Shamanic healer, soul retrieval practitioner, entity, curse removal expert and acupressure therapist

Easter Alexander’s Special Offer


crowReclaim your power and Your life through depossession, curse removal and soul retrieval.

Here are some benefits you'll experience with this program:

  • Freedom from anxiety
  • Self-empowerment
  • Liberation from black magic
  • Trauma prevention
  • Clearing abuse
  • Curse removal
  • Heal from “mystery” pains
  • Protect yourself from entity invasion and psychic attack
  • Clear the energy in your home
  • Soul retrieval
  • Heal from trauma
  • Increased energy
  • Unexpected weight loss
  • Clearer skin
  • Sleep better

Expert Reviews


eramsaeed“When Easter met me I was secretly harboring (and paying the price for) my addiction to Cheetos. I used to eat one whole large bag of Cheetos each night! I had tried many modalities but could not get rid of this habit. When Easter asked me what she could help me with I jokingly asked her help to get rid of my Cheetos addiction and she said why not? After my session with her I only slipped one time and never ate this nasty stuff again. That was almost 6 months ago! It is astonishing to me that I haven't even had any cravings or the slightest desire. Its absolutely amazing because it was a serious addiction that I couldn't rid of no matter what! I have a healthy diet now and have lost over 20 pounds. Another area Easter helped me in immensely was with her fun yet profoundly effective technique of "soul hiding". I was supposed to be featured on the Wake Up! TV show and I was extremely nervous. To the point I was an inch away from canceling the whole thing. After Easter did Soul Hiding I was able to go with little to no anxiety and feeling confident and centered. I love Easter's techniques not just because they are FUN (and that's a huge plus for me) But because they produce RESULTS!" She's the real deal. If you want RESULTS, you've got to try her out. You won't regret it!

~ Eram Saeed

Tarekr“I have been feeling like there is a hole in my soul for many years now. This has led to many addictions, such as unhealthy foods like chips, overeating, oversleeping, over working, watching movie after movie, anything to numb the pain. After our soul retrieval session I noticed I have zero pull towards any of those old habits, they do nothing for me, I am feeling whole and complete. I also feel comfortable at events in a way that I know who I am and I love and accept it even of others don't! I feel she is the real deal and her gentle loving nature is a huge bonus. Graceful yet powerful fast immediate results. I wish I connected with you sooner :)”

~ Tarek Bibi


Discount: 95% Off
Total Package Value $2790
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer $147

Due to nature of this package refund will be offered up until the second call begins.


Discount: 93% Off
Total Package Value $2970
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Due to nature of this package refund will be offered up until the second call begins.

Package A

ITEM 1 : Curse Removal Group Call Series

(4-1 hour phone calls over 4 weeks, MP3s of the calls will be available and the energy will be as good as live in the MP3)

Value: $1440

Spend an hour once a week for the next 4 weeks in a sacred healing space supported by high vibrational people, just like yourself. We will start each session with a restoration of the soul pieces most affected by that week’s issue. We spend the bulk of the call clearing curses and entities related to that week’s issue, and finally, we will end the call with soul retrieval. The calls will be no-nonsense, intense healing sessions designed to get results! Participants are encouraged to share their curses to clear for the whole group.

  • Week 1: Relationships
  • Week 2: Money
  • Week 3: Health and Weight
  • Week 4: Everything Else

Bonus 1:

Value: $180

I will start the call for week 2 a half an hour early to support all of the participants who wish to join me for the “Meet Your Power Animal” journey. You will learn how to meet your spirit guide and how to communicate with it. Meeting your power animal is the first step in having a lifelong and personal relationship with Spirit.

ITEM 2 : 4 Remote Healing Sessions

Value: $720

You will choose one area in which you would like to receive a weekly healing for 4 consecutive weeks. I will connect with your higher self and perform the healing remotely. You will experience huge shifts!

