top1Wouldn’t you love to feel like this? Totally loved, adored desired and seen for who you really are?

When you’re not with your soulmate something inside of you is hurting. You’re left longing for that deep passion and connection that only true love can bring.

You may be feeling:

  • Isolated and alone
  • Like everyone else knows how to pair up and find love… but not you
  • Shame around your body, appearance or sexual feelings
  • Something is undesirable about you compared to other women
  • Afraid that the right guy could never really want you
  • You have forgotten what play, pleasure, joy and bliss feel like
  • A deep longing for love but something deep down saying it could never happen for you
  • A sense that you don’t belong here and will never be accepted by others
  • It’s too late for you to find a partner
  • It’s hard to enjoy life and you sometimes wish you weren’t so sensitive

In fact, it’s as if Love has abandoned you.

But it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.

Because Activating the Goddess Factor was designed for YOU!

I am here to reignite that powerful Goddess within you that has been suppressed and is ready to SHINE!!!

My clients commonly experience:

  • Relationships healed
  • Soulmates appearing
  • Toxic relationships leaving
  • Huge boost in confidence
  • Weight loss
  • Healthier Hair
  • Pain Relief
  • Feeling sexier, more radiant and powerful!

Today I was getting signs from my soulmate...

"Gina is so full of energy and used so much heartfelt imagery during our session that it was easy to get into a meditative state. The activation was only 30 minutes but it felt like an hour or more because it was so densely packed with clearings and visits from ascended masters. She cleared my ancestral lines from both sides of my family, some going back 36 generations! I'm still feeling the shifts after 2 days. She cleared trauma from a childhood injury to my skull that happened to also be connected to several generations on my mother's side. She did the activation and when asked if I would have soulmate love in this lifetime, she said yes and within the next 12 months. Today I was getting signs from my soulmate as though he were here with me and I felt his energetic blueprint and snapshots in my mind of us together in other lifetimes. I'm very grateful to Gina for doing this activation and would like to thank Eram for introducing her to FHTJ members!"

~ Linnea J, Washington

Biggest life shifts ever... soulmate love confirmed!

"Gina confirmed- with a huge yes- that soulmate love was possible for me in this lifetime and even possible in the next 12 months! Not only did Gina heal my past and much of my family’s past but she also gave me many messages from the divine masculine and feminine and from my guides and angels. I highly recommend Gina if you really want to start experiencing the divine masculine and divine feminine in your life! Working with Gina I experienced one of the biggest energy shifts and biggest life shifts I ever have with an energy healer."

~ Anna M., Michigan

Instant confidence, happiness and feeling like a queen!

"Hi Gina!! How are you? Just a quick email to let you know how fantastic I felt yesterday and still feeling the same way! I feel I'm the queen of the world! LOL! you have definitely activated my inner goddess, I'm  full of confidence and happiness. I'm shining. ☺

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! "

~ Michelle P, UK (1 day after session)

Activating the Goddess Factor will:

  • 1

    Step 1: Heal the Inner Adolescent

    Your Inner Adolescent hasn’t been healed and is actually keeping love on pause!

  • 2

    Step 2: Activate your Goddess!

    Become radiant, confident and totally free to have the life of your dreams as your most authentic, amazing Goddess self! *Caution: excess beauty and happiness are common side-effects!

  • 3

    Step3: Call in your Soulmate

    When you are totally activated and embodied in your Goddess nature the world shows up for you. Get ready to feel your soulmate in your field, and become the vibrational match your true soulmate has been looking for all along!

Alee Reina Hoffman, Soul Channel and Creator of the Soul Board Meeting Process

Passion, direction and true sense of self...

image2"For the first time in my life I felt as though I was in my element. Gina will open your heart to a side of you that you have never positively experienced before. If you want a true sense of direction, Gina will guide you straight to destiny. Gina- you are divine, I am blessed and appreciative to have had the pleasure of manifesting my true being with you, and the love that is to prevail in my life. I know now that love for me is of a higher calling and placing my heart and mind towards my passion will allow the rest to follow. Thank you so much, lots of love! "

~ Danielle Dick

Debilitating lack of confidence -gone!

