The GPS navigation roadmap and success formula of key essentials to quickly birth your Abundant, “Money Magnet” self

  • Have you been working hard on your personal development, spiritual growth, and doing your inner work, yet nothing seems to help increase your abundance or change your money situation?

  • Are you sick and tired of struggling financially?

  • Are you wondering why your abundance flow is blocked?

  • Do you sometimes find yourself asking “Is there any help for me?”

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then this letter is for YOU!!! Because...

Deep inside, you know there is so much more to your life and what you can offer to the world, but you haven’t been able to manifest it at all or at the rate you would like.

My clients have manifested these incredible Money Miracles!

  • Salary doubled from $50,000 after worked with Jenny!
  • $12,000 today...biggest gain ever made in one day!
  • A new Mercedes!!! Life improved 200% on all levels!
  • Over $12,000 savings, lost 45lbs, 2 PRICELESS miracles!
  • Over $100,000 profit!
  • 35-40% Increase in Income!
  • 100% Increase in number of clients in 10 days
  • $500 a month school Scholarship
  • Wow! Over of $14,000 unexpected money and winnings.
  • I’m now a “Money Magnet”. Won $500 prize. Have many ideal clients

Ask yourself this...

What is your current financial situation?

  • Living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to make ends meet
  • Stressed out and overwhelmed with your financial situation
  • Swamped by debts, no retirement money and/or savings no matter how much more you make
  • Feeling unsupported by partner financially and sexually
  • Slow financial growth and failed financial ventures
  • Difficulty in charging or getting paid for your products and/or services for their true value
  • Blocks to receiving and creating abundance
  • Repeating vicious patterns of struggles and poverty throughout generations
  • Thoughts of being cursed and/or abandoned by God Source/Creator

What is your emotional state or well-being?

  • Having fears, worries, doubts, and anxiety, especially about money
  • Low or lack of self-worth, self-love, self-esteem, and level of faith in the Divine/God Source
  • Cycles of sadness, depression, frustration, anger, and not feeling deserving
  • Feeling chronic pain especially in neck, shoulders and back
  • Experiencing sleeping difficulties or insomnia
  • Having guilt, embarrassment, shame, shock and traumas related to your childhood, sexuality, and your financial situations
  • Over-spending, over-giving and under-receiving
  • Apprehensive to taking actions, and stepping into your purpose and financial success
  • Yearning to connect to your inner knowing or to further strengthen this connection for Guidance

I have been there myself many times over. Even though I had a Masters Degree in Nursing, earning a middle class income, I was still living paycheck-to-paycheck. After many failed business ventures in an attempt to bring in supplemental income to pay off debt, I ended up quickly racking up much more debt, and then had to file for bankruptcy.

My financial situation ultimately turned around when I broke through my gunk limitations and became a “Money Magnet”. Now I have doubled my highest salary ever, making over 6 figure income and doing the very thing that I love each day! I am so excited for my future. What else is possible!

NOW, imagine this to be your current reality!

Your desired financial and abundance reality!

  • Debt free or less in debt, more savings & income growth
  • Healing your relationship with money including poverty and lack and scarcity consciousness
  • Healing and forgiving yourself and others of any embarrassment, guilt, shame, and traumatic experiences like debts and bankruptcy
  • Breakdown your inner and outer glass ceilings to how much money you can safely and ethically have/earn
  • Resetting your income or financial set-point
  • Knowing that the only person that is standing in the way of your success is yourself after removing the obvious interferences and you can have abundance
  • Creating lasting financial wealth and freedom
  • Birthing your abundant, "Money Magnet" self
  • Be at the vibrational match of “Money Magnet” and experience what's possible for you and your family

Your desired emotional state or well-being!

  • Enjoying and living your life to the fullest, not just "existing"
  • Increased levels of self-worth, self-love, self-esteem, support, and faith in the Divine/God Source
  • Better health, better sleep, pain free or less days in pain
  • Better relationships and more harmonious family dynamics
  • Peace of mind, reduction of or free of stress and overwhelm
  • More energy, more focus, and more on purpose
  • Healing your past hurts, traumas, and losing your triggers buttons
  • Letting go of your money stories, limiting core beliefs and thought patterns drawing you to your continual struggles
  • More connected to your inner knowing and Guidance. Experiencing more empowerment and alignment
  • Having more insights, ideas, inspirations, talents, and skills not possible before to enhance your personal and/or business abundance

Incredible “Money Magnet” miracles by real people like you

Salary doubled from $50,000 after worked with Jenny

"I met Jenny through my sister. One important factor about her I feel is important to share is that she helps me upgrade my point of reference regarding money earned. My whole life, $50,000 per year was my top salary. I worked with Jenny and NOW my salary doubled unexpectedly. I am so very grateful to her."

~ Nora, New York, USA

Money is pouring in

"Since purchase Jenny's Abundance program, I got $10,000 unexpected backed payment from the government. Financially is so good now. I play bingo x 30 yrs, recently I won $750, $850, and then $1,400. I'm telling you I can't lose. It's been amazing. The money is pouring in every time I turn around I'm getting money. I got another $1,000 sitting right here and I even haven't take to the bank yet. I have not had any financial issues since. Where I was, compared where I am now, it's like two different places. I am giving thanks! You are such an angel. I am so grateful for you Jenny!"

~ Del, USA

We made $12,000 today...biggest gain we ever made in one day

"I have something awesome to tell you! My husband checked our portfolio as he usually do at the end of the market day and he told me we made $12,000 today. This is one of the biggest gain we ever made in one day. My list of issues are already being worked on prior to our 1 on 1 session. Thank you! Gratefully."

~ Nora, Canada

A new Mercedes!!! Life improved 200% on all levels

"Regarding Jenny's quantum healing work, relating to heartwalls, entities, and negative energies. My life has improved 200% on all levels: mentally, spiritually and materially. Jenny's powerful healing energies has helped me to get unstuck and move forward in leaps and bounds, through quantum shifts in my life. The healings have created true and real joy, love, gratitude, and abundance. Jenny's loving healing work and infused MP3s are some of the most powerful and effective tools and modalities I have ever experienced and I have worked with many healers during the course of my life. If you want powerful and permanent work, Jenny is your Go-To healer. I highly recommend her!

I am happy to report a new Mercedes, new business opportunities, and people appearing daily to support my goals and vision bringing financial abundance and love. Even with the new car, new shoes also came too for swiftly moving forward. And on an additional note, on ease and grace, most of the financing abundance for the car was gifted and as an added miracle, I only spend 10 or 15 minutes at the California DMV's office registering the car. WOW! I am truly grateful to be in my quantum solvent of my true potential within me. With Jenny, I was able to move past personal issues to personal success unconditional love and prosperity. Yeah Jenny! Thank you so very much again!"

~ Dr Antonio N., PhD in Music & Author, California, USA

Over $12,000 savings, lost 45lbs, 2 PRICELESS miracles, enjoying & living life

"Amazing experiences with Jenny's work. I was bitter, unhappy, unable to relax, unable to feel love, to feel support, didn't have any energy, always tired and exhausted. After using Jenny's way looking at life has completely changed for the better. I see now any situations as a learning opportunities. Now, I see Divine order everywhere. I have peace and my life flows easily. My family dynamics has improved! From her, I've learn... of heartwalls, trapped emotions, and not only to get rid but to avoid negative entities attachments.

The love connection to my Higher Self that used to make me feel abandoned and lonely, is now restored. I feel supported at all times. I experience every day many aha moments. My life is now enjoyable. My self-esteem and self love has grown to the point that I have lost 45lbs. I have a lot of energy and I look great. 

Also experienced many since Miracles... My dog became ill in the middle of the night, and was healed in minutes by Jenny's MP3. Another, my refrigerator it was declared dead by the technician but began working perfectly after requesting help from the God team and playing the Dimensional healing MP3. Since both the doggie and refrigerator working in perfect condition. situation, before working with jenny it was very stressful. NO matter how much or how hard we have we worked, it was always a struggle to meet the ends. Now our money situation has improved. During the last 14 days remote healing session, my son received a scholarship that lowered our monthly experiences by $500 USD. We feel better, we have less stress and now we can enjoy the life of "empty nesters". Two weeks ago, I was selected to Jenny's Abundance beta tester program. After the 1st group call, within 24 hrs, I received a call for a job, making $400 additional a month... We have added almost $12,000 a year. In just 2 weeks, I've meet all the minimum requirements to become a "Money Magnet". I feel abundant...the journey has amazing. I really wish a lot of you take the opportunity to improve your life in every aspect just like I did. Thank you!"

~ Dr Martha Umana, PhD in Education, USA

Over $100,000 profit! WOW!

elena"While participating in Jenny’s Abundance beta-tester program. One day I went to check out a construction project with my husband. As we entered this country setting I said to myself "This place is magical and I would love to be a part of this." There is a beautiful spring fed creek that goes thru the property. We watched the Bald Eagle flying overhead. In my heart of hearts, I knew this was a place for me!

We were able to purchase a property that was appraised for $200,000 for $179,000. Because of abilities to remodel we can add $80,000 value to the property and it will be worth about $280,000.00

The best part of all, is that this will be a legacy of fun family times for many years to come for our family and that is priceless.” Thank you, Jenny and the Godteam!"

~ Elena, USA

35-40% Increase in Income

"Thank you very much, Angel Jenny. The Higher Self Emergence video has been amazing. Our summer camp enrollment increased by 40% and our enrollment for the school year increased by 35%. The revenue from scholarship funding has increased by 50%. Most importantly my relationships, both personal and business are more bonded and joyful. Our Team members work harmoniously allowing me more time to get out and work "on" the business instead of "in" the business. The peace of mind I have received is above and beyond words. Thanks again, Jenny, for sharing this powerful tool"

~ Geri Brisbane, Teacher & Founding Director of Brisbane Academy Preparatory School

I’m now a “Money Magnet”. Won $500 prize. Many ideal clients

"I am a lucky beta tester of Jenny's wonderful Abundance program. For me the program works in a very unexpected ways! I've been struggling with my inner glass money ceiling for 8 years now. I bought other Abundance packages, worked on my money story a lot, but nothing seemed to work. Thanks to Jenny's process now I understand why! 🙂 I realised and understood, that success and money mean nothing to me, if I cannot share it with the ones I love. Connection is my priority. As a result, there was a turning point in one of my most important relationships, AND magicly as this happened, many clients started coming both old and new, these clients are now my “ideal clients” than compared before, and I am even better in what I do. The more loved I feel, the more connected we are, the better I can perform. So I highly recommend this program, as it really clears the way for being and feeling Abundant in every way! I just won a $500 amazing prize. I feel I’m now a “Money Magnet”. Thank you Jenny, thank you God team! This program is a true game and life changer!"

