Medical Intuitive and Medical Doctor

Dr. Katharina Johnson's Special Offer


How to Increase Your Energy Levels, Raise Your Vibration and Stop Exhaustion - in just 6 Weeks

  • Does your life feel like a constant struggle because you are drained and have no energy?
  • Are you sensitive and often overwhelmed by other people’s energies – leaving you exhausted and tired?
  • Have you lost your inner joy because your lack of energy prevents you from doing the things you love?

I know what it´s like

Woman_Child_SunlightLike you, I struggled with fatigue, lack of energy and a constant feeling like I was carrying a 100 pound weight on my shoulders. After 9 hours of sleep, I would wake up exhausted – worried how I could possibly make it through the day. I was missing out on doing the things I loved because I was just too tired. Slowly but surely, my life lost meaning and I could feel a sense of depression creeping in – until I realized I had to learn to manage my own energy – literally.

You are made up of Energy

Woman at beach throwing her arms back behind her.Years later, after a powerful spiritual awakening, I realized that everything in life is vibration and energy. This awakening allowed me to intuitively perceive the human energy field and link its patterns to health and disease. It became apparent to me that your body, your thoughts, your emotions and your soul all carry a specific energetic frequency.

This is not just some new age concept, but research confirms this fact.

Healthy cells emit a harmonious energetic frequency of high vibration. Unhealthy cells emit a chaotic frequency of a low vibrational state. This is exactly what happens when you suffer from a chronic lack of energy.

If you are frustrated because you have already tried many things without seeing results, you are missing the most important element. In order to effectively increase your energy you have to work with it directly.

Stopping chronic lack of energy is a simple as raising your energetic frequency and harmonizing your energy field. When you do this, healing naturally occurs.

Join me in the Amazing Energy Cure and I can show you how to go from tired and exhausted to joyful and vibrant!

The Amazing Energy Cure is the only online training program that will teach you, step-by-step how to increase your energy levels naturally. A simple and amazingly effective way to stop chronic lack of energy in just 6 weeks.

Effective Solutions to:

  • Get back your energy in just 6 weeks.
  • Strengthen your energy field to protect yourself from energy vampires.
  • Energetically transform problems quickly to never be weighed down by them.
  • Free yourself from the past to start healing today.
  • Say good-bye to stress and worry.
  • Get a refreshing and energizing night sleep.

Package A

12 Powerful Audio Recordings
delivered right to your inbox

Welcome Audio

Value: $50

cd 6Your mentor and guide, Dr. Katharina Johnson will give you an overview of the program and will give you helpful tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your program.

Module 1: You are a Being of Energy & Light

Value: $50

cd 1Discover the science behind energy medicine and how you can use this knowledge for self-healing. You will never look at your body the same way

Healing Meditation for Module 1: Total Body Energizer

Value: $100

cd-image-1Learn the scientifically proven method to bring more energy into your body. Use this technique whenever you are in need of an instant energy boost.

Module 2: Stop Energy Vampires for Good!

Value: $50

cd-2Energy vampires are people who whenever you interact with them leave you feeling exhausted and tired. Discover why it is crucial to strengthen your energetic boundaries and learn how to protect yourself.

Healing Meditation: Powerful Energy Protector

Value: $100

cd-image-2Protect your energy effectively against people and situations that drain your life force. Strengthen your energy field to be able to go into any situation with confidence..

Module 3: Say Goodbye to Stress and Worry

Value: $50

cd-3Negative thoughts like fear and worry lead to exhaustion by activating your body´s stress response. Discover the number one thing you need to do in order to heal and how to break the negative cycle to increase your energy levels.

Healing Meditation for Module 3: Instant Problem Transformer

Value: $100

cd-image-3Energetically transform any problem quickly to feel instant relief. Raise your vibration and energy no matter your circumstances.

Module 4: The Healing Power of Your Heart

Value: $50

cd-4Discover the latest scientific research on the biggest energy center in your body which influences all other ones. When you know how to harmonize this power center you can instantly increase your energy, release stress and bring healing to your entire body.

Healing Meditation for Module 4: Love Heals

Value: $100

cd-image-4Discover how to bring your heart into a state of harmony and coherence in a matter of minutes. This is a scientifically proven method to increase your energy levels, improve immune function and to get into an effortless state of flow.

Module 5: Release the Past, Heal the Present

Value: $50

cd-5Negative emotional experiences from the past keep your energy stuck and make healing hard. Discover an easy and effective solution to finally free yourself from the past to start healing today.

Healing Meditation for Module 5: Free Yourself, Unleash Your Energy

Value: $100

cd-image-5Release negative energies tied to the past for good to instantly bring more energy into your body. This powerful technique will give you instant relief.

Bonus Healing Audio: Deep Sleep

Value: $100

cd-image-6This powerful audio will teach you the scientifically validated technique to quickly relax your entire body. Use it whenever you feel stressed or before going to bed. This audio is brought to you by a trained yogic teacher whose soothing voice will help you fall asleep quickly.

No previous experience necessary

headphones-earth-300x296All healing meditation audios contain “Binaural Beats” technology as background music, which is an amazing technology that positvely affects your brainwaves – allowing you to get into a deep and relaxing state quickly and effortlessly. This is the state where healing naturally occurs and it works even if you have no previous meditation experience.

