WAIT!! Don't miss this EXCITING, one time only offer:

Are you a fan of Denise's work like many others that have achieved unparalleled results
Results like:

108While even one session with Denise can be the key to catapult your life to the next level, the real anchoring of the results comes from multiple sessions. Denise has the ability to coach you through your toughest blocks WHILE doing her incredibly powerful energy clearings.

It is typical with energy clearings that as you peel off one layer, another one comes up and needs to be released as well so that you can experience tangible and meaningful results. As you shift through these amazing clearings, Denise will support you as she gently yet powerfully moves the energy out.

Many members of our community love Denise's work so much that they go back for more sessions only find the regular price of $447.00 per session too high. Yet many still invest in multiple packages because they know they will get results!

In this coaching VIP clients receive 12 sessions, 45 minutes each

20Usually after 6 sessions people have reported shifting to a joyful, exquisite life and after 10 sessions people have experienced unparalleled results! You get to have 12 sessions! Imagine how much your life can shift and change with regular doses of high intensity energy working like a laser to blast off your blocks!


So just for our special clients that are buying Denise's pkg from FHTJ, she is opening up her life changing VIP coaching at an extremely discounted price.

Act now since you won't see this offer again if you x out of this page.

3 months VIP Coaching with Denise

Regular Price for 12 VIP Coaching Session $5000

Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $2300 only!

A Whopping 54% off!!

Yes! I want the Priority VIP Sessions Now

Once the low frequency of density begins to melt away, you will be a magnet to attracting all that you desire:

And so much more!!!

Denise's clients have reported astonishing changes in all areas of life. And now YOU can be next!

A session with Denise at Regular price for 45 minutes is $447
10 sessions would $4470!!! And you are getting not 10 but 12! Use two as bonus to give away to family or loved ones!!

Regular price for 12 sessions VIP coaching is $5000. If YOU ACT NOW, you can get it for a huge discount of more than 50% That's absolutely a steal!

This is not offered anywhere else and you will not see this offer again once you check out.

Wait, there's more:

As a VIP client, you will also get Priority Booking!!

110Normally clients have to sometimes wait weeks to get a booking. But when you are going through a crisis, you need help immediately. As a VIP clients have priority booking and you will be able to schedule your sessions within 48 hours, usually within 24 hours so no need to plan ahead or if you like to plan, you may schedule all 12 weeks. That way you will be able to simply BREEZE through the entire coaching process and know exactly when to expect the amazing energy clearings each week!

Hurry, this will offer will go away soon! TRANSFORM your life while you gift the sessions to a loved one or two to Heal theirs as well!

3 months VIP Coaching with Denise

Regular Price for 12 VIP Coaching Session $5000

Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $2300 only!

A Whopping 54% off!!

Yes! I want the Priority VIP Sessions Now

Expert Reviews

“Denise helped me clear a long standing pizza obsession!”

“Denise helped me clear a long-standing pizza cravings/obsession! Anybody who knows me knows how much I love pizza. I used to pretty much always want pizza, if I could I would eat it every day (and sometimes did). A day without pizza was a day wasted! But finally I was ready to release the addiction and in just one session with Denise, I lost the daily cravings. I can find that weeks have gone by and I haven't had pizza, or even thought about it, this seemed impossible before. And that was 9 months ago, so I know she was able to get to the very root. Denise is good about not wanting to make any food forbidden, and I love that pizza is still delicious and enjoyable, I just no longer think about it, which is the perfect result. Thanks Denise. ”

~ Aimee Serafini, LovingFoodLovingLIfe.com

“Her abilities are revolutionary, she truly is
on the forefront of spiritual awareness”

Sherry-Phillips-Swatek“I worked for decades on my deepest issues including extreme physical abuse and trauma, that I could not completely transmute. I tried everything including therapy, body modalities, energetic modalities, plus hours a day in my own healing. I spent tens of thousands of dollars on myself.  Denise's gift of finding these toxic energies in me and helping me transmute them is unparalleled. Her abilities are revolutionary, she truly is on the forefront of physical, emotional and spiritual awareness. She is a rare find and I recommend her without question to friends and clients.   I don't know anyone living today, who can go to the deepest and darkest spots within and let buried trauma go faster, more efficiently and with more empowered love. Do not settle for someone identifying or categorizing your pain, get someone who will assist you to be free of it. You could finally have what I found with Denise's help, your best life ever.”