~ Ildikó Polyák, Transformational coach and mentor

These transformations can be YOURS!

So, I am here to tell you that there is definitely hope and help! In the past, I’ve had my fair share of financial struggles. I have always wanted to lead by example, “be the do it first healer” and that’s why I was guided to create this amazing package to give you the roadmap of key essentials to birthing your abundance, magnificence, “Money Magnet” YOU!
It can be done with the proper support, guidance, and direct roadmap.

So many of my clients ALREADY have Money Miracles!

If I can do it, they can do it, then so can you!!!


Free Trial






Discount : 94%

Total Package Value $2,600

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer


7MP3s + Healing Video MP4

2 Bonuses - (2) Recorded Healing

Video MP4s

90 Days Abundance Bubbles Starting from your Date of Purchase 



Discount: 96%

Total Package Value $5,599

From Heartache to Joy Special offer


7MP3s + Healing Video MP4

2 Bonuses - (2) Recorded Healing

Video MP4s

90 Days Abundance Bubbles Starting from your Date of Purchase 

14 Days Remote/Distance Healing

(4) 90+ Minutes Abundance Group

Healing Calls


Discount : 96 %

Total Package Value $6,099

From Heartache to Joy Special



7MP3s + Healing Video MP4

2 Bonuses - (2) Recorded Healing

Video MP4s

90 Days Abundance Bubbles Starting from your Date of Purchase 

14 Days Remote/Distance Healing

(4) 90+ Minutes Abundance Group 

Healing Calls

30 min 1 on 1 session with Jenny

WordPress Pricing Table Plugin

Cancellation Policy: In addition to the FHTJ refund
policy, there is a 48 hour cancellation/rescheduling policy for private 1-1 sessions.

WHY is this abundance and money package so different and powerful than ever before available?

So thorough and comprehensive, and addresses ALL areas of ABUNDANCE healing, from clearing and healing of :

  • Interferences, such as negative entities, implants, blackmagic, ancestral curses, energetic cords, heartwalls and frozen emotions with 100% success at quantum speed for your Highest Good that may be preventing you from success, healing, and connection to Guidance/God Source
  • Ancestral and karmic healing
  • Shock and deep rooted traumas
  • Inner child
  • Inner feminine and masculine energies
  • Sexual energies and sexual transmutation for creativity & expression.
  • Higher Self Emergence, connecting and strengthening your gifts and abilities
  • Spiritual support team, connecting and strengthening with your God team and Money Advisors
  • Raising your vibrations and aligning you to your Abundance blueprint while healing what’s in the way like low levels of self-worth, self-love, self-esteem, etc.
  • Powerful healing tools like MP3s, MP4s, 90 days Abundance Bubble and more for support to birth your magnificent, “Money Magnet” self

Expert Reviews

“Jenny helped me become a Money Magnet!”

karen-kan“Hi Karen Kan here... Jenny is an amazing healer and amazing person. I'm going to tell you right away that one of the criteria that I choose, whether to work with them or not with someone professionally is what their ascension score- is what their light score is. So the light scores of the amount of light vs. dark that they still have within them whether past, present, & future. The Ascension scores basically how expanded in the Ascension they are and I don't often tell people this, but I got to tell you that Jenny has a light score pretty much 100, 99 to 100, both of us have been working very hard in that, we do a lot of entity work and so we clear a lot of the dark and get into the light so she has a super-super high Light score. As of today, of all the other healers that I know and have met, she has the highest ascension score, the highest Ascension score. Today, I tested Jenny's at 1.3+ million...For the average person on Earth is under 100 ok,... but just to show you just how much evolution that people like Jenny have gone through and she's been incredibly sweet and amazing angel in my life supporting my work and in fact before my launch with FHTJ...Work together... let's see if you have any issues that prevents you from helping as many people as possible from selling as many packages as possible. I don't actually work on my money stuff that much at least energetically, I'm always working on you know pain and mother earth and other people and you know the money stuff is just like the last thing on my list, so I never get to it.

I was not surprised at all that my numbers are pretty high she said, but you know certain things like "the allowing"- how much do I allow the universe to help me I knew that was going to be lower than the others and sure enough when she tested, it was she says got to be in the 90's in order for you to be a money magnet. Also expressing your creativity now I thought that we're gonna be super high but it wasn't as high as it needed to context with what is your potential. She taught me a very important lesson she says Karen, let's expand your God team to infinite, you can have an infinite God team, we can use all the help we can get. Now I have infinite number of higher-level help healers spiritually, my big big big big God team just like she has a humongous God team. So I'm finding that the healings are occurring faster, the intuition is coming faster, and I basically have to do less work which is awesome. She let the God team do the work, that's very wise. I truly believe and I'm testing at least 40% of my success with how I got sales and FHTJ was really due to this work that I've been working with Jenny for a while and especially this money magnet work, it was totally awesome and so she found that I had resistance energetic resistance at selling just 50 packages, I want to help a lot more people than 50 people. She and the God team removed that and all the other resistances. I think the number is like over 400 now, of packages for the week of my launch which is a phenomenal awesome. I am so happy, the people I've connected with are so amazing and my VIP group and so this is such amazing stuff and so I think that you if you were like a money monk that I used to be, don't pay too much attention to money, and wonder why we don't have any, then you really need to check out Jenny's program because she is the real deal. She's got very high vibration, I think it will really benefit from it. So I take it for me a former money monk, who is learning to enjoy and appreciate my value, as well as the value of money and prosperity abundance, It's time for you!

~ Dr. Karen Kan, Holistic Physician & Spiritual Medicine Expert
#1 Bestselling author of Guide to Healing Chronic Pain - Holistic Approach

“Helped me naturally attract more clients and develop and sell more products”

Matt“I found Jenny Ngo’s energy work to be very powerful. I Love her open, honest, authentic nature. She works as very clear channel to bring her GOD Team into work with your GOD Team, without any egoic intellect getting in the way. With this technique she was able to facilitate very profound clearings from my energetic fields to help me release the resistance I was feeling towards taking my work to the next level. She also offers sound practice advice from her Heart, and has helped me naturally attract more clients and develop and sell more products so I can feel on purpose. Thank You Jenny, Big Love.”

~ Matt Andrews, Channel and Facilitator for ManTarA

“Shifts happening around as if a veil being removed to let the treasure out.”

Aparna“Jenny.., the real deal!!! As she started working on the issue I could sense shifts happening around as if a veil being removed to let the treasure out. I'm impressed with her in depth knowledge and explanation about her process. That's really amazing!!!!”

~ Aparna Vemuri, Inner Alchemy Facilitator

“Jenny has a remarkable gift of healing that allows her to clear and transform layers negative energy which blocks health and wholeness.”

“Jenny has a remarkable gift of healing that allows her to clear and transform layers negative energy which blocks health and wholeness. Jenny is very dedicated to working with each person or groups of people in a way that brings about balance on all levels--body, mind, and spirit and in all areas of one's life. The integrity of what Jenny does is amazing.”

~ Nancy Gordon, Ph.D., Psychoneuroimmunologist, Corporate Coach, National Wellness Consultant, & Author- "The Guiding Philosophy for the Future of Healthcare: It's Not What You Think...(Actually It Is What You Think"!)

Are you willing to let go of “gunk”- judgments, beliefs, and/or traumas that are holding you back, and reclaim the life that the Divine/God Source intended for you?

Isn't it time?

  • Time to shine your Light and live your life to the fullest...
  • Time to step into your Magnificence, your best version of yourself...
  • Time to birth your magnificent "Money Magnet" self…
  • Time to be all that you can be!

Imagine, yourself having more money now….

  • What would you be doing with your free time?
  • Where would you go?
  • Who would you allow yourself to become?

Here, I’m fishing for FUN.

Just started kayaking and loving it, in my new “sit on top” kayak.

Taking a family vacation, enjoying the beautiful sunset, the soothing ocean waves, and the sandy beach with my 2 kiddos, my husband, and family.

This is truly a comprehensive abundance and money package that will transform your life from the inside out!

Giving you a clear pathway to your success, the GPS navigation roadmap and success formula of key essentials to being a Money Magnet just like those who are successful, from $100,000 to billionaires, with high integrity

Your job is to do your inner work, and letting go of your limitations and come into alignment the “turbocharge way”!

While our God teams and I will provide you the support and nurturing environment you need to birth your “Money Magnet” self

When readiness meets alignment is when miracles occur

Many of my clients have experienced small and big miracles already

Are you ready?

NOW is the time!

Enjoy this beautiful sample video clip 2:22 minutes of the Higher Self Emergence. Experience more of your True Essence and IMAGINE what’s possible for you!

Here’s what’s included in the package

Package A

This package includes:

  • 7 MP3s + 1 Healing video-MP4
  • 2 Bonuses - (2) Recorded Healing Video MP4
  • 90 Days Abundance Bubble for you & your immediate family members


Abundance and Success: Transmuting Deep ­Rooted Core Beliefs, Limiting Thoughts Patterns, and Traumas That Affect Your Abundance and Success

Value: $500

Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless and usage instruction.

Length: 8 min

financial-abundanceThis MP3 helps you to work through the underlying reasons that prevent you from obtaining the financial abundance and success that you deserve. It also helps to transmute your limiting money paradigm, limiting deep-rooted core beliefs and thought patterns, and traumas that affect your abundance and success in all times, bodies, and dimensions including ancestral/generational healing. In addition, it helps you to release the trapped negative energy or “gunk” that builds up in your bodies and prevents you from having a higher perspective to your success and financial situations such as tendencies to living paycheck to paycheck, fears and worries, bankruptcy, and indebtedness.

After years of trying, now my second and root chakra are finally opening!

"I used to feel very blocked in my second chakra, actually for years I felt really blocked in my second chakra and tried to open it up, but everything I tried didn't work, and I gave up. I also had a vague idea that I want to help people with my writing and with my energy work, but I didn't really have the ideas or the motivation to carry it out.

A week after I started working with the Abundance and Success MP3, I had specific ideas to start writing kindle books to self-publish, and to write a free meditation guide to offer with my healing services.

Two weeks after I started working with the Abundance and Success MP3, I started feeling energy moving through my second chakra more consistently. My second chakra is finally opening! My root chakra too is opening, and I feel more supported! I did not expect these results, and I'm really glad they happened!"

