If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
Statistically, 95% of us are focused solely on survival, so thoughts are focused on ‘how to just pay off my debts’! And dream dreams they believe are for someone else!
Now the 5% who ‘have it all’, think differently!
Instead they focus on reaching for the stars! They think ‘How to have multiple houses in countries around the world because they like to travel’. And daily survival necessities are simply actions or steps to take in living their desired life. And they live their dreams!
Which group are you in?
Which group do you want to be in?
It’s no longer ok to have an ordinary life; those days are in the past!
Now the universe is challenging us to live extraordinary lives, to have everything that we desire because those are clues from the soul.
They are already meant for you, they have already been earmarked for you; you put them in deliberately when you were choosing this life. That is why your soul desires them! That’s why you dream about them! And by holding yourself back, by limiting yourself, by sabotaging yourself, by not going after them, you are going against what is being willed for you, what you willed for you in the divine order of this life.
The universe is giving you permission to want something absolutely extraordinary for you; to go after it; and to have it in your life today.

Magically transform your life and live your Extraordinary Ordinary Life
Why Extraordinary?
Today you are living within the patterns and beliefs of what you perceive to be normal. Yet right now you are living a life of ‘wanting something different’. More money, a soul mate, lifelong friends, travel to exotic places, harmonious home, to feel valued, to relax over a coffee, to appreciate the joy of a butterfly or the wonder of a rainbow.
What is your nirvana? What do you consider to be Extraordinary?
Then make it your Ordinary.
What it means to say “YES” and reach for the stars!
On the downside it does mean:

- Abandoning being modest
- Throwing away all the limiting beliefs known and unknown
- Releasing society’s concepts of normal
- Desiring acknowledgement or apology for wrongs done to you
- Stepping away from abusive relationships (work, home, social)
- Limit and ultimately stop procrastinating
- Stop testing or comparing yourself to others
- Releasing stress from your mind, body and etheric field
- Cleansing karma from past lives and alternative timelines
- Embracing what you truly want to the very core of your being
And reaching for the stars for your nirvana in
. . . in all of their extraordinary entirety, anchoring in your new consciousness into both the 5D /6D new earth grid and fully consciously embodying your Souls’ Essence. This will also serve to keep conscious within you, remembering and taking any definitive actions towards living your Extraordinary Ordinary Life.This is about you truly giving yourself permission to SHINE.
This package is not about clearing a small block here and there. It is about going for the ultimate goal. It is about safely blasting those blocks away, never to return again and being the YOU you dream of.
The energies in this package are supporting people wanting to reach for the stars. Not the people who want to play mediocre. Now is the time for you who want to play the biggest that you have ever played.
You are reaching for the stars. . . and that you are supposed to reach for the stars.
You are the star and you have permission to SHINE!
Where to start?!

Rebalance Your Body’s Systems . . .
- Learn how to move quickly through a "life overwhelm" moment and uses its energy to propel you forwards further and faster
- Discover that being "perfect physically" is the different from society’s version and how your physical manifestation aligns to your soul’s purpose.
Continuously Cleanse Your Chakras . . .
- Understand perception and reality – and why this will help you move forwards and upwards in leaps and bounds
- Integrate body and soul fields
Change One Element in Your Life. .
- Revealed: How to make ‘Extraordinary‘ ordinary and receive more money, friends, health and body shape right now
Move on From the Groundhog Experience
- Learn your next steps to take
- Simple steps to move forward despite yourself
- Know the conditions of taking credit
Experience Life From Another Perspective
- Experience Source Workshop and create more joy immediately
Tune in to the Song of the Universe
- Like the different instruments of an orchestra
- Fine tune the instruments of your body and
- Participate in the universal song
Enjoy Total Immersion in this Reality
- Living in the now
- Realise your purpose
How to Give Up Everything
- And allow something even better to come into your life
Testimonials |
“A Powerful Testimonial From A Client Who Has Now Passed On”
“I would highly recommend Kathy as a holistic guide to anyone. Her holistic skills alone are worth their weight in gold. She diagnosed prostate cancer when I thought I had a broken rib. While it is aggressive and spread, Kathy’s healing hands helped slow the progression of the cancer while alleviating the intense pain I was in. I don’t know how she did it but she said it was just simply ‘Hydration’ energy. How?! I was drinking over 9 litres a day and I would be doubled up in pain, unable to move. Then she would work on me and I would be able to move freely and only drink about 2 litres. The cycle would take about a month to get as bad again. It proved to be very successful in improving my health and has given me precious extra time to spend with my family.
I know I won’t be around to see her succeed in her life passion but I can’t thank her enough for all the help and encouragement she gave me in this time of need. I just wish I had listened to her advice and taken action before it was too late. I promise you her help and advice is life-changing.”
~ Richard John, Flaxton, Australia
“Found the Direction of My Life’”
“I really loved Kathy’s program “Leadership in Excellence” which took me through the process of ‘how human’s think’, while applying subtle energy processes. After each module of the course, I was better able to face the work and had practical steps to reinforce the teachings. As a result, I was better able to manage my stressful thoughts surrounding my work life without feeling as if I am drowning. She also provided additional coaching on practical steps forwards and to create the change I desired in my life.
I now find myself loving the direction my life (travelling with friends and family!) has taken me and can fully appreciate the experience and the joys of living with my new focus and awareness.”
~ Virginia, Australia
“A five minute session resulted In healing at an Exceptionally fast rate.
Now living a totally Empowered Life!!!”
“I have faced a nine-year-long cycle of hardship and financial ruin in my life, which peaked when I was confined to a wheelchair and couldn’t take more than a few steps. I met Kathy at a financial workshop conference and she kindly ran a really simple, 5 minute process on me. She said that it was to ‘just reconnect me to me’ and to ‘re-design my spirit to continuously release low-level energies’. She also said that while she couldn’t go further on my health at that time, to not be surprised to see health changes as the energy will keep working.
