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Energy Healing Activations

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Here are your 75+ tracks listed categorically for your convenience.

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To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.

Downloading an MP3 File to a Mac
To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the “Download” button of the MP3 file and select “Save this link as.” Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.


1. New Vibration of Wealth

Estaryia Venus

You are lead to release the old issues of wealth and then this is replaced with a totally new vibration for wealth through different sound frequencies. Feel the new vibration work through your head and then every other part of your body down to your toes.

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2. The Miracle Mudra

Julie Renee

Miracle Mudra with Mantra for IMMEDIATE MANIFESTATION OF MONEY: Play this on a loop. Julie Renee has used this mantra when she was ill and really needed to shift reality. Blasting obstacles with Ganesha energy for transforming all obstacles and attracting wealth!

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3. Mantra for Immediate Debt Removal

Julie Renee

Another ancient Sanskrit mantra for the Immediate removal of debt. Play it on a loop during the day and watch your debt disappear!

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4. Allowing Infinite Ease & Grace

Tarek Bibi

Infinity Healing to clear blocks to Infinite ease and grace.
Release blocks, interference to your inherent greatness. Receive a powerful healing to open up and receive your abundance and connect to your life purpose. Connect to your heart space. Expect miracles after this clearing! Very powerful clearing. Not advised to be played on a loop. Few days between listens is advisable.

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5. Chakra Clearing Meditation

Michael Allenbright

Chakra clearing meditation, Clearing the energy fields to reduce resistance and attract better things in life.

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6. Clearing for Past and Lineage

Ximena Velasquez

Clearing to live the life the phenomenal you want, which is true to you. The energy is extended to also heal the past and lineage.

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7. Manifesting

Mashhur Anam

You are guided through a meditation which includes energising yourself with the Bell Rock Vortex of Sedona and then some visualisations that you would like to manifest in your life which are then sent out to the universe for action.

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8. Energy Healing to Clear Lungs

Ximena Velasquez

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9. Consciousness Expansion

Brent Phillips

Brent expands and shifts your consciousness so that everything suddenly just seems somehow better, problems seems easier now to solve and any pain you may have now seems to have reduced or disappeared.

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10. New Vibration of Health

Estaryia Venus

Estaryia first gets you ready for the powerful sound activation. You are then are lead to release the old issues of health and then get a totally new vibration for good health. Feel the new vibration work through your head and then every other part of your body down to your toes.

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11. Healing the Digestive System

Lynn Waldrop

Healing activation by Lynn Waldrop for releasing blocked energy in the digestive system. Lynn shows how issues of control can block the digestive system as well as "frozen moments in time" caused by shock or trauma. Listen to Lynn as she clears blocked energy in the digestive tract and get your system moving again. Can be listened in a loop at night, or at any time. Can be also played on mute.

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12. Release Belly Fat

Lynn Waldrop

In this track Lynn shows that in many cases, the root cause is actually in the brain glands controlling the endocrine system. Follow Lynn in a journey to the brain for a pituitary gland tune-up. Then Lynn activates the brown fat which is actually a metabolic enhancer, to reduce white insulating fat. Can be listened in a loop at night, or at any time. Can be also played on mute.

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13. No More Addictions

Lynn Waldrop

What are you addicted to? Work, food,substances or nail biting?...any addictive behavior is providing some kind of unconscious benefit.
However, addictions can be harmful and Lynn is helping to clear out the addictive habits and dismantle their power. Can be listened in a loop at night, or at any time. Can be also played on mute.

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14. No More Storing things in the body

Lynn Waldrop

Storing things in the body, including emotions, feelings and thoughts (EFTs), can create sickness.
In this track Lynn is doing digestive repair to release those stuck energies. Can be listened in a loop at night, or at any time. Can be also played on mute.

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15. Infertility and UTI

Lynn Waldrop

Lynn shows how unconscious thoughts can actually cause infertility.
In this track Lynn is clearing up fibroids an uteral problems including a clearing for bacteria & viruses causing UTI. Can be listened in a loop at night, or at any time. Can be also played on mute.

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16. Body Lube Job

Lynn Waldrop

Get your body moving with Lynn's energetic lube job, working on your joints, tendons, ligaments to allow easy movement and flow in the body. Can be listened in a loop at night, or at any time. Can be also played on mute.

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17. Skin and Hair Healing

Lynn Waldrop

Lynn is clearing skin issues by clearing the liver and blood. An Alkaline wash is included to make your cells happy and vibrant. Can be listened in a loop at night, or at any time. Can be also played on mute.

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18. Colon Health

Lynn Waldrop

In this track Lynn is opening the colon compression and tightness for colon and digestive health. Can be listened in a loop at night, or at any time. Can be also played on mute.

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19. Brain Issues

Lynn Waldrop

A track to energize the brain, nervous system and meridians. Can be listened in a loop at night, or at any time. Can be also played on mute.

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20. Biofield Healing

Deborah Wayne

Biofield healing scans the listener's energy field, finds low or stuck vibrational patterns and extracts them from the personal field, thus causing a shift in the personal experience. The healing is adaptive to the personal energy, so that each listener will receive what they need. The healing is treating the root cause of the problem and then the symptoms disappear. It is advised to wait 24 hours between listens, to allow the body to integrate the energy.

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21. Throat Chakra Clearing

Anne Diedre

Anne is guided to do a clearing for everyone on the throat chakra. KNOW YOUR TRUTH!

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22. Dissolving Soul Contracts and Field Clearing

Danielle McKinnon

You may know what some of your soul contracts are. This mp3 will help you loosen and make you more aware of those soul contracts and even release parts of those contracts making it easier to work through the rest of the soul contract in your life.

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23. Your True Soul

Derek Rydall

This exercise and activation will enable you to see the qualities of your true soul and at least some of what your soul is here to do.

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24. Release Your Burdens and Attain Your Goals

Joelene Ashker

Be guided through this healing meditation towards your goal and in doing so release the burdens that are weighing you down causing you problems. As you grow lighter you advance more quickly and easily towards your dreams and goals and your true self.

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25. Powerful Awakening & Releasing with Sound

Estaryia Venus

Estaryia takes us through a powerful meditation with sound. As different frequencies are produced and as we allow ourselves to surrender to these, parts of our bodies resonate in frequency to the sounds and allow blocks to release and other parts of us to awaken.

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26. Tap into Your Personal Power

Estaryia Venus

This mp3 is about tapping into your personal power in the solar plexus, releasing the old and allowing a new vibration to come in via different sound frequencies resonating in your body. Feel the new vibration work through your head and then every other part of your body down to your toes.

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27. Bring the Soul Into Your Life

Mia Den Haan

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28. Opening up to the true you

Jarrad Hewett

Opening up to the true you, flowing into oneness of creation and expression.

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29. Be In Your Power

Joshua Bloom

A powerful guided meditation to bring you more into your own power by being in you body with increased clarity, space and strength with a natural good posture whilst also feeling relaxed yet alive.

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30. Find Your Uniqueness and Sacred Truths

Rhonda Rule

Learn how to recognize and manifest your deepest desires

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