~ Anna M., USA

Huge improvement in my ability to receive on all levels

"With your abundance MP3 I've noticed a huge improvement in my ability to receive, on all levels, acknowledgement, gifts, support in practical ways- big for me, money only as I've really needed."

~ Ann, Ireland, Energy healer


Focus & Performance MP3

Value: $150

Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless and usage instruction

Length: 10 min

living-life-to-the-fullestThis MP3 helps you to work through the underlying reasons for your inability to focus on performing the tasks at hand. It also helps you to release all the trapped energy or “gunk” that prevents you from focusing on your goals and performance.

Also, releasing the negative energies that are preventing you from being able to focus on your tasks and that are causing you to struggle and suffer from “performance” anxiety, fear, nervousness, and/or symptoms of ADD/ADHD.

In addition, help you to focus 10-20% of your energies to what matters and get 80-90% results. Further, help you with time management and energy management so you can focus on what’s important.

Having fun working on my business

"I found myself willing to work on my business, without forcing myself. It’s actually fun now! Just priceless"

~ I.P.

Help me stay focus and get so much done!

"I have symptoms of adult ADD, this MP3 really help me to stay focus on task and get so much more done! Thank you for this blessing."

~ S.N., USA


Inner child & adolescent healing for Abundance

Value: $150

Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless and usage instruction

Length: 8 min

Healing your "wounded" inner child and adolescent. Healing those aspects of your inner child & adolescent, that need to know and have the experience that you are safe, cared for, respected, appreciated, supported, loved, and forgiven. Further, aligning you to Divine/Creator's perspective, and assist in forgiving and letting go of those deep memories and imprints such as traumas and abuses, no longer serving so you can free yourself from these bondages in order to heal.

Golden light clearing all the programs from parents and past lives that was negative

"I had a beautiful experience listening to the Inner child healing MP3, I was right back in the womb, very vivid and visual, and golden light was moving around clearing all the programs coming from my parents and anything from past lives that was a negative!"

~ Ann, energy worker and sound therapist

Memories of abandonment and childhood emotional abuse surface to be released- just through acknowledgement breezing on through, totally amazing

"Inner Child Healing for Abundance: This was such a blessing, for we know that all adult issues are triggers for past unhealed trauma. I have had lots of gunk as you refer to released and still being released, for the first time in my professional life I have had my own memories of abandonment and childhood emotional abuse surface to be released while doing a session for a client. I love the way that just through acknowledgement a release breezes on through, totally amazing."

~ M.T., energy healer


Healing and integrating your inner feminine and masculine energies MP3

Value: $150

Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless and usage instruction

Length: 8 min

inner-feminineA healthy balanced inner feminine and masculine energies are essentials to one’s transformational abundance, success and to showing up and living life to the fullest. Our feminine aspect of us receives insights, ideas, intuition, and guidance and the masculine gives structure and support to implement and bring them into fruition. Furthermore, this MP3 works to heal the wounded inner feminine and masculine, and strengthen the healthy yin-yang balance of the natural feminine and masculine qualities.

Balancing my masculine and feminine energies

"I can feel the effect of the masculine-feminine balance recording. I am much better at allowing/asking for help from others than I have been in the past. I was not that vulnerable in the past and was a very masculine oriented woman. It's helped me ask for healing and prayers for my ill animals."

~ Sue, California, USA, interspecies communicator

Feeling changes taking place, more confident and assertive

"Healing Your Inner Masculine - Feminine: I would not have thought using this one, thinking that I am fairly balanced in this area but I do feel subtle changes taking place, feeling more confident and assertive. Definitely a plus for this program."

~ MM, energy healer


Sexual healing & transmutation : Unleashing your abundance

Value: $150

Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless and usage instruction

Length: 8 min

discordant-energiesDid you know, that sexual energy is manifesting energy as well? Healing our sexual energy is a must for a healthy abundant life. Sexuality and intimacy at its highest expression and utilization, can lift your vibrations and consciousness, and can further connect you to your spiritual self. This MP3 will help:

  • Heal discordant energies around your sexuality: deep rooted limiting beliefs and thoughts patterns, hurt, guilt, shame, traumas, dysfunctions, energetic cords from partners, and other negative energies.
  • Realign, heal and restore the 2nd chakra, for being able to enjoy life more
  • Be more charismatic, by possessing a healthy and safe sexy vibration
  • Sexual energy transmutation, for more creativity and expression

FEEL that I deserve to be loved, after years of struggling from my past sexual trauma

"I can give you a testimonial for just after ONE DAY of listening. Right after my freshman year of college, I had an accident and while I was being "helped" to the side of the road, a young man fondled me while I was in shock. I suppressed this for a long time but started binge eating and rapidly gained weight in college, often going from vending machine to vending machine to buy three packages of those frosted or chocolate covered mini donuts. I have had intimacy issues since. After one day of listening a number of times to your MP3, I suddenly FEEL that I deserve to be loved. Before, it was just an intellectual understanding that this wasn't my fault and I wasn't "dirty" for what happened. THANK YOU."

~ Anonymous beta-tester, USA

Lots of healing magically taking place

"Sexual Healing & Transmutation: Unleashing Your Abundance: Lots of healing magically taking place here, Jenny, thank you so much for having this as a segment of this abundance program."

~ MM, energy healer


Higher Self Emergence

Value: $500

Format: Video MP4 & audio MP3 with Music and Soundless and usage instruction.

Length: 11 min

higher-selfStrengthening and increasing your connection to your Higher Self, Guidance/God Team, and your Spiritual Money Advisors. Further merging those aspects of your Soul/Higher Self that have already lived through and have mastered life, to bring forth the perfect healing activations/downloads, pearls of wisdom, knowledge, skills, talents, clarity, and guidance to assist you in living your life right now with more ease and Grace. Allowing you to remember who you really are; your luminous nature and the Divine spark in each of us. Video has high vibrational healing holograms and healing music, Novaphonic Q' Sound frequencies to further entrain and upgrade your energies to the highest vibrations possible.

I was taken straight to the divine, standing in a cosmic moment of all possibility

"Wow, you did some powerful upgrades! The music and visuals are beautiful. When I listened to the audio-only of higher self, wow Jenny! I was taken straight to the divine, standing in a cosmic moment of all possibility and bathed in love and consciousness, held in the heart flame of my true self, soothed, calmed, reassured and aligned, an exquisite homecoming! Very palpable and tangible energy, I felt the energies penetrate right into my bone marrow, restructuring me to hold this more as my normal (which is very much what I'm working on at the moment!). This was particularly strong in my arms, where I'm holding some issues around receiving love and money!

I can really feel this shifting, not just very physically in my arms but something is shifting and softening in my mind, my attitudes! I also heard your voice really clearly say, "now we're going to work on you really learning to love yourself!" So bless you Jenny, and thank you for these gifts!"

~ Ann Wood, Ireland, energy healer

Brought into the original wave of creation sound! All systems cleansed, cleared and aligned, all meridians, nadis, chakras, glands, organs,and bodies

"Oh Jenny, that was exquisite! Big throat clearing with upper thoracic release. All the no's , thousands of them, mostly my mother’s fears of my consciousness, moving away. Pancreas release allowing joy. The most profound peace, forgiveness, and self acceptance, bathed in love, sweet unconditional love! Big release of entities from high up in my Chanel, the ones that had blocked my raising awareness and a deep sense of being held and safe. I felt I was brought into the original wave of creation sound! And surrender. So much else, all systems cleansed, cleared and aligned, all meridians, nadis, chakras, glands, organs,and bodies. Well done!"

~ Ann, energy worker

I saw a luminous white figure that was my Higher Self

"I saw a luminous white figure that was my higher self and started to feel the back of my head vibrate and concentrated energy at the nape of my neck, entering at that point and my whole spinal cord started vibrating as well right down to the base of my spine. That has been the one consistent energetic effect I have had each time I play this video. With the black and red Mandela I saw an Indian chief and black tears on his cheeks. I saw silvery white specks of light. Noticeably effects were my greater sense of self, more grounded and more self worth and self esteem. I feel a core strength return to me that is restorative. A feeling of anger I had over something seemed to intensify and then float off like a wave form and I became aware of myself vibration-ally as separate from my emotion... A greater awareness of who I am and greater appreciation of myself was apparent to me."

~ R. Mahabir., Tobago

Very high ‘masters of the light’ working with me

"Jenny channels Christ Light, the highest of the high. Very strong and cleansing energies. In my case, the transmissions have cleared out a lot of things, especially from my head, especially at the base of the skull. I mean ‘gunky’ old thought-forms and results of previous trauma. But I also believe that very high ‘masters of the light’ have been ‘working on me’ through Jenny, so that also I can embody and become a clearer channel for galactic light. So I sense that a clearing out and aligning in this area has also happened more in a physical sense as well."

~ Eva L.

I am much connected to my Soul and purpose

"After only an unbelievably short period of 3 weeks of using the video and the MP3:
I am much connected to my soul and purpose. I realised I have to work more on my root chakra. I organised and did my first workshop, I was planning for months now. Then, I got an invitation to another workshop. I have much softer, and more intimate relationship with my partner, and he gives me a lot more compliments."

~ P.I., Business coach

Saw Blue and Yellow light. Energy moved through my body,opening and expanding each chakra!

"Beyond Amazing the music the graphics,the energy. First I felt it in my head pulsating expanding then it went to my heart, it was like my heart was opening then I felt/saw a Blue light with Yellow all around it, then I felt the Energy start at the base of my spine or my root Chakra and move slowly up my spine through each Chakra opening and expanding. WOW I would will and do recommend this to everyone. I can not Thank you enough Miss Jenny and the God team for this Blessing."

~ Judy, Kansas, USA

Please note, this is short version of this amazing review of what’s occurring while listening and/or watching the Higher Self Emergence! For the detailed review, scroll down to the end of sales page.

Higher self emergence MP3 purpose are both being done simultaneously. People will be receiving downloads of healing frequencies and codes for next 9-10 months

"I saw definite angelic energy coming in to shower with divine pure love their energy. I saw and was told Angels were cleansing the chakra systems and deluging them with divine love into their chakra systems. All of course connecting with higher self while doing so.

There was more integration of the higher self through these human grid pathways. They showed me that they look like neural pathways of the central nervous system, but their Light grid pathways of the person’s Christ Consciousness/Buddha light consciousness, etc.

As the electrical pulses move throughout the physical structure of the life form to integrate into the biological programming of the human genetic template to incorporate what they’re able to incorporate at this time. This soundtrack is for animals, plants, people, geography and all life forms. Can also infuse water with it.