~ Sherry Phillips Swatek

“Lost over 25 pounds, ADD improved significantly and she feels empowered”

eramsaeed“Denise helped my daughter lose weight and one of the best side effects is that her ADD has improved quite significantly! When the doctors wanted to put her on ADD meds, I was determined to find a better solution and Denise helped immensely. My daughter is showing CLEAR signs of better focus and improvement in her organization skills. She feels empowered and capable and her "spaciness" has a marked improvement too! This is life changing for her. Here are her weight loss results:

June - “Natasha lost 8 pounds in two weeks which was great progress. She really liked working with you.”

July update -“She has since lost more than 20 pounds and is totally committed to losing 50 pounds!”

August update: "The improvement continues! She's almost at 27 pounds and is still enthusiastic and on track...even though she went to a wedding and got off track for a while, she is still making remarkable progress. This is an amazing program and Denise has no match in this! Thank you so much Denise!!”

~ Eram, FHTJ

Results clients have reported:

  • "I actually look forward to working out when before I dreaded it."
  • "After years of sleepless nights, I now sleep like a baby."
  • "My clothes are hanging off me."
  • "I can fit into my old wardrobe."
  • "The sick feeling held in my body for 50 years cleared."
  • "I made myself a priority in my life."
  • "I’m loving the daily pleasures, the sadness has lifted and I’m finding new ways to explore my pleasure."
  • "My craving for chocolate wasn’t there. It’s so strange not to crave it."
  • "The evening glass of wine lost its appeal."
  • "For the first time in years I actually wanted a salad for dinner."


“I feel happy and I lost 19 pounds”

Tatyana Before & After IMG_4759 (1)"Thank you so much Denise for the Living Thin clearings and energy work. I felt so much shift around judgement. I went for groceries after listening to the audios and my neighbor asked me, “Why you are so happy today?”

I've noticed that I wanted to compliment everyone I've met on my way. People seemed to me so beautiful and nice!

I am so happy that I've taken this program. After the first call I started eating healthy foods and I am not hungry at all. I lost 7 pounds. I celebrated it and danced around the scale. After your second call I became really unstoppable, that’s how I feel. It’s incredible how it works from inside. Interesting that I don’t feel I am missing anything and I am never hungry anymore. You supported me over the emails and helped me during the calls.

Follow up: I lost 19 pounds since the start of the program. Woohoo! I love it!

And it really worked when you supported me with protection from my relatives who criticize me. They try to pick on me and I just replied,” I love you guys, just accept me the way I am.” And they give up-:) Thank you again. Every time when I listen to your meditation or the calls, I get so much energy!"

~ Tatyana Lusher, NY

“Lost 12 pounds even on a cruise”

"I bought your package and your healing work has helped me tremendously! The 3 sessions I had with you were so powerful and life changing for me!!! Thanks for all of your healing help. When I went to the doctor I had lost 12 lbs since last time I was there!! I even lost weight on a cruise! Not only have I lost weight and inches off my body, I have found my eating habits have changed and I'm very motivated to eat healthy food!!! I am so grateful for all of your help!!!"

~ Kerry, NJ

“Lost 13 pounds after 5 straight years of gaining”

"I have had my first 4 pound loss. This is very exciting, as it seems for the past 5 years all I have done is gain. I am listening to the visualization almost daily.  I am using a food journal, daily. I have started to exercise again, and am enjoying it.

What is fascinating is my aches and pains tend not to bother me when I am exercising! Anyhow, I wanted you to know I am seeing results.” Follow up: “I lost more than 13 pounds. In Britain, people are weighed in stones, so 14 pounds makes 1 stone."

