Certified Quantum Energy Transformation Coach and Channel of Divine Love,
Denise McNab's Special Offer

Freedom from Trauma or Abuse

Most people have no idea of the life that is available to them. When you heal the pain of the past, and clear the toxic emotions from your heart, anything is possible. You are freed from your limitations and are free to create the life of your dreams! This audio program contains the clearings and alignments you need to transcend trauma and finally have freedom from the pain and disappointments.

Expert Reviews

Sherry-Phillips“I worked for decades on my deepest issues including extreme physical abuse and trauma, that I could not completely transmute. I tried everything including therapy, body modalities, energetic modalities, plus hours a day in my own healing. I spent tens of thousands of dollars on myself. Denise's gift of finding these toxic energies in me and helping me transmute them is unparalleled. Her abilities are revolutionary, she truly is on the forefront of physical, emotional and spiritual awareness. She is a rare find and I recommend her without question to friends and clients. I don't know anyone living today, who can go to the deepest and darkest spots within and let buried trauma go faster, more efficiently and with more empowered love. Do not settle for someone identifying or categorizing your pain, get someone who will assist you to be free of it. You could finally have what I found with Denise's help, your best life ever.”

~ Sherry Phillips Swatek



Discount: 90% Off
Total Package Value $1519
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer $147



Discount: 89% Off
Total Package Value $1818
From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $197


Package A

Clear Toxic Emotions and Transcend Trauma

Value: $1078

This program offers you a path forward after trauma or abuse.
No one came here to be a victim, become the person you were meant to be. You will cleanse your mind, body and soul from the abuse or trauma. You will take back your power and create a life you love.

These audios will help you release the pain, heartbreak, and fear you experienced. You will feel your power being restored. Learn to connect with you and discover what it feels like to be fully present in your body. Stop being your own worst enemy and become your own best friend and form healthy relationships.


Transcending Trauma

  • Release toxic emotions from your cells and from your field
  • Stop letting the abuse from the past control you
  • Release the pushed down, suppressed and unexpressed emotions that are keeping you stuck
  • Clear patterns of reliving the abuse
  • Feel deep self-respect and self-love


Feeling Safe in Your Body

  • Creating your inner sanctuary
  • Feeling safe and confident
  • Experience being present in your body
  • Experience being held and supported by the earth
  • Develop a practice to experience immediate restoration and balance
  • Feel at home in your body and on the planet


Rage and revenge release

  • Release the pent up anger
  • A safe space to deal with your rage
  • Release regrets
  • Accept all of your emotions


No longer a victim and reclaiming your power

  • Release the pattern of being a victim
  • Stop giving your power away
  • Detach from the abuser
  • Have your power restored
  • How your trauma has made you a stronger person
  • Experience freedom and independence


Becoming your own best friend

  • Stop being your own worst enemy and become your own best friend
  • Finding you again
  • Learning to like yourself
  • Cultivating love, trust and approval
  • Honoring your own desires
  • Appreciate and celebrate you


Walk of Shame

  • Release all feelings of shame as you experience a walk of shame
  • When shame releases you take steps to honor yourself


Guilt be Gone

  • Release deep layers of guilt
  • Free yourself to move forward without punishment


You’re invited to The Pity Party

  • Compassionate expression of self-sorrow
  • The Pity Party has the potential for healing and growth
  • Occasionally you do feel sorry for yourself and this is the place to compassionately express those feelings
  • Permission granted to briefly feel self-pity
  • A good cry is a powerful release


Courage Activation

  • Full activation and download of your Courage
  • Receive the codes for this gift of the soul
  • Receive Courage to stand in the face of what scares you
  • Receive Courage to face your inner content


Courage Activation Booster Silent Track

  • You may play this silent track anytime to give your strength and courage
  • Play it on a loop at work, no one will know you are listening

Bonus audios

Bonus 1

I am Worthy

  • Stop basing your worthiness on what other people believe about you
  • Unplug from unworthiness
  • Align with knowing just how worthy you are of a most magnificent life

Bonus 2

Mama Trauma and Drama

  • Releasing misguided loyalty to mom
  • It’s time to be loyal to you and what you want in life
  • Getting over the anger and frustration towards mom
  • Appreciation and respect for mom
  • Healing the mother/daughter relationship for future generations

