Activations, Downloads, And Tools To Feel Lighter, Freer, And Clearer Than You Ever Felt Before.

  • Receive Activations, Tools, and Techniques to Experience Deeper Love.
  • Release trauma, fear, and beliefs that keep you from moving forward (Without reliving them.)

High Frequency Activations To Clear Your Hidden Fears So you can…

  • Discover how to live in love consistently
  • Connect to source and feel more embodied
  • Feel inner-peace
  • Live your purpose honestly and feel able to be in a healthy relationship

Searching for Love and Purpose?

~Truly Love and Be Yourself First~

This program is for you if you have any of the following challenges:

  • Absorb others energy?
  • Struggle being heard?
  • Criticize yourself?
  • Forget to take care of yourself?
  • Allow your boundaries to be invaded?
  • Find yourself distraught?
  • Have a hard time receiving?
  • Experience loneliness?

We trust you to check inside

And recognize that this program is for you.


  • An increased ability to love and nurture yourself first
  • Better health
  • Belonging
  • Deeper connections
  • More play and sharing in your relationships
  • Light and abundance
  • Increased Closeness
  • Deeper love and feeling lovable
  • Feeling more joy
  • Being present with family
  • An expanded awareness of beauty
  • Greater ease and ability to move forward
  • Ease in releasing fears
  • A greater capacity for intimacy
  • An attitude of gratitude

It Is Easier to:_________

  • Stay calm and clear
  • Stay grounded
  • Sing and dance
  • Be comfortable in your body
  • Awaken internal gifts
  • Have more fun
  • Release negativity
  • Experience profound heart healing
  • Release trauma and grief
  • Enjoy increased energy
  • Have deeper connections


“Liberation from Internal Strife”

"The positive feedback loop created between one's own highest-self and the affirmative reflections of Lottie Cooper's uncompromising consciousness yields quantum acceleration in personal empowerment. There is no aspiration too lofty, no obstacle too challenging, and no hidden sabotage that can elude this collaborative dialogue. Lottie's training allows her to guide the process non-intrusively, yet boldly, toward the ultimate end of total liberation from internal strife. We can realize everything we set our minds to if first the veils of false belief are lifted. I count myself extraordinarily blessed to call Ms.Cooper one of my professional allies, for she holds me accountable to all that I am and ever could be..."

~ Andrew S. Mount, Social Entrepreneur

Never had these results with anyone else.”

"I have had several very helpful healing work sessions with Lottie. Pretty quickly, I found it easy to open up and trust her to have clear loving intentionis in her approach to me.

After each guided session was able to further continue the work on my own. This means a lot to me and demonstrates the power of the transitions she initiated each session.

I tend to be very skeptical and can easily get negative, specially around my chronic pains, aches and emotional suffering. Due to her consistent empathic intuition and positive focus, along with an amazing process that she uses super skillfully, I now have a much better handle on how to do my own healing and uplifting without caving in to the old negative energy draining habits and patterns.

She works on deep levels of emotions and body patterns, and uncovered some hidden beliefs and agendas that I had not been able to approach on my own.

The best part is, that with her encouragement to take notes and journal our session I could later make 'common sense' of the work and use it as a resource. With many other healers I have tried, I couldn’t find my way forward to use what was done on my own later. I think the difference that makes a big difference it that Lottie worked deeply with me, not just on me.

I highly recommend that anyone who wants support to carry through with real self healing and change ....go ahead and set up an experience of Lottie’s loving intuitive and skillful interventions!"

~ Frankie B.

“Deep Hidden Issues Revealed”

“I had a Backstage Pass with Lottie. My session was amazing. Lottie identified so many deep hidden issues I had not been able to see before. She cleared the issues that were creating blocks for me, explained everything in the process and gave me really powerful tools how to work on those going forward and what steps to take. I felt so light and peaceful the night of the session. The next day after the session I still felt her energy working in me, which was really awesome. I felt shifts and integration. I felt a lot of tingling in my body and moments of clarity on what next steps I should take.

Lottie is an amazing and powerful healer, caring and compassionate. I am so grateful I got to work with her.”

~ Angela Matusya

“The Free Gift MP3, taught me to release all negativity down the grounding cord.”

“The grounding track ”The free gift” is wonderful and brings me back to what I did many years ago. It is so important to be able to let go of all that weigh us down. The day is so much easier when all the negativity that we meet in our day just goes down the cord and leaves me instantly.

I have problems with both overweight and pain in my back, legs and feet ( I had 2 back surgeries to fuse my spine ). I find that I enjoy listening to the tracks and I think both of the Love your body tracks are so important for me. I feel a shift in the way I relate to my body and especially the parts that cause pain and problems for me every day after listening to theses tracks. It is now easier for me to relax and I feel that I accept my body better almost lovingly in some instance. 

I really love the beginning of the “Pleasure” track with the focus on the face, it felt so great, I didn’t realize I had so much feelings around my face and It was a big release for me emotionally. I feel more comfortable in realizing the need of pleasure in my Life.

I feel Lottie's Mp3´s are really easy to listen to and I find that my thought patterns change a Little at a time.”

~ Susann

“Lottie understands and helps clear the issues that affect me as an inter-dimensional person and empath.”

I had a backstage pass with Lottie Cooper and then I decided to continue to work with her. I really enjoy Lottie's sessions, she is very nice and helpful and non-judgmental, and also she is a very powerful healing practitioner. She addresses so many issues, quickly, in a session. Lottie works at an inter-dimensional level, I feel like she really sees all of my energy and like she understands the issues that affect me as an inter-dimensional person and empath.

A few things Lottie has helped me with: releasing stored trauma that was causing strain in my left eye, leaving my body too often and now staying in my body instead, releasing the stored pain in my heart, releasing the emotions from my parents and other people that I took on, understanding the differences between my emotions and others' emotions, past life issues, and many more. Also, I just thought this was fun and it shows how perceptive Lottie is, last week she said a plant consciousness was showing up in my field, and my mom had gotten me an orchid the week before. Thank you Lottie for your perception and for all of your help ❤️❤️❤️

~ Anna


Hi All,
I had my Package C one on one session with Lottie Cooper this evening. Before I got on the line, I had a pressured day at work so I thought to use her mp3 #2 (clearing) and the mp3 #3 (to open up my heart). This actually put me in a very open state to be able to work with Lottie. I was sort of dazed when I got on the line (from resting after those mp3s). She asked if she could enter my space and then when I said my "Yes" the adventure began. She had three downloads for me. She also worked on persecution energy from a past life and rid me of that (I keep getting triggered by someone at work-- this was big). I felt the energy moving out and bringing new energy in. She also gave me tools to help me connect with the earth and to make my work space more positive for me. This half hour was life changing and it is amazing the work that she is able to do. I highly recommend Lottie Cooper. She has changed me. Thank you Lottie for a life changing session. Thank you Eram Saeed for bringing Lottie on the telecast. This is very strong work and I love what I am learning too. I am going to learn more about Theta Healing. This modality and the years of experience and work that Lottie has done (over twenty years!!!) has made such a change in my energy. I am going to delve deep and work more with her. She is one that immersion is definitely going to change me and transform me even more!!! Love and Light to Everyone. I am changed for sure.

