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REJUVENATE your WHOLE LIFE in 3 simple steps:
Release the problems in your current life by removing blocks from your past lives
Rebalance your current health and emotions (with a complete rebalance of Yin and Yang energies of the Five Elements)
Recreate the life that you always imagined – fulfilling love, strong and beautiful body, vigorous mind (using high frequency energies and guided manifestation)
At 64 I feel like I am 25, high blood pressure normalized
“A year ago I got a few healings from Inna and also took a course in the “5 Elements Rejuvenation System©”. The most amazing transformation for me is that nowadays I feel like a 25- 30 year old, and I am already 64. My high blood pressure (200/107) normalized and I feel young and happy. When I look in the mirror can’t believe at the transformation. There is life in my eyes and there is healthy glow on my skin, even the colour of my skin changed. I also feel that my muscles are becoming more toned.
When I work at balancing my family, they can’t believe that it is possible to heal without medication. Recently I healed the ear inflammation (acute otitis) my granddaughter was suffering from. It took me 15 minutes and the next day she felt fine! I also helped my other granddaughter to succeed during the school exams. She testified that immediately after balancing she felt smarter and more successful, as if something that was blocking her abilities to learn and succeed has lifted. She also started feeling more positive towards learning! She couldn’t believe that she did so well at the exams. To me, it is amazing! I feel that I am the Creator, I feel elated and grateful to Inna. She is a wonderful teacher and a powerful healer!”
~ Galina Gorelova, healer, intuitive, Russia
Did you know that the 5 Elements Rejuvenation system© underpins the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine which is used as the primary medicine in China and some other countries?
The Five elements of Nature (Water, Wood/Air, Fire, Earth and Metal) are huge life forces from which everything on the earth including ourselves is created. There is 70 % of Water within us, while Wood/Air provides the movement of energy, food, blood, and lymph in our bodies. Fire is responsible for keeping the optimal temperature for digestion and life (36.6 degrees), and Earth and Metal create the best biological balance of proteins, amino-acids and minerals in order to sustain life.
Yin (cooling, contracting, female) and Yang (warming, expanding, male) energies within each element always strive for balance according to the beautiful plan of Creation. When we are in harmony within ourselves and with the world around us, we feel healthy, peaceful and happy.
What do the Five Elements of nature do for you?


Moderates ego and turns resentment into positivity
Provides clarity on what you truly desire
Supports the cardiovascular system and helps with blood circulation
Lowers anxiety and releases depression, helps insomnia
Fast tracks to achievement and success in your life (whatever your current focus is: love, work, sport)

Calms your worries and stresses (either daily issues or larger dramas)
Focuses your intention
Supports healthy digestion (IBS, constipation, hemorrhoids, etc.)
Evens out sugar levels and balances enzymes
Helps you effortlessly maintain healthy weight (reduces cravings, encourages desire for healthy food)
Makes you feel balanced and peaceful in your relationships (partners, children, in-laws, parents) and helps you find a Soul Mate

Releases sadness, grief and tearfulness
Helps you accept and come to terms with loss (money, material goods, friendships)
Tones your skin and helps you deal with skin issues (acne, rosacea, skin allergies, etc.)
Helps you breathe easier by supporting your lungs (asthma, cold, bronchitis)
Creates clarity and turns chaos to order in your mind, home, financial affairs, and documents
Drives your ability to manifest a fantastic end result by fulfilling your desires

A personal message from Inna:
I was very young, in my 20s, when I discovered my power to heal people. At that time it was as simple as looking at a person and seeing the source of his/her illness. Life went on and 20 years later I finally began turning my natural healing ability into a system that helped me, my family and hundreds of people who have walked through the doors of my clinic or attended distant healing sessions. Combining energy healing and scientific principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine this wonderful system has gifted me many miracles. I became the Creator of my own life

- I created my true Soul Mate, my husband
- I created abundance in my life: home of my dreams in the city of my choice, work that follows my heart desires, wonderful relationships with my family, my beautiful children and grandchildren
- I created my life’s work, the 5 Elements Rejuvenation System©
- I overcame fears and began my path as an author, having published “Miracle of 5 Elements Rejuvenation”
- I helped my grandson overcome issues with reading and writing
- I create health and vitality in my body and mind. I look and feel as if I’m in my 30s being 54
- I am able to create daily surprises and joys in my life
Are you ready for a miracle in your life?”
Here are some of my patients and students sharing their experiences with the 5 Elements Rejuvenation System©.
Doctor shook his head, the tumor has shrunk
“2 years ago after a family doctor appointment, an ultrasound and a biopsy – I was scheduled in to have my thyroid surgically removed because it was thought to be cancerous. I called Inna and said I have two months before surgery to show myself and the doctors that there is no need for surgery. We went to work and 6 weeks later got the positive results we were after. I never needed the surgery. An annual ultrasound follow up showed the thyroid nodule had continued to shrink. My doctor shook his head, smiled and said “Good thing we didn’t take that out.” Good thing indeed! Inna has been a big part of my healing and helping me see the world through a lens where in the future I won’t create as much disease. Thank you Inna.”
Chronic back pain gone
“I came to Inna with chronic back pain. Approximately 4 years of almost 24/7 discomfort that limited my mobility and had really changed my life. I had tried countless healing modalities before I connected with Inna. Some helped temporarily but I always found myself back at square one. Inna approached me with total integrity, grace, and non judgement. She truly created an atmosphere for healing. We did multiple sessions together which generally involved balancing energies and working on belief systems/limiting beliefs. Within a short time (perhaps a month) I had made noticeable improvements and could stop taking my pain medications. I haven’t taken my pain meds since then…and that was the summer of 2013. I just got home from one week of backpacking through the mountains, living in a tent and carrying everything I needed to live on my back. Inna was instrumental in helping me get back to this place.”
