WAIT! We Have a Special Offer for You!

First time offered to the From Heartache to Joy community. Only 10 spots available.


  • Reconnect yourself to Source, Higher Self and your Soul’s Mission
  • Learn how to direct your own healing through the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method
  • Learn how to connect to Source and perform Divine Muscle Testing
  • Learn how to assess the Light Scores of you, family members and your home
  • Learn who you REALLY are in this lifetime (Indigo, Earth Angel, Starseed, Hybrid, Empath etc.)
  • Discover your Healing Type (1, 2, 3 or 4)
  • Learn how to use the TOLPAKAN™ Healing method to quickly remove curses, vows, oaths, ancestral patterns etc. that sabotage your health and well-being
  • Learn the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method for discovering your Soul’s Mission
  • Discover who your Higher Self personality is and whether it is aligned with Source
  • Learn how to Decommission your Empath if necessary
  • Learn how to make yourself and your loved ones “invisible and undetectable” to entities
  • Learn how to do a physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual wellness assessment
  • Learn how to assess and align your Life Vision with Source
  • Learn how to rewire the subconscious mind for abundance and joy and release sabotage
  • Learn how to enable the Universal shield, entity detectors, and Clearing Vortices of Light to clear yourself, your home and your loved ones

What you’ll get:

  • TOLPAKAN ™ Level 1 training – 5 MP4 videos, 5 MP3 audios, 5 sets of PDF handouts, 3 TKH Healing Guides on PDF
  • Six foundational TOLPAKAN ™ VIP Training Modules – 6 MP4 videos, 6 MP3 audio, 6 PDF assessment forms
  • Six 50-minute private 1:1 structured VIP healing/mentoring sessions based on the 6 training modules
  • Six monthly LIVE VIP Group calls that include mentoring, group healing practice, and Q&A with downloadable MP3 replays
  • Private VIP Facebook Support Group
  • 4 Bonus MP3 Healing Elixirs: Addictions-be-Gone, Mood Miracle, Pain Erasure, Divine Muscle Testing
  • 2 Bonus FREE VIP tickets to Dr. Karen’s next LIVE in-person event (you’ll be at Dr. Karen’s VIP Concierge table during meals)
  • 30% off additional 1:1 single sessions

Value: $24,444

I can now manifest new clients and receive more abundance in all areas of my life

"I would like to thank Dr. Karen Kan for all of her help and all that I have learned from her and her classes. This has all helped me so much to activate and uncover more of my spiritual gifts and manifest more quickly everything that was needed to create my The STAR Program - my own life transformational program.

I am very grateful for all that I have learned and the abilities to prepare myself for these life changing events from Dr. Karen. This is an amazing thing for me because what I am able to do now is in alignment with my soul's mission and my life's purpose. I can now manifest new clients and receive more abundance in all areas of my life. I am able to maintain a high light score and every day gets better and better.

Just know that by trusting your intuition and by doing the work to make positive changes in your life and have faith in God/Source and the divine, these programs will provide the best results. Dr. Karen is a great mentor and has a wealth of knowledge to share and we are all in this to change lives for ourselves and others. Anything is possible! "

~ Christy Warnick - Spiritual, Intuitive and Energy Healer

“I’ve doubled my income!”

"I’m so glad I signed up for Dr. Karen’s VIP group! I’ve learned so much that I can now figure out most issues on my own and clear/heal them as well. On top of that working more one-on-one with Dr. Karen has resulted in:

  • My brain works a lot better than it did - I can remember a lot of details again!
  • and because of that I've doubled my income this year, making over 6 figures

  • My energy and stamina are back to where they were 20 years ago.
  • I no longer get sick all the time!

I am very sensitive to all that’s going on in the universe and Dr. Karen never gives up on me, is always very supportive and caring, and that means the world to me too. I HIGHLY recommend that you invest in the VIP program with Dr. Karen. It is worth every penny and then some!"