~ Sandyha


Hi Lottie I would like to provide you with an update regarding the free gift you provided of daily energy maintenance on the mp3. I have incorporated the daily energy maintenance into my morning practice with excellent results. I too am a full body empath and am very grateful for your help. I am able to stay centered and grounded and at the end of the day I am not exhausted. One morning recently I left the house with out doing the daily energy maintenance planning to do it when I returned home. I ran some errands and upon returning to the house I felt that old familiar "sinking sensation" knowing that someone's energy was in my field having a negative impact on my energy. The mp3 is transforming my life.

~ Penelope

Expert Reviews

“Opened New Channels within Me ”

AndieI absolutely LOVE working with Lottie she is very much one of the Best in the Healing Business each time she opens me up to new vision and clear sight and help me become a better Healer for my clients. Since we are in touch often she has opened new channels within me that were out of my personal sight. I often call her specially when I mess with entities; I have her look if anything is left around.

This is so important to have someone to work with when you are a Healer yourself. She is the perfect mentor for anyone needing guidance and support for the events in their lives. I would recommend Lottie to everyone, which I do already. I will continue to bless myself with her services for a long time ahead.”

~ Andie DePass, TSSC Expert Healer and Soul Frequency Consciousness Coach

“WOW, Released and Revealed Hidden Reason for Procrastination. Released Old Reoccurring Pattern Of Being Attacked, and Feeling Lack Of Acceptance. Fear Went from an 8 to a 1!”

eramsaeed“I had a very deep session with Lottie. With Lottie I realized that I have been procrastinating on taking my business to the next level and playing bigger which included writing of my book, because of fear of being attacked. We went deeper and the core belief was to not be accepted. Going into the issue, I felt a yucky feeling and fear in my chest at the intensity of about an 8. Lottie asked questions to go deep into the issue, which exposed my fears of weakness, vulnerable, and lack of acceptance. We did some deep repatterning of my subconscious mind to feel acceptable, loved and impervious to negativity. We also cleared left over perpetrator energy, trauma from being attacked by men. I felt a huge density release out of my heart, lots of nurturing and loving energy around me. The pain left my heart and now just feels tender as the nurturing energy surrounds me and the pain dispersed completely. I highly recommend Lottie. She is very clear, focused, and efficient and holds a deep nurturing space to release scary old patterns through love. I was so moved that I asked her to create a special mp3 of this clearing for all members of my community who have any bullying, or abuse in their field to release the imprints and energetics once and for all and I know this is many of us. Her mp3s on Trauma and Beauty addresses these issues.”

~ Eram Saeed, Host & Founder Global TeleSummit From Heartache To Joy

“Authentic Results”

“If you are truly looking for change in your life and getting authentic results, Lottie is your perfect solution. She is amazing to work with!

~ Bill Heinrich, MySoulFocus

“Lottie Honed in, and We Removed Blocks towards Goals”

gretchen“Lottie Cooper is incredible. I've been on a path towards transformation for a while now. Lottie was quickly able to hone in on where I needed additional support. She is brilliant at asking the right questions that helps you become clear on the blocks in your way, so she can help you remove them and move towards your goals. I am grateful for her support and gifts. Thank you Lottie. If you are looking for clarity on what is in your way and a path to removing those blocks, work with Lottie

~ Gretchen Pritts

“The pain went from an 8 to a 3 within minutes!
I felt much calmer and a warm tingling all over my body.”

“I had painful lump come up on the top of my foot and then the whole top of the foot swelled. I had it for about 2 months. I had gone to the foot doctor who drew fluid out of it and injected steroids into that area. It came back the next day. I had an MRI and it was diagnosed as an epidermal cyst. I put essential oils on it and massaged it but it stayed the same. Lottie worked with me and led me through a process where I saw a black energy overlaying a pink energy on my foot. As she continued the process, I saw the black energy melt and flow through my foot into the ground and the pink color became more vibrant. I felt a lot of heavy energy draining from my foot into the ground. The pain went from an 8 to a 3 within minutes! I felt much calmer and a warm tingling all over my body especially in my foot. It was very quick and powerful! I know that a large shift occurred in my energy! She saw that the root of it was “fear of ridicule”. That really resonated with me. She did more work and I felt even more dense energy leaving my foot and going into the earth. A little bit later, I felt a powerful surge of strength and love flow through me. It felt so good! I love Lottie’s work! It is so quick and easy and the changes are powerful! Lottie is very talented and I highly recommend her work.

~ Deonna Phillips

“Released Hidden Childhood Patterns From Both Parents, Regained True Confidence”


Lottie effortlessly and easily tuned into my Dad's anxiety, which I could SO relate to, and had been holding me back.

Lottie then tuned into my Mom and asked me if I felt there was a connection there regarding my confidence?  I was transported back to a time...many times actually, when as a little girl I was proud of something I had created.  When talking about this with my Mom, I was told it's not nice to brag.  So I learned at a very young age, not to talk about my accomplishments.

I am currently working on a new business venture that requires me to speak of myself....I believe my inner child felt this was bragging, so naturally I was having a difficult time with this and procrastination was my result.  Lottie was able to shift this so profoundly for me that I instantly felt it leave my body.

Lottie also tapped into my need for approval.  She dug deep and I found that I was afraid of being alone....this was very scary for me. Through my session with Lottie I have found that it is okay to be alone.  The biggest blessing for me here was realizing it's okay to be alone as I'm happy with me!!

Now, days later I feel very confident to move forward on my new opportunity, knowing that it's okay to speak of my gifts.  In fact, I feel now that it's wrong not to, when my gifts can help so many.  No bragging here!!

I would highly recommend Lottie, she comes from her heart...and believe me it works!

~ Donna McRae, Life Coach

Video testimonial with Bob


Video Session on releasing someone’s money blocks



1 Gift MP3 +13 MP3’s + 3 bonus MP3’s + 3 Coaching / Healing MP3s

Discount: 96% Off
Total Package Value $3,290
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127


Package A and 20 minute personal session with Lottie

Discount: 95% Off
Total Package Value $3,487
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177

No Package B refunds after having received the one-on-one session.

