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One Time Only offer:
Exclusive package of One on One Sessions with Debbi!
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gifts for your friends or family members too!!

Spend more time with Dr. Rev. Debbi Adams with exceptional personal readings or healing sessions – your choice. Never again offered this low! One time for FHTJ!!!
Every session with Debbi is tailored to your needs. There are no limits to Debbi’s healing work; your time with her will address issues you want to resolve, clearing blocks and limitations, manifesting your heart’s desires, receiving spiritual initiations or connecting you with a loved one on the other side.
Divine healing knows no bounds and can include ancestor and DNA healing, divine guidance, karmic clearing, relationship healing, boundary creation, soul readings, connecting with your life purpose, integrating with your multi-dimensional self, abundance blessings, business blessings, angelic interventions, spiritual empowerment, light transmissions, sacred energy activations, and the re-scripting and rewiring of any physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or psychic issues. Also, as a medium Debbi can receive messages from loved ones on the other side and will look into missing person’s cases.
Act now since you won't see this offer again if you x out of this page.
Option 1:
3 (60 min) 1- to- 1 sessions
Regular Price $675
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $397 only!
Yes! Eram please add 3 sessions with Debbi to my order
Option 2:
6 (60 min) 1- to- 1 sessions
Regular Price $1350
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $797 only!
Yes! Eram please add 6 sessions with Debbi to my order
You get 12 months to redeem.
Testimonials |
"I saw Debbi Adams for a session in August. My ankle had been swollen for months and I was feeling congestion in my lungs. Debbi started our session with messages from my suite mate who recently transitioned. Then she asked if we could take a look at my lungs and began channeling information and bringing energy to my heart and support to my entire circulatory system. I could energetically feel the shift within my body. Then she went further and balanced the elements of earth, water, air, fire, light, and space in my body. When I came out of it I had to use the bathroom immediately and she pointed to my ankles, the edema had reduced dramatically. Debbi navigates the spiritual healing world and I love that she brings in friends and family that have passed, to support my personal healing. She gets right to the source or heart of a block and transmutes it quickly. I am grateful for her deep intuitive sense and her deep connection to Divine source and her gifts."
~ Judy Richter, Massage Therapist, Reiki Master-Teacher
"I contacted Debbi about a house ‘visitor’ we had that seemed mainly focused in my daughter’s bedroom. It started when my daughter was 11. She was 12 by the time I contacted Debbi. This ‘spirit’ interfered with my daughter’s cell phone (we bought 3 new ones and always the same thing happened); rang the smoke alarm; and began to interfere with my iPad too by causing random scrolling through websites and random typing, often the letters ‘MJ’. Debbi asked me to get quiet, and explained that she only had 25 minutes and she would do the work and then connect with me by text to see what happened. Almost immediately, I felt an energy that was indescribable, that I had never felt before. I felt a pressure in my head that made my vision go blurry for a few minutes and then it released. The time flew by. I felt like I even slept for a bit. I knew things were changed because the cats came into the bedroom and they never would before. She texted me and told me she had set up an angelic matrix and that the ‘spirit’ was not malevolent, just confused and was escorted to the other side. Everything has quieted down now. Thank you Debbi."
~ Dawn W., mother and student
"Reverend Debbi Adams is a saint. I began studying under her back in 2009 and have since continued meeting with her whenever I am in need of some solid counsel or healing. There are so many examples I can share where she helped me grow throughout the years, but one stands out above the rest. Back in 2012, I was pastor of a growing interfaith church and was struggling with being a confident and decisive leader during a difficult time of unrest in the community. Up to that point in my life, I had the belief drilled in my mind that “power” was a “bad word” and that it was ego-based, thus I feared fully stepping into my power to become the leader my community needed me to be. With Debbi’s assistance, she taught me the positive aspects of power and how it can be used to foster courage, strength, and above all, kindness. Years later, and with Debbi’s continued leadership training, I stand a confident man with a thriving community around me. Debbi’s teachings were invaluable to me, and today I face all my challenges with a powerful heart, never backing away out of fear or insecurity. In doing so, I have learned to conflict resolve with peace, kindness, and compassion in every area of my life. I highly recommend Rev. Debbi’s services. She is an incredible healer and mentor, providing an absolute safe space without any judgment. She is also very skilled at gently guiding our own minds back to compassion when we begin to judge ourselves and become our worst critic! For seven years Debbi Brown has been my go-to mentor in times of need. Like I mentioned above she is a saint who is well worth the monetary exchange and time spent to meet with."