Video review:
The colors used are communicating through the retina to the chakras of each corresponding color.The red mandala is providing codes for physical healings. The blue and gold mandala are cleansing and activating.

The geometry of the video is from the higher dimensions to encode the consciousness with mathematical wisdom for transformation.

Also, they (christed galactic Light beings through the colors and codes of light) are laying down codes also into the matrices of Gaia/Earth. They are being distilled and downloaded. The folks that watch this video will still be downloading the sequences and codes for I feel 9-10 months in earth time and if they’re already very ascended the process will be from 1-2 weeks to 2.5 months.

Heal structures, to travel and to connect with other dimensions of reality. These codes would help a person shift their consciousness to travel inter-dimensionally and to other worlds. Almost like an airplane.

There’s definitely an alignment happening. Towards the end it feels like definite unity consciousness alignment and pineal activation and tonification as well as dormant parts of the brain being activated.

So this higher self emergence MP3 purpose are both being done simultaneously. What I receive is that no matter where the person is, the energies you've configured work in accord with their personal energy signature. So, for example, someone is at a level 2 in 2016 they'll be upgraded to a level 3 or above whichever is resonant for them at the time. Then if they listen to this again in 2017 when they're at a level 4 then they'll upgrade to a level 5 or above depending on what's appropriate for them - which is really great!"

~ Sophia, California, Energy healer


Money Magnet MP3

Value: $800

Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless and usage instruction.

Length: 8 min

To bring you into alignment of your True nature, Money Magnet by the following 5 parts:

  • Releasing the “gunk”, negative beliefs, limitations, traumas, karmic entanglements, ancestral healing, etc
  • Re-calibrating, re-programming, re-aligning to your abundance blueprint
  • Opening up your receiving channels
  • Strengthening and magnetizing your abundance connection to Source
  • Embodying the energies of a natural Money Manifestor

Aligns me with my inner abundance and burst out with creativity

"I've been loving the Money Magnet. It aligns me with my inner abundance and honest gifts, pointing inwards to where the treasures are. I feel I want to burst out with creativity, and it's where money manifests from. So far I feel reaffirmed in my path of painting, feel like it’s something being born."

~ Marta, Ireland

Another miracle, I just won a $500.00 prize!

"WOW!!! Another miracle to report! I just won a $500.00 prize! I have been saving to buy it! I just got it!!!Thank you Jenny for this wonderful money magnet program!!! It's beyond expected, and I must say this is just the partial program. Can't wait to the whole program to be for sale!!!! Feeling happy, “Money Magnet”, and thankful!"

~ Martha, USA

Received a letter from the Government saying that they owe me just ~ $200. Wow!

"Inner Child Healing for Abundance: This was such a blessing, for we know that all adult issues are triggers for past unhealed trauma. I have had lots of gunk as you refer to released and still being released, for the first time in my professional life I have had my own memories of abandonment and childhood emotional abuse surface to be released while doing a session for a client. I love the way that just through acknowledgement a release breezes on through, totally amazing."

~ M.T., energy healer

Wow! Won $500 prize. I feel I am a “Money Magnet”

"Just got words that I won a $500 prize. Wow! This prize is just amazing, as it will further help me in my business. Just blown away. I feel like I am a “Money Magnet”"

~ P.I., energy healer

Feel I am rich!

"The money magnet MP3 made me feel very content in my lower chakras, content that I have enough, like I am rich. It felt delightful as well to listen to it."

~ Susan, USA

Received a letter from the Government saying that they owe me just ~ $200. Wow!

"I am smiling as I am writing this because I received a letter from the Government saying that they owe me just under $200. Wow...that's a plus! I am so looking forward to attracting more $ in the future. I have been playing this and the above MP3s 24/7, I know you say that the energy is 'very powerful', so be careful (take it easy) but I just can't get enough, it's like I am a sponge soaking in all this wonderful energy and it feels really good even when I have rough spots and I have had some tumultuous, crazy days, I still can't get enough. :))) It feels really good!"

~ M.T., energy healer

Recalibrating, reprogramming, realigning you to your true Abundance frequencies. Work with you to create and manifest whatever abundance you desire!

"Thank you for letting me be a beta Tester for the Money Magnet MP3. This is what I saw and received.

From beginning through 2 minutes:
1. White sparkles of light up through 40 seconds, then the energy transforms into rainbow sparkles of light. It is also calibrating the person's frequency to receive the transmissions.

2. Then I saw Gold lines of vertical energy about 3 feet wide and 7 feet long. The light is suspended in this form but also moves.

3. Sparkles and lines interplay with each other. They are aligning the different dimensions of "abundance." This process is more about connecting the different dimensions of abundance through frequency into the person's energy field and reprogramming the brain to dissolve blockages from receiving. Receiving is important.

2mins - 3mins:
1. The sparkles and lines then become waves of white light - kind of like ribbons of light. They are slim and then expand in girth and then flow in a very gentle, but more formidable manner. They are white.

3mins - 4mins 10 seconds
1. Then the ribbons meet with spirals of light and the void energy, where creation is formed into a denser form, meaning in preparation for creation energy to manifest in Earth. Fractals of light and energy begin to synergize - kind of like cellular division when life is being created.

4 minutes 20 seconds to 5minute 20 seconds:
1. As the cellular division happens then the energy fractalizes again. To recreate more energy. This is the infinite nature of abundance. Abundance is always changing form but it's ALWAYS HERE. It just changes form and seeks a connection point - kinda of like a magnet to another energy force that is seeking to manifest it. There's a whole communication going on with a form's creation system (energy system) and the potentials for creation systems (abundance particles if you will).

5 minutes 21 seconds to 8 minutes:
1. The energy stays in this form for awhile, while calibrating the listener's brainwave activity to emit subtle signals to its environment. This is why entrainment is SO important for this abundance track. I'm hearing listening to it at least 20 times for entrainment purposes with at least 8 hour intervals. More to really solidify this process. Again, the energies will shift in accord to where/what the person's frequency is and what the person wants to manifest. This can be used also for other forms of abundance, not just money. I'm also hearing whatever they love or seek to create. Can be money but also a creative venture: such as art piece, writing a book, composing music, etc. basically anything a person wishes to create with WITH creation energy.

What a beautiful gift you've given others. Thank you SO much."

~ Sophia, California, Energy Healer


Abundance Bubble

Format: PDF

Jenny's healing "Abundance Bubble", is an energetic supportive bubble for abundance. It's like holding you and those on your "Abundance Bubble List" in a safe, protective, and supportive environment similar to the analogy of "your garden", providing energetic support/nutrients for you to grow your "abundant" garden. You and those on your list — which can include your immediate family members in your household, spouse/partner, pets, businesses, banking accounts will also benefit from Jenny's signature healing of clearing/healing of negative entities attachments, heart walls, trapped emotions, and frozen emotions. NO detoxing or processing symptoms from being a part of or included in this Abundance Bubble. Safe for everyone/everything and it is for the Highest Good of all involved. Abundance Bubble ends 90 days from date of purchase.


Bonus 1:

Be in the Vibrations of what you will come faster

Value: $100

Format: Video MP4

Length: 25 min

vibrational-alignmentThe secret is Vibrational Alignment. The healing energies including sound healing are infused to work through your healing list. The Law of Attraction is turbo-charged and made simple in this video healing. So you can further be in the vibration of what you desire with much more ease and grace...then what you want will come to you faster.

Bonus 2:

Letting go of your you can heal

Value: $100

Format: Video MP4

Length: 22 min

Working through the energetics preventing you from letting go of your stories that are holding you in the place of struggles and suffering, to further propel you toward healing and success. The healing energies including Light Language are infused to work through your healing list. So you can let go of your stories and heal!

Bonus 3:

Recorded Q & A Abundance Group Call

Money “Miracle” Manifestor - MP3

Value $500

What kind of money “Miracles” can you manifest into your life? This MP3 will increase your ability to receive and experience money miracles.

Recommended usage instructions for BEST results and healing integration:

  • Listen to this MP3 1 to 10 times a day for 7 consecutive days. It is okay if you fall asleep while listening. In fact, that can be a great side benefit. For more individualized usage instructions, ask your own inner guidance or muscle test to see how long and how often to use as needed.
  • For the next 14 days (hence a total of 21 days), do your best to stay in the vibration of what you desire. The more you allow yourself to feel relaxed, calm, peaceful, grateful, etc., the bigger and better your miracles will be. Keep your ears and eyes open and on the look-out for money and abundance miracles coming into your life! People have reported bigger tips than usual, hefty discounts/savings, lunch/dinner paid for, won nice gifts/packages/sessions, pay raises/promotions, more clients, and better opportunities.
  • Your ability to bring in more abundance will be continually raised to the highest possible level for your highest and best good as you do your inner work.

Love to hear about all your Money and Abundance Miracles!

Please Note:

  • Results will vary: Everyone is at a different rate of healing, spiritual growth, and levels of abundance readiness. However, the closer you are to the vibration of a “Money Magnet,” the more tangible your results will be. Tips: work on your levels of feeling Abundance, Faith/Trust, Responsibility, & Forgiveness.
  • Copywrited music: Composer - Antonio Newton at
  • Warning​: All of my MP3s or videos are for your personal use and to share (may give actual copy) with your immediate family members living in the same household only. If the copy of the actual MP3s/videos are given to other individuals then these shared MP3s/videos will no longer contain the “healing energies” in them and will not work although they will still have the relaxed healing music. If these MP3s/videos are duplicated and sold to other people for profit, the healing energies will cease to work in all your MP3/video copies because my God Healing Team only works with people of integrity.

Package A

Total Package Value $2,600

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 94% Saving ***

Package B

This package includes:

  • All of Package A
  • 14 Days Remote/Distance Healing
  • (4) 90+ Minutes Abundance Group Healing Calls


14 Days Remote Dimensional Healing

Value: $999

14 days Remote Healing starts every second Monday of each Month for 14 Days

This 14 Days Remote Healing remote healing, will amplify the healing energies for your abundance and money issues for your Highest Good.

  • In addition Jenny, her God Healing Team, and your Higher Self will work on your top 3 stubborn issues whether it be physical, emotional, mental, Spiritual, and/or financial health. Transmuting negative energies regarding your issues so that you can get closer to your desired results quicker
  • Checking and clearing negative entities 24 hours for 14 days for you, your home/living space, those living in your home including pets, personal and/or business banking accounts, and/or your primary business.
  • Checking and clearing all heart walls blocking you from success, giving/receiving love, connecting to Guidance & causing dis-eases like depression, heart disease, etc
  • Checking and clearing Frozen Emotions or Frozen Emotional Fields
  • Transmitting healing energies to work through the “gunk” energies and to also provide energetic support 3 times/day for 14 days. The healing energies will be delivered to you when safest. No special diet or restrictions.