Package B: No Refunds after the Individual Session. One on one sessions must be booked within 30 days of purchase but may be used up to 5 months thereafter. I have a 48-hour cancellation policy for sessions or the session is null and void. If a session is cancelled twice the session is also void. Late policy: I will hold your session time for 10 minutes at which time your session is forfeited. No make up time will be allotted as I am generally booked back to back. THANK YOU for respecting my policy.

Why Subconscious Re-patterning Is One Of The Most Effective Ways To Heal

156According to Bruce Lipton, PhD who wrote the Biology of Belief and others, 95-99% of our patterns come from our subconscious mind. Did you know most of our subconscious mind got programmed in a theta state before we were 8 years old? Therefore, most of us absorbed our parents, caregivers, teachers, and cultures’ patterns and put them through our own unique way of processing survival. And then that is now our operating system. Yes, free will can sometimes override this, but mostly it is very difficult to overcome and change unless… you know how to go into the subconscious mind to reveal and change the beliefs and patterns.

One of the fastest ways to heal is to transform that 95-99% of beliefs. To do this, we do a meditation to go into a theta brainwave state, and pull the core beliefs that do not work and replace them with the beliefs that do. So the mp3’s you are receiving will do this in areas of your life, and transform you inside out to have more awareness, more clarity, calm, peace, love, joy, belonging, safety, in all your relationships and interactions. This is very deep work and creates new neural pathways in the brain so you have a new operating system with new feelings. Also commanding and working with Creator of All That Is, Divine Intelligence knows exactly what you need. So as we command for replacements to the divine intelligence you will receive the new beliefs, frequencies, feelings, and patterns just the way that is best for you.


How do these MP3’s work?

In these MP3s you will learn how to ground, and reclaim your energy, work with your grounding cord and golden sun to release others energy and refill yourself. You will also receive feeling downloads and high frequencies, and also reprogram negative beliefs into positive beliefs in the subconscious mind. The MP3s’ teach you to take care of yourself, your body, your emotional boundaries, and release trauma and patterns that do not serve you. They show you how to love yourself, receive love, and connect from your essence so you can have healthy connections. The more you listen; you will naturally become calmer and more peaceful deep within and be able to handle life’s stresses. They teach you to have more of your essence and beauty, be awake in the everyday, and much much more…


What these MP3’s can do for you:

  • Deep healing of self, self-awareness, and connecting with Source.
  • Ground and have sovereignty in your own space. Start your day calm, clear, and confident.
  • Do you absorb everyone’s energy? Create energetics that consistently clear others’ negative energy out of your space.
  • Do you get drained throughout the day? Easy steps on how to refill yourself with love, light, and energy.
  • Does old trauma and abuse hold you back—are you constantly triggered? Release trauma and shame. Learn how to feel free and be in present time.
  • Forgetting self-care? Program yourself to sleep, hydrate, eat well, and exercise.
  • Want a Soulmate to love you for you? Get clear on what you want in a Soulmate and create the energetic signature that represents the frequencies of what you want. This energetic light and information will allow you can magnetize it.
  • Do you love your body? Receive how to love and accept your body.
  • Pleasure? What does that feel like? Enjoy more pleasure in your everyday.
  • Are you honest with yourself? Feel what honesty is and how to be honest with yourself.
  • Anxiety and overwhelm? Re-pattern yourself to be calm and peaceful throughout the day.
  • Lonely in your home and in the world? Feel love and belonging in all your connections.
  • Feeling Loved and lovable? Actually feel love in the body…Not just think it.
  • And so much more…

3 Coaching calls to go deep into reclaiming your energy from repressed fear and resentments stored in the body. Begin to clear parts of self that are stuck in childhood memories and acting out from that pain. Integrate childhood aspects into present time with love. Also, we will do Q and A from what comes up from the remote healing and MP3’s.

One of my biggest gifts is to see what others don’t see, and go where yours soul is ready to go and help you let go of what does not serve you anymore.. Each day I will work with Source to clear and pull what is ready, and replace it with unconditional love. This will uplift you to new states of awareness and lightness. Be aware you might feel more energy, need more sleep, and have no symptoms, or have symptoms of detoxing or releasing. Everyone processes different and whatever your way is – is natural. (Value $1297)

Coaching Call 1: (Value $257) Reviewing Tools: Grounding, Golden Sun, Connecting to Source, Q And A from the 13 days. Group healing and downloads decided in the moment from the field.

Coaching Call 2: (Value $257) Releasing Resentments towards Self, God, and Parents if we have time. Group Healings from callers. Q and A.

Coaching Call 3: (Value $257) Inner Child work: Updating timelines, Healing the spirit and the fetus in the womb if we have time. Then Q and A. Survey: What’s next, invitation for feedback and review:

Package B: (package A) plus: 20 minute personal session with Lottie on any topic related to this package.


1 Gift MP3 +13 MP3’s + 3 bonus MP3’s + 3 Coaching / Healing MP3s

Discount: 96% Off
Total Package Value $3,290
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127


Package A and 20 minute personal session with Lottie

Discount: 95% Off
Total Package Value $3,487
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177

No Package B refunds after having received the one-on-one session.

Here’s what’s included in the package

Package A Toolkit

1 Gift MP3 you can send to friends +13 MP3’s (teaching, downloads, tools, activations) + 3 Bonus MP3’s + 3 Coaching / Healing MP3s


Free Gift, Short version of DAILY SELF-LOVE ACTIVATION, grounding and energy maintenance. (Feel free to share this “Free Gift” and email it to others).

Value: $125

Time: 8:40 min.

Free Gift, Short version of DAILY SELF-LOVE ACTIVATION, grounding and energy

Benefits: Clear boundaries, clear negative energy, thought forms, emotions, out of space and keep it out. Refilling self with more of one’s soul essence.

Stay in love all day long, clarity with self, expands awareness, increases confidence, feel lighter, brighter, and more at peace.

When receiving a download, say yes out loud or in your being to download it into your soul, genetics, and core levels and resolve on a history level maintenance. (Feel free to share this “Free Gift” and email it to others).


“I feel so calm after listening to the audios, I released what weighs me down.”

“Hi Lottie!
Thank you for the back stage pass, I haven’t remembered to listen every day but I feel so calm after listening to the audios.

The grounding track ”The free gift” is wonderful and brings me back to what I did many years ago. It is so important to be able to let go of all that weigh us down.”

~ Susann


Grounding, Centering, Getting Present, and Clearing Space

Value: $125

Time: 6:34 min.

Use any time of day to get centered and cleared, with ease and love.


