Brand NEW Item added for Package B and C. Never before Offered. Only available for the next
Amplifying , turning up the power of the Daily Remote Energies, MP3 meditations and Mandala
This already powerful successful, healing program is getting a “super power boost” for all those saying their “Yes I am ready! Yes, I want to feel great, not just good. Yes I want a life filled with joy, abundance, love or better."
And everyone will also be receiving a special encoded, energized cosmic healing affirmation : just for you
Package B & C purchased anytime from August 7th to August 14th will be included in this never offered before, magical, special offer.
What is needed to be included in this magical, unique Transmission recording that will be sent out Aug 15th to your inbox. Please include your full name, DOB: mo/day/year and your astrological sign ( eg Leo ) and best Email address.
Here’s How it works:
Gloria and her Team will do a special meditation / connection with all of you. Everything that comes through that serves your highest and greatest good and the highest and greatest good of all, will be recorded. Including your personalized heart memo/cosmic healing affirmation. This will also include an energetic “ Wholeness alignment/attunement “ This will be like receiving some healing magic, a Divine Prescription to assist energetically-sensitive beings, to connect with what you really want, to deepen your connection with spirit, to heal your body on all levels, awakening the soul-transmuting reality through the POWER of Love, Light and Truth. This might just be your most important “ Yes “ .
Listen to the recorded MP3, write down your affirmation. Use it daily. Watch what enfolds magically in your daily life, some feel peaceful, some energized, some feel better, some feel worse ( getting old stuff up and out is good too, some improve relationships, we are all different, please say thankyou, this opens the door for more.
Success Stories from Customers who bought this package in June 2018!
“Gloria healed my daughter’s suffering, her head and body felt clear, like she has no scars.”
"What an answer to prayer you are. Thank you for your healing session with my daughter.
She has just thanked me for organising it for her. My daughter was really suffering before her session. She says her head and body feel weirdly clear, like she has no scars. That makes me so happy. Thrilled. Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing for her and everyone. So lovely that she is supported by you for 60 days remotely too. How joyous and wonderful. I can see a sweet unfolding in her."
~ Carole
“Within a week of him receiving the daily energies, no longer experiencing allergy symptoms of water eyes/running nose/itchiness. All the pimples at the back of neck vanished, all gone”
"Update: I purchased package A for my young son. He was having allergies, his neck was covered in pimples at the back. He was having horrible mood swings with anger.
Within a week of him receiving the daily energies I am happy to report that he is no longer experiencing those allergy symptoms of water eyes/running nose/itchiness. All the pimples at the back of his neck vanished, all gone. I could not believe the difference when we went shopping, he was calm and did not act up as usual. Thank you."
~ Sadia
Healing your Wounded Heart is powerful medicine
Freedom from Past Traumatic Stored Discordant Emotions & Pain!
Now a Gift of You Healing You, Using the Power of Love, Light and Truth.

This program is for all those who are ready to heal
Physical and Emotional Pain.

- You want to choose Love over Fear, Light over Darkness, Truth over deception & illusion.
- You are 100 % committed to eradicating the root of your real cause of pain & suffering.
- You are ready to choose freedom and joy.
- You are ready to get support and guidance.
This program is for You ...
- If you feel You are worthy & deserving of living and loving pain free. Feeling GOOD!
- You are trying everything and your health is getting slowly worse and you are frustrated.
- You are ready to release pain! NO MORE Suffering!
- You are ready to forgive and be forgiven so you can feel and heal!

“My grandson's warts completely gone”
"After two months, my 5-year-old grandson’s warts are completely gone. We had tried treating them with wart solutions and nothing helped. We hadn’t tried anything else for months until I included him in my package, so I know it is Gloria’s energy work that has done it. My daughter reads his affirmation out loud each day and he says “I accept”.
The first picture is from October 17, a couple weeks after we started with Gloria (the warts were worse than this at the beginning). The second picture is from December 3, so 6 weeks later. I still can’t believe they are gone!
Thank you from us both Debbie and Cooper Ennis"

“Finally Able to Move Fingers and Lift Foot after 19 years of Stroke”
"My name is Claudia Hickman and I am a stroke survivor. I had no use of my right arm and had very limited use of my right leg. My stroke happened in 1999. I had basically given up hope anything would change, then I met Gloria. I said yes when she offered to help me clear my headache. Not sure what I experienced but just knew something relieved that headache…
Gloria gave me Whole heart Healing Energetic Heart Reset Meditation. After a few days of listening to the meditation, I started moving my fingers and able to lift my foot. I am getting better and my ability to let the past go, has left me feeling stronger and now hopeful.