~ Cynthia, Great Britain

“The pounds just came off, it’s silly but it felt like magic.”

“I’ve always struggled with my weight, not a huge amount but the last 3 – 7 pounds that has been elusive. I’ve spent the majority of my life very rigid and strict about eating and extremely intense exercise but I could never get to those pounds. It always ended in failure, defeat, sadness and self-loathing. I worked out so hard that I had put myself in the hospital for 4 days. Since doing the Living Thin program, I noticed that I stopped trying so hard. I started, for the first time, allowing myself to be. Allowing myself to hear my body and allowing myself to feel my body. There has been a sense of peace. I continued to eat healthfully, as I have my whole life. I exercise because I love it, but it’s without punishment. The pounds just came off. I can’t explain it, they’ve been off for 2 months and stayed off. I feel so much calmer. It’s silly, but it felt like magic…and freedom and peace. I found the freedom I’ve been looking for my whole life.”

~ Erin

“Less inflammation and released 13 pounds”

“I’ve been struggling over 40 years. Sugar was my primary food source, and I knew I was out of control. And it was really affecting my health with bloating, with fluid retention in my legs, pain in my knees. I avoided the doctor because I didn’t want to find out what else. I was desperate.

I’ve tried so many things over the years. And I knew myself well enough that if I joined other ‘diet’ programs I would gain weight. Because I have a really strong rebel, a force in me that did not want me to have what I wanted and I really needed help with that.

A piece that I really enjoyed was just learning more how to stay connected to myself. And when you said you can have all the energy work you want, but if you’re not in your body, it’s not going to stick, that was a huge wake up. Because I don’t, I haven’t for decades, stayed in my body for any length of time. That was key for me.

I’ve known this for years but I am seeing it on a new level, that if I was managing what I was eating then I would resort to compulsive spending with credit cards. I’ve been watching that as I am changing to healthier eating.

The other reason I bought the package to work with Denise was her understanding of how this pattern can be deeply entrenched and it can take time to change and her offer of 4 months of emails demonstrated her commitment to helping us make that change. It has meant a lot to me.

I feel more comfortable in my clothes. I actually feel relieved, to be eating better. I knew for the last few years I wasn’t really getting any satisfaction out of the sweet foods, I couldn’t stop.

I have less inflammation, less fluid in my legs, my clothes are more comfortable. I dropped 13 pounds so far.”

~ Judy

“First time I feel worthy of vibrant health”

“I feel so much lighter and let go of so many things. I literally feel like space has been created in my body for new experiences. 

I have since found a new sense of respect for myself. For the first time ever I feel that I am worthy of vibrant health. I always thought that I wasn't deserving of health and that it was my punishment to be sickly! Thank you for allowing me to become best friends with my body and enabling me to listen and tune into what it requires. 

I started a new exercise regime which caters to my exact needs. 

Thank you for allowing me to live in my body and in the present. I'm less anxious and more grounded. I am on my path to complete self love and acceptance. It's probably the hugest gift of all.”

~ Naz, South Africa

“Lost 12 pounds and it was easy”

“I am eating smaller portions and I eat more slowly. I have lost 12 pounds and I feel the weight coming off in an easy way. I’m not struggling. My relationship with my mother has shifted, there is a great deal of gratitude expressed between us and I don’t dread her comments about my figure. Part of that has to do with the energy emails we receive every couple days. They are amazing reminders, they keep me focused. I go back and read them over and over again.”

~ Mary

“Feel confident and relaxed”

“With the clearing from today I received a deep calming fulfillment and feel very confident and relaxed right now.”

~ Ursula

“My clothes fit better, I’m not hiding and skin is clearer”

“I feel better. I have a new way of grounding myself daily. I built a conversation with my body and I hear what she needs. I made lifestyle changes. My clothes fit better. I’m not hiding myself as I was before. For 17 years, I haven’t worn sleeveless shirts and now I do. I went to New York and it was hot, I took off the jacket and walked around in a sleeveless top. Also, my skin improved. I suffered from acne and now my skin is much clearer.”