~ Curtis Dillabough, Sales & Marketing Manager, Canada
Tests showed, a “hole” in my granddaughter’s heart closed without surgery
“When my granddaughter Vasia was born she was diagnosed with a 2 mm “hole” in the heart and heart murmurs. Her condition is called an atrial septal defect (ASD), which changes the normal flow of blood through the heart. The doctors were talking about an urgent operation. At this point we understood what a huge risk the operation was and I called Inna for help. Inna worked with my granddaughter through me, healing her DNA and balancing her heart’s energies. After a few minutes, Inna said that it was healed. A few days later, my daughter took Vasia for the tests before the operation and there was no “hole’ any more and nor murmurs, the septum was closed completely and looked totally normal. I was almost crying with happiness! Even though my granddaughter was under observation in the Heart Center for a year, nothing changed. She has been healthy ever since.
The amazing thing is that at the same time Inna’s daughter had a reading from a medium and a message came through that the baby Inna was healing was healed completely. Inna’s daughter did not know anything about Vasia’s healing, but when she delivered that message for Inna, we were all astonished at how the Universe works. Inna is amazing! Thank you Inna for the miracle healing that prevented an heart operation!”
~ Nadia Mckendrick, ESL professor, UK
Son- in- law beats alcoholism; daughter got job after years of unemployment; granddaughter developed advanced piano skills
“My daughter’s husband had been a heavy drinker for many years. As a result he lost his job and his family was suffering. My daughter couldn’t even find a good job because she was emotionally exhausted. We encouraged my son in law to take all kinds of therapies and healings from alcoholism, but nothing helped. We took a session in the 5 Elements Rejuvenation healing altogether: myself, my daughter and my granddaughter. My son in law agreed to a few distant healing sessions. It was strange that Inna was working with our attitude to this problem. During the session my jaw was moving, and my daughter felt internal peace and warmth, my granddaughter did not feel anything at all. When Inna worked on my son in law, she shared that she released a huge brown furry entity from my son in law’s back.
After the session some positive events started happening in our lives very fast. As a result my daughter’s husband has not taken alcohol for 3 years now. Moreover, my daughter found a great job! My granddaughter excels in music, playing the piano and getting awards. Inna’s healing has done a miracle for all of us! She saved my family. We are very grateful. I highly recommend Inna’s healing and Five Elements balancing for all kinds of issues. She truly gave the whole family a new life.”
~ Lyudmila Z., Business Entrepreneur, Russia
Published poetry, got new job, overcame grief
“After healing and balancing with the energies of the Five Elements I started attracting what I really desired into my life: my poems (which were lying in the drawer for many years) were published, I got an interesting teaching job, I overcame grief for my son! I took a course in the 5 Elements Rejuvenation System© and now I can rebalance myself whenever I need! Every day I enjoy living and playing in the loving 5 Elements’ energy field. The results are amazing! Thank you, Inna.”
~ Irina Kazanskaya, professor and a poet, Russia
No more doctors, off medication for 2 years after kidney failure!
“I am 70. Long time ago I had an operation and one of my kidneys was removed, the other one was barely functioning. After a few sessions in healing and balancing with the Five Elements, I feel much better. For the two years to this day I have been off my medications! I have not seen a doctor even since! Previously I was always trying to rest and now I have incredible energy, I even cut down three huge old trees in my yard! My neighbours were astonished! After such results I took a basic course in the “5 Elements Rejuvenation System©” and now I can help myself and others.”
~ Elizaveta Kuznetsova, a natural healer, Russia
Twisted thumb got back into place instantaneously
“I was suffering from a twisted thumb on my left hand for quite some time. During a 15 minute session with Inna there was a click, and my thumb took its place. The Five Elements energies work instantaneously. I highly recommend Inna and her healing. I started believing in miracles! ”
~ N. Aliyeva, ESL teacher, USA
Found a job within a month after years of unemployment
“My brother was looking for a job in his major for many years. I suggested that he should participate in the distant healing group session in the "5 Elements Rejuvenation System©”. A month later he was able to find a job as an information technologist and no longer thinks about past difficulties. His whole life changed for the best. I highly recommend this system and Inna’s healing as it brings life-changing results. ”
~ N. and F. Aliyev, ESL teacher, USA
At nearly 90 I love my books, my walks and my gardening; painful cystitis cured the next day
“I have had recurrent bladder infections for many years. Every time I was prescribed different antibiotics, but they did not help me any longer. The last one I was taking was giving me disorientation. I felt dizzy and achy. I got a distant healing session with Inna for 15 minutes. During the session I felt a powerful vibration going through my body. It was quite pleasant. When the session was over I was not dizzy any more, the pain stopped and I felt renewed. The next day I noticed that my bladder infection was completely gone without antibiotics. I was amazed at this result. Inna also helped be with recurrent low back aches. I was in pain every day, however after a few sessions, I am free of pain for good.
I am so grateful that at nearly 90 I am enjoying my family, and a wholesome life. I moved back from senior accommodation to a home with a garden. Whenever I need healing or balancing Inna does it for me and I feel like new.”
~ Ans Ellis, pensioner, BC, Canada
Incredible recovery after quadruple bypass
“I was offered a 5 Elements Energies Rejuvenation healing and balancing on the second day after a serious heart operation (bypass). My leg was aching horribly, and the whole body was out of balance completely. During a 15 min healing, I felt incredibly peaceful, and my whole body was slightly vibrating. After the healing there was no more pain in the leg and no discomfort in the body. I fell asleep. Afterwards I felt very peaceful and recovered fast after the operation. Inna’s wonderful healing helped my fast recovery. ”
~ Els, retired PA, Holland
Deep emotional blocks cleared
“I loved my session with Inna. She is incredibly intuitive and combines many different techniques into one session. We cleared some very deep emotional blocks and she was able to get messages from my guides and ancestors that were very accurate! I was amazed at how much better I felt and was able to release and let go of the past to move forward to create the life I want.