In this 30 minutes livestream, I've made 3 sales of my coaching programs!!!

"The first time I've listened to a livestream done by Jenny.... in this 30 minutes livestream, I've made 3 sales of my coaching programs!!! It's just incredible!! Even my husband, that is really skeptical, was blown away. In this last 14 days, I've noticed that I was only attracting positive comments on my ads and also a lot of positive and lovely feedback on my products... I'm so happy Thank you so much Jenny!!"

~ C.F., Canada

Son received $500 per month scholarship

"During the last 14 days remote healing session, my son received a scholarship that lowered our monthly experiences by $500 USD."

~ Martha, USA

Won $500 prize. Coaching business now is busy with so many more ideal clients

"WOOHOO! For the last month, I had one on one sessions with Jenny. We were mainly working on my money issues. First a lot of gunk came out. Last week magic started happening. I am so busy now with so many more clients. Not just any client, but my ideal clients that I just love to work with, this is huge! Also several old clients came back, and today one of them made a commitment to work with me on one of his issues for the next 3 month. He even paid for the next 5 sessions. Other old clients are bringing her husband with them to work on their money issues together. I also won a $500 package prize unexpectedly. I am soo happy! Thank you Jenny, thank you God Team!"

~ Poly, Hungary, Business Coach

Discover toning for the first time and spontaneously receiving messages

"During the last 14 Days remote healing, at the time of the Lion’s Gate, when this light and, or the support of the light beings were especially strong – to pull us through – I did my first and real toning. I also began speaking, or writing messages, from what felt like my over-soul (or the galactic light) to someone I love. These were messages of unconditional love – a concept I finally then understood."

~ Eva L.

Two real estate listings sold in one day!

"I realized that all sorts of things have been happening since doing the 14 days remote healing. I got my first real estate listing that sold in a day. Got another yesterday and most importantly meeting lots of people that are more expensive and more in vibration with me. That was really the core desire, not the money. I'm also able to move into the fear much easier. Thanks so much Jenny and Global Quantum Healing Community"

~ Ashley, USA

Got more clients!

"JENNY, I want to give a testimonial. So far I am seeing results in my financial realm. From day 1 of the free (won gift) of 14 Days remote healing. People are showing up saying they have been watching my videos for 2 years now and want to contribute. Others are becoming clients. Your work is a blessing! I am also using your MP3s to amp up the vibes! Thank you so much!"

~ M.J., USA

Not an issue anymore!!!

"I can tell you honestly my first 14 days remote healing prior to I was a mess energetically. Jenny's remote healing grounded me and helped my focus. I don't remember what my three issues were but that simply tells me they are fixed and not an issue anymore!!!"

~ Jeanne, Florida, USA

ITEM 10:

(4) 90+ Minutes Abundance Group Healing Calls

Value: $2000

  • There are so much loving support and guidance as Jenny takes you through your abundance healing journey with many rounds of clearing and healing transmissions to further anchor in the healing and chopping away your “gunk” limitations so you can be all you can be, your magnificent “Money Magnet” self.
  • The healing energies in these 4 Abundance group healing calls are powerful, as been amplified by the energies of the collective group. You will receive the perfect clearing and healing for your Highest Good. The healing energies are the same as live.
  • The healing energies are here for you and your current or future partner for his/her Highest Good.
  • "Energies will be embedded into the powerful MP3 called “Transformational Abundance”and amplified by the group collective energies from the pre-recorded group healing calls"

#1 Abundance Group Healing Call: Entanglement energies

  • Negative entity attachments, implants, black magic/voodoo, energetic cords, heartwalls, frozen emotions, and other lower vibrational energies that are not for your highest good and those that living in your immediate household
  • Karmic and ancestral healing to your abundance
  • Heal victimhood energies and grounding, reasons why you are susceptible
  • Work through responsibility and forgiveness healing of self and others. Both are a MUST and key essentials to be a Money Magnet - the goal is 100%.
  • Work through and heal your Fears that keep you in your bondage or prevent you from moving forward
  • Safety, working through the energetics of why you don’t feel safe
  • Be in the vibration of what you desire & FUN journal
  • Work through your healing list and/or forgiveness list.

#2 Abundance Group Healing Call: Alignment and empowerment

  • Lack and scarcity abundance consciousness
  • Self-worth, Self-love, Connection to your Guidance
  • Healing of fears and/or traumas around lack of money, homelessness, debts, bankruptcy,etc
  • Procrastination energies so you can focus on what’s really important
  • Find out what makes you happy and the real reason or “driving force” why desire money and/or do what you are doing in your business/career
  • Living life vs Existing
  • Inner child and sexual healing
  • Jealousy/Envy and unhealthy competition
  • Bring in your Spiritual “Money Advisors” to help you in your life
  • Work through your healing list and/or money stories list.

#3 Abundance Group Healing Call: Higher Self Emergence

  • Opening up the receive channels to allow in abundance & help and support
  • Strengthening and enhancing your Spiritual support, God team and Money Advisors as needed to help you in your personal and business abundance
  • Connecting you to aspects of your Higher Self to bring forth the wisdoms/knowledge/experiences to help you in your life
  • Integrating feminine and masculine energies
  • Express creativity and authenticity
  • True confidence and charisma; Fear of stepping out or being seen
  • Work through your healing list and/or aspects of yourself/life that you are still not okay or at peace with

#4 Abundance Group Healing Call: Transformational Abundance

  • Your ability to manifest and be your magnificent, Money Magnet self
  • Healing your blockages and fears of success, fears of failure, fears of change, and fears of insecurity
  • Value your talents and skills, to be compensated accordingly
  • Breakdown your inner and outer “glass” ceiling and reset your financial set point
  • Work through your healing list and/or raising the ceiling to how much abundance/money you can safely and ethically have!

Increase income of $400/month

"I listened to the group healing call replay, and fell asleep, had a wonderful dream in which you told me everything was fine. I wake up and went with my day. About 24 hours after the group call, I received a phone call that will increase my income for $320 a month. Might seem small, but for me is wonderful to know that the energy is working fast and that I am taking my first steps. Yaaaaay!!! Thank you! [Update - Today I showed up for this work, I was given a raise to $400 instead for no reason!]"

~ Martha, USA

Got a beautiful transmission! Downloading me with grace and worthiness and blessing

"Abundance group call: The healing energy and light language was exquisite! The second round of light language, I experienced the Light being channeling as female, she stood in front of me, held my hands and gave me a beautiful transmission, bypassing all my excuses and downloading me with grace and worthiness and blessing. Thank you so much for the gift of this Jenny!"

~ Ann, Energy worker

Crystal clear of next steps and got the “WHY” for coaching business

"The Abundance group healing call was awesome. My head is still tingling and I’m wide awake from the healing transmissions. I have been at my business ideas for a while, but now I feel very clear about how to go forward. Before, it felt like my many ideas were not quite congruent and wouldn’t be financially viable. I wasn't sure if it was ok to launch a coaching practice around creativity to support my own work on my elephant book. But now I feel I am ready to share that reason with others. Why not help other people build their lives around their creativity as I lead by example? This group call helped me accept the real reason, the “why,” as in my driving force. Becoming crystal clear inside about this makes it possible to move forward with surety. That for me is huge and profound."

~ Eva L.

My connection to my Higher Self...opened many doors of opportunities in my personal and business life

"After yesterday’s abundance call, It guided me to make a clear decision for my next step that I’ve been putting off for a long time. I’ve also gotten remarkable results from your work in a short period of few weeks. I've healed many past wounds/traumas, release limiting limitations, forgiveness of self and others, learning to have Faith and love myself as God would. I've gained so many "aha moments" like to my abundance and profound clarity of my inner self, God within me. My connection to my Higher Self and working with my own Guidance system, has opened many doors of opportunities in my personal and business life. From here I can do and be anything. I know I am abundant and one with everything. Thank you for your loving support and guidance, Jenny."

~ Crystal Love, California, USA

100% Increase in number of clients in 10 days

"While we only had a relatively short period of time ~2-3 weeks to test the new abundance audios, I got some pretty impressive results! I am both a Body Code energy practitioner and a dog trainer. This summer was exceptionally SLOW for dog training. While I had my regulars, I think I only had 3 new students the entire summer. Since listening to Jenny's audios, in the last 10 days I've gotten 3 new students, as many as the entire summer! No new advertising or effort on my part. Just a couple days ago, I had a Body Code client I hadn't heard from in well over 6 mos. return and purchase a 6 session package for his daughter! Again, no contact or advertising.

On the abundance group call, I feel lots of energy, especially when Jenny did the light language work. I find that to be especially powerful ! Really liked adjusting our financial setpoint, will definitely have to listen to that part a few times. I am looking forward to seeing what else shows up for me as I continue to listen.

I've gotten other packages from Jenny and loved them. Her energy is very powerful. I especially enjoy the music in this package, but it's great to have the option of silent ones too. I love that Jenny often 'updates' the energy of her audios as new information comes in, and when that happens ALL our audios get updated. Jenny is awesome, she always gives well beyond what she lists."

~ Linda D., USA, Energy Healing practitioner & Head Dog Trainer - 'Agility with Linda'

Most amazing

"I 've been to many group calls but these one were the most amazing. The power and accuracy disentangle me in all levels. I felt that was really the real help to help me ascend. Thank you Jenny."

~ Shanti

Package B

Total Package Value $5,599

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
*** 96% Saving ***

Package C

This package includes:

  • All of Package A and Package B
  • A Private 30 minute 1 on 1 session with Jenny

ITEM 11:

A Private 30 minute 1 on 1 session with Jenny

Value: Priceless, let’s say $500

A Private 30 minutes 1 on 1 session with Jenny via Phone or skype audio. Transmuting all kinds of negative energy massively and quickly is Jenny's specialty. Can work on ANY issues or blocks. Many of Jenny’s clients experience deep calm, peace, love, “aha moments”, more clarity and Guidance, better health, better relationship with self and others, and/or abundance.

Together, Jenny, her God Team, and your Higher Self will be

  • Working through your comprehensive “list", while focusing on your abundance and your top 3-5 pressing issues, clearing out negative energies so that you can achieve or get closer to your goals faster.
  • Checking your levels of responsibility, forgiveness,etc at par with being a Money Magnet
  • Checking and clearing negative energies like entity attachments in and around you, those living with you including pets, home, banking accounts, and/or business.
  • Checking and clearing all your heart walls and Frozen Emotions
  • Repairing your auric fields to100% and Life Force Energy to the highest possible levels in all bodies.