Donna-Mcrae"I came to Gina wanting to focus on my confidence.  For me, this had been pretty debilitating, keeping me stuck in the background much of the time.

Gina’s connection with the Angels is so very powerful, I instantly fell into a meditative state…unable to open my eyes and I remained this way throughout our session.  Her voice is so gentle and calming, I felt cocooned in loving energy, which put a gentle smile on my face.

Now days later I no longer feel debilitated by my lack of confidence.  In fact, I feel empowered, knowing that I am not alone and that all is well.

Thank you Gina….what a gift it was!! "

~ Donna McRae, Intuitive Guide, Ancestral Healing and Forgiveness Expert


Free Trial




Discount : 91%

Total Package Value $1,100

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer


10 Goddess Factor  Transformational MP3s


Discount: 94%

Total Package Value $2,000

From Heartache to Joy Special offer


10 Goddess Factor  Transformational MP3s

6 Live Goddess Activation Call with Q + A

4 Bonus MP3s


Discount : 93 %

Total Package Value $2,400

From Heartache to Joy Special offer 


10 Goddess Factor  Transformational MP3s

6 Live Goddess Activation Call with Q + A

4 Bonus MP3s

1-on-1 Private Session with Gina with 21 Day Energetic Container

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Amazing shifts since our session!

13873032_10209708550287882_3752754158633686478_n"Amazing shifts since our session! My relationship has actually strengthened and taken on a deeper level. The Goddess activation totally moved me in this beautiful Divine Feminine energy and I even changed my hairstyle to all natural and curly and people are noticing!"

~ Eram Saeed

Here’s what’s included in the package

Package A

The Goddess Factor Economy  Package

The Goddess Factor for Love:
100% 5D Feminine Mastery Program

This program contains: 10 Healing, Activation, Attunement and Integration MP3 Modules

Heal the Inner Adolescent, Activate your Inner Goddess and Embody Heaven on Earth with the Goddess Factor for Love!


Intro to The Goddess Factor

Value: Instructional

Format: MP3

Length: 2:51min

Introduction to the Goddess Factor for Love. Please listen to this track first.


Healing the Inner Adolescent

Value: $90

Format: MP3

Length: 10:02 min

198Healing the Inner Adolescent is even more crucial than healing the inner child when it comes to romance! If you feel stuck when it comes to love, this one is a total game changer.


Integrating the Sacred Feminine

Value: $90

Format: MP3

Length: 8:01 min

172bHumans carry the deep wound that if we just had our biological mother’s love and acceptance we would be safe, happy and fulfilled. The truth is, a human can never fill our deepest needs- what we truly crave is pure divine mother’s love from source. This MP3 fills you up with pure divine mother’s love that is actually what you have been seeking.


Integrating the Sacred Feminine (Silent)

Value: $90

Format: MP3

Length: 8:01 min

172bSilent track to help you integrate these sacred feminine energies and enjoy feeling nourished. Play as often as you would like.


The Goddess Activation

Value: $180

Format: MP3

Length: 35:02 min

171bYou are here to anchor 5D Feminine Mastery on Earth- and have a life you love! This MP3 activates the Goddess Nature within you for a life of prosperity, joy and the soulmate love you’ve been longing for. This is already in your divine soul blueprint- the woman you truly are. Welcome home, Goddess!


Integrating the Divine Masculine

Value: $90

Format: MP3

Length: 16:43 min

185The masculine wants nothing more but to support the feminine. Once you activate your Goddess, the masculine can’t help but show up to be your rock! Goddesses don’t try, exert, struggle or suffer. Creation emerges naturally from within when we have a safe space to play!


Integrating the Divine Masculine (silent)

Value: $90

Format: MP3

Length: 16:43 min

185Silent track to help you integrate these sacred masculine energies and enjoy the feeling of being supported. Play as often as you would like.


Heaven on Earth Attunement

Value: $90

Format: MP3

Length: 10:01 min

183Align to the energy of Heaven on Earth! You are leader in consciousness, anchoring divine love on Earth. It’s time to awaken to your life as a Goddess by attuning to your highest self and remembering how to live a 5D earthly life to the fullest!


