~ siv sunday
Five Stars
“Loved it. A must read for anyone looking to understand the effect of sounds in their name.”
~ Sofya G. G.
I studied Numerology many years ago and much as I loved it, I found myself reaching for a missing ...
“Before you name your baby, before your change your name, read this book. I studied Numerology many years ago and much as I loved it, I found myself reaching for a missing piece. This book may well have it. I am still working my way through it and have not yet hit on the right name change but with this information as my guide, I am well on my way. Thank you Lyon.”
~ FI
An Amazing Surprise..Many A-ha Moments
“I have been a student of numerology for many years and when I came across this book, Name Reality at first I thought it was based on that ancient science of numerology. Was I in for an amazing surprise,as the depth of the knowledge and mystery was revealed by Lyon.I found through my life I often didn't like some of my name/s and I found many people don't care at all for their middle names. This book reveals why you might feel that way;why your name has been a blessing or the opposite on your journey here on this physical plane.If you aren't curious about yourself,then get a different book because you're going to find out so much about the hidden parts of yourself it will shock you,and finally the missing pieces of your life's puzzle will fall into place.
Lyon is a master in his art,laying it all out for you to witness your own unique self,and also to bring understanding about family or friends. I had so many 'a-ha moments' and this has helped in all my relationships.Lyon explains in detail and it's easy to feel his heartfelt vibrations of love for mankind in the pages of the book.I can only speak honestly for myself that for me it has been a profound experience!”
~ Joy
I easily could see how my life events fit in with ...
“I found myself bedazzled and intrigued by the accuracy of this system. And when I saw the number of h's and u's in my Events chart, a lot of the question marks of my life disappeared. While this chart can't pinpoint exact happenings, it reveals the vibrational tone and impetus for each year of life. I easily could see how my life events fit in with the energies of specific years. Now I can look ahead and assess what's coming up. Will this be a year of fortune or loss? Love or financial opportunity? Stress or travel-- or both? Plus the system shows what personality traits flow inherently through the vibrations of each of my names; extrovert or introvert, given to physical or nervous energy, detail
oriented or good with money, etc..
One of the best things is that if you are willing to devote some time to it, you can draft the Event Charts and do the name analysis yourself. It's empowering to be able to see for yourself the multiple layers that delving into this system reveals. If doing this for yourself is not for you, Lyon offers support on many levels. I found him generous with both time and information and truly easy to work with.”
~ Rayora Hartman
I liked NAME REALITY and I'm still liking it months later!
“If you are a numerologist or have played around with numerology and find it accurate and interesting then this will be a good book to add to your knowledge collection. I found it interesting and useful and relatively easy to implement into your life if you need to make some changes or want to see better results in all areas of your life. It is a completely different system than Pythagorean numerology. But an ancient and valid system that I think will be a nice addition to learn and use to help oneself and others. I have made a few changes in spelling my name and gotten rid of the 'u' vowel in my first name and feel good about having done so, although not legally yet. If you don't do anything with this book but read it and use it to SEE if it improves your own life it is worth the cost of admission to enter the world of this unusual ancient system that was used by the elite families in Chaldea, Egypt, and Middle Eastern Countries thousands of years ago, just to see what you have been missing and learn about 'one more thing' that was kept from us through out the ages that shouldn't have been! I liked this book enough to buy a second one and gift it to a numerologist friend! Blessings!”
~ Julia Ann Hood
Very inspiring book, a must before giving your child a name
“I purchased this book after I've heard talking about it, how, for example the fact of taking on your spouse’s name could negatively affect your marriage. I got very intrigued by the story and wanted to learn more. So I bought the book, and started immediately reading it.
I couldn't stop! I always have been interested in numerology, and understanding what’s in my name helped me a lot to gain self-knowledge. But this stuff is quite different! It's not about numerology in the classical sense; it goes much and much deeper.
After I calculated my names, I got to the description of different numbers which represent about 64 personalities. It was so unbelievably accurate! I could literally copy the whole description exposing my character, talents, behavior, and shadow side, leaving only 2 or 3 words out that didn’t resonate. (and who knows even that may be accurate, perhaps I’m not aware yet of that what I didn’t recognized). This confirmed a lot what I already knew about myself intuitively, and deepened the confidence of my own truth. It also opened my eyes to things I didn’t realize that they were going on.
What I found even more interesting was that some patterns would repeat themselves. I changed my name(s) in the past, due to emigration and so on. But even after the change, it turned that my changed birth name and family name stayed the same numbers as my spouse’s name, and the secondary traits of my mother’s family name, for example, would correspond to her husband’s name AND to MY husband’s name.
Is this a hint that we subconsciously continue to take the same, sometimes not so healthy decisions, even if we consciously want to make new, positive choices?
The book is very elaborated and rich in information. It covers lots of interesting things. I have to admit that I needed to read some parts different times, to really understand it (and I probably need to reread it again), but that’s okay. It absolutely is one of the most inspiring books I've read last few years, and I really recommend it. I also decided to take a private consultation from Lyon to go even deeper.I think it’s also a must, before giving your child a name (What happens, for example,when you give your child the name of your ancestors?)”
