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Permission to Change
Out with the Old, In with the New
You are here because you dream of a different life. Those dreams are clues from your soul essence, steering you towards the life you chose when you incarnated on earth.
Yet how to start the change from surviving the traumas to thriving on the challenges?!
After years of struggle and emotional pain, Kathy has now has her life on-track through creating and following her “Extraordinary Ordinary Life (EOL)” philosophy. She developed this method while struggling with procrastination – scared to move forwards, to painful to stay put.
She works with an extremely large spirit team of the highest frequencies in that universal aspect and really acts as the channel to bring your conscious messages and life changing frequencies all while taking you on a your own journey of discovery.
All channeling will create the greatest change in your life that is possible right now, and integrates, releases, cleanses and clears intra – inter – trans and cross dimensionally across time and space. The change could be something easing something physical, releasing the emotion of a life trauma, or receiving consciousness.
While you can come into a session with a ‘fix this problem’ focus, Kathy has found that the greatest and enduring personal change occurs when doing one of the following processes with your problem in mind. starting with one of the following intents:
Safety Bubble:
While you are automatically put into a safety bubble when you work with me AND it stays with you providing protection if you keep a conscious connection to it many people either don’t keep conscious connection to it and/or don’t know how to manage the resulting effects in their lives. Yes some people will exit your life as the safety bubble gently exits low frequency people, places, events, situations from your life. So unless you are fully prepared to do ‘out with the old and in with the new’ this can be confronting and confusing. This process provides you with more consciousness about managing the effects, while setting up the bubble to remain 24 x 7 without much conscious effort from yourself.
(NOTE: this process requires you to have a crystal that we can lock the bubble onto)
And yes, listening to my FHTJ launch recording sets up / reinforces the safety bubble for you)
Removing the 3D program:
The 3D program could be considered an entity as it is not part of our original blueprint be was put in when spirit first became physical to ensure that we looked after (i.e. stayed) our physical bodies. Humanity has passed the time when this program was needed and in many, it is blocking ascension.
Integrating Personas:
While many of you may be aware of dealing with ‘the part of you that is protecting you from xyz…’, people also have what I call ‘personas’. Most have 5-7 and each has a particular message for us generally something to release to move on and up on our ascension path. I have found that often people actually offer up a persona to the practitioner when they go to get work done. In practice, this allows them to not change and the change is with the persona. Integrating the personas in, gives you conscious knowledge of their message as well as integrating all the changes of work you have had in the past. Note: generally in a session we only get to speak to about 2 personas and sometimes the integration won’t occur until one or more of them have passed on the message AND it has been understood consciously.
Dimensional Masculine Feminine Integration:
For a harmonious balance of these energies in your body and in your life here and now on earth, this process connects you to the six (3 x M and 3 x F) most significant past or future lives (or dimensional / other timeline lives) to integrate the lessons, teachings and experiences that are directly impacting your ability in the here and now to fully embody and embrace the harmonious balance of your masculine and feminine aspects.
There are more processes; however these are the ones that are trending as being the ones required for humanity at this time.
Kathy also does personal coaching sessions focused on identifying your elements in your extraordinary ordinary life and working out how to have it TODAY. These sessions are fun and some describe as ‘a roller coaster ride’ as we slide up and down your time-stream identifying key points and elements including action you took. It takes more than one session to really embed the practices and discipline that is needed in the beginning, however you certainly get the first couple of practical things to do in one session.
Each session is 30mins long, and an MP3 is provided of each session so that you can listen again to remember the consciousness as well as re-experience any energetic process that the light team created specifically for you.
During every session, you will be given the opportunity to see for yourself, the contributing physical or emotional factors as well as guidance as to ‘next steps’.
*Option 1*
(3) 1:1 Sessions
It Includes:
3 - Personalized 1:1 Sessions of 45mins
Remote healings and clearings with consciousness. Select a process from above and see what is worked on in your life (often it is what is needed, not what we think). Alternatively select a topic or theme in your life to do a focused clearing on.
Kathy will work with her light team to connect to cleanse and clear the focus of your intent bringing allowing the maximum possible change at this time.
You can gift one or more of these sessions to consenting friends or family members
*Option 2*
(5) 1:1 Sessions
It Includes:
5 - Personalized 1:1 Sessions of 45mins
Remote healings and clearings with consciousness. Select a process from above and see what is worked on in your life (often it is what is needed, not what we think). Alternatively select a topic or theme in your life to do a focused clearing on.
Kathy will work with her light team to connect to cleanse and clear the focus of your intent bringing allowing the maximum possible change at this time.
You can gift one or more of these sessions to consenting friends or family members
Three 1:1 Sessions:
Regular Price $471
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $397 only!
Five 1:1 Sessions:
Regular Price $785
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $597 only!
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.