Multi-dimensional Healer and Creatrix of 'Sacred Embodiment - The Method'

Cristina Bevir’s Special Offer

Healing the Ancestral Body - The Ultimate Planetary Liberation!

This Ancestral Healing package is a series of Multi-Dimensional Clearing Activations that focuses on your Five Senses, your 6th Sense and your Greater Multi-Dimensional Self to clear Ancestral Limitations all the way back to the Beginning of Time on Planet Earth, and is specially designed to:

  • Support your body to heal and regenerate
  • Dissolve negative emotions and behaviors
  • Clear repetitive negative or obsessive thinking
  • Initiate a family healing, incl. distant ancestors
  • Empower your Greater Multi-Dimensional Self
  • Awaken your Galactic Consciousness
  • Initiate Soul Lineage Healings
  • Uncover your Soul Lineage Healing Contracts

During Healing the Ancestral Body I will be using Sacred Embodiment - The Method, a super-high vibrational clearing method I created myself from a lifetime of esoteric studies. In essence, I’ll unwind several different parts of the body simultaneously to release trapped ancestral energies, as well as other energies preventing an increased activation of your Five Senses, your 6th Sense and your Greater Multi-Dimensional Self.

Energies that will clear will include:

  • Emotions trapped during traumatic events incl. before birth or incarnation
  • Inherited trapped emotions and other inherited energies
  • The energy field of toxic chemicals, EMF pollution or pathogens
  • Persistent negative thoughts, or mind scripts
  • Entities, curses, mind-control programming picked up from media etc, saboteur energies, and cords or siphons etc.
  • Disconnections, e.g. physical disconnections between physical parts of your body or parts of the energetic body
  • Physical misalignments including of organs, bones, tendons, ligaments and the fascia
  • Energy blocks in Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians
  • Alien implants at planetary, galactic, universal, multi-versal and multi-multi-versal levels
  • Frozen light, false light, and other inorganic structures and codings, etc

Brand New Testimonials!

This stuff is what moves mountains!

“So thankful to starting Ancestral Clearing package. I have been listening to the MP3s at night when I go to sleep. Everyday I have noticed I feel lighter and lighter. Seems like I am not getting triggered by other people like I have in the past. I worked with several other healers thru FHTJ and have benefited a lot but this stuff is what moves mountains. Not just for me but for my entire family!!!!”

~ S.S.

Crazy Good and Super fast!

“OOOOHHHH what an AMAZING Experience it was to have Cristina work on my body. She is out of this world, Crazy good and Super fast.”

~ T.D.S

The first healer to truly see who I am!

“Cristina is astonishing. She is truly gifted with the knowing and instinctive knowledge that I know will set me free! And believe me I have tried all and been through all! She is the first healer to truly see who I am and where I come from. She has given me the keys that are the last pieces of the puzzle. Cristina is in the position to really see beyond all and I am so grateful and appreciative of her and her help! Not only is she generous with her time and wisdom but truly caring and compassionate! Thank you Cristina! I love you! xo”

~ M.M.

Burdens from Hundreds of Lifetimes lifted!

“Christina, the Session we did together was Pretty awesome. The burdens from Hundreds and Hundreds of Lifetimes and Angels fell off my shoulders and made me able to flap my wings again. Then later I felt like i really stand on my two feet. I felt lighter, more flexible, more Present and more Powerful”

~ L.B.

I felt happy the whole day!

“Cristina you are awesome! I felt like I am talking to my friend. You are very pleasant, friendly and nice to talk to. Before, my insecurities made me distance myself and stop any relationship from blossoming. Now I am more open and curious. Feeling open to possibilities is a big deal to me. Thank you for taking your time with me. I greatly appreciate it. I felt happy the whole day after talking to you. :)”

~ L.M.

A big load has lifted!

“I have been sleeping deeply and had some mental, emotional and physical releases. I could really feel the energies in the different areas Cristina was working on and had during and after the session lots of yawning going on. I feel more relaxed and at ease. Like a big load has been lifted.”

~ C.L.

The clearings facilitated a releasing!