Her work with the Elements is a powerful energy I could feel! Thank you. I highly recommend Inna's work to everyone. ”
~ Annett Schneider, Life Transformation Coach, Canada
I use Five Elements balancing and creating in my daily work as a realtor, manifesting rentals and sales
“The winning formula of the “5 Elements Rejuvenation©” is its simplicity, effectiveness and the fact that it is applicable and usable by all people. I was able to work through all aspects of my life and remove the negativities. My last manifestation was an increased sale in real estate. I just balance the 5 Elements in myself and go through my day and my wishes keep manifesting. Now I can help myself and others. Your system is wonderful, Inna”
~ Marina Martinova, realtor, Russia
Severe back pain gone when ancestral blocks were lifted
“I am only 35 but with the way my back hurts, I might as well be 75. With Inna's healing, not only did my pain relieve right away and I was able to put away the codeine, but the duration of the back pain was reduced. The last time this came on, I was ill for two weeks and away from work for nearly one. When using Inna's system, I was on my way to work the next morning. The interesting thing is all Inna did was to release a couple of ancestral blocks connected with me sabotaging my own abundance. I never knew that the ancestral blocks I carry in my DNA could have been connected with my recurrent backache. I hope this time I got rid of my back pain for good. Thank you!”
~ R.K., Software Engineer, London
I got my sexual ability back
“About 7/8 years ago I was dealing with stress which resulted in erectile dysfunction. I saw Inna about this. She worked with me for about 2 weeks after which the dysfunction disappeared and I was able to function normally again, sexually. At the time I was in my mid 50's, so this was a great relieve to me. I have not had a problem ever since and I am 67 now. Inna's very professional help was hugely appreciated.
No more steroids, painful muscle condition, polymyalgia rheumatica, gone
About 10 years ago I suffered from an occurrence of 'polymyalgia rheumatica'. This is a condition about which relatively little is known which causes a very painful stiffening of the major muscle groups to the point where sleeping uninterrupted for more than 2 hours before changing position rarely happens.
Inna worked with me on this for about 1 month, during which this condition slowly disappeared. Approximately 7 years later I had a relapse. By this time Inna had much expanded her repertoire of healing tools, so that it only took about a few sessions balancing the Five Elements in my body for the condition to disappear. It has not been back since, for which I am very grateful. I am much indebted to Inna for her healing efforts with me.”
~ Petres T., corporate manager, Canada
Do you ever feel like your life “turned out not like you wanted it”?
- Do you have any acute or chronic pain that makes you want to cry?
- Do you find that you sometimes resent even the people that you love most, like your children or parents?
- Do you ever secretly hate yourself because you think that you are stupid, ugly or aging?
- Do you ever feel that you are falling behind at work because technology is too much to handle?
- Do you wish that you could learn something new faster, like a new language or skill?
- Do you want to make yourself stop procrastinating and move on with your special project?
- Do you feel like you lost track in life or you never even found one?
As we all now know life “turning out” is simply a myth. You are the Creator of your own life. Let me help you get to a point when your creations can become reality.
What are the benefits of Miracle of Deep Healing and Rejuvenating through the Five Elements Energies?
- Release– your ancestral blocks will be relieved and undesirable situations will stop repeating themselves in your life today
- Rebalance – your health and emotions perfectly in harmony with the energy of the Five Elements
- Recreate – you are witnessing your creations come to life because you have learned to manifest and create your reality

And the biggest miracle is that the 5 Element Rejuvenation System© is a gift that keeps on giving: It is a healing system that teaches you to heal yourself and others again and again.
That is what the experts experience:
I could see beautiful harmonizing and balancing of Yin and Yang energies
“When I came for a healing session I wanted my personal space balanced. The first thing I felt energetically is how my limiting beliefs were leaving my energy field. Afterwards my energy field was filled with white light, and then I saw the interplay of the Yin/Yang symbol, expanding to the size of my auric field, harmonizing and balancing it. My whole life changed for the better after this experience. The most important thing is that my suffering lifted. ”
~ Serafima Semerina, healer, business entrepreneur, Kazakhstan
I feel more connected with everything around me
“The coaching sessions of deep healing and co-creating with the Five Elements energies are powerful, life- changing and fun. The field created by the balanced energies of the Five Elements is “buzzing” with loving energies. Connection to their amazing consciousness and co-creating with the elements allowed me to be healthier, to expand my perception of reality and feel more connected with everything around me.”
~ Ella Li, psychologist, co-teacher of the 5 Elements Rejuvenation System©
Peace, wellbeing and success are readily accessible
“In this fast-paced life problems need to be resolved quickly. This technique is very concrete which helps you to get desired results quickly. Peace, wellbeing and success are readily accessible. Thank you very much, Inna.”
~ Aliya Vikulovskaya, Healer and Transformational Coach, Kazakhstan
Negative views towards the world resolved
“This method is simple, however, powerful change was taking place. It is fantastic! Each day I felt negative energy caused by limiting beliefs being resolved in my past and positively redirected forward. It is not surprising that the Universe gave us such healing method at this time. It helps us remove our negative views towards the world that we have been forming for a number of years.”
~ Lyazzat Babenova, healer, intuitive, Almaty, Kazakhstan
5 Recorded group healing and coaching sessions +5 MP3s of Five Elements high frequency infused meditations & downloads + A PDF file of supporting materials to the coaching classes + Bonuses
5 Recorded group healing and coaching sessions +5 MP3s of Five Elements high frequency + supporting materials to coaching classes + Bonuses + 1 individual healing session (30 min) +1 group healing and coaching session + Q&A + 1 MP3 on Five Elements interaction + 5 BONUSES IN 1 - FIVE ELEMENTS
Here’s what’s included in the package
Package A |
Recorded Group Coaching and Healing Session
Releasing deep blocks, balancing and creating with the Water Element
Value: $297
Duration of each module: 1.5 hours

The session will include 1 hour of group healing and coaching and 30 minutes of Q&A.
