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WAIT!! Before you go check out this  EXCITING
One Time Only offer:

Experience private one on one sessions with Gina at a $500 discount!
Due to overwhelming demand these prices will never be available again so take advantage of this opportunity now!

It’s time to end the needless suffering, awaken to your power and have the life you were born to live. You deserve this chance for a life-changing, soul-level transformation.

Join Gina’s clients who have been experiencing:

  • Feeling confident, empowered and optimistic
  • Allowing love, money and success in
  • Relationships transformed
  • Weight loss, pain relief and body image shifting
  • Knowing true life’s purpose
  • Negative thoughts and feelings released
  • Feeling connected within self and with others
  • Feeling at home for the first time
  • Resolved feelings of emptiness and that something was “missing”
  • Able to “come out of my shell”

You are invited to take this one-time opportunity to receive
Four private sessions with Gina at a $500 discount.
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.

This is a chance to have private time with Gina and reveal what is ready to transform permanently for you. She can look into all aspects of your field and provide the necessary clearings and activations including:

  • Ancestral patterns
  • Past life attachments
  • Entities and dark energy influences
  • Contracts, bindings, spells, curses
  • Understanding life purpose and soul purpose
  • custom activations, clearings and upgrades your soul is asking for from Goddesses, ascended masters and angelic guidance
  • Inner child integrations
  • Awakening to your truth and the highest potential alignment to your unique soul blueprint

You don’t even have to know what you need… Gina’s guides will take care of it for you intuitively!

Gina’s soul work is so quick and powerful people often report that with one 30 minute session they have had the biggest shift of their lives. Imagine what is possible when Gina dives even deeper into your soul blueprint and facilitates all of the clearings, healings and activations you need to connect with your soul’s highest truth, and the love and abundance you deserve!

Regular Price for 4 sessions of private work $1,188

Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $688

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Once the negative energies are cleared from your blueprint and you are connected to your truth, life will begin showing up with miracles:

And so much more!!!

Gina's clients have reported immediate transformation and long-term changes in all areas of life. And now YOU can be next!

Due to overwhelming demand, a session with Gina at Regular price for 30 minutes is $297… 4 sessions would be $1188!!!

If YOU ACT NOW, you can get it for a huge discount of more than 40% That's absolutely a steal!

Gina is not currently offering Session Bundles at this price anywhere else. This is only available to you because you purchased Gina’s Special Offer.

Regular Price for 4 sessions of private work $1,188

Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $688

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Clients have been saying:

  • “I had the hugest breakthrough of my life....!!!!”
  • “I’m awestruck with that activation. The only way I can express it is tears of joy!”
  • “Until now I didn’t know what it felt like to truly be a woman”
  • “I’ve never felt like this before!”
  • “I was tired of feeling sick and tired for so long… you wouldn’t believe it but I feel happy right now!”
  • “Since I met you, life is just better in all ways…”
  • “Gina, you are one of a kind!”

Praise for Gina’s Work

Amazing shifts since our session!

eramsaeed-150x150-1“Amazing shifts since our session! My relationship has actually strengthened and taken on a deeper level. The Goddess activation totally moved me in this beautiful Divine Feminine energy and I even changed my hairstyle to all natural and curly and people are noticing! ”

~ Eram Saeed, Host of From Heartache to Joy

Debilitating lack of confidence -gone!

Donna-Mcrae-1-150x150-1“I came to Gina wanting to focus on my confidence. For me, this had been pretty debilitating, keeping me stuck in the background much of the time.

Gina’s connection with the Angels is so very powerful, I instantly fell into a meditative state…unable to open my eyes and I remained this way throughout our session. Her voice is so gentle and calming, I felt cocooned in loving energy, which put a gentle smile on my face.

Now days later I no longer feel debilitated by my lack of confidence. In fact, I feel empowered, knowing that I am not alone and that all is well.

Thank you Gina….what a gift it was!! ”

~ Donna McRae, Intuitive Guide, Ancestral Healing and Forgiveness Expert

Healthy hair and self confidence!

Cindy_Lybbert-2“I had a wonderful session with Gina Brollier that was amazing. She knew what I needed to heal, even went back 30 generations, and got to the core issues for healing. I felt tingly all over. I also had a feeling of wondering if I am always doing enough, have I done right? And she answered that, I can be at ease, I don't have to push, and I can allow, trust, and just let life/things flow. The next day I was feeling more confident in myself, feeling better, even my hair feels soft and healthier, (not dry and brittle as it has been for a very long time).

I love the recording and will listen to it again and again. I can't express how grateful I am for Gina. It was very powerful, enlightening, and I am feeling blessed. I would highly recommend you, thank you, hugs”

~ Cindy Murray Lybbert, Energy/Lightworker

For the first time in my life, I felt that I was in my element

“For the first time in my life I felt as though I was in my element. Gina will open your heart to a side of you that you have never positively experienced before. If you want a true sense of direction, Gina will guide you straight to destiny. Gina- you are divine, I am blessed and appreciative to have had the pleasure of manifesting my true being with you, and the love that is to prevail in my life. I know now that love for me is of a higher calling and placing my heart and mind towards my passion will allow the rest to follow. Thank you so much, lots of love!”

~ Danielle Dick

Biggest life shifts ever...

“Not only did Gina heal my past and much of my family’s past but she also gave me many messages from the divine masculine and feminine and from my guides and angels. I highly recommend Gina if you really want to start experiencing the divine masculine and divine feminine in your life! Working with Gina I experienced one of the biggest energy shifts and biggest life shifts I ever have with an energy healer”

~ Anna M., Michigan

Instant weight loss

“I am feeling amazing!!! I am so confident and I feel so empowered! Still on top of the world! I have also lost one kilo since our session on Friday!! That's fantastic as I was stuck at the same weight for a while! So now let it keep dropping! Loving myself. I keep looking at my reflection and all nice things come to me, no more negative talk. Thanks again for the awesome session!”

~ Michelle P, UK (1 Week after Session)

Stopped taking pain medication

“I had a Goddess Activation session with Gina. She worked so quickly and released multiple holdings from my body and energy field. She was able to clear ancestral ties from many generations and the Goddess Activation left me feeling lighter and less fearful to just be myself and shine.
I have noticed ease returning to my relationships and was able to stop taking pain medication that I have been on for 1 1/2 years!!!
Thank you so so much!”

~ Stacey G., Washington

Relationship with father healed

“I have to tell you that the Goddess activation was beautiful and the healings helped me in the week I was with my dad. We did ancestral healings on both sides of my family. There was so much that we did however it led to healing in my relationship with my dad! YAY!! I really want to thank you so much. This is really a miracle. Thank you and blessings.”

~ Sandy S.

Feeling Wonderful!!!!

“I just want to say that my session was heaven sent. She helped me cleared so much stuff from past generations. There were messages from my angels and ascended masters and also healing and activations from Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. There was so much done in 30 minutes. She is an angel, I highly recommend her!!!!! Thank you Gina for your support during this time!!!! Feeling wonderful !!!!”

~ Georgina Y.

Regular Price for 4 sessions of private work $1,188

Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $688

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DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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