WAIT!! We have a GREAT offer for you!

Many people have reported life changing results after working with Andie. Most people have the comment "Andie is the real deal" and "She changed my life!"

While you can experience incredible shifts even with one session with Andie or being a part of her other services. However, it's through ongoing coaching that we see "consistent, up-leveling" like nothing else. And it makes sense: Andie is highly gifted. She can not only scan you for blocks and limitations, she can actually "SEE" the energy blocks. As she sees them she can clear them.

The change is permanent and she will REPATTERN you for the high frequency patterns that you desire. As a coaching client you get to RELEASE, PROCESS, REPATTERN and then do it again next week!

In 4 to 12 weeks you will have COMPLETELY transformed your energy body! Wow! Imagine how much your life would change!

When you move into higher and higher frequency, even your NEURO pathways change for good and low vibrations can't stay in your field! Your life begins to show up in ways that you could have never expected.


10 sessions for the price of only $1997!!!

But WAIT!!!

If you buy right now, you will not only get 10 sessions but Andie will throw in an extra 2 sessions!

So that makes 12 sessions total!!!

Wow! Can you imagine how many blocks you will have removed by the 12th session?

This is amazing offer is only available right now and will be gone forever if you leave this page!

Exclusively For FHTJ Community!
Choose one of the 3 Options Offered Below

Yes! I want 12 Priority VIP Sessions Now - $1997
Yes! I want 5 Priority VIP Sessions Now - $897
Yes! I want 3 Priority VIP Sessions Now - $547

You will not only get the opportunity to get 12 sessions with Andie, you will become Andie's VIP coaching client with priority access to her booking schedule

Here are case studies of Andie's previous clients reporting phenomenal success as a coaching client:

“I started working with Andie a few months back after listening to her on Eram in April. The package I purchased included a session with Andie. Since enjoying the package and the session - I moved forward as one of Andie's coaching clients.

A bit of background: I am a sensitive person and have experienced a lot of blocks, frustrations and heartbreak. I watched as friends and family members moved on creating bigger and better lives for themselves while I stagnated. Over the last 10 years it seemed I had tried everything to pull myself out of the mire without real results. Sadly, I had become extremely disappointed and disillusioned and was becoming resigned to feeling bitter, sad and closed off.

Now that I'm working with Andie, life is shifting for me in a real way. Not only am I experiencing inner shifts towards more peace and contentment, I'm now gratefully experiencing the external improvements that have eluded me my entire life and ,frustratingly enough, in the last decade of 'self-help' work via other practitioners, various modalities and way too much money....sigh

I am now reconnecting with who I am and an inner knowing that I have the strength, and right, to stand up for myself. I am now seeking validation internally vs. externally and shedding the feelings of powerlessness and lack that have plagued so much of my thoughts and actions. Just yesterday I had a meeting at work where I planned to request a 66K expenditure for a software tool. I was told right before the meeting that the department was over-budget and not to expect anything. In 20 minutes of stating my case I basically got the approval!! unreal and fabulous! This tool will completely ease and improve how my colleague and I can bring value and produce better results - faster and more efficiently. It so interesting as I feel it parallels how Andie has entirely eased how I am in my life, how I value myself more and how these shifts are producing better results faster and more efficiently.

In closure, working with Andie has been such a gift - I so enjoy her wisdom, warmth, sense of humor in addition to her incredible insights and skills. I highly recommend to anyone - you deserve to have Andie in your corner!”

~ Julia P

“Hi Andie
For the last 6 years I have worked with many healers and I am dedicated to peeling back the layers to reveal more of who I am. It has been a Slow, and sometimes painful process, but I have now become almost unrecognizable in my energy. So I really understand and appreciate how important energy work is for true transformation.

I have been working with Andie for 4 weeks now. I found her techniques to be different to what I have been used to.

Andie works deep to uncover what has been holding me back removes it and puts in more empowering words.

What I really like is that I can go as deep as I need to go without feeling "lost" or feel like my foundations have been shaken. She provides tools that I can use regularly. Andie gets to the core of who I truly am and I look forward to our sessions.”

~ Shaheen Khan, Glasgow

“I am blossoming…”

“I feel like abundance is flowing my way on all levels of my life. I am so grateful for Andie’s programs and personal sessions and would like to share my experience with anyone who wants to make positive changes in any and all areas of their life.

I had emotional triggers that were causing me a lot of emotional upset and she cleared them quickly and easily so I am not triggered anymore! She is able to get to the root of the problem quickly and things always shift for the better!”