~ Marion

“My spiritual gifts have opened up!”

"Dr. Karen's guidance has been priceless! My gifts have opened up more that I could have imagined from where I started and I am eternally grateful AND you get lots of bonuses! Not only do you get Karen's direct amazing readings, but the residual "side benefits" of being in her VIP support group has been more than wonderful. If you even ponder if Karen's work is for you - then I am sure it is! Life can be lived on an amazing understanding!"

~ Cathy Hohmeyer, Founder of Nutritional Energetics

I don’t have to suffer anymore, it’s so liberating!

"I’ve gained so much from the VIP Group! The biggest change I've noticed is with back pain. I've had it on and off for over 20 years, and when it's on, there was seemingly nothing that could be done to relieve it. After being in the VIP group, I've learned that it is manageable, and that it's usually being caused from something I would have NEVER known about before I took Dr. Karen's classes and used her MP3s.

I don't have to suffer anymore; it's so liberating! And even though the pain still comes (less frequently these days) I don't feel helpless or scared of it because I now have tools & knowledge that I can apply. Dr. Karen has been incredibly generous with her time, knowledge, and determination to keep learning more for the betterment of all of us; I feel so blessed that the Universe has guided me to her and her teachings. Thank you!"

~ Stephanie

“Finally learned how to deal with prevalent issues for us “sensitives”

"It has been a VERY positive experience to be a part of Dr. Karen's VIP group! We have learned how to really hone in with specific questions beyond what we learned in any of the other packages, and how to address issues that are prevalent with us "sensitives". Our monthly calls have been incredible learning experiences as well. We learn from each other and along with Dr. Karen's guidance we use it to help heal others! And I loved the special VIP healing guides she gifted us with! Dr. Karen is always leading us to think in new and expanding ways. That, to me, has been the biggest gift! I'm truly grateful to have been a part of this VIP group!"

~ Jill S.

“The VIP Program was a life changer for me. I HIGHLY recommend it. You won’t regret it!”

"Dr Karen Kan is one of a kind. She’s an incredible healer, teacher and person. She has a way of zeroing in on issues and can explain complex concepts in a simplified manner.

I had no idea when I began her VIP class that I would be introduced to so many fascinating and new concepts, including light scores and how to use them; healing and clearing entities; her one of a kind TOLPAKAN™ healing method; and much, much more. 

Dr Karen is thorough and makes sure that when she shares a concept with her class, that everything is thoroughly explained, all questions are answered, and no one is left behind. Not only that, but she has a private VIP support group that is phenomenal. Everyone is so helpful. You feel like everyone is your best friend. You can ask those “stupid” questions without embarrassment and get the loving and helpful answers you need. 

Her VIP program was a life changer for me. She made me realize that the healing path is not that hard, it just requires a little more open mindedness and creativity.

I highly recommend Dr Karen and her VIP classes for anyone on a path of healing and spirituality. They won't regret it."

~ Jean Ferguson-Harrington

Option 1: $8889

  • Non-refundable Downpayment $2222 on credit card
  • You will receive a Contract via Adobe Sign within 2 working days
  • Pay remaining $6667 in full via wire transfer (save $2222 over payment plan) – You have 7 days to wire money in order to receive: BONUS: How to Clear Your Home of Entities Training MP3 ($8111 value)

Sold Out

Option 2: Two payment plan (total $11,111)

  • You will receive a contract ​by email ​to ​electronically ​sign within 2 working days
  • Once signed, you will be sent a link to pay for the first installment of $4444.50, then
  • ​3 months later your credit card will be automatically charged for the balance ​ of ​$4444.50

Sold Out

REFUND Policy:
The downpayment is non-refundable. Once the contract is signed, there are no refunds for any reason. For those in the two-payment plan, if the second payment is incomplete, they will cease to have access to the VIP student area and any further modules, sessions, group Q&A or Facebook support group.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

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