ITEM 3 : Soul Retrieval

Filling the Energetic Holes; Discover the Missing Piece to Your Healing

Value: $90

Format: MP3

Do you feel like you have lost a part of yourself? Have you cleared and cleared and cleared and you still don’t feel complete? Clearing removes energies that are not yours, but it does not fill the holes with your own energy. Soul retrieval is the missing piece! This MP3 will invite back your lost soul parts that are ready to return and support you today!

“I was still vibrating when I went to bed last night. You've helped me to re-find Joy!”

~ J.W

ITEM 4 : Entity Purge

A Mass Exodus of Entities!

Value: $90

Format: MP3

Do you feel like there are dark energies in your field? Do you experience extreme emotions, like anger and sadness, that take you over and you lose control? Are you exhausted, like someone else is feeding on your energy? Are you blocked? These issues are all symptomatic of entity possession. This MP3 compassionately releases entities, while clearing your energy field to prepare for your soul pieces to return. You will be amazed by how much energy is released in this clearing!

“I LOVE the Entity Purge - wow, very nice, I definitely felt a gentle thorough lifting-off, and you covered territory I wouldn't have thought of.”

~ S.O

ITEM 5 : Entity Catcher Crystal Charging

A Must For Light Workers; Lure Entities Away From You

Value: $90

Format: MP3

Light workers attract attention and must protect themselves. This MP3 will program protective energetic signatures to your crystal to attract entities away from you. It will then send these disruptive energies to the Light. You can program multiple crystals to place in every window in your home. The charged crystals will hold the program for years and you don’t have to do anything once they are in place.

ITEM 6 : Anti-psychic attack silent

Kung fu for your soul; intercept negative energies

Value: $90

Format: MP3

Is someone actively cursing you and sending you black magic? Is someone, dead or alive, trying to tap into your energy to control you (think abusive spouse during a bitter divorce battle or a controlling parent)? Use this MP3 to stop these energies from ever getting to you, before they can cause a problem. This MP3 can be played anytime for protection. It is especially recommended to loop it while you sleep, to protect you when you are vulnerable. You can also use this recording to charge a crystal, so that you do not have to have your electronic device charged and with to you all of the time.

ITEM 7 : Disperse Negative Energy silent

The Ultimate Room Freshener!

Value: $90

Format: MP3

This silent MP3 clears negative energy in a space. Play it before you have company over to freshen the space or play it the whole time you have guests to keep the mood bright. You can also secretly play it when you go to court, a meeting with the boss, a class room of energetic children…It will help to lift the energy of the space after you have an argument and it can help to keep the energy around clutter less stagnant. Many spirit guides and plant spirits have collaborated with the elemental spirits to create this calming and space clearing MP3.

“I LOVE the Entity Purge - wow, very nice, I definitely felt a gentle thorough lifting-off, and you covered territory I wouldn't have thought of.” ~ S.O

Package A

Total Package Value $2790

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 95% Saving ***

Package B

All of Package A plus:

A 30 minute live phone session with Easter.

A phone session with Easter is jam packed with healing that is customized to work on exactly what you need for your highest good. Easter works under the direction of her Guides to give you the greatest amount of healing energies in the most efficient manner. Sessions are great for clearing stubborn entities that do not want to leave, clearing complex trauma and black magic.

"Wow! My session with Easter left me feeling more like myself than I have ever felt and I am so grateful!"

~ G.B.

"Right after our session, I just sat in stillness for an hour or so, as my body was 'buzzing' with energy."

~ R.K.

Package B

Total Package Value $2970

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
*** 93% Saving ***


I instantly felt a safety, security and comfort in my body that I knew was missing.

"Wow! My session with Easter left me feeling more like myself than I have ever felt and I am so grateful! She returned pieces of myself to me that I had separated from and I instantly felt a safety, security and comfort in my body that I knew was missing but could never pinpoint before. Now I feel safe to live my life with purpose and without holding myself back. The weirdest side-effect has been my body changing. I have been losing weight that I must have been holding onto for protection- and it's only been a week! Her style is so easy and gentle yet her work is incredibly powerful. Her work felt so different from anything I experienced, I actually felt myself, my truth, and my power coming into wholeness. And best of all this shift was effortless, instant, and permanent! Thanks Easter, you are truly a gift!"