Bonus 3

Releasing Past Lovers

  • Meet your past lovers, boyfriends and crushes in a powerful releasing ritual
  • All of your encounters with past loves are stored in your cellular energy
  • Cleanse and purify your body of the energy of past lovers
  • Heal the parts of you that shut down in relationships
  • Restore your power
  • Dissolve the relationships in Love and free your heart

Bonus 4

Womb clearing

  • Clear the energy of when you were in your mother’s womb
  • Wounds of our mother, fathers and our ancestors are passed down to us through our epigenetic DNA
  • We also inherit their beliefs, values and desires and these inherited beliefs may be blocking us from moving forward in life
  • Clear traumas from the womb and free yourself of limitations

3 Live Group Calls

Value: $441

I am going to lead 3 Live Group calls with clearings and processes for transcending trauma. You will experience the supercharged Pure Love Energy. There will be deep cellular clearings and high vibration activations. Each call is 1 hour and will include Q & A.
You will receive a recording of each call.

Call 1

Overcoming Trauma

Tuesday, August 18th at 12pm Eastern

  • Deal with how you feel
  • Getting comfortable feeling uncomfortable
  • Healing the pain of being hurt by someone you loved
  • Clearing toxic emotions from your heart
  • Hidden trauma triggers and how to release them

Call 2

Pathway to Peace

Tuesday, August 25th at 12pm Eastern

  • Stop resisting the resistance
  • Releasing judgments
  • Healing social isolation
  • Opening to new ways of being around others
  • Protect yourself from toxic people and relationships

Call 3

Excel and Exceed

Tuesday, September 1st at 12pm Eastern

  • From Surviving to Thriving
  • Tuning into your heart’s desire
  • Take inspired action to excel in life
  • Pleasure Activation
  • Envisioning your happy life
  • Living your magnificence

Package A

Total Package Value $1519

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 90% Saving ***


Package B

All of Package A plus:

Private Trauma Releasing Session 30 minutes

Value: $299

Energy from your past gets trapped in your body, and unbeknownst to you, hinders all your efforts and spiritual practices. My energy clearing sessions release cellular memories and unhealthy energy that has been stored in your body and energy field. You need to release this dense energy or you will always be stuck creating your life with the energy of the past. In one session, you will experience dramatic shifts in your energy and body. Clients often experience changes that have been elusive for years. Here are some of the results clients have reported:

  • Released trauma from the body
  • Cleared sexual abuse issues from childhood
  • Relieved headaches and neck pain
  • Increased emotional wellbeing
  • Received complete clarity and direction for business
  • Opened to seeing angels and receiving guidance
  • Cleared issues of loss and grief
  • Cleared trauma from past relationships

Package B

Total Package Value $1818

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
*** 89% Saving ***



Healed Childhood Sexual Abuse for a New Beginning

"I just wanted to thank you, Denise so very much for the healing session
I had with you this morning. I have been wanting healing for my inner wounds/inner child all my life and then I met you--I am so very grateful for your help. 

Denise has given me back my SELF/my inner child. I have had 3 sessions with Denise. The 1st Session (May 6, 2015) we worked on releasing the trauma of childhood sexual abuse with my dad. The 2nd Session (May 20, 2015) we worked on healing the anger towards my mother for not listening & protecting me from my dad and his abuse. The 3rd Session (June 12, 2015) we worked on healing the residue with my dad, my mother and myself. 

Because of the abuse, I have felt that there was "no hope" for me and what was the use; my hope is restored and I now believe that I can have a "new beginning" of life! Denise helped me to see that I was hurting myself by holding onto the need to punish my mother for my childhood pain/wounds. In letting that go, I found my inner child and it also healed the issues I have had with money---I now see money flowing to me---raining upon me! 

Denise is truly a gifted healer who knows how to move the energy and help you to heal. There is hope for you! Be willing to heal and be determined that you will do the healing work. All things are possible! You can release the pain and live a new life! Go for it!"