The healing and coaching session will help you
- Activate our receptors to connect to the energy field of the Five Elements
- Release deep DNA ancestral as well as surface blocks in the your own Water element energies connected to fears, procrastination, lack of Will to start something new in your life
- Rebalance your Kidney and Urinary Bladder energies
- Rebalance energies connected with your career, learning, and personal development
- Protect your personal energies with the Water Element symbols (pearl, shell and a pyramid)
- The daily situations the Water element energies will work best for
- Heal yourself and others
As a result the following physical, emotional and mental blocks, and life difficulties connected with the Water element imbalances might be healed or improved:
- Physical conditions: kidney and bladder issues conditions (acute cystitis, nervous bladder), low energy, high or low blood pressure, signs of fast aging, infertility, menstrual problems, post-menopausal syndrome, impotence, musculo-skeletal pain (neck, upper, middle and low back, knees, tennis elbow), osteo-arthritis, hearing issues (low pitch tinnitus, reduced hearing), occiput headaches, oedema connected to poor kidney elimination function
- Emotions: fear of darkness, water, confined or open spaces, insects, disease, death, aggression, losing an opportunity, suspicion
- Mental blocks: inability (lack of will) to start a new trend in your life
- Life situations: difficulties with finding yourself a new career, occupation, acquiring and storing knowledge, personal development and growth
No more doctors, off medication for 2 years after kidney failure!
“I am 70. Long time ago I had an operation and one of my kidneys was removed, the other one was barely functioning. After a few sessions in healing and balancing with the Five Elements, I feel much better. For the two years to this day I have been off my medications! I have not seen a doctor even since! Previously I was always trying to rest and now I have incredible energy, I even cut down three huge old trees in my yard! My neighbours were astonished! After such results I took a basic course in the “5 Elements Rejuvenation System©” and now I can help myself and others.”
~ Elizaveta Kuznetsova, a natural healer, Russia
Chronic high blood pressure normalized next day
“I participated in a group healing session with Inna out of curiosity and because I was suffering from a high blood pressure. Every day when I went to work it was at least 180/100 or higher. I felt tired, and my face was always red. During a 30 min session the pictures of me sitting beside the water creek came to my mind, and immediately after the session I felt different, calmer and more aware. To my surprise my blood pressure normalized and my energy level doubled. I kept checking my blood pressure for the whole month, it was still normal. Thank you, Inna.”
~ Tatiana Maslennikova, engineer, Russia
Recorded Group coaching and healing session – “Releasing deep blocks, balancing and creating with the Wood/Air Element”
Value: $297
Duration: 1.5 hours

The session will include 1 hour of healing and coaching and 30 minutes of O&A.
The healing and coaching session will help you
- Release blocks regarding resentments, frustrations and anger to your partner or spouse, friends, children, parents, “enemies”, abundance and to life in general
- Rebalance Liver and Gall Bladder energies
- Rebalance your sexual energy
- Expand your creative expression on this earth
- To be aware of and use the energetic qualities of the Wood element in your daily life
- Heal yourself and others
As a result of the coaching and healing session the following physical, emotional and mental blocks, and life difficulties connected with the Wood element imbalances might be healed or improved:
- Physical conditions: liver and gall bladder issues, a variety of blood issues, e.g. excessive bleeding, dysmenorrhea, muscles, tendons and sinews tension or weakness, eye issues, vertex or side headaches, migraines, pain on the sides of the body, hip and leg pain, joints, arthritis, disorders of the eyes (short-sightedness, long-sightedness, conjunctivitis), brittle nails, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, peri-menopausal syndromes (hot flushes, night sweating, restless sleep, high pitch tinnitus, dizziness, exhaustion)
- Emotions: frustration, resentment, aggression, anger, stress
- Mental blocks: what is stopping your creative expression, inactivity
- Life situations: issues connected with health and abundance
Gall Bladder pain never came back by releasing resentment to my daughter
“I have been suffering from frequent recurring Gall Bladder pains for many years. The pain can happen any time, and I have to take powerful drugs to subside it. During the coaching session with Inna I learned that the Wood element disharmony (resentment to my daughter) can be the reason for my Gall bladder pains. Last time I had pain I connected to the consciousness of the Wood element and resolved it by releasing my resentment. Within 15 minutes the pain subsided completely. It has been a year and it did not come back since. It is such a relief.”
~ Galina Gorelova, intuitive healer, Russia
People started seeing me in a different light!
“Harmonizing my name and clearing unbalanced frustrations and resentments from my subconscious was such an amazing process and the results are astonishing! During the process I felt buzzing everywhere in my body, and felt warm. After balancing I felt lighter, as if the burden I was carrying all my life lifted. To my astonishment I realized that already the next day people started perceiving me differently. I was amazed that even “difficult” people at work responded to my requests with a smile. I noticed big changes in my communication with people, I became more confident and assertive! Everyone at work noticed a big change in me. Thank you, Inna.”
~ Alexandre M., diplomatic corps, Russia
Recorded Group coaching and healing session – “Releasing deep blocks, balancing and creating with the Fire Element”
Value: $297
Duration: 1.5 hours

The healing and coaching session will help you
- Release anxiety and depression
- Release the energy of hatred from your life and rebalance ego
- Rebalance your Heart and Small Intestine energies, revitalize your blood circulation
- Create more positive manifestations in your life by activating the energy of “Joy”
- Create a “Success Energy Template” to fast track you to manifesting your desires in career, business, relationships, etc.