~ Gina B.

Instantly felt a creation of deeper inner wholeness

Estherr"Earlier this year I had eye surgery and was wondering if there was any energetic imbalance at hand. Easter quickly saw that I was in need of a Soul Retrieval to bring back parts of me into my eyes. These parts jumped out of my body because they felt it wasn't safe. As Easter worked on me I could feel these parts moving and integrating back into my eyes quickly and instantly felt a creation of deeper inner wholeness."

~ Esther B.

I'm sleeping better

"Hi Easter,
I feel better after our session. I'm less overwhelmed, more in my power now. I cough less, still release some old stuff.Also I'm sleeping better.
Thank you for your gift of love.Love and joy"

~ Monica M.

I felt better and like the room was brighter. I didn't realize that I had been depressed.

"My skin feels much smoother. Have had acne in the past and my skin is scarred so the new smoothness feels good. The eczema on my leg feels better. The patch has decreased. Dry patches on the face have disappeared.

I was not feeling too good mentally when I spoke to you. Right after the phone call, I felt better and like the room was brighter. I didn't realize that I had been depressed. I have started walking regularly. I am feeling very inspired to start yoga too.

Since the healing lots of unexpected people have been getting in touch with me though. And I am wondering what is going on.

Thanks for everything Easter"

~ Sheri S.

I claimed my God-power back that I gave over to "Black Magic

"On Friday, I saw a grass ring [from black magic] near the gate adjoining my property. I had been feeling EXHAUSTED, and had not left the house for over week-and-a-half before this, and was functioning minimally in-between sleep. I initially felt angry, and kicked it in front of a picture that I have placed in front of my window of Divine Mother.

Yesterday morning, I woke up early for the first time in years; where I actually stayed awake around 08h00. I was going to take the ring, and return it to the Facilities staff member, Judas, who lives on site... but then I was GUIDED... to take it to the river, which is alongside my home, and undo it. I picked up the ring with my bare hands, and stood on the banks of the river and un-coiled the ring. A part of me had hoped that the children next door had made this, but as I saw the intricate way the 'grass ring' was put together, I realised that this was the handiwork of a very skilled person.

I was undeterred and undid it, and threw the loosened grass strands into the flowing water. I was able to attend to simple things that I have not been able to get to for ages:
ღSelf-LOVEღ I was able to get my recycling done.
ღSelf-LOVEღ I was able to get my washing done
ღSelf-LOVEღ I was able to get my one bedroom cleaned.
ღSelf-LOVEღ I was able to sweep the house.
ღSelf-LOVEღ I was ended the evening having the most empowering conversations with my Mother of my life.

I have been working extensively on these low-vibrational patterns since you invested in me through your 'gift session' with MANY other Healers. If I reflect of what you 'gifted me,' it was the gift of being seen when I felt that these energies draining my life-force away. I started to consciously leave my patterns of 'victim-hood' based on your request that was the requirement for you to work with me. I faced my fears by listening to many shows regarding the topic, which previously filled me with fear; and demystified 'Black Magic' for my own self. I realised that "I AM" 'the God-Within-Me' is stronger and more powerful than any piece of "GRASS."

I spent most of today in sleep, and I awoke without feeling guilt - This was the sleep of having conquered a personal war, having claimed my God-power back that I gave over to "Black Magic."

Thank you [and your Spirit Guides] for contributing to these realisations.

Infinite gratitude"

~ J.N., South Africa

Feeling more present and whole

"I have felt more energy. I've stopped during the day, and thought, "This is how I used to feel before the accident."Feeling more present and whole. Less "confused" and "scattered". I'm able to concentrate and focus better.
And I feel happier. Like when you get home from work, and you can put on your "comfortable clothes" and relax.I feel more comfortable in my skin"

~ Deirdre W.

I don’t have any fear like I had before

"It was magic when I cut cords with my uncle. He was smiling and really nice to me and I forgive him for how he treated me when I was a kid. I felt peaceful, calm and happy and I was able to forgive him after 35 or 40 years.

