Jackie Woodside’s Special Offer

Founder of the Woodside Wellness Institute, Professional Coach and Psychotherapist

Finally! A PROVEN Blueprint and Mentoring Program For You To Follow In Creating Your Own Passionate, Inspired, Wondrous, Peaceful And Dream-Filled Life!

  • Peace
  • Serenity
  • Happiness
  • Passion
  • Dreams Fulfilled!

These are the things we all long for. Yet we are a culture that is experiencing increasing percentages of people living with anxiety, depression and addictions. Why is it that what we all long for seems so very elusive? 

How does you create an ongoing experience of having a life filled with the things you most desire?

Imagine you are crystal clear on what you want in all areas of your life: financial, work, family, spiritual, health, fitness, mental, and social. Work is no longer “work”; it is fun because you are doing what you love! Your body and mind are strong as you give them attention and care every day. You are living your life purpose and feel happy, joyous and at peace with the life you have created.

I can tell you from experience that you don’t just “trip” into living an inspired life! Inspired lives are created with intention and by design. 

Over the years in my work as a therapist, consultant and coach, I have met many talented, creative, and brilliant men and women who are playing small in life. Unfortunately, most of us don’t play big on our own; we need support!

I’d like to ask you a few questions:

  • Are you ready to make a positive difference in the world in a BIG way, but feel held back by fear or other obstacles?
  • Do you feel a calling to play bigger and bolder, but you are unsure about the next right steps.
  • Would you like to have the support of a coach and a community of like-minded people to explore your most true path in life?
  • Are you searching for more meaning in your life and for your life purpose?

Dear Friend:
Let me share with you a little about my own journey to creating a wonder-filled life, as well as my work in helping hundreds of people in their journeys to creating lives they love through my unique Life Design program!

People are often very inspired when the hear my story, so let me share a brief snapshot with you. Without going into all of the hairy details: here are a few of life’s challenges that I have, with the grace of God and support of many good people, overcome:

  • Death of a parent early in life
  • Childhood abuse
  • Long history of chronic depression
  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Post traumatic stress disorder
  • Addictions
  • Domestic violence

When I look at that long list of things, even I have to marvel at how far I have come. I have gone from surviving all of those things (and more) to truly being one of the happiest, most productive, most fulfilled people I know. I now have:

  • A great marriage
  • A wonderful family
  • Two waterfront homes
  • A solid and successful income
  • Great friends and communities where I participate and contribute
  • Work that is meaningful and rewarding personally and professionally

Wow! How did this happen?! I am not brighter, or smarter or luckier than anyone I know. I am just clear on how to produce lasting results in life, despite the odds through proven and timeless principles of success, happiness and wellbeing. And I can teach you how to do that too.

In 2009, I fulfilled a childhood dream when I purchased my Great Aunt Kitty’s cottage on the St. Lawrence River, in the heart of the Thousand Islands in Upstate New York. I love living at my summer home with my family for 3 months out of the year in my hometown!

As a result of buying the summer home, which has been in my family for 6 generations, I had to redesign my life to be able to spend summers there. Consequently, I closed my therapy and mental health consulting practice, continued my coaching business which was “phone-based” coaching so I could do it from anywhere in the world and created my unique Life Design program, which allows me to work 9 months in my lake front home in Massachusetts, and 3 months in my river front home New York!

It took a lot of work and laser focus, but I designed a mystical, magical, flowing life for myself and I whole-heartedly want the same for you!

It takes courage to live an inspired life! Many of us are called to be healers, artists, visionaries, leaders, entrepreneurs, and teachers, however, we often are afraid to honor our instincts and we make the mistake of not listening to our inner truth and voice.

Real power comes from walking on the edge and discovering your own amazing truth! You have to dare to walk an unconventional path and create a life that is truly magical, creative, passionate, purposeful and fulfilling to your heart, mind, body and soul!

In 2009 I decided to create my 6-month Life Design program because I wanted to help others create centered, purpose-filled, passionate, inspired, wondrous lives! This program is a blue-print and the process of how I designed my own wonder-filled life.

Why Do I Do This?

