Introduction to Spiritual Mastery:
Understand the precepts of Spiritual Mastery (enlightenment) so you can begin to shift perspective around not only how you interact with the most essential aspect of your life, but also your understanding of the spiritual journey. Stop seeking quick fixes and instead experience measurable results that create and environment for real, meaning change that lasts. Begin living your life in flow, free from worry and stress, focused on opening to deeper and deeper experiences of joy and peace.
Introduction to Spiritual Mastery + Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I + 2 DVDs shipped to you & 12 LIVE Weekly Divine Transmissions with Ken - including time for Q&A and individual facilitation.
Everything included in Package A + A 30-Minute one-on-one session with Ken
Be Supported in:
- Learning how to free yourself permanently from primarily focusing on resolving challenges and clearing blocks and instead begin living your life in flow.
- Understanding the 4 stages of consciousness so you not only have a meaningful context for the way you’re experiencing your life, you also understand the steps to follow to shift your perspective and be happier and more fulfilled naturally as you are right now without focusing on mind control, affirmations, or intentions.
- Exploring a new approach that is free of dogma and demands on your beliefs, traditions or rituals. Learn how to open into the experience your most essential nature no matter how much trauma or challenge you’ve faced, no matter what you’ve done to others or what’s been done to you.
Kens’ insights and unique approach have grown from a raw spiritual process of discovery, exploration, integration, and embodiment. He was a mortgage lender living an unremarkable life until his spiritual awakening in November of 2006. In September of 2007 he first learned of his unique Spiritual Gifts. Since then, Ken has been sharing his gifts through direct experiences with individuals and groups around the world while uncovering the spiritual truths, perspective, and insights he shares through this program.
Listening to Ken’s Introduction to Spiritual Mastery course has been a WONDERFUL experience. This presentation is amazing. Ken is inspiring. Deeply Authentic. It’s the best condensed teaching on spirituality I’ve ever heard. PLEASE keep offering this program.
Linda Nichols, Missouri
When Ken talks about being an undistorted extension and expression of the Divine, he’s not talking about Divine Expression it from a theoretical perspective, he’s sharing from a place of directly experiencing this himself, as well as witnessing and supporting tens, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of people around the world in the actual experience of this truth for themselves.
Ken teaches and facilitates from a place of walking beside you on the spiritual journey – for he has been uncovering within himself and the world the same things he is teaching and supporting you in discovering within yourself.
Experience …
- Finally quiet your mind without any mental gymnastics (even if you’ve never been successful before).
- Shift from a fear and limitation based focus, and begin living from an expanded, love-filled perspective.
- Go “in deep” to the space where there are no words only a direct experience that washes over you and draw you in deeper and deeper. Even if you’ve never meditated before or aren’t an advanced meditator.
- Begin moving from knowledge to experience – and finally close the gap between what you know is possible and what you’re actually experiencing every day.
- Open to a profound perspective previously only available to yogis and other spiritual masters – so you can begin living a deeply satisfying life, every day.
Whatever your background and beliefs, this program supports you in deepening your understanding of essential spiritual truths and expanding your awareness into experience through a series of Divine Transmissions with Ken. Meditation is something you explore on your own or in guided form, whereas a Divine Transmission involves Ken as a witness, connecting in a deep spiritual/energetic space within you, to support you in opening to a more profound experience of who you really are across a range of very important spiritual themes.
The Spiritual Master you seek is within you. Now it’s time to meet and begin learning from your Inner Master!
Divine Transmission is a process of witnessing what is already within you.Spiritual Teacher Seeing and being fully present to who you really are … it’s a process that creates a space for you to experience yourself for who you really are in a variety of different ways.
Divine Transmission is not about installing anything – it’s about supporting you in uncovering the inner treasure that is buried deep within you.
It’s a process that’s been described as “faster than anything I’ve ever experienced” by a thousands of people from around the world with different backgrounds, beliefs. No matter your age or beliefs the essence of who you are is available for you to experience right now.
Understand and Experience in A Way You’ve Never Before …
with Introduction to Spiritual Mastery:
In this program you’ll explore a series essential themes that support you in your understanding of Spiritual Mastery and how you can leverage your new awareness to impact all areas of your life where you’re not currently in joy …
- So you can move forward in your life, experiencing the kind of joy that is your true nature in all aspects of your life – so you can experience yourself for who and what you really are, and begin living the meaningful and fulfilling life you’ve always known was possible.
Ground yourself in this powerful understanding of the Spiritual Journey …
- So you can make the meaningful and lasting transformation in all aspects of your life that you’ve been seeking for all these years … so you can begin actually experiencing the spiritual experiences that flow from the spiritual knowledge that you’re about to explore at a deeper level.
Reframe the challenges you’ve encountered in your life …
- So you not only understand the gifts that are innate in the source of all pain and suffering (true not just for you but for all human beings) – that you also may take advantage of your new awareness and as a result break through into a completely different perceptual view and experience in your day to day life … so you too can open up and have the deepest spiritual experiences of your life every day while remaining fully grounded and connected to your life, yourself, and those you love.