“From overwhelm to feeling centered in my body”

“The grounding MP3 I tried because I had been going through a lot and I felt overwhelmed. I hoped that grounding MP3 would let me feel more grounded at peace and it did. I finished that MP3 feeling more centered and in my body.”

~ Kelly

“Finally, Out of my head”

“I, Lottie, use these techniques daily to get clear, present, and peaceful, and out of my head and into my heart and intuition.”

~ ​Love, ​L​​ottie


Listen to this first: Fundamentals: (before deeper MP3’s)
Long Version: Foundational Love Activation Meditation

Value: $247

Time: 18:09 min.

GroundingGrounding and Clearing Space and Calling Your Energy Home, 7th Plane of Unconditional Love, Activations of unconditional love, unconditional self love, Lovable

Create a ball of light around you, 8 feet around you. Choose a color. Bringing Aura into a ball of light around you. Getting centered in self and breath. Clearing out other’s energy, including: family, and co-workers, and more down through a Grounding Cord of Unconditional love of the 7th plane.

love activationGolden Sun: Learning to Command Your Own Energy to Refill Yourself Up with You.

Benefit: Start your day with clarity, balance, and attuned to your most nourishing energy field of you, so you can live the most authentic day.

Unconditional Love Healing through the 7th Plane: Clearing psychic hooks and family energy.

Activation: Download: unconditional love, worthy of unconditional love, deserve unconditional love, self unconditional love on a core, genetic, soul level, resolved on history levels.

Pulling subconscious belief: unloveable = loveable, No—changing it to lovable Yes.

Activation: Forgiveness, and releasing self-resentment.


“Listening to this MP3 Cleared Negative Energy Immediately”

“Lottie, Thank you so much for the light you bring to the world” On Saturday, and please note I rarely have a day like this, everywhere I went and the few people I spoke with on the phone and In person seemed to be "over the top" Days like that are hard on an empathic and sensitive soul...At the end of that day I had settled into a funk and of course was energetically affected by the negativity. I wondered what I could do to prevent scenarios like these from occurring again and thought about some options. I then decided to play the “Self-Love Activation” MP3 that you sent and that was EXACTLY what was needed. I felt like the negativity was cleared immediately, like I had taken an energy shower, and that all that didn't serve me was washed down the drain. Thank you Lottie for this powerful tool, I plan to incorporate the daily self love activation and energy management into my daily practice.

~ Penelope Lorenziano

“Tiredness lifted, mentally and physically energized for the day”

"I am very grateful to have worked with Lottie’s MP3.

I really liked the releasing technique with the grounding cord and found that my energy raised and doing the ball of light and puncturing it to fill my being with energy was very effective and a new technique.The tiredness that I had been experiencing lifted and I was energized and able to mentally and physically continue on with my day, as previously this had been a struggle.  I am a big fan of Theta healing and have done a fair amount of it.

Thank you Lottie for this gift”

~ ML


Back to Basics in Self Care: Re-pattern the subconscious mind to support the basics

Value: $135

Time: 15:39 min.

Re-pattern the subconscious mind to support the basics


Downloading: How to breathe, remembering to breathe

Download: To stay hydrated, and nourished by water

Download: Getting sleep

Download: Relaxation

Download: Exercise

Download: Playfulness

Download: Gratitude and Appreciations

Download into subconscious: Learning to live without complaining, gossip, victim, perpetrator, rescuer

Download: To love taking care of self, healthy boundaries

Download: Allowing of the human experience

Download: Speaking up, pulling trauma out of that, reprograming

Benefits: Deep support in self-care


“From listening to the MP3’s, I felt grounded, gratitude and calmness”

“I listened to 2 of Lottie's MP3 - grounding and back to basics. After listening I felt more grounded, calm and peaceful. I really liked the reminders of basic things we can do to take care of ourselves. Reminder to be grateful was a good one and much needed for me. I had a realization about the things I am so grateful for. Thank you!”

~ Angela


Feeling Belonging: Releasing Loneliness

Value: $177

Time: 7:20 min.

Benefits: Feeling Belonging with self, on planet, around people Easier to connect to self and others


“Listening to Lottie’s MP3’s I feel more connected, forgive easier, and have more gratitude”

“I have struggled with feeling alone even though I have family and friends who support me. Lately, after listening to Lottie's meditations, especially the one about belonging, I feel more connected to other people. I've been able to forgive others for past hurts and give gratitude for the blessings in my life. I feel connected to the light of compassion and self-love. Thank you, Lottie!”

~ Susan

“The MP3 on Belonging released loneliness and triggers”

“I have been struggling with feeling like I belong and can fit in. I have also been experiencing loneliness, which exacerbates the belonging issue. I played the MP3 and I noticed a difference afterwards where I didn't feel as lonely as I did before. I wasn't being triggered by a lot of things that I had been prior to listening to the MP3.”

~ Kelly


Basic Energy Maintenance and Going a little Deeper (Listen to foundation first)

Value: $247

Time: 13:47 min.


  • Receiving instant and spontaneous healing and miracles.
  • Release toxins
  • Release radiation
  • Release negativity out of body
  • Clear entities, spirits, and way-ward spirits to the light
  • Allowing the Creator of all that is to protect me
  • Receive messages from the Creator of being of service
  • Activation of receiving joy, increasing capacity for joy and fun
  • Next step in moving forward and awakening
  • Understanding knowing the Creator’s voice
  • Activations of Miracles

“Thank you for this beautiful healing.”

~ Kathryn


Healing Body: Befriending your Body

Value: $125

Time: 6:12 min.

Benefits: Body acceptance, body wisdom, clearing cultural beliefs and should, releasing other’s judgments, increasing pleasure and joy in the body, and clearing trauma and drama from body.


Love your Body and Having your Voice

Value: $107

Time: 4:01 min.

Downloads: Unconditional love to feet, thighs, pelvis, throat, having your voice and more.



Value: $135

Time: 4:28 min.

Benefits: Increased joy, pleasure, and awareness, and presence. Deepening in allowing more pleasure in your life.


“Warm Sensations and Release of 3rd chakra blocks”

“From listening to Lottie’s mp3 on pleasure, I had a warm sensation on my backside of third chakra. I kept feeling the sensation comfortably at the same time I was releasing blocks from there. I held too much stuff on my third chakra/ upper tummy and this mp3 assisted me to let them go energetically.

I like this MP3. Very fun to listen to. Lottie has a good vibe and high frequency. I believe this MP3 may help people with issues of receiving.

~ Sincerely, N.M.

“From the MP3 Pleasure track: Focus on the face, felt so great”

“I really love the beginning of the “Pleasure” track with the focus on the face, it felt so great.”