- To be aware of and use the energetic qualities of the Fire element in your daily life whenever you need “fast action”
As a result of the coaching and healing session the following physical, emotional and mental blocks, and life difficulties connected with the Fire element imbalances might be healed or improved:
- Physical conditions: insomnia, poor memory, concentration, excessive heat in the whole body, and sweating, blood vessel problems, tachycardia, hyperactivity in children, stammering, stomatitis, Crohn’s disease (small intestine problem), hyper or hypotension
- Emotions: anxiety, depression, lack of confidence, lack of joy, insomnia
- Mental blocks: of not allowing joy and fun into your life, being afraid to be the best for yourself
- Life situations: reputation, success, achievements
I used the 5 Elements Rejuvenation system© to manifest quick success, boost confidence and enhance knowledge
“I am quite young and was always keen to advance quickly through my career. I was often faced with situations which required extra confidence and more knowledge: giving presentations, proposing corporate changes, standing up in front of a room full of older people (usually men) and needing to be respected and heard. I used the Fire element energies to be on the wave, to manifest success, boost confidence and deepen my knowledge in subjects that were new for me, like manufacturing and engineering. It is absolutely incredible that healing and balancing can lead to an expert presentation, an understanding of construction and even a promotion. Inna’s coaching is amazing. Thank you!”
~ A.C., Management Consultant, United Kingdom
My child’s OCD and anxiety has improved
“Thank you Inna for helping myself and kids when situations in our lives were difficult. Releasing and clearing emotional issues, balancing have helped us be lighter and happier moving forward. Specifically with my child's OCD and anxiety it has improved. You are an amazing intuitive gifted healer with diverse skills, and would recommend anyone with physical, mental or emotional challenges to come for your transformative healings.”
~ Sandy Beaudry, Bio-energy healer, Canada
I learned how to realize my wishes with the Water –Fire Element energies
“During the coaching session when we worked with the water element I learned how to connect to the consciousness of the Water element in order to realize my dream. During the workshop we were creating an amazing “Success template”, which I called “a clear crystal” because when I tasted the water I was charging this image came to my mind. I loved the taste of this water. Strangely, in class everyone’s water tasted different and when we tried the water from each other’s glasses the taste corresponded the name people were giving it. Inna said that the name was the shortcut to the passcode to our “Success template”. It was wow! The next day I started using my template and the results are amazing. I started realizing my dream, attracting work, and positive situations into my life. It is so easy and so powerful! Thank you Inna!”
~ Patty Bossort, ESL programs developer, Canada
Recorded Group coaching and healing session – “Releasing deep blocks, balancing and creating with the Earth Element”.
Value: $297
Duration: 1.5 hours

The healing and coaching session will help you
- Clear emotional blocks in the Earth energies of your body (worry, stress, drama or trauma) through the ritual of “Separation with your Monster.”
- Release blocks around “self-love”
- Rebalance your digestive system (Spleen, Stomach) and regulate your blood PH
- Rebalance your Earth Element energies (Yin and Yang, feminine and masculine, bad and good, Heart and Mind, giving and receiving, loving and being loved)
- Heal your name, your home, your city , your country and your Earth energies with the energy of Gratitude
- Learn to get answers from the Earth element consciousness for clarity in everyday issues
- To be aware of and use the energetic qualities of the Earth element in your daily life
As a result of the coaching and healing session the following physical, emotional and mental blocks, and life difficulties connected with the Earth element imbalances might be healed or improved:
- Physical conditions: a whole variety of digestion problems (gastritis, gastric ulcers, abdominal pain, bloating, gas), muscle pains, chronic fatigue, diabetes mellitus, over and under eating, oedema, connected to spleen poor circulation, varicose veins, appetite and hunger problems, lactation problems, mastitis
- Emotions: too much drama, worry, self-love
- Mental blocks: Intention not clear, no focus, can’t bring peace to my mind
- Life situations: love, a soul mate, romanticism
Chronic fatigue syndrome improved immediately, anxiety gone after 30 min treatment
“My main intention was to be feeling better from the effects of a chronic illness dating back to 2001, manifesting with chronic fatigue syndrome and some muscle and joint pain. Low energy, poor endurance and some cognitive problems greatly challenge me. I am a nurse and I was giving a lot of care to people during my career. When Inna balanced the Earth element energy in me (giving and receiving) I felt immediate relief. I have felt different about things since. It was very effective and I felt such happiness during the hours afterwards. I also experienced peace and relaxation at the end of our session. Freedom from fear and no anxiety.
Immediately after the session I felt stronger than when I arrived. I felt happy and lighter. I had enough energy to do an errand on the way home. Of note was a release from fear. I was able to drive up the steep hills near your home. Usually I avoid them as I feel too much anxiety going up steep inclines. The next day I felt strong enough to work with the documents.
In conclusion, the healing session was so gentle that one wouldn’t really expect much of it. However, the work was done at a deep level and the effects are dramatic. I am very grateful and would gladly return for another. This technique is mysterious but it can change your life!”
~ Darlene Davies, nurse, Canada
After one session I felt more feminine, attracted a nice boy-friend
“I came for a session of 5 Elements Rejuvenation because my boyfriend left me and I had a lot of anger, I also felt that I am not very feminine. During the session, I had goosebumps all over my body and my head became heavy. By the end of the session the heaviness lifted and on the contrary I started feeling light. That night I had a dream that a young handsome man is kissing me. The next day I looked up the meaning of my dream and realized that my masculine side was balanced with my feminine side. It was true because I noticed that I started feeling and looking more feminine, and soon I started dating a nice boyfriend. Unbelievable, one session changed me.”
~ Dasha Petrova, student, Russia
Recorded Group coaching and healing session – Releasing deep blocks, balancing and creating with the Metal Element.