Understand the Four Stages of Consciousness and the Six Foundational Practices of Spiritual Mastery …
- So you not only know where you’re at in your Spiritual Journey and what’s needed to take the next steps to move into deeper connection with yourself, the Divine, and your purpose, you also understand the spiritual practices that will support you in taking these essential steps. Not just today and tomorrow – but in the months, years, and decades to come as you move deeper and deeper into an experience your true self on all levels of your being and live all aspects of your life from a place of deep resonance and joy.
Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I
Deeper Resonance in Your Life Right Now
Contrary to what most people believe to be true…you already have within you all that you need to experience Spiritual Mastery — the connection, peace, and joy that the most advanced yogis and spiritual practitioners experience every day. You just haven't been able to access these parts of yourself…until now.
With Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I, you'll learn the techniques and insights that have helped thousands of people end their physical, emotional, and spiritual pain, break through the barriers to Spiritual Mastery, and directly access their inner Divine.
The Foundations of Spiritual Mastery
are divided into two categories:
3 Universal Barriers
These barriers are keeping you stuck. Clear these barriers, and you've done the work necessary to prepare for greater resonance.
3 Steps to Greater Resonance
Master these steps and you will fully transcend and embody your true Divine nature in every aspect of your being and your life.
Understanding the 3 barriers and implementing the three steps to greater resonance is easy: you can do it! Whether you're an advanced meditator, a beginner, or you've never meditated before, you have everything within you already to successfully learn and implement these practices. It's as simple as watching a series of videos, and listening to some MP3's. Taking the time to watch and listen is what will help you get to where you want to be… both inside your heart and in every aspect of your life.
With these teachings and practices, you'll learn the techniques and insights that have helped thousands of people end their physical, emotional, and spiritual pain, break through the barriers that have held them back, and directly access their inner Divine.
3 Universal Barriers are Holding You Back
Have you ever wondered why a friend can have such a deep spiritual experience with a meditation recording, but when you listen to the same recording, you feel nothing — and nothing changes? Or why two people with the same disease have radically different responses to the same course of treatment? Or why you've felt disconnected from the most essential elements of yourself for much of your life?
The first barrier to Spiritual Mastery is the reason: The Disembodied Soul.
Think of a loved one in advanced stage cancer. Remember the look in their eyes? Like they're not home anymore? This is one of the more advanced signs of someone with a disembodied soul.
There are many other signs of a disembodied soul including anxiety, anger, fear, and depression. The challenge in understanding the disembodied soul is to realize that this is a strategy for survival that the soul employs. Yet there comes a point when this strategy for survival becomes a barrier to going deeper and reconnecting to the most essential aspects of yourself.
Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I includes three teachings and three practices, each dedicated to one of the 3 universal barriers that are holding you back and keeping you stuck.
The 3 Universal Barriers to Spiritual Mastery are:
- The Disembodied Soul
- Giving Away Your Power
- The Illusion of Separation
Each of the three barriers is addressed in a video teaching followed by a meditation MP3 that will support you in breaking free.
The first teaching is focused on the disembodied soul and is followed by a meditation practice that will help you bring your soul back into your body. This life changing technique alone has transformed the lives of people around the world who are challenged by a physical, emotional, or spiritual situation that has felt out of control and beyond hope.
3 Steps to Greater Resonance
Once you've broken through the three universal barriers to Spiritual Mastery you're ready to learn the practices of Mastery. Traditionally, the practices of Spiritual Mastery have been viewed as available only to those who commit their entire lives to their understanding and implementation. Spiritual Teacher and Healer Ken W Stone has distilled the journey to Mastery into three simple, potent, and profound practices that make the experience of Mastery (which many have referred to as enlightenment or full integration) accessible to anyone who is willing to set aside what they think they know, and open up to a deeper experience of their true, Divine nature. Including you.
Whatever your current challenges or life situation, you have a space inside you where you can transcend your current perspective to fully experience the Divine in every area of your life. Everyone does.
Ken W Stone
Ken — known as "The Soul Archaeologist" — has outlined the three steps to Spiritual Mastery:
- Excavate Your Soul (a visceral experience of your wholeness)
- Throw Out the Map (surrender)
- Keep Digging (practice)
We are not lacking in knowledge. It is in the actual experience of our knowledge where the most significant gap lies on the spiritual journey.
This course delivers both the knowledge and the experience of all three critical steps to greater resonance and Spiritual Mastery.
With Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I, you will experience a series of practices — experiences — of each of the steps of Spiritual Mastery. You will learn about what it means to excavate your soul and have a visceral experience of your wholeness. And then you'll be led through a series of Divine Transmissions with Ken where you'll prepare for and for the first time in a deeper way, experience your physical, emotional, and spiritual wholeness in a way you've always longed for, but perhaps never been able to predictably.
This course is designed to be a comprehensive resource for you no matter what challenges you're facing, or in what ways you're looking to refine the experience of Divine resonance in your life.
Your greatest source of power is within you. It doesn't matter what has come before in your life, what you have done to others, or what has been done to you. Without reservation or qualification, your Divine power is available to you, right now.