Well, in the two months since that session with Kathy, I can now do so much more! While I have also had some critical physical operations, I healed at an exceptionally fast rate. I am now totally empowered and able to take on the prosperity and health and relationship that I need to charge forward.
I feel that Kathy is very connected to my spiritual journey and I see her as one of my spirit guides, both now and in the future!”
~ John, Sydney
“Immediate relief from pain”
“I was out one night on the holidays and, although I had not fall down or twisted my ankle that day, my ankle felt uncomfortable and moved to become very painful in a matter of minutes while I was out at dinner. Kathy came to the rescue and immediately started working on my ankle. She massaged various points and used kinesiology to reduce the swelling.
At the end of her session the pain and swelling had gone down and I felt like a weight had been lifted off me. The next day, any problems I had with my ankle were totally gone! I could not have got through this without her assistance and am so very thankful.”
~ Brenda, Brisbane
Expert Reviews |
Love Found by Releasing Fear
"When Kathy spoke about the members of her spirit team ‘Intergalactic Messengers’, saying if they channel, you will get change! I was curious. I had been in failed relationships before and yet wanted to find love.
But because the Messengers didn’t channel, Kathy intuitively knew that I instead of ‘finding love’ I needed to remove my subconscious fear of being hurt. Then the Intergalactic Messengers came through and the energy I felt was like a buzzing sensation.
Looking back, within a month after my session, I found myself in a healthy relationship! And while it didn’t last, I am relieved to find that I am no longer scared of being hurt!
An interesting experience with profound results – amazing!"
~ Eram Saeed, Telesummit Host, From Heartache to Joy
Free Trial
Discount : 85%
Total Package Value $640
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
4 MP3 tracks channelling the Intergalactic Messengers for the most desirable life changes (love, health, wealth and weight loss)
1 PDF to describing “How to use Intergalactic Messengers tracks”
1 MP3 track guided by the being of light ‘Original Consciousness’ to feel absolutely fabulous for no reason at all
12 MP3 tracks combining Silver and Gold energy to clear, dissolve and resolve issues in 11 body systems & one combining the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell)
1 PDF to describing “How to use Gold and Silver tracks”
1 MP3 track using Rainbow (Aqua) energy for hydration
2 MP3 tracks guided to release anger and being pissed-off
7 MP3 tracks, one for each of the seven main chakra using Crystal energy
1 MP3 track to lock in self-power
Discount: 85%
Total Package Value $1,007
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
4 MP3 tracks channelling the Intergalactic Messengers for the most desirable life changes (love, health, wealth and weight loss)
1 PDF to describing “How to use Intergalactic Messengers tracks”
1 MP3 track guided by the being of light ‘Original Consciousness’ to feel absolutely fabulous for no reason at all
12 MP3 tracks combining Silver and Gold energy to clear, dissolve and resolve issues in 11 body systems & one combining the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell)
1 PDF to describing “How to use Gold and Silver tracks”
1 MP3 track using Rainbow (Aqua) energy for hydration
2 MP3 tracks guided to release anger and being pissed-off
7 MP3 tracks, one for each of the seven main chakra using Crystal energy
1 MP3 track to lock in self-power
4 x 45mins Group session “Stepping into your Extraordinary Ordinary Life” is a process to fully engage your consciousness and increase your competency and ability to take action and live the life you dreams about.
Includes an additional 30mins Q&A during session and handouts.
BONUS: Invite 2 friends to participate
Discount : 82%
Total Package Value $1,281
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
4 MP3 tracks channelling the Intergalactic Messengers for the most desirable life changes (love, health, wealth and weight loss)
1 PDF to describing “How to use Intergalactic Messengers tracks”
1 MP3 track guided by the being of light ‘Original Consciousness’ to feel absolutely fabulous for no reason at all
12 MP3 tracks combining Silver and Gold energy to clear, dissolve and resolve issues in 11 body systems & one combining the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell)
1 PDF to describing “How to use Gold and Silver tracks”
1 MP3 track using Rainbow (Aqua) energy for hydration
2 MP3 tracks guided to release anger and being pissed-off
7 MP3 tracks, one for each of the seven main chakra using Crystal energy
1 MP3 track to lock in self-power
4 x 45mins Group session “Stepping into your Extraordinary Ordinary Life” is a process to fully engage your consciousness and increase your competency and ability to take action and live the life you dreams about.
Includes an additional 30mins Q&A during session and handouts.
BONUS: Invite 2 friends to participate
2 x 30 mins 1-1 session to ‘Identify your purpose’ and receive information for the next 1 or 2 steps
BONUS: use or give away second session to a friend
3 MP3 tracks, using crystalline energy for the chakras: Earth Star, Bindu, and four higher (Lunar, Solar, Galactic , and Universal chakras)
1 MP3 to harmonize and balance Yin & Yang using Crystal energy
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A |
Building Solid Foundations
- 4 MP3 tracks channelling the Intergalactic Messengers for the most desirable life changes (love, health, wealth and weight loss)
- 1 PDF to describing “How to use Intergalactic Messengers tracks”
- 1 MP3 track guided by the being of light ‘Original Consciousness’ to feel absolutely fabulous for no reason at all
- 12 MP3 tracks combining Silver and Gold energy to clear, dissolve and resolve issues in 11 body systems & one combining the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell)
- 1 PDF to describing “How to use Gold and Silver tracks”
- 1 MP3 track using Rainbow (Aqua) energy for hydration
- 2 MP3 tracks guided to release anger and being pissed-off
- 7 MP3 tracks, one for each of the seven main chakra using Crystal energy
- 1 MP3 track to lock in self-power

4 MP3 tracks, channelled by Intergalactic Messengers
for Love, Health, Wealth, and Weight loss
No need to journey to a galaxy far, far away! Imagine a language that through sound alone puts you in the middle of a story as the lead character, and takes you on a life-changing journey. You know the stories, the ones where the hero / heroine goes through great adventures to return home where nothing yet everything has changed. Something significant has shifted, ceased to exist, or come into creation which simply enhances their life.