I feel more secure by myself and I don’t have any fear of being old and sick and someone having to take care of me. I don’t have any fear like I had before. I feel more confident.

When we did the power animal retrieval, I could see the fox and he was all around me and he was happy to be my friend. It was him in the bushes and in the cellar [at work] and it was the same friend and fox. I can feel him all the time."

~ Jesus S., Mexico

"I unexpectedly lost weight without exercising in the week since I talked to you."

~ Ian M.

Easter immediately tapped into an issue. She was able to significantly reduce it during our short time together

"I had the pleasure of receiving a healing session with Easter. When we started our session Easter immediately tapped into an issue that had just come into my awareness the day before. She was able to significantly reduce it during our short time together. She also did some healing work on a limiting belief that had been keeping me stuck. It was amazing how quickly it turned around into something empowering to where I felt I was able to release it, let it go and move forward. Not only did I feel it release, but I also felt much lighter and more free after our time together. I appreciate what Easter was able to do on this issue and how quickly things shifted!"

~ Robin C.

I am feeling whole and complete

Tarekr"I have been feeling like there is a hole in my soul for many years now. This has led to many addictions, such as unhealthy foods like chips, overeating, oversleeping, over working, watching movie after movie, anything to numb the pain. After our soul retrieval session I noticed I have zero pull towards any of those old habits, they do nothing for me, I am feeling whole and complete. I also feel comfortable at events in a way that I know who I am and I love and accept it even of others don't! I feel she is the real deal and her gentle loving nature is a huge bonus. Graceful yet powerful fast immediate results. I wish I connected with you sooner :)"

~ Tarek B.

I feel freedom from a chronic despair

Sherry Phillips Swatek"I had the pleasure of a session with Easter, I found her work gentle and effective. She assisted me in clearing two abusive issues with two family members and I feel freedom from a chronic despair. I have worked on this for many years and am grateful to Easter for the expanded space I now feel in my body, and the lightness around the issue."

~ Sherry S.

I have NEVER experienced being cheerful and active on the day of a dentist's appointment!

Sunday"I have NEVER experienced being cheerful and active on the day of a dentist's appointment! And now I have more access to that cheerful self in my daily life than I have in years.

I have a long traumatic history of dentistry, and I always have a sense of dread on the day of an appointment, especially for something major, like an extraction. With Easter’s help, not only did my day go smoothly and with no sense of dread, I was actually cheerful and active until appointment time! That’s something I have NEVER experienced! After the work was over, I discovered that I now have easier access to that cheerful, active part of me in my daily life - a part of me that I have mostly submerged for a long time. This makes so many more things possible or easier for me, and is a much deeper benefit than I expected.. As a bonus, I particularly appreciate that Easter’s work is deliciously sensuous, almost like having a subtle massage."

~ Sunday

A cocoon of love

"I know patience is a lesson I came to learn this lifetime...and as your spirit guide pointed out, one step at a time wins the race! Thank you for the energy work, felt very nurturing through my entire a cocoon of love. Thank you!"

~ Ximena

She helped me with the ravages of cancer treatment.

"She used her extensive knowledge of ancient healing arts to return me to truly enjoyingbeing in my body again."

~ Dianne H.

Letting go of the negativity was effortless

"Easter provides a loving, warm, and nonjudgmental environment that promotes healing and transformation. I found the cord cutting to be a profound healing and it greatly helped ease ongoing frustration and difficulty that I have experienced around some extended family relationships. The first thing that I noticed was that letting go of the negativity was effortless, and the lasting impact for me has brought me to a place where my focus is on my own responsibilities in the relationship and not dwelling on what I can't change.

Easter addressed my initial concerns, while also bringing to the surface deeper issues that were able to be recognized and released."

~ Kathryn S.

I was considering getting a prescription for an anti-depressant which I could take to calm anxiety feelings but I do not need to do that now.