Value: $297
Duration: 1.5 hours

The healing and coaching session will help you
- Clear deep blocks connected to grief, sadness, loss or failure through the Five Elements breathing and rebalancing downloads
- Rebalance the energies of the Metal element – Lungs and Large Intestine
- Reconnect your DNA with Fun experiences in your life, turn what is difficult and stressful into easy and fun
- Learn to bridge the finishing and the beginning cycles in your life
- To be aware of and use the energetic qualities of the Metal element in your daily life
As a result of the coaching and healing session the following physical, emotional and mental blocks, and life difficulties connected with the Metal element imbalances might be healed or improved:
- Physical conditions: lung problems, and large intestine problems, skin problems (acne, dermatitis), frequent colds, hay fever, chronic allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma
- To heal emotional issues: sadness, grief, smoking
- Mental blocks: inability to focus, hard to finish what you started, too much control
- To heal life situations connected to children, helpers in business and life, friends
My computer skills have improved after 1 session – I let go of stress at work
“I received healing from Inna regarding challenging times with computer technology – especially related to my job. After the healing, there was a notable and very welcome difference in my ability to navigate the computer systems necessary for my work, along with increased coping abilities, with the never ending changes that accompany computer technology. This allowed me to achieve more confident success, with less distress with work related projects. Thank you Inna”
~ Rita Dillabough, nurse, Canada
Long-term severe allergy improved after 2 sessions
“I have been having allergies since I was a student, and I am in my late sixties right now. Sharp smells, certain foods, some pollutants in the air can activate it, you name it. For many years I have been turning to a lot of doctors, taking all kinds of antihistamine medicine and nothing has helped so far. I turned to Inna for 5 Elements balancing and releasing deep blocks. When she was releasing blocks I experienced tingling in my fingers and my head was very heavy. All of a sudden I started breathing deeply and it was much easier to breath. To tell you the truth I forgot what it felt like to be able to breathe deeply, so the change was so welcome and so good! I went to bed immediately after the healing and the next day I stayed in bed and slept for the whole day. After the second session I felt elated and very light, I even danced and sang. All my allergy symptoms have reduced by half. I do not feel itchiness in my throat and nose, I sneeze less frequently and I breathe deeper. I bought more sessions as I want my allergy cleared completely. I also started reading Inna’s book and can’t put it away. I would like to continue rebalancing my body, my emotions and my life. It is so easy and the method works!”
~ Svetlana Belova, engineer, Russia
Suppressed grief for my son lifted after one session
“I would like to thank Inna for helping me lift a suppressed feeling of deep grief for my son. My only son died young many years ago. He had diabetes I, was completely blind and was on dialysis every other day. For many years a very heavy dark feeling of grief poured over me the first thing in the morning. I could feel heavy and desolate for weeks on end. I decided to have a session with Inna during which she worked on balancing the Metal element in my body. During the healing I felt a powerful wave of energy in my head, as if a heavy and dark cloud was lifting. I had an immediate relief. The next day I woke up and felt the energy of the “sun”, light and bright. I have not felt like this for years. It has been a month already that the heavy dark feeling has not returned. I am sure I got rid of a very low energy of grief forever. I remember my son and love him very much, but now I can sleep peacefully and wake up feeling positive and full of life. Thank you so much, Inna, for helping me release grief! ”
~ Irina V.K., instructor, Russia
5 MP3s of recorded high frequency balancing meditations and downloads for each element
Length: 15 min
Each of 5 recorded MP3s contains a high frequency in-built energy template for balancing all the aspects of the Five Elements: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, sound, number, taste, smell, colour, and temperature
Water Meditation
Value: $49
Length: 11 min
Cleanses of your Kidneys and Bladder of stale energies
Lifts fears about starting something new in your life
Gives a powerful boost to your vital life energy
Clears ancestral blocks
Wood Meditation
Value: $49
Length: 8.5 min
Immediately releases anger and frustrations
Provides Liver and Gall Bladder energies detox
Boosts sexual energy
Cleanses blood
Fire Meditation
Value: $49
Length: 6 min
Supports the energy of Heart and Small Intestine
Unleashes the energy of success in the body
Transforms immediately old limiting patterns and creates positive energy patterns
Releases anxiety and depression
Earth Meditation
Value: $49
Length: 7 min
Harmonizes digestion
supports the energies of Stomach and Spleen
Regulates sugar levels in blood
Releases stress and drama
Attracts positive changes in relationships
ITEM 10:
Metal Meditation
Value: $49
Length: 10 min
Releases grief and sadness
Supports Lungs and Large Intestine energies
Focuses the Mind for successful manifestations
Grounds and settles your body energies
The Five Elements high frequency meditations heal, balance and connect you to the powerful consciousness
“The Five Elements meditations are so powerful, they not only cleared some of my issues, but also expanded my perception of the nature, improved my diet, life style and created positive changes in my work. The energy that is infused in them is loving, balancing and healing. You feel connected to the powerful consciousness around you. You want to listen to them every day. Every time you listen you feel stronger, more aligned with your life and more peaceful. Inna is so amazing at being able to bring out the best of the Chinese medicine philosophy and allow the Dao (Way) to stream the 5 Elements of nature to help you by just bringing your awareness to their beautiful energies inside and around you”
~ A. Charkova, UK
ITEM 11:
Energy properties of the Five Elements
Value: $49
Bonus 1:
Complete Yin and Yang Energies Rebalancing
Value: $99
Length: 16 min
An MP3 of the energy detox and relaxation session in the THE REJUVENATION TEMPLE OF THE MOON- rebalancing and strengthening the YIN energies of the body
Benefits: promotes good sleep, clears and rebalances all the Yin energies of the body at the same time, provided relaxation, aligns the body with the night time, stores the energy and cleanses blood, a deep healing and
rejuvenation experience on the cellular level. You will feel refreshed. Immediate release of discomfort in the Yin energies of the body (kidney, liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and meridians)
Length: 16 min
An MP3 of the powerful energy boost session in the THE REJUVENATION TEMPLE OF THE SUN – Activating the YANG energies of the body
Benefits: boosts the Yang energies of the body, gets you ready for the day or any activity, supports your strength, takes you to your success, energizes and manifests desires, immediate release of discomfort in the Yang energies of the body (urinary bladder, gall bladder, small intestine, stomach, large intestine and meridians)
Severe symptoms reduced from 8 to 2 within minutes in the Temples of Rejuvenation
“I had extreme heaviness and aches/pains in my body for the whole week. The symptoms were severe. Immediately after a 15 min journey to the “Temples of Rejuvenation” almost all symptoms subsided from a level of 8 (out of 10) to about a 2. I know the healing Inna did will continue to release the rest shortly. Her work is powerful! Thank you for 5 elements rejuvenation and the amazing work you do.”