Imagine that the hero / heroine of this journey are you!
- What would you wish for?
- What would you change?
- Wish no more!
Each track has a specific focus – a specific change that will be brought about in your life. And because the energies are intelligent, they adapt and attune to your specific circumstance to bring about the desired change.
If you align to the focus of these focused recordings, you will get change. It may be subtle, it may be in-your-face but it will be there!
- Direct channeling from the intergalactic beings of light. The original channeling’s is not in English, however where possible, I do put the basics of the message into English.
- You can listen to these recordings silent or aloud
- You will notice change just by listening without any specific focus on what you would like changed, you can listen to them as intuitively led for the highest change that will advance you along in your ascension journey.
- Use the provided guide for step-by-step instructions for maximum results
- Use in conjunction with the “Absolutely Fabulous” body system process to supercharge the results
- You will notice that you are more active, you feel more positive towards managing your finances, and you will feel more in control of your life including a noticeable reduction in the care factor of other people’s opinions.
- Your skin will feel more alive and you pay attention to the little things like a sunbeam shining through a rain cloud.
- In general, you will notice that you feel down less or that when you do feel down, you are over it much quicker – essentially preferring to dedicate your time to uplifting experiences.
- You will notice that some friends or family drop away and or start picking on you more (as they try to bring you back down to where you were before and to the relationship in which they feel comfortable.) You will notice this yet feel no attachment to their behavior.
Intergalactic Channelling and Energy - Love
Intergalactic Channelling and Energy - Health
Intergalactic Channelling and Energy - Weight Loss
Intergalactic Channelling and Energy - Wealth
"Back pain and Arthritis gone!"
“The best holistic massager around! Kathy is a miracle worker. I’ve been getting structural work on my lower back and knees from her for years now, and each time I’ve been amaze by the results. The pain caused by my arthritis in my back and knee have essentially gone. She’s allowed me to get back into the garden and continue to do what I love doing most.”
How to Use Intergalactic Messengers Tracks - PDF
Intergalactic Messengers are here from higher frequencies and dimensions to help!
I work with a large spirit team and the Intergalactic Messengers love to come in and assist people with specific issues. This short e-Book provides insight into their multi- dimensional existence as well as how and why they are here to help.
They do work on very specific issues, so in order to do a recording for all to listen; this e-Book also contains a form for you to complete to focus the energies on your situation / issue.
- Introduces the Intergalactic beings to the world
- Provides an overview of what is actually being channelled
- Guidance is provided to maximize change for your specific focus topic which includes
- Measuring focus area baseline
- Determining the best phrase to maximise the quickest change in your focus area
- Describes the how the one process produces your individual change
Original Consciousness Channelling
to Feel Absolutely Fabulous For No Reason At All
Want a great natural and easy way to relax and wake up?!
Endorphins are naturally produced by the body to inhibit pain signals and produce a feeling of euphoria. The most well known, Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and chemical messenger and is most closely associated with ‘award-motivated’ behaviour.
This process stimulates the natural release of dopamine, making you feel good all over. Unlike external chemical uppers and downers (coffee, alcohol etc) the only side effects are: relaxation, feeling of well-being, and a reduction in instances of diseases such as Parkinson’s, schizophrenia and heart failure.
- Especially good if you are going out to a social event where you may either be shy or you have had a bad day and you just want to relax and have a great time
- Adds a zing to your step, and more chat to your talk
- Makes you talk more naturally and easily to all people
- People who are sad or who have low energy avoid you
- You can drink water all night yet people who know you might think you are drinking alcohol
- Sets up the safety bubble to protect you from lower frequencies beings / entities that tend to hang out at public venues which also include stopping the effect of the ‘alcohol’ energy on your field. (even if you have never drank alcohol, you will notice that you will be more clear headed in public venues which serve alcohol)
“Instant ‘Feel good’ factor”
“I can’t express well enough, how it feels to experience fully the wonderful feelings of ‘feeling good for no reason’ energies. I just feel like its continuing to build each time I focus on the exercises she shared with me. ‘Thanks’ is just so inadequate, so I will just express my highest level of gratitude for the benefits received.”
~ Paul, B.

12 MP3s to Rebalance Your Body’s Systems
(Combining Silver and Gold Energy)
"Rebalance your body's systems" and gain relief from an immediate problem
Listening to these tracks combining my high frequency 'Silver and Gold' and the Atlantian High Healing Council, will detox your 11 body systems and start your journey to eliminating stress and fully embracing and living your Extraordinary Ordinary Life.
There are many reasons in this day and age why we should detox out body's systems:
- Physical toxins (herbicides, pesticides, chemical additives in food and toiletries, cleaning products)
- Air Pollution; Dietary stimulants (sugar, caffeine, alcohol, medication)
Some we can control, such as what we ingest, but not others. However the most damaging is stress (positive or negative).
As the body prepares for fight or flight, physiologically a number of things happen:
- Increased heart rate - heightens blood pressure
- Decreased digestive secretions
- Relaxes the bladder
- Dilation of bronchi - shallow breathing
- Muscular tension etc etc
This is all very well if we are in a life-threatening situation however prolonging this state over your lifetime and the result is anxiety, hypertension, panic attacks, depression and the multitude of physical ailments.
Each track is designed to firstly eliminate the freeze, then to realign and re-balance that body system to its divine frequency or blueprint. Each track also provides a continuous and conscious awareness of what your trigger events are and encodes a safe and supportive (aka socially acceptable) way, to naturally and immediately, release the stress responses from your body system.