~ Melanae, AZ

Healed childhood pain and terror

"My childhood was full of terror. I was afraid I would die at the hands of my parents many times. I was filled with the fear of preverbal experiences that kept me from feeling whole. I occasionally came home to find beloved kittens tortured and killed and a sibling beat to an unresponsive state. The baggage I carried was so strong and deep I was identified with it and could not find a way to let it go. It seemed like part of my personality. My life eventually came to a crossroads, where I had no choice but to go deep into the pain and through it. During my life, I tried everything, many modalities, many therapists until I met Denise and experienced her pure love infusion. Rather than go deep into reliving the mental anguish, she kept me feeling the feelings. She offered a loving space to give me the freedom to completely acknowledge the feelings I kept hidden from myself and finally have a great life inside and out."

~ Anonymous

More stable after releasing Trauma

"I have felt much more stable after the session with you. I even achieved an ah ha moment and stated that whatever happens I am not going to let it take away my happiness and my life today. I notice there is less terror in my body if I think of things that I mentioned to you. I felt I could survive whatever is thrown at me."

~ Sharon, CA

Healed Grief and Financial Fear of making it on her own

"Enjoying all the good luck that started yesterday and continued today.

I found a paycheque which I hadn't realized I did not cash, in a grocery bag which I was about to carelessly stuff in the garage. I've done this before and found the cheque too late to cash.

The bank currently holding my mortgage would NOT release it to my personal bank where I've arranged a new mortgage because PROOF OF ADMIN. to legally manage his affairs. The house/title/deed/ property is in my name and I told them that 2 weeks ago and as of last Fri. were still not releasing it. I sent them an email asking for all of this in writing so I could take it to my bank manager:) I CELEBRATED ME for standing up for myself for a change! I got a call from the bank for a RUSH appraisal of the house for 8 a.m. today and one sentence from the bank. There will be no more delays contact your bank to take over your mortgage.

I got an e-mail from the art director where I teach and she told me as a thank you for my donations of art supply and extra time that I could attend a 2 day portraiture workshop with a bonafide professional artist. I've always loved portrait and aspire to it.

I had run out of pet food and was dreading the big bill for my 6 furry friends. The young woman at the pet store GAVE me a bag of food for FREE that was due to expire, a bag of treats, and $10 off my dog food. She didn't have to do that, she actually went out of her way to get it for me. Very, very nice of her. My bill was $40 instead of $85.

Sorry this is so long but it was such a change to have some financial good luck and I'll take it even if it's 5 bucks"

~ Barb, Canada

Healed Childhood Trauma

"My body just started to shake, jerk, heave, sob and move in ways that were completely foreign to me. Then came this experience of expansive openness, sense of love and peace and all the pain was replaced by a calmness. All the tough stuff from my childhood seemed relieved, and replaced with this open, spacious light feeling. A sense of love really. I am so much more at peace, no longer limited by my experiences but thriving in my new awareness of how wonderful, loving and magnificent I really am! To really feel it in every part of me! I can call up and experience my own self-love at any time - - and feel it! Thank you Denise! What a blessing you are!"

~ Pat, MA

Released Excessive Grief and Disappointment

"I wanted to let you know that my grief actually did go away after our session. I didn’t think it was possible, but it did. So now I am looking ahead to a better future. I also tried the FOX news fast for 3 days – and it feels good not to have all the stress of FOX News, etc., in my body. I went from hopeless to hopeful."

~ Sherri, IL

Freed from pain of childhood trauma

"I recently purchased Denise McNab’s programme and wanted to share with you how the healing session benefited me.

It was really powerful. After the one session, she healed something from my childhood which allowed me to feel free. I nearly contacted the person to tell them I had forgiven them and I kid you not I hated them before the session. But I cleared a great deal of anger. 

What I enjoyed about Denise's healing session is that she does not waste time telling you that you have certain blocks she just clears them out so you make the most of the session. We covered so much I was shocked.
I realised I had deep self worth issues which Denise worked on, however on the surface I appear to be such a confident young woman. So I was surprised by this realisation.

Furthermore, I have been wanting to clean up my flat for the last six months but I could not bring myself to do it. Within 24 hours of the session, I spent 6 hours cleaning my flat. I felt such an urge to do it, although I was exhausted at the time I feel so much calmer in my flat, once I had cleaned up, I also found £30.00 underneath my bed!

Last but not least we worked on my issues about being good enough to go back into the legal world, since this session 3 opportunities have presented themselves to me after I attended various networking events in the space of two weeks!

