Get this EXCLUSIVE Bundle Offer Created for FHTJ Community!
Only 25 sessions on offer!

Your personal experience of Multidimensional Energies SPA – 5 ELEMENTS HIGHEST FREQUENCIES ACTIVATION FOR YOUR HARMONY AND BEAUTY. This is a VIP private treatment session with Dr. Van Der Velden to create and execute your personalised spa healing regimen.
*ITEM 1*
A 45 min private activation session
Value: $500
This is a powerful process, which Inna received through New Aquarius energies.
It includes:
- Raising your own vibrations through the 5 Elements of Nature in order to clear deep blockages and limitations from your DNA through your past present and future lifetimes
- Bringing out your awareness to how the Universal Field of Love sees you
- Creating your personalized “energy healing action plan”
- Adjusting the 5 Elements of Nature in your body to the new “energy healing action plan”
- Adjusting your new energy “impulse” to the highest Harmony and Beauty frequencies of the Earth, Solar system, Galaxy, Universe and Divine
- Anchoring your new energies to your energy body through your microsystems
- An instant flow of POSITIVITY into your life
- Perceiving your life through HIGHER FREQUENCIES
- Perceiving life from multidimensional perspective and following Life Purpose
- POSITIVE CHANGES in other family members holding the same DNA (immediate family) or sharing DNA (e.g. spouse) might occur
That is how people describe the activation process:
What a patient felt during the activation process:
Patient 1 - a male
During the process I saw an interplay of various colours: blue, red, green. They were changing all the time, as if adjusting in my body. I felt warmth in my hands during the whole process.
In the second part of the process I saw a golden disk with beautiful flickering frequencies inside. It kept appearing and disappearing 3 times. In the end I felt extremely peaceful and in complete harmony with Life itself.
Immediate result: had high blood pressure before the process.
After the process my high blood pressure went back to completely normal.
Immediate result: I had a sinus cold on that day. After the process I got an instant relief. The tension from my head, neck and shoulders released, my sinuses cleared. The next day I felt like new.
What a “witness expert” observed: (a healer with advanced clairvoyance skills was chosen to observe this process)
I could see clearing deep layers of the 5 elements in this patient. When Inna was working adjusting Water to it, it was dirty, and then started coming out clean. Wood had some roots to the left of the energy field, which then disappeared. Fire was grey and smoky. The Earth had a black pulsating “tail”, very deep, then cleared. Metal was clearing with some bits and pieces.
Later very deep clearing of all the 12 DNA layers, which bought about an image of a beautiful Golden house.
What a family member of a patient observed and felt while the process was performed on a patient
During the process on my husband I also saw a variety of colours, a beautiful rainbow, and pretty blue energy balls with golden rays coming from them. I felt warmth all over my body and deep peace.
Patient 2- a female
During the process I felt warmth all over my hands and body. Then to the right a golden arrow. For a long time I could see a beautiful green screen in front of me, then it turned into an orange fire, very welcoming. Finally I could the face of my son who passed away long time ago, happy and smiling.
After the process, I could feel complete harmony, and a flow of happiness.
Immediate result: a bulling “old friend” left my life the next day. Another friend called and was very complimentary about my new book. Also in the next few days after the process, I created a couple of beautiful poems, people are saying they are my true “gems”. They truly show the beauty of energies on this Earth
Water was clear with bubbles. Could see roots growing on Wood and then clearing. Earth- dark energies leaving the energy field. Metal- clearing through head and chest. Creating an impulse to adjust to a new DNA hologram- like a beautiful fountain of energies everywhere. A spiral turning everything into light. Her aura turned into beautiful golden colour at the end of the process.
I felt a flow of very powerful energies working on my wife’s auric field. It was changing colours and then became golden.
Patient 3 – a 9 year old child
During the process I was playing the piano. I felt waves of energy. All the pieces where I previously made mistakes were coming out beautifully.
Result: got admitted to the Royal College of Music.
Water- crystal clear. A few roots on the left, then a very deep dark flow of energies, they cleared after a while. Fire subsiding on the left side of the energy field. Earth – clearing darker energies. Metal – a spiral cleared darker deeper energies. Colours were changing from dark purple to beautiful pink. In the end a tremendous expanding of the energy field and a feeling of this child being famous in the future.
Observer 1 – a golden disk in the sky
Observer 2 – purple and pink colours, an old beautiful concert in England hall and a big tree.
*ITEM 2*
Universal Harmony and Beauty Meditation - MP3
Value: $199
Regular Price $699
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $247
SAVE OVER 50% On This Page Only!
Yes! Eram, please include Inna's VIP Sessions for only $699 $247
A VIP one on one 45 min session must be booked within 45 days of purchase but may be used up to 5 months thereafter. No refunds after receiving a session.
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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.