~ Susann

ITEM 10:

Reclaiming Beauty

Value: $197

Time: 13:40 min.

Releasing negative beliefs and charge, hurtful words, memories, then transmuting the negativity into light and love.

Activations: Being beautiful, feeling beautiful, and enjoy beauty of the world now. Teaching the wounded self to feel safety and the beauty of life. Walk in beauty, love, and celebration of life. Releasing free-floating memories, so the negativity is not longer there.

Compassion for body: Releasing all negativity to the body, giving the body compassion. Safe place to feel feelings and release resentments, unwind repressed feelings and reclaiming that energy Unwinding the pain body, so you are free to be your unique self.

Download: Essential self, now in the driver’s seat, safe to shine, and be successful. Being on your own path, and allowing others to be on theirs. Releasing negative and judgmental cultural beliefs that you absorbed, so you can be more you. Attracting Celebration of living in your beauty.

ITEM 11:

Deep Heart Healing (Allow time after to integrate.)

Value: $147

Time: 8:40 min.

Benefits: Healing the broken heart through working with the law of sound, then I sing frequencies to heal the heart and teach you to work with the Law of Music to heal your own heart. You will be deeply integrating and possibly profound releases of grief and pain.

ITEM 12:

Healing Trauma (Very deep MP3. Allow time after to integrate.)

Value: $397

Time: 23:01 min.

Benefits: Creating Safety to heal. Using the breath to allow the energy to keep moving. Releasing trauma out of the body, and replacing it with unconditional love. Releasing core negative beliefs: and replacing beliefs with their opposite.

Downloads deep into the subconscious mind: Now you know what it feels like and feel deserving to be good enough. I am a good enough mother, father, woman, father, child, good enough to receive love.

Lessons learned from trauma: Investigate with curiosity

Receive your support team of angels, archangels, and ancestors, and spirit guides.

Pulling out shame, guilt, blame, and pain.

Allowing feelings to move through, out of lockdown, and move out.

Clearing abuse out of the body; releasing abusers’ energy out of body and reclaiming energy from them.

Download: Feeling okay in every cell of body.

Learn to dialogue with self with the parts that need to be heard: Listening to the needs and the pain.

Download: How to comfort body, and creator’s understanding of comfort.

Teach you that that was then, and this is now—survived it—now capacity to release pain, feel feelings and move forward with renewed energy and learning.

Allow feeling wholeness, safety, rightness, and okayness.

Download: Being a unique spark, pulling all free floating memories, and neutralizing them. Live without repeating that energetic. Teach you how to move forward with human ease and joy, and that that is possible. Allow self to feel all feelings from rage to sorrow.

Download: How to forgive.

Download: How to have healthy boundaries.


“Lottie helped reveal and resolve child abuse and more in my body, So, my uncomfortable back pain released within a session.”

“During the short time I’ve been working under Lottie Cooper’s counsel, she’s helped me to identify and look more deeply into my psychological and spiritual concerns. She’s very approachable, trustworthy and sincere. She recently helped me heal a very uncomfortable back pain.  She guided me to investigate the pain through visualization and internal dialogue. I was astonished how the physical pain was wrapped up in a couple past psychological issues that was deeply rooted from early childhood trauma,
that included: child abuse, trust issues, and abandonment issues. I was even more astonished how quickly it went away. I was able to reveal the hidden fear and anger that was been affecting my worldview. The back pain was gone before the session was over! She gave me a wonderful method and the confidence that I can do it again. I highly recommend her. She is very personable and professional. I believe she can help anyone look beyond the surface of an issue and physical ailment. Her technique is effective and empowering. I leave each session more informed, refreshed, and inspired.

~ M, Martial Art Instructor

“Had a wonderful one hour session with Lottie, she was amazing in uncovering my hidden rage, great session looking forward to my next one......I highly recommend her!”

~ Cariell

ITEM 13:

Life Purpose

Value: $125

Time: 12:21 min.

Benefits: Being not doing our life purpose

Download: What it feels like to be living in life purpose

Download: Feeling of fulfillment

Download: Live in deepest truth

Understanding Divine gifts: Power, truth, authenticity, healing, order, creation, compassion

Download: Learning from our patterns: Understanding and acceptance of patterns.

Download: to live and speak within truth, clearing trauma around speaking truth.

Recognizing that you are living in your own unique combination of truth.

ITEM 14:

Manifesting a Soulmate

Value: $127

Time: 12:02 min.

feminine energyDownload: on what it feels like to be loved by your partner in every cell of your body. Color manifestation to magnetize your partner. Creating an environment and frequency to be with your mate. Working with the Creator of All that is to teach you and show you your next steps toward manifesting your most compatible partner. Learn to circulate your own life-force energy. Allowing both masculine and feminine energy.


“After 2 listenings of Soulmate mp3, Huge release of shame… I am more comfortable in my body and more confident around men!”

“I loved the MP3 s I found the grounding one very soothing, steadying and comforting and a great preparation for the soulmate work. I've a history of extreme sexual abuse but had done a lot of healing on this. When I discovered that my children were abused by their father, it completely shut down my
trust in intimate relationships. After two listenings I had a huge release of shame and tension, I felt safe,supported and held in love by the energetics on the MP3, I've noticed I'm more comfortable in my body and more confident around men. Thank you Lottie! Will definitely keep working with this one

~ Anon

“From Listening to Manifesting Soulmate mp3: Loner mindset is gone, Karma is
Broken, I am even Singing and Open to a new life”

“After a very difficult childhood I vowed that I would rather be alone than ever go through that again, just to put the information in a blunt and simplistic way.

And was also aware of the fact that I did not have the tools in my kit to attract a healthy partner. So I did a lot of work on myself to become more of the person I would like to attract and to in general have a better life. The plan worked and I now am in my very best place ever emotionally.

I am also aware of the fact that the loner thing has become a mindset and a way of life and perhaps there is a person like you describe that is there for me if I allow it.

So I played your product and I certainly did feel unsettled, then an incident occurred in the physical that I have learned indicates energy is moving, and some things that are karmic have been broken. I have never had these signs appear in such a definitive and powerful way.

I noticed yesterday while having lunch with one of my friends that I felt more open and was kidding and joking around more, even singing. I was thinking at the time "wow who is this". Must be a harbinger of the new life!!!

Thank you Eram and Lottie

~ Anon


Bonus 1:

I love you Body

Value: $47

Time: 4:27 min.

The Benefits of talking directly to your body: supports tuning into and caring for body and feeling body directly.


“Important felt shifts in relating to the body”

“I Think both of the Love your body tracks are so important, I feel a shift in the way I relate to my body and especially the parts that cause pain and problems for me every day.”