I realised from this session when we clear our subconscious blocks we naturally attract into our life what we need.

Although I workout, I have been listening to weight loss mp3 as I would like to lose a few pounds. Yesterday I did something I never normally do and went onto McDonalds to buy an ice cream but the machine was not working. Then I went into Kentuky Fried Chicken next door and tried to buy an ice cream again the machine was not working. I realised I was being supported by the Universe (I had listened to the Receiving Support audio) and then went into Marks & Spencer and bought a plain yoghurt and fresh strawberries! The MP3s are powerful."

~ Aysha, London

Three New Client Projects

"Shortly after Denise helped me remove some real nasty energy, I had a major breakthrough in my career. Today I have 3 new client projects, all totaling about $18,000. Now that's a first in my career and it couldn't come at a more welcomed time! All of my manifesting practices had not produced any notable result for such a long time. No wonder with this kind of stuck energy that is now completely gone. Forever grateful to you Denise!"

~ P.A., MA

Freed from Severe Childhood Abuse and Now Experiencing Miracles

"I can be myself for the very fist time in my life, I feel unconditional love. I don’t need to reject myself any longer. I can be fully present in my body. So many miraculous things are happening to me on a daily basis now. I am so grateful and feel so rich and blessed and the most amazing thing is, this is me, this is who I really am. Not in my wildest fantasy have I expected this. It is time to shine brightly and be the bright star that I am. Woo-hoo! Yippie!"

~ Joy, Norway

Healed the wounds of abuse and feeling Peace

"Wow! I am still in such awe for all of the shifting and clearing you helped me with that I have been holding onto for years! I now have an incredible feeling of openness, space, a sense of peace, calm and love flowing and glowing from me. I noticed a difference in how people are interacting with me. They are more open and interested in what I am saying and are really taking to heart what I am communicating.

Your guidance is spectacular and the energy work with me went very deep. I am already speaking up and out more when I need to. I released so many wounds of not good enough, lack of nurturing, abuse, grief, shame and unworthiness. Thank you so much for your compassion, understanding, love and healing!"

~ Kathy, IL

Most powerful session – I experienced Divine Love

"I am so thankful to Denise for the most powerful, spiritual, loving session I have ever had. I experienced Divine Love, showering me with iridescent light containing abundance, blessings, and life essence. Now I have been feeling confident and strong to deal with the ending of my 39 year marriage. Denise also cleared a huge blockage in my throat. This helped me to feel a great release and in my power. I felt so safe, I really appreciate Denise's high integrity and deep caring. Thank you Denise for co-creating this life changing experience. Aloha."

~ Joyce, HI

Bathed in Love and healed relationship with Mom

"Our session was the most powerful and visceral energy work I had ever experienced. We had done a lot of work on many issues with my mom, specifically anger and resentment going all the way back to early childhood and the womb. Funny because I didn't have anything specific I wanted to work on when we started the call. Hah!

Towards the end of our session, I couldn’t stand on my feet and fell to my knees. I felt surrounded by love, bathed in love. I brought myself up to sit on my couch and couldn’t get up for 45 minutes! I didn’t know anything but love. I couldn’t tell where my physical body ended and love began…I was just one with love. During those 45 minutes (I could see a clock) I gradually started to feel my body more and more, all along feeling bliss and Love.

Over the next couple of days I was in a state of joy that couldn’t be changed. Nothing fazed me. Everything was wondrous. The absence of mind chatter and judgment was noticeable

What’s fascinating is that in the days after our session, I spoke to my mother. It was a great opportunity for me to approach our relationship from my new perspective. Since then, I’m able to approach our conversations without a current of resentment. When she crosses my mind, I’m able to think of her as a person, not a burden, and I have a birds-eye view of situations from her perspective, not just my own. We can calmly discuss our feelings and she hears me in a way she never did before. I am no longer feeding the energy of anger or resentment, so it can't exist. Thank you so much for doing the work you do and sharing your gifts."

