Download Instructions
Downloading an MP3 File to a PC
To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.
Playing MP3 Files on a Windows System
To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.
Downloading an MP3 File to a Mac
To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.
Download Eram and Cristina's Interview
Package A
6 Divine Creativity and Feminine Flow Power Up MP3s
These six Divine Creativity and Feminine Flow Power Up MP3s are divided into two groups:
True Tantra Flow 1 (5min)
True Tantra Flow 2 (5min)
True Tantra Flow 3 (5min)
Listen to these first, looping them as a trio, to break through stuck emotional places, especially in terms of your relationship with the women in your life; blocked creative projects; painful and heavy periods; and, uterine imbalances e.g. fibroids or endometriosis.
Once you are no longer feeling any triggering or releasing from releasing move onto this second group.
This second group of audios is specifically purposed to unleash your Wild Creative Flow:
Female Divine Creative Triad - Universal Ignition (12min)
Divine Creative Centre - Super Nova (12min)
Divine Core - Stellar Pulse (12min)
Use them one by one, listening to them in order, and waiting until you are no longer feeling triggered or feeling any releases on listening. Before listening to these, set the intention of what you would like to work on, bearing in mind that the focus of these audios is especially:
- Powerfully seeding or completing creative projects
- Empowering your female friendships to bloom
- Deep orgasmic releasing in your intimate sexual life
3 Solar Feminine Divine Hormone Attunement MP3s
These 3 Solar Feminine Divine Hormone Attunement MP3s are extremely powerful. They are designed to support you with “hormonal” problems.
You work with these audios by focusing on any areas of your life, or, things that are happening with your Body, that you or others attribute to “hormones” and working with the first audio until you are no longer feeling triggered or feeling any releases.Then working with the same focus with the second audio, and then, the third.
The Solar Feminine Divine “Hormone" Balancer (4.23min)
The Solar Feminine Divine “Hormone" Amplifier (8.16min)
The Solar Feminine Divine “Hormone" Super Nova (17.11min)
Be aware that your life will change from using these, and that anywhere you have been hiding behind your hormones, or, where the true emotional or energetic root of your issue has been obscured by a focus on hormones, will be brought out into the light for clearing. After which, your life will never be the same.
Additionally, they will begin to clear everything in the way of you creating and emanating your Original Human “Hormonal” Elixir
3 Healing The Dark Mother MP3s
These 3 Healing The Dark Mother MP3s bring all distortions relating to nurturing that you have inherited from your female lineages to light.
If you are experiencing:
- a difficult relationship with your daughters
- finding it impossible to get along with your mother
- that how you want to be a grandmother is being rejected
- your wishes for your relationship with your grand-children being denied
- the competition between the women in your family upsetting and debilitiating
you will want to work deeply with these MP3s.
Start by listening to the Right Daughtering, then Right Mothering, then Right Grandmothering - listening to them one by one, and only moving on to the next one when you are no longer feeling triggered or feeling any releases.
Right Grandmothering (8.01min)
Right Mothering (8.01min)
Right Daughtering (8.01min)
5 The Waters and Elixir MP3s
The 5 The Waters and Elixir MP3s support you to emanate the frequency of the Waters of Life and the Elixir of Infinite Life from within your own Lightbody.
The Waters of Youth – clear at increasing powers and depth what is holding your back from youthing.
Use these MP3s to youth the body – and initiate:
- Increased hydration of the skin
- Wrinkle reduction
- Whole body detoxing leading to weight reduction
- The reduction of cellulite, better vision and clearer and brighter eyes
- Faster brain-processing and more stamina for mental work
- Increased energy
- More lustrous hair
- Faster metabolism
- Stronger nails
- Regular digestion
- A greater desire to eat healthy and nourishing food
Waters of Life (13min)
Elixir of Infinite Life (15min)
Waters of Youth - Single Concentrate (3.01min)
Waters of Youth - Double Concentrate (6.01min)
Waters of Youth - Triple Concentrate (9.01min)
How to use these MP3s
- Start by using the Waters of Life only until are no longer feeling any triggering or releasing
- Then begin to loop the Waters of Life together with the Elixir of Infinite Life until you are no longer feeling any triggering or releasing
- Then add in the Waters of Youth – Single Concentrate into the loop until are no longer feeling any triggering or releasing
- Then add in the Waters of Youth – Double Concentrate into the loop until are no longer feeling any triggering or releasing
- And finally add in the Waters of Youth – Triple Concentrate – and listen to all combined until you are not feeling any further triggering or release.