“Listening to the [Ancestral Healing] clearings facilitated a releasing of the scar tissue in my abdominal area, allowing a greater ease of movement and a heightened sense of the energy flowing through my body”

~ A.D.

A skilled and powerful Energetic Healer!

“Cristina is a very skilled and powerful Energetic Healer. In our session, we were working on Past lives, and what was so Astounding to me, was how much of what I am currently living has direct similarities to this life that is just a Ghost Whisper. I really felt the imagery of that past life being able to come to the fore front of my mind more and more as I had time to process the work we did ”

~ C.C.

The most free I can remember feeling!

“After our session, my vibration was so high and my body felt the best and most free that I can remember feeling. On Saturday, another wave must have come through and my body felt filled with aches and pains. I took a nap in the afternoon, first listening to your meditations – Core, Mind, Heart, Creative center. I felt so wonderful again after that.” ~ L. D.

Full of energy!

“Thank you for the healing. It's funny, since day 1 I've been waking up full of energy around 4am! I don't mind. It gives me more time for myself. Feeling happy.”

~ B. R.

We have really cleared a lot!

“Much deep work-I wonder if you have to take a vacation!! I sort of felt that way yesterday with that eclipse-it all felt very intense! I am feeling like we have really cleared a lot-so big big thanks!! Thankyou for your amazing work and your true dedication to helping us!!”

~ M. M.

Feeling more aligned, on fire, alive!

“I'm so grateful for your healing help today! Right after our call ended I was very emotional but good and healing emotional. I have been really happy today. More aligned or on fire - alive. Thank you- blessings.”

~ H. A.

I never imagined a life so full of joy and lightness!

“I feel your healing and love sent every day!!! I never imagined a life so full of joy and lightness. I am convinced I am moving up through the dimensions and releasing past lives and ancestral pain. How do I thank you enough!!!!”

~ J. B.

Deep sleep and no more back pain.

“I slept like a baby last night, which is a huge gift. Additionally, my back is so much better after these three day, which you already mentioned might have to do with trauma release.”

~ P. K.

I’ve been waiting for lifetimes for this new beginning…

“So far - the impression of a lot changing on a lot of levels; a lot of clearing and letting go. Feeling this, but can't pinpoint exactly what yet?! Feeling of important new beginning of something that's been waiting from another time or even lifetimes maybe?! Thanks again!”~ A. M.


Discount: 92% Off
Total Package Value $1783
From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $147



Discount: 88% Off
Total Package Value $2033
From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $247


Package A

Healing the Ancestral Body

10 Clearing Activations and 5 Live Calls


7 Audios + 3 Bonus Audios

Clearing Activation 1 - The Sense of Sight
Value: $113
Time: 11 min

This energy-embedded clearing activation focuses on ancestral trapped energies in the Eyes, Liver, Gallbladder, and, Tendons, and will transmute inherited emotional patterns of Anger into Altruism. It will also sharpen your mental perception and clarity.

What was unclear has become clearer!!!

“Am astonished to see how what was so unclear has become clearer and clearer this week.”~ V. B.

Centered, with sharp focus, and NO MONKEY MIND!

“I feel much more centred than before. My mind focus is much sharper. And, the monkey mind, especially with respect to looping emotionally charged thoughts, has stopped.” ~ Z. B.

Clearing Activation 2 -The Sense of Hearing
Value: $113
Time: 14 min

This energy-embedded clearing activation focuses on ancestral trapped energies in the Ears, Kidney, Bladder, and, Bones, and will transmute inherited emotional patterns of Fear into Gentleness. It will also sharpen your ability to listen to yourself and others without fear.

Calm Peace: nothing needs to be done…

“Thank you for your work and dedication! This is very high light so I don't always have feelings here. I have the feeling now that I have after acupuncture in the past when less had been cleared-I would feel so relaxed and almost subdued and aware of how I didn't even realize how much stress or anxiety my system carried. I am feeling that now and for the past few days-a rather calm peaceful way of being-not high get-up-and-go energy but one of everything is right and nothing needs to be done. My deepest and highest galactic love to you!”~ M. M.