"I had witnessed a few injury traumas in recent months as my elderly mother was falling often and getting sicker with her heart disease. There had been several trips to the hospital emergency room. Then one night, my cat Jack was injured by a wild animal and had to have his leg and hip removed. This was very traumatic for me and Jack. Jack healed and forgot about his trauma but it was harder for me to heal. As time went by I was having a lot of anxiety with off and on feelings of dizziness and being overwhelmed and weak.

For healing I talked with Easter about how I was feeling. Her gentleness and genuine concern are always a comfort to me. She asked me if I thought these same things could happen again and said if I did not think they would be repeated then I could heal. I did not think that they would be repeated and was eager to heal so we began a healing process.

She had me get quiet and close my eyes. She took me back to the morning I found my injured cat.( this was the experience I most wanted healed). She asked me to remember how I felt when I found him. I remembered how my heart went out to him and how that felt.

Easter prayed for me and lovingly guided me in a visualization. She saw what seemed to be a heart shape. I saw shards of broken energy and light around the heart. She helped me to gather the fragments around my heart. Gently she led me to gather and reshape this valuable part of me which had been fragmented by trauma. I pressed the light and energy together creating a comforting protection. I pressed the space around my actual physical heart and an amazing calm and strength was regained.

Now when I feel anxious I stop and go to a quiet place where I can pray and re-gather my heart energy. I was considering getting a prescription for an anti-depressant which I could take to calm anxiety feelings but I do not need to do that now.

Thank you Easter for your valuable work and for your tender, loving care."

~ Susan T.

The candy bar, it just didn't appeal to me

"Thank you, Easter! Your cravings mp3 has helped me tremendously. The day after I first listened to it, I fell and broke my heel ... (which is not to say that the mp3 causes broken bones!) ... when I was in the ER, my husband bought me a candy bar. Normally, that's exactly what I would have wanted in a stressful situation; but when I looked at the candy bar, it just didn't appeal to me. Over the next two weeks, after listening to the mp3 four more times, I noticed that I thought about food less and less. And when I did "crave" something, I was satisfied with far less of it than ever before. I am a champion binge eater. Consuming a bag of Doritos or chips is easy for me. So being able to have just a few chips or one cookie is a huge deal. That's what's happening right now ... and even more importantly, I'm not craving those foods nearly as much. I can feel that these shifts are still ongoing too, so I'm excited to see this old pattern unraveling before my eyes (or mouth)."

~ Rey

About Easter Alexander :

EasterEaster Alexander is a light worker who partners with her spirit guides to bring forth permanent and life-changing healing. Using traditional shamanic techniques, such as soul retrieval, entity removal and curse removal, her work returns people to who they truly are. She has been an energy worker since 2005. She has studied core shamanism, acupressure (an Eastern practice of balancing the body’s energy using touch), and herbalism from a Native American herbalist. She was a drummer and shamanic practitioner for the Sonoma County Healing Clinic and she works with clients all over the world.

Easter is a professionally trained winemaker with degree in Fermentation Science from U.C. Davis. One of her greatest winemaking assets, her extremely keen sense of smell, is also an asset in her energy work: Easter can smell energy!

Here’s a quick look at what’s included in these packages

Package A

  • 4-1 hour curse removal group calls
  • Week 1-relationships $360
  • Week 2-money $360
  • Week 3-health and weight $360
  • Week 4-everything else $360
  • Bonus before one call: Meet Your Power Animal Live Journey $180
  • 4 remote healing sessions $720
  • Soul Retrieval MP3 $90
  • Entity Purge MP3 $90
  • Entity Catcher crystal charging MP3 $90
  • Anti-psychic attack silent MP3 $90
  • Disperse Negative Energy MP3 $90

Package B

  • Package A plus a half hour phone session $180


Discount: 95% Off
Total Package Value $2790
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer $147

Due to nature of this package refund will be offered up until the second call begins.


Discount: 93% Off
Total Package Value $2970
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197

Due to nature of this package refund will be offered up until the second call begins.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a no questions asked, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange. Due to nature of this package refund will be offered up until the second call begins.

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