MP3s are:
Introduction to Rebalancing Your Body’s Systems
Brief introduction to using the following MP3’s
Cardiovascular Body System (heart & veins & arteries)
Digestive Body System (mouth stomach)
Endocrine Body System (hormone)
Excretory Body System (urinary tract and bowels)
Immune Body System (lymphatic system)
Integumentary Body System (skin)
Muscular Body System (muscles, tendons, ligaments)
Nervous Body System (brain + nerves)
Reproductive Body System (sex organs)
Respiratory Body System (lungs)
Skeletal Body System (bones)
Five senses • Sight (eyes) • Sound (ears) • Smell (nose) • Taste (tongue / nose) • Touch (hands / skin)
- These recordings have been created through channelling the purest Source Silver (physical repair) and Source Gold (emotional cleansing). These are the two energies that existed alongside the Original Consciousness and the seven perspectives when the universe blinked into existence. You cannot get more concentrated or purer than these versions, however they do dilute depending on the capacity of an individual’s ability to change at a given point in time.
- These recordings can be played on silent or aloud
- Each recording is infused with the divine blueprint of that body system
- Each recording automatically harmonizes with your current and divine blueprint for that system, allowing your physical body to lock in repair and replication from the highest possible source at that time.
- So instead of your body replicating and repairing itself from potentially damages cells, it is able to do it from the perfect version of the cell for you.
- Is naturally infused with the highest energy codes for safe re-coding and repair.
- The recordings can be listened to again and again, each time going deeper, cleansing, clearing, cleaning and repairing the underlying cause of issues in different systems where the cause is in this lifetime.
- Places a ‘hold’ on causes not of this lifetime / physical reality that require specific attention and or consciousness to be resolved. This allows you to deal with the most pressing, current and known causes of issues which is sometimes not possible as too much is being brought through from other lives and you are overwhelmed / can see any progress no matter how much you ‘work on yourself’
“Within a Week Uneven Skin Gone, Skin Tags Decreased In Size”
I have always had a lot of uneven skin textures on my face and upper body. These have always bothered me a lot as they make me feel self-conscious and undesirable. After listening to Kathy's Integumentary (Skin) recording from her 'Rebalancing your body's Systems' series, I was shocked to find that within the week my skin had smoothed out and a lot of skin tags around my underarms also decreased in size!
I am now more comfortable in my own skin and, by extension, more relaxed and self-confident.
I highly recommend this experience; if I can have so much eased with just one of the audios, then I can only imagine what the full package can do! Thank you so very much Kathy for the skin audio!”
~ Nadiya, Toronto
How to use Gold and Silver tracks - PDF
I work with a large spirit team and the Gold and Silver energies I channel have been gifted to me from my spirit guide called Original Consciousness. These energies are the original two that blinked into existence with the creation of this universe. This short e-Book provides insight into creation and how they work to align you to your highest possible abilities right NOW.
Additionally, the Atlantean High Healing council, through sound, gifted me with a monolithic healing vortex. This was placed over my property and is fully powered up – connecting 5D earth to the spirit realms. This e-Book includes a brief overview of the healing vortex and how it enhances your results in the physical world when using the Gold and Silver energies from Original Consciousness.
- Introduces the Source Gold and Source Silver energies to the world
- Introduces the work of the Atlantean High Healing Council
- Provides an overview of what the body system physically includes
- Describes in detail some of the major illnesses associated with each of the body systems
- Suggests different combinations to use for those illnesses
- Describes the best order and method to listen to address general health / full body alignment
- Describes the how the one process accesses your individual highest blueprint
“Shrunken Arm muscle repaired in One Month!!!”
“I had had an arm muscle that was diminished to 50% its size since I was a teenager and had tried various treatments throughout the years to make it more normal.
I had previously had kinesiology treatments from Kathy, but when I told her what I wanted this time, she told me about the new Silver and Gold energy she had received I agreed to have a go. It was about a 10mins process where she took me down a Silver road of this lifetime to the past trigger event. We were both glowing and heated up like mini golden suns’ and bright Silver swirling around the room. A really earth moving experience which was initially a little painful in my arm, but she asked for the healing to be less painful and slower if necessary. Within two weeks, I could notice significant changes in my arm and by the end of the month, I believe that the muscle in my arm had been rebuilt.
I can’t thank Kathy enough for all her help.”
~ Helen W.
Rainbow (Aqua) Energy for Hydration - MP3
Anyone receiving energy or sending energy should drink a minimum of 2 litres of pure water daily. Receiving healing energy may cause toxins to be released into the bloodstream and the lymphatic system which needs to be flushed out. All metabolic functions and processes are conducted via electrical messages which happen because of electrolyte minerals dissolved in water.
Additionally, when the body is under stress, water is diverted from less critical organs to critical organs. How your body makes this determination is based upon how stress is physically playing out in your body.
Ensuring that your body has adequate water, is optimally hydrated, has balanced electrolytic minerals and dehydration is eliminated is the NUMBER 1 action you can take for your body and live your extraordinary ordinary life.
The Rainbow energies I channel are a derivation of the Gold and Silver energies gifted to me from Original Consciousness. The colors of Rainbow energy are at the same concentration as Silver and Gold, just designed to target very specific items. Imagine shining a pure white light through a prism and looking at the resulting rainbow. Rainbow energy is exactly that - combined Gold and Silver split into its constituent parts when shining through the Original Consciousness.
- Provides physical support to the body while also allowing greater and deeper energetic processing / integration to occur
- Works as a ‘cure all’ by hydrating the body to 100% or optimal levels (as required by the different body parts) i.e. works the same as a paracetamol however instead of masking the symptoms, it eliminates or reduces the underlying cause
- Will supercharge any other process that it is played with
- Further supercharging can be done by also drinking water
- Can be used with any other modalities to increase results.
- Includes a baseline and completed hydration level
Original Consciousness Channelling
to Releasing Being Pissed off
Groundhog Day . . . . Again!
We suffer from increased mental activity – living in the past and looking to the future for pleasure, more often than not with anxiety and regrets instead of experiencing the here and now.
You are doing all this work and then – suddenly, you are torpedoed by life and all the things you thought you’d dealt with come bubbling to the surface and all you want to do is cry, throw a tantrum, then crawl into some hole!