Heaven on Earth Embodiment

Value: $90

Format: MP3

Length: 11:44 min

183Simultaneously come into harmony with Heaven and Earth, grounded and elevated in the truth of your soul. You become a vibrational match for soulmate love, prosperity and miracles. Get ready to shine with the Goddess Factor!

ITEM 10:

Heaven on Earth Embodiment (silent)

Value: $90

Format: MP3

Length: 11:44 min

183Silent track to integrate the attunement. Play as often as you like to come into resonance with soulmate love and ease yourself into your new 5d state.

Release what is holding you back from your Soulmate

"I had a “5d Goddess Activation” session (Soulmate Love) with Gina Brollier. She was really sweet and gentle. After a brief explanation of what she does in this type of session. I tell Gina that I attract romantic partners (and people in general) that take a lot of me and don’t give anything back. So I needed to be more conscious of give and take in relationships. When Gina opened my Akashic records she saw a past life where I was too powerful and that has been keeping me from standing strong in my power in this life and create good boundaries with others. Because I didn’t want to hurt someone again with my power. I noticed that I am acting differently around other people (I have more respect for myself).

After that we did some inner child healing around not being seen and understood in this life and in past lives too. I also received an extraordinary present and activation by Mary Magdalene.

The session was amazing, great energy, I felt lighter and almost cried (not normal for me). If you struggle to find love or a romantic relation where you feel connected, cared and really loved, Gina can help you. She will tell you if Soulmate Love is possible for you in this lifetime and release what is holding you back from having that in your life.

Thank you so much Gina!"

~ Andre F., Portugal



Boyfriend Bonfire

Value: $75

Format: MP3

Length: 4:45 min

216How can you fully enjoy new love when ghosts of boyfriends past are hanging around? Completely release any lingering romantic baggage and finally get a fresh start with love. Out with the old, in with the new!


Boyfriend Bonfire (silent)

Value: $75

Format: MP3

Length: 4:45 min

216If you need energetic support in letting go, let this track run as often as needed. Sometimes it takes time for our body to catch up to the transformations that our souls already embody.


Daily Goddess Refresh

Value: $25

Format: MP3

Length: 2:52 min

55Now that you’ve activated your Goddess you need an environment that matches you! Enjoy this Goddess Daily Refresh as often as you like for the fun, lightheartedness and joy that supports you in being you!


Daily Goddess Refresh (silent)

Value: $25

Format: MP3

Length: 2:52 min

55Let this run to bask in Goddess Energy anytime!

Infinity Vortex - MP3

Length: 6:28

Value: $47

Green Tara, Ascended Goddess of Prosperity brings in the energy of infinite potential. It triggers limited beliefs in your field and brings them to the surface to be removed by the infinity vortex!

Package A

Total Package Value $1,100

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $97
*** 91% Saving ***

Sold Out

Package B

The Goddess Factor Gold Package

This package includes:

  • All of Package A
  • 6 Live Goddess Activation Calls with Q+A
  • 4 Bonus MP3s

We will call in the energy of a different Goddess on each call. The energy signatures of these Goddesses are permanently downloaded into your field to deeply anchor divine feminine love, beauty, peace, softness, sensuality, personal power and more! Awaken and ignite your inner Goddess with calls that are potent, powerful and fun!

ITEM 11:

Live Goddess Activation #1

Value: $150

Format: Live call/web

Length: 75 min

Quan Yin activates a Compassionate, Forgiving Heart

ITEM 12:

Live Goddess Activation #2

Value: $150

Format: Live call/web

Length: 75 min

Lakshmi activates Prosperity and Play

ITEM 13:

Live Goddess Activation #3

Value: $150

Format: Live call/web

Length: 75 min

Mother Mary activates the Joy of Fulfillment

ITEM 14:

Live Goddess Activation #4

Value: $150

Format: Live call/web

Length: 75 min

Mary Magdalene activates Pleasure, Power and Creation

ITEM 15:

Live Goddess Activation #5

Value: $150

Format: Live call/web

Length: 75 min

Kali Activates 5D Feminine Mastery

ITEM 16:

Live Goddess Activation #6

Value: $150

Format: Live call/web

Length: 75 min

Green Tara activates Infinite Receiving

Instant weight loss

"I am feeling amazing!!! I am so confident and I feel so empowered! Still on top of the world!  I have also lost one kilo since our session on Friday!! That's fantastic as I was stuck at the same weight for a while! So now let it keep dropping! Loving myself. I keep looking at my reflection and all nice things come to me, no more negative talk. Thanks again for the awesome session!"