~ Susann

Bonus 2:

Song: You are You, by Lottie Grant Cooper, June 8, 2016

Value: $39

Time: 1:36 min.

This Song: I allowed my soul to sing through me, (in a spontaneous stream of consciousness.)

Empowerment song: to Be True to yourself as you.

Benefits: Uplifting, self-empowerment, invites creativity, feel seen/felt/ heard by your deeper self.

Bonus 3:

Breathing Gratitude

Value: $47

Time: 1:28 min.

Benefits: Mindset shifts to… deepening in gratitude, changing a negative attitude to choosing gratitude, feeling uplifting and expansive.


“Gratitude mp3 switched my attitude from lack to gratitude”

“The gratitude MP3 helped me to get more in a place of gratitude. I've been going some slightly challenging experiences, which have led me to choose sometimes to focus on what's not going right in my life and what I don't yet have. This MP3 assisted to focus on what's going right in my life especially faced with the same situation as before. I'm grateful and I focus more and more on what's right with my life and I already have.”

~ Kelly G.

Grounding & Clearing Negativity - MP3

Value $97

  • Subconscious repatterning Downloads for living your daily life in loving kindness and unconditional love for yourself and others.
  • Releasing patterns that prevent that.
  • Raises your vibration and let go of negativity.

ITEM 15:

Coaching Call #1/
Group Healing and Q and A Review Tools Coaching

Value: $247

Deepen working with tools, empowerment with Golden Suns, and grounding Chords, Present Time Healing on what shows up in the Group Field

ITEM 16:

Coaching Call #2
Group Healing to release resentments and Q and A Coaching

Value: $247

Group Healing, letting go of fears and resentments, learn to live without resentments, repattern subconscious mind.

Benefits: healthier relationships, more inner peace, more energy for self.

ITEM 17:

Coaching Call #3/
Group Healing to bring healing to inner child, different timelines and Q and A

Value: $247

Group Healing, Inner child healing and timelines, repattern subconscious mind, release places frozen in time.

Benefits: Grow up younger aspects of self, healthier relationships, integration of self, easier to move forward from inner wisdom

Package A Toolkit

Total Package Value $3,290

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
*** 96% Saving ***

Package B Toolkit

Includes Everything In Package A Plus

Individual Session With Lottie for 20 minutes by phone or Skype:
(On any topic related to this Package)

On any Issue of your Choice related to this package
Benefits: May change your life

Package B Toolkit

Total Package Value $3,487

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177
*** 95% Saving ***

No Refunds if you already have received an individual session with Lottie.

For package B purchasers: 1 on 1 sessions must be booked within 30 days of purchase but may be used up to 5 months thereafter. I have a 48-hour cancellation policy for sessions or the session is null and void. If a session is cancelled twice the session is also void. Late policy: I will hold your session time for 10 minutes at which time your session is forfeited. No make up time will be allotted as I am generally booked back to back. THANK YOU for respecting my policy.


“Removed huge weight of depression that wasn’t mine”

"Lottie was so kind and helpful during our session, she made everything really easy and clear. She created a safe space where I could learn new things and change my perspective on being an empath. She helped me distinguish between my emotions and others' emotions, and especially between my emotions and my parents' emotions AND their past life issues, which I hadn't even realized I had taken on!

I had a lot of frozen emotions that I just couldn't seem to move, and Lottie helped me see that they weren't mine and helped me release this huge weight of depression that wasn't mine. I feel physically lighter now. My aura and energy field feel lighter now.

Lottie also removed trapped energy in my left eye that was causing eyestrain. I can still feel the energy clearing out of my eye a couple of days later, and since our session I haven't experienced eyestrain while using my computer.

Lottie instantly tuned into my issues and where I needed help, and I really recommend Lottie if you want a personalized session that helps you with what you need.

Lottie was so supportive and positive, and I really enjoyed my private session with her!"

~ Anna M.

“Lottie's work is fast, effective and powerful!
Zero trauma has appeared in two months since our session.”

“Lottie's work is astounding. In my first full session with her, she asked if it would be okay to remove all of the remaining trauma from my childhood. I rolled my eyes and thought she was nuts, because I've
been working on it for three decades and despite some amazing healers, no one has ever come close to that. But I agreed and am thrilled I did, because zero childhood trauma has appeared in the two months since that session. What a breath of fresh air!

Likewise, last month we worked on abundance. Again I laughed at the idea that she could really move me out of my "just scraping by" rut, but she did it. I went from constantly searching for more work and not covering my bills to having plenty of work and some extra money to play with. I've been waiting 54 years to be able to share my own gifts with the world, and now thanks to Lottie, I have two huge foundation blocks in place to support that goal.

Lottie's work is fast, effective and powerful. I highly recommend seizing any opportunity you can get to work with this delightful woman.

~ Keely Meagan

“Transformation on a base level, trauma release, curses removed”

“Hi Lottie

First of all I would like to thank you for the world wonderful session I had with you last week

You were very generous with your time and concerns with my issues

I have been releasing a lot of trauma which has been coming up for release since then in fact a lot of energy has been moving in my body

Now I can feel things are calming down and the issues I had asked you to work on.  I have an intuition are just around the corner and will become a part of my reality soon

I work daily with the processes you shared with me which will bring about this change

The soul retrieval work and the removal of curses in my family lineage was I feel very deep work In fact you covered so many areas of my life and went into such depth which I feel is bringing up soo  much so that change can come up at the base level in my life. Thanks again, ”

~ Kamal

“Stabbing Pain Gone”

Shelby Shock"I taught Shelby how to release pain through using colors.” It worked!! At first, no colors were clear. I've had a headache & stabbing pain in my neck for 2 days off & on. Then the color orange was clear. The exchange color was periwinkle blue. I felt the energy come in & the pain leave. (I forgot to ask what I was to learn). Next time I will remember that part. Thank you so much, Lottie!”

~ Shelby Shock

“After 2 listenings of Soulmate mp3, Huge release of shame… I am more comfortable in my body and more confident around men!”