~ Alaric Hutchinson, author of Living Peace and owner of Earth Spirit Center for Healing in Queen Creek, Arizona
"After my session with Rev. Dr. Debbi Brown Adams, I told her she is a “Doctor of Multi- Dimensional and Denominational Divinity”.
A few days later a friend read my energy and pronounced, “You have a whole new power and now you can have anything you want”.
I sensed gently pulsing angel wings when our session began. Rev. Debbi accurately identified and addressed problems I had not mentioned. My many deep yawns signaled energy shifts as she healed my mind, body, and spirit.
Rev Debbi’s divine channeled message from the Angels, Ascended Masters, and Guides, was “Time to Graduate!” I have a NEW empowering SOUL CONTRACT that is kinder, softer, gentler, and loving.
I am awestruck and grateful for Rev. Debbi changing my paradigm! I believe I can now reach my highest potential. I have faith I will no longer feel as if I live inside a pinball machine, ricocheting from one tough life challenge to the next.
She released many lifetimes of trauma, and reassured me I was not designed to be an outcast. She imbued my session with deep love, acceptance, and messages about “lessons learned and wisdom gained”.
Her healing the pattern of my being “shot as the messenger” removed a huge blockage to my finishing my nonfiction book on the life challenges of a trauma survivor. My fear of retribution is replaced by a focus on who it can help.
My life’s “Help /Hassle” ratio improved! My car’s warranty paid $800 for repairs that included some parts not usually covered. The IRS cancelled $600 in fees and penalties for my late taxes. Previously IRS did not reply to my “911 Form” and their internet site did not work. My mammogram’s first set of radiographs showed a potential problem where I sensed one. But it was just a few minutes until they took and read more views, and handed me the “OK” letter.
Rev Debbi’s healing work on my Hara Line began at my Crown Chakra, with a Golden Orb of White Source Light. She addressed my chakras being “off axis” even though I did not mention my scoliosis.
I felt an ache as she opened my Third Eye for “spiritual empowerment of my Mystical Self”. Now I can have greater Life Management skills as my intuition becomes as strong as it is symbolized in my astrology chart.
At my Throat Chakra she rotated the Orb until my throat was properly aligned. I had not told her that the chiropractor said my radiographs showed cervical damage. Rev Debbi mentioned Golden Lines and Pyramids. I knew that lifetime was when the challenging pattern began.
Her channeled message was, “Feel happy. Feel joy, happiness, and laughter. You are lovable, lovable, lovable! We love you. We honor you. We see you. Life can be easier. We are in service to you. We will be with you. You will have Lightness of Being, joy, bliss, and power. You have a New Chemistry in your Brain”.
She described my Heart Chakra as fuchsia pink and emerald green, exactly the colors I use to draw heart energy. She healed in the 12th dimension. This opened Meridians, and my Liver, Stomach and other organs responded. My spine “opened and stretched like an accordion with bigger vertebrae”. (Over the years I shrank one inch). She opened an energy portal so the “historic pattern with old ideas, energy and attacks flowed out”. Now I could “stand in my truth, honor, power and be a great beacon.”
Looking at my Solar Plexus chakra in the 12th Dimension she saw it was “shattered”. Power is good and I should love mine. The old messages were wrong.
She addressed my DNA, biofield, cells, and immune function. (Research shows that trauma damages these). She healed “eons of time...letting go of sorrow and grief, and bringing love for my power and gentleness for me, the truth of who I am, feeling lovable, capable, and worthy. Bringing a Right Relationship with others and myself.” I had not told her my history of authority figures falsely accusing me of being dishonest, volatile and unreliable.
I used to say that it felt my Solar Plexus Chakra was missing. As she did deep healing, the electricity flickered for the only time during a heavy rainstorm.
