WAIT! We Have a Special Offer for You!
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Are you the Type of Person Who is Ready to Take your Life to the Next Level?
What if I told you there is a way you could work directly with Brandy Gillmore, Ph.D for 6 months! And that during those 6 months you could work on the very topic of your choice that will help you take your life to the next level.
Packages to work with Brandy on an ongoing monthly basis typically start at $4,500/mo and up! This is the first time ever there has been a package created to work with Brandy on a regular on-going basis that is being made to the public at an insanely reduced rate thanks to Eram and the people at Heartache to Joy!
During your 6 months of sessions with Brandy you will:
- Gain Key Insights to the biggest “blind spots” or energy blocks for your topic(s) of choice. These blind spots typically include blocks that are holding you back when it comes to self-healing or ones that have been holding you back and keeping you from making your dreams your reality! (whichever is your topic of choice)
- Learn powerful and effective advanced energy transformation techniques that you can use NOW and throughout your entire life to help you to continue to manifest your dreams!
- Increase your own abilities to connect with guidance. No matter if you are new to receiving guidance or have been receiving guidance for years! Learn the next steps needed to take your guidance to the next level!
- Gain an even more in-depth understanding of you, life, guidance, manifesting, self-healing and energy!
- Sessions can be done via phone, FaceTime or Skype and are specifically for helping you create rapid transformational shifts in your life! The purpose of each and every call is to result in a profound energetic shift
Common Benefits people receive are:
Authentic transformation and real change!
Learning how to use their own energy to help heal their own bodies!
Realizing and actualizing the life-changing gift of self healing.
Feeling more aware and empowered in their lives, and in the direction of their lives than they ever thought was possible.
Feeling a renewed sense of confidence and happiness in life.
Learning how to authentically change every area of their lives.
One-on-One calls:
* One-on-one coaching directly with Brandy, every month for the next 6 months! Each session is 1 hour long and will provide you with a profound shift. Sessions can be recorded for your personal use, for you to replay them to further deepen the transformation from your session.
PLUS Receive:
Access to weekly group calls for “Elite Members” only for the next 6 months! During these calls you will receive cutting edge information and insights that help you continue to take your life to the next level! You can also ask ANY questions you would like, or email your questions to Brandy to have them answered live on the call. Each call is 1 hour long (sometimes they go over if needed, so it’s always wise to allow for a bit of extra time just in case. Each Elite Member call will be recorded so you can re-listen to them at your convenience. Brandy will demonstrate these modalities by working with volunteers from the call. This provides you the opportunity to either be the volunteer and have Brandy assist you in shifting your own energy, or to observe as Brandy works with others. This enables you to gain further insights to help you get the results you want.
A member from a recent Elite Group call wrote in and said:
“I LOVED seeing you work with someone else on our group call! Your thought process and the carefully way you worked with her. I caught some major a-ha moments for myself as well as saw just how much my own intuition has developed. You’ve told me previously that you meet people where they’re at to help them get to the next level, and thats exactly what you did with her. (Again, seeing this in action, A-MA-ZING!) You didn’t label, or judge, and I noticed that. You lovingly went there and walked her through it!
I was also able to see just how much I have learned, and I feel pretty proud of myself!! Seeing this allowed me to grow more as well as enabled me to see even more how much I have grown! wow!!”
Receive your own personalized custom Activator/Meditation CD designed specifically for you!
This, in itself, is something that has never before been offered to the public. It’s purpose is specifically to help you take your life to the next level and create the positive energy and neural pathways needed to live your own dreams! You will receive this track approximately 1-2 weeks after your first session with Brandy as it will be personalized specifically for you. These tracks are powerful and combine a mixture of: brain entrainment, subliminals, binaural beats, and energetic frequencies specifically designed just for you.
Additionally, you will also receive “Daily Power Boost” Emails to help energetically charge your day and your life!
**This is the MOST Complete and EXPANSIVE PROGRAM EVER CREATED at a Price that May Never Be Offered Again.
“I want to take a moment to speak from my heart. I love people! If you are someone who is ready to experience a profound shift in your life, I would love to work with you. If you are not there yet, this program is probably not for you. However, if you are someone who is dedicated to really getting the results you want, this is what drives me in my life! It is my purpose and my passion; it breathes me. To go the extra mile I have set up a very extensive package, that is available only to a limited number of people, and is geared to help you do just that! To help you authentically transform your life!”
~ Brandy
The regular investment for this package is, well… to be honest - there isn’t one. Since this is a special never before seen package created specifically for the members for Heartache to Joy, it has never been offered before. However, if we add up the different aspects of what a person would expect to pay separately, the cost is approximately $21,000. Today it’s available to you FOR Only $1,997!
Regular Price Session $21,000
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $1,997
SAVE 90% On This Page Only!
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Yes! Eram, please include Brandy's VIP offer for only $21,000 $1,997
Daily Energetic Downloads:
You will receive a daily energetic enhancement. You won’t need to do anything, you can even receive these while you are sleeping. For many they will not interrupt your day, you won’t feel a thing. For some who are very sensitive to energy, you may feel a slightly intrusive boost, however it will be a positive flow of energy. People who are very sensitive and can feel the energy being sent typically describe it in one of two ways, as either a glow in their chest or a momentary feeling of euphoria. To make the interruption as minimal as possible for those who are sensitive to energy, these will be done primarily at night while you are sleeping or early in the morning.
For the first 20 people - G.E.T. Money BONUS Video:
In this video you will:
If you have tried everything and it seems no matter how hard try and struggle, you are still losing money. Or, you make more money, only to have a problem come up and have to spend the extra money, getting access to this “G.E.T. Money Video” could be a total game-changer for you.
In this video you will be able to:
- Gain powerful insights on the most common energetic blocks and blind spots that keep countless people stuck or even losing money.
- Get clarity on how to overcome and release these blocks and blind spots to get in alignment with money to help you bring more money into your own life!
Regular Price Session $21,000
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $1,997
SAVE 90% On This Page Only!
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Yes! Eram, please include Brandy's VIP offer for only $21,000 $1,997
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.