~ Colby Lan

“Opening to receive was over the top”

“I’m getting married in 6 weeks. It has been stressful and overwhelming. I was feeling so much pressure planning a wedding while running a business. It’s supposed to be fun but I was angry. We worked on dissolving my anger and resentment. I was resenting that my friends and family wouldn’t be able to come to the wedding. I felt uncomfortable asking people to take a whole weekend, and get on a plane and stay in a hotel just to celebrate this event. The unworthiness to receive surfaced. Denise helped me to open my heart to receive. We opened to the joy and beauty of what is happening and I finally got to feel joy for the first time since we set the date. It felt really good to open up those pathways. It was incredible, the session ended at 11:15 and by 2:00 o’clock I found out that two of my cousins who live in the south, had decided to come to the wedding. My fiance stepped up and found a string quartet for us and he found a travel agent to book the honeymoon. I really knew the receiving had opened when a client of mine figured out that I was engaged and asked me where I was registered. It was so lovely. That was over the top! Thank you, Denise for your brilliant work.”

~ Paige

“I lost 7 pounds”

“Your audio really works wonders. Within 3 weeks I lost 7 pounds. Thank you!”

~ Andrea, Switzerland

“Pleasant surprise my weight went down”

“It’s only been a week and I am down three pounds. I had a lot of family parties and thought for sure my weight would be up. What a pleasant surprise that it was down.”

~ Kelly

“I have suffered from long term insomnia but I have enjoyed the deepest and most prolonged and restful sleep of my life since the program - it is truly miraculous to be able to sleep for between 8 and 10 hours without waking"

“Your work continually makes a huge difference for me.
*I feel much more balanced - female and male aspects - I am able to take action in areas I couldn´t before and much more effectively and from a more balanced, centered place.
* I could connect fully and wholeheartedly with wholeness...”

~ Ursula

“Felt love for the first time”

“YAEEEEH FINALLY IT'S HAPPENED!!! For the first time in my life I have started feeling love in my heart, yes I know, how absolutely AWESOME!!! And Crazy is this?

This is a person who would never feel anything at all.

One thing I always wished I could experience was feeling love in my heart, as when you have never been loved or experienced it, how would you know how exactly it feels. It is ALL its cracked out to be and much more.

I am smiling at everyone I meet. I am enjoying doing random acts of kindness for absolute strangers. Love over marks everything and it's like taking a magic potion that has turned me into Superwoman.

That victim mentality has melted away. I could actually write a book on all Denise has taught me.”

~ Isha

“Feeling grounded and present”

“I feel a deep connection to Mother Earth. I then asked my higher self to come in and it was like my body was a suction cup that pulled her right in and locked her down. Talk about feeling grounded and present! I let and am still letting the pure love in like a smooth liquid lava. What a sense of being loved, safe, protected and peaceful just to be! Warm, peaceful and such loving kindness within and exuding all around me!”

~ Kathy

“New awareness of how loving and magnificent I really am”

“My body just started to shake, jerk, heave, sob and move in ways that were completely foreign to me. Then came this experience of expansive openness, sense of love and peace and all the pain was replaced by a calmness. All the tough stuff from my childhood seemed relieved, and replaced with this open, spacious light feeling. A sense of love really. I am so much more at peace, no longer limited by my experiences but thriving in my new awareness of how wonderful, loving and magnificent I really am! To really feel it in every part of me! I can call up and experience my own self-love at any time - - and feel it! Thank you Denise! What a blessing you are!”

~ Pat, MA

“Most spiritual and loving session I ever had”

“I am so thankful to Denise for the most powerful, spiritual, loving session I have ever had. I experienced Divine Love, showering me with iridescent light containing abundance, blessings, and life essence. Now I have been feeling confident and strong to deal with the ending of my 39 year marriage. Denise also cleared a huge blockage in my throat. This helped me to feel a great release and in my power. I felt so safe, I really appreciate Denise's high integrity and deep caring. Thank you Denise for co-creating this life changing experience. Aloha.”