Ken's intention with these materials is that you have everything you need not only now — but for the months and years and decades to come as you remember and experience your true nature in all aspects of your body and mind and soul — as well in all areas of the outward expression of your life (in relationship, calling or career, with money, etc.).
The most powerful place of your Divine connection lies within you. With this course, you will learn about this most essential connection — and then (no matter how elusive these may have been throughout your life) you will have experiences of what you have learned. You will experience the Divine within your body. You will find that you are as powerful a Divine instrument as anyone, and you will uncover your inner healing power and begin exploring it in every aspect of your being and your life.
"Ken is one of my secret resources. When I'm in session with Ken I have the deepest spiritual experiences. I remember once even saying to him “if this experience is repeatable — then you are the real deal” and he is the real deal. There are very small number people I've spent time with where I feel the presence of the spirit in this way.”
~ Derek Rydall, California
"I had an incredible 1-on- 1 session with Ken myself. Ken showed me exactly where I was losing 'embodiment' with my soul and EXACTLY how I can connect back to full soul connection.
I felt a SHIFT instantly and immediately I came back into center and felt a peace of mind and joy that astounded me! I recommend him to anyone who really feels like 'something' is off but with all the spiritual practice still feels like things are not work.He really shifted my awareness in a way that I never realized was possible!"
~ Darius Barazandeh , CEO and Host, You Wealth Revolution
“Ken Stone means more to me than words can say. I have been blessed with many spiritual guides and mentors. Ken has been the most powerful instrument of transformation in my life. He has a way of holding sacred space and seeing my highest expression of who I am. He sees the whole me and allows me to recognize my own divinity with grace and dignity where I am. Ken is the real deal – authentic, open and vulnerable. He walks his talk and does not pretend to have all the answers or hold himself as a conduit to my connection with spirit. He supports me, and everyone he touches, to be my own source of inspiration and guidance. Ken is a brilliant light in the world. I am honored to call him my friend and soul brother.”
~ Mark Porteous, founder of the Inspired Messengers Network and author of Maximizing Your Human Experience
“Everything about my life has changed. EVERYTHING!! How I will conduct business, how I’ll lead a workshop, how I can be in public. All the pieces of the puzzles that I’ve been working on for years came together during my session with Ken.”
~ Jan Stringer, Best Selling Author, International Business Coach and Speaker
“My sessions with Ken Stone have been the most powerful distance healing work I’ve ever experienced. In addition to feeling more present in my body and my life, I am experiencing more ease, clarity, and grace. The pieces of the puzzle are joyously manifesting faster than ever before and I have a new curiosity for what will happen next! Life has become an exciting adventure as I experience deeper trust in myself and God.
Plus, I don’t think it’s coincidence that I earned my fastest and most joyous six figures in the first few weeks I worked with Ken. Things shifted on so many levels.”
~ Christine Kloser “The Transformation Catalyst”, Three-Time Award Winning Author
“It’s rare that I experience such deep and ecstatic connection to the divine and the present moment so quickly as I did when I received my first session from Ken. Since then, I have felt much more aligned with the unlimited potential of my life, and things have been flowing to me with ease.”
~ Rachael Jayne Groover, Best Selling Author & Speaker
“I had a miraculous healing session with Ken Stone. I’ve worked with some extraordinarily gifted healers & energy workers over the years. What happened yesterday is beyond words. A physical condition I have been suffering with for YEARS is finally shifting because of the work that Ken did with me as a Divine conduit.”
~ Reverend Dr. Lorraine Cohen,Pennsylvania
Introduction to Spiritual Mastery + Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I + 2 DVDs shipped to you & 12 LIVE Weekly Divine Transmissions with Ken - including time for Q&A and individual facilitation.
Everything included in Package A + A 30-Minute one-on-one session with Ken
Here’s what’s included in the package
Package A |
Introduction to Spiritual Mastery:
Understand the precepts of Spiritual Mastery (enlightenment) so you can begin to shift perspective around not only how you interact with the most essential aspect of your life, but also your understanding of the spiritual journey. Stop seeking quick fixes and instead experience measurable results that create and environment for real, meaning change that lasts. Begin living your life in flow, free from worry and stress, focused on opening to deeper and deeper experiences of joy and peace.
9 classes over 4 weeks, each including a Divine Transmission. Classes are available via downloadable MP3 via a secure website with immediate access once you enroll.
Whether “live” as it happens in person or at distance, or by recording, a Divine Transmission is always LIVE for you as you encounter it – for time and space are an illusion, and the Divine within is always waiting to more fully erupt into your experience.
Session #1:
Spiritual Mastery and the Pathways to Spiritual Mastery. The transmission is focused around a guided process so you can begin to experiencing and practicing one of the key elements of Spiritual Mastery immediately.
Session #2
The Illusion of Separation – sometimes also called the Illusion of Control. Understanding this is essential – not only for understanding all human behavior – but also in understanding our own behavior and motivation. Learn how the Illusion of Separation is a profound gift in your spiritual journey, which opens up the deepest spiritual experiences available to anyone in any state of being.
Session #3
The Four Stages of Consciousness. This is an important context for not only understanding what’s coming up with you – but also where other people are interacting from or teaching from. This is an essential framework around perceptual view that will serve you not only now – but for years to come.