- Once you are there you can listen to the Waters of Life and the Elixir of Infinite Life together, and then separately the 3 Waters of Youth (Single, Double, and, Triple Concentrates) together to deepen the work.
3 Youthing and Truthing MP3s
Stress is one of the things that ages us the most – and one of the things that stresses us the most both consciously and unconciously is not telling the truth, sometimes because we are not able to accurately name what is happening. Also when we tell the truth, the Body relaxes.
Since accurate naming is connected to clear seeing and is also very specific kind of magic, we will go deeply into skills and strategies connected to accurate naming in one of the group calls, and in doing so, learn to relax the Body at deeper and deeper levels.
With these 3 Youthing and Truthing MP3s alone, however, you will begin to uncover where stress and lack of accurate naming or truth-telling are holding you back from relaxing and youthing,.
You will also begin to get insights into what needs to change so you can increasingly align everything in your life to Truth and therefore Youth.
Listen to the Youth Serum MP3 and Truth Serum MP3 looped until you no longer feel triggered or feel any releasing, and then, add in the Truth is Youth Serum and loop all three together, until you no longer feel triggered or feel any releasing.
Youth Serum (7min)
Truth Serum (7min)
Truth is Youth Serum (7min)
7 DNA, Time Manipulation, and New Earth Time MP3s
These 7 DNA, Time Manipulation, and New Earth Time MP3s are purposed to help you make very big shifts and as such should NOT be used before you are comfortable working with all the other MP3 sets.
Using them too early will most likely result in feeling restless or unsettled, or, a headache.
If you are listeing to your Body carefully and respecting its signals you will be fine
The ultimate clearing purpose of these MP3s is to help you build a bridge to the New Earth.
With the Transcend Your DNA MP3s start with the first one, and once you are no longer triggered nor feel any additional releasing – add in the second, and, then the third.
Using these MP3s will support to shed everything you are holding at Planetary, Galactic, and, Universal Level that is holding you back from crossing the bridge to the New Earth.
Transcend Your DNA 1 - Planetary Level (7min)
Transcend Your DNA 2- Galactic Level (9min)
Transcend Your DNA 3 - Universal Level (24.53min)
The Turnback Time MP3s are purposed for you to work with regrets and should haves.
You can loop all three – without specifying any particular issue.
Alternatively, you can do some stream of consciousness journaling on:
- Regrets
- Guilt
- Should haves
Then focus on what you wrote about as you listen to each Turnback Time MP3 one by one or looped, always in order from 1-3 but not necessarily in one sitting. And repeat
Turnback Time 1 - Planetary Level (11.53min)
Turnback Time 2 - Galactic Level (12.09min)
Turnback Time 3 - Universal Level (12.01min)
Your intuition will let you know when it’s time to use the New Earth Time – Transcendence MP3s.
Most likely once you have done a certain amount of work with all the other MP3s – but also honour your intuition if it comes up to use it sooner.
It carries the frequency of being 100% in New Earth Time 100% of the time, and will clear anything in the way of you fully experiencing that.
It is extremely powerful and you must use it wisely.
New Earth Time - Transcendence (15.23min)
Activating Your Divine Core and Awakening Your Divine Creative Centre MP3s
The two audio meditations are taken from a collection of ten meditations: The 10 Embody the Sacred audio meditations (clearing activations), which are designed to support you in 100% restoring your Original Human Lightbody to Galactic level.
Activate Your Connection to Your Divine Core (8.01min)
At the core of your Original Human Lightbody is your Divine Core. This is where the spark of Source embodies as you, and energy from Source flows into your system. Using this meditation will:
- Connect you right back to Source
- Allow you to deepen and strengthen your connection to the Divine
- Strengthen your intuition and inner knowing
- Act in each moment out of a deep sense of inner known
Awaken Your Divine Creative Centre (6.38min)
The Divine Creative Centre is your higher vibrational creativity, connection & manifestation centre, through which Divine Creativity flows. Using this meditation will:
- Liberate your creativity and your confidence in it
- Heal, harmonise and deepen your relationships
- Boost your powers of manifestation
- Align your creativity, your relationships and your connection to resources with Divine Flow
- Ensure all your creations are Divinely Aligned
Decoding Your Soul Language Teleseminar – How To Use Dreams and Everyday Language to Create Your Path to Pleasure
An enjoyable and engaging introduction to a very practical tool for interpreting your dreams and magical events occurring in daily life, which will help you understand your Soul’s messages better.
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