~ Michelle P, UK (1 Week after Session)

Stopped taking pain medication

"I had a Goddess Activation session with Gina. She worked so quickly and released multiple holdings from my body and energy field. She was able to clear ancestral ties from many generations and the Goddess Activation left me feeling lighter and less fearful to just be myself and shine.

I have noticed ease returning to my relationships and was able to stop taking pain medication that I have been on for 1 1/2 years!!!

Thank you so so much! "

~ Stacey G., Washington

Healthy hair and self confidence!

Cindy_Lybbert-2"I had a wonderful session with Gina Brollier that was amazing. She knew what I needed to heal, even went back 30 generations, and got to the core issues for healing. I felt tingly all over. I also had a feeling of wondering if I am always doing enough, have I done right? And she answered that, I can be at ease, I don't have to push, and I can allow, trust, and just let life/things flow. The next day I was feeling more confident in myself, feeling better, even my hair feels soft and healthier, (not dry and brittle as it has been for a very long time).

I love the recording and will listen to it again and again. I can't express how grateful I am for Gina. It was very powerful, enlightening, and I am feeling blessed. I would highly recommend you, thank you, hugs"

~ Cindy Murray Lybbert, Energy/Lightworker

Feeling Wonderful!!!!

"I just want to say that my session was heaven sent. She helped me cleared so much stuff from past generations. There were messages from my angels and ascended masters and also healing and activations from Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. There was so much done in 30 minutes. She is an angel, I highly recommend her!!!!! Thank you Gina for your support during this time!!!! Feeling wonderful !!!!"

~ Georgina Y.

Package B

Total Package Value $2,000

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
*** 94% Saving ***

Sold Out

Package C

The Goddess Factor Ultimate Package

This package includes:

  • All of Package A & B
  • (1) 30 minute Personal Soulmate Activation Session With 21-Day Energetic Container

ITEM 17:

1 –on- 1 30 Minute Soulmate Activation Session with 21 day Energetic Container

Value: $400

Format: Live phone session

Length: 30 min

During your 30 minute Soulmate Activation Session you will:

  • Find out if Soulmate love is possible for you in this lifetime
  • Receive a custom activation from Mary Magdalene with the exact vibration you need to be a match for your 5D Soulmate love!
  • Plus she will hold you in an energetic container for 21 days to anchor your new vibration and support you in embodying it. This new love vibration will be embodied so deeply it will become your new normal!

Relationship with father healed

"I have to tell you that the Goddess activation was beautiful and the healings helped me in the week I was with my dad. We did ancestral healings on both sides of my family. There was so much that we did however it led to healing in my relationship with my dad! YAY!! I really want to thank you so much. This is really a miracle. Thank you and blessings"

~ Sandy S.


Janet-Doerr"My session with Gina was powerful! Gina opened my records to receive information and guidance which was perfect for me.

Gina’s used her wonderful gift of clairvoyance to describe to me the images she was shown.  She relayed beautiful messages from my guides, numerous ascended masters and other beings of light.

She assisted me in clearing ancestral energies of “not being enough for God” and “keeping a stiff upper lip through difficult life challenges.”
I was provided a major activation to strengthen my gifts and increase the flow of prosperity.

I can still feel those energies anchoring in my field one week later.

Since my session with Gina I have noticed more magic and miracles in my life, and have greater trust in my powers of creation.

I highly recommend you give yourself the gift of working with Gina

Thank you so so much! "

~ Janet Doerr, The Intuitive Nutritionista, Medical Intuitive and Healer

Family Energy Cleared

"On Monday evening I had a lovely healing with Gina Brollier. What a wonderful warm and caring soul she is. She cleared a lot of family heavy energy from my mother’s side and I feel a lot lighter and brighter in myself for it. I have more clarity in what I need to do to follow my path. I would highly recommend Gina Brollier as she works quickly to get the job done .