6 Fantastic Bonuses for You to Maximize Your Results

Bonus 1:

The 16 Overlooked Factors in Low Energy Levels

Value: $50

Format: Ebook

16-factorsThis eye opening document will give you a new understanding on the 16 physical and often overlooked factors that can contribute to chronic lack of energy. Learn what they are and, most importantly, what you can do about them. (26 Pages)

Bonus 2:

Sleep Yourself Healthy Guide

Value: $50

Format: Ebook

sleepWith this easy to implement guide you will be able to significantly improve the quality of your sleep. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and wake up refreshed and energized! (9 Pages)

Bonus 3:

EMF Pollution & Solutions:

Value: $50

Format: Ebook

emf-844x1024Discover easy and effective solutions to reduce one of the most often overlooked environmental causes for chronic fatigue: Electromagnetic Fields. Learn from Jeromy Johnson, an engineer and leading EMF expert, who put together this information packed guide for you that will give you easy to implement solutions to help you heal. (21 Pages)

Bonus 4:

Recommendation Checklist

Value: $30

checklist-844x1024The Amazing Energy Cure is packed with easy to implement strategies and solutions to help you heal. With the recommendation checklist you can easily keep track of the solutions that you have already implemented and help you see the areas in your life where there is still room for improvement. (6 Pages)

Bonus 5:

Progress Tracker

Value: $30

progress-844x1024Research shows that when you track your progress you are more likely to succeed – and that is what I want for you! Use the Progress Tracker to track your energy levels, quality of sleep and your stress levels. Additionally, you will gain a clear understanding on how certain life style changes lead to an increase in your vibration and daily energy levels. (10 Pages)

Bonus 6:

Six Month Access to Your Private Facebook Community!

Value: $200

GroupPeopleCircleWhen you register for “The Amazing Energy Cure” you get access for six month to a private Facebook community group. This is a great opportunity to connect with like-minded people. Best, you can ask Dr. Katharina any question as she will be regularly present.

How it works:

woman-and-sunshine-2-1024x683Every educational audio recording and healing meditation is designed to raise your vibration and increase your energy levels naturally. Step-by-step you will be able to energetically heal and transform your mental, emotional and physical state of health. You will not only become stronger and happier in this process, but also develop spiritually.

Download the recordings onto your device and take them wherever you go and whenever you have a few minutes. Because we know that you have a busy life, all audio recordings are around 20 minutes in length so that you can easily fit them into your schedule. It´s like taking a mini-vacation from your stressful life while learning easy-to-implement and effective solutions designed to boost your energy levels.ritually.

Package A

Total Package Value $1310

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 92% Saving ***


Package B

Includes everything in Package A Plus

3 Live Group Healings

Value: $400

Connect with Dr. Katharina live and don't miss this opportunity to supercharge your results with The Amazing Energy Cure! Dr. Katharina has done energy healings for over 8 years and knows how to help you reach your goals, raise your vibration and increase your energy levels.

You will get powerful energy clearings, energy activations, cleansing and strengthening of your aura and clearing of your energetic blocks. Once your energy system is cleansed and strong, your body's powerful self-healing abilities are activated. Past participants said the live group healings were their favorite part of the entire program. They reported feeling lighter, clearer, more vibrant and energized after each healing session.

Package B

Total Package Value $1710

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
*** 88% Saving ***


Package C

Includes everything in Package A & B Plus

Medical Intuitive Session with Dr. Katharina

Value: $250

Katharina will scan your energy field to detect the root cause of your emotional or physical health challenge and give you practical suggestions that you can implement right away. You will get customized recommendations to activate your body´s self-healing capacities, including nutrition, detoxification, environmental toxins and addressing of emotional blocks. A recording of the session will be made available to you. All sessions are 50 minutes in length and Katharina will get in touch with you to schedule your session.

Package C

Total Package Value $1960

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $347
*** 82% Saving ***



"I was surprised how effective Katharina’s new program “The Amazing Energy Cure” is. Before I started the program I felt constantly tired and it was hard for me to enjoy my life. I was doubtful if I could change anything about my situation and I am so glad I decided to try the program. The healing meditations immediately put me at ease and afterward I can almost feel a buzzing in my entire body. My energy levels have improved so much. I also feel much happier. It’s truly amazing"

~ Lisa M.

"I worked with Katharina because I was emotionally and psychologically stuck all my life. I could never really go to the source of my problem, but Katharina found and cleared this pattern that was torturing me very fast and showed me how to transmute the negative patterns and live a happy and healthy life. This is a priceless gift for me. I couldn't be more grateful."

~ Eleni Roumeliotou, Canary Island, Spain

"Katharina carries the rare of gift of true intuitive insight, her work being close to the miraculous. Over the years I have send her patients, family and friends with difficult health situations, relationship issues and occupational obstacles. Katharina clears the blockages, the outcomes over time being physical healing or graceful transformation of life events. I highly recommend her!"

~ Dr. Brigitte Essl, D.C.

"I can assure you Katharina´s teachings will change the way you see your life and health, and will help you heal on many different levels. Katharina puts the power back to where it belongs, to YOU! Thank you Katharina for sharing your wisdom with us. I wished everybody had the possibility to go through this live changing experience"

~ Sonja R.

"I participated in one of Katharina Johnson´s seminars about a year ago and with Katharina´s help I was able to solve a personal issue that had bothered me for years. Katharina is a woman with great knowledge, empathy and intuition. She really helped me a lot and I am still using the techniques that I learned successfully in my daily routine."

~ Michaela Wartbichler

About Dr. Katharina Johnson:

Dr. Katharina JohnsonI am Dr. Katharina Johnson, Medical Doctor from Austria and Medical Intuitive. I have done thousands of energy readings and know how to work with the energy system of the body directly to help you heal quickly and effectively. I have learned what works when it comes to increasing your energy levels naturally and to heal from chronic fatigue. Join me today and I can show you how.
Much love,

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a no questions asked, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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