Do you hate what you see when you look into a full length mirror?
Is shopping for clothes a nightmare for you?
Are you tired of the horrible cycle of bullying your body into submission only to lose control again and gain all the weight back?
Do you try diet after diet only to end up more confused and frustrated than ever?
Is your weight affecting your health?
Do you struggle so much with your weight that you are missing out on many of the joys of life?
Thousands of people begin diets and exercise programs. An estimated 50 million Americans go on a diet each year and about 5 percent manage to keep the weight off, according to Colorado State University Extension. Not very good odds is it? So why do people keep trying the same type of programs? Because there has not been any alternative UNTIL NOW!
It’s not your fault!
Most weight loss programs are all about will power and punishing your body!
Are you fed up with the same old routine of difficult diets and grueling exercise?
There IS a better way!
If you are struggling to lose weight, I have found
Imagine being supported by your very own team of loving Angels who will hold your hand every step along the way of your weight loss journey! No matter what you are faced with, your team of Angels will be right there at your side supporting and guiding you!
Deonna has developed Sacred Heart Awakenings, which connects your Spirit to the Healing Energy of the Angels. They will assist you to release limiting beliefs and heal emotional wounds that will then clear the way to create your best body ever!
Weight Loss with the Angels is a loving and empowering program that will change how you feel about weight loss forever!
Expert Testimonial
I can now make better choices! Normally I'd run into the store and
buy a soda. Not so anymore!
"I had a session with Deonna Phillips and it was wonderful. I felt at ease and I could trust her and felt her love helping me move through a couple of my personal issues. During our session I not only learned and felt a good desire to take care of myself, but I am feeling motivated to lose the extra weight, I knew I was making shifts because I kept yawning and my mind was at peace. The worry is gone, which is a big deal to me because now I can have a smile on my face, knowing I will get there and the journey will be fun and rewarding. I was worrying too much about my weight issue. I am now also feeling more self-love, self-confidence, and fully accepting of myself. After the session I ran to the store to drop some movies off at Red Box and normally I'd run into the store and buy a soda. Not so this time! I remembered our session, how I felt, thought if I needed one,...and nope,...I feel I can now make better choices, choose less sugar and have the freedom to make healthier choices.
I listened to a couple of her mp3’s and WOW! I was impressed when the next morning I had lost 2 pounds, and this not from dieting or exercising yet! Now I am energized to exercise, and continue losing weight by listening to her MP3s and have action plans in place. Staying healthy and strong is my life goal. Knowing I have the angels help and Deonna’s I am well on my way to accomplishing what I desire.
Thank you Deonna for your help and insight. I am looking forward to the blessings that come from it. You are a gifted and beautiful healer. I'm soooo happy! 🙂 I recommend Deonna’s work for any issue. She is a very gifted healer. And her gentle nature and soft voice is comforting."
~ Cindy Lybbert
I have lost 50 pounds! And my cholesterol and blood sugar
numbers are now in normal range!
"I love to eat but knew I had to make some changes because of some health problems. I decided to give a session with Deonna a try. Since then I find I don’t crave food the same as before. I am on a healthy diet now and feel better all the time! I have lost 50 pounds! And my cholesterol and blood sugar numbers are now in normal range! My doctor is very happy!"
~ Julie P.
Weight Loss with the Angels Program will provide you with:
- A whole team of Loving, Supporting Angels at your side 24/7!
- A safe and gentle, yet powerful program to transform your body!
- Cravings disappearing!
- Binging becoming a thing of the past!
- Your metabolism will be boosted to allow excess weight to just drop off!
- More self love for your body and a feeling of well being
- Confidence as you are empowered to own and express who you really are!
- The Power to be in control and CHOOSE what is best for you!
- Eating that is a joyful co-creation with your spirit to nourish your body!

Isn’t it time for you to enjoy all life has to offer you as
you embrace the body of your dreams?
Just Imagine….
Shopping for cute clothes that look great on you,
Being proud to step out on the town,
Enjoying physical activities with ease,
Having more energy to engage in fun activities with friends and family!
The freedom and joy you will experience is priceless!