Rev. Debbi explained that I had never felt safe enough to let go. But that now the arms of the Universe were holding me, and that the Divine Mother can hold and love, as a mother who never abandons or harms.
She was re-scripting, rewiring, and rewriting my story, so that I feel beautiful, totally worthy, and deserving. My Solar Plexus had Divine Restoration. It was remade, restored, rejuvenated, and empowered with truth, power and love. Any predators, human or otherwise, any hooks, or cords were absolutely commanded to release and be removed. She installed a Stop Sign, watched and controlled by Guardians, that negates anything trying to live off my energy. As she said all was 100% cleared and released, my vision suddenly brightened.
Rev Debbi also evaluated my energy and said she did not want to “push the river”, and it was the right place to stop, and set the intention that my Sacral and Root Chakras would continue the healing process at the right time. She accomplished all I described in less than 30 minutes."
~ Susan Rifkin, FHTJ VIP
"My session with Debbi was amazing. I didn't really know what to expect and was a bit nervous. The session began with a little sharing to learn what the issues were. However, as it progressed the energies started to build quite rapidly. I could feel it throughout my entire body. In fact, I had to get up and move to follow what my body and soul seemed to need. I was surprised by the intensity of the emotions, images and sensations I was experiencing. Debbi was so patient and gentle with me. She actually went over time without my awareness. I was releasing very deeply and was in a place where I felt nauseous and was in a great deal of discomfort. Debbi never rushed me or even made mention that we were over time. She just allowed the process to continue and brought me to a place of balance. I remember her placing a mirror ball around me. It felt wonderful. I had never thought of that before and it made so much sense. That was a great lesson for me. Since then I now place myself in a mirror ball instead of a shield and it works amazingly well. Another fascinating aspect was her use of an energetic STOP sign. When she placed the stop sign within me, my entire being relaxed and felt so safe. I must admit to being more balanced since then. My fears are not as pronounced and for the most part the daily stresses and interactions are not experienced as intensely. My belief is that her session guided me more closely to a place of response instead or reaction. Of course, some moments are more challenging that others, but I can certainly feel a difference. Thank you Debbi. I cannot thank you enough for this amazing opportunity to heal. Your love and patience were a welcomed gift that will be treasured."
~ Nadine from Trinidad, FHTJ
"I had a session with Debbi that was phenomenal!! We started with a pain in my shoulder that was 7-8 on a scale of 10. I went very deep in the session and not only did we clear that pain to a 0 but a long standing block to finishing my book was cleared as well (from something that happened to me when I was 7 years old!!!) . Even my neck and my jaw released energetically. I can see the pathway to launching my book is clear now and I can’t wait to accomplish it. She did healing on my solar plexus and intestines and I feel taller and lighter already. I know amazing changes took place because I felt completely different – so good, happy and healthy. She activated me with 12th dimensional solar frequencies and that just made me feel out of this world great! You must experience her!!!"
~ Rev. Dr. Gary Nicki, Shamanic Samurai Medicine Man, Diplomat of Pastoral Science, NAMA Certified Anger Management Specialist-I, Body Code & Emotion Code Healer
Son healed after medical assistance did not help/ Abundance Manifesting Abilities went Sky High/ Husband’s Addiction Healed/ Witnessed Miracles (Kimberly is sending a video testimonial too)
"The first time I was introduced to you by Dr. Ritchie, you were called into my life in an emergency situation. My son Carson was bite by a deadly spider. The hospital and doctors were not helping the situation get better. And then you walked in to the room. At first I had no idea what to expect. The only thing I can remember was handing my son over to you and asking you to make this all better. I actually had the visual of that and it must have been in a different realm. I knew nothing about energy or shamans at this time.
You placed your hands on Carson and closed your eyes, and I saw this black spirit of some sort lift out of him like smoke. And the room got brighter. He was healed. I was forever changed after that day.
I had to know more, I felt as a mother I needed to know how to heal because I couldn't rely on western medicine anymore, I had lost trust and faith.
I then started to show up at your classes, and I found myself at your door a lot. I started to learn about metaphysical science and found I was good at something which is manifesting. And with your blessings and teachings our family business became very, very successful.
Your personal hypnosis CDs have assisted me and my three children off the addiction of fast food. We won't even pull into a McDonald's parking lot.
