Note: Please ensure all digital files are downloaded to your personal system within 30 days of purchase. FHTJ is not responsible for storing files indefinitely. We will keep deleting them from our server periodically. Hence it is the responsibility of the customer to save the files as soon as possible. However, if you lose the files or do not download before they expire please write to and the files will be sent to you for a charge of $20 per download page.

Download Instructions

Downloading an MP3/MP4 File to a PC
To download an MP3/Mp4 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3/Mp4 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player/Video Player.

Playing MP3/MP4 Files on a Windows System
To play your downloaded MP3/Mp4 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.

Downloading an MP3/Mp4 File to a Mac
To download an MP3/Mp4 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3/Mp4 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3/Mp4 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3/Video player.

For your convenience we have put together a reference sheet which you can print out and use alongside the audios.

Ascension Products - FAQ


Please Optin below to receive access to Bonus 3 & 4 .

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How to Use Ascension Products

Package A

Ascension 1 - What it Heals


Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection

Format: MP4 video

Length: 20 minutes

Ascension 1 MP4 is an energy healing experience of sight, sound and energy. The etheric Alpha brainwave music is infused with TOLPAKAN™ healing energies to remove negative energies of all types from all time lines and dimensions. The multidimensional artwork adds a layer of visual integration and healing at the highest level. Click PLAY, set a positive intention on what you want it to heal, whether it be your pain, sleep, finances or relationships for example, then immerse yourself in this audiovisual healing for ten or twenty minutes a day for deep healing!


Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection

Format: MP3 Audio

Length: 15 minutes

The Ascension 1 MP3 audio has the same infused energy clearing frequencies with high vibrational music. You will hear Dr. Karen’s Activation prayer and TOLPAKAN™ healing commands that you can emulate even when you are not listening to this MP3. This can be played daily each morning to clear layer by layer of imbalances from past present and future lives. Click PLAY, set a positive intention on what you want it to heal, and then go about your day.


Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection

Format: Silent MP3 (frequencies only)

Length: 60 minutes

Ascension 1 silent MP3 is infused with the same powerful TOLPAKAN™ energies for clearing and protection and is best used when silence is preferred (for example, at work, at a friend’s house, or at the store or during sleep). Click PLAY, set a positive intention on what you want it to heal, and then go about your day.

Ascension 2 - What it Heals


Ascension 2 All-in-One Healing & Integration

Format: MP4 video

Length: 20 minutes

The Ascension 2 MP4 is an energy healing experience of sight, sound and vibration. The beautiful Theta brainwave music is infused with TOLPAKAN™ healing energies to help you ascend to a higher vibration while downloading and activating positive energy from a variety of sources. The multidimensional artwork adds a layer of visual integration and healing at the highest level.

Click PLAY, set a positive intention on what you want it to heal, whether it be your pain, sleep, finances or relationships for example. Then immerse yourself in this audiovisual healing for ten or twenty minutes a day for deep healing!


Ascension 2 All-in-One Healing & Integration

Format: MP3 Audio

Length: 15 minutes

The Ascension 2 MP3 audio has the same powerful TOLPAKAN™ infused energy frequencies as the video together with beautiful relaxing music. You will hear Dr. Karen’s Activation prayer and TOLPAKAN™ healing commands that you can emulate even when you are not listening to this MP3. This can be played daily each afternoon or evening to add beneficial healing frequencies to help you integrate ascension energies and to heal on all levels. Click PLAY, set a positive intention on what you want it to heal, and then go about your day.


Ascension 2 All-in-One Healing & Integration

Format: Silent MP3 (frequencies only)

Length: 60 minutes

The Ascension 2 silent MP3 is infused with the same powerful TOLPAKAN™ energies for healing and integration, and is best used when silence is preferred (for example, at work, at a friend’s house, or at the store or during sleep). Click PLAY, set a positive intention on what you want it to heal, and then go about your day.

Bonus 1

Clearing Ghosts and Entities Training Class

Format: MP4 video

Length: 119 minutes

In this class, Dr. Karen shares her insights on the “risk factors” for attracting ghosts and entities, the five main types of entities, and three simple strategies you can use to remove them without being an energy healer.

Bonus 2

Online access to 2016 Holistic Healing Event video replays

Format: Video - Online access

Length: 6 Hours


Online access will be sent to email ID registered in the optin form at the top of this page


In this bonus you’ll have access to over 6 hours of video from 7 different workshops on holistic healing and how to supercharge your healing potential. Classes include:

  • Assessing Your Healing Potential - Beyond Brain Balancing 60 min
  • Connecting Food with Spirit - nourish and balance your chakras 62 min
  • Qigong - an ancient Chinese healing practice to increase health and vitality 55 min
  • Body Dowsing - how to access your Intuition for self-healing 59 min
  • Energy Clearing - exercises to support you through Ascension with Ease and Grace 37 min
  • Introduction to Traditional Whole Foods – Weston A. Price 40 min
  • Introduction to TOLPAKAN™ healing 67 min

Bonus 3

Online access to 2015 Holistic Healing conference for people with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain video replays

Format: Video - Online access

Length: 7 Hours


Online access will be sent to email ID registered in the optin form at the top of this page


In this bonus you’ll have access to over 7 hours of video from the 2015 Holistic Health Conference focusing on chronic pain and fibromyalgia. Workshops include:

  • Muscle Testing to tap into your intuition 65 min
  • Top Anti-inflammatory foods 83 min
  • The Emotion Code 59 min
  • Expert Panel Q & A 57 min
  • Gluten-free cooking class/demo 56 min
  • Healing Touch and Connecting your Chakras
  • Advanced Energy Medicine for Natural Pain Relief 75 min

Bonus 4

Make your own Entity Clearing and Protection Room Spray

Format: MP4 video + PDF

Length: 3 minutes

It is documented with scientific studies that healing cannot occur in an environment that is energetically dirty no matter how powerful the healer. When you play this video and focus your attention on a source of water, that water will be charged with nine different healing intentions and supercharged using TOLPAKAN™ healing. You can use it as a room spray to clear negative energies including negative entities, harmful extraterrestrial portals, vortexes, cords, energy weapons, etc. and impart a positive FORCEFIELD that prevents any harmful attacks. No harmful beings can enter the space and higher level beings will find it easier to assist you in the ascended space. Once sprayed in a room, the effect lasts for approximately 24 hours. It is recommended that you use it in your bedroom right before falling asleep. You can also use it as a personal spray and add essential oils if you like. If used as an oral tincture, it is recommended that a maximum of 1 oz. be ingested per day (to avoid undue detoxification reactions). This spray is perfect for healers to clear their office between clients and to maintain a healthy positive attitude throughout the day. Both staff and clients will thank you! It is also great to spray at home to encourage peaceful happy relationships.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.


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