Clearing Activation 3 - The Sense of Taste
Value: $113
Time: 16 min

This energy-embedded clearing activation focuses on ancestral trapped energies in the Tongue, Heart, Pericardium, Small Intestine, your Muscles, and, the Beat of Your Heart.

It will transmute inherited emotional patterns of Hatred into Love. It will also support you to infuse Joy into each small moment of the day.

Experiencing joy for the first time in months!

“I felt very heavy in my chest and lungs. I had negative mental chatter. I felt alone, sad and lonely and broke down crying. On the subway ride I started feeling better. At the beach I felt good and experienced JOY going into the water and swimming and playing in the waves. This is big because I haven't experienced joy in 2-3 months! It felt so amazing. When I got home, I saw that the first clearing had been completed.”~ Dr P. R.

Clearing Activation 4 - The Sense of Smell
Value: $113
Time: 10 min

This energy-embedded clearing activation focuses on ancestral trapped energies in the Nose, Lung, Large Intestine, and will transmute inherited emotional patterns of Grief to Bravery. It will also support you to move forward with Power and Grace.

Released all the grief I’ve been holding onto in this life…

“I just wanted to let you know my experience, I felt a lot of sadness and cried my heart out, I had not reason for crying though. Went to sleep crying. Thank you for doing this, and helping me release all the grief I've been holding onto in this life, around difficult relationships - and also grief I know is connected to relationship experiences in past lives too.”~ R. L.

Clearing Activation 5 - The Sense of Touch
Value: $113
Time: 13 min

This energy-embedded clearing activation focuses on ancestral trapped energies in the Mouth, Lips, Skin, Whole Body, Whole Body Fascia, Hands and Feet, Fingers and Toes, Palms of the Hand and Soles of The Feet, Spleen, Pancreas, Stomach.

It will transmute inherited emotional patterns of Anxiety to Joy, and support you to cultivate a gentle but powerful presence in the world.

Tension released: head floating on my shoulders!

“I looked at [the healing image] again today and I feel empowered. Feel lungs and chest and heart clearer. Feel hope, warmth, lighter in my shoulders, an opening in my heart and throat chakras. If I keep looking at it, feels like my third eye chakra is clearing too, and thru the crown. Feels as though energy is moving up and connecting to source. I started to feel high and tingly. My head just began floating on my shoulders. Neck and shoulder muscles released tension. Felt good to loosen all that tension.”~ Dr P. R.

Clearing Activation 6 - Your Sixth Sense
Value: $113
Time: 12 min

This energy-embedded clearing activation focuses on ancestral trapped energies in the Brain, Pineal, Pituitary, Hypothalamus, Thymus, Lymph System incl. Lymph System in Brain, Central Nervous System, and Peripheral Nervous System.

It will transmute inherited emotional patterns of Confusion into Clarity, and support you to clearly know the path before you.

Thrilled to have found you!

“I very much want to tell you that I'm glad, thrilled in fact, to have found you. I've been in what you might call, the "New Energy community" for quite some years now. My e-mail inbox overflows daily with invitations to interviews, clearing, activations and the like. By necessity I discard most of what I receive. Plus I don't think I'd ever listened to Eram Saeed's program. But somehow your name attracted me. I listened to the show and I almost fell over myself in a rush to purchase your offer. I'm very pleased that my intuition seems to be 'amping up.' And I wanted you to know that that is what has brought me into contact with you: pure intuition.”~ S. M.

A direct and crystal clear message from the Divine.

“I was woken at 3am by a super powerful and unprecedented dream that completely clarified for me what I need to do next - and possibly that my wellness depends upon it. If that is only the first day.....??!!!!”~ V. P. B

Clearing Activation 7 - Your Multi-dimensional Senses
Value: $113
Time: 11 min

This energy-embedded clearing activation will initiate the alignment of your Centre of Gravity across different expressions of self incl. Fae, Angelic, Orion, Draconic, Andromedan, Annunaki, Nephilim, Lyran, Reptilian, Pleiadian and others.

