31. Opening to Love
Denise McNab
Clearing for taking inspired decisions by opening to love and the energy of the universe
32. Bringing Divine flow back to relationships
Tarek Bibi
Bringing Divine flow back to Relationships, Creativity, Emotional well being. Will also heal discomfort in the belly. Clear the path to Life purpose. A powerful Infinity healing with the signature energies from Tarek that create miracles just after ONE listen!
Receive the energy of I am worthy. I am deserving. Own your intuitive knowing and KNOW exactly what you are here to do. Your heart knows EXACTLY what you are here to do…RECEIVE the knowing with this powerful infinity healing and know the next steps! The caller actually transformed while on the call.
Expect miracles after this clearing! Very powerful clearing. Not advised to be played on a loop. Few days between listens is advisable.
33. Love and Light
Michelle Carter
Fill yourself with divine love and light, joy, happiness and a celebration for living to align yourself more with your true self.
34. Increase Your Heart Space with the Infinity Wave
Hope Fitzgerald
Be guided in this meditation to create the infinity wave in your heart and connect with the earth and the light to breath in what you require and then breath in the energy to increase the size of the figure 8 infinity symbols to increase your heart space.
35. Self Love
Mark Romero
Allow yourself to accept self love with the help of Mark as he plays a musical piece on the guitar to bring you into this wonderful empowering vibration.
36. Quantum Soul Clearing
Michelle Manning Kogler
You are guided through a powerful meditation to strip away for good negative energies and energies and then to replace these areas with positive energies including gold light and new frequencies including love, laughter happiness, hope, innocence and inspiration to name but a few.
37. Bring Back Your Fragmented Self
Rikka Zimmerman
Bring your higher self and all your fragmented selves back into you to be more fully centred ready to tackle your life.
38. Balance Hormones and Sexuality
Maiyah Olivas
Sacral Chakra and orange ray tuning to balance hormones & sexuality.
40. Enhance Intimacy and Creative Force
Jarrad Hewett
Enhance intimacy and creative forces. Chakra tuning to overcome grief, separation and depression.
42.Release Pain
Denise McNab
Removing stuck energy of grief after losing a loved one. Feeling and releasing the pain.
43. Be Your True Self
Denise McNab
Be your true self, live the life you are meant to live, clearing for worthiness, self love and self worth. Clearing stories that are no longer beneficial for you.
44. Balance Male Energies
Niky Rey
Balancing and integrating male energies affecting relationships.
Enhancing self-love to be in the vibration of love and allow better relationships.
45. Clear Energies
Niky Rey
Clear stagnant energies and create passionate relationships, increase magnetism, polarity and attraction.
46. Release Energies
Niky Rey
Release other people's energies, balance your energies, regain personal power, let go of the old ways.
Invite the higher self and remove the veils of separation.
47. Honesty and Self Love
Matt Kahn
The right way to advance and expand consciousness and achieve higher spiritual abilities.
The cornerstones are honesty and self-love. How to achieve self love and develope more loving relationships with ourselves and others.
Deep perspectives on relationships and how to avoid triggers from others.
48.Happiness and Well Being
Matt Kahn
The teachings for people who are involved in relationships which do not support their happiness and well-being.
49. Heal and Rejuvenate
Michelle Manning Kogler
A process to clear, heal and rejuvenate all areas of your life.