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“Your Full Transformation through the 5 Elements of Nature”
5 - 45 min individual healing and coaching sessions &
5 transformative meditations
This is a personal transformative experience of healing. It is a 5 weeks healing journey taken one to one with Inna, which includes goal setting, individual work and weekly in-depth personal sessions. This is a way to kick start your life changes. You will learn to use the energies of the 5 Elements of nature for your health and all life situations.
Session 1. Water Element.
Releasing: fears, kidney/bladder imbalances, lack of trust
Gaining: Courage, kidney/bladder health, career/life journey
The Water Elements transformative meditation
Session 2: Wood/Air element.
Releasing: anger/frustrations, liver/gall bladder imbalances, toxins Gaining: energy for new beginnings, focus, liver/gall bladder health
The Wood/Air Elements transformative meditation
Session 3: Fire element.
Releasing: hatred, heart/pericardium/small intestine imbalances
Gaining: joy, recognition/reputation, healthier heart, living from heart’s energy
The Fire Element transformative meditation
Session 4. Earth element.
Releasing: worries, digestive imbalances, relationships imbalances
Gaining: healthier digestive system, harmony, happier relationships
The Earth Element transformative meditation
Session 5: Metal Elements
Releasing: sadness/grief, lungs/large intestine imbalances, lack of help
Gaining: attracting helpful people, lungs/large intestine health, body minerals rebalancing
The Metal Element transformative meditation
"I am so very pleased to share with you my experience working with Inna. I’ve worked with Inna before with great result and I must say this session took it to a whole other level!
I came to Inna with a fear I had around my esophagus. My Dad had died from cancer of the esophagus, and I had been diagnosed with Barrets esophagus…which simply means, there’s an abnormality which needs to be monitored.
When Inna began I was feeling quite anxious, but almost instantly I was cocooned in her loving energy and felt such safety that my anxiety left.
Even though it was my Father who died, Inna was drawn to the energy of my Mother and how her energy, even though she too had passed, was playing out in my life. I could so resonate with this and could literally feel the energy lifting as Inna worked on this.
I came to my session with Inna for my esophagus, and I received much more! I have been working on building my healing business, with some success but not where I wanted to be, for quite some time. Inna was able to guide and show me that my purpose in this lifetime has been Motherhood and Goodness. When she revealed this to me, tears began to fall…as this is what my life has truly been about. Inna also gave me what my Soul truly needed to hear and that is…dropping the phrase “working on building my business” and replacing it with “building my Freedom with Grace”. I can’t tell you how this simple twist of words has changed things for me! I now do daily, what I have wanted to for such a long time. Knowing that I am truly Building my Freedom with Grace, has made all the difference in the world!
Inna’s healing and her program can make a difference in your life.
From the bottom of my heart Inna…Thank You!"
~ Donna R., Canada
“Group work with the Fire Element shifted me to
balance and alignment with myself. What a Gift!”
"I would never have believed how unbalanced my field was until I had the pleasure of working with Inna.
It was on one of her group calls, where we were working with the Fire Element that I could see just how much this element was affecting my field. When I was 30 years old, with 3 young boys, our home burned down. Fortunately, we all survived the fire…we lost everything else though.
During the call, I could literally feel myself open up and I left the call feeling much more balanced and in alignment with myself. This is so important, as I’ve learned through Inna that when we balance our Fire Element, true success happens!
It’s now been a couple of weeks since I was on the call and I can feel myself more receptive to the ideas that are coming my way and I know that as I continue to work with this element, more and more of who I am will be shown to me. Truly, I feel more at peace with myself within…what a Gift!!
Inna comes from Love and her work is so very powerful!"
~ Donna M., Canada
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.