By lovingly transforming your body, you will gain confidence and exude happiness! This will naturally attract More of your deepest desires into your life!
More Love, More Money, More Health and More Fun!
Say Yes to loving and nurturing yourself!
Say YES to your new body!
Say Yes to your New Life!

Expert Testimonial
All my fear vanished! I felt COURAGEOUS and FEARLESS!!
"I just want to say thank you so much for your healing. I was in a situation with a family member that I did not want to face for a long time and tried to stay away at all cost as much as I could. This time it was in my face and I had no strength or courage to do so. I felt entrapped, sad, and very lonely. I didn't know who to go to so I talked to Deonna and she was so kind to respond immediately and send healings my way. Later that evening, I had to make a speech and ended up having a release of emotions during the speech. What was so great was that I must have released alot because all my fear vanished! I felt like I could conquer this challenge up with this family member and nothing could stop me. I felt a sense of trust and faith in myself and the biggest thing was that I felt COURAGEOUS and FEARLESS!! I was ready for a challenge. It was an amazing feeling. Again thank you so much for everything Deonna. Many blessings to you."
~ Dipal Shah
After years of pain all through my body, I am
completely, totally pain free! And it has lasted!
"I have had energy healings before but not like this! After years of pain all through my body, I am completely, totally pain free! And it has lasted! I can hardly believe it! I had pain in all different areas of my body for years, so much so that I had trouble doing daily activities. During the healing I felt so much love! When the session was over, I noticed that I was very relaxed and as I moved my shoulders, the normal pain there was gone and so was the tendonitis pain in my elbows! Then, as I got up, I realized that my knees, ankles and feet felt great! Then when I walked I realized that my hips felt good and I could walk normally! I used to have to kind of rock from side to side when I walked because it was so painful. But now I can take normal strides! I broke down crying in joy! You just don’t know how much pain I was in! And to feel so good and free now…It is a miracle! I was dancing around, moving my hips, which I could not do before, and thanking God! It has been over a month now and I wake up every day so very happy and grateful for this healing! Now I can do things that I couldn’t do before like walk for long periods without having to stop and rest, and most of all, without any pain! And I am able to exercise again because I can move freely now. I can’t explain what a difference this has made in my life and what a blessing it truly is! I am forever grateful to God and the Angels and to Deonna, who is such a special and powerful healer. She is the real deal! Do yourself a favor and work with her! You will be glad you did It’s hard to describe in words how just how thankful I am."
~ Bj K.
I love that we created a team of Angels for me that I can
call on to help me anytime with whatever issues come up!
"I had the opportunity to work with Deonna on my weight issues. I love that we created a team of Angels for me that I can call on to help me anytime with whatever issues come up! Plus she helped me clear a lot of resistance to weight loss that I had from growing up with a mother who was weight obsessed. Now I feel more calm and “in the flow” with my body. I love it more and actually want to take care of it with healthy foods! The weight is coming off and the best part is that it is not a struggle! Her audios continue to support me in having a healthy and more harmonious relationship with my body. I am so grateful to find a weight loss program that includes my emotions, mindset and soul! Thank you Deonna."
~ Dee T.
Now I can get home without stopping for fast food! It is amazing, the shift in me!
"I had a problem, or you could call it an addiction, of always wanting to stop for fast food on the way home from anywhere. I would struggle so hard to resist that urge as I passed each different fast food place but would fail 95% of the time and then feel ashamed and defeated. And it really never turned out to be all that satisfying but I continued doing it. So I had a few sessions with Deonna and the Angels and now I can get home without stopping for fast food! It is amazing, the shift in me! The work we did somehow changed the way that I think and gave me the strength and the tools to be in control of myself so I do not stop for fast food anymore. That all consuming urge is gone and I have the power to choose if I really want it or not. I am so thankful to Deonna for all her help. So far I have lost 10 pounds! Yay!"
~ Michelle R.
Most exciting of all is that I have lost my craving for sugar! That is big for me!