“I loved the MP3 s I found the grounding one very soothing, steadying and comforting and a great preparation for the soulmate work. I've a history of extreme sexual abuse but had done a lot of healing on this. When I discovered that my children were abused by their father, it completely shut down my
trust in intimate relationships. After two listenings I had a huge release of shame and tension, I felt safe,supported and held in love by the energetics on the MP3, I've noticed I'm more comfortable in my body and more confident around men. Thank you Lottie! Will definitely keep working with this one

~ Anon

“Stopped Processing my Mother’s Feelings, so I can lose weight”

“I was blessed to have a Back Stage Pass with Lottie Cooper yesterday. We worked on my weight, which has been a life long struggle. Lottie helped me to see that I have a connection to my Mom's energy (loved my Mom! She, too, was obese) and Lottie helped me to cut the energy of feeling my Mom's feelings which I have done since I was a young girl. WOW! Very powerful!! Lottie also helped me to be present with my body and had me scan my body and ask it "what are you feeling toes or ankles, etc.?" and deeply listen for the answers. We did much more healing work and I slept like a baby last night. Lottie is fun, gentle and powerful. In fact, I am so impressed with my results that I will be doing private sessions with her now instead of waiting for her launch on FHTJ on August 1st. Thanks again Lottie and thank you Eram Saeed for introducing us to these amazing healers!!”

~ Wendi, feeling thankful.

“Addicted no more, I choose to cultivate my inner abilities and stop using marijuana”

“I had felt at odds with my use of marijuana for some time before seeing Lottie. I had a vague idea that I shouldn’t be using it, but never gave much attention to that voice. During our first session together, Lottie illuminated for me the ways in which I was sacrificing my own potential to a life of complacency. Her clear understanding and presence was so authentic that I immediately accessed the power within myself to choose to quit. At the same time, I accessed a clear understanding of why I needed to do so. In the months that passed, when the circumstance arose in my life that would have led me to smoke, I
thought of her and the understanding she helped illuminate in me. It’s been a year, and I am rooted in my conscious ability to choose whether or not to use it. There is no fear or self-judgment around it anymore, just clear choice and understanding. From this understanding, I have chosen not to use it, and instead have chosen to cultivate my innate ability to access greater creativity and peace. This is what I want for myself, and Lottie helped me to see that.”

~ Anon

“Reconnected with galactic family, I felt deep peace, joy and a sense of belonging”

"Lottie helped me build a beautiful cerulean blue bridge to my Galactic family. Now, I can talk with the many time I feel the need to. The images we're so beautiful and the blue was a color like I had never seen  before. During the download of cerulean blue light, I felt joy and unconditional love flowing into my crown chakra and flooding my being. I felt a sense of deep peace and joy. Thank you dear Lottie for being a liaison connecting me with my galactic family.  I no longer feel lonely."

~ L. Bailey, California

“Feeling Lightness And Release”

“I had a Back Stage Pass with Lottie this week.  Lottie has a very gentle way about her, which put me at ease during the session.  She is very caring, compassionate and supportive.  She helped me with tips on self-healing and grounding.  She used Theta healing to help me to release some ongoing issues I have had and to clear some heavy metal toxins.  She used her intuition to identify other areas of needed healing.  I felt a sense of lightness and release during and after the session.  Thank you Lottie for so generously providing this healing and support.”

~ Peace, Carla

“Self Doubt Gone, Able to Move Forward”

"I had a backstage pass with Lottie Cooper which was great. When she was clearing self-doubt and fear about the completion of a project I am working on I felt like rain was flowing through my crown down my head with intense energy. She was able to pick up on many thoughts or feelings I have struggled with. One is that the completion of the project (book) will exceed my husband’s income. I have fears of him not being in control or that his being the head of the home will somehow harm our relationship or hurt his ego. This has come up for me this month with work I am already doing so it was mind blowing that she said the same thing. She also cleared my being so family focused that I am not allowing myself to move forward into my authentic self. She has great Theta healing in which she pairs with intuitive insight delving deeper than if I told her what to heal. So looking forward to her call" The Telesummit I am on is From Heartache To Joy on August 1st at 8am with Eram Saeed, and there will be a replay.”

~ Janell Tripp Sinclair

“Released Inner Conflict, Re-aligned with Self and Feel Peace”

Lottie has been sharp, focused and dynamic in her ability to focus me. She works in a way that creates the space I need to feel clarity of direction. When I enter a session with her, I often feel I don’t know where to begin. Within minutes she asks questions that cut to the point. Each question cuts away layers of fog and within no time I recognize that I am witnessing the qualities of my inner psyche that I have been seeking to balance. She has a grace within her that allows for what would otherwise be a confrontation with the subconscious, to instead be a meeting with myself. I am consistently amazed how she is at once as gentle as homeopathic herbs and as precise as a surgeon. It is this unique quality that guides me in reshaping my subconscious patterns and beliefs so that my full being is in alignment with my goals. With the alignment realized, there is feeling of acceleration. No longer hindered by eddies created by inner conflict, I feel the distinct peace an arrow must feel when it is on target.”

~ Nathan

“Pressure from anxiety, instantly gone; I don’t react negatively anymore!”

“I had the opportunity to get a backstage pass with Lottie Cooper, that day I was in the slopes of all my emotions feeling fear sadness, depression and I was super scattered as far as my thoughts feelings and emotions. She was very kind and I felt love and compassion as soon as I started to my session. We went over a few tools that helped shift my reality and immediately felt super light the pressure I was feeling from all the anxiety was instantly gone. My mind chatter completely stopped. I started to feel very light and almost felt like I woke up from a bad dream. The tension on my face was gone. I felt very relaxed. It's been a little over a week and even tho my life continues to get a little gloomy I can honestly say that I don't react the same way to situations anymore. I am a lot more calm and definitely not feeling under pressure. I am full of gratitude.

I would recommend anyone who needs healing to work with Lottie Cooper and go listen to her launch On August 1 st .

Mark your calendars and expect the unexpected.”

~ Gabriela Dominguez

“Feel what you have not been willing to feel…and soar”

"Lottie Cooper is one of those amazing people who is able to read between the lines, hear what you haven't said, and feel what you may not have been willing to feel. She has the gift of creating space that allows you to truly listen to your body's wisdom while supporting your throughout the process. Working with Lottie has showed me that being grounded and present only enhances my ability to unfold my wings and soar."

~ C. A. Crossman, Life Coach

“This work goes so deep and opens up the connections I believe we all want in our lives, we just don't know how to ask for it”

"Dear Lottie,
I just wanted to let you know how blessed I feel to have you in my life. Thank you for all you have given and shared with me, I am so thrilled that you are sharing your gifts with the world. You have so much to offer not only with the bodywork you do but also the intuitive work. This work goes so deep and opens up the connections I believe we all want in our lives we just don't know how to ask for it. And you offer it in such a natural and loving way, without judgment and even without a lot of words, it's an energetic level that brings a knowing so deep within the soul there are no words to describe it, just feelings."