Gloria has been a bright light in my life and I will always be grateful and thankful to her. She has shown me I have the ability and with my higher power I can accomplish anything."
~ Claudia, April 23, 2018
“From feelings of anxiety and despair to understanding journey of life”
"Gloria has assisted my husband and I during what has been the hardest trial in our lives so far - a diagnosis of stage iv pancreatic cancer. The comfort she brought to him in his final months was simply beautiful. His fears were tamed and he was able to take the next step in his journey in stride. After his passing, I began to struggle with feelings of anxiety and despair; I was very afraid of living my life without him. Since working with Gloria I have began to trust more in knowing that our lives are unfolding as intended and that our love and our journey does not end at death. I have opened to being more connected with my husband as a result of my work with Gloria and for this I am so very grateful."
~ Jess & Anthony
Dangers of a Wounded Heart, an Unhealed hurting Heart, a closed off heart, a blocked heart.
- Hurting people hurt other people.
- Attracting negative unhealthy relationships, abuse, heartache.
- Use the mind to analyze, criticize, judge, make wrong. Attempt to fix, control or manipulate which leads to more negativity, beating self up and others.
- In a stuck negative cycle of blaming, shaming, waiting, hating, hurting…
- Inability to trust, believe, receive, to have faith, forgive and be forgiven and move forward in love.
- Start believing the limiting beliefs ( I am not worthy, I am not deserving, I am not good enough, pretty enough...etc.
- Continually drag the old dysfunctional P T S D ‘s ( Past Traumatic Stored Discordant Emotions and Energies ) into new moments despite wanting something better.
- Have unhealthy boundaries or none at all.
- People please at my expense for fear of saying no and being disliked..
- Physical signs and symptoms keep increasing, limiting my mobility, wellbeing and vitality, even to the point of complicated health challenges, and or life threatening illness.
- Feeling lost, abandoned, fatigued,forgotten, unimportant, invisible, resentful,depressed, anxious, desperate.. Or worse.
“Wow, double wow! I could feel so much love in my heart holding that beautiful healing mandala.”
"These energies are truly beautiful. Its only the beginning of the remote healing but already I am noticing a lot of change in the state of my being. Haven’t felt this much ease in a long time.
Wow, double wow! I could feel so much love in my heart holding that beautiful healing mandala. Gets more powerful everyday, I notice. Love it.!
Enjoying it. Thank you."
~ Sadia K
Gloria is humbled, honored and proud to announce that she is a PTSD Survivor and she no is no longer suffering from a wounded heart.
Despite childhood sexual molestation, teenage pregnancy that resulted in being kicked out to live on the streets, a severe car accident, abusive/ unhealthy marriage that resulted in divorce, a life threatening ( you’ve got six months to live ) diagnosis, loss of both her ( only ) children and many other losses, surgeries, traumas that followed.
Whole Heart Healing not only saved Gloria but taught her valuable life lessons she now shares freely, to help others suffering, hurting without Love. She now has an open loving, whole heart that loves to love. She understands wounds of the heart and how they hurt us. She wants everyone to receive that gift of Love, To FEEL to HEAL and wants you to want that, too.
Ok, so what is a heart wound and this Past Traumatic Stored Discordant
( Emotions ) and Energetic Hoarding?
- Heart wounds & heart walls usually start in Womb, childhood, teen years getting worse in adulthood. Every deeply traumatic experience (like abuse, accidents, surgery, trauma, drama, death, unmet needs, negative thoughts/feelings/emotions/habits) that was untreated, unhealed, or ignored. Got stored, stuck, hidden, hardened which can lead to feelings of anger, guilt, shame, blame, resentment, bitterness, self hate, sickness, pain & suffering or worse.
- Energetic Hoarding is our body keeping score, the accumulation of dark, negative, toxic, thoughts, feelings, emotions, traumas and events that block entrances and exists. Blocking flow channels ( giving and receiving ) block meridians, organs, chakras, joints and organs creating ill health, disease as well as poor hygiene, addictions, depression, anxiety, deep feelings of emptiness, grief, sadness, sorrow which creates the need for more stuff. Never feeling loved, grateful, fulfilled, satisfied, in any area of life.
Does this sound like you? Or anyone you know?
What PTSD Energetic Hoarding is NOT!