"I've been listening to Deonna's meditations/MP3s on weight loss and have had great success on it. And it's so easy and gentle. I see that my eating is under control. I cook healthier meals now and I eat smaller portions. Most exciting of all is that I have lost my craving for sugar! That is big for me! I've lost 5 pounds total so far. I also feel more relaxed about it all than when I would try to lose weight before. I am not anxious to watch my weight on the scales every day because I know it is working! I feel better every day and I trust that my goal of losing a total of 20 pounds is coming, and in such an easy way, from all the shifts I have experienced in my thinking and emotions from listening to the MP3s. I feel like that has made all the difference in the world to my success. Thank you Deonna for your help and blessings. I would recommend her work and those needing a kind gentle voice that will guide and bless them. Blessings to you. "
~ C. Fay
I have experienced major shifts from her work.
"Deonna has the ability to hold such a powerful, safe, loving and compassionate space that I found so wonderful in working with her. I have had several sessions and find her to be authentic and deeply connected to God/the Divine and she has a beautiful laugh and huge heart. Her work is very powerful, but gentle and I have experienced major shifts from her work. I highly recommend that you work with her. Thank you lovely Deonna."
~ ❤ Helena Das
Now I eat when my stomach tells me I am truly hungry instead of eating to stuff my feelings! And I am losing weight!
"Whenever I was hungry, I felt it in my throat. A lot of times it felt like someone was slitting my throat and it hurt so bad so I would quickly find something to eat to soothe it. But sometimes even after I ate, I still felt it! After my session with Deonna I realized it wasn’t hunger at all! It was that it was emotions coming up! After she worked on it and helped me release the emotions and identify what that feeling really is then I began feeling hunger in my stomach, where you should feel hunger! I could hardly believe that emotions could do that! What a relief to not have that pain in my throat all the time and be scared if I didn’t have something to eat on hand right away! Now I eat when my stomach tells me I am hungry! And I am losing weight!"
~ Joyce C.
My thinking about food has really changed!
"After working with Deonna on weight issues, I have discovered that it had a lot to do with the way I was thinking. I hated the idea of dieting and giving up my favorite foods forever and I hated exercise. I had tried that route over and over and continued to gain weight over the years. With Deonna’s program I realized that I didn’t have to give up those foods forever, just not eat them so often! Also, I realized that the “treats” I was eating were not what I would give to my family and those I love so why was I doing that to myself? I would think, “Oh, I’m having a fun night out. I will eat whatever I want.” And then I would end up feeling stuffed and uncomfortable! But now I care more about myself and my body and stop and think about what is really in the foods that I eat, like all the chemicals and fat etc, and I stop and choose better things. When I go out to eat now, I put half my meal in a to go box at restaurants before I even eat so that I do not overeat. My thinking about food has really changed! Also my angel team that Deonna guided me to create is such a nice support. I talk to them all the time and feel that they help me make better choices. I have lost 10 pounds so far and know that it will continue. Deonna’s way is a whole different approach than I have ever experienced and I love it!"
~ Patty C
to anyone who feels lost and wants NOT to just know that the Universe is there for you, but to actually feel it deeply.
"Before our session with Deonna I was dealing with deep emotional trauma and desperately needed to recover. Because of that trauma I felt lonely, abandoned and disappointed. During our session while receiving Deonna’s gentle and caring healing I was physically feeling lots of warmth and lightness in my body, as if all of my troubles that pulled me down were removed and energy could move freely again through my body and through all my energy system. I am deeply grateful for this experience and would strongly recommend working with Deonna to anyone who feels lost and wants NOT to just know that the Universe is there for you, but to actually feel it deeply. Thank you!"
~ Eugenia Sverbikhina
Physically the pain in my lower back melted away!
"Thank Deonna for a beautiful and powerful healing experience!! As a long time energy healer it was a delight to be guided so gently and gracefully to the centre of my heart opening to more space, more love and more connection. The healing journey took me first into deep connection with earth… grounding effortlessly into earth energy and drinking in its support. We then opened to divinity and I felt the healing energy of divinity flow in from the crown as sparkling healing white light. Feeling the flow from energy from above and below Deonna then guided a welcome and deep connection into the heart centre and I was able to relax softly into my inner sanctuary of LOVE. Physically the pain in my lower back melted away! Deoanna also created the space for connection with my ‘TEAM’ of support! I was able to reconnect with these higher beings and bring together the love and resources of support to light and guide my path! I felt supported during the entire process and integrated the experience with the best night’s sleep I had in ages! Thank you lovely Deonna for offering such clear and sacred support!!"