While ‘life happens’, what we can alleviate is the pent up feelings of anger and being pissed-off at a person, situation or event that keeps playing every time something completely unrelated happens.
Using these processes regularly, help release emotions and kinetic memory stored in your body, allowing you to deal with the crisis / situation at hand (instead of all the past situations that aren’t necessarily related).
Physically, they also serve to detox and regenerate the liver, cleanse and balance the bladder and alleviate urinary tract infections (UTI).
While you don’t need to know the originating event / situation / person that you keep stuck in the repeating patterns, as these processes are direct channeling’s from Original Consciousness, they do help to bring consciousness to your unconscious reactions.
- Especially good if you have continual UTI’s / other bladder infections
- Feel deep underlying anger when you think about a person / situation / event
- Feeling run down, tired and feel close to tears most of the time
- Feel sad or have low energy / feel drained easily
- Instantly feel intense anger when something goes ‘wrong’ in your life
- Sets up the safety bubble to protect you from lower frequencies beings / entities that tend to hang out at public venues which also include stopping the effect of the ‘alcohol’ energy on your field. (even if you have never drank alcohol, you will notice that you will be more clear headed in public venues which serve alcohol)
“Kathy Helped Me Break the Vicious Cycle of Self Pity”
“When I first came to Kathy I was in the middle of a divorce and hadn’t worked for years. I needed help with my finances, I was lost and I didn’t know what to do to get myself out of the vicious cycle of financial ruin. I was afraid to take steps forward in fear of taking the wrong ones and leading myself further down that path.
Kathy helped me address my subconscious fixation on destitution, and ‘not good enough’ and then she helped embed positive affirmations that have allowed me to find love and take charge of my financial future.”
~ Janine H, Sunshine Coast

7 MP3 tracks
One for each of the Seven Main Chakra Using Crystal Energy
At some point, we have all used crystals as part of our healing journey, so imagine having the absolutely best and clearest crystal! Forget having to buy the Hope Diamond!
Lady Gaia, along with the earth’s elementals, has gifted me with the ability to channel pure crystalline energy, and this energy works exactly the same as actually holding the crystal!
Now, I love crystals and will continue to collect them, however with the ability to channel the purest of each crystalline form, I can enhance that crystal and use crystals that are too rare or precious to remain in general distribution.
How do crystals help with healing and ascension?!
All things have a frequency – a vibration. Looking at it scientifically, this looks like a wave. And like a wave on the ocean, waves come in all shapes and sizes and in different patterns. Crystals have a unique property which has been exploited in modern day life – they produce a consistent wave pattern! Just have a look at your watch – it runs on a quartz crystal.
Ascension is about raising your frequency. It is about releasing lower frequencies. Crystals are absolutely perfect for attuning you as they emit their frequency continuously and freely. However, as your whole being has components that currently resonate at differing frequencies; the skill is in what is best NOW.
As chakras are both the energetic and clearing points of the physical and spiritual body, they are a great place to place the continuous focus of crystalline energy.
- This energy is provided curtsey of the purest crystals on the planet to support each chakra
- Because it is the purest crystals of the earth, you are being both grounded into Mother Earth as well as the new 5D crystalline grid that has come onto the planet at this time.
- Each track focuses on the learning and life lessons of that chakra, gentle removing grit, karma and dharma, repairing holes, bringing the chakra up to 100% function and returning it to the correct position in your body.
- Used together, it also balances out all the chakras because if one is out of balance
- As the three lower chakras clear, you will place less importance on ‘having’
- As the higher chakras clear, you will notice heightened awareness. Vision will be clearer, you will experience more ‘knowing’ and intuition will flow and be naturally accepted
Original Consciousness Channelling
to Lock in Self-Power
Feel like you need uppers to awaken (coffee), downers to relax (alcohol), something mind numbing to switch off (computer games), or want instant gratification from food / sex / pornography?
There are so many actions and activities we engage in today which create an over production of stress response in the body. Some are even ‘relaxing’ activities yet done in such a way that stress is created in the body and so, addictive patterns and behaviors arise.
Yet all is not lost!
You can have a healthy level of stress in your body (yes a little is needed). It takes discipline in the early days but soon you will find that every little helps and your body mind and soul will crave it more and more.
This process is a direct channelling from the Original Consciousness activating a specific interaction between the Bindu and Hara Point chakras. It serves to bring in and lock in self-power and autonomy into your mind and body while releasing addictive thoughts and behaviors from this lifetime and any others directly affecting your ability to embrace the now.
“Social Anxiety, Panic attack, Discomfort Healed”
“Ever since I could remember, I’ve found myself struggling with social anxiety. As soon as I left the house I would encounter stress, panicked thoughts and discomfort. With a series of sessions with Kathy, my social anxiety has lessened and I’ve felt the calmest I’ve been in years. She has reaffirmed that it’s okay to present a less than perfect image and has also given me confidence exercises to practice in public. Thank you, Kathy, for the path you’ve chosen in life!”
~ Jaelyn, Brisbane, Australia
The Universe’s Song
Value $20
Are you frustrated with your connection with Spirit? Or your connection flickers in and out?
Do you want to have clearer connections with your higher self?
Then listen to the Universe‘s Song
When you go deep into meditation, you can feel more than hear. It feels just right, like there is a sense and a purpose to all. It is safety, love and acceptance.
The Universe has a unique song which was first heard at the beginning of of its existence. And when the universe ends, its song will be absorbed back, to be sung with the symphony of creation.
This track is a compilation of Whale Song which is the closest human-audible sound to how I hear the Universal Song. It is pleasant to listen to especially with earphones and continues to play up to an hour audibly AFTER you stop physically listening to it.
This is the Universe, re harmonizing and realigning your brain and your consciousness to it’s song, enabling you to see, hear and intuit more clearly and easily the other dimensions which are already here, which always exist.