It is not laziness, lack of motivation, bad planning, disorganization, a sign that you are unworthy, undeserving, unlovable, that you are evil, cursed, hexed, bad. It is not a life sentence of doom and gloom, pain and suffering. Let all of that go, it’s not true.
What PTSD Energetic Hoarding is:
More about innocence, unawareness, fear, not feeling good enough, worthy enough,safe, supported. Chronic feelings of worry, doubt, grief, emptiness, disconnection from source/love. Stories our mind/ego, made to appear real that we keep alive by repeating, contaminating our present moments. Being a prisoner of your past, living in unforgiveness prison, afraid to get out, feels safer inside ( not true ) Robbing you of Joy, healthy relationships, good health, vitality, all the feeling good stuff. Keeps you playing small, confused, isolated, fear of making decisions, poor, attracting negative people and circumstance, from being your light, beautiful bright, creative divine true authentic self. And probably the worst of all: prevents you from shifting, lifting, clearing, transmuting all that is not love and all that is not serving your highest and greatest good. In order to remember who you are, raise your vibration, open your Divine Heart, awaken your spirit to connect with the Divinity within, the love, light and truth within, the healer within, the wisdom within so you can be the bright. Light amazing, spiritual/human being. “YOU”.
Ok, if your heart is saying YES! Please and thank you. This program is for you. No more excuses/waiting/worrying/wishing/wanting/hoping.. It’s Whole Heart Healing Time. Consider this your ticket to freedom, your get out of self imposed unforgiveness prison, “get out of jail card.”
Some of the many benefits to name a few.
Shift problems into Soul-utions
- Activate the best day of your life-every single day
- Awaken & deepen sense of Peace,Joy, love, aliveness, peace, harmony, balance, relaxation and more.
- Open your heart to listen to the voice of your soul.
- Enjoy a heart centered “ Heaven on Earth” living here and now.** Spontaneous physical, mental, emotional healing and real transformation.
- Receive clarity, awareness, insight, intuition about your gifts, abilities, purpose and path.
- Connect with plug into Divine Source, Pure Love, source love with plenty to share and plenty to spare
- Turn your core heart wounds and their lessons into Divine & Perfect Blessings and use them all for highest and greatest good. Always in All ways.
Here's what others have said about Gloria's work::
"Finally Able to Move Fingers and Lift Foot after 19 years of Stroke"
"From feelings of anxiety and despair to understanding journey of life"
"Wow, double wow! I could feel so much love in my heart holding
that beautiful healing mandala."
"My grandson's warts completely gone"
"I am experiencing miracles in my changes"
"Doctors gave him less than 30 days to live and now he is the first person to survive Stage 4 Mantle Cell Lymphoma."
"Two sessions with Gloria and my health and habits completely changed. Bloating, swollen hands, hormonal imbalances… One month after doing Gloria’s program I found out I was pregnant"
"5 out of 5 I am amazed!!"
"The only powerful word I can use to describe my experience
in and after my session is “whole”"
"Heart centered and enthusiasm for life."
"My experience with Gloria has been amazing"
"Have a deep sense of peace"
"You touch my heart and my soul!"
"Has made such a difference in my life, and my relationship with my husband"
"Maxine’s caregiver and I are witnessing shifts and miracles since she started receiving the whole heart healing Love energies."
"From Heavy menstrual cycles to severe migraine, to respiratory Infection, to losing weight…The results have been Phenomenal… Wow…is all I have to say"
"I got better pretty much by noon the next day and have been doing wonderful since!"
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Discount: 69%
Total Package Value $350
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
30 days of Daily Remote Healing-Love energies
Opening your Heart to LOVE - MP3
Love Yourself into Love Healing Art Mandala.
Discount: 83%
Total Package Value $1200
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
60 days of Daily Remote Healing-Love energies
Opening your Heart to LOVE - MP3
Love Yourself into Love Healing Art Mandala.
“Love Yourself” Meditation/Activation/Transmission – MP3
One private one on one healing-love session with Gloria.
(40 min)
Discount : 85%
Total Package Value $2500
FHTJ Super Value
Discount offer
90 days of Daily Remote Healing-Love energies
Opening your Heart to LOVE - MP3
Love Yourself into Love Healing Art Mandala.
“Love Yourself” Meditation/Activation/Transmission – MP3
TWO private one on one healing-love session with Gloria.
(40 min each)
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
(Please choose 2 payment option at checkout)
Please note 7 day money back guarantee, as opposed to our usual 30 day refund policy. Gloria will start remote healing energies customized for your issue on Day 1 in additional to all products being digital. Only exception if session work has been taken within the 7 days, no refund will be provided. We appreciate and value our listeners and our speakers. Thank you for understanding.