~ Nancy Jean Mirales.

When you sign up for Losing Weight with the Angels Program you will learn:
How to create your own team of Angels to assist you in losing weight.
The physical cues that indicate you are eating your emotions.
How to clear suppressed emotions that cause you to overeat.
How to boost your metabolism effortlessly.
What to do when a strong craving hits you.
How to choose what to eat in a loving, non-judgemental way and still get results.

Below Introductory Prices are for Limited Packages Only!
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.
Discount : 96%
Total Package Value $1,323
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Connecting to your Angelic
weight loss team - MP3
Boosting Metabolism - MP3
Boosting Metabolism Silent - MP3
Energetic Cleanse - MP3
Overcoming Emotional Eating - MP3
Liberating Beliefs on Weight Loss - MP3
Clearing energetic reasons for holding weight - MP3
Self Love and care for your body - MP3
Liberating Beliefs about Exercise- MP3
Your Ideal Body - MP3
Bonus MP3: Quick Craving Smasher
Bonus MP3: Morning Motivator
Bonus MP3: Blissful Sleep
Bonus MP3: Self Love Activation
Special Bonus: Angelic Weight
Loss Journal
Discount: 96%
Total Package Value $3,399
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Connecting to your Angelic
weight loss team - MP3
Boosting Metabolism - MP3
Boosting Metabolism Silent - MP3
Energetic Cleanse - MP3
Overcoming Emotional Eating - MP3
Liberating Beliefs on Weight Loss - MP3
Clearing energetic reasons for holding weight - MP3
Self Love and care for your body - MP3
Liberating Beliefs about Exercise- MP3
Your Ideal Body - MP3
Bonus MP3: Quick Craving Smasher
Bonus MP3: Morning Motivator
Bonus MP3: Blissful Sleep
Bonus MP3: Self Love Activation
Special Bonus: Angelic Weight
Loss Journal
3 Live Group Calls
3 months of remote healing
Membership in Support Facebook Group
Discount : 96%
Total Package Value $3,699
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory offer
Connecting to your Angelic
weight loss team - MP3
Boosting Metabolism - MP3
Boosting Metabolism Silent - MP3
Energetic Cleanse - MP3
Overcoming Emotional Eating - MP3
Liberating Beliefs on Weight Loss - MP3
Clearing energetic reasons for holding weight - MP3
Self Love and care for your body - MP3
Liberating Beliefs about Exercise- MP3
Your Ideal Body - MP3
Bonus MP3: Quick Craving Smasher
Bonus MP3: Morning Motivator
Bonus MP3: Blissful Sleep
Bonus MP3: Self Love Activation
Special Bonus: Angelic Weight
Loss Journal
3 Live Group Calls
3 months of remote healing
Membership in Support Facebook Group
30 minute one-on-one session
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
How do these MP3’s work?
These MP3s are embedded with high vibrational energy transmissions to raise the listener into a more amplified place of receiving so that they are then better able to receive the healing activations and meditations. Listeners will shift the underlying negative feelings and limiting beliefs that have been at the root of their weight struggles.
The MP3s may to be listened to aloud or on silent and on replay. I recommend listening to the mp3, “Connecting to your Angelic weight loss team” first and then the rest may be listened to in any order. It is best to listen to one per day in the beginning to give the listener time to integrate the energies. After that listeners can then enjoy them as often as they like.
... no longer crave the sugar!
"When I feel hunger for sweets or junk food, I listen to Deonna’s emotional eating MP3 from her weight loss package and no longer crave the sugar! I know I am on my way to losing the weight I want to because sugar has been my biggest challenge! I love the way it works on your subconscious and takes away those cravings so quickly and easily! I highly recommend Deonna’s work."