It will transmute patterns of betrayal, loss and abandonment and support you to connect to your Greater Multi-Dimensional Self.

Feeling deeply touched by it!!

“Thanks you so much from bottom of my heart. Today i felt so much free flow, inspirations and love…also love and gratefullness towards you and your work, and all your effort you made so you can support us in this beautiful way…words do not comprehend…WARM HUG! Feeling so much free-er! and connected to who i am, to the divinity…angels, starfamily… What a huge time indeed. Again, once feels so special what you’ve cleared especially now..where new portals open and old closes…”~ B. G.


Bonus Clearing Activation 1 - Letting Old Lands Go!
Value: $119
Time: 17 min

This is an energy-embedded clearing activation that will free you from ties you still carry to ancestral homelands that are limiting you from being fully present in the moment.

Gratitude, Surrender, Forgiveness – All of it!

“LOVE this!! Thank you!! Love the rising above a certain vibration and the extra support and protection, love the sacred birth energy, balancing the giving and receiving in relationships, gratitude, surrender and forgiveness...essentially all of it!” ~ KM.

Bonus Clearing Activation 2 - Make Love, Not War!
Value: $119
Time: 8 min

This is an energy-embedded clearing activation that will release the impact of war and conflict suffered by your ancestors and inherited down your lineage, freeing you and your children to fight less, love more.

No more arguments – finally, we’re talking again.

“The last session seems to have made it a little easier for us to talk. We had our first conversation without arguing in years a couple of nights ago. Something is definitely different.”~ JN

Bonus Clearing Activation 3 - Claim Your Full Humanity!
Value: $119
Time: 9 min

This is an energy-embedded clearing activation that will initiate the healing of your Soul Lineages and any Soul Lineage Healing Contracts you hold, incl. Fae, Angelic, Orion, Draconic, Andromedan, Annunaki, Nephilim, Lyran, Reptilian, Pleiadian and others.

For the first time desiring to reside fully into who and what I am.

“The power and intensity of the family and ancestral work took more than a week to integrate and I couldn't really reflect on it clearly anyway at that time, I suspect. Over the last 4 weeks my life has opened up in a remarkable way, like the "brakes" being taken off. It feels to me very connected to healing the stubborn resistance I have long had to "moving forward" in life which I have long felt was imprinted by being "forced" in birth. And this may sound random or unimportant but I bought a handbag two days after the work, something which I have NEVER even wanted, let alone considered buying. It feels to me symbolic of accepting my "womanhood" and for the first time desiring to reside in it, incarnate fully into what I am.”~ V. B.

A much higher-level vibration through my body!

“I feel and can see in the outer world a much higher level vibration running through my field and body. Especially, energy flowing through my Divine creative center which has felt dull/lifeless for so long. I am SO grateful. So much love and appreciation for you and your amazing gifts!”~ L. D.


5 Live Clearing Calls

These 5 Live Clearing Calls will serve to deepen your personal work with the 10 clearing activations. Each will focus on a particular theme, and you will also be able to bring up personal clearing requests as they emerge for you over the program and have the opportunity for Cristina to clear them for you live.

Amazing Clearings!

“Thank you so much for the all the amazing clearings the past weeks. I'm still integrating all that we've done.”~ S. S.

Birthing the new with ease, grace, light and joy!

“Your journeys have been beautiful and powerful. I am laughing in gratitude for the physical signs of clearing around what feel like ancient curses, shame and blocks to the Divine Feminine / Goddess. The two pictures and your words brought forth a knowing and remembrance of the right brain connected with the left brain and also connected with the womb, vagina et. al. - the power to bring Source energy through our bodies to birth the new with ease and grace, love, light and joy.”~ L. D.

Live Clearing Call 1 - Family & Home
Value: $127
Time: 60 min

Date and Time: Wednesday, 16th December. 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern/9am London/5pm Hong Kong/8pm Sydney

This call will focus on:

  • Family
  • Home
  • Childhood Wounding
  • Grief & Loss
  • Betrayal
  • Abandonment

Decade-long difficulties with family – GONE!!!