Gloria says “ there is no such thing as a Broken Heart or a Broken person., but only a closed off/blocked wounded heart and a fearful, confused, innocent, stuck in a rut person. A Broken Dream and a Soul with a wounded heart.. Getting ready, preparing for LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH so they can remember Who they are. "Divine & Perfect LOVE."
Here is how the program supports you, guides you, teaches you, heals you and loves you using the power of your heart, love, light and truth and the Healer Within.
- Gloria is humbled and honored to be your guide to assist Divinely and Perfectly along your Love-Healing journey.
- Results speak for themselves for those who said yes, committed 100%, trusting, believing, having faith in the Healer Within and that Love HEALS.
- The only way any program can work is with an open heart, that allows access to your heart song, trusting your Divine connection with source, unafraid to feel to heal. The remote energies, meditations, activations and the mandala are there to support you
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Discount: 69%
Total Package Value $350
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
30 days of Daily Remote Healing-Love energies
Opening your Heart to LOVE - MP3
Love Yourself into Love Healing Art Mandala.
Discount: 83%
Total Package Value $1200
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
60 days of Daily Remote Healing-Love energies
Opening your Heart to LOVE - MP3
Love Yourself into Love Healing Art Mandala.
“Love Yourself” Meditation/Activation/Transmission – MP3
One private one on one healing-love session with Gloria.
(40 min)
Discount : 85%
Total Package Value $2500
FHTJ Super Value
Discount offer
90 days of Daily Remote Healing-Love energies
Opening your Heart to LOVE - MP3
Love Yourself into Love Healing Art Mandala.
“Love Yourself” Meditation/Activation/Transmission – MP3
TWO private one on one healing-love session with Gloria.
(40 min each)
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
(Please choose 2 payment option at checkout)

Your success is our success and we are here for you every step of the way.
Our COMMITMENT is to support all of YOU
and when you decide to purchase a package from FHTJ… the love doesn’t end there!
We will reach out to you to see how you are progressing and answer any questions you may have
along the path you have chosen. FHTJ Cares
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund Policy: Please note 7 day money back guarantee, as opposed to our usual 30 day refund policy. Gloria will start remote healing energies customized for your issue on Day 1 in additional to all products being digital. Only exception if session work has been taken within the 7 days, no refund will be provided. We appreciate and value our listeners and our speakers. Thank you for understanding.
Package A
Reset Reboot
This Program Includes:
- 30 days of Daily Remote Healing-Love energies
- Opening your Heart to LOVE - MP3.
- Love Yourself into Love Healing Art Mandala.
30 days of Daily Remote Healing-Love Energies
You will receive 30 days of Daily “ Remote Healing-Love energies.
You will be asked to send your full birth name, date of birth ( day/mo/yr ) along with your current location and one main issue. Gloria along with her team will connect with your higher self and prepare a personalized, just for you “ Soul-utions Sphere. This will be customized Divine Spherical Energies to assist you to search, shift, lift, solve everything connected with your One main issue. Finding the Spiritual-Divine lesson underneath the pain, suffering, heartaches, physical health issues, mental issues, emotional issues or more.. Then use it for your highest and greatest good, supporting, guiding, teaching, healing YOU! So you can move forward fearlessly, effortlessly, easily, unburdened... Forward and towards your most extraordinary, magical, miraculous Heaven on Earth Live With LOVE, In LOVE, Through LOVE.
You will be given “ how to activate instructions”
Opening your Heart to LOVE - MP3
Meditation, Activation, Invocation, Spiritual Attunement. A true Gift of Love. Embedded with the purest, most divine, powerful frequencies and energies of Divine Love, Light and Truth. Please listen daily, to assist you D & P to clear your heart wounds/walls, creating a crack/opening to let love in, to allow love to heal you. Including a spiritual cleansing, releasing, clearing, dissolving, shifting, transmuting the OLD Past Traumatic Stored Discordant Energies/Emotions, safely,all in diving timing.
Please let go of the timing, an outcome, spirit knows exactly what you need, can handle etc. As this is evolutionary healing/ love in action/ please allow for the energy to do its work, to raise your vibration to clear the density, whenever, however. Please no resistance, no making anything wrong, judging it working or not working. Let it be Divine,aligning you with the power of LOVE. Setting you Free to LOVe yourself and everyone, Blessed be and so it is.
