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Sacred Tantra "The Gateway to the Soul" Ascend and Transform
3 x One Hour Private Tantra Sessions with Iona
Tantra Sessions for Couples or Singles:
Are you looking for something new, fun, and exciting to do with your partner?
To have that mind blowing mind, body, soul connection with?
Are you trying to find new ways to spice up your sex life?
Would you like to learn how to be multi-orgasmic and feel it throughout your whole body not just in one area?
Would you like to connect with your partner spiritually and emotionally on so many levels?
If you want a passionate, loving, heart based relationship with your partner, Tantra is the answer to your prayers. If your love life is lacking intimacy and has become mundane it’s time to try something new and off the charts. You can get back to your youthful state again and become in tune with your body.
Gods: Are you feeling self-conscious because you are not performing like you used to? Are you embarrassed about it and are scared of being intimate because of it? Are you worried that your partner is feeling unsatisfied in the bedroom? Do you feel the lack of intimacy with your partner? Are you feeling depressed because your love life is suffering? Do you want that connection again with your loved one?
Goddesses: Are you feeling unsatisfied in the bedroom and wish you had that passionate and intimate relationship you’ve always dreamed of? That mind blowing mind, body, soul connection? Do you wish your love life was off the charts? Do you need help connecting with your sensuality and body again? To really connect spiritually with your partner is the most amazing relationship possible. Do you desire orgasmic blissful union with your partner?
I help my clients with inner child healing to feel whole again and to love themselves fully be it body image, self -worth, self -love, acceptance for all aspects of themselves. Healing from past traumas of abuse in all forms, mental, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, childhood trauma, past toxic relationships, mother and father healing, this all needs to be cleared in order to have that mind, body, and soul connection you've been longing for. I help my clients clear all blocks so the trapped energy is released and they will start to see, feel, and know they are safe. All trauma is released and their chakras are cleared so their body parts will all be working successfully. They will feel rejuvenated, young again, lighter, free, playful, passionate, full of energy , and so expansive. It all takes that inner healing to truly feel safe to be you, to be truly vulnerable, to feel safe opening your multi- dimensional heart space to let your Divine partner see your soul and truly see all of you for your divinity and magnificence of you. If your single this package will shift and change your energy by clearing you of all past trauma and in turn raise your frequency to attract your healthy perfect Divine Partner in the 5D. This is the new relationship that is possible for each and everyone of you. Soul mates coming together and Twin Flame Reunion are all happening now. So let's get started and see how magical your love life can truly be.
There are a lot of people that are going through separation and divorce due to these issues. Tantra can save a lot of marriages. Couples long to get that connection back and it is all possible if you take the time to learn new techniques and want to connect with your partner again. Everyone wants to feel loved, nurtured, and respected. To be touched passionately, feel sparks again, get chills up and down your spine. To be daydreaming about your partner throughout the day and feeling excited just thinking about what you want to do intimately with them.
Tantra can even help couples that are in great relationships but just want to try something different and exciting to spice up their love life.
I can help you in a safe sacred space. I am Goddess Infinity and have experience in helping my clients with their issues. They feel comfortable opening up to me about their concerns. From that honesty and openness comes transformation. My clients tell me they feel so much LOVE and COMPASSION from me. They feel safe telling me about their inner most issues and are so happy they found me.
I can teach you the art of Tantra in person if you live in the Sacramento area or nearby surrounding areas. If you live elsewhere we can do sessions over Skype in the privacy of your home. Couples are lightly clothed during sessions.
What to expect during a session:
- Learn how to set up your sacred space
- Heart chakra activation
- Soul gazing
- The Art of sensual touch and massage
- Learning different Tantra positions
- Breath work to move your Kundalini energy
Plus You Get These Bonuses
Value $320
Bonus MP3 #1
Meditation: Retrieving missing soul fragments of Inner Child Healing
Bonus MP3 # 2
Meditation : Calling in soul mate or twin flame reunion
Bonus MP3 # 3
Meditation : Soul gazing open heart chakra meditation
Bonus MP3 #4
Meditation: Kundalini breath work for singles or couples
Exclusive Offer 42% Off!
Regular Price is $1,220
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $697 only!
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.