Session #4
The Control Myth. We believe that with more effort around control things will turn out more the way we want them to – but there’s something going on underneath – a truth not often uncovered until much later in the spiritual journey. Yet it is available for you now if you are ready.
Session #5:
Healing. Explore the mechanisms of healing as you understand not only the cosmology of what’s going on in your body and why – but also, with an important shift in perspective, healing becomes the by-product of a far more important focus that will serve you beyond resonance in your physical body or mind.
Session #6:
Embodiment. Explore this essential topic as you understand not only the trauma cycle, how you can become trapped by this process, and how to break the trauma cycle. Also learn about the cycle of resonance, and how to shift your life from responding and reacting to deeper experiences and exploration of your true self that naturally lead to even deeper experiences of resonance.
Session #7:
Your Intuitive Guidance System (IGS) – and how you can “listen” to how the Divine is communicating with you through your body. This is a huge resource that is always with you – even now. Get to a deeper awareness and experience of your IGS – and then put it to work in your life!!
Session #8:
“Living in the Mirror” – moving from the theoretical discussion about Spiritual Mastery to practical applications and experiences in your life.
Session #9:
The six primary practices of Spiritual Mastery. These are the essential steps from moving more fully from understanding to experiencing and integrating Spiritual Mastery in your life.
Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I:
Learn AND Experience the 6 foundational practices of Spiritual Mastery as received by Divine Download by Ken W Stone “The Soul Archaeologist” - then receive LIVE weekly support (for 12 weeks) in going deeper with the practices and integrating them into all aspects of your being and life.
Part 1: Foundations I 30-day self-study program includes all 6 foundational spiritual practices of Spiritual Mastery that Ken teaches and facilitates. Online videos introduce each practice followed by an MP3 where the practice is facilitated. Also includes 2 DVD’s shipped to your address anywhere in the world.
Part 2: 90-day membership in The Sanctuary following the completion of the self-study portion. The Sanctuary is Ken’s world-wide spiritual community that includes LIVE virtual weekly group Divine Transmission – with an opportunity for Q&A and individual facilitation.
ITEM 1 :
Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I includes:
In these Six Comprehensive Video Trainings delivered as a month-long online course, Ken will help you identify and breakthrough the three barriers to Spiritual Mastery - then teach you three steps you can take right now to become the master of your own spiritual journey… no matter what challenge you may be facing in your life.
Learn the techniques and insights that have helped thousands of people end their physical,emotional, and spiritual pain, break through the barriers to Spiritual Mastery, and directly access their Divine within.
ITEM 2 :
Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I – The Practices
In each these 6 MP3 audios Ken shares a powerful practice to support you in integrating the lessons of the video home study course.
The first three practices focus on breaking through the three barriers to spiritual mastery.These practices will move you beyond the blocks that have stopped you from experiencing greater joy and peace in every area of your life.
The second three practices focus on beginning to experience the three steps to Spiritual Mastery. Begin to experience greater resonance in your body, mind, and spirit each day as youmove from a life focused on removing discomfort to a life focused on abundance, bliss, ease and grace.
Beneath the Sand Home Study Course
Open the door to experiencing your inner wholeness with this transformational online self study program delivered over three weeks in more than 14 hours of audio trainings, divine transmissions, and Q&A sessions (via 13 MP3s) plus two bonus training videos.
Transcend merely knowing spiritual truths to begin actually experiencing them as you deeply connect with and viscerally experience the Divine within.
ITEM 4 :
12 Group Healing Sessions
Once you’ve completed the Foundations to Spiritual Mastery I course, listen in LIVE each Tuesday at 3p EST (US) for 12 weeks as Ken facilitates a Divine Transmission & Group Healing Session (webcast for worldwide participation). Release your blocks, get centered and re-tuned to the physical, emotional and spiritual perfection that is who you really are. Includes MP3 downloads of each session.
ITEM 5 :
A Journey Into Healing (physical DVD mailed to you)
- You are not alone – we are all the same
- Divine/God is inside you
- Experience of the Divine within
Watch, listen and connect to your inner Divine.
ITEM 6 :
A Divine Transmission & Group Healing (Physical DVD mailed to you)
- Have a new experience of your connection with the Divine.
- Experience yourself in a new way.
- Clear some of the dissonance from your life.
Listen, remember and experience who you really are.
“I have found the deepest part of me; the most beautiful part – the part I kept looking for out there. Through Ken Stone’s self study recordings, I have “relocated” that which I seek; the alignment and connection with God I knew in my heart I could have each and every day, no matter what was happening around me.”
~ Rose Englund, Maryland
“I LOVE this practice! I’ve always been critical of my body and focusing on what’s wrong with it instead of what’s right. But by the end of this practice I was holding my body (energetically) with the same kind of love and affection that you feel when you’re holding a small baby. It felt so peaceful. And ever since then, my criticizing of my body has stopped. Another lifetime (or longer) problem wiped out by Foundations of Spiritual Mastery! The problems just keep falling away, one after the other.”