You will be given “ how to activate instructions”.
Love Yourself into Love Healing Art Mandala.
This is a creative gift from spirit that Gloria created from Love and much Joy. Hand drawn and painted, embedded/infused with the Pure Source Love Energies (self love, love for others, non judgmental love, unconditional love, Divine love, High Heart Love, Love heals love. Love is everything. All things are LOVE.
The energies remain active everyday you are receiving the energies. Afterwards feel free to enjoy the mandala as an original piece of Art, that brings love into the home. Hang as desired. You will be given instructions on how to activate.
Healing Heart Wounds Inside and Outside
Healing Heart Wounds MP3 is a Divine Love Meditation/Love Activation that has unique blessings and benefits that can vary for each person and each time listening. Spirit, your higher self and your heart knows all about all of your Past Traumatic Stored Discordant Emotions & limiting beliefs including how they have negatively impacted your life. Including what your heart and soul is ready to surrender, transform or transmute and let it go. Replacing it all with Divine Love, Self Love, Pure Love.. = Blessings
Listening once a week is recommended.
Reset Reboot
Total Package Value $350
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $107
*** 69% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund Policy: Please note 7 day money back guarantee, as opposed to our usual 30 day refund policy. Gloria will start remote healing energies customized for your issue on Day 1 in additional to all products being digital. Only exception if session work has been taken within the 7 days, no refund will be provided. We appreciate and value our listeners and our speakers. Thank you for understanding.
Package B
Deep Dive
This Program Includes:
- Everything in Package A
- Additional 30 days of Remote Healing Energies, sent daily.(Total of 60 days)
- “Love Yourself” Meditation/Activation/Transmission – MP3
- A private one on one healing-love session with Gloria. (40 min)
Additional 30 days (Total of 60 days) of Remote Love Healing Energies, sent daily.
Supporting you even further in moving forward fearlessly, effortlessly, easily and unburdened, in these next 30 days we are going to go EVEN DEEPER propelling you forward and towards your most extraordinary, magical, miraculous Heaven on Earth Live With LOVE, In LOVE, Through LOVE.
A total of 60 days remote healing Love activations sent to you remotely. You dont have to do anything!
“Love Yourself” Meditation/Activation/Transmission – MP3
A private one on one healing-love session with Gloria.
This is where the magic happens!
Connected heart to heart, higher self to higher self. Gloria is divinely guided, using her voice as a spiritual healing tool, words of wisdom, love, light and truth will come through, personalized and unique, Just for you. Downloaded into a Divine and Perfect Soul-utions sphere that is most beneficial for you at this time, serving highest and greatest good.
People that get sessions with Gloria routinely report:
- Drastic improvement in relationships ( self, family members, co-workers, neighbors.. even ones disconnected and not in communication for years.
- Unintentional and Intentional weight loss with a healthier self image, free from the need to judge or criticize.
- Relief of long standing fear and anxiety issues. Freedom from isolation and loneliness.
- Reduction and or return to normal B/P and cholesterol issues with either a reduction or removal of all medicines taken in the past. With support and guidance of medical Doctor.
- Shift of chronic health conditions like Diabetes, skin conditions, etc.
- Improvement of finances, opportunities, unexpected cash rewards, winnings etc.
- Chronic aches and pains mysteriously start to vanish, returning mobility, flexibility and attitude.
- Improving love in all areas of life ( self, relationships with family, friends, co-workers ) attracting healthy soul love relationships, boyfriends ) despite years of nothing ever working.
- Huge attitude shift, out of negativity, victim mentality, fear, doubt, worry, what’s the use.. to a positive- yes I can! And yes I will attitude. Everything is possible. Return to love
Can be done on skype or Zoom.
Deep Dive
Total Package Value $1200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $207
*** 83% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund Policy: Please note 7 day money back guarantee, as opposed to our usual 30 day refund policy. Gloria will start remote healing energies customized for your issue on Day 1 in additional to all products being digital. Only exception if session work has been taken within the 7 days, no refund will be provided. We appreciate and value our listeners and our speakers. Thank you for understanding.
Package C
Total Transformation
This Program Includes:
- Everything in Package A & B
- Extra full month of daily remote energies (Total of 90 days)
- One additional 40 min private one on one session (Total of Two private 1-1 session with Gloria and the Whole Heart Healers)
Extra full month of daily remote energies (Total of 90 days)
Now that you have really, really moved the energies out of your system and are transforming the energies through love imagine what your life will be like when you receive 3 months of such beautiful, powerful, pure Source Love.