PLUS, you will get your very own, “Personalized Energetic Prescription” 11 minutes MP3 embedded with all the healing energies that came through during your 1-1 and also being amplified with Jenny’s signature session healing energies as another powerful clearing and healing tool."

Package C

Total Package Value $6,099

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $247
*** 96% Saving ***


In the past, I could not make both ends meet. NOW I even saved some money

"I am 78 years of age and do not work anymore. I've I bought many packages already but none helped me with my health or money situations. After working with Jenny in a 1-1 session, the next day or so, I've already noticed a great improvement 50 to 60 % of times needing to get up in the night to pee. Also I normally wake up everyday for years with excruciating pain in my chest, and now the pain is truly gone now.

I could not believe it! In the past, I could not make both ends meet. NOW I even saved some money. Thank you! Love light and blessings."

~ E.G., The Netherlands

My home foreclosure has been cancelled

"Hello Jenny! No words to qualify the help you gave me. I tried pinching my skin to feel if it's me and if the resuslt I got was real. Thank you so much! The home foreclosure has been cancelled after a couples of days of our 1-1 session. Thank your Team very fervently for me also. They were very lovely and very much caring than usual. I had joyful tears when they were advising me."

~ Mr T., Washington D.C., USA

Everyone in our house got jobs. Transformations were almost instantaneous.

"Meeting you changed my life tremendously and helped me to really trust my own intuition. I feel that I owe it to humanity to let each & everyone know how quickly I find solace when all seems to go wrong! I knew inwardly that I must buy her package. Though money was really scarce. Everyone in my family, myself included were unemployed & unable to pay our bills.

The MP3s become my Bible, our entire life changed so quickly! These transformations were almost instantaneous. Even my sister who is a non believer remains puzzled by these sudden transformations. We all have been called for employment in a few days, soon after my 1-1 w/ Jenny. The whole family benefits from clearings & listening to MP3s every day. How can I thank you enough Jenny! I now see why Spirit directed me toward working w/ your program for healing. I now feel protected and guided."

~ Norma, New York, USA

I was offered the job on the spot!

"A few months ago, Jenny help me cleared out whatever stuff may be in the way of doing well on my job interview. I was becoming very unhappy with my current workplace. I really wanted to get this job, better working conditions. I was offered the job on the spot! I was so happy."

~ S. T., Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Lifetime time of income, just priceless!

"I purchased your fhtj package with 14 day healing and a 30 min session and MP3s in July. I actually was taking a professional board exam in order to work, as an independent primary health care provider, in early August and my intent was to pass that exam as it was my 4th attempt. I also purchased a 14 day healing session for September. I found out I passed my exam today!!! Thank you so much to you and your God team for performing healing on me. I am so grateful for having found you and your healing work. Many blessings to you!"

~ S.A., USA

Husband won $2,500 and I won $200

"I just thought of what and who I wanted in the bubble. Last night my husband won $2,500 playing slots at a local casino!!! A few weeks later, I won $200 at casino!!! Every little bit helps. Feeling more abundant every day. Thank You Jenny!"

~ Vickie, USA

Got $5000 using the Free MP3

"I've been listening to Jenny's Money-Miracle-Manifestor MP3 and have to say it is doing wonderfully. I got $5000 more than expected and on Sunday I received scratch and win lottery tickets. I won $15 on those and a free ticket. So I will keep listening and see what else manifests. Thanks Jenny!"

~ Mary A.

A miracle gift

"I have awesome news to share because a few days ago, I was gifted with $650 US from a casual friend. That was a miracle. Thank you so much for all you do and share."

~ Peggy

Yah! More $ and No pain

"Hi Jenny! My fiancé listened the 2nd abundance call replay and received a $238.00 check and more work. Yay! And my neck pain was gone after joining your 2nd Abundance call! I’ve been having this pain for 10 days. Thank you so much, Jenny!"

~ Yoko, Japan

Got a very high paying job and many shifts

"Jenny many thanks to you for your healing energies and showing me the way to Abundance and True Happiness.Since Joining your group less than a month ago, I got a high paying job and I my life is shifting in a very harmonious way...I am looking forward to the calls .I AM A MONEY MAGNET....Much Love."

~ Elise, USA

Abundance bubble saved my house!

"I just wanted to let everyone know that my condo, in my abundance bubble, smack in the middle of an area severely impacted by the fire in Gatlinburg, came out completely unscathed. Feeling super supported and fortunate right now!"

~ Erin

Got the highest paying job I have had

"Hi Jenny, Wow, I listened to your video post two days ago, and today, out of the blue a friend I had not seen in a year called me to offer me a very high paying job! Definitely the highest paying job I have had. I will start Tuesday! Thank you, because along with all the other work I have been doing to clear, I know that your videos and your money miracle manifestor have been a HUGE factor! 🙂 Thank you!"

~ Karen K.

Got 5 to 10 customers daily compared to 3 a week. Just life changing!

"My life has changed! I'm a photographer and having some customers but not that big income. This week since last Wednesday i bought package. Makes sales for 20!!! By now!! Never had more than 3 customers a week!!!!! Wowwwww ideas flowing and I posted an idea and wow more that 300 hundred women interested in my services. My son listen with me to the audios and we love the light language. It is amazing, so healing and calming and I was going through difficult financial issues but now I can even count the money is flowing!!!!! I have been in many abundance and meditation programs but yours the only one is effective for me!!!!! 4-5 weeks update: "My teenager son has been amazed about the changes he has seen in my businesses and luck jenny. I have 5 to 10 customers daily!!!!! Never seen something like that, I have been struggling with money issues- is like universe is unfolding for me- really never expect that!!!! I listen to your MP3s everyday!!!! Your package is life changing like never experienced before! Thank you Jenny!"

~ L.S., Mexico

Won $500 prize. Coaching business now is busy with so many more ideal clients

"WOOHOO! For the last month, I had one on one sessions with Jenny. We were mainly working on my money issues. First a lot of gunk came out. Last week magic started happening. I am so busy now with so many more clients. Not just any client, but my ideal clients that I just love to work with, this is huge! Also several old clients came back, and today one of them made a commitment to work with me on one of his issues for the next 3 month. He even paid for the next 5 sessions. Other old clients are bringing her husband with them to work on their money issues together. I also won a $500 prize unexpectedly. I am soo happy! Thank you Jenny, thank you God Team!"

~ Poly, Business Coach

I got my job back! Sons got much need job promotion and extra side job close to home

"I want to share this exciting news with you!!! As one of three on my Healing List: One of my sons got a much needed promotion in his job and his skin allergies are clearing up!!!!! WHOOOOO HOOOO! My other son found an apartment in his price range & an extra side job!!! Both jobs are close by home. I was called back to work at the High School I worked at during the summer. Love & Light from us all!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!"

~ K.J., USA

Growing abundance, getting a 6000 dollar training for free

"Wow, this MP3 is priceless! I use it for 5 month now, and it is really magical! I use it everyday. I use it, because it works. 🙂 Improved relationships, growing abundance, getting a 6000 dollar training for free, helping my family, loved ones to get better, the list is endless... I love Jenny's work! It works, she gives us the tools to manage our life, and the best is that it works for everybody's highest good, so I can be sure, that I am on the right path. Thank you Jenny sooo much!"

~ Poly, Hungary

Son got a job promotion and niece got 2 job offerings after searching for four months

"After purchasing Jenny's healing package and using the MP3s for my family. My son got a job promotion and my niece got two job offerings after searching for four months (one of which she really wanted) and both jobs were paying more than she asked. She was having a hard time deciding but she took the one she really wanted. Also, my children were upset at each other for almost a year and my son who was the angry one, decided to call his sister and now they are doing great and he's much calmer. Woo hoo! I love Jenny's healing MP3s and would recommend the package to everyone."

~ Judy, Washington, USA

Additional $70 saving today

"I was offered an additional $70 saving today from already a great deal! Thank you Jenny!"

~ A.N., North Carolina, USA

Mother won a cellphone

"I lost weight which was on my list!!! My mom and she won a cell phone in a competition she doesn't remember entering. My youngest daughters aced 3 tests!"

~ S.S.

I won a necklace! Increased magnetism!

"Wanted to let you know about my great luck! I won a raffle out of about 300 entries. I won a beautiful necklace. It is great to have increased my magnetism and I love beautiful jewelry! I have been focusing on gratitude and finding joy in the small things of life. I see blessings around me everywhere! I am more than a money magnet! Great things are coming our"

~ Elena, USA

Won 30 min private session with a business coach and have clarity with creative projects

"In regards to the abundance package, in a very short time of a couple of weeks of beta-testing, I have received the clarity that I needed to move forward on purpose, and on various creative projects. Before, I felt what I was trying to do on the outside wasn’t quite matching what I felt on the inside. This shift of both the outside and inside in tandem for me now is profound and huge. Next week, I’ll be visiting with some elephants up close. I've also just won 30 min private session with a business coach by showing up and working hard on a 'challenge' about my creativity coaching business."

~ Eva L.

Money owed more than 1 year was paid back

"I had two sessions with Jenny Ngo, and released a lot of grief during the sessions with the gentle help of Jenny. One month after the 1st session, at my great surprise, money owed by a person for more than 1 year was paid back. I listen to the personalized energetic prescription MP3 from the sessions on a daily basis. Thank you Jenny for your gifts and kindness."

~ K.N., Canada

More money and also received unexpected healings

"So much cleared for me after the 1-1 and 14 Days distance healing. Lots of support came in for me personally in the form of social outings and unexpected healings! I've become much more sensitive and clear. I've also become more confident in speaking my truth, about my perceptions and awarenesses opening the flow for even more to come through me! I'm feeling safer too being seen, which is huge for me! Money has increased, allowing me to feel safe with the increase. And relationship stuff is clearing! Oh yes, also feeling so much more comfortable with the star beings working with me."

~ Ann, energy healer

We received her acceptance letter yesterday!!!

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We just found out that our daughter was accepted into our first choice school! You see, over 1,200 students apply every single year and only 80 are selected. Out of those 80, only 5 girls are selected out of the area that we live in. This was at the top of our priority list when we started using your MP3s late last year. I constantly ran them silently through the house and when we had our private session with you in January you worked your magic always respecting my daughter's highest and best good. Your amazing gift coupled with a true and genuine desire to help those who need your guidance makes you incredibly special. We will forever be grateful to you, Jenny. Thank you again!"