Before working with Andie, I used to say horrible things about myself to myself and was living in a very low energy. Since having sessions with Andie, I actually love myself and have shifted in the way I talk and think! It has made a huge difference in my life! My money flow has improved and my relationships are much better. I feel like I am a different person than I was before. I always feel so much better after I talk to her."

My business is doing better with more clients and more money flowing in, I am more confident and I am looking forward to the future.

In my opinion, Andie is one of the most innovative healers on the planet.”

~ Anita H.

“Andie has coached me numerous times with a kindness and compassion that magically work hand in hand with her ability to see right into the heart of the matter that propelled me to her counsel in the first place. When I first started working with Andie, I was quite desperate and hopeless about a financial crisis and betrayal that had me feeling fragmented into thousands of little pieces. Lovingly she helped me back to my center and taught me how to claim my own being as sovereign no matter what. Through her coaching I did not feel foolish or ashamed although these patterns had been very strong for me. Andie understood what was going on; she took me seriously without falling into the trap of the story.

Real solutions big and "small" have begun to appear. I am able to see my family members more clearly, with less judgment--and far less concern about their judgment of me. I feel a noteworthy reduction in illusion along with a confirmation of my true perceptions. Miracles can occur much more easily when I am able to allow them!

I experience more peace and confidence than I have in a long, long time and somehow, I see that Andie is able to bring out the bridge from 3D to beyond. Andie and her work are profoundly kind, generous, smart and powerful. I love this woman and her work. I feel So Lucky and blessed to be coached by Andie.”

~ Katleen Kopp

“I have been working with Andie since her very first guest appearance on Eram's program FHTJ.
I felt an immediate resonance with Andie, recognising within her a soul so rich, generous, incredibly kind, dancing with divinity.

At this present time, I find myself in a wonderful space, even though I consider myself a work in progress.
My finances have improved so much and there is a great positive flow. In fact, everything in my business is flowing positively, in a wonderful synchronistic way. This is a complete 180 degree change to how I was only a few months ago.

But most of all, the absence of stress I feel about life in general is the greatest outcome for me, as a result of my work with Andie. In this space of non-attachment, I am experiencing moments of absolute bliss. I know with absolute certainty that everything in my life is expanding and getting better and better.

Oceans of love and gratitude to you, Andie.”

~ Helen Scheiner, Melbourne, Australia.

“I met Andie last April, I was at a real low point. I had exhausted all my resources both financial and emotional tried every modality, sought counsel from everyone and was desperate to move myself forward but simply could not. I was instantly taken with her candor, humor and genuine desire to help. I had never met healer or teacher who was so committed to helping me even when I had given up.

After a long successful career 28 yrs and happily supporting myself, owning my own home, charting my own course, I had hit a wall. In 2008 I had been laid off due to the financial crisis, I used all my resources just to survive and somehow wound up in a relationship that had turned abusive. I hardly recognized myself.. it was as if it was happening to another person, yet no matter what I tried, what mantra I said, what angels I prayed to... nothing was shifting. My soul was dying and I had given up.

Andie's endless patience, compassion and grace were my guide. Her processes were unlike anything I had tried. Every time we worked together, there was a shift. Sometimes small and other times dramatic. Her classes are unique and unlike any other modality. But the most unique aspect of the process comes from the weekly follow up calls. She has an open forum where the entire community comes together to discuss how and what results they have encountered from the previous class. She answers every question till we have exhausted ourselves.

Andie has created a deeply committed community of like-minded souls all seeking to grow and support each others. We post daily on her page, ask questions, seek advice and all support each other's journey. I have never experienced a community like this. After months of coaching I left my circumstances with little resources and, as she predicted everything, EVERYTHING I had been seeking and praying for miraculously showed up. As if it had been there all along and was just waiting for me to show up in truth. It wasn't until Andie showed up that these huge shifts were possible. Today I have an amazing new job I love, an awesome new car, and I just moved into a great apartment exactly where I wanted to live.

I can't stop smiling ...
Countless healers, 9 years ...nothing.
Andie Dipass, 5 months.... EVERYTHING!

This woman is a gift to all those brave enough to go on the journey.”

~ Melissa G.

Exclusively For FHTJ Community!
Choose one of the 3 Options Offered Below

Yes! I want 12 Priority VIP Sessions Now - $1997
Yes! I want 5 Priority VIP Sessions Now - $897
Yes! I want 3 Priority VIP Sessions Now - $547

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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