Part II of the Be Well Enlightenment Series
for the New Wave of Human Being

THE TIME IS NOW. Are you ready to DIVE IN & immerse yourself in 5D and learn from someone who has TRULY mastered 5D awareness?
For the next 22 days ...
IMMERSE Yourself in Everyday Magic 5D
Learn the core pillars to 5D Manifesting Abundance and Everyday Magic
- We are bigger on the inside. Creating a new set point™
- Building energy stores and maintaining 5D awareness
- Accessing 5D Soul-u-tions™ . Techniques to discover answers to any question or guidance about anything you wish to change or manifest. By the end you will be consciously co-creating your larger story and learning to live it well

Here's what you get in this package:
Package A:
- 22 days of 5D Immersion
- 3 live Extended Group calls
- 2 bonus MP3s
- The New Set Point
- Psychic Protection
Package B:
- All of package A
- Plus 2 more bonus MP3s
- Resonance
- Abundance
- 30 minute session with Lanna
- $50 Discount coupon for one hour session
22 days of 5D Immersion + 3 live Extended Group calls + 2 Bonus MP3s
(For first 25)
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Due to the nature of this package it is non refundable.
22 days of 5D Immersion + 3 live Extended Group calls + 4 Bonus MP3s + 30 min Live session with Lanna + $50 Discount coupon for one hour session
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Due to the nature of this package it is non refundable.
22 days of activations
Value: $1725
Part I: We are bigger on the inside
Creating a new set point from the inside out with Holographic Activations and experiential practices to Fully awaken 5D self, heart space, and entrain to a new set point
Choose area of health or abundance you wish to change.
Creates & downloads the energetic template begins to entrain your body, mind, emotions, psychic, and spiritual dimensions to the new 5D you
Befriends and focus the external senses. Disrupting the negative feedback loops. Entraining the external 5 senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell. Useful for everyday for increased mental clarity and focus and for any times when you feel you are burdened, too much in your head, or have too much mind chatter or to use before doing any other entrainment exercise because you feel like you can’t access your still point.
DAY 3: Head versus heart space & ACCESSING THE STILL POINT©
DAY 4: 5D Psychic Protection©
DAY 5: Pink Pearl Activation©
Allows you to remain calm and aware as you begin to explore 5d Awareness. Many feel that can’t make the shift, or don’t see, sense, or feel anything. Others notice that when they first start coming online into 5D they also feel vulnerable, sensitive, or overwhelmed by outside energies. This Activation allows you to begin to maintain an energetic autonomy while still being vulnerable without going backwards
DAY 6: The Power of the Fully Awakened Heart:
Part II: Building Energy Stores and Maintaining 5D Awareness
Techniques and Entrainment for Grounding and Maintaining 5D using New Earth Energies
DAY 8: Live Q&A #1:
EMISSARIES OF 5D LIGHT ACTIVATION, HEALING & INTEGRATION. Live 1 on 1 Healing. We are not alone. Awakening and activating Star seeded cellular memories & connections which allow us to feel more at home on Earth and in our bodies right NOW
Day 9: 5D Grounding©.
DAY 10: Divine Feminine Energies
DAY 11: Divine Masculine Energies
DAY 12: Unity Grid Activation.
Discusses the use and applications of Unity field. Clears, strengthens to 5D, balances two fields of male/female within the body.
DAY 13:
DAY 14:
Journey to the Blessing Tree. Tapping into Grace
DAY 15:
Journey to Uluru. Tapping into pure creation energies
Day 16: LIVE Extended Call #2
Part III: Accessing 5D Soul-u-tions™ .
5D skill building techniques in the Imaginal Realms, Ask & Answer questions, guidance, time travel, healing, & manifesting, Calibrating to best outcomes
DAY 18: Learning to Calibrate© In 4 parts
A). Form of 5D Divination and knowing what you know. Calibrating is used, for getting to the truth quickly, healing, manifesting, gauging the truth. Getting to the heart of things without being in your head about it.
DAY 19:
B). Calibrating what is mine and not mine. Know when you take on energies of others and what to do when it isn’t yours.
DAY 20:
C). Calibrating Body, Emotions, Mind, Psychic, Spiritual. Divination across the realms to determine where origins or a disorder lies or to strengthen to something you want. Works well with magnetizing
DAY 21:
D). Calibrating to choose an energy healing modality. You have more tools than you know! Determining % wants to change/heal, % outside interference to healing & clearing.
Journey to the House of Healing. Group Sharing
BONUS 1: New Set Point
Format: Mp3
Value: $100
BONUS 2: Psychic Protection
Format: Mp3
Value: $100
Angelic Love - Silent MP3
Bathes you, your house, car, work place, pets, & visitors in pure love & light from the Angelic realms. Excellent for clearing negative & discordant energies. Also increases cellular receptivity to 5D light quotient
Package A
Total Package Value $1925
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
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(For First 25 only)
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Due to the nature of this package it is non refundable
Package B |
Contains Everything in Package A:
- Plus 2 More Bonus MP3
- 30 minute session with Lanna
- $50 Discount coupon for one hour session
Live personalized 30 minute session with Lanna
Each 3D to 5D Holographic healing session will be tailored to your individual needs and interests
$50 discount coupon