~ Joyce, HI

“Cravings are gone”

“I have noticed that food cravings seem to be gone, allowing more healthy choices to be easier to choose and I have lost a couple of pounds without really trying”

~ Karen

“Sugar cravings have decreased”

“My sugar cravings have decreased; or at least I have more power to ignore them! In the past week I've come close to buying donuts, muffins and ice cream but did not.”

~ Nancy

“Immediate change, I wanted living food”

“After working with Denise, I had an immediate change in my cravings with food. I wanted living food and I had no desire for fast food.”

~ JD, ID

“Felt a weight lifted”

“You are in safe hands with Denise… Denise has helped me work through grief, stress and many old emotional issues that had been harboring my future, afterwards I felt such a weight lifted and they simply just are not an issue now. Denise is 100% committed to helping you achieve your goal. Her great intuitive skills mean that she is with you every step of the way, guiding and supporting in a kind and gentle manner.”

~ Ulanda, ON, Canada

“I feel happier about life”

“I feel much lighter and more excited to reach my goals! I think it made a huge difference to see a future slender me instead of a past me! I feel happier about life in general too.”

~ Jess

“It felt like old times of being myself”

“Anyway something must have happened because after the call, I felt great! I was in such a good mood. I felt like old times as being myself. All the fog was gone. Didn't feel anything about the issue of my ex, just happy.”

~ Caroline

“Ground breaking new awareness”

“I am taking your Living Thin program and I just wanted to let you know what happened for me this morning. A great new awareness!

Today, while listening to call one I became aware that if I lost the weight my parents would not have a reminder of how they failed me. I couldn't tolerate the vision of being thin around my parents like it would "let them off the hook."

This is really groundbreaking for me!

Update: I am 10 pounds lighter!”

~ Diane

“Emails reminders helped me make better choices”

“I can tell you that your messages hit me square on and they have been very beneficial to remind me of my goals.  The energy of those emails I believe have helped me make better choices.  I have lost weight!"

This is really groundbreaking for me!”

~ Terese

“ Hit the nail on the head there Denise with the daily support email. Thank you kindly for your continued support - it means a lot xo”

~ Colby

“I know I'm repeating myself and I hope you don't mind. These notes of yours are really, really, really spot on for what I'm experiencing. I appreciate you and what you do,”

~ Sue

“I just want to tell you how glad I am with all your quotes and well wishing energy. The email of today made me very happy. It reminded me on a sentence Sathya Sai Baba once (1993) spoke to me: 'you are atma'. Thank you.”

~ Anne from Netherlands

“Lost 11 pounds”

“I felt immediate results after I got off the call. Things continue to shift. I lost 11 pounds.”

~ Elana

“Back to the gym after a year and a half”

“I just wanted to drop a line and let you know that since listening to your program I have went back to the gym in fact this is my second week.

I was giving myself a hard time because I was only doing ten minutes on the elliptical and ten minutes on the treadmill but that was all my body could handle right now...well long story short your last call on Tuesday helped me to change how I felt about that when you said hey if you can only do 5 minutes then do that and you know it changed my whole perspective on my workouts.  I was so worried about what other people must be thinking about the person coming into the gym who is only working out for 20 minutes but I decided it’s none of their business and none of mine what they think...thank you so much Denise for being who you are and holding us in this beautiful space giving us the strength to find that beautiful connection with our body at our own pace.”

~ Teresa

“I feel joy and playfulness in my heart”

“I feel so cared about by you!  I took your words to heart and stepped back from my panic.  I listened to your first group call last night and loved it.  I woke up this morning in a much different place.  There is a sense of joy and playfulness in my heart that hasn't been there in a very long time.  There is also a "knowing" that the weight will be released and I will be able to move beyond this lifelong struggle.  I feel so blessed to have found you.