~ Lara May
Clearly written, informative and entertaining view of the influence of our names on lives
“A fascinating study of how forces influence the people that we are. I remember following biorhythms when I was in college, avoiding tests and other important tasks when the three rhythms converged at their lowest. I know of a test developed after WWII that was fine tuned over years to accurately determine our personality based on our selection of adjectives and adverbs describing how we see our selves and again by how we believe others see us. I saw the concrete results of weighing choices for these systems. So imagine to my delight, finding a book that analyzes how our names – a commodity not usually chosen by us – influence the outcome of events in our lives as we are channeled down the ‘river of life.’ What is really interesting, as this book points out, is how we can actually select a different name for ourselves to alternately influence events in our lives going forward or perhaps, even more importantly, how the selection of the right name for our children can positively (or negatively) influence events in their lives as they go forward. I found the book clearly and logically laid out along with the system defined and discussed followed by all the Personalities that are associated with the name analysis. Finally there are sample worksheets included at the end of the book to help in performing the analysis. In all, the book is informative and entertaining, even if you choose not to use its wisdom in the choice of a name for yourself or your kids, you can use the information to make wiser choices in the future.”
~ Conrad
Name Reality, a reality well hidden from plain view that marks our life. A must read!
“This book it’s amazing and full of mind opening concepts. I had a private consultation with the Author just before the book was finished and had my name changed. It’s been an amazing process. I can say that my life has definitely changed for the better. Lyon worked with me for a year to find the best match for me and was extremely helpful and patient with me during the process. He is now looking in to my children’s names as well. If you have an open mind then this book it’s definitely for you. I highly recommend it. It’s also a great gift for expecting parents or anyone you know who struggles with life, addictions, health problems or plain bad luck. Enjoy it.”
~ Tamm
This is a fantastic book that helps you to put your life into ...
“This is a fantastic book that helps you to put your life into perspective and provide the means to help yourselves gain positive results in all areas of your lives. Apart from me, I have several friends who have benefitted from this system. One of my best friends changed his name completely about 7 years ago. If you saw a photos of him then and now you would think they are 2 different people such is the positive impact that this process has on people.I made a few adjustments to my name 7 years ago, nothing drastic, just a few tweaks, very often that is all that is needed. Since then I have never looked back. It really is the difference between walking through treacle and gliding through life - the choice is yours.Enjoy”
~ N.G.D.
“As a numberology myself I found this book relating to the letters, absolutely brilliant the best I have come across for the things it deals with, borrowed it from a friend then bought it myself. Congratulations to its author.”
~ Lynne hardingham
Avoid the black and white kindle edition
“I brought the Kindle version of this book and is useless as some chapters / exercises are in colour (Green, Blue or Red) which I cannot see as my kindle is in black and white. However, I did find a workaround, by reading this book on my PC using the Kindle app and the author kindly wrote back. A very interesting read and had a lot of fun in deciphering names and personalities”
~ Layla
This book is a must if you want the best opportunities for your child
“Very thoroughly researched and well written, combining ancient systems used in Astrology, Numerology and Kabbalah. This book does reveal how our names from birth influence the way we live our lives. I changed my name and so did my son. Lyon dropped his middle name and gave him new powerful initials and he has just secured a new contract for his sports career getting him picked out of 1,000's of other similarly talented hopefuls. My life has taken a new direction too and I am excited about the forthcoming events.
I found Lyon to be very personable and generous with his time.Looking at names for a baby, this book is a must if you want the best opportunities for your child.”
~ Kate Seymour
Very easy book to follow to change your thought processes
“Three of us started learning how to analyse names at the same time. We all felt that the material we’d found was lacking on all levels. Lyon Zonamyari decided that he would go off and find out more on this extraordinary subject and thanks to him, we now have this very good, book that incorporates all the history on this subject.
This book is a gift to anyone who has ever wondered a) whether their given name is right for them b) if not – why? c) why cycles of extremes can affect them (especially when you think that life should be treating you well).Name Reality will help you understand WHO you REALLY ARE and believe me when I tell you that if you want your life to start going in a calm/reasonably harmonious pattern, then maybe, changing your name will help you achieve this.
As I mentioned before, three of us started studying this together. We’ve all changed our names and as a result, our lives are richer as a result.”
~ Breakaway Reviewers
Unique Gift, Fascinating Read
“I recommended this book to a friend who was having a baby and then decided to check it out for myself. First off, it is a very friendly and easy read, and working out my own chart wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. In fact, it was a fun exercise. I found the analysis of my character by letters extremely accurate, giving me pointers as to where I need to watch out for excesses in my personality that might lead to health problems or otherwise. And when it came to looking at my completed chart regarding past years, I could pinpoint critical or significant events that did indeed seem to be linked to a certain combination of letters featuring at that time of my life. I was relieved and reassured that my name was not an issue, but wanted to hear more about future years, so booked a Skype consultation. Lyon is very enthusiastic, personable and reassuring and gave some useful advice about where the following years could take me and how I might avoid any possible pitfalls along the way. All in all, the book is a very useful purchase (the section on celebrities is fascinating). A unique gift for expectant parents and a fascinating read for broad-minded readers.”
~ carmen
About Lyon Zonamyari :
Professional Analyst and Author Lyon Zonamyari has helped hundreds of people change their lives!
Lyon’s discovery of an ancient documented system has allowed people to understand and eliminate day to day or life-long worries like stress, anxiety, nerves, anger, fears, failure, phobias, lack of confidence, lack of self-esteem and health issues, just to name a few. This system shows you your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to take control and realize your dreams through the laws of attraction and power of intention reaching goals you were previously unable to attain.
Unlock the hidden code and start enriching your life today!
Mini Name Analysis Package : Name Analysis Questionnaire + Private Session with Lyon
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Name Analysis with Consultation : Name Analysis Questionnaire + 99 Year Events Chart + Your Special Name Personalities + Personalized Personality Overview + Your Past, Present, & Future Analysis + Private Session with Lyon
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