This is magic at it’s purest
Package A
Total Package Value $640
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $97
*** 85% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
Creating the case for change
- All of Package A
- 4 x 45mins Group session “Stepping into your Extraordinary Ordinary Life” is a process to fully engage your consciousness and increase your competency and ability to take action and live the life you dreams about.
- Includes an additional 30 mins Q&A during session and handouts.
- BONUS: Invite 2 friends to participate
4 x 45 min Group Sessions
(plus 45 mins extra Q&A with each group session)
The human body is an incredible living organism capable of many awesome surprising and extraordinary feats. Each of us is on this conscious journey because we want something more.
Today you are living within the patterns and beliefs of what you perceive to be normal. Yet right now you are living a life of ‘wanting something different’. . . More money, a soul mate, lifelong friends, travel to exotic places, harmonious home, to feel valued, to relax over a coffee, to appreciate the joy of a butterfly or the wonder of a rainbow.
We are being called to be the most radiant, alive and best that we can be – to live our extraordinary ordinary lives - and the time is NOW!
So HOW?!
What participating in this process means for you?
More wealth, currency, abundance, love and health in its entire extraordinary entirety. Set your intention for each Group session. Each time I run an Extraordinary Ordinary Life processes, it will build on the energies and changes of all the previous ones.
Each group will automatically benefit from those preceding, although new consciousness will only be available if you receive the updates consciously. However, energetically you will remain connected to the benefits of this process as long as you choose to receive them, so keep an eye out for further conscious and rapid changes occurring in two week blocks from when you sign up and onwards.
What will happen? When I run an Extraordinary Ordinary Life Group, once a week I will review the group’s energies for clearing, releases, focus and insights. Keep a diary and watch what occurs for you.
I will be running energy processes alongside conscious learning’s. The four step conscious formula I use is as follows:
Commencing Mid-May
Week 1: Managing Change |
- Examining key motivators
- Core conditions for personal growth
- Driving change
Week 2: Changing your situation |
- Determining what you have to keep doing (for now)
- Determining what helps and hinders
- Managing risk and reward
Week 3: Transitioning to your |
- Letting go of the past
- Taking up new behaviours and ways of thinking
- Learn to let go of everything – and welcome in and enjoy something even better
Week 4: Celebrating the wins |
- How to do it better
- Managing the saboteurs
- Keeping the innovators on track
Stepping into your Extraordinary Ordinary Life
Total Immersion experience
"I don't know where I would be without Kathy's guidance"
“Kathy has been my guide to better health for the last couple of years. She’s a spiritual beacon who connects intuitively with her clients. It’s almost uncanny how many times she’s picked up issues that I’m not even aware of at that time! She knows me better than I know myself, and because of that, has helped me overcome the simple challenges of everyday life. I am so grateful for Kathy’s continued spiritual guidance and I don’t know where I’d be without her!”
Invite Two Friends to Participate
The hardest thing about any journey is going it alone – having no one to talk to about your experiences and what is happening in your life. More often than not, this is needed, not for the words others say to you, but for the words you say to yourself out loud to those people . . . there is much wisdom in what we ourselves say.
Learning to listen is part of living an Extraordinary Ordinary Life. And while Facebook groups are great, nothing beats having your best friends evolve and journey on the ascension path with you. This helps you safely explore your changing world and including the relationships you have with the people in your life. Plus some of the exercises are best done with friends.
Please invite two friends. They should email me their name and contact details to acknowledge that they are ready to participate in this experience with you.
Package B
Total Package Value $2,280
From Heartache to Joy Special Introductory Offer $147
*** 85% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C |
Taking Action
- All of Package A & Package B
- 2 x 30 mins 1-1 session to ‘Identify your purpose’ and receive information for the next 1 or 2 steps
- BONUS: use or give away second session to a friend
- 3 MP3 tracks, using crystalline energy for the chakras: Earth Star, Bindu, and four higher (Lunar, Solar, Galactic , and Universal chakras)
- 1 MP3 to harmonize and balance Yin &Yang using Crystal energy
2 x 30 min Sessions
Value: $97 Each
This session will take you back to your original Soul Essence and from there, observe this lifetime from the perspective of what you wanted to do coming here and what you are actually doing or wanting now. From there take actions to get to the heart of your passion and determine the next 1 – 2 practical steps to take you to long the journey of living your passion.
Time permitting, a basic sketch of your journey will also be provided.
‘Realising your purpose’
Identify your passion and determine the next 1 or 2 practical steps to take Session (1)
‘Realising your purpose’
May be used to go further from the first session or given to a friend Session (2)
Incredibly accurate at identifying the ‘truth’ as well as gaining some practical actions to move forwards.
Just with One session, felt instant relief both in my body and spirit!"
“I wish to thank Kathy so much for the wonderful one-on-one session I had with her! I especially loved feeling my spirit move into my entire body, and being grounded into the earth with the earthstar being at my heart chakra. Both made me feel like I was coming home. I really needed it. I look forward to seeing how things unfold for me post session, as I continue to ‘come home’ and as I listen to my whale song.”
~ Linda
Session can be given to a friend
The hardest thing about any journey is going it alone – having no one to talk to about your experiences and what is happening in your life. More often than not, this is needed, not for the words others say to you, but for the words you say to yourself out loud to those people . . . there is much wisdom in what we ourselves say.
Sometimes you are just tweaking your already fabulous life and yet you would love for your friends to be up here with you – to also be in a fabulous place to fully embrace and enjoy this life. Sometimes it is the gift of giving that is the most rewarding to your own journey.
You may extend one or both of your sessions to a friend. They should email me their name and contact details to acknowledge that they are ready to participate in this experience with you.
Kathy's session opened me up to a “World of Possibilities"
“Kathy coached me on several two-hour long sessions which focused on my career goals, and how to open up to the world of possibilities in achieving them. She has helped me concentrate on what I want to achieve and allowed me to better myself as both a person and an employee. On the spiritual side, I now have (well can see) my team of spirit wolves, who let me know ‘who is nice and who isn’t’ – bonus being I don’t have to clean up when they their shed fur! ”
~ Yasmin R.