~ Kathryn Griffith, Texas
“The changes in my life since I started this program are amazing. The word amazing somehow doesn’t cut it. This morning, a few days after I listened to the recording I had a massive release take place. I am in awe of this process. I understand now why staying in the body is so important to release all the human challenges that we have stored away in us, either physically, emotionally and or spiritually.”
~ Jessica Sereeno, Rhode Island
“Before I started Ken Stone's program, I tried many other forms of Energy healing. After doing the Beneath The Sand, I felt the healing vibrations enter my first and second chakras. The next day, I woke up, and it was very easy for me to do things that I kept putting off. Although some of my physical things still exist, I feel deep down the healing energy working its way through my chakras and know that eventually, most, if not all, will clear up. This is by far, the best program of its type, and I have tried most of them, ranging from free to several thousand dollars.”
~ -Eileen Machida, DC, Oregon
“I LOVE THIS COURSE!! It is profound!! After listening to the first session three times, I feel so much better on all levels. I’ve been in a profoundly hard place – physically and emotionally for a while. The depression has completely lifted and not returned. I’m in a state of peace mentally and I’m sleeping better. I can breathe through my nose for the first time in decades. PLUS I had a major breakthrough in my book. To discover the source of my power, and experience my innate wholeness with this self study course has been such a blessing!”
~ Debora Seidman, Taos, New Mexico
“THANK YOU ~ THANK ~ THANK YOU. This was awesome ~ fantastic ~ powerful & empowering for me. I am still receiving tons & tons of beautiful DIVINE LIGHT pouring into me in waves most nights as I close my eyes to sleep. I have not fully worked out exactly what this is ~ however I do know this without a shadow of doubt now: AND THAT IS THAT I FEEL & KNOW THAT I AM DEEPLY LOVED BY THE DIVINE ~ ALWAYS & IN ALL WAYS.... and that is enough for me. I of course already KNEW THIS ~ but to FEEL IT every night as I lay me down to sleep ~ no matter what has come before me in the day ~ is a GIFT way beyond my wildest dreams”
~ el Ma Ra, Australia.
“I just wanted to let you know how much I truly value the material and the serendipity with which this material entered my life especially at this time. My words don't seem to adequately express the level of gratitude that I feel so I hope that Ken can at least begin to sense the depth of my appreciation.”
~ Dorothy M.
“This program was priceless and I know Ken could have charged a fortune more and it would have still been a great deal! He is amazing and I am honored to have been a part of this program! Without his generosity I would not have gotten to experience the beautiful process of reuniting with my soul and for that, I will be forever grateful! I just wanted to express my deep gratitude for the love and generosity of heart that Ken expresses and want him to know because of this program my life will never be the same!”
~ Angela P.
Package A
Total Package Value $2,448
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $97
*** 96% Saving ***
Package B |
Include Everything In Package A Plus
ITEM 7 :
A 30-minute private session with Ken
Extend and deepen the experience of working with Ken on the call – and through the Introduction to Spiritual Mastery and then Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I – by working with him one-on- one!
Imagine what it would be like to have Ken’s full attention and presence exclusively in a 30-minute session. Get answers to your most pressing spiritual answers, receive support for areas of challenge, and move into the deepest space you’ve ever experienced – all within you!
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to work with Ken one-on- one in a laser session at a huge discount and experience for yourself why his clients have been saying since the first time he shared his gift in 2008: “That was the deepest spiritual experience of my life!”
Sessions take place via teleconference (connect via phone or free web call - internet connection required) and are scheduled once you’ve completed the Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I program to ensure that your time with Ken can have the greatest impact. Sessions are recorded so you can revisit themes and sink into the Divine Transmission again even after the session has concluded.
Package B
Total Package Value $3,198
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297
*** 91% Saving ***
“I guess I will never understand what made me link from an unexpected email to a video in which I spent 38 minutes lost—yes, lost—transported, entranced, falling in love with a simple breath process, which has little to do with breathing. Still, here I am over two years later continually captivated by the unpretentious, comfortable, and yet fantastically inspiring work of Ken Stone.Indeed, here I am waiting impatiently to find out what will show up next—not from him—from me as a result of doing this work. ”
~ Jess Sanders, Colorado
“Ken Stone is a cross between a Spiritual Doctor, doing an MRI scan on your soul and a Chiropractor doing a body adjustment for alignment, and all remotely! I felt a deep calm while he was working on me and then tingling and then shifts in my body as if he were making adjustments in my hips....I believe the work he did on me helped open me up to it. It was a truly magnificent experience.”
~ Sonya Derian. , You Wealth Revolution
“I feel my inner child is free now, and I can begin to receive and be myself. I was contained all my life now I am free, and need to find what is my real mission on earth.”
~ Val in Canada
“I think this was my first time noticing energy moving through my bodyand feeling my heaviness - my body as matter. Thank you Ken!”
~ Anisha in Floral Park
“Immediately as the call started I was thinking about a pain in the bone on the side of my hip, it is now gone; it was connected to being hit by a car while running across the street as a child. (Not only did the pain go away, the memory of it came up.) As we were doing the meditation, my arms felt like they were on fire and my hands began to release energy. Thank you for such great work!”