~ Bonnie

“From restriction and denial to acceptance and choice”

“Thank you for the session it was totally awesome. It has been an interesting week to say the least. I have noticed several shifts are occurring:

  • listening to your downloads I am hearing things differently, best way to describe it is that my whole body is listening now with a form of acceptance
  • I have not been so consumed by thoughts about eating or my weight even when my food consumption has been all over map to real healthy eating to complete junk food eating. I have an awareness of choice and balance, not restriction and denial.
  • I noticed that the connection between me and body is really starting to be real
  • I increased my water consumption
  • being enough and having enough and I am enough is the voice I been hearing all week”

~ Carmen

“My relationship with my partner greatly improved”

“Thank you so much for all of the wonderful work. I have made SIGNIFICANT progress!!!! My relationship with my partner has greatly improved since my 1-on-1 session.  We even booked a vacation together that night.  I have been processing emotion with much greater joy and ease. I feel more at peace with myself, AND I have begun taking consistent action toward my body mass reduction goals.”

~ Kristen

“Weight reduced a few pounds”

“I am enjoying your program, my weight has reduced by a few pounds. May this continue. Thank you”

~ Jackie

“Realized fat represented the love I didn’t get”

“I couldn’t understand why I still felt uncomfortable about letting go of my extra fat, but I finally realized that the extra fat represented the love and attention I didn’t receive from my parents in my childhood and the love for my body I couldn’t give. My body has therefore tried to accumulate fat in place of love to surround myself. I released a lot of tears, as you told me to expect, and now I can finally give my body unconditional love that it deserves. I am certain that I will feel safe and protected without extra fat around me from now on.

I am so glad I signed up for your program. I have tried so many weight loss programs in the past. You were the first person my spirit guides told me to request help from. Thank you for your love and support for making this shift possible so I can move forward.”

~ Christine

“Feel like I got my health back in less than an hour”

“I got a bad case of the flu and was very sick. The first day I had the flu I felt I was on my death bed. I had a horrible sore throat, I was so weak and tired, it was difficult to get out of bed. I did all the routine things such as I went to see my medical doctor, was drinking lots of fluids, got plenty of rest and getting my vitamin C and D. On the 3rd day I had a session with Denise, I was still feeling very sick and I was barely able to talk since my sore throat was so bad. One of the things that came out and we cleared in the session was I had some blocks to loving myself. Within the time of our session, 90% of my flu symptoms were completely gone. It was truly amazing. I went from feeling extremely sick to feeling I got my health back in less than hour. Thanks Denise.  You are truly remarkable!”

~ Daniel Rosenstein

“I am full of confidence, optimism and so much happier”

“I experienced massive energy shifts and I now feel much clearer and back to my old self, more full of confidence and optimism.

I am amazed at how much hidden deep emotional stuff that Denise is able to dissipate in just one session. She finds it and releases it quickly. Denise’s work is very deep and thorough - she has found and removed a lot of the old patterns that have been keeping me stuck. It feels so good now.

Denise has great understanding and integrity with a gift to be able to clear those very deep and dark spots that are troubling you and nothing phases her - I cannot recommend her work highly enough. I am so much happier and definitely more at peace now. I am now feeling good about my future and moving forwards.”

~ Jane, UK

“Best session ever”

“You are truly an earth angel, your session with me was the best session I ever had. (I have tried countless sessions with other speakers/healers and many modalities). I actually felt a shift with you. I feel lighter and happier now. Your insight was remarkable and now I feel wonderful. The session was so healing and so soothing. You have accomplished more in one session than I have though the years.

~ Alexis, ON, Canada

“We covered so much I was shocked!”

“I recently purchased Denise McNab’s programme and wanted to share with you how the healing session benefited me. It was really powerful. After the one session, she healed something from my childhood which allowed me to feel free. I nearly contacted the person to tell them I had forgiven them and I kid you not I hated them before the session. But I cleared a great deal of anger. We covered so much I was shocked.

I realised I had deep self worth issues which Denise worked on, however on the surface I appear to be such a confident young woman. So I was surprised by this realisation.

Furthermore, I have been wanting to clean up my flat for the last six months but I could not bring myself to do it. Within 24 hours of the session, I spent 6 hours cleaning my flat. I felt such an urge to do it, although I was exhausted at the time I feel so much calmer in my flat, once I had cleaned up, I also found £30.00 underneath my bed!