I'm forever grateful for the support over the years you have provided, you assisted me transforming a breakdown into a breakthrough.
When literally every relationship in my life was broken, you answered my calls and helped me see my light even at times when I didn't see it in myself.
You taught me silence
You taught me truth
You taught me belief
You taught me miracles
You taught me friendship
You taught me honesty
You taught me courage
You taught me beauty
You taught me respect
You taught me honor
You taught me soul
You taught me love
Debbi and I prayed together for my husband’s addictions to be healed, and she taught me to trust and have faith and to believe the prayer will get answered. My husband’s addictions have been healed and I strongly believe it had to do with the healing prayer work Debbi initiated. Her prayers are other worldly and all encompassing. They heal.
My son Carson listened to Debbi's golf meditations before he goes to sleep and has won many tournaments since listening to her recordings. He too calls to makes appointments to visualize/pray with her before golf tournaments.
My son Zachary has personally called and had private life coaching sessions with Debbi and has earned a full tennis scholarship this year and I know it's because of the coaching. He also practices metaphysical science abundance sessions with Debbi and has started his own TEC Company at the age of 18.
My daughter has been healing her back issues with Debbi's CDs for healing. And my youngest daughter, , has been to several classes for shamanic and Reiki initiations. She uses her hands to heal. She also is a great manifester and positive person from Debbi's teachings.
Debbi has touched my life in too many ways to list, she truly is an earth angel in a human body. I've watched miracles take place and I've also experienced life-saving healings personally for myself and my loved ones as well. I highly, highly recommend Debbi for all issues, including assisting with energy healing for any health issues as well.
Your life will be blessed and transformed once you allow Debbi’s heart into your heart! "
~ Rev. Kimberly Valentine, Abundance Manifestor & Mentor, Fire Ceremony Facilitator, completed Apprenticeships: Medicine Way, Intuitive Development, Soul Mastery and Personal Mentoring
"Debbi is a truly unique and rare combination of a divine channel that is anchored and rooted in truth, offering highly tangible solutions that can be applied anywhere and anytime. I have worked with her for the past four years, and continue to be amazed by the profound wisdom and skills that she embodies. Debbi has helped me significantly in all areas of my life….personal and business relationships, manifesting abundance, cultivating a deeper connection to everything around me, and recognizing that all of these are connected. There is no separation.
She has helped me develop my human mastery through ancient and timeless practices that today are even more imperative in our modern world. She is truly a modern shaman and mystic who helps people find clarity and connect with their soul purpose, their bigger mission. I am honored to work with Debbi, and highly recommend her to my closest friends and anyone committed to the path of higher consciousness, which ultimately leads to inner peace."
~ Keith Walters, Medicine Man and Ceremonialist
"Debbi is my go to person when I need to hear from the angels. She communicated with my deceased mother and brought powerful healing that allowed me to let go and feel great peace. Her meditations and channeled messages are profound, other worldly and always spot on! Goose bumps! I can’t recommend her enough. You must connect with her."
~ Jill Lublin, International speaker and author, master strategist on publicity and getting noticed.
"In our journey in life, we experience ups and downs along the way. I was fortunate to have Debbi by my side every time, when I needed the guidance and support the most. Debbi gave me peace and courage to fight through various battles and straggles. Most importantly, Debbi gave me the light, when I walked in the dark and couldn’t see my way out. There isn’t a perfect way for me to describe how thankful I am with all the efforts Debbi did and the help she gave me in the last few years. Her prayers are powerful and amazing. Debbi is a gift from God and I know, she will be for you too."
~ Jessica H., client
"Thank you!!! Our session was a powerful experience for me as we went over the rainbow where Unity, Oneness and Light exist. Our prayer healing progressed my understanding of an Enlightened Being from my intellect to my Heart/Being. The level of Light is a tangible place in my mind, a place I now know I can access anytime in striving toward the greater good. It’s a powerful, peace-filled place of all great beginnings from which I sense I AM called to work. Our time made Oneness a real place for me. Thank you for taking me by my hand to a place where I can serve the world. A wonderful sense of Gratitude."