Thank you very much for my healing Gina Brollier"

~ Jackie O’Connell, UK

There was energy really MOVED, as opposed to just ‘addressing’ issues

"I had the Divine gift & pleasure of an Divine Goddess activation & Soulmate Love session w/ Gina Brollier recently ! What came thru was very comforting & nourishing, and felt to me customized specifically to me, & in accord with my own Guidance.  For instance the emphasis on TRUST, allowing myself to receive, for life to support me. And that if not many people have "gotten" me in the past, it's ok because those who need to are waiting & will.  And the gift of Flower Essences which came right-off from Mary Magdalene & Mother Mary, where I am a flower essence practitioner myself.

The support from the feminine, where they were on either side of me, stood out the most.  And I've continued to feel the energetic container of support being held for 21 days, am listening again frequently ! I also feel that in this healing session, there was really energy MOVED, as opposed to just "addressing" issues. I feel very grateful & that the timing for it was also Divine! Many thanks, Gina! "

~ Sabine T

I could really feel the beauty, healing and love

"Gina did an akashic records reading and healing with me on blocks around my writing. She was deeply intuitive and spot on about the dynamics underneath the block, and we worked on several layers of the block. She held energy beautifully throughout the session, and I could really feel the beauty, healing, and love as we worked. Thank you for such a beautiful, sacred session. "

~ Emmeline Chang

Package C

Total Package Value $2,400

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177
*** 93% Saving ***

Sold Out

What clients have been saying in sessions:

  • “I had the hugest breakthrough of my life....!!!!”
  • “I’m awestruck with that activation. The only way I can express it is tears of joy!”
  • “Until now I didn’t know what it felt like to truly be a woman”
  • “I’ve never felt like this before!”
  • “I was tired of feeling sick and tired for so long… you wouldn’t believe it but I feel happy right now!”
  • “Since I met you, life is just better in all ways…”
  • “Gina, you are one of a kind!”

The end of feminine suffering is now!
Step into your Goddess Factor for a life and partner you truly love.

I could really feel the beauty, healing and love

"Gina did an akashic records reading and healing with me on blocks around my writing. She was deeply intuitive and spot on about the dynamics underneath the block, and we worked on several layers of the block. She held energy beautifully throughout the session, and I could really feel the beauty, healing, and love as we worked. Thank you for such a beautiful, sacred session"

~ Emmeline Chang

About Gina Brollier:

GinaGina Brollier was born to be a healer. Guided by angels and ascended masters since the age of 5, she always felt at home in the mystic realms. Initiated into the “dark night of the soul” she struggled through years of darkness, depression and sadness, finally finding salvation by awakening her spiritual gifts. She now lives a life of freedom, love and miracles and is committed to awakening others to the possibility within themselves. As a guide and guardian of the Akashic Records on earth, Gina facilitates healings, activations, and transmissions at soul level. She finds this work to be the deepest and most accurate way to transform lives. Gina’s signature process is the Goddess Activation: activating women in their 5D Feminine Mastery for a life of love, prosperity and fulfillment. Her mission is to serve humanity in Unity Consciousness and beyond and anchor the planet in divine love for all beings.


Free Trial




Discount : 91%

Total Package Value $1,100

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer


10 Goddess Factor  Transformational MP3s


Discount: 94%

Total Package Value $2,000

From Heartache to Joy Special offer


10 Goddess Factor  Transformational MP3s

6 Live Goddess Activation Call with Q + A

4 Bonus MP3s


Discount : 93 %

Total Package Value $2,400

From Heartache to Joy Special offer 


10 Goddess Factor  Transformational MP3s

6 Live Goddess Activation Call with Q + A

4 Bonus MP3s

1-on-1 Private Session with Gina with 21 Day Energetic Container

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Cancellation Policy: You may cancel and get a full refund any time before: 30 days after the date of your purchase, the date of the first Goddess Activation call, or the date of your personal session with Gina, whichever comes first. 

Your personal session must be used within 4 months from the date of purchase. Once scheduled, sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled. A 10 minute grace period will be held for the call but after that grace period it will be considered a no-show. 

Gina will make her best effort to record your personal session. However, due to technical issues that can occur, she does not guarantee that the session will be recorded or, if recorded, that the audio quality of the recording will be satisfactory.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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