“I've finally been able to integrate difficult family experiences I had been keeping at bay for almost a decade, much faster than I imagined was possible.”~ C. H.

I'm eternally grateful for all the tools

“Cristina, as always, I'm humbled by how much you care and that you would take the time to write such a lengthy, thoughtful message. It truly means the world to feel you rooting for me and hear what your thoughts are. I'm eternally grateful for all the tools and the considerable A.I. clearings you've been inspired to do.. I know that everything you've done has made a difference, and I look forward to whatever amazing things happen for the group THIS week!”~ K. D.

Live Clearing Call 2 - Love & Intimate Relationships
Value: $127
Time: 60 min

Date and Time: Wednesday, 30th December. 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern/9am London/5pm Hong Kong/8pm Sydney

This call will focus on:

  • Love
  • Intimate & Romantic Relationships
  • Emotional & Sexual Wounding
  • Unrequited Love
  • Separation & Regret
  • Loss of a First Love

Intimacy coming back with more fire!

“What a pleasant surprise to read about your clearings…yes yes and yes…i can find myself in them very much. All what you did i can relate too…so that’s really wonderful. Feel so blessed with what you did for us!! Want to give you a big hug. My relationship feels much more stable lately and even our intimacy is coming back with more fire.”~ B. G.

Good to actually feel the work!

“Thank you so much for all the work that you are doing on us !!! This past week I felt a different sensation on the left side of the lower vagina . This occurred for several days. It is good to actually feel some of the work! I normally don't feel a lot in my body. Loved the call. It was very powerful.”~ C. L.

Live Clearing Call 3 - Money & Self-Worth
Value: $127
Time: 60 min

Date and Time: Wednesday, 13th January. 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern/9am London/5pm Hong Kong/8pm Sydney

This call will focus on:

  • Stress around Money
  • Rejection of Money
  • Lack of Money
  • Guilt around Money
  • Inability to Receive
  • Undervaluing Self and Services

I now feel worthy, strong and certain.

“I feel my core area is strengthened – I have always felt hollow and empty in that area, easily taking blows over the tiniest things which essentially come down to me feeling like “worthless completely.” However in recent interactions, I have felt more certain.”~ S. H.

For the first time in my life I trust myself...

“The most apparent thing is that for the first time in my life I am actually trusting myself. I have never in my life felt that before... ever. Today no matter what I trust my own inner feeling and act on it. It chills me to realise that this is something so major I got out of working with you. The pivotal moment I knew I felt a calling to work with you was when I shared a poem on Facebook and I asked if my healer friends could tell me why I was haunted by these lines. What you replied, about just trusting myself felt so true, and I felt truly seen and held, and called to what I truly was.”~ S. H.

A huge shift, and know that 45K months will soon become my new normal.

“Got the full pay and the two others WILL sign up for my big new mastermind on Monday!! Feeling a huge shift!! The work was amazing – it made me realize how close I REALLY am to having a 45k month!!!”~ C. H.

Live Clearing Call 4 - Work & Deep Ecology
Value: $127
Time: 60 min

Date and Time: Wednesday, 27th January. 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern/9am London/5pm Hong Kong/8pm Sydney

This call will focus on:

  • Your Real Work
  • The Great Work
  • Earning a livelihood on this Planet
  • You & the Global Economy
  • The Future of Work
  • Your Work for the Planet

Grateful to be finally seen and recognized in this world!

“Just so you know that that was an amazing call Cristina! I think all that Angel stuff I so needed to hear and I now am clearer as to why I have had to go through so much and why most of that was not properly seen by anyone!-until now by you! So, how can I say how grateful I am to be finally seen by you and for me it is important that that recognition be finally recognized in this world! I am so looking forward to speaking with you this Tuesday-I can hardly wait!!”~ M. M.

You are an angel!

“I know that my spiritual mission of shining and clearing in the matrix kept me from seeing my life progress and prosper and even the cosmic work I was doing needed to be cleared and finished- which is why I found you!! But boy am I so over all that and really needing to see my life open up and my dreams and true blueprint come alive--a true love relationship to emerge!! its been too long! I so appreciate everything and more! You are an angel! My deepest and highest love and light.”~ M. M.