******Please note **** this package is for three issues. Yes, you get to pick 3 issues that you would like to work on in these 3 months so that they can be eradicated and dissolved forever!
What would you like to pick? Imagine what life would be like if you no longer had those issues and had what you really desired instead. That is what this package is going to be offering you!
You will need to send a current photo of you alone, selfie is okay, but it has to be you alone in the picture.
(Total of Two private 1-1 session with Gloria and the Whole Heart Healers)
This is where the magic happens!
Now you get not one but 2 sessions with Gloria. One can be done to address issues that are bothering you right now and you can book the second one if there are any unresolved energies that may come up later.
Connected heart to heart, higher self to higher self. Gloria is divinely guided, using her voice as a spiritual healing tool, words of wisdom, love, light and truth will come through, personalized and unique, Just for you. Downloaded into a Divine and Perfect Soul-utions sphere that is most beneficial for you at this time, serving highest and greatest good.
People that get sessions with Gloria routinely report:
- Drastic improvement in relationships ( self, family members, co-workers, neighbors.. even ones disconnected and not in communication for years.
- Unintentional and Intentional weight loss with a healthier self image, free from the need to judge or criticize.
- Relief of long standing fear and anxiety issues. Freedom from isolation and loneliness.
- Reduction and or return to normal B/P and cholesterol issues with either a reduction or removal of all medicines taken in the past. With support and guidance of medical Doctor.
- Shift of chronic health conditions like Diabetes, skin conditions, etc.
- Improvement of finances, opportunities, unexpected cash rewards, winnings etc.
- Chronic aches and pains mysteriously start to vanish, returning mobility, flexibility and attitude.
- Improving love in all areas of life ( self, relationships with family, friends, co-workers ) attracting healthy soul love relationships, boyfriends ) despite years of nothing ever working.
- Huge attitude shift, out of negativity, victim mentality, fear, doubt, worry, what’s the use.. to a positive- yes I can! And yes I will attitude. Everything is possible. Return to love
Can be done on skype or Zoom.
Total Transformation
Total Package Value $2500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $367
*** 85% Saving ***

*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days!
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund Policy: Please note 7 day money back guarantee, as opposed to our usual 30 day refund policy. Gloria will start remote healing energies customized for your issue on Day 1 in additional to all products being digital. Only exception if session work has been taken within the 7 days, no refund will be provided. We appreciate and value our listeners and our speakers. Thank you for understanding.
“I am experiencing miracles in my changes”
"Gloria I wanted to thank you and the Whole Heart Healers again for such a profound healing tool! It has taken me a bit to listen to it, as I keep falling asleep. I say that with a smile, as I am beginning to know that my sleep time has become very restorative
I want everyone to know that I am seeing the benefits of the daily energy healing. I am experiencing miracles in my changes of awareness these days. Each present moment has become so thoroughly experiential, that I get a sense of being lost that is very freeing. I know that it is all the letting go that is in process. I have been working very diligently for a long time, to reach this level of opening and letting go. It is so profound to observe myself as it is happening.
I feel so blessed and grateful for the day I heard you speaking on the tele summit. You and your work are a gift to humanity; I have never quite experienced anything like it despite all the products and programs I have purchased over many years.
Thank you and the Whole Heart Healers"
~ Kathleen B
“Doctors gave him less than 30 days to live and now he is the first person to survive Stage 4 Mantle Cell Lymphoma.”
"Here's Tom's recent update from his checkup last week. His white blood cells are slightly elevated. There is no sign of Cancer. All his major organs are "Unremarkable", meaning OK. He is a changed man after hearing this. Thank you for everything."
~ Ruth McLaughlin
"Dear Gloria, I am happy to report that thanks to the Christmas Gift of Healing several years ago. Tom remains cured of Mantle Cell Lymphoma. His tests for the third year in a row remain normal. He is now meditating; he follows your beautiful meditation every day. All relationships have improved and he has forgiven so many, including himself. He credits all of this to the 30 days of long distance healing energy he received as a Christmas gift from Ruth and whatever that was. We have a hard time explaining “he was on the energies “ Now we laugh about it because what we do know is he is alive and thriving when all the Doctors gave him less than 30 days to live and now he is the first person to survive Stage 4 Mantle Cell Lymphoma. The Doctors are dumbfounded.