4 MP3 tracks using Crystal energy
Value: $20 Each
Length: 10 Mins Each
Most of us are very familiar with the seven main chakras; however there are several other ones which each deserve of attention – especially to either help / enhance a main one or boost your ascension.
The bonus tracks using crystalline energy are for the additional chakras: Earth Star; Bindu; and the Four higher chakras: Lunar, Solar, Galactic, and Universal.
It is also important when cleansing and activating these other chakras, that you also harmonize Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. Commonly known as Yin and Yang, using crystalline energy to balance and harmonize allows for a continuous ebb and flow, give and take of these energies within your body, allowing you to access the strengths of each appropriately in your daily life.
Sometimes known as the 8th Chakra, the Earth Star chakra really engages and connects your energies with Mother Gaia. This is a must for all females as, in order to perpetrate the separation of people from source, females were physically severed from this connection through physical abuse. And yes, it is a must for males who are holding or wish to hold the sacred space for the females in their life. It enables all people to support and embody physically, a healthy blend of Masculine and Feminine energies in the body. This process is not about sexual preference; rather it is about your current physical embodiment and accessing all that you can be right now.
- Adds depth, context and appreciation to how to best balance the energies in your life
- Provides consciousness as to the duality of modern day living and starts breaking down the barriers which create this separation
- Grows understanding of different perspectives allowing for a less emotive reactions to situations and more considered action towards your objectives
Crystalline energy for Bindu chakra
Most of us are very familiar with the seven main chakras, however there are several other ones which are each deserving of attention – especially to either help / enhance a main one or boost your ascension.
The bonus tracks using crystalline energy are for the additional chakras: Earth Star; Bindu; and the Four higher chakras: Lunar, Solar, Galactic , and Universal.
It is also important when cleansing and activating these other chakras, that you also harmonize Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. Commonly known as Yin and Yang, using crystalline energy to balance and harmonize allows for a continuous ebb and flow, give and take of these energies within your body, allowing you to access the strengths of each appropriately in your daily life. -
Crystalline energy for Earth Star chakra
An 8th Chakra track connecting all the chakras to the Earth Star chakra and then really engaging and reconnecting your energies with Mother Gaia. This is a must for all females as in order to perpetrate the separation of people from source, females were physically severed from this connection through physical abuse. And yes, it is a must for males who are holding or wish to hold the sacred space for the females in their life. It enables all people to support and embody physically, a healthy blend of Masculine and Feminine energies in the body. This process is not about sexual preference, rather it is about your current physical embodiment and accessing all that you can be right now.
Crystalline energy for Lunar, Solar, Galactic, and Universal chakras
Open and connect more deeply with your higher chakras
Crystalline energy for balancing Yin and Yang
Balance and harmonise the duality of modern life
Package C
Total Package Value $1,281
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $227
*** 82% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Testimonials |
Miracle Child
I’m an older mother, I had problems conceiving even though there was nothing medically wrong with me and my husband (nor our compatibility). We went through IVF, still failed to conceive, Kathy did a reading on me, and I conceived naturally. However the testimonial was after the first child and several more miscarriages. Kathy ran a process on me to release past trauma - wow did the energy flow. Kathy told me i would be pregnant within the next couple of days and that the baby was a boy. Well, it was the wrong time of month to get pregnant, so she put aside science and trusted. 9 months later and the rest is history. "I have a son now that I might not have – I’m blessed. Thank you Kathy”
~ Kaye
“Bully Co-worker Removed And Shifted to another Unit
After Kathy shifted the Frequency”
“I’d been getting stressed at work due to being bullied by one of my staff for over a year. I was at the end on my reign – I’d tried traditional alternatives, such as communication with both the bully and my company’s HR department, but nothing stuck. And even though he come into my team from being passed from unit to unit with the same reputation, my boss was harrying me to sort him out without actually backing me up.
I didn’t want to leave my job, but I didn’t know what else to do. After being referred to Kathy, I booked in a session. On my first visit, she listened me patiently as I explained my situation, and then placed an energy vortex around me and my work location. She said it was so that my co-worker would no longer bully me and I walked away feeling energized and in good spirits.
Not long after, the actual results were even better that I expected! The person was shifted to another unit with me having to do anything and I got to keep my job! Thanks, Kathy!”
~ Trevor H.
Found a Better Job
“I was being harassed by my boss (female) – it felt like she was chatting me up from an interest point of view while deriding my work. Working with Kathy to understand and harmonise both my masculine and feminine energies, enabled her to feel comfortable around me. (I was exuding too much male energy around her which was threatening). It moved into a comfortable working relationship which enabled me to move on to a better job.”
~ Tim, Brisbane
Reconnected With Myself, Feel More Present
“Kathy has extensive holistic skills. What transpired during our session was so amazing! At present, I’m still digesting, absorbing and integrating what transpired during the work she did on me. It was a beautiful clearing process. I now feel more ‘me’ and present. So much happened that’s hard to describe. Her sessions are definitely something that have to be experienced!”
~ Karen, Oklahoma, USA
Confidence booster!
“I booked in a session with Kathy with no expectations in mind, but the holistic journey I had during our session was surreal – and, boy, did it made my spirit travel! Kathy was generous both holistically and emotionally. She helped me by showing me that while I am quiet on the outside, inside I am confident, young person just ready to get out. Thank you so much Kathy! It was lovely (and lively!) session with you.”
~ C.N., Italy
Life Long Acne Gone!!!
“I’ve had acne for years now – it started when I was 12-years-old, and has continued to plague me throughout my adult years. Mainstream treatments weren’t working for me, so I sought out alternative methods; primarily, holistic healing.
After just three sessions with Kathy, my adult acne has almost fully cleared up! She has targeted the emotional root cause of my acne, stress, and helped me release that I can’t control every aspect of my life. I will continue to see her in the future for all things, great and small!”