~ Scott Erickson, MBA, CPC, Optimus
"Debbi is so pure in her energies and insights. I felt such love and compassion from her. I stopped seeing mediums years ago as I could feel the ‘offness’ of their readings. So it was quite wonderful to have a reading of such high caliber. She said so many things that were all so profound. It was all so healing and reaffirming."
~ BJM, Prescott, AZ
"I have known Debbi for 10 years. I picked up one of her cards originally at my chiropractors office and he highly recommended her. The thing that attracted me was she had an angel on her business card—I have always had a strong affinity with angels. Since I met Debbi, I have always referred to her as my Angel Lady. She is such a peaceful person and always makes me feel welcomed, relaxed, healed and loved. Before my knee replacement surgery I did a session with Debbi and my doctor could not believe how quickly I healed and how little pain I experienced. Over the years she has been a guiding force with different things that I have had going on in my life, as well as my immediate family’s lives. I feel she was instrumental in helping with the adoption process of my grandson. There were so many obstacles standing in the way and she was able to energetically clear away the hang-ups and help allow the adoption to go through smoothly. I now can boast that I have a wonderful, healthy, happy grandson to enjoy. She has also cleared health and emotional issues that have come up over the years for me and my family; just recently she was able to help release and heal some traumatic and emotional feelings that we were dealing with. She is great at helping release these emotional stresses, and I feel guarded against any new emotional pain by following her advice and repeating the affirmations that she leaves me with. I have attended one of her retreats and numerous group meeting. It was wonderful and uplifting to be with others that enjoy the wonderful healing love, light and teachings that Debbi has to offer. I truly feel that she is an Angel here on this earth."
~ Gail C., client
"Debbi launched me into the space before time and existence to a place of knowing and total unconditional love that will resonate with me from this moment forth."
~ Cindy J.
"I don’t know how to thank you properly. It was such a blessing to be able to work with you and have the release I did and that I continue to experience. I can tell you I already understand I have cleared something big and it will allow so much more of my work to flow freely into this world. With heartfelt love and kindness."
~ Eric R. client, one session
"Thank you so much for the extraordinary reading. I feel such peace and self-acceptance. It is as if I have ceased to struggle and can now allow the universe to work on my behalf. You have extraordinary insight and compassion and I feel as if my life is starting anew from this point forward. I also feel tremendous excitement about the future… it feels within reach. And yes, I do have to walk through the doors, but now at least I have a roadmap for what doors to look for."
~ Jennifer S.
A Radiant Transmitter of Light
"Debbi Brown is a close friend, a respected equal, an inspired servant of life, a gifted spiritual leader, a gem worth experiencing, one of God's delightful treasures, a radiant transmitter of light, a peaceful healing presence, a selfless medium of divine blessing, and someone whose loving presence will transform your person in delightful and beautiful ways."
~ Bill Bauman, Ph.D., Founder The Ultimate Human
"Hi Debbie, Thank you for working with me. I am feeling much better today! Here's my testimonial. In my session with Debbi, she brought me to a place of calm and my digestions freed up while she was working with me. To my surprise I could see this large "package" of resistance inside of my head that moved down and out through my heart as I worked with her. I was very glad to be free of this energy. Thanks Debbi!"
~ Amy Vasterling, The Intuitive Pathfinder
New Prosperity & Happiness
"I was fortunate enough to get a back stage pass with Rev Debbi Adams. I had a beautiful session with her as she lovingly led me through the process to get clear in my mind what I needed to change in order to move forward. She then did a process to help affirm these things in my life for future prosperity and happiness. She was so kind and helpful during our session and I hope to work with her more in the future. Thank you so much Debbi, I truly appreciated this wonderful opportunity to connect with you!"
~ DS Davee FHTJ
Instantly Calm down, Anxiety Released, My head is clear!
"I find when I listen to this I calm down, anxiety and tension release. My head is clear. I love it!"
~ Cynthia M.
You get 12 months to redeem.
Option 1:
3 (60 min) 1- to- 1 sessions
Regular Price $675
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $397 only!
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Option 2:
6 (60 min) 1- to- 1 sessions
Regular Price $1350
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $797 only!
Yes! Eram please add 6 sessions with Debbi to my order
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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.