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64. Muscle Testing Tutorial

Brent Phillips

Brent uses muscle testing to cut out the mind and go straight to cellular consciousness to ask questions straight to the body to find the truth to various questions. Use the quick tutorial to learn the basics of muscle testing.

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65. EFT - A Basic Tutorial

Brad Yates

Brad takes you through the basics of tapping with the different points to tap in order to release emotional issues.

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66. Infinity Wave Frequency

Hope Fitzgerald

Experience the frequency of the Infinity Wave with the help of Hope and Eram.

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67. Shift Your Energy

Joshua Bloom

Raise your frequency and bring your higher self in and open your aura to actually heal and repair your aura and feel confident and clear.

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68. Change Your Lucky Penny

Terri and Robert Talltree

For this meditation you will need a copper penny. You will be lead to charge it and instill it with a vibrational energy that will help you with your next step in your life and to provide focus and grounding. Keep it to help you in many areas of your life.

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69. Toning and healing - Sound and light energy healing

Sally Page

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70. Clearing PTSD and Depression

Maiyah Olivas

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71. No More Gray Hair

Lynn Waldrop

Graying hair is a most common adult issue. However, gray hair can be reversed to a much more vibrant color.

In this track, Lynn activates the right enzymes to reverse the gray and energetically massages your scalp.

In addition, Lynn's famous chemical flush will leave your scalp and hair happy and vibrant.
Can be listened in a loop at night, or at any time. Can be also played on mute.

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72. Biofield Healing - Low Self Esteem

Debora Wayne

A short session for healing low self-esteem issues by Debora Wayne.

Listen to Debora Wayne guiding a caller to release old patterns and emotions related to low self-esteem causing physical symptoms.

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73. Biofield Healing - Release Depression

Annette (an associate of Debora Wayne)

A short session for releasing patterns of depression,
by Annette, an associate of Debora Wayne and Biofield healer.

Listen to Annette speaking to a caller and guiding her to let go of depression.

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74. Removing Sadness

Denise McNab

Removing sadness and anger from the body, caused by trauma.

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75. Million Dollar Activation

Eric Altman

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