BONUS 3: Resonance
Format: Mp3
Value: $100
BONUS 4: Abundance
Format: Mp3
Value: $100
Package B
Total Package Value $2500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
*** 92% Saving ***
Sold Out
Due to the nature of this package it is non refundable
Recap of what you get in this package:
Package A:
- 22 days of 5D Immersion
- 3 live Extended Group calls
- 2 bonus MP3s
- The New Set Point
- Psychic Protection
Package B:
- All of package A
- Plus 2 more bonus MP3s
- Resonance
- Abundance
- 30 minute session with Lanna
- $50 Discount coupon for one hour session
"I needed help with painful female cycles and am happy to say I feel so much better!"
~ DB, NZ
“My PTSD symptoms are gone after 2 sessions. I have completely restructured my life and have started living again. I can’t say enough about the 3D to 5D shifts I have made. I’ve let go of an abusive relationship, feel happy and hopeful again and most importantly my mind doesn’t go back into old negative thought patterns over and over again”
~ Anonymous, Hawaii
“I am much improved for depression. My mind is clearer and I am not so forgetful. My mind feels clear and I am able to concentrate better everyday. Thank you”
~ KE, Ukraine
"I am happier than I have ever been. Before working with Lanna and listening to the mp3 I felt a deadness inside and a constant low level of depression . I reconnected with my inner child and found joy again which also cleared up my lower leg circulatory problems at the same time.”
~ CD, France
“I had severe circulation problems and skin ulcers in my legs. After one session the swelling has gone down noticeably and I’ve stopped having leg cramps all the time. My skin infection is finally healing and hadn’t responded to anything for months even though I have been taking supplements and antibiotics.
~ SM, UK
“I had an abusive childhood and lot of family wounds. Each time I listen to the mp3 I feel lighter. We had a session and this also gave me a brighter perspective. I am a much more positive person overall now”
~ DB, CA
“I connected to my 5D self and my spirit guides during the session. Tears were running down my face and my heart was opened wide. This was nothing short of a miracle as I’d wanted to know if they were there for such a long time.”
~ JK, India
"Reported severe sciatica and lower disc pain down to a 1 from a 9-10 most of the time. She said it was due to my being overly energetically entrained to my sons energy. "
~ MM, Ca
“I listened to the .mp3 for dieting support and my bad habits are much improved. I am getting physically stronger and am losing weight slowly and I have increased focus, mental clarity, energy, and rarely feel depressed anymore”
~ SC
"Everything is changing in my life, not just my health. The .mp3 helped me to connect more deeply to my spirit guides and artistic side. It is thrilling. Also I’d had old neck and back injuries from a car accident in 2000 that cleared during our 90 minute session.”
~ Anonymous
“My long standing lower back pain was gone in one session. Lanna also correctly saw my thyroid problems and associated symptoms. They have improved dramatically and my last Doctor's visit showed my levels within normal range. Thank you!”
~ Anonymous, Ks
“…..improve mobility especially an old back and hip injury. By the end of our call I was literally dancing! The .mp3 have made me feel more at peace, clear, and I definitely feel my vibration lifting.”
~ FJ, Germany
"I was estranged from my daughter who has many problems with depression and self destructive behaviors. A few minutes after my session my daughter called me. She hadn’t been speaking to me for over 3 months. She told me she was feeling hopeful and we had a wonderful conversation. We talk often now. I am so happy to have my daughter back in my life. "
~ GM, Ca
"I wanted to lose weight to improve my health. I started using the .mp3s everyday then had a session with Lanna. I lost 7 pounds within a few weeks and am keeping it off. I had tried everything for years and had given up. My energy level has also improved"
~ LS
"I wanted to make the shift from 3D to 5D and stay there. I listened to Lannas mp3 and immediately began feeling lighter and happier with the courage to carry out plans for a new business. During our session Lanna connected with my 5D self and showed me how to ask questions and get answers for myself. I’m so happy and am following my dreams now. "
~ CD
"I had a bad fall and injured my arm and wrist which prevented me from working as a performer. I had a session with Lanna and was regained full range of motion and was pain free by the next day and am happily back to work."
~ HC, NC
About Lanna Spencer |
Lanna Spencer is a phenomenal 5D Psychic, meaning she can psychically see, sense, and feel from the physical realm into other times and dimensions, accessing powerful spiritual frequencies and Earth energies for her work as a Medical Intuitive, Healer, Active Dreamer and Teacher. For the past 40 years she has worked 1 on 1, with families, their pets & small groups around the world to facilitate global awakening and allow others to discover their greater stories and live them well. She is also an ordained minister & Registered Nurse with detailed knowledge of body systems.
22 days of 5D Immersion + 3 live Extended Group calls + 2 Bonus MP3s
(For first 25)
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Due to the nature of this package it is non refundable.
22 days of 5D Immersion + 3 live Extended Group calls + 4 Bonus MP3s + 30 min Live session with Lanna + $50 Discount coupon for one hour session
Sold Out
Due to the nature of this package it is non refundable.
DISCLAIMER***All of the information that is contained in this program whether written recorded, or otherwise, is protected by trademark and copyrights. The material contained within is for personal use and personal growth only. It may not be copied, reproduced, disseminated, or taught to others in part or in whole without the express written permission of the author. Learning these techniques is not a substitute for advanced training and it is recommended that if you wish to have a professional energy practice, that you contact the author to learn more about how you may be eligible to participate in an advanced training program. Thank you.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.