I have been coaching brilliant men and women for many years now — talented, creative, high conscious men and women just like you, with amazing gifts to share. I love helping others give birth to their dreams and truly live a life by design instead of by default.

We all have blind spots and often we just need someone to guide us out of the darkness and into our brilliance! One of my gifts is helping others reinvent their lives!


The process of life reinvention or Life Design as I call it in my unique, 6-month, Life Design program, is perhaps the most exciting and yet challenging process you can initiate. 

It requires strength, courage and a good sense of inner awareness. During this program you will reinvent yourself in alignment with your true desires and not those thrust upon you by society, your spouse, your employer, your family members or anyone else. 

Mastering and creating intentional change is really what life is all about! It is a growth process, and I believe it is what we, as human beings are here to do. 

I believe that you were attracted to this work because you are yearning for greater meaning in your life, for more contribution and to know that you have made a difference!



  • We will go through an extensive inventory in 5 areas of your life: well-being, physical environment, finances, career and relationships. It is during this process that you are able to identify the “incompletions” in your life which will give you a roadmap of what to work on and change going forward.
  • Identifying the values you inherited either consciously or unconsciously from various places in your life. Then we identify the ones that are NOT working for you. Lastly, we discern if there are any inherited values that you cherish and wish to bring forth into your current Life Design.
  • A design strategy for a life of balance that is aligned with your core values
  • You will discern your life’s purpose, mission, vision and goals.
  • You will have a deep understanding of who you are called to be in this lifetime.
  • The elimination of stress and time management hassles from your life through the understanding and implementation of scheduling your actions to align with your Core Values, Vision, and Goals.
  • You will create a vision for the next three-to-five years, and then turn that vision into a set of goals and action steps to bring that vision into manifestation.
  • An introduction to proven human potential principles from leading thinkers, teachers, and numerous spiritual traditions.
  • Concrete tools that will help you become one of the elite 5% of people who achieve their goals.
  • A full appreciation of yourself as an extraordinary person who has unique gifts and talents to offer the world.
  • Numerous tools and assessments to increase your level of awareness of the areas of your life that require transformation, skill building and design.
  • Understanding the role of energetic consciousness in your life and how to shift from being driven by your ego, to being lived by your essence.

The Life Design Program is a guided program filled with practical teaching and tools, grounded in many of the world’s wisdom and traditions.

Life Design is a great way to develop goals and action steps to turn those goals into reality and start living an inspired life by design! 

Here’s how the LIFE DESIGN program works: 

An in-depth program created and taught by therapist, coach, and new thought leader, Jackie Woodside

Work through the program at your own pace via the workbook and video tutorial sessions to get the full understanding of the principles presented

A comprehensive e-workbook filled with articles and self-assessment inventories.

Inspiring personal stories and wisdom teachings from Jackie to support you along the way; 

A private Facebook group (an online forum) where you can connect with other participants, get support, ask questions and get feedback in between sessions.

This pioneering curriculum is:

  • Part inner work to help you overcome fears, end procrastination, clarify your values, vision, goals and mission.
  • Part practical training in skills for world-changing: communication, time management, aligned goal setting and more!
  • Part supportive and dynamic community of creative, talented, intelligent men and women ready to support each other in creating an Inspired Life!

Total Package Value $790

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297
*** 62% Saving ***


Payment plan available at checkout

What Past Life Design Participants are saying:

Dear Jackie,
"Jackie Woodside What I love about the Life Design experience is that transformation occurs from the inside out. In the presence of Jackie's coaching and inspirational delivery, I became unstoppable. I stopped holding back. I started using my gifts and talents in service to those around me as if my life depended on it. I completed a triathlon, took my business to new levels of success, and transformed my personal relationships.Inspired by one of the assignments in this course, I founded The Gratitude Gala, and increased my income by getting clear and doing the work I love in a whole new way.The best part?

I continue to use the foundations of this work to design my life every day, setting and reaching new goals, and living fully present to this life I love."