~ F. M. WA
Package A |
Losing Weight with the Angels
This program Includes:
- 10 MP3s
- 4 bonus MP3s
- Bonus Personal Journal
Connecting to your Angelic weight loss team
Value: $111
Format: MP3
Meet your special Angels that are here to support you and hold your hand through every challenge.
Boosting Metabolism
Value: $111
Format: MP3
Energetically infused audio to speed up your body’s metabolism to lose weight easily, even while you sleep!
Boosting Metabolism-Silent
Value: $111
Format: MP3
Silent energetically infused audio to speed up your body’s metabolism to lose weight easily, even while you sleep!
Energetic Cleanse
Value: $111
Format: MP3
Nourishes all your organs of elimination to cleanse toxins so that you can shed weight quicker and easier.
Overcoming Emotional Eating
Value: $111
Format: MP3
Release common buried emotions that are at the root of your overeating and regain control of your eating choices
Liberating Beliefs on Weight Loss
Value: $111
Format: MP3
Release many common old beliefs about weight loss that have sabotaged your efforts in the past.
Clearing energetic reasons for holding weight
Value: $111
Format: MP3
Realizing and addressing holding onto weight for grounding, for taking on other people’s emotions, for feeling safe, plus more.
Self Love and care for your body
Value: $111
Format: MP3
Shift into loving and accepting your body for the incredible creation it is right now to release resistance to losing weight.
Liberating Beliefs about Exercise
Value: $111
Format: MP3
Release many common beliefs and the dread about exercise. You will be motivated and find movement that is fun and easy for you.
ITEM 10:
Your Ideal Body
Value: $111
Format: MP3
Visualization and activation to create the body you desire!
Quick Craving Smasher
Value: $47
Format: MP3
Short MP3 to play anytime to crush those strong cravings as they come up.
Morning Motivator
Value: $47
Format: MP3
Start your day right with upbeat and positive affirmations and activations to stay on track with the program.
Blissful Sleep
Value: $47
Format: MP3
Go to sleep in the comfort of your Angel’s arms as you release all worries and relax into peace.
Self Love Activation
Value: $47
Format: MP3
Clear judgments and shift into loving the beautiful, unique person that you are.
Special Bonus:
Angelic Weight Loss Journal
Value: $25
Format: PDF
Print out your own journal that includes beautiful images of Angels with powerful affirmations, questions to assist your weight loss journey, and space to record your thoughts and feelings during your transformation.
"I absolutely love the mp3 on Liberating Beliefs on Weight Loss! I feel so much more positive about losing weight. It made me realize how I had convinced myself that it was too hard. It is not! I am ready to go for it!"
~ Shirley M.
"I have been using the Metabolism Booster mp3 and playing it on repeat while I sleep. I have been losing weight without even trying! It is amazing!"
~ Cynthia
"The Quick Craving Smasher mp3 has been a lifesaver! I have used it many times when I was about to go on an eating binge. This usually happens when I am upset over something. I listen to it and relax and stop and think. I feel the emotions and get them out and then I don’t need to eat anymore! What a great tool to have!"
~ Mai A.
Connecting with the Angels - MP3
A beautiful MP3 that connects you with the Angel’s love and invite them into your daily life.
Package A
Total Package Value $1,323
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $97
*** 92% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
This program Includes:
- 3 Live Group Calls
- 3 months of remote healing.
- Membership in Support Facebook Group
ITEM 11:
3 Live Group Calls
Value: $99
Format: Teleseminar
Length: 1 hr
3 Live Group Calls, 1 per month Q & A
December 27th at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT/5:00pm PT
January 24th at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT/5:00pm PT
February 28th at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT/5:00pm PT
ITEM 12:
3 months of remote healing
Value: $1800
Format: Remote (January 2nd – March 31st)
Every Tuesday for 3 months after purchasing your package you will receive a remote healing to support your energy in shifting during the program. All you need to do is just have the intention to receive the energy for your best and highest good.
ITEM 13:
Membership in Support Facebook Group
Value: $177
Format: Email
Interact with Deonna, ask questions, share your challenges and successes and support one another in this private online group.
I have lost 20 pounds and feel so much more energy!