~ Adrian, IL

No more headaches

"Just to thank you one more time, I have suffered with headaches for years and since you helped me in November I now rarely have a headache. I have tried a lot of headache remedies and energy clearing and nothing worked until you helped me. I am truly grateful for my healing and for all your healing gifts your share with others. Sending my love to you. "

~ Lynne, UK

First time Experiencing Joy

"I wanted you to know that you have given me an amazing gift today. After our session, I felt extremely grateful, but I also felt genuinely happy, light and full of joy. I have not felt like this in a very long time, in fact, I don’t think I have ever experienced the level of joy that I am feeling right now. It keeps bubbling up and it feels so good that I can’t stop smiling."

~ Dale, HI

No anxiety or fear

"I had an issue with the belief that the world is an unfriendly place and that I was not safe and Denise was able to clear this at the cellular level. I I felt the movement of energy in my sacral, throat and solar plexus chakras and throbbing in my throat as well and I cleared this belief right out of my body and it left my aura. She told me that it would take 36-48 hours for all the processing to take place and on 26th November I easily and comfortably joined an online program to promote and sell pet products and had no anxiety or fear. I even felt I can do this!

I truly feel what you did was so life changing and profound and I see the changes in how I behave and feel emotionally when taking a new risk. Thank you."

~ Reenee, Trinidad

Healed Childhood Trauma

"I recently had a healing session with Denise, WOW!!! Denise is amazingly intuitive and really feels into the energies. After my session, this is what I experienced: you know when your heart opens and you find absolute joy in all the little things and you feel it deeply in the body, well that is what happened after my session. I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

~ Cindy, South Africa

I feel wonderful

"You are truly an earth angel, your session with me was the best session I ever had. (I have tried countless sessions with other speakers/healers and many modalities). I actually felt a shift with you. I feel lighter and happier now. Your insight was remarkable and now I feel wonderful. The session was so healing and so soothing. You have accomplished more in one session than I have though the years."

~ Alexis, ON, Canada

Released Old Emotional Pain

"You are in safe hands with Denise… Denise has helped me work through grief, stress and many old emotional issues that had been harboring my future, afterwards I felt such a weight lifted and they simply just are not an issue now. Denise is 100% committed to helping you achieve your goal. Her great intuitive skills mean that she is with you every step of the way, guiding and supporting in a kind and gentle manner."

~ Ulanda, ON, Canada

Found childhood wonder and awe after clearing severe abuse

"Denise is an absolutely magical Quantum energy coach. She has innate intuition: her energy is very healing which makes for an easy release of my old stuffed energies. After each session with her I feel that my world has become a much friendlier and happy place to live. If you are looking to repair your childhood damage, Denise is the person who will walk you to the light. Denise incorporates many healing modalities in her practice. You will learn how to play and you will find your childhood wonder and awe."

~ Galina, NY

I am worthy of Abundance

"When we did the first clearings around money, along with self worth and deserving, it became so clear that the reason why I could not go through with launching this project and to truly dive deep into it was all about me. 
It was about me that I felt undeserving and unworthy to bring this out. And this was my core reason why I was not moving on with this project. When this began to lift with your clearings Denise I felt this project come back in energy very strong and now I do feel that I am finally ready, worthy and deserving to go to work with bringing out this program.
I really needed that deeper clearing from you to realize that it was all me that needed to feel worthy enough to be able to bring it forth but also me feeling worthy to allow the abundance in all forms too. So just wanting to say thank you Denise"

~ Saphira


"My experience was beyond words to describe. The energy is still here and it is awe~some! It is all about LOVE. All day today I am breathing Love! Unbelievable experience! Feeling joyful again! Thank you so much Denise McNab and all the group."

~ Natalia, Canada

About Denise McNab:

Denise-2Denise is an energy worker and coach who helps her clients eliminate the underlying thoughts and beliefs that are sabotaging their efforts to move forward in their lives. She helps people shift back into the love that they are, aligning them with their highest potential to bring more joy and happiness into their lives.

After her divorce, Denise went from being stuck, heartbroken and angry to healing her broken heart and living her purpose. She has worked with her guides and angels to overcome the years of stress and emotional trauma from her 20-year marriage. She developed daily practices, studied many healing modalities, and combined her years of study to create Pure Love Infusion, a transformational energy process.

Denise holds certifications in Energy Transformation, Coaching, Fitness and Nutrition.


Discount: 90% Off
Total Package Value $1519
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer $147



Discount: 89% Off
Total Package Value $1818
From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $197


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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a no questions asked, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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