~ Jada in Beverly Hills
“Ken has one of the most beautiful and gentle souls I’ve ever known. He is like a master tuner of fine instruments with ability to energetically touch the physical, spiritual, and energetic bodies and re-tune them to the Divine perfection that they are meant to naturally be.”
~ Rachael Jayne Groover, Founder: The Yin Project; Author: Powerful AND Feminine
“It was an amazing session. While I was having the experience a thought came to me which brought me clarity. I had been making what you refer to as "sand" such a threatening challenge in my life which of course gave it more power. When I went below the sand I realized that as the light shines up on the sand it creates a shadow.Just like when you are walking outside and your body creates a shadow on the ground. When you look at it, it appears to be enormous but you know your physical body is not that big. That's the experience I had yesterday. What before appeared to be an insurmountable obstacle in my mind was nothing but a grain of sand in the magnificence of the light. This clarity has brought me a sense of peace and wellbeing. I thank you for your light and the courage you have to make a difference in our lives.”
~ Mabelline Seikel
“After Ken’s session last night, for the first time in my life I am actually seeing the Divine in my son, and in myself. I don’t mean I want or wish to see it – I mean I’m actually seeing it.”
~ Jana Sullivan - Colorado
“Ken Stone truly is the Soul Archaeologist. Of all the teachers and various courses that I’ve taken and people that I’ve met in my 60 years He is the first person that I’ve met who has this unique approach and ability to enable a person to tune in and discover their soul and reconnect with their soul.”
~ –Lynda Paquette, Alaska
“Ken is what I call my 'locksmith'." After years of work with other alternative healing modalities, Ken was able to dive into the heart of a few long standing issues and finally unlock them for healing. My new perspective, combined with 24-hour access to The Sanctuary, enables me to approach all aspects of my life in a way that feels more empowering. I'll be forever grateful for this experience, especially as a fellow healer.”
~ Katrina, Reiki Master
“I am very united with you in spirit, Ken, and wishing you every blessing on your wonderful work. My conversation with you was a blessing and clarified for me what my mission is. Thank you so much, you are a beautiful person.”
~ Margarita F.
“Ken; You have so much incredible grace affecting the world the way you are currently doing! I listened again yesterday to some of the recordings and felt more at peace than I ever have while walking. I am opening up to the smiles I heard on the replay, FEELING deserving, which is foreign to me. I knew that when I found "my way" it would be awe inspiring but not to this magnitude!”
~ Pam F.
“I wanted to reach out and thank Ken for those powerful calls, and for a previous call and your generosity of his time, talent and gifts. I was a caller on [a recent interview program] and was going through some major health challenges and Ken recognized that I had trauma in my body and I know through his helping, healing hands that night I was able to move forward in a positive way from all that, and I am sincerely grateful for that. Ken is truly awesome!!!”
~ Deanna B
“Ken - what you offer - the ability to SEE people for Who They Really Are! The value of this goes way beyond anything that can be measured. Even the term "priceless" is inadequate! I have only dreamed of such a thing being possible. You are the first person I have encountered who has been able to give me that gift - of truly being seen! How can I ever thank you? Thank you, thank you, thank you! From the bottom of my Heart!”
~ Illana from Oregon
“Thanks Ken! I listened to the replay of your recent call and I thank you from my heart for the awareness. I could experience everything that you spoke about even though I was remote. The sensations were absolutely bang on!”
~ Chandra S
“My experience with Ken’s work so far is that of huge clearings, and I can't stop crying. My soul is speaking to my body and my body is speaking to my soul and it’s a very powerful and happy reunion. Thank you for this gift. I feel so humbled and grateful to be receiving this.”
~ Pamela W.
“I can not thank you enough to be here on this planet and bring those wonderful SOUL Connection AND also I thank you SO MUCH for the Bright Light you shine in my.”
~ Claire F.
“THANK YOU SO VERY, VERY, MUCH INDEED KEN,, for that divinely beautiful, moving and touching experience. You have a truly loving voice.... trustworthy, responsible, understanding, richly layered and mature. I have a thing about voices. Yours resonates completely with me, as in, I could listen to you forever.”
~ Sharon A.
“This first session with Ken was the most meaningful and deepest experience I have had through any internet connection. It went beyond the physical and touched my soul!”
~ Linda in Canada
“I so enjoyed experiencing the evolution of your gifts. How your expressive ways continuously expand and refine, the ebb and flow in your gentle encouragement to be kind to ourselves, highlighted by your ability to giggle at your own goofiness, your generosity of spirit, and your increasingly effortless way of offering few words that overflow with support for feels like your consciousness imbues the environment so that we allow the Flow of confidence in ourselves to "be still and know that I AM..." Thank you so much for being in this Glorious World and being such a dear one to so many.”
~ Becca T.
“So much is being resolved, and the embodiment that my soul has asserted before and I resisted, is deepening profoundly. Ken’s support and help is so deeply appreciated.”
~ Susan B.
“I appreciated how, once again, you were so open and honest with me throughout our session. Your honesty about your own experience and your explanation about raw expressions helped me understand and accept what came through me in an uncomfortable rawness.”
~ Vel F.