"I got some of Deonna’s weight loss recordings and really like them. Her voice is so relaxing and the energy is powerful. I can feel like warmth in different parts of my body. I lost weight just by listening to the boosting metabolism one every night! Then I had a session with her. During it I let go of a lot of emotions about food and my cravings for sweets! I am eating healthier and feeling better than ever! The weight is coming off more and more because now I listen to what my body wants, not what I crave. I have lost 20 pounds and feel so much more energy! It’s not just the losing weight I am happy about, it’s how I feel in my body, my emotions and my spirit. Thank you so much Deonna!"
~ Maddy P.
Package B
Total Package Value $3,399
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
*** 96% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C |
This program Includes:
- 30 minute one-on-one session
ITEM 14:
30 minute one-on-one session with Deonna
Value: $300
Format: By Phone
One on one sessions with Deonna will help you connect to the unconditional love of the angels and the divine while clearing subconscious traumas, limiting beliefs, stuck emotions, or other dense energies that may be holding you back so that you can be free to create more of your heart’s desires.
Deonna’s Sacred Heart Awakenings method is powerfully transformational as it will shift you on many different levels at once; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, through all past lives, through all generations and through all dimensions.
Be ready to feel embraced in soft, unconditional loving energy of the Angels as you shift into your best life now!
Please schedule your one on one session within 4 months of initial purchase.
Package C
Total Package Value $3,699
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 96% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
I have lost those twenty-five pounds and have maintained it for a few months now!
"I have been weight conscious all my life. I always watched the scale and would cut back on calories or exercise if my weight went up. When I hit menopause it seemed that no matter what I did I gained weight! Twenty-five pounds of it! So I contacted Deonna and we did some sessions. Plus I got some MP3s of hers and I listen to one of them every night. I am so happy to say that I have lost those twenty-five pounds and have maintained it for a few months now! The energy work she does is great and I very much recommend her."
~ Ellie T.
Since then, I do not crave the carbs!
"I used to crave carbs all the time. Bread, pasta, donuts, you name it. Then I booked a session with Deonna. Her energy work is gentle and I felt tingling and energy moving out of my chest as I breathed. Since then, I do not crave the carbs! I can actually say no to donuts at the office! I am very happy with the results. Thank you Deonna!"
~ Tom T.
I feel guided as to what to eat… have lost 24 pounds!
"After my session with Deonna I now feel so supported in losing weight. My Angelic Weight Loss Team that we created is the best part! When making decisions on food, I ask for their help and tune into my body and I feel guided as to what to eat. It is usually something that I enjoy eating AND it is good for me! Also I feel motivated to walk my dog around the block twice a day. It doesn’t take long and gives me energy! After two months, I have lost 24 pounds! And it has not been hard at all! I know that I will continue on this path and lose more weight because it just feels so good!"
~ Sonya S.
I notice that I don’t have such strong cravings for
the fried foods and junk foods like before.
"After listening to Deonna’s MP3, Liberating Beliefs on Weight Loss, for the last week I can say that I felt several shifts on how I feel about weight loss. I did not realize how much of my weight issues had to do with my thinking and emotions. I have begun listening to the Emotional Eating one and wow, that was great! I notice that I don’t have such strong cravings for the fried foods and junk foods like before. I have lost about 5 pounds so far and this is just the beginning! I am definitely going to continue working with Deonna"
~ Frieda T.
After 2 weeks I have lost 7 pounds without even really trying! It works!
"I found Deonna on a telesummit and got her package on Self Love. I experienced so many wonderful changes from that program and session with her that I was happy to try out the recordings she has for weight loss. I love her calming voice and can feel the love of the Angels coming through her. I listen to the Boosting Metabolism MP3 everyday and sometimes on a loop silently plus I have listened to the others. I have felt many shifts from them and my cravings for ice cream are gone! After 2 weeks I have lost 7 pounds without even really trying! It works! Thank you Deonna!"
~ Denise T.