~ K.W., Hawaii, USA

$2700 loan received with ease and grace, great sign of abundance!

"I have been feeling so up against the financial wall, struggling for so long now...while I do inner work daily to stay in my core. Appreciated the information so much on the abundance group call and look forward to relistening again and again. Have still been looping the MP3s for about 4 hours each night. Yes, some things have come up for release, but I've felt more peaceful about my financial situation and looking forward to improving dramatically....

I have been waiting for some checks to come in which have been delayed. In the interim, had to approach my ex-husband about a loan to tide me over ($2700). This is not something he would normally be inclined to do at all (he has the $ but has always been in the past quite tight about it). In this case, he said he would think about it and get back with me in a few days. I continued playing the MP3s and relistening to the calls (and also to your wise advise on the fb page Jenny). He has gotten back with me, and apart from wanting something in writing from me to formalize the transaction, he is prepared to lend me the $ (even as he is in the process of preparing to evacuate for Hurricane Matthew!!! That it huge!!! Thank you again Jenny for the marvelous gift of being a part of this abundance beta testing"

~ Barbara, USA

Financial worries no longer worries me

"I want to thank you so much for the MP3s and group healing call. I listened to the MP3s faithfully many times a day from the day I got them. I used them to clear not only myself, but my home, food, and water as well. I immediately started feeling at peace. Your call, I felt so much energy moving. I had been having a lot of muscle and nerve pain, along with digestive pain before starting to listen to your MP3s. It was completely healed by the end of your call. At one point I could literally feel something being ripped out of my left side, and it being filled in by loving source energy. I also had huge financial worries before the call, it no longer worries me. I know it will resolve itself when the time is right. My life is filled with so much peace and contentment now. Thank you again for all of your help"

~ Kathryn, New York, USA

Long history of sleeping difficulties, now fall asleep within minutes.
At peace about my money situation

"I have been feeling so much more at peace about my money situation and in a much happier space! Have been running the MP3s on a loop when I go to the past I've had some trouble falling asleep or staying asleep....I find with this set of MP3s I fall asleep within 5 minutes, and if I do wake up, I drift right back off again with no problem....that in and of itself is a major blessing!"

~ B.K., USA

Powerful call and I literally felt like I was floating

"Thank you Jenny! The abundance group call was so thought-provoking and thorough and powerful! I wrote out all the answers to 1-7 and realized how true everything you said is… I'm choosing to surrender to everything that I've been holding on to... all the non-forgiveness... all the circumstances and stories that I've been repeating in my head. I choose to take responsibility and look upon these situations with love.

The energy at the end when you did the light language was intense and I literally felt like I was floating… I've been listening to the money magnet MP3 and feel that there has been some subtle shifts in my outer world… Thank you again for this wonderful beta-testing opportunity!"

~ T.K., USA

Help me moved past "blocks" I've had for about 19 years with my health and life & heal from long-term relationship breakup

"I’ve been watching the video and listening to the audio of Higher Self Emergence for the past few months and it has been lovely, really lovely. These are some of my thoughts from when I first started watching the video. The lovely shapes and the vibrant colors seemed to energize me and make me happy! Everything seemed very beautiful and bright, and much more clear. I noticed things I didn't notice before between geometric shapes. I felt tingling energies from my elbows to my hands. Also, I felt like saying "Fantastic! " out loud and as if light were exploding out of me in all directions, emanating from the center of my chest. Then, the shapes in the videos changed and my energy seemed to follow a flow of the shapes changing/moving in a circular direction, horizontally. That is also how I felt energy moving, in circles, counter-clockwise, and horizontally.

Next, it felt like my energy body was wanting to cry and this passed quickly. After that, I felt a fresh cool breeze blowing in my face and hair. Nice! Kind of mimicked something in the video. Then, I had a feeling like soaring, flying upwards. It felt like freedom. During the image of the heart, I felt as if my energetic body were screaming. Felt my head pounding. Then, as the images kept changing, I went back into feeling good about soaring and flying upwards. Then I transitioned to having fun swimming under water, swimming forward, not using arms but moving body to propel me forward. One night, I just put on earbuds and listened as I went to sleep, and fell asleep very quickly.

After being out of my routines for a few weeks due to lots of traveling, I had a few days of being very teary, feeling heavy and a bit depressed. So, I started watching the video again. Now that I am watching it again, I notice many improvements to the images. I think things like, "Wow!," and "That's fantastic!”, and "So beautiful and alive!" And, I feel so much happiness and energy moving in a positive way. And, the heaviness I was feeling all last week prior watching again. It just went away! I just feel light and happy, and can smile spontaneously again. Thank you for this really awesome, high-quality video and music!

This video/audio has helped me heal from all the pain, grief, and anger from the break-up of a long-term relationship. I feel that this working with my energetic body has moved me past some "blocks" I've had for about 19 years with my health and life. I am now so much more connected and moving forward, and very grateful for what you offer and share, Jenny. Really grateful!"

~ Heather H., Florida, USA

Better money flow in my life

"I must say the Money Magnet MP3 has been really good for me. It makes me feel better with the flow in and out of money in my life. I no longer feel strained by the outflow and when it flows in, it so good. For me, this is relief because it does add to the "stress" in the background of my day. I usually am playing it at home and have the intention of receiving it at work. This keeps me positive at work with no strain working with my budget at work. This is a fantastic MP3. I think all who use it will feel good. The best part about the program is the writing out of all the issues. I found when I did that - I started having a better outlook on money and rich people and that money is meant to flow in and out. That is the richness of life happening. Thank you for allowing me to be the abundance beta-tester."

~ S.S, USA

Successfully completed a project in 2 yrs of making, life reflecting my “new” me

"Ever since I have first worked with Jenny my life has been systematically changing for the better. After our one-on-one session I had the courage to undertake a project that I haven't done in 2 years. I was able to finish it to successful completion and I'm ready to do the next one. Then I was blessed enough to be the Abundance Beta Tester. The new MP3s that I have been listening to have once again made significant changes in my life. First, the music that plays in these MP3s is wonderful... very soothing. The moment I put them on, especially the "Money Magnet," I get swept up into a relaxing altered state. Both while I'm playing them and in between I feel different overall. Instead of feeling fear and unworthiness I now feel safe, supported and connected, as if I'm floating over problems instead of being mired and caught up in them. People are treating me differently, both in my work situations and my home life. I attribute this to listening to the 3 new MP3s - my vibration must have shifted for the better. My field reflects the "new" me that has been hidden, as I have been letting so much go that it no longer weighs me down. I have new financial opportunities opening up and I'm being seen in a more positive way by my colleagues. It has only been about 1 2-3 weeks, but the changes I am experiencing have been incredible!! Thank you Jenny!!"

~ Tammy, California, USA

Feel very blessed and very abundant

"I enjoy the music MP3s every day. I have been quite faithful and optimistic without having any expectations. I simply asked spirit to allow the abundance to present to me in the form that serves my highest good. I receive something even better than money, just priceless. I got a message from my son who passed in 2007, that my heart and soul have been yearning for, for years. With a full heart and knowing he is with me and has been ever day. I feel very blessed and very abundant. Thank you God team, And Jenny."

~ G.S., USA

Priceless. Received insight and greater trust in the divine

"I've also received insight and greater trust in the divine which has helped me greatly during my mom's transition. Several times I found myself just knowing how to handle difficult family dynamics and how to be there with my mom while also taking better care of myself. Even if this was the only benefit from your MP3, that would make it priceless. Thank you so much Jenny for a video I will use again and again."

~ W.D., USA

Helped me work through breaking down glass ceiling and setting fees for my services

"Since my first RH in June, I have been guided to play your MP3s non-stop and I have to say with amazing results. On the abundance call, setting a fee for my services has always been something that I have struggled with and was doing so just before listening to this call, perfect timing. 'Limitations whether self-imposed or imposed by others is always an illusion', I absolutely love this awareness, brilliantly said! How does it feel when paying bills...extremely appreciative that I have the funds to do so. I have gone from being able to purchase whatever I want to now being frugal and mindful when spending. I love the 'glass ceiling breakdown', extremely powerful and fun I must say. Jenny, this call was amazing and has given me so many tools for everyday use, thank you!"

~ M.M., Energy Healer

Nothing short of magical and miraculous

"The healing work that Jenny Ngo does is nothing short of magical and miraculous. I feel an instant release and empowerment in the core of my being. I know the MP3 downloads have strengthen my immune system and has contributed to my overall well being.

I also had an incident where I plugged my phone charger into the wall and a ball of fire came out. I could feel the heat and electricity coming out. Afterwards I felt my body was humming and my back started to ache. I did not want to go to the emergency room and decided to play the Healing download. 20 minutes later the humming in my body had stopped and the back pain was gone and did not return. I was told later by our electrician that it was a miracle that I was not injured or receive severe burns. I am grateful to God, Jenny, the downloads and my Angels. Thanks again, Jenny, for sharing these powerful and resourceful downloads. They have been tremendous in offering support to me, my family, my colleagues and those I serve."

~ GS. Crooks, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Wrist pain 20 years stopped hurting

"Jenny- Thank you for our one in one and also the past month of support. We both had a laugh in that many of the pains began with were no longer present. Specifically I had a long term wrist pain (20 years) that stopped hurting. My back tense neck and shoulders / no pain. You did some finish up work on bruised feet with shooting pain and stiff knees. They felt so much better last night and today. I started meditations to connect to my God team/ I thank you for being there to have the insights on how to improve my ability to heal myself! Peace and love to you!"

~ J.S., California, USA

Working with Jenny is very effective.

"Working with Jenny is very effective. You are not alone. Along the way, you have a very thoughtful and HUMAN guide – Jenny. And she is willing to go through all kinds of humbling lengths to go through this WITH you. Even while you may be going through a very rough patch, somehow she has made you understand that it’s ‘all good’ and ‘it’s all right’. And that it means that you are on the right track. If that’s not a miracle, I don’t know what is."

~ Eva L.

I am literally blown away with the speedy progress I have made.

"Where do I start, I have been working with Jenny and the God Team since June of this year, and have just completed my third 'Remote Healing' and I am literally blown away with the speedy progress I have made. I am very focussed on raising my vibration, knowing the impact that a higher vibration has on every aspect of our lives. It moves us into not only a place of healing but opens doors that once were not only difficult to open but very frustrating to even find. Jenny's passion and dedication, her openness and sincerity are beyond that of the average healer, she puts herself out there for all to see allowing her to weave a beautiful tapestry of energies that flow through her enveloping all those she is working with, to be able to accelerate the releasing of all of our negative emotions and I believe this release goes back to the birth of our soul, all those limiting beliefs, all that she refers to as gunk. It feels good! I did have a lot of stubborn negative entities attachments and since working with Jenny they are gone. Also now, I have a huge team of Light beings come in to help me and my healing work.