Live Clearing Call 5 - The Future, The Past, & Now
Value: $127
Time: 60 min

Date and Time: Wednesday, 10th February. 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern/9am London/5pm Hong Kong/8pm Sydney

This call will focus on:

  • The Alien Implant Mind
  • Stuck in the Past
  • Pulled into the Future
  • Slow down for Speed
  • The Moment of Now
  • Heartbeat by Heartbeat

Healing my entire past!

“Again, many thanks for your amazing work! I have been doing your meditation about the Beloved while outside walking-not listening but I did realize what the essence of that is-that all is source, within and without and we bring that together within and love and heal it all-so I did it for everything including my entire past.. All I can say is that this same woman who might be a good contact for my sitcom popped up twice after almost a year after these meditations! Thank you for listening and all that you do!”~ M. M.

Fully owning for the first time what I’m meant to be doing here on Earth!!!

“After yesterday's clearings, I had the experience today of discovering the next step for me in my practice and of fully owning for the first time who/what I am and what I'm meant to be doing here on Earth. This is tremendously exciting because I've been living in a state of "This is not quite right" for a very long time. The sense of lightness and clarity is extraordinary. Rather than being plans that "sound good in my head and on paper", these are plans for my practice and my life have sprung forward from my Essential Self. The difference is absolutely huge. I'm so grateful to be a part of this program. Thank you so very much, Cristina.”~ Y. L.

Package A

Total Package Value $1783

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 92% Saving ***


Package B

All of Package A plus:


30 min Ancestral or Soul Lineage Clearing Session

Value: $250

Cristina BevirThis individual one-to-one session with Cristina will deepen your work by clearing your biggest current block to Ancestral or Soul Lineage Healing, or completing a Soul Lineage Healing Contract and accelerate your spiritual development by approximately 18 months.

MASSIVE changes!

“Just wanted to report that I had massive changes on the first day of your work, a lot was cleared out and I can feel a physical difference - thank you very much, Cristina.”~ Y. L.

Happy, feeling strong, a deep underlying peace…

“Overall, I'm feeling happy, clearer, and, content in myself and stronger too - with a greater sense of peace... something which I know can only grow and blossom. I thank you so much for helping me to reach this place. You are a great light and inspiration in my life and I cannot thank you enough. I'm so curious about what will happen next and also wanted to let you know, that I experienced a deep underlying peace today – beneath the physical pain, beneath the thoughts, beneath the daily activities. Grateful.”~ P. K.

My life changed - at lightning speed!!!

“Truly, I have found working with you to be life changing. In minutes, or sometimes even seconds, you got me to use my own thoughts to completely undo years of conditioning so that I could see the situation from a totally new angle. From here, you worked with me to build new, positive belief patterns that helped me move forward in life. What I liked best about the work was seeing the blocks being smashed away so quickly. Progress was rapid and effective. Working with you is very intense but it gets things moving at an exhilarating rate!

Yes! I would recommend your services to anyone who has stumbling blocks in their lives; be they emotional or professional, and regardless of whether the issues are around love, money, career development or family relationships. What you get out of it comes from the effort you put in. The more you are prepared to go into the minute details of aspects of your life, the more profound the outcome will be. And it can really change your life!

It was for me, and also enlightening. I have learned to look at things in an entirely different way and feel much happier in my environment. When I find myself in situations that, in the past, would have left me feeling out of my depth and helpless, I now feel in control and empowered.”~ L. D.

Package B

Total Package Value $2033

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $247
*** 88% Saving ***



Beautiful, open-hearted and generous!

"You have created something beautiful, with an open heart! Your generosity is expansive, the healing profound. Your Sacred Sexual Wholeness programme deserves to be "up there" with the best!"~ Julie-Anne

Touched by an amazing vision.

"Wow Cristina! That healing image really touched me, I could feel my body becoming water with it and then surrounded by purple light! Thank you very much!!"~ Sasha

Softer and able to empathise..