I have noticed positive changes in my life both at work and at home
"I have worked with Deonna for the past eight sessions and I can say I have definitely made progress emotionally, mentally & physically. In between the sessions I have noticed positive changes in my life both at work and at home and it has been a wonderful healing journey so far. What I like the most about Deonna’s work is that I am able to get out of my programmed worldview and observe the limiting beliefs and patterns the way it really is/was. Her work is simple yet powerful. Even though I don’t often feel much during healing sessions I know I am getting the clearings I need as I receive vivid dreams as confirmation the next morning. I highly recommend Deonna’s work!"
~ B.R.H from Australia
Deonna's healing process is powerful… I was able see
so much more clearly after our session!
"Deonna's healing process is powerful! Her gentle and intuitive nature was quickly able to hone in on how I am holding myself back from fully stepping into my true self. Through our session, she was able to assist me in releasing the tension and blocks that are keeping me stuck and preventing me from sharing my gifts with the world. In particular, she helped release past life beliefs that were ingrained in my soul about abundance. I could feel the release and the shift happen - including being able to see so much more clearly after our session! I look forward to watching what else comes forward as a result of our session. Thank you Deonna!!"
~ Gretchen
About Deonna Phillips

Deonna Phillips has over 15 years of experience as an intuitive counselor and energy healer. She has studied Reiki, Soul Retrieval, Inner Child Therapy, Kinesiology, Reflexology, Nutrition, Access, Violet Flame Transformation and other modalities. Working with her team of Archangels, Deonna uses her unique modality, Sacred Heart Awakenings, which is comprehensive and multilayered. It opens the heart to divine unconditional love for deep transformation and shifts energy on all layers; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, as well as through all lifetimes, all generations and all dimensions. Her energy is gentle yet powerful and quickly releases negative beliefs and energies while activating positive energy to create her client’s true desires. Many of her clients report that they feel a profound sense of unconditional love surround them during sessions and experience powerful transformations in their lives.
Don't forget ...
Below Introductory Prices are for Limited Packages Only!
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.
Discount : 96%
Total Package Value $1,323
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Connecting to your Angelic
weight loss team - MP3
Boosting Metabolism - MP3
Boosting Metabolism Silent - MP3
Energetic Cleanse - MP3
Overcoming Emotional Eating - MP3
Liberating Beliefs on Weight Loss - MP3
Clearing energetic reasons for holding weight - MP3
Self Love and care for your body - MP3
Liberating Beliefs about Exercise- MP3
Your Ideal Body - MP3
Bonus MP3: Quick Craving Smasher
Bonus MP3: Morning Motivator
Bonus MP3: Blissful Sleep
Bonus MP3: Self Love Activation
Special Bonus: Angelic Weight
Loss Journal
Discount: 96%
Total Package Value $3,399
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Connecting to your Angelic
weight loss team - MP3
Boosting Metabolism - MP3
Boosting Metabolism Silent - MP3
Energetic Cleanse - MP3
Overcoming Emotional Eating - MP3
Liberating Beliefs on Weight Loss - MP3
Clearing energetic reasons for holding weight - MP3
Self Love and care for your body - MP3
Liberating Beliefs about Exercise- MP3
Your Ideal Body - MP3
Bonus MP3: Quick Craving Smasher
Bonus MP3: Morning Motivator
Bonus MP3: Blissful Sleep
Bonus MP3: Self Love Activation
Special Bonus: Angelic Weight
Loss Journal
3 Live Group Calls
3 months of remote healing
Membership in Support Facebook Group
Discount : 96%
Total Package Value $3,699
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory offer
Connecting to your Angelic
weight loss team - MP3
Boosting Metabolism - MP3
Boosting Metabolism Silent - MP3
Energetic Cleanse - MP3
Overcoming Emotional Eating - MP3
Liberating Beliefs on Weight Loss - MP3
Clearing energetic reasons for holding weight - MP3
Self Love and care for your body - MP3
Liberating Beliefs about Exercise- MP3
Your Ideal Body - MP3
Bonus MP3: Quick Craving Smasher
Bonus MP3: Morning Motivator
Bonus MP3: Blissful Sleep
Bonus MP3: Self Love Activation
Special Bonus: Angelic Weight
Loss Journal
3 Live Group Calls
3 months of remote healing
Membership in Support Facebook Group
30 minute one-on-one session
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.