“Thanks for your wonderful training, your great energy and and your magnanimous heart. I purchased your package from one of the tele-summits and have found it very powerful and transformative.”
~ Denise K.
“Ken -- I had to respond! This struck so many chords for me ... you hit them beautifully! We have the spark of a divine light in our eyes, and we resonate with those who take the time to listen to us. So, like me, just keep rockin ' on, Ken. And thanks for all you do and say. There are real people out here listening.”
~ Linda T.
“I sense the love Ken has for humanity and thank him very much for sharing his generous spirit and blessing with the world.”
~ Pauline from Australia
“Ken’s work has truly saved my life lately -- literally, I believe. So I am very appreciative of this gift and for all that you give to the healing community.”
~ Kathryn D.
“My mother's been quite sick recently, so I've had a lot of time away from work in the quietness of her hospital room. The other night I was listening to the June 23 session. At the end, when you mentioned the deep energy and the transition energy, I felt you join my mother and me as I held her hand. Thanks for that.”
~ Linda from CO
“Ken speaks of God opening doors and clearing the way for you to do what you are here to do. It took me until I was 68 years old for me to awaken and be aware enough to begin this part of the journey. I am so GRATEFUL it has happened. Ken is a big piece in my dharma at the moment.”
~ Sandy from TX
“This is Jean... I AM a beacon of light in the southern most tip of the African continent.. an old beacon ; ) I have just listened to you .. and just want to thank you for your AUTHENTIC sharing... In GRATITUDE I thank you for playing a part in my own life and for the others I have shared your thoughts with.... Thank you for stepping into your messenger role.”
~ Jean from South Africa
“ I think the better word for what Ken does, is “bless.” I have had some wonderful healing work done on me by some very powerful healers and Ken is, bar none, THE most powerful healing force I have ever encountered. Truly, truly amazing and miraculous! Whoa!”
~ Angelique, Colorado
“I love your Sanctuary Program, it's has made me look forward to Tuesdays! After my sessions with you and and the many hours a day I spent listening, connecting and processing, I was feeling supported, purposeful and invincible...I felt a huge connection to your teachings and to you, and I would like to express my gratitude for sharing your beautiful soul with me.”
~ Gerry B.
“I have absolutely loved this entire process and am very glad I discovered your work.”
~ Amy F.
“You feel as an old friend, and we just have reconnected again in this lifetime.”
~ Maya in France
“WOW Ken how did I not know I could do that before this...I am so delighted to be able to easily feel the energy of my energy wow wow!! My hands tingle actually my whole body tingles I can feel it to the core of my body...lovely..smiling happy appreciate you! Thank you”
~ Shirley A.
“I just started watching your “Journey into Healing” video and I just have to tell you I love you!! I loved “the Dude” story during the training the other day but this is great. I just can’t wait to be in your presence.”
~ Janet in Denver
“Here is another example of a person with his own mission to help people that is so aligned with Oneness - it was just so nice to read in straight talk. Surrender is acceptance with the what is. That is such an aha for me. If you love life, every part of it, and you accept yourself - even the shadow, and you are grateful for everything, you automatically surrender. Brilliant.”
~ Jacqueline Z.
“This topic has been ever present in my current spiritual journey and your explanation was just perfection. I appreciate your willingness to share your journey and lessons with all of us. You are greatly appreciated.”
~ Teri L.
“Ken, you always directly touch my heart & soul with what you say. This is exactly what I needed to read. Surrendering feels so wonderful at the time but oh so difficult to maintain over time. Thank you,”
~ Jane M.
“Dear Ken. Thank you so much for your call this week. I felt I had come home a feeling I have never experienced before. I felt my own core. Such Divine Love. I have been processing and integrating since.”
~ Blessings Pamela W.
“Just had my conversation with Ken and I feel on top of the world. 🙂 It was the very first time I have spoken to Ken one on one. He's an amazing person and very caring.”
~ Titania M.
“I wanted to touch base with you and say my heartfelt thanks to you for the amazing program. I participated for every single session and have also re-listened to them. I was new to your work, but I knew immediately that you were the right person for me to encounter at this time of my life. Those sessions might have been the most important days of my life so far. I was deeply touched by your story and your way of expressing the Divine within you, it resonated with me profoundly. Something opened up within me and I took a giant leap towards my authentic Self.”
~ Mia in Finland
“I just finished the program, ...and I can’t thank you enough for your time, your magnificence, and your gift. And I am so grateful to my friend for introducing me to you. I have learned so much in these sessions, as well as the videos I have received, and will continue to practice and fine-tune.”
~ Michele in Phoenix
“The main reason I wanted to write to you is to thank you for being so real and vulnerable. I've always felt your vulnerability come through your newsletter, but to feel you and hear you on the call while you were completely in touch with whatever was arising moved me very deeply.”
~ Anne in Montreal
“After the session was over I realized that the depression, a depression deep in my core that I had been trying to “solve” for years with no success, was gone. Years of studying countless stacks of books, and meditating, and brainwave entraining, and working with spiritual teachers and counselors, and trying all sorts of things that other people said had helped them, but none of which helped me. None of which had budged the depression. In fact, doing all that just made the depression worse. Then one group session with Ken and the depression was suddenly, inexplicably, amazingly gone.”