"He has seemed softer in the past couple days, like - able to empathise."~ RN

Full power...

"It has been FULL POWER!"~ VPB

Love not fear...

"I really resonated with acting out of fear rather than love. I have been running my business this way, and my relationship with my husband. I spend money this way as well. Thank you so much, sister!"~ O.

Big breakthroughs!!!

"I'm doing well. I feel things shift and it feels good. There has been a lot else happening - huge positive reinforcement from clients, big breakthroughs in what I want and what I'm no longer attached to. I'll keep you posted." ~ KM.

Lots of energy flowing in my body.

"I think the healing is going well, I just feel like a lot of energy flowing in my body and a sense of positive emotions going on. Maybe just not sure what I am supposed to do with all that energy."~ LCM

Enormous love!

"WowWowWow! No words right now but enormous love."~ V

More open to loving.

"I feel more open to a loving kind of energy."~ C. H.

I'm feeling creative for the first time in my life!

"I’m noticing that for the first time in my life I actually feel like a creative spirit!"~ S. H.

All that in just one session!!!

"I'm amazed at what you were able to know about me and my life - and that was from just one distance session."~ V. A.

I'm just going with the flow...

"It feels so amazing because I'm just going with the flow of wanting to express myself through scribbles or colour on paper for example!"~ S. H.

I'm different, able to receive!

"In the time we've been working, something has certainly changed in my energy system, and in my receptivity to positive energy."~ S. H.

Pain FREE!!!

"Wow – I had the deepest most wonderful sleep last night – AND today I am pain FREE!!!. Still waiting for the all too familiar backpain to return, but so far... TOTALLY enjoying that!"~ PK

Slept like a baby...

"Slept like a baby last night - could not wake up!"~ AZ

No anxiety.

"I woke up to absence of anxiety."~ J-A. M.

Less anger...

"Simple - less anger - almost detached."~ Je. C.

I'm so much calmer!

"Definitely a difference - subtle but, yes. I went to meet two of my sons to play golf quite a distance away, yesterday, and made a great shot at the second tee, but never saw the ball again! I couldn't believe my measured, reaction to this, and immediately turned my thoughts to how grateful I was to be playing with the boys. This is Major!"~ JO

Standing on solid ground!

"This work feels as though it brings solid ground to beneath my feet! What an amazing gift!"~ J-A. M.

Wonderful gift!

"Thanks for this wonderful gift!"~ M. H.

Get to core issues fast!

"I wanted to get rid of anxiousness, sad feelings, and hopelessness around smoking and over eating, and you helped me to heal on all levels – mind body spirit. After working with you I became more conscious and aware, noticing old beliefs and patterns that no longer helped me thrive. I loved how convenient it was to work with you in a home session, it was like I had invited my best friend over. I immediately felt comfortable talking to you – you are honest, to the point, genuinely concerned, have a sense of humor and quick right-on insights. I've now got a whole bunch of tools under my belt to utilize for unraveling fearful/painful thoughts. Working with you was great – it was safe, intense, interesting, fun, to the point, core work. Yep, you get to the core! That´s something people need to know about your work. There is no beating around the bush – you get to core issues fast. You made me aware of those comfortable feelings that I was trying to shove down inside and cover up. Anyone who is not afraid to see what they are trying to hide, or trying to not feel and wants to move forward releasing blocks should work with you. I think you are adorable – love ya and glad our paths have crossed – I will miss you my insightful quick witted goddess!"~ A. Z.

Working with you was bliss...

"I had major life/work imbalances and insecurity, a very chaotic household with a newborn and two year old. I felt anger and impatience ALL THE TIME. I felt like my body was out of my control, that I was fighting with it. I felt like all this pain was surfacing all at once, and I felt I was really deep into old wounds. So what I wanted was balance, peace of mind, a way to tap into the divine, heal old wounds, release tension, carve out a tiny bit of time for myself to talk honestly with a grown up.