~ Sarah M. Kipp, MS, CPC, ELI-MP
Writer, Speaker, Coach

Dear Jackie,
"Your “Life Design” program has truly transformed my life in a deep and profound way. Years ago, my Life Coach told me that I was “living at my minimum acceptable level.” At first, I wasn’t sure exactly what she meant; so she clarified her statement and said “Michelle, although you achieve a lot more than most people I know, you are still not living up to your true potential.” It wasn’t until that conversation that I realized I was capable of so much more. That was an eye-opening moment for me. 

I love reading, and probably have read, every personal growth, business, spiritual and self-help book on the market, however, I knew there was only so much I could do on my own and that I needed additional guidance and coaching from someone who was where I wanted to be. 

That’s where you come in! You are such a walking and talking inspiration and role model for me. I love your story and how you’ve created your dream life. I have in many ways realized many of my goals – like making a living without a job – but I really wanted to gain more clarity on my core values so I can align those with my daily actions, as well as uncover those hidden “incompletions” in my life that were preventing me from achieving my optimal performance.Your “guided” Life Design program has brought me more awareness, balance, accountability, symmetry and congruency in my life and for that I am eternally grateful to you! 

I encourage anyone who wants to take their life to the next level, to take Jackie Woodside’s “Life Design” program! If you truly apply the powerful lessons and teachings in this course, you will give birth to a whole new life."

~ Thank you for being YOU!
Michelle Kulp
The 6-Figure Woman Coach

Dear Jackie,
"My experiences in both Life Design and Energy Management have provided immediate and long-term effects on the quality of my life.

Through Jackie's encouragement and willingness to take a stand for me, I have been designing a life that I live into with joy and serenity. I am a happy father, entrepreneur, and dedicated teacher. My life is in my hands more than I ever understood possible before Jackie, and I am grateful to have it."

~ Chad McGowan
CnS Technology Education

"I have worked with Jackie in one-on-one coaching sessions; I’ve taken her Energy Management course twice, the Life Design course twice, and I am now in the Life Mastery. 

Jackie has made dreams become real possibilities in my life and I’ve moved from a sense of ‘life is hard’ to ‘life is easy.’ 

One of my goals in Life Design was having a thriving freelance writing consultancy, with a steady stream of business from clients that I encountered through a consistent prospecting process. Before, prospecting was an experience akin to going to the dentist. Through Jackie’s practices and coaching, I now actually look forward to picking up the phone and finding the next profitable piece of business. And my business is thriving in a manner that I never could have imagined. All thanks to Jackie and her presence in my life. 

Each of Jackie’s courses are intertwined, with one building on the success of the last. Each time I take a course, no matter what it is, I am astounded at what I learn and how I evolve as a person. 

And when I’m finished with Life Mastery, I am confident that I will take that a second time too. As well as the next gem that Jackie creates."

~ Nancy Langmeyer
The Write Words

Dear Jackie,
"I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for leading me on a process of dreaming big and brining those dreams into being. Through it all you have provided guidance in the form of concrete practices, planning tools, support and encouragement, and the challenge of holding us accountable and pushing us to new ways of being. 

During this year in Life Design I have made external changes and internal changes as I have grown in boldness, released fear, and stretched myself beyond my comfort zone. 

Thank you for accompanying and inspiring me on this journey in which I have designed the unique and perfect life for me!"

~ Reverend Alice An

Total Package Value $790

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297
*** 62% Saving ***


Payment plan available at checkout

About Jackie Woodside:

Jackie woodsideJackie Woodside is the founder of the Woodside Wellness Institute, a holistically-oriented center offering coaching, training and consciousness-based psychotherapy. She is a certified professional coach and licensed psychotherapist with over 25 years experience in both fields.
Jackie has authored two best selling books, “Calming the Chaos: A Soulful Guide to Managing Your Energy Rather than Your Time” and “What If It’s Time for a Change.” She is also a contributing author in the award-winning book “Conscious Entrepreneurs.”
Jackie leads spiritual retreats, offers professional development training and keynote speeches around the country. She delivered her first TED talk in 2012 at TEDxWaldenPond and her talk has been highly acclaimed and reviewed. She has been a guest faculty member at the Unity Institute and Seminary (2014) and has been on the faculty of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services Mentoring and Leadership program for the past two years.

Total Package Value $790

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297
*** 62% Saving ***


Payment plan available at checkout

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a no questions asked, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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