~ Chloe, Brisbane, Australia
Self Blame for Deceased Partner Resolved
“Hiring Kathy was an act of self-discovery. She allowed me to talk to my deceased partner, who’s death I partially blamed on myself. During the sessions,, Kathy not only helped me to resolve the unfinished business I had with my partner, but guided me to the realization that I cannot control the actions of others. She lifted a weight off my soul and heart, and brought me a richness and depth of understand that I found exceptionally comforting.”
~ Laura
Released My Self Sabotaging Behavior
“After looking for nearly two years, I booked in Reiki sessions with Kathy the past couple of weeks to ‘get a job’. Kathy told me in later sessions that the focus was actually to remove my subconscious desire to sabotage myself as I really wanted to do something different than the university degree I had just received.
She gave me some conscious exercises to balance what I needed to do for now, and what I needed to do if I wanted to explore my passion. I would recommend her to anyone who has physical or emotional issues. Within three months of seeing her, I landed a job, and while it didn’t last, now was able to move on to one that I am much happier in having continued to follow her advice!”
~ Sherena, Brisbane, Australia
“Special individual clearing opened up real-world possibilities to move forwards”
“I recently had a lovely one-on-one session with Kathy Ranford in which she not only gave me the wonderful gift of running healing energies throughout our entire over-time call, she also gave me what I consider to be a wholly revealing gift of acquaintance with my Earth Star.
For me this was tremendous. I felt more whole in grounding than I have ever before. I confess, grounding has been "a problem" and she made it comfortable and simple with the Earth Star connection. What a blessing it is to be connected to my wonderful, individual Earth Star that is close to me and grounded in the crystalline grid of our sweet Mother earth.
Kathy was very generous and present as we spoke and spoke to specific things that were on my mind which I had not alluded to in any way prior to her mention of them. Her qualities of insight—without prying, strong faith backed by experience, and gentleness with the energies created a sweet sense of safety and strength.
Kathy's focus is on living an Extraordinary Ordinary Life in the here and now. Her knowledge of the real possibilities of healing now is something to experience. A bonus she sent is a session replay so that I can visit a special clearing she did for me and enjoy our conversation again. Thank you so much for your breath of life, Kathy.”
~ Kathleen, Ohio 🙂
About Kathy Ranford:
“Kathy developed the ‘Extraordinary Ordinary Life (EOL)’ philosophy after the light being ‘Original Consciousness’ revealed it to her as a result of her plea to ‘remove procrastination and stop Groundhog Day’. Supported by over 10 years’ working in a wide range of spiritual and energy modalities, Kathy is able to supports individuals change their lives by raising their consciousness to truly experience spiritual life as a divine physical being”
Free Trial
Discount : 85%
Total Package Value $640
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
4 MP3 tracks channelling the Intergalactic Messengers for the most desirable life changes (love, health, wealth and weight loss)
1 PDF to describing “How to use Intergalactic Messengers tracks”
1 MP3 track guided by the being of light ‘Original Consciousness’ to feel absolutely fabulous for no reason at all
12 MP3 tracks combining Silver and Gold energy to clear, dissolve and resolve issues in 11 body systems & one combining the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell)
1 PDF to describing “How to use Gold and Silver tracks”
1 MP3 track using Rainbow (Aqua) energy for hydration
2 MP3 tracks guided to release anger and being pissed-off
7 MP3 tracks, one for each of the seven main chakra using Crystal energy
1 MP3 track to lock in self-power
Discount: 85%
Total Package Value $1,007
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
4 MP3 tracks channelling the Intergalactic Messengers for the most desirable life changes (love, health, wealth and weight loss)
1 PDF to describing “How to use Intergalactic Messengers tracks”
1 MP3 track guided by the being of light ‘Original Consciousness’ to feel absolutely fabulous for no reason at all
12 MP3 tracks combining Silver and Gold energy to clear, dissolve and resolve issues in 11 body systems & one combining the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell)
1 PDF to describing “How to use Gold and Silver tracks”
1 MP3 track using Rainbow (Aqua) energy for hydration
2 MP3 tracks guided to release anger and being pissed-off
7 MP3 tracks, one for each of the seven main chakra using Crystal energy
1 MP3 track to lock in self-power
4 x 45mins Group session “Stepping into your Extraordinary Ordinary Life” is a process to fully engage your consciousness and increase your competency and ability to take action and live the life you dreams about.
Includes an additional 30mins Q&A during session and handouts.
BONUS: Invite 2 friends to participate
Discount : 82%
Total Package Value $1,281
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
4 MP3 tracks channelling the Intergalactic Messengers for the most desirable life changes (love, health, wealth and weight loss)
1 PDF to describing “How to use Intergalactic Messengers tracks”
1 MP3 track guided by the being of light ‘Original Consciousness’ to feel absolutely fabulous for no reason at all
12 MP3 tracks combining Silver and Gold energy to clear, dissolve and resolve issues in 11 body systems & one combining the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell)
1 PDF to describing “How to use Gold and Silver tracks”
1 MP3 track using Rainbow (Aqua) energy for hydration
2 MP3 tracks guided to release anger and being pissed-off
7 MP3 tracks, one for each of the seven main chakra using Crystal energy
1 MP3 track to lock in self-power
4 x 45mins Group session “Stepping into your Extraordinary Ordinary Life” is a process to fully engage your consciousness and increase your competency and ability to take action and live the life you dreams about.
Includes an additional 30mins Q&A during session and handouts.
BONUS: Invite 2 friends to participate
2 x 30 mins 1-1 session to ‘Identify your purpose’ and receive information for the next 1 or 2 steps
BONUS: use or give away second session to a friend
3 MP3 tracks, using crystalline energy for the chakras: Earth Star, Bindu, and four higher (Lunar, Solar, Galactic , and Universal chakras)
1 MP3 to harmonize and balance Yin & Yang using Crystal energy
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.