Our sessions started laying a new foundation for where I am now – realigned, grounded, back in touch with myself and the divine. At the time we worked together, I knew I could be what I saw myself as being - from my body to state of mind - but I had had only glimpses then. I still struggle with a lot of the same things, and motherhood has been very difficult for me, but I have energetic and physical tools at my disposal that I didn't have then, and meditation and yoga, and more time now that my kids are not newborns.

Ohhh, Cristina. Working with you was bliss. Someone who listened to me, really listened to me. Who let me visualize and dream and tap into the power inside me. I loved best how for days after we talked, I would get little glimmers... waves of our conversations coming back to me. How I knew I was growing, even if it was hard. And just knowing there is a kindred spirit out there is really soothing for me. So is feeling that through visualization and meditation I can heal myself and reach out to others who feel the same spark.

As far as recommending you to others, I would, yes, because I felt absolutely changed by our chats. I would want them to know that your work is long-lasting, fruitful, empowering, healing, transformative, and grounding. They they'll find you to be empathetic, alive and joyful, and that you are sensitive and thoughtful, and are totally committed to the healing and growth of the individual you are working with.

I would love you to do some workshops, in person, or virtual, and would love to hear meditations recorded in your own voice. And one more thing, I've just got to say: LOVE YA!"~ R. D.

My life changed - at lightning speed!!!

"I have always had problems in how I relate to people, especially romantically. This stemmed from severe self-esteem problems that started in my early teens and what I wanted was to be more confident and happier about the way I projected myself in the world. In all honesty, I would say you got the ball rolling even before we started actually working together. I remember when I was talking to you about a person I was interested in you picked up on my feeling hopelessness and said ‘It’s alright to love someone even if you don’t think they love you back.’ I had never before felt that I had the right to love anybody and that statement opened up the path for my first real relationship. Since we started working together I have felt SO much happier about who I am and how other people see me. I now feel I actually have more confidence than most people around me.

The confidence I have gained from working with you regarding my relationships has also enabled me to be more accepting of my chronic illness by enabling me to manage it guilt-free. When we talked about my work you helped me in areas where I sometimes get stuck. Like when I am ill I used to find it very frustrating as I have had to stop working for days or even weeks at a time. You helped me to finalise a list of right-brained tasks I can do when it is difficult for me to concentrate on small details. Together we came up with very practical, actionable solutions.

Truly, I have found working with you to be life changing. In minutes, or sometimes even seconds, you got me to use my own thoughts to completely undo years of conditioning so that I could see the situation from a totally new angle. From here, you worked with me to build new, positive belief patterns that helped me move forward in life. What I liked best about the work was seeing the blocks being smashed away so quickly. Progress was rapid and effective. Working with you is very intense but it gets things moving at an exhilarating rate!

Yes! I would recommend your services to anyone who has stumbling blocks in their lives; be they emotional or professional, and regardless of whether the issues are around love, money, career development or family relationships. What you get out of it comes from the effort you put in. The more you are prepared to go into the minute details of aspects of your life, the more profound the outcome will be. And it can really change your life!

It was for me, and also enlightening. I have learned to look at things in an entirely different way and feel much happier in my environment. When I find myself in situations that, in the past, would have left me feeling out of my depth and helpless, I now feel in control and empowered."~ L. D.

About Cristina Bevir:

Cristina BevirCristina is the creatrix of Sacred Embodiment – The Method, a super-high vibrational energetic clearing process for healing and activating your Highest Divine Essence that she developed herself.

Using this gentle but powerful synthesis of more than thirty years of esoteric healing studies, she works with people to awaken their lightbody to organic planetary, galactic, universal and multiversal levels so they can quickly reach their highest spiritual potential.

She supports couples to cultivate a soulful, sacred sex life by melting away anything in the way of them developing a soul-to-soul connection and surrendering to the kind of soulful sacred sex that flows naturally from the heart - that goes beyond the mind and is known deeply in the body. And works with entrepreneurs to upgrade their lightbody so they have 8-figure breakthroughs.

Her deep commitment to connecting directly with Source has resulted in many powerful awakenings for her clients.


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