Although I workout, I have been listening to weight loss mp3s as I would like to lose a few pounds. Yesterday I did something I never normally do and went onto McDonalds to buy an ice cream but the machine was not working. Then I went into Kentucky Fried Chicken next door and tried to buy an ice cream again the machine was not working. I realised I was being supported by the Universe and then went into Marks & Spencer and bought a plain yoghurt and fresh strawberries!  The MP3s are powerful.

Last but not least we worked on my issues about being good enough to go back into the legal world, since this session 3 opportunities have presented themselves to me after I attended various networking events in the space of two weeks! ”

~ Aysha, London

“My grief actually went away”

“I wanted to let you know that my grief actually did go away after our session. I didn’t think it was possible, but it did. So now I am looking ahead to a better future. I also tried the FOX news fast for 3 days – and it feels good not to have all the stress of FOX News, etc., in my body. I went from hopeless to hopeful”

~ Sherri, IL

“So many miraculous things”

“I can be myself for the very first time in my life, I feel unconditional love. I don’t need to reject myself any longer. I can be fully present in my body. So many miraculous things are happening to me on a daily basis now. I am so grateful and feel so rich and blessed and the most amazing thing is, this is me, this is who I really am. Not in my wildest fantasy have I expected this. It is time to shine brightly and be the bright star that I am. Woo-hoo! Yippie!”

~ Joy, Norway

“I am speaking up and out more”

“Wow! I am still in such awe for all of the shifting and clearing you helped me with that I have been holding onto for years! I now have an incredible feeling of openness, space, a sense of peace, calm and love flowing and glowing from me. I noticed a difference in how people are interacting with me. They are more open and interested in what I am saying and are really taking to heart what I am communicating.

Your guidance is spectacular and the energy work with me went very deep. I am already speaking up and out more when I need to. I released so many wounds of not good enough, lack of nurturing, abuse, grief, shame and unworthiness. Thank you so much for your compassion, understanding, love and healing!”

~ Kathy, IL

“Most powerful and visceral energy work ever”

“Our session was the most powerful and visceral energy work I had ever experienced. We had done a lot of work on many issues with my mom, specifically anger and resentment going all the way back to early childhood and the womb. Funny because I didn't have anything specific I wanted to work on when we started the call. Hah!

Towards the end of our session, I couldn’t stand on my feet and fell to my knees. I felt surrounded by love, bathed in love. I brought myself up to sit on my couch and couldn’t get up for 45 minutes! I didn’t know anything but love. I couldn’t tell where my physical body ended and love began…I was just one with love. During those 45 minutes (I could see a clock) I gradually started to feel my body more and more, all along feeling bliss and Love.

Over the next couple of days I was in a state of joy that couldn’t be changed. Nothing fazed me. Everything was wondrous. The absence of mind chatter and judgment was noticeable.

What’s fascinating is that in the days after our session, I spoke to my mother. It was a great opportunity for me to approach our relationship from my new perspective. Since then, I’m able to approach our conversations without a current of resentment. When she crosses my mind, I’m able to think of her as a person, not a burden, and I have a bird's-eye view of situations from her perspective, not just my own. We can calmly discuss our feelings and she hears me in a way she never did before. I am no longer feeding the energy of anger or resentment, so it can't exist. Thank you so much for doing the work you do and sharing your gifts. ”

~ Adrian, IL

“Just to thank you one more time, I have suffered with headaches for years and since you helped me in November I now rarely have a headache. I have tried a lot of headache remedies and energy clearing and nothing worked until you helped me. I am truly grateful for my healing and for all your healing gifts your share with others. Sending my love to you. ”

~ Lynne, UK

“I don't think I ever experienced that level of joy”

“I wanted you to know that you have given me an amazing gift today. After our session, I felt extremely grateful, but I also felt genuinely happy, light and full of joy. I have not felt like this in a very long time, in fact, I don’t think I have ever experienced the level of joy that I am feeling right now. It keeps bubbling up and it feels so good that I can’t stop smiling.”