~ Annett Schneider, hypnotherapist, reiki master/intuitive, Canada
“My experience in the Temple of Rejuvenation of the Sun”… There are not enough words to describe it! JUST DO IT!”
~ Gabriella Vesna, Denmark
Ignite the Energies of your Name - MP3
Length: 16 min
It is important to balance all aspects of your being, even your name. When the vibrations of your name are tuned and balanced you will find that people around will perceive you differently: the world will become more receptive to you with open doors when they were previously shut. This balancing is very important regardless of whether you absolutely love your name or have grown up with not being sure about it. It is an MP3 with the guided process loaded with high frequencies.
As we go through the process of releasing deep blocks stuck in your name with the energies of the Five Elements, the low frequencies of your past failures, sadness, dramas and traumas will be dissipated in the Universal Field of Unconditional Love and the balance of the higher frequencies of your Divine name will be restored. Your Mind will feel more aligned with the Life Purpose ingrained in your energy signature. During the process of balancing your name, the higher frequencies will be available for your positive manifestations. The benefit of this process is that your friends, colleagues and family will start perceiving you in a more positive way. Your interactions with society will become smoother, without conflicts and dramas. People around will respect and support you with a smile no matter whether it is a simple chat or an important business meeting…
Package A
Total Package Value $1,878
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 95% Saving ***
Package B |
ITEM 12:
An Individual Healing Session on your Specific Issue
Value: $199
This session is YOU oriented. The focus is to clear deep blocks in your ancestral energies (blocks, curses, obligations, traumas) and shift your energies for creating a better reality for YOU! We will also rebalance the presence of the Five Elements in your body for your physical and emotional health. Additional sessions in a package (if you need more than one) including a manifesting session can be bought separately.
“I have, over the past several decades experienced various healing modalities with various healers and I just have to say WOW! Inna’s 5 Elements Rejuvenation is the real deal. I thought I would just be receiving a general “tune-up”, alignment with the 5 Elements. I was pleasantly surprised when she asked me what I would like to work on during our session. My issue (intention for healing) was resolving my mother’s estate (which has been a mess) so that I can move on with my life. That’s all I said. I was quite literally floored by what she was able to tap into as she proceeded through the session, as well as the sheer quantity of what we were able to cover in one short session. The modality itself is strong, yet gentle. Inna’s energy is one of such compassion and grace. She is exceedingly comfortable to work with. She tapped right into so many fears I had been subconsciously suppressing, using the 5 Elements to clear and transmute those energies, explaining everything so clearly as we went through the session. She connected to fears of disconnection, moving on, and others. Feelings I had been suppressing of isolation, and overwhelm. She even felt into the suppressed anger I was feeling toward myself for not being able to easily resolve all the issues involved with the estate in a more timely manner. She also recognized that I was not feeling into my own power in these matters, and some very personal issues I have been dealing with in relation to my mother. What surprised me the most was her being able to sense the current of deep sadness and repressed grief I have been suppressing due to having, over the past decade or so having lost in succession my favorite uncle, my beloved grandmother, my father (I was always daddy’s girl) and my fiancé, and then having to deal with a long and debilitating illness with my mother prior to her death. Every issue she brought up was so obviously “true”, I had not even realized all that I had been suppressing just to be able to get through all that I have been trying to move through on a day to day basis over all these years. The beauty of Inna’s work with the 5 Elements is that even though these were deeply held and rooted issues, I did not have to revisit, feel into, or re-experience the emotions of these issues. As quickly as I was acknowledging the veracity of what she was bringing to the surface, she was clearing and transmuting their energy from my field. Near the end we went back and moved all those energies into a ball of light in front of me during a countdown, then on counting back up filled that same ball with the transmuted energies desired. At the end I mentioned that I felt as though there was a fist clenching the base of my spine at my root chakra. She did further work in that area and I immediately felt a sparkling energy cause the first to release its hold. The sparkling energy continued to radiate in the area of my root chakra for several hours following the session. She also performed a deep DNA search and found that I had a financial block in place over many, many generations, which she removed. About 2 hours after the session I received an amazing visualization where I felt that my root chakra was transforming into lower trunk of a tree with a hollow center and that roots were growing rapidly from the base of that trunk and extending themselves deep into the earth. In the days since it has felt that the “tree trunk” has been expanding and growing up my spine to encompass my other chakras, and I can feel the energy moving smoothly up the trunk of the tree, while the roots remain firmly embedded deep within the earth. I continue to feel lighter and stronger with each passing day and am looking forward with excitement to see what else is going to occur. I cannot wait to be able to have another session with Inna and I would encourage everyone to take advantage of her amazing work. I cannot think of anyone who would not benefit from Inna and her wonderful 5 Elements Rejuvenation modality. Thank you so much Inna.”
