Wait! Would you like more private sessions to rock your dreams and desires faster?
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.
3 - 30 minute Private Sessions with Chameice Daniel
Exclusive Offer 70% Off!
Regular Price is $1,164
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $350 only!
Are you ready for the accelerated version of your life?
Have you been searching for the information that will finally free you from the endless loop of Groundhog's Day that keeps you reliving the same experiences over and over?
This is it!!!
During these one on one sessions with Chameice you will finally receive the clarity and guidance that will fast track your life, so you can step out of the rinse and repeat cycle. Together, during your sessions, we will go deep into your subconscious programing, your agreements, your past wounds so you can finally cut the cords that hold you away from experiencing the freedom, bliss, abundance, and joy of living on purpose.
Do you wonder why after countless hours and dollars you still haven't created a life that makes you scream "yes, more please"?
The answer is simple...healers have the amazing ability to release old stagnant energy from your energetic field to make room for new possibilities, but they also need to fill the spots that those old energies resided back up with the energy of the new creations you want to anchor into. After this process is complete, they also need to explain where you keep getting off track so you stay off the old mental highway that leads you farther from your dream life and give you the tools to create a new mental highway that leads you into your dream life!
This is exactly what you will experience during your sessions with Chameice. She will release the old stagnant energies that keep you stuck, infuse those now clear spaces with the energy of new possibilities for a future of your creation, and give you the daily tools you need to keep you on track.
- Are you unable to speak your truth and live authentically?
- Do you have trouble asking for what you want and need?
- Are you always giving more than you receive in relationships, at work, with friends, and in life?
- Are you always tired, drained, and dissatisfied with your life?
- Is your health declining from giving away your vitality and power because you do not have strong energetic boundaries?
- Do you feel that you have to go crazy, yell, and scream before people will listen and respect your boundaries?
- Are you a people pleaser?
- Are you hiding who you truly are and your soul purpose because you fear being rejected if you let your light shine?
- Do you feel unworthy of creating the life you desire?
- Do you feel it would be selfish of you to have everything you desire?
- Is it difficult for you to really open up to people (emotionally, spiritually, or sexually) due to fear of feeling unsafe?
An intuitive counseling session is the love child of a traditional counseling session and a psychic reading. I hold space for you, your feelings, and your challenges. And using my exceptional intuitive abilities, I tune in to your energy field, higher self, and the collective consciousness to access the guidance that will help you most.
However, unlike in a traditional intuitive or psychic reading, I don’t just give you the information and send you on your way. I “read” for you and we also engage in deep and thoughtful discussion of why things are the way they are and how you can move forward with confidence. I create the safe, high vibrational space you need to consider your past, present, and future with clarity and compassion. I listen, ask questions, and respond to your needs as the session unfolds. I provide intuitive insight and guide you to your own soulfull revelations.
During your session, we work together as a team to help you make significant progress in your understanding, clarity, and confidence surrounding the questions you bring to me. Your realizations, questions, and impulses shape your session so that you get exactly the information you need.
An Intuitive Counselor recognizes there is a destiny pattern in all our lives. Through careful and balanced reading of this pattern, certain areas of weaknesses can either be avoided or overcome, and certain areas of strength can be fully capitalized upon, expanded, and used to the best possible advantage. Far from telling a person their fortune as though it were cast in stone, the science of intuition identifies life trends and cycles with the purpose of enabling the individual to live his or her life more successfully and with greater fulfillment.
3 - 30 minute Private Sessions with Chameice Daniel
Exclusive Offer 70% Off!
Regular Price is $1,164
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $350 only!
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.