Love and Hugs,
~ Linda Dent

“Released being sucked dry from addicted sister,
Now able to breathe and move freely”

"With her wisdom, psychic abilities, and deep compassion, Lottie was instrumental in allowing me to create a healthy emotional distance and better-boundaried space between my drug and alcohol addicted younger sister. She showed me how she was sucking the very life out of me via chording in several areas of my body. Together, we dissolved the chords and filed the empty spaces with my own energy while "giving" my sister's energy back to her. She helped me to see that her path is her path and there is nothing really wrong there -- that she is okay and is doing what she need to do for her greatest evolution now. I now know that I am absolutely not responsible for her pain and misfortune. And that it is entirely her creation, I feel so relieved and grateful to now have more space within my body to breathe and live more freely."

~ Anon

“Schedule created, chronic pressure eliminated…
Able to move forward in my new ART career”

"Letter Of Recommendation
Greetings Lottie,
I wish to convey my sincere appreciation for the, “most helpful” sessions that you have held with me. Your ability to help me achieve a relaxed state, where we can both generate creative ideas and solutions, has proved to be an extremely effective and invaluable technique.

The ‘Schedule’ for my varied activities and desired objectives, that we jointly created has helped to eliminate a lot of the continuous pressure that I was experiencing. Prior to the creation of my Schedule, I could never find a comfort zone. Every activity that I was performing was being distracted, due the other tasks, that I felt I should be performing on a non-ending schedule.

Your assistance with my newly planned Art Career is really appreciated. I have incorporated some of your suggestions and am in the process of breaking down some of the barriers, which would impede my progress. This has added some much needed excitement to my life and I thank you for that.

In closing, I wish to tell anyone else who might read this, that they would be doing themselves a large favor, if they would schedule a couple of sessions with you, for the returns far outweigh the small amount of time that they will contribute.

With sincere thanks,"

~ Kenneth E. Knox

“Expanded to my full self, calm, hopeful, and joyful"

"I felt a strong sense of teamwork as Lottie asked me to provide images to work with, and gently nudged me through some tough spots. She accurately sensed when I was ready to move on, and did not end the session till I had reached a point of closure: Expanded to my full self, calm, hopeful, and joyful."

Thanks Lottie,
~ E.B

“Reclaimed true pure bliss through past life memory”

"What an amazing intuitive healer, is Lottie Cooper. The first time that I had a session with Lottie, I had immediate recall of a past life in which I was a blissful, joyous, young girl running through the tall grass. An older woman who is certainly a past life loved one supervised me. It was through this past life regression that I realized, and Law he gave me as a tool this memory to use anytime I needed true pure bliss in this current lifetime."

~ Catherine H.S

“My dog on its last legs recovered, when Lottie helped me calm down”

"Lottie was very helpful a few weeks ago when I thought my sick dog was on her last legs. I was due to visit that afternoon, but when I called to cancel the appointment, she could hear the distress in my voice - so we did my session over the phone instead. She walked me through the whole process, calmed me down, and directed me to calm my dog as well (who was stressed because I was stressed!). My dog and I have been in a much better place mentally & emotionally ever since. Thank you Lottie!"

~ Beth B.

“Lottie is intuitive and deeply connected to divine guidance…
Cleared deep trauma issues”

"Lottie is intuitive and deeply connected to divine guidance. She can hold compassionate neutral space to help clear intense deep trauma issues. I have had some dramatic breakthroughs. Thanks Lottie."

~ Janet Charret, Theta Healer

“HUGE breatkthrough …Able to Face Life with Love instead of Fear”

"I had a consultation with Lottie and it was great! She helped me change my way of thinking and showed me how to face things in my life with love instead of fear which is HUGE. I'm grateful for her insight and her words of inspiration."

~ Erin Rule

“Lottie is a very gifted healer”

“Lottie is a beautiful human being and a very gifted healer. Her work is transformational and highly insightful and touching.”

~ Christina Saia Blakeslee

About Lottie Grant Cooper:

lottieLottie, who created Inspirational Counseling, began her healing journey as a child. Being a full body empath, intuitive, and highly sensitive being she felt lost, betrayed, hurt, confused and angry at age eight when her parents divorced. Having also absorbed the hidden feelings of her parents, not feeling safe in either home, and tortured inside, she learned to leave her body. This gift supported her developing her psychic abilities to make sense of things. Lottie knew she was here to bring light to the world and recognized in order to do that, she had to heal herself first. To try and escape the pain, she ran away by getting into the prestigious boarding school of Phillips Exeter Academy at age 14 years old. After two boarding schools, and a year of University, Lottie received her first Massage Practitioner Certificate at the age of 19. Over the past 25 years Lottie has achieved a tremendous education to heal herself and be able to be in service of others. Some of which includes: Certificates in Cranial Sacral Therapy, a Master’s degree in Somatic Clinical Psychology, a year long Woman’s Intensive Clairvoyant training at Berkeley Psychic Institute, Certified Advanced Theta Healer, Certified Reconnective Practitioner, Certified Qi-gung instructor, Nationally Certified Massage and Bodywork Therapist, and Certified Reiki III Practitioner, Certified in Medical Hypnotherapy, and many other forms of energywork. Other things that supported Lottie in her healing journey and being a profound facilitator of personal growth work are: she is a world traveler, nature lover; and has 20 + years or receiving and giving numerous types of therapy, counseling, and healing work with thousands of people.

Some of Lottie’s greatest gifts are to hold a safe space and shine light on what you have been unwilling to see and feel. Then, with your permission, transform what comes up through love. This intuitive way of working is very empowering to the client in his/her own awakening process. Also, she is able to work with your personality, heart and soul to come up with individualized processes in the moment. Lottie is masterful at honing into the problem on a fundamental level. One of her specialties is to work with colors and frequencies to make what could a painful process, fun and easy. These personalized processes allow you to have a unique toolkit for your path and your specific needs. Lottie has had the privilege of supporting many women and men to experience profound releases, and integral understandings for personal growth and healing. She looks forward to compassionately support you in doing the same.


1 Gift MP3 +13 MP3’s + 3 bonus MP3’s + 3 Coaching / Healing MP3s

Discount: 96% Off
Total Package Value $3,290
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127


Package A and 20 minute personal session with Lottie

Discount: 95% Off
Total Package Value $3,487
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177

No Package B refunds after having received the one-on-one session.

Package A: No Refunds after 30 Days

Package B: No Refunds after the Individual Session. One on one sessions must be booked within 30 days of purchase but may be used up to 5 months thereafter. I have a 48-hour cancellation policy for sessions or the session is null and void. If a session is cancelled twice the session is also void. Late policy: I will hold your session time for 10 minutes at which time your session is forfeited. No make up time will be allotted as I am generally booked back to back. THANK YOU for respecting my policy.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

Copyright © 2016 - Eram Enterprises Inc - All Rights Reserved