~ Barbara Kay, USA
ITEM 13:
Group Coaching Call - 5 Elements Interaction
Value: $297
The session will include 1 hour of coaching and healing and 30 minutes of Q&A
A coaching and healing session on how to balance all Five Elements in your body at the same time for optimal physical and emotional health for you
The coaching and healing session will include
- Identifying weak elements in the body and disharmony in the interaction between the elements by remote viewing
- Rebalancing the Five elements at the same time
You will experience deep healing and will learn how to achieve optimal physical health and emotional balance for yourself and others
“I was surprised by the simplicity, yet deep spiritual logic of the 5 Elements Rejuvenation System©. I have previously tried other systems, but they were complex and took many years to master. The techniques (the Five Elements remote viewing and restoring balance, the Spiral of Time, The Basic protocol) are so powerful and effective. In just three days, many areas of my life improved: health, emotions and career. We have been working on securing a contract for more than a year and during the course, it all came together and we closed it. Unbelievable! It is real. I observed other course participants experience similar transformations in just three days.”
~ I. C., Russia
ITEM 14:
Creating a “Complete balance of the Five Elements movement” in the body in a guided process of high frequency downloads
Value: $99
Length: 15 min
Creates a balanced movement of all Five Elements in your body and energetically aligns it to your environment for better health and more harmonious life experiences

Bonus 1:
Value: $79
Length: 12 min
An MP3 with high frequency Water element downloads in a guided process to help you feel and look beautiful, irresistible, positively glowing from within.
If you have an important day in your life and would like to look and feel your best, here are the high frequencies to accompany you on that day, get compliments, feel confident and enjoy yourself. Simply, head to your bathroom and grab a pot of regular cream, it doesn’t have to be anything special… Let’s now load it up with beauty…
Bonus 2:
Create your “DANCE TO GOAL ROUTINE” with the Wood/Air element
Value: $79
Length: 16.5 min
An MP3 with the Wood element guided movement manifestation to ensure that the high frequency start-up energies for any goal in your life are in place.
Getting to your goal will be that much easier if we attach real moves to it. By recreating smooth movements towards your goal in a particular pattern you will align your mind with getting there. This is now your individual routine that carries goal achieving frequencies…
Bonus 3:
Value: $79
Length: 10 min
An MP3 with the high frequency Fire Element downloads to help support your manifestation, especially when you need it quickly. Think of it as a little trick for when you need things to go extra well (exam, job interview, marriage proposal).
By loading up a few bars of your favorite music with high frequency fire energies we will create a sound support system for your manifestation.
Bonus 4:
Value: $79
Length: 12 min
Turn your ordinary morning tea or coffee into a powerful energy boost. We will learn how to download a day worth of energy positivity and productivity into your drink using the energies of the Earth element. You will surely notice the difference in your day in the office, at home with your children or running errands.
Bonus 5:
“DOODLE OUT YOUR PAIN AND STRESS” with the Metal element
Value: $79
Length: 7 min
May be your heard about mindful coloring. I will take you through a process of mindful doodling on a piece of paper which is a powerful process of releasing your pain, stress and grief using the high frequencies of the Metal element.
Package B
Total Package Value $2,868
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177
*** 94% Saving ***
About Inna Van Der Velden:
Inna Van Der Velden (BSc, PhD) is an acupuncturist, a natural healer and an international instructor of the unique 5 Elements Rejuvenation System© that was conceived as an approach to seamlessly combine the scientific principles of quantum physics and an intuitive approach.
Inna has mastered over 30 various healing modalities, including Reiki, Bio energy, Cosmoenergy, Reconnection and the Reconnective healing, Theta healing, Matrix Energetics, the Kinslow system, Tuina massage, facial acupuncture, ear acupuncture, Mr Tung’s pain management acupuncture, Japanese style acupuncture, etc. It is the studies and practice of these modalities that has formed Inna’s vision of how to connect to the consciousness of the 5 Elements and in partnership with them to heal people, animals, home energies, and country energies.
Inna is the author of the book “Miracle of Five Elements Rejuvenation” and teaches her system all around the world with her wonderful team of instructors and healers.
Throughout her life Inna has been receiving Gifts from the Creator that served as a confirmation of her unique healing abilities and life path.
The first gift was the discovery of her ability to channel the healing frequencies of Jesus Christ through her hands.
This gift was first revealed to her in her 20s, when she was going through a devastating divorce at the time of collapse of the Soviet Union. At that time she had a vision of Jesus Christ coming down from the skies and giving her a beautiful necklace with a shimmering cross. He taught her how to connect to the beautiful Universal Field of Love and how to heal people through his high frequency Yang energies.
The second gift was activating the healing energies of Mary Magdalene that Inna’s DNA is holding.
As a result of this gift Inna has the ability to connect to the incredible Yin healing energies of the Divine Feminine.
Inna got her third gift when an Angel of Light channeled to her that she has the ability to reshape DNA by removing ancestral blocks from the layers of DNA and to activate people’s abilities and talents.
Inna helps people create the lives they desire, feeling elated when she learns that her patients are healthy, abundant and using 5 Elements Rejuvenation System© to heal themselves and others.
5 Recorded group healing and coaching sessions +5 MP3s of Five Elements high frequency infused meditations & downloads + A PDF file of supporting materials to the coaching classes + Bonuses
5 Recorded group healing and coaching sessions +5 MP3s of Five Elements high frequency + supporting materials to coaching classes + Bonuses + 1 individual healing session (30 min) +1 group healing and coaching session + Q&A + 1 MP3 on Five Elements interaction + 5 BONUSES IN 1 - FIVE ELEMENTS
"No refunds past 5 days after purchase of a package, or after a private session for package B has taken place, whichever comes first".
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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