“ There are no words … I wanted to thank you for tonight’s group session, but I can’t find the words to express what I want to say. I have never been able to go so deep into the truth of myself as I did during this session. And, the best part is, as I continue to practice I’m just going to continue going deeper and deeper (you said this better during the session, but right now I don’t remember the words you used). The gift you give us is so precious, there just aren’t any words that can express my thanks and the blessing that you are to the Sanctuary group and to everyone. What a joy it is to have stumbled into your world. ”
“The energy of Money group session has powered up my day. I received money I have been owed for over a year. Sold 4 books. Got more work. Paid off last year’s tax and got all my bills all organized for the next 3 months. I feel solid around money today like I haven’t before. Ideas flowing and growing to make more money and pleased to be blessed with my abundant wealthy life. Will listen again tonight and see what miracles tomorrow brings.”
“ Gratitude Ken, for facilitating our session last evening. It was, in a word, magnificent. Your open heart is a gift to all those whose lives you touch. So much synchronicity with your guidance and what has been coming to me intuitively over the past while … the practices I have been doing on my own of breathing and moving through my root chakra.
I watched as my body knew just what to do. Sooo amazing to experience it together.
I love how we are all connected and were at such a deep level last evening. Your feedback was always so tuned in to where I was at in the experience which my mind enjoyed 🙂
It’s interesting … almost as soon as you mentioned abundance, I seemed to
disappear for that entire piece. It didn’t feel like I fell asleep and then woke up. It was like you spoke the word abundance and the next thing I heard was your reference at the end to remember the softness of the rain and the overflowing vessels and I couldn’t figure out what you were talking about. It was as if your first words merged into your last … I trust it was just perfect for me … simply interesting. Perhaps it was so that I would listen to the replay to experience it all again! I look forward to doing so …”
“ I listened to the Tuesday call this morning. I am aglow right now in big feelings of loving and being loved. What a gift to have listened to your recording on the morning of my wedding. Thank you so very much. It feels as though a lot of releasing happens during the sessions. I am very aware of my body as though it is being breathed. As though the breath enters through the surface of my skin. On the in breath, it feels like the cells of my body float upward and then on the out breath downward. My hands tingle and my left foot has mild tingling.”
“ Gratitude Ken, for facilitating our session last evening. It was, in a word, magnificent. Your open heart is a gift to all those whose lives you touch. So much synchronicity with your guidance and what has been coming to me intuitively over the past while … the practices I have been doing on my own of breathing and moving through my root chakra. I watched as my body knew just what to do. Sooo amazing to experience it together. I love how we areall connected and were at such a deep level last evening. Your feedback was always so tuned in to where I was at in the experience which my mind enjoyed. It’s interesting … almost as soon as you mentioned abundance, I seemed to disappear for that entire piece. It didn’t feel like I fell asleep and then woke up. It was like you spoke the word abundance and the next thing I heard was your reference at the end to remember the softness of the rain and the overflowing vessels and I couldn’t figure out what you were talking about. It was as if your first words merged into your last … I trust it was just perfect for me … simply interesting. Perhaps it was so that I would listen to the replay to experience it all again! I look forward to doing so …”
“It probably will take me a while before I have any words. Because I am just now realizing that adjectives may not be able to describe the Divine in action - your work!!!.
“I was just listening to a replay with you on Awakened Heart. I felt so inspired to send you a quick note of thanks and gratitude and hoping for another opportunity to listen to you and perhaps have an opportunity in the near future to invest in your teachings. I have to tell you as soon as you came on the show and spoke your first words, your presence came through so strongly in your laughter that it tickled my insides! You
brought such a smile and lift , instantly to me, that I just had to thank you. Hearing you on any telesummit always lifts me and I feel joy that the word joy barely describes.
So, I really just wanted to thank you for your sparkling presence and energy that must lift so many. And then I clicked back to my in box and there was this email from you announcing that you'll be on another summit. Now that is syncronicity in action! Perhaps my opportunity is closer than I thought. Again, I just want to say Thank You for being the sparkling, uplifting presence that you are.”
~ Margaret Mann
About Ken Stone :
Ken Stone “The Soul Archaeologist” is an Internationally recognized Spiritual Teacher and Healer and Founder of the Academy of Spiritual Leadership and Mastery. With his ability to energetically re-tune a person’s body, mind, and spirit Ken has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world experience and remember their Divine nature – from Spiritual Messengers discovering, exploring and embodying their unique spiritual gifts, to people suffering from physical pain and emotional challenges, to individuals and communities wanting to move beyond knowledge to regularly experiencing spiritual truths in their own lives.
Ken has spoken along-side such luminaries as Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marianne Williamson, Panache Desai, Don Miguel Ruiz, and many other powerful spiritual leaders.
Introduction to Spiritual Mastery + Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I + 2 DVDs shipped to you & 12 LIVE Weekly Divine Transmissions with Ken - including time for Q&A and individual facilitation.
Everything included in Package A + A 30-Minute one-on-one session with Ken
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