Jenny is just releasing a 'Transformational Abundance Package' that I have been blessed to have experienced as a tester and I must say it is amazing within a week I had a letter saying that I was owed $200 by the government and it just keeps getting better. If you are serious about making a HUGE shift not only in your financial well being but in every aspect of your life, let Jenny help you, you will not be disappointed. This is by far the best thing I have ever done for myself and my spiritual growth!"

~ M.T., Energy healer

Less than a second and the entity was gone

"A few nights ago I was woken from a dream by the sound of scurrying footsteps in my bedroom. It was an entity and it was laughing at me. It had been trying to annoy me by waking me up. I called upon the beings who work through your MP3 and asked for their help clearing the entity from my home. It literally took less than a second and the entity was gone. Very cool! Just thought you might like to know how much I am appreciating your MP3s."

~ Linda, Massachusetts, USA, Awakening Facilitator

I have no fears, no anxiety. I see nothing.

"One month ago I was feeling really down and was in pain, wrist flaring up again. In just a few minutes it was gone. The pain has not come back since. Ms. Jennie has helped me to realize that I can and will overcome and has overcome. Now, I have no fears, no anxiety. I see nothing. I am getting a good night sleep. I was seeing real people in me day and night. I used to believe that I was crazy so did the doctors and family. Since Jennie healing work these things have vanished. I feel so much better in my body, soul, and mind"

~ Margaret M., Mooresville, NC USA

Became conscious of my multi-dimensional Self

"I experienced a profound awareness during my private session with Jenny. I became conscious of my multidimensional Self, it was so exquisite and assisted me in realizing how small we seem to make ourselves when we get caught up in the physical reality. There is SO much more to bring through into this world that will change how we experience LIFE!! Much LOVE and GRATITUDE to Jenny and the GOD Healing Team!!"

~ Nomi, Vancouver, Canada

WOW!!! Here’s the amazing and detailed review of what’s occurring while listening and/or watching the Higher Self Emergence!

"THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing this amazing Higher Self Emergence video and MP3 with me! I so adore your work. Impressions of PDF Write up about the MP3/MP4:

1.Upon very first read of the instructions I could feel my vibrations calibrating to the energy. It's like the instructions are encoded with the preparational energies for what is to come.

2. Water - Brilliant!! I LOVE that you're doing this. Awesome!

Audio Impression of MP3: I asked Spirit to show me the bulk of what will be happening to folks (of course by no means all as there is so much encoded on these tracks as well as what folks are ready to receive at the time of listening).

Time stamp: 00-3:00 minutes
1. During the first minute and half could feel preparation of the human energy grids occurring for the session.

2. After the preparational phase I saw past life energy loosening up.

3. Next, I saw grids working to move past life energy out to clear old energies that were stuck.

4. I saw Gold star energy entering the morphogenetic fields of the person doing a cleansing and activation.

5. I saw definite angelic energy coming in to shower with divine pure love their energy.

Time stamp: 3 minutes to 6 minutes:

6. I saw and was told Angels were cleansing the chakra systems and deluging them with divine love into their chakra systems. All of course connecting with higher self while doing so.

7. Higher self energies distilling into auric field with this cleansing and activation.

8. I saw the energies moving through the personal matrix of the person, in distilled form and in accord with their comfort level.

9. I saw new grids of golden light being threaded through their personal matrix of Light. Their lightbody was receiving a definite upgrade in frequency and to help them integrate more of their Higher Self with their human consciousness. - As you know this is where we're all headed.

10. There was more integration of the higher self through these human grid pathways. They showed me that they look like neural pathways of the central nervous system, but their Light grid pathways of the person’s Christ Consciousness/Buddha light consciousness, etc.

The energy becomes more formidable as the time progress from 5:20 to 6 minutes

Time stamp: 6 minutes to 11 minutes

11. The golden light of the christ consciousness divine energy anchors into the human energy fields of the person and then begins to integrate into the chakra system meridians and what I know to be the kundalini system/channel/prana tube.

12. Earth energy is definitely present with the birds and the waves. To help anchor in this process.

13. The water energy moves through the cardiovascular system and lymphatic system all the liquids of the body basically to transmit the Light of Divine and christed self of the human listening to the codes on the music and that are encoded by you and the god teams.

14. The harmonic travels through the ears as vibration hits the tympanic membranes informing the brain which sets into motion the circuits of the brain and nervous system and the entire biological system of the body. As the electrical pulses move throughout the physical structure of the life form to integrate into the biological programming of the human genetic template to incorporate what they’re able to incorporate at this time. The reservoir of energy moves into the spaces to be integrated organically when the organism is ready. This soundtrack is for animals, plants, people, geography and all life forms. Can also infuse water with it.

15. I received that the frequencies used in this encodement is to support the ascension process of the folks who are “a little late” in the game to upgrade their human blueprint to “catch up” with the rest of the masses who’ve already ascended. This is part of the entrainment that is happening at a collective

MP4 Video Impressions:
1. The colors used are communicating through the retina to the chakras of each corresponding color.

2. The gold energy of God is infusing into the retina with angelic presence. Strong angelic presence in this coding sequences.

3. The divine christed galactic beings are helping to infuse the consciousness of the person with their presence so that there is an inclusive understanding of the multiverses.

4. The red mandala is providing codes for physical healings. The blue and gold mandala are cleansing and activating.

5. The geometry of the video is from the higher dimensions to encode the consciousness with mathematical wisdom for transformation.

6. Jesus christ is definitely in this video. Archangel Michael is as well.

7. The images are encoded with the frequencies of galactic light beings. I feel that it is channeled light sequences that are literally communicating directly with the soul consciousness of the viewer. Even if the person is not able to see (e.g., they are blind or literally not watching the video), the frequencies of light are moving through the electromagnetic fields and skin of the viewer. Same thing with plants animals and geographical locations - they are receiving the colored light sequences for amplification to christed consciousness energy.

8. Also, they (christed galactic Light beings through the colors and codes of light) are laying down codes also into the matrices of Gaia/Earth. They are being distilled and downloaded. The folks that watch this video will still be downloading the sequences and codes for I feel 9-10 months in earth time and if they’re already very ascended the process will be from 1-2 weeks to 2.5 months

9. The ones already able to connect with these higher, rarified frequencies will receive them within 2 weeks time. It’s a distillation process from the higher realms into the physical structures. These codes can also be used to manifest with.

10. There is also beautiful elemental/fairy energy interwoven in this video. There is also Virtue energy (the angelic hierarchy of the angelic realms) in this video.

11. I also see Egyptian knowledge in this video as well. There is an aspect of this video that touches on the technology of Egypt and Mu where they used laser light technology to heal directly. To heal structures, to travel and to connect with other dimensions of reality. These codes would help a person shift their consciousness to travel inter-dimensionally and to other worlds. Almost like an airplane. Then when the being has mastered the art of inter-dimensional travel they could use their intent to dictate where to travel between the worlds/multiverses.

12. Saint Germain is in this video and the high frequency rainbow energy is making is way in. The rainbow energy is bringing forth additional colors of light that we used to have on this planet when it was Tara - I’m hearing there were about 15-20 colors at that time that were discernible to the naked eye - the ability to discern colors was contingent upon where someone was in their consciousness.

13. I feel the images in this video are really an access point to look within one’s own soul. (How gorgeous is that?!)

14. There’s definitely an alignment happening

15. Towards the end it feels like definite unity consciousness alignment and pineal activation and tonification as well as dormant parts of the brain being activated.

This higher self emergence MP3 purpose are both being done simultaneously. What I receive is that no matter where the person is, the energies you've configured work in accord with their personal energy signature. So, for example, someone is at a level 2 in 2016 they'll be upgraded to a level 3 or above whichever is resonant for them at the time. Then if they listen to this again in 2017 when they're at a level 4 then they'll upgrade to a level 5 or above depending on what's appropriate for them - which is really great!"

~ Sophia, California, USA, Energy Healer

About Jenny Thao Ngo:

Jenny-rJenny Thao Ngo, RN, MSN, CNM, Transformational Energy Healer, Energy Intuitive, and Entity Clearing. With the help of her God Healing Team, Jenny can quickly release countless negative energies including negative dimensional entities. Using her own unique healing modality, Dimensional Healing, she is able to release many forms of negative energies at quantum speed including energetic blockages, imbalances, and misalignments. It also clears negative entities in all bodies, generations, and dimensions including healing of your past lives, ancestral, and future generations. This further removes obstacles that may be preventing you from achieving optimal health, wealth, love and happiness.

Jenny simultaneously embarked on her spiritual path and her energy healing work in her mid 20s. After becoming a Reiki Master she continued working as an RN and a Certified Nurse Midwife for the next 12 years. In addition she has studied many energy healing modalities. She continues to enjoy working to fulfill her Divine purpose in assisting humanity.

She connects to her God Team, which is comprised of infinite celestial beings which enables her to achieve phenomenal results in her healing work, both in sessions and via her energy healing MP3s. She has had the privilege of witnessing many miraculous healings. Jenny wants to spread the message that you do not have to suffer and transformational healing is possible especially with the assistance of our God teams.


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Discount : 94%

Total Package Value $2,600

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer


7MP3s + Healing Video MP4

2 Bonuses - (2) Recorded Healing

Video MP4s

90 Days Abundance Bubbles Starting from your Date of Purchase 



Discount: 96%

Total Package Value $5,599

From Heartache to Joy Special offer


7MP3s + Healing Video MP4

2 Bonuses - (2) Recorded Healing

Video MP4s

90 Days Abundance Bubbles Starting from your Date of Purchase 

14 Days Remote/Distance Healing

(4) 90+ Minutes Abundance Group

Healing Calls


Discount : 96 %

Total Package Value $6,099

From Heartache to Joy Special



7MP3s + Healing Video MP4

2 Bonuses - (2) Recorded Healing

Video MP4s

90 Days Abundance Bubbles Starting from your Date of Purchase 

14 Days Remote/Distance Healing

(4) 90+ Minutes Abundance Group 

Healing Calls

30 min 1 on 1 session with Jenny

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Cancellation Policy: In addition to the FHTJ refund
policy, there is a 48 hour cancellation/rescheduling policy for private 1-1 sessions.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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