We love you and your work, Thank you"
~ Uta ( Hella Friedman ) and Tom
Victoria, BC Canada
“Two sessions with Gloria and my health and habits completely changed. Bloating, swollen hands, hormonal imbalances… One month after doing Gloria’s program I found out I was pregnant”
"Gloria is amazing. She summarized 20 years of health conditions and medical diagnostic in one hour session. After just two sessions my health and habits completely changed. My bloating, swollen hands, hormonal imbalances..... my body felt clean and healthy in so many ways for the first time in my life! My husband and I had been wanting to have a baby, we tried everything for many years, one month after doing Gloria’s program I found out I was pregnant. Joy!"
~ Renata M, Cabo San Lucas , Mexico
“5 out of 5 I am amazed!!”
"I sent her my 3 issues. I am amazed at her email response. How does know me so well?! Her responses seem unrelated to the issues I identified for her and yet they are things I have been dealing with (in some cases for decades)! Things she couldn’t have known about. Thanks for connecting me with people who can help me “Love Myself, Love My Life!” If people are wondering if Gloria could help them, I’m happy to recommend her."
~ Donna K October 31, 2017
“The only powerful word I can use to describe my experience
in and after my session is “whole””
"Each time my mind wants to revert or go to a perceived lack, it is as if, my mind gets “redirected” to an experience of wholeness, …cool! I am even remembering so many experiences when younger when I was enveloped in wholeness. I feel lighter, and freer thus.
And, one last, when I was in my 20’s and 30’s, I used to have what I termed “direct” contact ~ communication, with Source/ God/ in my meditations. It was like speaking to a good friend and very natural. Well, the day after our session, I awoke and started to have and trust this experience once again. This is really neat, and quite nourishing."
~ Isabelle November 19, 2017
“Heart centered and enthusiasm for life.”
"I loved working with Gloria! She helped redirect me back to a place of wholeness, heart centered awareness and enthusiasm for life. Her insight into my 3 questions was amazing. I felt she saw me. Through her loving guidance over the next 30 days, I could make some major shifts in my life. I would highly recommend her work."
~ Dianna V November 19, 2017
“My experience with Gloria has been amazing”
"I’ve been using energy healing for over 10 yrs. My experience with Gloria has been amazing and I’m still working with her because the issue I needed help with was a difficult one that I knew would require more than one month of healing support."
~ Raquel November 23, 2017
“Have a deep sense of peace”
"I feel that your healing is the best I experienced. I want to thank you for your beautiful session. Since then I have a deep sense of peace. It takes a little time to get used to having peace of mind. I feel that to solidify what we have done; an extra 2 months should be added. I know how overprotective my ego is and so I want to continue with the work we started.
Thank you very much for your heart felt, kind work."
“You touch my heart and my soul!”
"Gloria, what a beautiful call my dear. Calling in the flow and the miracles! You touch my heart and my soul!
I am praying that the listeners purchase your package, the likes of which I have never seen so they too can witness to an ease and flow of LOVE and healing...a different type of "awakening" for sure.."
~ Kathy B.
“Has made such a difference in my life, and my relationship with my husband”
"Thank you for helping me see that I fell in to the codependency trap again.
What an eye opener this whole experience has been for me, you always seem to send the perfect energy that supports me, and assists me to make those very long overdue shifts in attitude and feelings, Gloria words cannot express my gratitude and deep heart felt appreciation
Thank you for your help and generosity, and the lesson. I had no idea how I could receive Love Energy in Sweden from you in Mexico and today I don’t have to know, because I know it works, it has made such a difference in my life, and my relationship with my husband."
~ Gun-Britt
“Maxine’s caregiver and I are witnessing shifts and miracles since she started receiving the whole heart healing Love energies.”
"After staying isolated in her room for over a year, she accepted lunch out and she is now out of her room and even exercising at the kitchen sink with a huge smile. Maxine at 86 is enjoying a much-improved quality of life, thanks to those Whole Heart Healing Love energies.
In Gratitude, thank you from myself and her caregiver."
~ Maxine
“Has made such a difference in my life, and my relationship with my husband”
"Thank you for helping me see that I fell in to the codependency trap again.
What an eye opener this whole experience has been for me, you always seem to send the perfect energy that supports me, and assists me to make those very long overdue shifts in attitude and feelings, Gloria words cannot express my gratitude and deep heart felt appreciation
Thank you for your help and generosity, and the lesson. I had no idea how I could receive Love Energy in Sweden from you in Mexico and today I don’t have to know, because I know it works, it has made such a difference in my life, and my relationship with my husband."