~ Dale, HI

“Life changing and profound”

“I had an issue with the belief that the world is an unfriendly place and that I was not safe and Denise was able to clear this at the cellular level. I I felt the movement of energy in my sacral, throat and solar plexus chakras and throbbing in my throat as well and I cleared this belief right out of my body and it left my aura. She told me that it would take 36-48 hours for all the processing to take place and on 26th November I easily and comfortably joined an online program to promote and sell pet products and had no anxiety or fear. I even felt I can do this!"

I truly feel what you did was so life changing and profound and I see the changes in how I behave and feel emotionally when taking a new risk. Thank you.”

~ Reenee

“Found absolute joy”

“I recently had a healing session with Denise, WOW!!! Denise is amazingly intuitive and really feels into the energies. After my session, this is what I experienced: you know when your heart opens and you find absolute joy in all the little things and you feel it deeply in the body, well that is what happened after my session. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

~ Cindy, South Africa

“Found childhood wonder and awe”

“Denise is an absolutely magical Quantum energy coach. She has innate intuition: her energy is very healing which makes for an easy release of my old stuffed energies. After each session with her I feel that my world has become a much friendlier and happy place to live. If you are looking to repair your childhood damage, Denise is the person who will walk you to the light. Denise incorporates many healing modalities in her practice. You will learn how to play and you will find your childhood wonder and awe.

~ Galina, NY

“Unbelievable experience”

“My experience was beyond words to describe. The energy is still here and it is awesome! It is all about LOVE. All day today I am breathing Love! Unbelievable experience! Feeling joyful again! Thank you so much Denise McNab.”

~ Natalia, Canada

“First time of no negative self talk”

“This is literally the first time I had no negative self talk or anything come to me. I just felt flooded with love and happiness and joy. I don’t know if I ever felt this feeling before. It was as close to one of the best feelings I have ever felt! I just wanted to thank you so much Denise for all the incredible healing that I’ve received!”

~ Judy

“Recurring headache gone”

“Thank you so much, Denise. I have been struggling with a recurring headache for 2 weeks. I listened to your recordings and it has lifted; I feel relaxed and surrounded by loving support.”

~ Barbara

“Grounded and in contact with inner self”

“I am loving the Living Thin program. I feel grounded and in contact with my inner self and Source. Your meditations are so effective. It really works! I am very satisfied.”

~ Rosália

“Huge traumatic experiences released”

“I had my personal session with you today and in all the years of therapy that I have done, I have never been that shaken. So huge, traumatic experiences came out that I deeply hope they are out forever!”

~ Jackie

“A lot less stress”

“Recently my job description has changed and opened up with additional roles & tasks. As part as my role I now have to answer phone calls from the public (one of my biggest fears), handle payments (scary) as well as other 'new' things. The first day I noticed that I had confidence and worked with grace and ease within these additional new roles/tasks. I acknowledged that I was learning and it was ok if I made any mistakes. I felt I worked through this first day with very little stress and a lot less stress than I would normally have!! (Happy dance!!) I feel it has been due to your work....Thank you.”

~ Leslie

“Energy was absolutely blissful”

“Just wanted to offer some feedback to let you know the energy was absolutely blissful for me. My body tingled every time I brought the energy in. Then I would feel a sense of extreme calm come over me. What a Blessing and a Gift!!! So grateful I found you. There are no mistakes”

~ Marcia

“the night sweats stopped”

“I wanted to let you know that since you did the adjustments to my 21 days, I haven't been having any night sweats or intense heart palpitations. I had been having night sweats in the days leading up to the 21 days but after you added the adjustment so that I could integrate the energy with greater ease and grace, the night sweats stopped- amazing I can really feel lots of emotional pain coming up to be cleared each day and I am so happy that I am free from this old pain. Thank you!!! ”

~ Patricia

3 months VIP Coaching with Denise

Regular Price for 12 VIP Coaching Session $5000

Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $2300 only!

A Whopping 54% off!!

Yes! I want the Priority VIP Sessions Now

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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