~ Gun-Britt
“From Heavy menstrual cycles to severe migraine, to respiratory Infection, to losing weight…The results have been Phenomenal… Wow…is all I have to say”
" all I have to say. Gloria Shaw is a true gem. I initially was introduced to Gloria because I wrote in on tele summit and took my question and she mentioned it was my time and she was right. I have suffered with Hashimotisis thyroid disease for several years and as result had experienced side effects such as extra heavy menstrual cycles that as a woman can be devastating and crippling. I am happy to report that during the 30 days I had a "normal" menstrual cycle which I could not believe because I have not had one in years but working with Gloria shifted that. I also had become sick with migraine, upper respiratory infection and after having a session with Gloria, the next day everything thing had cleared up. I went from feeling run down coughing up thick green mucus to the next day, I coughed once and noticed everything was clear and my chest felt better. After the session, my infection, seemed to heal itself, it was amazing. I also have a new sense of self like it is my time and a refreshing outlook and happier than ever. I also changed a few things in my diet thru her recommendation, and I have slimmed down and lost some weight. Simply amazing!!! I would highly recommend a 30-day remote healing and session with Gloria. It was life changing for me and I am so grateful to her for sharing her gift. Blessings to you Gloria:) You make my heart sing and smile:) Thank you."
~ Deanna
“I got better pretty much by noon the next day and have been doing wonderful since!”
"Thank you so much for your skills! I got better pretty much by noon the next day and have been doing wonderful since! I am always amazed that your method is so thorough in turning a bad health situation around to a healthy and energetic good one!"
~ Susan Beard
About Gloria Shaw
Gloria Shaw has worked in the field of Medicine and Holistic health for over 45 years. Along her entrepreneurial- Soul’s journey, out of self preservation to heal herself and many nudges from the universe, she studied nursing, fitness and nutrition, became a Certified Alternative Medical Practioner, Certified Life Transformational Consultant, Reiki Master Practioner and Energy Healer.
Gloria is now becoming known as a Heart Centered Energy Healer /Guide, Teacher/Speaker and Spiritual Change Agent, with the help of her Whole Heart Healing Helpers and the Divine Spherical Energies, connected heart to heart, guided by her team and source energy, the gifts of meditation, activation, attunement, affirmations using the spiritual tool of her healing voice. Gloria believes this unique modality was birthed in Love, out of her own painful past, abuse, health issues, heartache and painful losses and are NOW being used for good, transforming pain into LOVE & blessings and have been miraculously healing, transforming, fears, limiting beliefs and awakening clients to their Divine, true authentic, loveable, loving healthy, happy, whole complete and perfect self. Results include numerous, miraculous healing benefits that traditional text book medicine does not understand.
Gloria is committed to awakening hearts and healing spirits. As well as to put an end to sickness, pain and suffering, self sabotage, feelings of unworthiness, resentment, judgement and fear, and other maladies of the heart, body, mind and spirit. Gloria knows Love Heals, it healed her and set her free from her self imposed prison she existed in for way too many years and it can do the same for others.
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Discount: 69%
Total Package Value $350
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
30 days of Daily Remote Healing-Love energies
Opening your Heart to LOVE - MP3
Love Yourself into Love Healing Art Mandala.
Discount: 83%
Total Package Value $1200
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
60 days of Daily Remote Healing-Love energies
Opening your Heart to LOVE - MP3
Love Yourself into Love Healing Art Mandala.
“Love Yourself” Meditation/Activation/Transmission – MP3
One private one on one healing-love session with Gloria.
(40 min)
Discount : 85%
Total Package Value $2500
FHTJ Super Value
Discount offer
90 days of Daily Remote Healing-Love energies
Opening your Heart to LOVE - MP3
Love Yourself into Love Healing Art Mandala.
“Love Yourself” Meditation/Activation/Transmission – MP3
TWO private one on one healing-love session with Gloria.
(40 min each)
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
(Please choose 2 payment option at checkout)

Your success is our success and we are here for you every step of the way.
Our COMMITMENT is to support all of YOU
and when you decide to purchase a package from FHTJ… the love doesn’t end there!
We will reach out to you to see how you are progressing and answer any questions you may have
along the path you have chosen. FHTJ Cares
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Refund Policy: Please note 7 day money back guarantee, as opposed to our usual 30 day refund policy. Gloria will start remote healing energies customized for your issue on Day 1 in additional to all products being digital. Only exception if session work has been taken within the 7 days, no refund will be provided. We appreciate and value our listeners and our speakers. Thank you for understanding.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.